Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 2, 1948, p. 5

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thursday septembto 2 198 1 the acton free press pjuw rrvm mr norman wild was home rrom vlnrtand for tho wmjknd mr hush mcoitchoon l holl- uylng thl wwk with felatlvm in erin 1 vnitrb htfurrl of eanaba ae4oa ontario rev ijouis mcskjemnot i i mlsri hnors ktine orangvilu u holidaying at her home her mlu jecal coles spent hei holiday ut week at pentanb and stratford mr and mr v force of guelph were nllrn at the goulds one evening last week mr and mr ii k double of tyironto vlilted with mr and mr juum wild during the week mr and mrs harold elliott and family have been holidaying at comber for tile past two week mr j k gardiner has been 111 for the part week or to many friends wish him a prompt recov ery mr and mn robert sly hav returned home after spending a week or to with friends in new york mr and mrs j g hlckcy and aon dennis of tuburv islled the home of mr and mrs- w h clayton mrs wllllim laird of windsor has been visiting with her sister- inlaw mr r m mcdonald and iheraelonfhenil parsonage bower avenue sunday skptemueit 8th 11mb in of 1100 am holiday oueat speaker kltchlni at- hev george u wcaton ontario cimjlihied evening service n anglican church sunday school in the united church at yjio ouare welcome iprabatfriatt qhjurtlj ht flauaiia knox vavbca acton rev x m attdereeu bjl mc acton club activities sunday september stll ims 1100 jti morning service 1j 15 pm sunday school re opens 7 00 pm combined evening ser vice they that wait upon thw lord shall renew their strength rev ttaptint fllurrt acton ciiar r oowkr mlnutet mr harry norton and david i of baraqullla colombia are stay- j lng at the home of her mother mrs wm macarthur miss bella rosiell spent a few j days last week with rev j m anderson and mrs anderson at their cottage at port elgin mrs harold l griffin has re turned home from the guelph general hospital where she has been a patient for soveral weeks mr and mrs j h hare and susan of st anne a quebec re turned home saturda after vis iting her parents mr and mrs j m steele mr robt urne of vnncouer b c called on acton friends on mondn ho is spending a week or so in ontario and lsitlng mcra- 1unday sept 5th 1h8 10 jo am sunday school 1130 am gods message for a divided world 1j 30 p m communion study we believe in tlw virgin birth of jesus christ mutf 1 1825 t altitun qhjurrlj aiuiuoftn rwtor rv o luxton ba 1918 sunday m2ptemi3kk 3th lynl ty 15 1115 nm holy communion 11 15 am bepinncra class 7 00 p m combiiwd service choir corn jtomt ihursday even ing september 2nd ftt homo or s h vcbster this church welcomes visitors her- or tiie rhmil mr ind mrs k f johnstone of toronto atcumpaniikl b the for mers cousin mrs c g hamilton of whittlaw alberta wore sun- da visitors in the home of mr jas ssmons mr ind mrs russell tmn- send have returned to tin u hoim in lonj island nfnr visitm with friends in acton m- nnd mrs earl w mnsnles and wee kum 11 motor back w ith thm and will spond iluir holldty there rockwood frigid- lockers cold 8toraer lockrra for rent all at door and drawer style utensed b the dept of health phone rockuood 18j cit skunks it lent onl farmers eons and daughters that art solng to the cltj the urban population of skunks w oodchucks and coons is also increasing and adding to the cities wild life population com- ments the financial posts scratch pad one may not much of these animals themselves mil there is plenty of evidence of their presence if one can smell t isn t necess- i r to mo beond the back veran dah u know thnt the cu his its skunk population if one has a suburban garden he will woon learn to crow at least tulec as much corn as the famil can consume to allow for the coons and up to ten tim s is mui m lettuco cabbage beets and peas if there ls a uoodchuck