Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 2, 1948, p. 7

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thursday september 2 1048 the ad on free press page seven your eyes for better and more comfortable vision consult rmbell rbotsteked optometrist phone 22rl2 erin 2i vanwyck cleaners pickup and delivery service one 272 for the best in dry cleaning j georgetown a new buslneaa has been eatab- llshcd in glen william with the n nn oun cement by john perry that ho has moved his biulneaa known hm kerrys body and pender ftep- alra from toronto another main street buainess changed hahv this week when r j boh caldwell sold hu meat and grocery buaineas to hoy bar ker and charles brown the new ftwnm will continue the business under the firm name of barker and brown the sunday school lesson 4niav rkptembeb b 1m heart attack which waa fatal herald special l vnr rail fares fort od oaetliird for the round trip go from 12 oclock noon friday sjh 3rd to ind including 2 pan monday sih 6th return limit uav drttifution aot liur thaa 12 oclock midnight tuesday sp 7h all timtt iautt n sliujmrj tim iw7 ifrmmlttu jm ag canadian national radio rewrites move to ioio on your dial its bift news its the radio event of the year i as of september 1 station cfrb toronto and all your favourite cfrb programs and person alities move to a new spot on your radio dial 1010 where you hear them over cfrbs powerful new 50000watt transmitter now 50000 watts a new inch in good listening utfuto radio thmtr tlr lunar sanclum a spotlight rvu jim hunmr and wat mcknlohl at 1010 en your t follow all your favourites to 1010 on your dial cfrb follow your favourites to 1010 on your dial kxpoaltlon i pnul conducting n revival in a synagogue in cor inth 18 13 from athena tlie clly of cult ure philosophy and politics paul kooji to corinth the city cf com merce architecture wealth lux ury and notorlus immorality the in amtwer to a reoueat from the city of vice par excellence in the llnlton health unit georgetown homnn world here h first met uona club will provide eye testa aqulla and hi wife prisculm and glasses if necessary for two who becnm very important mem- publlc school children whose par- j hers of the church of christ out cannot afford thin see v art uom 13 4 1 cor a resident of georgetown since lf19 2 tim 410 it was onpnr- the spring of 1046 when he was entry an insignificant matter that appointed manager of the alliance brought paul into contact with coating mill here aftor the retire- it hem he was of the same tirade ment of u e fleck joseph but god uses thing just ilka this franklin g1uu passed away late for the promotion of his kingdom saturday evening august slat in it would be well if we would st josephs hospital hamilton make more of theni for the name a wellknown real dent of purpoae an unrighteous edict of georgetown where lie had lived ctnudlus hnd driven aqulla and for the past thirty years john prkcilla out of home it doubl- bcnjnmln rltchlo died suddenly less kcwipci to them a hitter thing on sunday evening august 15th but god turned it to their good mr ttltchh was sitting on the to no less a good than uiotr eter- front porch of his home on queen nnl salvation pa 7610 street after dinner and suffered j there arc men today who think it wrong a lack of faith to do mnnunl lunar or any seculnr work for their own support or that of their families because god has called them to preach there could be no possible doubt it is this man paul and yet he wrought with jilihand3 tclu2q3135r srs 1 thcs 29 wo need many pauls today men bo on fire with the gospel nnd loye for souls thnt they will not wait for some one to promise them support before they will preach hut if need ho support themselves paul preached too while he worked to nn audience of two n mall audience but how thote quiet meetings counted for eternity note an excessive state ment in the it v pnul was con strained by the word paul had mediated upon the word of god until it hail so gotten hold of him thnt he could not keep bt 111 cf jer 209 ac 20 it impelled him with the thought that jesus the christ and he must tell it out but the jews were not will ing to receive pauls testimony the most faithful testimony will often be received in that way tliatdoeibbrp ove itunfrue 77f thnt it has been unwisely putji simply shows the thoroughgoing bndness of the henrts of every religious men but pauls testi mony was not in vain after all a targe nnd slngulnrly gifted church grew up in corinth pnul in the i face of all their opposition nnd re ject ion could say i am clean it is a great thing for nny man to be able to say thnt we can only miy that we are clean from the blood of nil men ac l0lii when we can say as paul does in the next verse for i shrank not from declaring unto you the whole tounsel of god if we do not warn men if we do not declare unto them the wny of life then their blood is upon us ezek 33 4 s 9 are we indeed clean from the blood of all in our homes in our churches in our sunday school c hisses in our community in the lands beond the sea ii aqulla nnd priscllln exemp- lar christians lhn 19 2426 itom 1635a 1 cox 1g19 2 tim t19 these two jewish chribtlans w