Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 26, 1948, p. 1

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jvttaw sttt press seventyfourth yer no 8 acton ontario thursday august 20th 1048 eight home print pages six cents robert leavens electrocuted at ajax plant here cable oo winch he waft operat ing made contact with high voha line robert c leavena an empsoyett of ajax engineer at the acton plant wan accidentally electrocut ed at 130 lm ukt friday when the cable on the winch he wan operating made contact with the jsso volt line on the electric crane the accident happened when mr leaven wa operating the winch that open the urge door to allow the crane to take loads to the railway biding- tt some manner a ban from the doors came in contact with the power line of the crane and contacted the it tool cable attached to the winch it formed a direct con nection to mr leavens who was opera ting from the ground em ployees who henrd his call were iwhla tn chut ntt thf acton company 1000 scholarship for young man some fortunoto young man in acton or district has a real oppor tunity under on announcement this week by the wool combing corporation of canada the company has deckled to uponsor one employee or son of an employee in a 3year courat the provincial institute of textiles ln hamilton and ha earmarked for this purpose 100000 per year for the 0 months of the course these 3year courses are designed for youths looking forward to employ ment in technical positions in the prlmnry textile industry to qualify for the scholarship the prospective student should n have the ontnrlo secondary school grnduatlon diploma or ev idence of completion of any school course logelher with adequate in- j dustrial experience ufrh be 21 years of age or less with the exception of exservice men whose age limit will be in creased by the length of his ser- vitv tn the firmed forces actons newest industry is a foundry do anything to save him dr w g- c kenney was called but mr leavens wan beyond help before he reached the plant an inquest wns held here inst night the coroners jury mnking ln- juiring lastnic nftcr hearing aevernl witnesses gnve the follow- inn verdict we the jury find that robert leavens met his death nt the ajax engineering co at acton on friday august 20th at approximately 125 pm by electrocution through accidental means we also feel that the deceased should have exercised greater precaution in the execution of hu duties coroner dr g e syer presid ed anil crown attorney dick con ducted the inquiry the jury were wm benson foreman g rogn- valdson it mceachcm d man ning and e marks robert leavens has been n resident of acton for the past ten years for 24 yegtrs he resided in saskatchewan he was not mar- rled born on the town line about a mile north of acton he was n i son of the inte john and sarah leavens of the family one brother richard of fonthlll- and a sister mrslyle smith of parry sound remain and to them sym- pathy of all is extended mr leavens jias resided for the past- year with mr and mrs john wil- llamson the funeral was held on mon- i day afternoon and many friends attended the service nt the john- j atone and rumlcy fun oral home rev chas r gower conducted the service the palbearera were aleasrs john williamson geo ritchie samuel snow chas spiers reg wilson and w j j coon the flower bearers were henry crlpps jerry pargeter i murray bauer and chas barber interment was in falrview oem- names of candidates are n3w be ing submitted to the mnnnger and the clnsses start on september 7 the company also undertakes to make arrangements upon the com pletion of each annual course for the student to obtain further ex- perlence in n texlle plnnt during the summer months limehouse w i provide program at dublin meeting dublin womens institute met in dublin school for their august meeting and hnd as guests the members of the llmchouse wo mens institute miss robertson was in charge of the meeting mrs george robertson was ap pointed delegate to the area con vention in guelph mrs c van- goozen wns made convenor of the fall fair exhibit a donation of 200 was given to acton foil fair mrs robert son welcomed the limohouse guests and mrs millar was chair man for the following program reading by miss charlotte mccul- ough experience of an irish lady and hospitalization pinno solo mrs mulder reading miss winnie ivens several poems by edna jacques singsong carry t me back to old vlrginle home on t the range seeing nellie home i lint designed mrs batkln sing- j ing o canada mrs pewrl ken- j nedy conducted a quiz contest won by miss e roberts and miss char lotte mccullough hearty ap plause by the dublin ladles show ed their appreciation for the splen- i d d program 1 lunch was served and o social time enjoyed i motorist crashes in mill street block on monday john h hutchinson aged g7 of rr 1 york mills escaped person al injuries but damaged his cur by 115 when he crashed over the sidewalk on mill street on mon day morning mid skidded along the side of the etarkman block be fore the rnacmuesloiiped it went bettwech two signs but clip ped off the steel standard of the hlghwny marker the hutchinson car was follow ing n