Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 26, 1948, p. 8

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faqb kkjht the acton free press thuhsday august 38th 1s48 nolle oi birtha marrlasaa d daalha this aaaum wllfcmu fa tnaartad sfcart e aae par usa tddftloatal for potry i toanva sac y csjtls lhkd hunteriat her residence har ris street rockwood on fhday august 30 3ih8 sarah ann oopar widow of alexander hunter in her kjth year pbajlat hu late reeidence jtocfcwood ontario on tueaday auaniat m 1948 ceorco white peal beloved huabatld of myrtle bradley hamilton in bath year lkavens suddenly a a result of an aoddent at acton ont ario on krlday aujroat uo 1848 kobert qhsrle leaveni on of the late john and sarah leaven in his eath year gowov at toronto genera hos- rllal on tueiday august u4th 848 in hla 78th year wllllefm cowdy of acton ontarlor be loved husband of mary a cow dy and dear father of doueus m gowdy toronto brother of nettle m gowdy and mr john kennedy annie guelph and thomaa of toronto heating at the family rei- idence main street aeton un til thursday rsinrl aervlc will b held at 4 dclock nt knox pretbyterlan church intornwnt falrvlew cemetery acton mnsonlo service cakd ov thankh mr and mrs w j cox wish to take this opportunity of tluutk- uiff nil those who no nbly assist ed nt their recent linrn fire b mm hudolph spellvojrel wluhei to express her appreciation of the vults cnrds nnd gifts received from so many kind itrlenrts during her atay n hoapltal pilchard u unworn nnd mrs mnny kindnesses nnd the sym pathy shown nt the time of tho audden ilenth of their brother ilohert c lmivoni the services of itev mr gouvr nnd the many friends who were io helpful will always be gratefully remembered labor dny a week from mon day schools reopen n week from tuesday well need some of it next january but this week was a bit too much heat yoa it seemed to us that yes terday was a record breaker too but today starts off clenr too the ex will draw its crowds from this district itnrtlnu to morrow it will hnve mnn new nttrnctlons acton boyp nnd girls band presented a fine concert lnt sun day evening under the direction of bnndmaster chns mnson the program mn varied nnd pleasing there wns n good nttendnnce who enjoyed the program even if thel- applause was dlshenrteninc wkxiam n d gowdy one of adtona beatknown and an outstanding dtlzen here and in the community and centres near here tor the past hmlfoentury william newton douglas gowvty passed away on tueaday at the general hospital in toronto no man was better known or more respected by all not only in acton but in the district from guelph to brampton than wm gowdy mora in cuelrdi hi november 1b70 william gowdy was the son of canadian born pioneer parents ills father thomas gowdy was born in muddy york toronto in 1811 and later movod to guelph whore ho served as mayor of that city and for 14 year conducted on implomcnt manufacturing bus iness his mother was mariraret moore the youngest daughter of tho late thomas moore sr of ac ton it was in guelph william gowdy spent ids school days nnd recelvod his education in hint city ho aril stnrted in the grocery trade in en delegnto to tho area convent- loofi he beeamo manager of hid ion september 1st nt guolph tho standard white umo co at beach- i baxnnr dato is to bo art for nov- vlllo a year irfler he wns mnclo ember mrs lltuo home con- nassxgaweya at no i mrs morgvirnt itoblnson an- easter is enjoying two weeks of her holidays with her son and fam ily mr and mrs ulan itoblnson ami friends little oavld hnwdon itjl s milton has returned home after spending a weeks holiday with his grandparents mr and mrs j j kennedy mrs w j doughty and mr mordon oakvlme were sunday dinner guosts of mr and mrs c k davenport mrs staphon cordlnor aeton was the guest oi mr and mrs 1 kennedy last saturday master george robinson is holi daying with his nunt uncle nnd cousin mr and mrs wllmor wot- klns acton jul mr and