or ground hog within range wh this increase chef factors wm nu t n ah ii f i iral tm ii s parih unrlv foxes and abundintv of fxxi and shelter v n important ii the fact that li uth ha some merest in conserv ttion iid g t as much kii k out tf wn thin a bird or wild an m i is his rural gran1 fm i li i in ihixitlng it thk homk nkwspvpkk e p head optometrist eyes examined scientifically hearing aid batteries quick repairs to glaflflofl binoculars field glasses etc sgerr phone 1529 guelph bsl f tmh ttii manufacture or tcthyl al cohol and many intervstlntf pluises wan explained by mr u u tar- lcr at the wtmskly luncheon of t rolary clufi of aclon the raw materials used the process to den- attve alcohol and die mthvu mctd to aio nnd invor the potable vr- totles of nleohol the place thnt the commercial grades piny in in dustry wire explained andj in a question perlml at the close many interesting features uere eplaln- ed by mr parker the acton rotary has a new bulltrtln called 4 rotac with geo rge mason as editor which it n real neus club sheet the cur rent issue klves a summary of the first jobs of acton members as told at a recent meeting as one member said in reviewing it none of the local members could be ac cused of starting at the top social calling makers 63nf slore is small acton premises opentt on fryidny in hultdlntf modernized and newly fitted necut addition to actons re- tall business jctton lit the smart new manor 3hoe store which operw tomorrow in the store for merly occupied by carrollii ltd which hitu moved to larger quart- the store front has been pamits is your hill rraly for srliool ily llnlton county llrmllh tlnlt a childs training during his pr- uliool year lays n foutwlntlon for his future health nnd develop ment ills enjoyment and progriss at school are largely dependent upon good physical health ami early home training all children are imitators many hiihltm are learjieil in their homes and in the yrfelghbor hood as yourohlld j ii be entering school tli hi fall we suggest that it ls remarked by omi of the older people that in the days of their outh the custom of nmkng wclnl cnlls on friends uas consld- crnblj more common than it ls now at least in the nverage town in those days any wonvm made it their habit to cnll sociilly at fairly regular intervals on a long list of frlcnda their cnlls nnd the datesihejjwsf if tho owed someone a call they tried to mnko that call on tne per son as soon as possible such social calling was not pro bably eo popular anion uio men of those days and thcy woro pro bably more given to going to their lodges nnd clubs and various meet ing plncei often when the wife niggested that they ought to cnll on some family they would do to and they seemed to have a pood time when they got there toda such social calling gos on to n considerable extent partic ularly among close and intimate friends and neighbours but it u not probably as prevalent a in former days peoples time is more has manufactured and distributed shoes from const to coast with occupied now b many activities i iti tremendous dally capacity the ihe cubtom is praised aa n men is compnn controls the manufacture of promoting friendship and it in cnnjuln of such wellknown develop n great denl of interest- brands of shoes as the ascot athol inkconvvtra tl on modernized with light green and y consider thtf following points black vitrollte and the new show i 1 ha your child hwn chocked windows nnd entrance the wholn y your family plijsjthan it is interior has been rlecorated and ndvlrnwtfto have an early physic- new fixtures suitable for tho ali ai xnilnatlnn to allow ample trade hnve been installed new u correction of defects lighting hns been instnlled alfio before he begins school if you are the interior trim u in a light nbl to k to you family phyj- pastel green with ivory celling icnn vour phc healui