large truck on the highway on main st going cost it is be lieved mr hutchinson wns unfam iliar with the road nnd attempted to pass the truck on the intersect ion nnd when the truck turned was forced to cut ahead or collide wltb the truck fortunntely no pedes trians were struck and most of the damage was to the motorists cnr chief harrop investigated the ac cident nnd charges may he layed modern stores continue to add actons business two open this week and another scheduled for next wcelc fall fair datrs r- lfhfl events of tins district commenced production this month nnd is now mnking casting for the adjoining acton mnchine shops and the general trade it is newly equipped nnd ttfpresent gives cm- jflovment to about 8 men but lii lut of fusrawd tlu production will soon be stepped up- it hi located enst of the cnr tracks nnd adjoining the plant of acton machine shops lower photo shows n scene in side the foundry where n work man is mnking n casting nnd pour ing the molten metal into the moulds the new foundry will greatly assist in production of the blow punch presses mnde by the acton mnchine shops af3ton loses on sat in final oi croup etgry a among those from outoftown attending the service were mr fred leavens of welland mr j and mrs chas leavens of stoney creek mrs henry ford ponthiu aire kay little welland mlssj edna leavens and mr richard leavens of fonthlll mrs lionel smith mrs wm hall hector smith gordon smith and miss frances smith all of owen sound t floral tributes included those from the following mr ond mrs john williamson office employ- ees ajax engineers the lambert family mr and mrs wm lands- borough and family mr and mrs richard leavens and family mr and mrs lionel smith and family harry charll e and the boyv nieces and nephew a from welland and fonthlll employee ajax en gineer the agricultural show ot the canadian national exhibition has no equal anywhere every new j development to aid the fanner is i on riwipayns wel as the u after giving milton a 40 de- records indicate that this is the feat last week the county first time since the post war- re- town roys pile up b 50 win sum of the hnlton county jiii at r c league n milton int club has to clinch the group season entered the ontario playdowns is over for acton early thifl with acton ousted in their cap acity of defending ontario tltllsts the road to ontario honors looks considerably smoother acton 4 milton acton won the fourth game of the series by bunching their hits while don ryder portsided to victory clamping a five hit re strction down ryder loaded the bases on two occasions but when the chips were down he worked better the closest milton came tb scoring avnsgrenkes andrumys many items on july program busy rees wi year in as much ns acton intermedi ates shutout milton inst thurs day night 40 to nguln deadlock the series at two games each the fifth nnd deciding contest was a virtual repetition of the fourth with milton turning the tables on the locals 50 and cop ping the county c crown in front of a large audience on the county town diamond lost sat- of farm field garden nnd dairy from all over tills dominion transfers reports and routine items at utilities meeting acton citizens to be cnji guests on saturday ch uuii of art on fa ho h e been invited to be guests at the can adian national exhibition on sat urday include reeve and mr f j mecuieheon mrs amos mown mrs j- c matthew mr r l davidson mrs r n baled miss marguerite ryder during the fair the directors of the c ne entertain various group of guests a reprentotives of thetr eummun- ll in a tine neighborly way indent klcvtion halt who sentr there voice canadian sentry advance and recite a verse of 0 canada voice i dont know it sentry proceed canadian the regular meeting of acton public utilities cbmmiaslon was held on tuesday evening chair man c m hansen presided with reeve f j mccutcheon and j r macarthur being present superintendent wilson reported that the three lights wxre instal led on beurdmore crescent ns or dered by esqueslng township a transfer of w00u was made from the waterworks account to the general account of the cor- imrnuon superintendent lambert report ed that the shingling on the pump house had been completed a leak in the watermnln at the bow ling given would be fixed shortly the following accounts were passed for payment lljxlro ppt 1wi1 telephone co of can ada str ices iackard electric co ltd supplies canadian line materials ltd suppile trnd and toy ltd sup- pliis alton free pres supplies a rindi an chromulox co ltd sujiphes canadian westlnghouse co lut mi don aid electric ci ltd suplies exprevi and trnnsjwrt mrs ii palmer urday sojourn on third base acton conceeded defeat only in l the ninth and final inning of the marshall was nominated to hurl fifth encounten when they went mulon he had down grndously before a spark- f eved the ing pitching job by murray gren- thlrd l bob fooutt ke ace righthander of the red aced home from second base on caps who restricted our boys to jack waterhouaes single to left fve solitarv blnglea the -cow- cemre cnalkin u actons third boy ns he la known for marked g on ne ad- physical contour turned in e ional run it in the