ere in nlunble aalstnnts to pnul they were probably well-to- do people who because they were jews weie exiled with their fel lows from home by caesars edict it was the custom in jewry thnt all men should learn a trade al- tugh he was a phnrasee before his conversion paul hnd ienrned the jlti of tentnuiking this was also the vocation of aqulla arul prisctlln consequently they had i ins m comnum w itii their fait h in the in d jus lndiubtedl paul added to the spiritual under standing of these fi ends white he wis m then house i 1 i h of 1 iliir knowjtilge to ihfiimhf- init sharel it with all who vwmld i him their teaching because of this fuihful plit tue rtie i home ivccame one of the earliest i tea hing centeis the totik apol- lo iheut mlght in the sciipt- u te- and irintructeil him e- ound ng unto him the w a of h more imtfe i t ltll here is m ideate that eloquent e l- not i r f o tlotou chritian knm- tetlge iiul people ml klltw much tbout the seilptuiei intl t ill need that ie he tnstruct1 in the wa f gmi imue peifeelk imii is 1 i luke l 1 j i jt lno 7 17 1 ioi i is ilel t li aiuii uiii ilisilla went furth er t im thn tea hmg inlniti i he use1 the i huim to hand to gether a local church ihom ll lia we ma he sure it woiikl i tx prqerl oi mied and operat- ed puieu along the 1 no- of sincere christum suilfite paul refers u ihir couiageous dtfense 1 of him risking their lives on his helm if we do not know the oc- 1 cuslon but it is enough for paul to mention it greet the church v which is in their house how hos pitable i hey muxt jinve ixvn with what christian cluwr would they greet the memltent n they enmc together and how devoutly they would tfiteh the new understand ings of godst word no greater tribute could be paid to this faith ful pnlr than that all tbe cpurch- vtn the gentiles would rvcog- nw their debt to them oh the poaslhltlty of the far reaching in fluence of the christian home 1 cor lfl15 19 milton one man was fatally injured and tliree others escaped in a two car interaction coujsion at the corner of the ninth una and no 10 slderoad trafalgar townahlp last saturday afternoon seeking relief from yesterdays heat a group or milton teenage lads were swimming in the sixteen mile creek at milton heights when harvey black had the mis fortune to cut his head accord- ing to his chuma harvay crashed ngnlnst a alone as ho dove into the water after o lengthy ulneu and in tense suffering john a elliott wellknown resident of milton pnssed nwny on friday last at hi home on woodward ave mr elnvrt was manager of themhton district cooperotlvo for the pait five yenrs nnd formerly had res ided in campbcllvllle he was o son of the inte william nnd chris tina elliott cnnndlan champion tsports gpjj cam oakvilte a series of home nuiang classes to he held in the high school audi torium commencing wednesday cvenlnc sept is will he sponsor ed by the onkvllle bramh can adian red cross society it wns an nounced this week some 375 guests were in attend ance in christ church cathedral hnmllton for a wedding of onk vllle interest when manon pat ricia daughter of mr and mr j f houston beenme the bride of sidney newlll lambert jr son of mrs lambert scarcroft oak- vllle and the inte sidney newlll lambert the nationally broadcast radio program which gives the man on the street nn opportunity to speak his mind cbcs whats youi 13 cef wjllbe alriklfromllieoujc vllle industrial exhibition chalr- hy h ooucft iteporls- tmianntlng from thtf plttbliurg pirate etoaehnll school in western ontario wldch three acton juvenile players httumd lntlmtitel that the local trio shone with better than average brllllnnce among thatiqkld aspirants prefi- ent vhie thr harry lawson john ymowat und harold townaley ware coruildered talented enough to lie worthy of a poaltlon in m ullatar aeries played a the camp activities decreauhl evidently two teams are hand picked from what officials believe to be the more promising players and they stage a llttttf world seriew of their own to climax the wksi activities all three acton players caught a berth on one or other of the stars har old towiisley donned receivers parphnnella harry lawsbn took a stance on the kill and flock- woods john mowat discreetly am bled to the outfleldl when tutor found his delivery n trifle unorth- odox ivselusure that mowat was rele gated to the garden is deceiving to this scribe although liu de livery linn never been in the best fiihlilon of experienced slnbmcu we assuniel all it needed was a iitltrli visit our modern showroom 8 carden street hwaaw ont opp fire hall uonnrji mad maano tiijch kmutd linoleum waix tiijch insufd in atlulmmta ktelhrooma llsulwaya hira offleea eio rixou sanders for k or work 1 keating tile co lloyd k kkat1no formerly guelph flooring service fcs4w ukl v after lucuv mam attention farmers we are paying the highest prevatltrtg arlca for daad or crippled farm animals- horses cattle hogs tlpwma collect for immediate srvlc laing cartage otekatina mb gordon yocno umms mom oolph at r partially due to inexperience niuwj a lack of adetiunte instructlmjl llowever he is as much at home in the gaiden as on n mound and the fact he was chosen as nn all- star