Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 26, 1948, p. 7

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vanwyck c i e an e r s pickup amc delivery service phone 272 for the best en my cleaning erin dont do this foauu laom abswfe harmful nn ud tiara hiiauathirr1 tintwl ir u p and k w and hsnnftil ar front your ua about tmoxji i cecil acarr sava optfeal douclu st l ini goejps ont catering banquets weddings picnics etc no gathering too small or too laff all inquiries recalv prompt attention e coles church st- acton aimlhir cno n polio linn boon rojortod 111 llio alton ihntrlcl vlrllm ik xavmynrom murray slolxv of alton who wn ruslltvl to the houpltnl for sick clilldron thin u llio aotond cnt roportod in tlil nmn within two day and lio third in pwl county tmovm forx an tntry into w a mdlacmiut and son liardwnn- lore hllltiureh lat thunaday nlaht or the early hour erf fri day morning by climbing to tha roof of garag and irotlliie through an upatalra window a quantity of mercliandliw wa taken including radio motora oloclrlrelojka ironii and un oputmnu in a ll acroen on atront window 0 tha cpr ur tlon at alton mlevea ranucked th pmmluxi early lat thursday and made off wltn a mantle radio a s3 calibre rifle and the motor of a waahlne machine th till ylntdad 36 oanta rrtiu was the third lime in threo year that thleva hv broken into the htatlon ttwt discovery wni made by stanley ljttlo who arrived at tho station early to buy a railway ticket advocate georgetown mr ken alton of adonhas boon appointed manager ntni- rolls store and took over his new duties thin week an acton boy hi linn been working with the hrnnrh in thnt town until his trnntffcrjicxe nrrtitrti friday brought the flro brigade to the mnln and uelph corner in front of lorne peters residence where n hydro polo as smoldor- in nt the base no damage was reported and the fire woi put out with the hnnd extinguisher over three hundred grownups nnd children enjoyed tho annual plnnt picnic of smith and stone ltd nt stanley pnrk erin lost saturday tho party left by bui nt the noon hour nndnfter a day of races ball game and a picnic jaipptfr returned to town in the early evening a buslneai deal of interest was closed on monday when harold hutch hutchinson took over tho ownership of hoy magloughlens main street barber shop and bll llnrd parlour he will continue to operate the businsas as a joint ono with bob murray who has been working wrth mr maglough- len for tho past few weeks in charge of the barber shop herald rsports by it ooim it it seldom if at mil written into- amateur baseball annals of n club climbing onto tho foimioat pinnacle a champion for two rousetutlvcheahons vw roster retain tlw strength necessary o maintain th endless drive after a year of sucre interest declin es chiefly because ttwy find the coveted position only a shell of what they anticipated it is then and not until then that thvy re aiiso it u in striving to roach this ifnat that they have had rufill- mmit once attained it is devoid of the lustre tlmt slowed so allur ingly while they fought up the lengthy playoff ladder as an ex ample take acton ints nnd then milton juveniles to be candid its nil jn tjif doing there wasnt- much doing on the part of acton intermediates this term they won only five itnmek in n fifteen jnme scliedule nnd finished in third plnrc n srnnt mint or so ahead of georgetown hiihltinil tnllnr duellers of the loop as n result they did not catch a berth in the hnlton coun ty plnyoff whirl nor did ihey the sunday school lesson htnoav alhkt j ft hi4u kkimmiltlon i conversion or maul see n1d tv understand tlw scripture sol- eem it in iioeessary to study tho roil version f saul of tarsus rauls ihtense hhfter ttaalnst jeaus nnd his duclpley was hot n mut ter of a sin ale hour hf breath ed an atmmphere of threatening nnd murtler tfio word translat ed breathing out hi the a v ik llierally breathing in nvy breath ho drew was a breath of fhrentettthg nnd ulaurhtsr hie extent to which he carried out his hatred in action w see in eh 231d ju 10 11 in al his violence against th dlsctple of jesus and as against jesus him- hetf haul had t himself that he was doing hght ch oh 0 it u n striking illustration of how a man who intend to be con- scumtloiui can in reality ub thor oughly and awfully wrong ills lint red knew no pity ho spared no one nelthtfr man nor woman all thnt he needed tb hnte n person nnd to deitlre their death war to know that they believed on johw the irfnl allowed snul to go n long wnys in his mnd career hut at