Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 2, 1948, p. 1

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ht jvtijotn tt litres seventyfourth year no 0 acton ontario thursday september 2nd i04 kiuht home print pages six cento town foreman and chief ol police engaged no more municipal officer an dulieo sure rearranged chief harrop accepts pos ition of head of police and atwooor a kjrknesh will be town foreman lawn- mower question unsolved council decides agaittat pro vincial police ladies aid of knox church hold picnic at davidsons aeion council met on thurs day evening with councillors w jf mcleod a mclsaac f davuon and depulyiteeve w coon prea- tfttt and reeve f j mecutchcon presiding a request for rebate of poll tax was refused correspondence wns rend regard ing the plan and subdivision of land on the hutt farm the clerk and solicitor leatliorland were to bo to the department of planning in an effort to settle thli plan mr w d tolbot was present t confer w rcgnrdlng hi pin of tin isiim mnur- which had heen ordered and dsllv- knox chureli ladles aid en- joyed another picnic at the beau- tiful farm home of mrs and mrs h l davliuon even though a grain threshing ivoe was in full swing at the bam it did not in nny way disturb the kind hospitality of mrs davidson who managed nffalro in the houw evcn with the unfortunntc lack of electricity nnd still found time fur the entertainment of tho pic nickers j- w all enjoyed the full program of gnmes nnd contests arranged by our capable sports committee mm fred anderson mrs dodds and mrs ohnra winners in the various events were bean guessing mrs a m ml- jlaeison itnnniniilnn ttitrnlp two cajrs in collision with truck wcmph mrs jnnoy mqj ry had not boon mndc until nftaarj- klrklne shoo mrs dodds mrs 00 sommervllle hmo iuetmnrjorle unll mrs it patterson xpnll knee mr fred mccut- rheon mrs ceo ritchie alphnbet cnmc mn d ken nedy minnie sommervlllo and another mower hnd boon purchas ed nnd put into service the mat ter wns loft over to the next rojj- ulnr mootlnp nftor over nn hour discuuon nnd little cooperation en cither side seven applications were received fox the poijtlon of town foremnn mrs f denny at salaries rnnelni from 52000 spoon nnd bonn mrs ruby per year to 2500 per year hansen mrs w mecachcra the application of a kirkness clothes pins mrs mclntyre at a ijdary of 2100 per yenr was mrs mclcllnn accepted with duties to com- grandmothers special mrs mence on september 7th nnd the akitt mrs patterson clerk was empowered to pay the mystery musical mn mcpher- aalary twice n month mr kirk- ton mrs mclellnn mrs patter- ness wns contacted and came to son the moetinfj when duties and ar- mru w j hni mqved ft votf ranfcement were frankly dlsc of thankfl to mr davidson the council envo further consider ation to police protection for ac ton and the encaging of provincial police for the work or continuing the present arrangement of onenc- inp police a comparison of costs showed that the provincial ar- ranjpement was much more costly inquiry has been mndo in other communities whore provincial police were in chnrce nnd it wns found that it would require sev eral thousand dollars more under this plan thnn under local man- acement hiring of provincial did not solve the question of assessing collection of dog nnd poll tax issuing f llcemes in spection of building and man other small duties lhot were now combined in the one office council accepted the tender of the acton auto body for 125 to repair the town truck ns outlined in their tender council b resolution accepted the resignation of e e hnrrop ns municipal officer the resignation to take effect august 31st council instructed the clerk o dispose of the bylaws engaging the provincial police which had ham prepared for this meeting b resolution mr e e harrop wai engaged as polioe chief and assessor said duties to include collection of poll tax and dog tax and bo building inspector relief officer nnd istuo lobacxo licenses and milk licensee duties to commence sept lit 148 at a salary of 2500 per vear it might be interesting to cltl- ens to realize the tremendous sports committee and all those who helped to make the picnic n success weekend car crashes just east ot acton cor and truck involved but none of occupants seriously injured there w ere tw o smashupn in volving three cars and a truck on the highway east of acton over f f ii the weekend ond nlmom in the hi vjilt 31 ljrllclhl same location on saturday night n enr driven bv jot p loo of 111 glonmount ave toronto was going east as ho mot a truck travelling west his jeft rear tire blew out and his car was thrown out of con trol or ashed the left side of tho truck and