mrs wm cox st hel ena had the misfortune to lose their barn by flro during the elec trical storm on tuesday friends fiom hero rushed to help but it was useless tho august meeting o7 the busy boca women institute was held at the home of mrs jennie how- mrs petor mclean was clios- deafness neki not ims a handicap write for free booklet hiiarlnc cjjnic 02 qijken st n kitchener manager at tho toronto ljme co plnnt at umetuiuktf nnd moved to tlint nearby village foi 37 years he reuldcd there nnd there wasnt n phns4 of the community life thnt una for the good of tho tommun- hy thnt will gohrvdy dldnh jlvi n helping nnd uuldlnu hnnd he wau h 1nrtt onrtketvnw rifvlsrr nnfl helper to nil who sought lin nld efvcuvo in he church ilfe he wni nt nrlouh times supoi intendent of the sundny school cliolr lender nnd wns nn elder tor over thirty enis from umo to time mr jowdy took an nctlve part in the civic life of the townihlp nnd wit n the euesinjj council for ev- ernl tcrmt for five yonm mr clowdy kcrvel on the school board of ss no 0 he hod n ffood voice nnd loved muilc nnd he nlwnys iinve fully of his talent with vocnl numbers nt local eventa in builnemi mr gowdy wns mnn nger of the toronto lime co and looked nfter the plants nt lime- house nnd dolly varden until the propci tlei wore taken over by uhnt ii now gypsum lime nnd alnbnstlne canada ltd due to the concentration of mnnufnetur- ing fncalltles the plants nt limc- housc were closed down in 1029 nnd mr gowdy retired but re mained nt the old fnmll borne un til the fnll of 1943 when he look up residence at acton since coming to alton he had enjoed more leisure but his com munity interest was ner dulled he had leisure for the bowling green but he willingly msbited and encouraged try community ef fort surviing are his wife mnrj a hoppmnnn nnd one son douglas mbrrlson gowdjl buniiis man ager of the financial post toron to a brother thomas in toronto and two sisters mia lettle gow- d of guelph and mrs john ken edy of toronto mr gowdy wns twice married his flrst wife mary ellen holmes predeceased him in september 1923 it wns the writers good fortune to know wm gowdy intimately he often called nt the office to chat we with a lot oi other folk here will miss him and ijiore with the family the loss sustained in his passing tbat over seventy ean were spent doing good can be testified by all held this afternoon under mnsonic nuspiccs and burial win te in fn rvlew cemetery acton us election whoopee how the golngson nt the united states political conventions contribute to good government couth of the border is a bit obscure to canadun radio listeners it ap pears that the whoopee is merely an expression of exhube ranee rather than part of a useful poli tical process haw over if the del egates enjoy it we are not con cerned with its value but with the outcome of the process it conceals nothing has a greater bearing upon the livelihood of canadians than the political policies of that country to which we sell the great est part of our exported product ion and from uhlch we buy th greatest part of our imported goods temporal- harrleirb to trade with the united states which we erected in the form of embargoes on certain imports and exports and heavy excise taxes 4no perman ently have a bad effect on our trade with our best customer our failure to sell beet to the people of the united states iw hen they an sharing their foodstuffs to recon- iftract europe may cokt us an in- valuable meat trade whentheunii ted states ceases to export food to kurojh in abrtormal quantities it is just possible that these min or irritations which sometimes e v- plode into major xihtunl problems maj create a state of mind in the united mates whuh will prevent us from selling in the market when our goods look less like needed supplies and more like competitive iodiuts i abandonment of thi austeritv program cannot erase a jhlle one plaved all sang sonu precedent whuh mj 1h followe 1 1 neighbour also