numo chairs are of chrome with red up- wl k o dlsruw this with holstery and the fittings nnd case are or the concealed type in nat- 2 hn1 diphtheria tox- urnl wood with narrow dark trim om iinb he u vairinnll ag- the maher company was estnb- nlnht ininllpov has he been given llshed in 1911 and nlnre that time hooping cougli vaccine i 3 does ne know his name and j addrew l k vour ihlld contented when he it nv n from hl parents fo short iierlod of time t ooei he speak t learly ancl without bnby talk fi does he play feasonnhlj well with other children 7 does lie know how to use a j handkerchief and hns he a pocket for it ajiogfo7jmilw by himself does he wash hit own hands and fan 9 slme childi en are expected to remove their outer gurmenti in classroom can he put on nnd tnke off his own snow suit nnd goloshes can he adjust buttons 7lppers nnd other fasteners reas onably well are ills ruliht rs lnrge enough for him to put on nnd tnke off easily 10 have ou bj example taught jour child to stop look nnd ijstln before crossing the street 11 is he accustomed lo resting quietl for ten or fiftcm minutes once n day 12 can he quietly bus himself in ftiv interest d wa viitii some simple occupation it hns he a gooi appetite nnd den s he t it n anet of foodi foimi d good continuing ssk of ladies fall and winter coats 20 rkihiction on our fine atwort- mnl of th uutt hlyltx full hack titled irinuttattl and unlrlmntfd in th new winter nhad wyaway vljiti a small deposit now will hold coat at sale price till wanted eisens p maher president and gen eral manager of mnher shoe stores clothing store main st acton ont phone 250 x trnymore aibert-anltlhecannd- bo for men and boys the smart set and klrbv the heavenlv spectacle inn gninsboi o hue shoes for women as well ns special mnki s for women mr mahei is another exnmpl of i cnnidiin who fiist siw tin light of i iv in this ptovlnce ind who has become n successful bus iiuss lender he mas barn nt pic ton of irish parents fiom tli 11 lias ing habits sleep tiies ark pair gamk not nuitlv dots niture spread over lu r 1 uid lu i goigtoiis picture in the form of tnes flowers grau mount tins and likes ind rivers and seishon uid all the rest of ml htr gloiii s she also spans the tlm0 w ncn nt nn cnrl n n p t nro fnlr game larth with the lenut of her bkies u ne snoe jness as n jim r the people who foot the bills whuh present a constant picture ior his kpon ftbnt a initintivt criticizing the government is one of change- i hey are well worth nrou him steady advance- f the fundamental privileges of civil seivanu mny rettnt pub he criticism sns rho flnnnclnl post but they should realize tliej are in the same boat with stud for tlulr lovely effects and nlso because the thrnfw light on the weather that natuix is about to give us in luv sunrises and sumetb nature presents us with her mast gorgeous spectacles the sides are tint ei with the glorlouh rexl and veilows and mon hues and shades itiev stn m lo sing a jong of gratit ude to the creator and tell uo that i have a wonderful world on cloudless dai when the sk i ent until now as a comparntlvi lv oung man he controls the act ivities of this great canadian or ginlzatlon with 63 stores in on i tailo is a deep blue nature ge u 12030 canadian teievision sets in a year canadian radio manufacturers can turn out between 7 ikx and 000 televison receiving nets veij citizen in a democracy the more this privilege ls exorcised the better the chance for good government at lower cost business is kept on its toes by criticism from its customers and shareholders so is the govern ment c 1 r- aftlv auction sale uar tone in a colour that ls a symbol of jiapplness l he eyes love to dwell on the immensity of j thib blue and it arche- ovr our heads in a majestic form that sug- the inflnitj of ore t ion w 1 1 hin vr of n televl- midnite dance park pavilion acton