rolled into the ditch on the north side of the highway the truck wus owned by a c duff products of bolton nnd driven b fred c tarxwell of hlllsburg the drivers and the i eleventh hole using a no 8 iron four passengers in the car all es- it s rather nn exclusive group of caped torlous injur damage to goiters who have a hole in one the car is estimated at about sn and lt unique that two horn s100 acton should accomplish it m the tn on uausay i tl season svindn night n truck and two photos show two of the pnengor cars ui u ul i r1 d with n tun k on the h ghwnv two ml s o ist or atton nbniit midnight on sundnj kailuie of the hhis on tin tiuik nindi it nuissniv for the titk to pu i to tho roailside first ntiidcnt happened be oil a light ould bo placed and si i ond renrind collision wns after a inntern hnd boon put on th inuk uul oilier motorists uid flashlights ns a warn ing the second car drove under the body nnd struck the truck frame free press photos another acton golfer get hole that elusive holein one vas achieved b another acton golf plaver at the cutton fields in guelph inst wednesdav ted farce was the plajer this time nnd incidentally of tho throe this rea son nt cutten field two of the plnv ors are acton inns w k grnhnm and e s force tod was plning with g jnrrntt art forbes and wilf howard and the shot was fired on the iw vard cars were involved in an act dent r fv duties mr harrop hot tarried ophslto tho morrison farm two ahion show the past nine ean a the town mlle east of acton one enr was packs the roxy has grown each of them has been in total wreck and damage to th- i act thursday heavier during the discussion other car was estimated at s250 j mr harrop was asked to enumer- a truck driven bj arthur vino ton and ow nod b t ho officer twelve were listed and dennis construction co night blooming cactus had six fine flowers i mr nnd mrs norman wilds ol vinelnnd hnve one of those rare night blooming cactus which this voar hnd six splendid blooms on julv 7th the floweis in this quion cactus which is elghto- n j oars old start to open in the a temoon rench full bloom about midnight and are dead by tho next morning about eevent- nothr building for main street garage property work commenced this week on a now goinge building in aclon by n mcfnehim on main street last thursdnj the old garage building was demolished thli week tho basement for the front section has been excavated and five friends called to see the plant tht footings laid for the office in bloom nnd we saw n splendid buudlngu ill he o foment photo of the plant junior farmers ball club wins from rockwood on tuesduv night the aton junior farmers soft ball team de feated rockwood 9 3 in their re turn game mr b d knchlln is block with brick front nnd is 1kg0 feet there will be an apartment over tho front section which will not likelv ik- complet ed this week mr mcencherr has most of t he mntcrinl nlready on tho ground ind expects to have the walls up nnd roof on in n few weeks new gns tanks of larger 15 cars wrecked and 20 cattle killed oncnr friends shower gifts on uride of this week prior to her mm rlngo which tnkes plnoe this week mian shir ley duvnl hns boon entertained at n number of showors on i hur day august 10th ot i lie home of mrs s paplllon she wns tho ivclplent of many lovely gifts nt a miscellaneous hhowcr the office girls of bcnrdmoro g co entertained in her honour mtmdnv evening witli a kltchon shower at the homo of mish alice mccnllum mrs g hnmnchor was hontess at hei homo in waterloo a a cup and saucei shower on tues aug ust 21th nnrl tlw oung ijidb- sodillty of st lose jibs chun h mot nt the homt of miss evole n bra ida wcnlnoday evening nnd feted jwr with n miscellaneous mti- te his varoudutw as municipal acton and owned b the mount thjj a of guri n officer twelve w ere listed and ivnnls construction co w n s iih u wetfk vuwin nlghn in gueph sponsorliie nnd wouclwi miiiip- ta h bn installed and ment tor the acton bojs this mnr ln ue munntimp business is be- out of liftoon unmos plnxil the lnk c on in a smnjl bulld- linm hns ten gnims to tielr credit lnk h lo1 un11 thcj have two sim arkin i tht noa mrurturc is rendy i he slet jivernmnt s pub ushljik jioust is printing the siorks of die kens and wnltei st nt council granls increases to the town constables itaquihition of hifrh school hoard approved hand grnnta passed councillors w mrlood a mr- kane and f davison and deputy itoovo wm coon wore present inst night when acton council met in september sezlon nnd reeve f j mccutceon presided in t he nbsonce of clerk mrceachlo tn acting clerk was mr ientherland mr o johnston on behnlf of the acton fair board request in that a permanent