fielder sjhjiiks of his vernal il- ity at either townsley has ever carried n potent tml and appar ently he as well as mowat were among the mast consistent in their trips to the plate an a backstop townsley has all the earmarks of n polished performer if he fnres better at the plate lnwson al ways u good southpaw promlata better things as he nhsorbs infor mation from various sources his real trouble is trying to locate the plate when- he masteis that tilings will start popping for tlie blonde boy with a hook 1 iul ton oaxrys on milt intemiediiiteb tcmjnird left now avaiijibij3 premium vacuum cleaners and michaels floor polishers and scrubbers as ijow as 15 ix wn with hiuall monthly paymcnth roys electric service itlt 1 phone 32r22 acto 6nu- where they left off with acton man don macrae announced ihu j when they copped the hrst game week the twoday far will take j of frst round plnoffs with place september 17 and 18 posting an impressive total of nine firsts a brown led all oak vtlletiafalgar high chool ents in middle school e iniin- atlons listings released eterday by principal w s blake revealed k f mccririck with eight firsts and one second nnd f b lush and s b cutnmre with seven firsts nnd two seconds each also rated special mention- oakvillel rafal- gnr journal colbornv by 73 although outhil 107 the red caps squeezed t h rough t heir runs w ilh their stud- usual capacity for timely hilling grcnke weaved a 10 hit pattern over hie visitors keeping all the jungles scattered burlington now 50000 watts a nw rug ft in good listening tho pigott construction com pany who hove the contract for building the new separate school on brant st are making rapid pt ogress in the erection of the building it was on june 30th that the first trees were bowled over by a bulldozer to commence op eration it is hoped int the school will be ready for occupation by the middle of september nnd for sure by october 1st mk kntherine swift 22 water st e who is a student of the burlington high school has been awaided the albert matthews scholarship in foreign languages of mcmoster unuerslty the scholarship is valued pt y0 and is awarded to the btudent enter ing mcmaster on her grnde xii department examinations on saturday lost the emploeei of a s nicholson ami son ltd their families and friends ind many of the local carpenters and contra tors who were their guests were devout and desirous enjoj ed the nnnunl pcnlc given by i rung the did not keep the compnn at hondas dru in s park work nn erecting nv si i t signs in the town hns commencea and the new signs appear ver neat and ottrnctivp they are be ing erected on sttsul standards and the signs tliemeles are hiuer let tering on a hln k tnickr itiin it will take a little i me for tom kn onian metcalfe and his me i to erect all the signs hut whin lompleted all streets in the will be named w hieh will kie ii uhantage- gazette both onkvllle clubs int b and juvenile captured laurels in their hrst tests by prodiguous counts the former swamped tuisonburg 173 and the lntter downed port dundolk by another hlfalutln count single act a man brought a canar from a pet shov youre sure this bird enn sing he asked suspiciously lkb a grnnd singer wud the ptoprletor the customer left a week later he reappeared say tliis confounded bird ou sold me is liime well w hut do ou want a singei or a dancer choice dwellings for sale a vkrv dehntablk property presently occupied as a dwelling by n good class tenant built of artistic brick ten room steam hea hardwood floors throughout finest worlanan- stuputonrmnzrtutswer soft water symcm inrge cellar divided by stone wall colonial design a stately property besides a large family dwelling or genticmnns estate would also make suitable quarters for a club or annex to nny institution the price asked la very reasonable only hnlf of what the building cost 50 down needed to own this very desirable property owner moved from town only reason for selling confidential nnd exclusive listing for ap pointment view contact low taxkh skvkn roomel 1iouhe with bnlh garage large int good garden hnrdwood floors almost throughout complete equipped with storm windows nnd door located on crescent st tbe garden of acton owner living away has no further use for property six rooniinl house anil garage double cellar nil conveniences near to plants and offices well located good garden these properties are at present well tennnted but is is wise to buy now for future use or occupancy m a iran transaction buy and h41 through a realta cars and trucks financed and insured f l wright wilbur st realtor and insurance phone 95 tow he ioio robt r hamilton opromirriust ok cikiph w ii lie t ur g a sirrs oflice tlksiav sfjtkmiiek lslh tomplkte elehioiit sekvice canadian national exhibition altuvr 2hth to sratksulkk 11th xceiu sundu oikktt into thk okoiinos krdurwl ff th v i includem lleturn mlmjl exhibition children 115 1kave acton ikavk jixhiiution 8t1fiurn 10j0 pm navlitit time khihtiitn pnatncm lraollln on rtular biib4 will transfer at toronto hum terminal to bukef ninnini into the ronndx ticketn and information at harold wiles thone 58

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