the proper moment he put forth hla liand it nil nnved th little flock in damns uu he mt- od suddenly he often doe iuuiju1 ot heaven that iht snlllm eye were lmmedlntolv iijhiicd tiiiil ho wtu hnptued and nt oiu iwhiht chrlsthm fellow ship in the verms tjmt follow 20- j2 we are told that he did what very mm ought to do as soon as ho is saved and kplrltfllled pro claimed jesus as tluc fion of tuul carefully not how aitalns poke of jewiim as the iord this is tho title hy which jeaus wan con stantly katown in lht early cmirch imill 211 jum 100 so ac 11 il you rend nothing in the n t of such titles ns ttio mh of nlllee ma common nowdnys you do mil even road of jeaus without any uccompanylng titled excopt in the goapelii because they jmd to tu wlui him earthly life cf a cor to tie hera i ji l c crear goes the honor of being the first can adian nppolhted as aide ttf camp to th kkatf ixents of the past week only certified whnt had been the opin ion of many prior to the flnnl kir- len visit our modern showroom 8 garden street guelph ont opp fire hall rfbaer and mastic tiles inlaid linoleum wall tiles installed in kitchens rathrooms hallways stares offlees etc floor sanders for rent or work dane keating tile co lloyd e keating iformerly guclph flooring service pbenr 39iiw ouelpii after hour uu1 milton a young fleet team on the hnses edged the triple a nine in n five game set what the ited cnps lacked in power at the plate ihey miipplled wltfi their enviable college try tliey were not out of their clnia in int c nor wna acton aside from the final two gnmea the ser ies was n wlcrd nsortmnit of hush league contorts lady luck cast her protective mantle over the in vaders to the south mnrking them for final victory which they cap tured last saturday in the mrsl game they actually won by other than sheet circumstances with no more ndu at ton fans tan look for a different spirit when next jenrs edition of the club if anj starts to roll obviously the hos had i lie nmcr they piovetl that hut where did they put it nfiei it was employed still it hns iwen a fine tuisehnll season and nil affiliated with the flub are be t nngmtultlled fexngetoun were easll otcla- sed in three stralglit games in the int u series against oakil current hnlton count champions onka rang up thrts mammoth worts to easll ellminale our near est neighbour from the picture nd keep all the baseball laurels in the southern end of the countv isolnce hocke inure ls continue to remain in northern hnlton mtltonj strong juvenile entry bowed to onkvllle after prolong ing the set to fie games the short fence on the porttown pas ture mos a prime factor in oak- villes win it appears bud cor bet t has tutored his charges well in attempts to tpan the hurdle a round trip in the last game tes tified to the resultb wonder it they corrected their manners on the field as et masseyharris invites you when in toronto at the cne to visit the largest and most modern implement showroom in north america and to see the making of the famous selfpropelled combines in the largest plant of its kind tn the world corner strachan ave and king st jujt 3 blocks north of the primes gate eastern entrance open from 30 am till 1000 pm daily during exhibition masseyharris company limited 915 king st west toronto burlington cetil norton who has the con tract for transporting the puplu from nelson township to the high school here hns purchnsed n new bus luhlch ia ill be plnced in on- erntion for the fall term the new bus is of beautiful design and modern in eerj respect and students will find it quite com fortable riding to and from school the local jollce department have issued warrants for two men both at whom have records and their names known to them for patislng worthless cheques art local merchants in one case the man purchased a suit of clothes from n local merchant and gave him a cheque which later bounced in the other instance the man pur chased a 100 watch in n jtielr store and said be would tall hack in a couple of davs for it he used the old stor of being short of money and needing some to get him into toronto asking that i cheque be cashed for jlsjoo the cheque was worthless nnd the man hnj nofbeen seen since gazette the v nrrlor s dn count ii w hich conducts the warriors lny parade nt the canadian national exhibit ion aasurea the mnnagemint thnt there will be 50000 veterans of the navy arm and air force in the parade with more than 40 bandti american legion posts from var ious centres acros the border will be- represented anil will bring their