installation of hydro bo mndo in the pnrk it was ar- rnnged thnt messrs o johnston j j stewart w mcleod f dnvlson nnd c wilson would meet at the pnrk on thursday to con sider this installation mr c mason bandmaster of acton bovs and girls band dls cussed with council tho regul ations required for payment of tho hand grant hnlf of the grant of 234 53 was paid nt this time town for mnn a kirkness was given nh outline of work thnt requited immediate attention tho clerk was instructed to notify a harris nnd a clifford town emploveea thnt on nnd after september 7th a kirkness would be in chnrge of nil employees nnd instructions would bo received from tho town foremnn a w passed f pnv- ment as follows stewart elliott sand and gravel sijofm beardmojo co power mower r fki cnnudlan photo co photostats n f acton free pixss pr tg 10 21 insulin treatments 7k acton boys nnd girls band half giant wornl wrecfc in district piled ri early tuchdjt morning can and carffo rolled down embankment at vcorketown twenty head of catll killed two or crew are injured only two wore injured on wednesday mcvmlnv wlwn two freight trnlns collided nbout s 30 nt georgetown to pile up one of the hlggout wrecks thnt hns been soon in this district twenty cnltla wore killed in the two cars or had to bo destroyed nnd nlmut fifteen cnpi wore derailed pllod- up nnd their contents strewn over the railway tracks all travel on tho line fi om toronto tfi stratford was suspend ed on wednesday as w i ii as the lino north nnd xouih from barrie to hnmilton nnd through milton engineers iinrr hondrlck suf fered a broken unkle ntul firo- mnntonn and f i to hospital bolh before the crash park under the new arrangement these tho vehicle failed it was driven i blhtie l be to ude of t dtndop- ioudp ethe l mr t w mr lurrop chief of police bruce norrle of the ninth lln ladies nartliuuirl enlosed as speaker at building inspector near ceorretoun followed and lal k thj rx lie annockburn w helut otflsr l of tobatco fallnl to see the vehicle it it atre u c h 0r av pt- mr a k in t s mtc on d the fashion mr a klrkneuion burh-r- man 17 of geortetow n a pa sho w betn the shcmlni vlr in cjiarso of the munlupal w sustained injuries to hi of ihb feature n truck all work on wtreel charge forvhiad and nose the car is de- of the park and flown jlal wved scribed as a total ureck i eiw inspector and arrange for unlc- i this time a lantern hnd been mlisinfci tag the arena such as full sup placed on the rear end of the after stranger piles and equipment truk and another motorist had at service jtation the bjaw regulutmg the col- j stopped to glie asslhtanee a sec- lection of garbage and contract ond car travelling east and drlv with geo k mclollan ua read as required and luused b the counul lhe ctmtnut was for on- year council adjourned hortl be fore midnight fur 14 ean alter world t- i the group of seven painted rugged and outorthevva cannilan aceneti abarulonlng the literal in terpretation of art for an imagin ative style that created much crt tlclsm cash of 19j is believed to hnve i bv james um 97 hudson been stolen from hargrave s ser- llnve loronlo failed to heed the vice isutlon on tuesdaj moriing naming of a flashlight or to notice about 1115 mr hargrave had the lantern on the truck and prepared his bank depotjt and crahed into the rear of the truck when customers came ln had tuck- rhere were two other passengers ed the txwks and mctaev awiu to in the car but none of the ncup serve them a stranger cam- in ants werejnjurwl while he was busv and left again damage to the low car is without being noticed estimated at iisooo and the drlvi when the bank deposit was tak er will jlkely face a carelesa driv- en opt again sim was missing and injj cnarae only jh n book 0ief provincial constable flay mi- harrop 1 investigating but ip- on investigated bcth of the ac- iirntly ther are till little or no clues ciilents bannockhurn women s institute held their regular montilv ntet- ing at the home of mrs t gor don and were addressed by mrs t nelle recentl return 1 from n trip by plnne to england mrs nelle iold mnn interest ing things regarding the pleidld mr accommodation instructions for emergency landing and food and clothing in her home land mn jollev- thanked mrs nele for her visit and n talk that wns muih enjoved b nil mrs d russell wns appointed rtctjmte to the annual convention a plans were mad for the instl varied program at august meeting greenock institute tute dlspinv at the fall far ex hibits will be in charge of mrs w hostel 1 lunch was servtd and a social lime enjoved 1 he august meeting of green- ot k women s institute was held at the home of mjs j e penren on edntla august 1h with