fifth when game that with slight alterations m board on melanaona brought out a great deal of hum- would have passed for southpaw tnro and n to tne or but a correct solution- wasnt don ryders display the previous vn mi waterhouwt found thursday when he set milton iaiet among the members mrt down with five hits and auccess- milton pulled off two double rhlnehurt district president was fully shut them out ryder hurled nlavs during the fourth and fifth j introduced and in her friendly the last game in a resumpttan of cervaiss throw to second arrived and capable way told of some of 1 the first performance but a uck b masals slid back to the the institute doing a rally on of hit on the part of mates ftnck of j waterhouses scream- aids to effective speaking for w t eoupled with an attack of acute m drive that seemed destined the july meeting of the busy bees institute nnssngnweyn met nt the home of mrs peter mc lean with 13jnemhers and several kuesi attending mrs mclean was pianist roll cnll wns answered by nam ing a cnnndian industry nnd where located several quilt blocks were handed in thnnk you notes were rend for boxes nnd cards sent correspondence included a letter from the health league of canada which advised giving time in our september meeting for study of their work in the business part of the meeting 10 00 wns donated to the project of equipment for halton recreation park at lowvllle and obtaining n book foreword and pictures for a tweedsmulr vil lage history was planned a boun daryltn e ns mapped our for the busy bees w i work mrs wilfrid kennedy read a poem auction sale when the problem box was opened tho dif ference between a butterscotch and a caramel pie was explained and recipe for each given the problem of why thurned cream would not break into but ter although a serious matter dntes upon which they will be held has been issued by the agri cultural societies branch of the department of agriculture here nre some of the dntes in which our readers will be interested lerntrormmi aug 2 11 j acton oct 12 milton sept 2425 georgetown sept 1718 mount forest auk 2425 durhnm sept 910 fergus sept 1011 bnrrle sept 1314 bracebrldge sept 1617 caledon sept 1719 cooksvllle sept 1713 london sept 1313 new hamburg sept 1718 shelbume sept 1415 gait sept 2325 lindsay sept 2125 ornngevllle sept 2122 aberfoyle sept 2820 arthur sept 2820 wnterdown sepl 2820 mnrkhnm sept 30oct 2 bolton oct 12 i streetsville oct 2nd lbrnmpton oct 79 erin oct 9 11 grand vall oct 5fi that one new double store on mill street ha made quite a chanfce in the business section last week carrous crocoterla opened in the new premises and patrons were quite pleased with this modern arrangement this wek today the roanh shop opens in the store adjoining it too is a very modern atord with recessed entrnnco from tha street nnd two long show win dows particularly ndapted for dis playing the ladle wear to be carried by this store new fix tures of the most modern design nnd a fine lighting arrangement make the interior very attractive the floor is maroon tile in con- nection with the opening of this indies shop a fashion show is be- ingheld tonight nt the new udxy rockton oct 9 11 teeswnter oct 56 wood bridge oct 8 9 11 theatre rnils week yet another bus iness opens on mill street its i vic brlstows photography studio 1 quarter in the building next to i the ymca hnve been renovated r htt work which- is a new service for acton nnd should meet a need here next week the maher shoe store plans to open n new store in acton in the store vacated by carrolls this week workmen nrtf remodelling the store front re fitting the interior and arranging for new modern fixtures forthla store with a tentntive openinc date feir next weekend hut par ticulars to bo announced later the past yenr or so has seen a lot pf changes on the mill street businesses and ft fine rebuilding nnd renovation of many of the buildings every line is represent ed in the activity nnd acton now i has a very fine and modern shop- i ping district- not only in the down- i town section but in stores aervlng various sections of the community i we hesitate to enumerate them lest some be overlooked but at least ten buildings are either now ror nffvehnd ulld ra 1 1 o ns for retail business here in the past two year dutch dairy industry 1 the minister of agriculture of the netherlands in a statement issued in may expressed the opini- i on that the netherlands as an ex- porter of butter is unable to i compete on a cost basis with i denmark and new zealand milk producers were advised to con- j centrate on the production of cheese condensed milk nnd allied milk products for which good returns were obtainable in export markets second case of polio reported in halton county prince phillip in addition to be ing t h e ktngstoninlaw7lb alao hls aidedecampe newest industry tor acton is now in operation blow- foundry now producing coatings for machine shop and trade the second case of poliomylltla within a week has been reported to officials dr james mather medical officer of health for hal ton revealed peter campbell 12 of r r 3 sornia wns stricken while visit ing his uncle roy agar of acton the young lad was