participated to our discomfort when lower hales u w to a krwit lhlnj ln lts dn of domestic goods and lak of for- tne u toda we hear of it elgn trade iauu the united stat om tn mritlt hqniri as to nveit to drastic ix si notion of i u suleunlks of new ork imports ne sti ne om leu convenor prepared a paper entitled wants in a nnme which mrs tuck rond plans for a dem- oiistinllon next monui wore made mr finlnya threshing outfit op- erntnl on n number of fnrma in this dint let thlfi week doing en- ough tht to let live fnrm nnv roohihrnr tjie rest of thelr ginln a not let for tenders for caro- taklng of no 7 school is posted mr and mrs perry boynton toronto hnvo returned homo nfter holidaying at the home of lhe lot- tera parents mr nnd mra w e brltton mrs j graham and mrs alex graham cnledon were sunday guests of mr and mrs stan nob- inson mm jennie howard was host ess for lhe august meeting of tho busy bees wx mrs mclean op ened the meeting roll call wns anffwered by courtesies worth observing mrs stan robinson gnve the minutes of last meeting nnd rend the correspondence which included the fnll fnlr list con vention program nnd a letter from the nnvy lengue mm peter mclean wns chosen delegate to the area convention for n money mnklng schema mrs mclean is giving a donation for next month from the problem bo we learned of a rnspberry cane disease nnd its control and to tem per granite wnre by putting on in cold wntor nnd bringing to boiling point for a certain time will lengthen its usability mrs little convenor for home economics propnred a paper en titled whats in a nnme thnt told of all die things learned and mode use of under homo econ omics since mrs adelaide hood ies- sponsored this education along with the farmer institutes imder the iept of agriculture ln 1897 she told of how our methods have changed and progressed since that ear and what it now includes mrs tuck rend this splendid pap er mrs j j kennedy read a poem i am courtesy and several jokes were enjoyed during th afternoon the meeting closed with the mlzpnh benediction alrs hownrd served a lovely lunch to nine members orie guest and one child attending the threshing lovelfc bros meat market friday saturday specials maple leaf rrand bacon urtalcfut iearaeej hack staoked back 65c lb 9clb itattle brand butter 1st nitadb creamery 71c lb maple leaf smoked cot tage roiiw rc ib i fvch saukate irc ib beef i niulltlofiu should in slnuwt hack to normal this waftldraiva jhm supplier of choice htrajts uid ilouau will i avsilaua btrihh6wrwrtojmirprt rsnc watch for big city at the roxy acton its true bv wilrv iaclan magsutt mmm he was a member of the mason- mnchlnc operating on a neighbors 1c order and the iuneinl ts being fiirm in the afternoon kept at least t1ie parlor organ renfrew mercury the canadian statemnnn of bowmnnille records the sale of an organ factor in that western ontario town with tho factory bought to be used for purposes other than the manufacture of such instrument tlmt wns when an organ was needed in neat 1 eer home in ontario to make that home complete thnt is if the home lacked a piano toda it would be difficult o gise away hn organ nobody wan la to bu vine auctioneers do not list them on hale bills churches have their ofgans but the are of the pipe arirt too big for an ordlnurs home around the organ in daa of iue famtlle gatlured nnd jhu three ladles from attending sinos hu ftttj sof4g of4 me scmcn tj mouvtio ctryxne ctves an immhsiow ot mjjs gamftt s1ngjno oki iaiy dotcl- she axso gct5 hen f itst schch kiss from hei favowte iea0ing man tutch jenkins high splriteds singing act1ess who won the 0onaidson award op 1946 ror rest musical comfdv erpormancr 1 when maroaict saw her sing she gasped gouv when you sing itou sing ml over the classified section buy sell exchange wanted elc ailwhlammh unritr this hsadlntf ssc cull with order up to 29 words additional words 1c per word u rali does not c- company tho lulvortliwmerit minimum