eign- een memoirs four visitors nnd twelve children present mrs a mtkeown presided the scripture was read l mrs t hemslev the roll call wiej answered by my favourite flower the minutes of last meeting were read by the setletniv mrs basil johnston wavs of making money for the branch were duruvsed miss ela pt iti n was linden as delegate lo ihe area convention to ik held at 0vc guelph the motto glv- nk hut getting makes life richer i guelph vvas kiven bj mrs thoj mc- the instl- utchcon current events mexican draftees combine mech anical farm work with their yeai miltary training vi ere tlvn bv mrs j l allan i he topic of the afternoon citizenship was taken most abl bv mrs gordon leslie con venor who gave a very interest ing paper miss maria allan ot toronto tuing two solos which were much enjoyed lunch was served and a pleasant afternoon brought to a close jt 1 1 s127t17 conslables c gihlums nnd g i allan requested an increnbc in snlar they felt thut the present snlarj of 1800 was inadequate under present living conditions j council decided by resolution to increase the salaries of con stables gibbons and allnn by jlfxi per year to make their salaries s190vi per annum effeitlve sept 1st council received the requisition for the yenr from the north haltnn high school district board the total levy for acton this jenr is f 5s8gh the ser- rctarv polntisl out that n re quisition for pari of the amount would soon bo mnde by recolii- tion the sum and treasurer were authorized to make payment w hen requested donald mclnn protested a tax on a dog that had been disponed of after assessor had called the request was nnl gi anted the clerk read copies of by laws from other municipalities whkh regulated the hours of sale for operators of service stations and retailers of petroleum pro ducts the matter was referred back to the garage operators for a petition oil their requirements the resolution passed at a pre- vious meeting relative to the en gaging of provincial police was rescinded jniout titi vv re tnken jumped just after the hrnkf s hnd been slam med on and n collision wns seen unnvoldnble the m i ident oci urn d nout r 10 it appears thai thetabnose and several freight cars were standing on the mnln line in georgetown just west of the sta tion while ihe inline wis taking on wnter another freight of nbout thirty nrs followed this one going enst and failed to sic the red light on the inhoose lo avoid a collision the engine plowed into the cab oose telescoping the car and de railing nnd wreiklng about fifteen other mis i he wreckage was so plied up that it wni dirfirult to single out the ars for counting many of the attle in the two cars were killed outright while a dozen were so hndly injured that they had to he shot one poor nnimnl wns seen limping nway with one lejr gone nnd was dis posed of the uninjured nnlmnla were wandering about town and various gardens before they were rounded up the rnllway tracks and siding wire torn up for over 200 feet the rnllwnv where the accident occurrid hiu quite an embank ment severnl home adjoin tho rlghtofmmy two little children were asleep in a lent not more than fifteen feet from where part of the w reck ed train crashed down the steep bank their father reported thnt thev had moved their tent away from a tree which was closer to the track the night before ns they thought it would be better in it new location the noise of the crnnh wns de scribed hv nearby residents is similar to heavy thunder the flr siren sounded shortly after and many thought an explosion had occurred the georgetown brlg- ade confined the flrtv itnone car which caught fire right after the collision the engine asid cans of the trnln did not lenve thcrnck nnd the car immediately behind tho tender had a largcvsjjrp on each side eggs handle with care it was the besrt preserved car in the heaps of rubble but we fear for the condition of the eggs i traffic rciumtd inrly this morn- i ing with the midnight train from toronto being the first trajn through normal passenger mall i and express train tcrv re has now bcn istnhllshed past the scene of the wreck drktnrnonh pedestrian a man who has a wife a daughter two sons a cog and an automobile tlmcsomethlng that the hero has the knatk of arriving in the nick of chiseler a man who gets in a resolving door behind vnu and omes out first coming event- llna lirjclmu it rlirnrt t line with minim m r inr tnnounrrmffiii i duke of devonshire chapter iode meeting will be held at the home of mm peter smith september 7 barn dance at claude pickets farm seventh llrj i n north of hornby tueaday sept 7th modemalres orchestra ad mission 30c jjtf

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