sunday midnite sept 5 lult m uttlns orchestrv pkizfs tor ladies vdmission 75 cenbi inn stations being initabllahcd in ruimti sjijs hnnlvvnrv and meul a kleitrual dtaltr nuotinj f r iiimkms ni jirosinont of the riiiiu mnnuf iclunrs ssv latlon iji k of suitable tokmslin pro ki nih hn bci n n orr mr m akins salil but he no feel- hi nt tlmt proummmlng dlf- nel nm ti n stumbling ou i priliue a lo ii ro an audience milklxms llltmi sn ihi i llt ililmtlhk etc i hn t nil ied fn ulti lik k uffu i nt it mis t h the ml in n v i n mi i oninlo numtn r tiinnti if the il i ikilis i i lc i tlilnk t it u in t rid i signt instrui t oni turn mlts t v siiamhikm 10 s 11 in putdu aui hon it tu r f it m lot 11 on 1 lup of n iv it no v i uliookiilh on 1 limit skltkmijkit 17 t onnih m mi at 1 o t lex k fi i ilmkin l ill 1 tiiern en n lull fuu n t tueil 1 u in i nilklli in l inn 1n 1 11 1- in l nn ntilki i in il luni mi 1 llnlsli in l 1111 kin 11 il 11 hill 1 ii iki ii iiilkuil luni ink nth 1 in h lt l o nnlkitu or 1 r ii i it 1 ii 1 li ow milk ni hi 1 ijis lih is mith oil uui till 1 v il i ill i ii ii ilir 1 i i ii i in i n ii t i i i ih ul t in 1 lilt 1 loll e nmk ng kmnmuin- iiu i i v 1 pi in i i i pr itiiti i as m nniuiut fu in i nioi i th i s in i m in ff ut th it ii i u ilil lt the iisjlt is to mtnst n en it nuin sipl- in th woik anil lift of tluse lusmulitions io th it the uro i kel to itientlfi themseivtv mlth sinu or in ui of them and hhnre in their iiilitles and thus make on imjkirt int etintribution to the life of the cunimunlt i attention veterans ll ttiiiiis nt stmi ind ii str tt uho hn pit n i mi ii prihutns an nnitij to ittnid nun uk o uion rk wcii 10- canaimw lfgion iu si djlslul omminu it ltcion hai i on slplrmbfk uli s 10 t m or iih tuture nuetini if s nj cominittie the mictitiks mill he him simt time same plan on the fco0 ti1lksd of each month thisi montht meetings mill be held in the inteiest of all l bciu icemfn and women and all are asked to brine their problems to our attention a f mills brunih secret ir for sale vsh mvin st cton ont 1 1 itc iit4uitiiel house i2s00 i tun itoonitt llouwi 1000 t 11 liti uitli ixit io 1 1lk j oil lotft sintahlp for fartor hh1 lard or iluildlna luniar alup jl 000 vltokithrr or srparuuily complnls 5000 mutual kikht of way olcssinu out estate immiiati povsission pid in lnton or h mall to kred thompson stewart rxoaatliia trucklnc con tractor llouftr avp aoton oat s 111 lltll i i iii ii i uui 1 i in mm h shu ii 1 i 1 till 11 iks i i m s i l ik s lu u i i n v s i i s i 111 s ll i ii i i ii 1 n if 111 lsi 1 rk ii 1 1 i vi i 1 ml is hi it i i p ii iv i ii lil iih i i in i i il lli i vi 1 hi s i h ii 111 s i ii ii s rib hllkl r i 1 1 i 1 1 im i 1 iii i i ir tniih r r lis v i in t n m di rn m i 1 1 v l 1 mm quehi i ul r ii i i hi ils s r t i v mil k i i nm m mil hlli s llmh cm ur rienitr i 11 l 1 1 i i n lo il r i tr s i i mitil i ni is 1 jh h nrs nn ntiniirius th i inn h ilil efti t iirms ash s ttli mint w th tli rk pm if sile ni riseiti is i he prom i tn s his siilil her farm anil k null up hives inn ininit ilnitel itnullet anil t mi n auctlone rs i mi mlllnii cleik ihone l i in lr mellon nightly 7 and 9 pju mntlncc satunlays 1 pju- air conditioned now playing james stewart call northside 777 itiisat two star fcatu he wuote his name in eunsmoke caoss arizona skies a flghllng ton of danger on th troll to trouble to clear hit alhervnomal george brien 0m kay edward l alperton joe e b an alton ttaduttlqa c5 uatd tkrouoh r 30la cntury fox signature 0u hnrwd lmhmlkimm0t montues siecuil mntince 2 pjn ijibor day duma with sowsi ssm p i eeoige murphy kabih booth edwaid arnold butch jenkins awubem 6ahenlotte lehmahh iihtmttmm l bmi l baag bmiawnmm ai einesiy thlllsim imjittmhmi lljlv the jl anni kain dan oailfy you were meant for me

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