removed to hospital for sick children at to- ronto for treatment dr mather erroriiisi dimmed any hopes fans hnd of advancing into ontnrlo playdowns doff your stetsons lt mothballs for triple a uni forms now jirile they intend staging nn exhibition contest or tuo far the benefit of those who envisioned baseball still being plawd at fair tune milton proved to n if not the better club one that can deliver m the clutch acton funs wish them every suc- 1439 21 to 2202 on the part sharp contrast ship club of th rmly plagued h acton it wns n the champion- laat ear sem- undeterminable 16 ito 13 88 jiii 1001 3985 16q 1200 obstacle to regain their form i he slum ed onl bnw glimpses of what was termed potent last semester but they did prolong the best of fie series with milton to its limit which is fittrng trib ute matt tler the plaer officials and all concerned deserve corn- go for u hit a stellar catch by gervals whusa fielding ee im proves with condition settled the lsue three constcut ive to notch a run for sith firt luder and finally morton mtgle- ujdervwi nipped at sec- ond h a snap throw from stover 1 ami master and morton ddnt i pt- the econd uck tht game was called at the eui of the eighth due to poor lsibilli darkntmts itemended like n heavy curtain curtailing any further lli llox kfoir r acton h l- 1 1 o 11 t 0 4 milton l 0 0 u i o 1 i i members is to be held in two places in halton umehouse and nelson in november the district fees may nmv be paid in a lump sum at one time and membership singles failed pms are again available at 55c acton in the 1 she advised sending at then masters leiust two delegates to the annual slushed out convention- ut guelph one to be a voting delegate she gave a splendid paper on canndlan citi zenship what it means to be a canadian clt zen and our pride in being ine its responsibilities and national status she closed by leaiing a poem happincw mis mcunn llhlnehart fr splendd paper nuvttng with tin tian the lndii a recipe for h e 0 5 v 15301 season theyll be back next year for another stab at the silver ware which rarely is awarded to the same club consecutively milton 5 acton 0 n a ttiree run spuige in the bot tom half of the third and single tons in the sixth and eighth en abled milton to blank acton in the fifth and deciding game ai nu- nda tian for the 1948 baseball lthough they managed only seven hit from don ryder offerings they were bunched nicely into three innings errors in the third continued on page five thanked mrs her visit and and closed the m zpah benedic- ls enjoyed the piano muoe of pttpulnr songs while lunch was being prepared mrs davenport thanked mrs mc lean and her daughter mrs broomer for her lovely lunch and hospitality and mrs rhinehart for her contribution toward an enjoyable meeting for the second time slam will be known as thailand ackons newest industry the blow foundry started production this month with u staff of eight men and when the full capacity of the foundry u reached the staff will be about fourteen employees the plant is owned by mr ken- nih blow manager of the acton machine shops it uos formerly operated in peterboro but mr blow after a few years of operat ion decided to build in acton and this year erected a new building 75x40 east or the cnr railway fml at the rear of the acton machine shop some of the equip ment was brought from peterboro but much of it is new it is equip- kd with a itvv ton electric crane und hni cupola furnace and ele vator castings for blow pressea and other work of acton machine shop will be made and ulso cast ings for the trade when the plant is in full operation there is a fine cure oven and an automatic moul- ding mac hi no included will later be put into operation at the plant i acton welcomes this newest in- t dustry and the aggressiveness of 1 its manufacturers such a ken blow who with other member of the family are carry in on so splendidly the fine bu sinew eetab- lished by the late fred s blow reported paralysis had not de- veloped while this is the second caaa reported to officials dr mather said the sickness was not contact ed in our county in the first in stance the little girl was stricken while in toronto and the case of the boy illness had developed be fore reaching mm uncles home while the medical officer of health felt there would not be serious outbreak to reach the proportions of an epidemic in halton he urged all parenta to follow the simple rules pubuahad in these columns a week ago and report illness to the family phys ician how can a boy or girl capitalize on hk or her freckle well heres one way there is n prize compet ition to ascertain who has the most freckles and the blggvtt ones to be held at 1 he canadian nationnl ex hibition this year the ex is now receiving entries coming events an f 1 i mr mhci hu hr tiling rr durnl r 4i innuunctnrnit if j dance in urookvuie hall frl- lay august 27th admivaon 40c mldnlte dance lacton park pavilion sumtay mldnlte sept ember 5th boh martins orches tra admission 75c 113b barn dance at claude pickttta farm seventh uu 1 muaa north of hornby tuesday all 31lt moderanalrea orchestra ad mission 50c bit

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