drum and bugle corpa sbnrftrntmd-nr-wiig- or christs- resurrection glory v 7 1 cvil 15 h it wiih hboitt noon crh 22 0 nnd the gtnre of the ensteni noon is exceeding ly bright hut the gtory of the light thnt surrounded our risen iord wnu nlwive the trlglitness of the bim oil 2fi 13- our jesus in exceedingly glorious the ntout- henrted perhecutor was i horoug- ly humhliml v 4 there are many ttidny wlw spak grrnt swelling wo r id ngnlnst our ixn d who if they could get one iook nt him ns he is now would fall upon the earth before him phil 210 11 evidently for nil his xeal in persecuting the churcn saul had mnnv n goading thought thnt he might be wrong nnd jeniis indeed the ixird h 1m 14 h v it wns n nt art ling question thnt the itird put to snul v 4 he pus it to every one today who is per- set utlng hla people note how tenderly jesus ident ifies himself with his dkcpli v 5 cf matt 25 x10 4245 iph 5 10 whnt a moment of awful and overwhelming shnme it must have lieen in stiuls life w lien it fully htoke upon him that the glorious one wtio stood before him was indeed jesus who he hart so bltteil hated and so relentless ly persecutetl it will in equally appalling for many now living when they see jesus in the glory nnd realize that it is he whom they have spurned nnd persecut ed that the light saul saw was no mere subjective vision or effect of sunstroke is dear from the fact that others saw it too nnd hentd the voite the apparent contradic tion between v 7 nnd ch 22 9 entirely disappears when we look at the creek in v 9 the voice is in the genitive case which with the verb trnnslnted henring in dicates the person or thing heard spenklng the message here absolute exnetness down to u word we hnve nnother illustration of and part of n word of the script ures ns originally given nnd nn other proof of verbal inspir ation in acts 22 9 the voice is in tho accusative which indicates the message itself which ls heard saul wns given time to think and to review tiie enormity of his sin v 9 ii annnlnx the obedient dis ciple 1020 apnnlns wns not an official simply a certain disciple this fact disproves the doctrine of the mormon church nnd mnny oth ers thnt the laying n of an npostlcs hands was necfnry to receiving the holy spirit an anias waj a ready instrument a the lords coll but when the definite instruction came an anias was btaggered he quite overlooked what jesus had just told him about the change that had been wrought in saul snul the terrible fills his whole vision and he protests jesus entered in to no discussion with ananias v 15 he simply bids him to go do o he lt told and tells what saul of tarsus really was a chosen vessel ananias protests no longer when he sees paul he tenderly lays his hands upon him and exclaims brother saul there was no man on earth that snul had hated us he did dis ciples of the lord there was no man on earth that ananias hao dreaded as he did saul but this was now all hanged faith in the tine lord had made them broth ers the lord had said nothing to ananias about sauls being filled with the holy spirit but he sold that saul was a chosen vessel to carry my name before the cent- hex and ananias knew he could not do that properly unless he mas endued with power from on high luke 2440 ac 14 5 10 jt s jloll opomrlat 7 douglas street guelph eves examined glasses fitted utet quafihjtea salajja orange pekoe wanted dead stock l highbot cash pricks hones 7 00 each cattle 8 00 each hogs 2 00 pet ewt all according to size and condition cam ooixkot oki iw darling co lid sunnyside beach toronto free stage show nightly 800 pm dancing sea breeze 900 pjn sunnyhide pool optti dally rvoe puridno for 5000 caw picnic areas available for outoftown viiitori pot- rcnerviiuon call la 0367 mr van evera the banking system vianada hn n hanking hjhtrm which for efllclenry and lmitlulilitr ih iinhtirpanwhl in the world competitive flexible adaptable o the ohanrfng iih1i of die country it serves canadau produce her induhtrien her trader and it serves your pergonal needn too no customer iiuh to fear for the privacy o hi regular hanking tranhactionn huh privacy in completely free of political prehhureh or cakihidwalionn it is rooted in canadian hanking practice and tradition contrail ihu canadian way with conditions in lands whx fraadom is danlad whwe wry bank is a political tool ovary bank- a slate official state monopoly or banking pcopaaad by socialists here would fasten tho marxitjl foreign pahorn on you sponsored 8 your bank

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