chsrg boc and lc per word additional for nach word over us hubsmiuent inactions vm sale toit sall- oilfman oil hwlir uwwl on season komi condition ilmne uiyjm wanted wantm wnmsn for ootir iuhnlnu nnd uinersl work apply ilox s yitt press poll salk lis siuiunx pulleu slakd to ly apply j jlutt phono 12 acton txill saik jiuon electric wnuhor hlmnst new terms if do- shed ijox 1 eree jvess rok ha1k kitchen mniitf with two oil hurneru installed ivo humor hot plnte phono ltow htl saij keod whent w- son golden thnw 2 7s iwr hutlie cordon hume milton phone 15lrl4 jj klt kajk 5 wh lures or red t utvvr nnd nlfnlrn hay i ijim- iwrt inrner of ith nnd townllntf of kmjucsinu our aueats kin its inception the cinadlnn national exhibition hni emphns- 1 hen- u n new uncle to iouh izad cduiatlonnl fentuxes partlcu- j ouh drlxinj imnk of our pns- larlj these departments appealing tonkfri courtesj to them means most to school children more not staring uiem out of their ulu than six hundred thousand school i by tukmi ftmikh chances on the ohlldren in the province of on- road if you lonsliler jour pas- tarlo are invited each jenr to be senuern uitet and jumiie of mind i the guests of the directors eachijou will probnbl find yourself al- recelves a personal invitation to i to being very courteous to other be present people using the road wjit sll ipere dining room hulte 1 lnglliih pram rmarfinn xtollenl rondlllon itetisonnhle him tiurrhlll church st klt haii white enamel olnie h wl kill hi n knnue with wood mrut toal grntet in very good londlllon phone hjtw acton i olt saiii llenlly rebuilt elulrli tipper luh nko enaniel luh wnshet kiiitinli i i a s y letmh also shghllv uh4d gns iwudiii- aplvjl ijfcrjjgjq lxh sam om 1 cornell keg i linmuii olden hnff whent hl him fnll itye j2w him all miwer leaned tlordm ihlle acton phoni lto kwood hlrl ll2 roil saii i wink hoi set 1 vjiar old hius 1 i vein old mine 1 lyiar old mm all hrken uilclin c 1 snow phone ii7j1 it it j alton john tlvi n i olt saji ciimmi k lol no s 1 tiirnel d wheat v5 the gk oancu uhgik kavs comz0y oi mama wtth oual iau mf ooti svttythinc h ktid of him with a iouch of kvknoh which is hu olstincftvt ham msjbc 51irillmlmmi ohia and cohcut stai makimo hit km dliut wxi uno uahm1 1uuasy- kkiy daucf and ttaumiiil he hoiiks aie ajmtsmo and iculrtum j a mt 0 canadian fnational i exhibition now hlkh vlildliik jmut rehlntnnl variety aino renteid dnwaons cdltun chaff no ird enerntlon all nowisr clean d and choice hfd i a wlr mllhkcn ihonarln- out t one 2mut kor sale detached hrlrlc ihium ntandlni in own lot wx70 wuhur sl and ilwer aviue beautiful garden llmd with hur- iwrry hughes in front wht plck- elt fencm nt the hack upstnlrs i drom 1 sun room 1 piece bath room lare ednr rlonet in nun room 2 larj tloseth in h tlroomft linen clofiet in upstalra hall floor cover njh for 2 pi rtroonis down stairs living room dining room kulwn ii n i i w ii y uasmnt laundry luh builtin coal bin good furnncf hulltln room lol irull stoiage etc larg front verandnh glnsse in im k sun poll h hot water c hydro h ati r nw i oof ncntl innulnttd storm windowh and v rc ni tsood insul nted garai with concrete dilvc elect cic fixtures good decorations everything in splendid condition immi dlati pasa sslon inspection invltecl no rensrinnble offer rius ed apply i h iloulton wuhur st phone 171 f6k saik 1 new skyline fjrmder 1 usct hear cat fnrcten iyactor 1 4 h p 1 ujed crafn drill in good ihnpe jenulne j-er- gulon nilcsr 1 uied priwer cultiv- ator 1 aisevl cutting uox 1 jh p ihc engine one dodge 1m7 trnetor rirallor 1 white lhl truck chassis would make good tow truck 1 w 9 ihc tractor on rubber 2 mnssey harris 2 fur row gang plow 1 karmall a trne tor 1 international hay tedder 1 cem bcnn milk cooler 1 used 2furrov trnetor plow i used cultivator 1 mnssey tractor on rubber lights and ntartr kord djorgucon ciulwvators ami- tandem discs flood stock of kord nnd ierguson plow snnreji caxt and steel used do laval ocam separator 1 de invnl prfftaure system 1 used hay loader kord- ferguaon 10 and 12 plows 1 now forage harvester 1 new 1im9 rover sedan radio h enter air conditioning 1 farm wagon 1 new waterloo garden tractor 1 hp ncfw s c p bicycles 1 used mccormlck deerlng corn binder apply thoa h e w s o n ieorgrtown phone wantkd boy ovr 14 yry for pin hoyn ul acton howling ijuiew arply to k jnnlng ijfv twanw6d mm pruc hnnmwun etc plume or writ d cauielh durwlau highway him- mervlllo ont phono cookviu hrfti wan ikd hnnm and botd for two to aliaro room auo u xmatt dwitjwrn for fci ch apply mm hfiry huntr phonw 2hij y wantkd- flock to supply um with hatching ttut fpr 11h0 hutch ing ujrium unranterv premium pluh halrhahlllty prmdum paid snd for full dmalu mveddl hick hatiherurft limited frgui ontnrlo rf mrscemanbhjg slendor tlilitji nre fiffoctlve weekti huriplyj 1 2 weeks 5t5 nt baxter h drug store hmxjmk an indojmndent bu iricsh man nnd your own boaa if you are nmhltloua industrious and a gmwl wjh smnn apply nt once to mil brand plloducis cx aici you vie tim of vmhtliint ion- try proven fruit- a tivkk fimrnis hr rbal medicine uwri suc cessfully for i r year lirlnga re- llef uirkly tons up liver kewpj bowels nctlve restores hffllth -r- riliabij idikh kkad tiiih fruwanteel hiilr removed instantly frerni fnc e arms 1 g with flaiai ilnlr remover hnrmlewt- leave nkln koft nnd rimoolh you cant ins mime y promptly rvfunded if hnlr grows hn k nfter third ap- pllealton with no ciuenllons ojiked complete treat merit 2 postpaid f d h postage extra kaikx fioilts dept 2afl box 22 station ii montreal que executors sale iakm impfementm fur- nitflrk kta nt the farm of ham ii oordinglt at iot 8 con 10 irafalgnr twp saturday avwht 28 ims nt 1 p m hlndley elliott t r hompsorx audloneeni lerk auction sale ilnui furnlfchlnkv luul kmatr rtc 13- an tn i he undt rslgned has receive cf lnstructlens from the adminis trator tor the estate of the latt mits daniel lawson te rih hy auction nt her late reslew nee church st acton on sati iuay heit th pommcnrlnif at 7 oviocb pjn hrt the following cabinet ranl piano acme crooking range kitinll size llectrlc plate klectrlc iron kitciien i abnet china cabinet clock for rpnt o u ch dlkiwh congoleum rugs uedutead spring and mnttresa vanity drewier 2 rocking chairs 2 arm chairs settee singer drop head sewing machine bedding bedroom diwhcs and many other articles a quantity of roal the houw at the ume tlm and place the house and lot if not previously sold will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid this is a comfortable double house v ith immediate posaeeulon and mutt be sold to close lstate tkrms cash wm a gibson auctioneer phone guelph 14fw august 28th to seitemjier 1 ith except sunda direct into the urolnils reduced return fare spacjo includes exhibition dml4sioir- i jl e acton hjig am children si 05 ijkave exhibition 100 pm daylirht time exhihtton pakuenfth travellinjr on reruiar busew will tranhfer at toronto hum terminal to biihet running into the ground information at harold wiles 58 j kok kkni inrg ilouw- bd- room all c nmcnunri apply mrs j orrl jjimb artnn i holt i1kn i htxtm tor rem ifntrnl imntlon apply i u i ll aclrn mackenzie aleum arc eu fjnling awn in this ht it or hae ou mnnagi d i find nie pi h toed hin t wi rr to m u h though ur girdinlng wllll min n ihit nno the pn serv ing nnd u i jin it hi in the xhnd is ur hemw cool if not ti neit come inte eiiir t fflef uid irl mil insutntitin it i oils e i little fr tin h u c e u reile imth in sum m r ii itlne v aid win r miirmth s- u satuni i nijrlit in- jov ing the eexilne ss ef acton pnrlt pav i lion j b mackenzik a son a floyd smith jeweler w at iieh cuh kh jkwkijeiiy qu tfc strn t west clkmll ont diirc is little rllftfrenrr in our summin and those of the yukon ami alaska farnworth memorials monuments at modrml trlr cemeteiiv lettering mora rd st vnnlmt lt eijii ont

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