Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 2, 1948, p. 8

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page eight the action free press thursday september 2 1948 noticb of birth wrrlvea mod deatha n inserted in thla colons without charr in mctaorun nolle bc ik hrt lla mmuioa lotf potry cards i thank joe koszeijftn acton on tmowlny august hint 1d48 to mr mid mm wm ilctezell n on attocnson in acton on tuesday aujnwt 31t 11mh to mr nnd mm fltioat a atclnfcon a dnurh- tor barbeivmr ftnd mm barber h k no 1 acton wuh to an nounce the unte arrival of thlr won flt the numlng home guelph street acton on moti- dny aujjust m n little brother for gloria jean ooonev mr and mrs jack oooney are happy to nnnnunro die birth of their kon junh cleorke at the nursing home iuelph street acton on thurs day aujfukt ixith mother and baby both well cuimond mr nnd mm gulm ond r ii no 3 acton are very plonumi to announce the birth of tliour ron donald georce at the nurslnc home guelph st acton on monday aururi 30 a little brother for unda engleby mr nnd mw enrloby h u no 2 rockwoou wish to nnnouncc the nrrlvnl or their ron urnest krancln at the nurelnr homo guelph street acton on sunday aurist 2th mother nnd baby dolnr fine in mkmoxuam donali5son in lovlnk nemory of my dear husband john don- nlhon who passed nuay sept h sadly mlnsed nnd over r patrick in loving memory or n dear wife nnd mother sarah patrick who passed nwny sept ltt 104g her memory is nn dear today as in the hour ahe passed nwn ever remembered by her husband nnd family car op thanks mrs a clifford wishes to thank 11 those who have been so kind during her illness the flowers carets nnd other girts and the many kind inquiries have been deeply appreciated we with to thank our mnny jjtlends nnd neighbours for their jtrda flowers gifts and the mnny kind nets during the recent 111- neur of mrs griffin in the guelph general hosptnl mr and mrs harold l griffin t ahdttiai several londs of gravel have grentl hnproed the roads about town mnny went from here tster- day to see the train wrek in geo rgc town the ex ls quite the attraction for many these dnja and all say iti a great show ta drop of 40 degrees from snturda until monday was n prett quick weather change small quantities of brick are being delkered and some progress made on the new addition nt the high school hero watch for story nnd pictures next week of a new installation in an acton industry the only one of its kind in canada fire in the town dump on the third line gne the fire brigade a run on sundny afternoon al though little could be done except let the rubbuh burn itself uaoy 10000 for inventors ok plait tanks ten men five of them south af rii ans w ill rccelv e a total of j 20 000 i 80000 free of tnx for the invention of the flail tank vv hlch w as usel during the war for clearing minefields granting of this sum hits jut been recom mended bv the kovul commission on awards largiti independent broadcasting station vo jt nl vv jlmlfem j wuh the opening yeterdny of its new iio000 wntt transmitter cprb toronto teeomo the british commonwenlths mo powerful independ nt radio station heje cllve eastwood cfrb engineer show sing ng star beth conlgnn pnit of the t00 in lnllnti nh which will brondanst her voice to ontario llsleners on 1010 kilocycles tin lir coll is the hear of urn transmitters directional antennae svtem at r ght he makes a la t minute inspection of one of the four 251 feot- hljjh ttel trnnsmlttlnc towers the proof of toe pudding in socialist australia thr canadian kttiiminn an austral nn woman went fnont briibntneto melbourne to visit her son she took with her and hanked in melbourne 1000 loughly 1000 then the state renohed in and took nil hut four dollnrs of it to be exact the commonwealth rilled hoi bank nccount of nine hundred nnd ninety nine pounds and four shillings lenvlng her exnetly lfi sh lings it hnppened in socialist aus tralia n couple of years or to ago newspaper clippings say the womnnwnsflfthborg4utcdweul bet she w as fox nobody on be half or the state had said a word to her there was no procoss or law- no court action nn judgment no garnishee it happened she hadnt made a doctor had nn urgent phone call from a gentleman saying his small ton had swallowed his fountain pen all light ill ome nt once tepllocl thedoclor what aw j oil doing in the meantime whereto enme the unexpect- d answer using n pencil auction sale rurniture nnd houwhold rffcct the undeisigned have received instruc t ons from mrs i m tiiettord to sell bv public auction nt her residence brock ave acton en saturday evgrsept 4th cominenciiie at 2 oclock organ niykstnol piano type i ihrit v tflnr inrge couch large ie ithm t pholstered rock er lxteiusion 1 ahle ami t cainirs to match several odd rockers t jiest of prnu ers large 1 runk an income tnx return mnvbe she chest large high gloss cupbonrd hadnt income enough to require i nnd china cabinet extra nice proor new look in cosmetics iu the ntuehpubllclied pink uhk for summer coumetle a success or a falurv tlu anawer is 5v ani no de- hmtdinjc on bov ou look nt it according to ii ug merchandising the druuuuts businefes newsptiiv- er as n tnteivstlng mw theme onr bank manager to be lit tobmeth nnd filling comple ment to the new fashions it has bn a success at an entirely new tieiut su planting the de mand for djirkr hiut more vivid makeup it has been a failure this txwiclusitn is based upon n careful survey during which drug merchandising interviewed bus- inefcswximen ikuiunnakers teen- 44rs ctmunetlc salesgirls nnd an outstandltvg makeup export i find it hard to believe that women are going to go pink just because someone tells them to do bo said the expert adding that women mill mill wxar red if u their beut color a return there was she owed a shilling she said she had saved the money over a period of veois but hnoopcrstate officials learned she had a thousand pounds in the bnnk nnd a socialist tax department under premier chiflev simply took it nearly all nobody hosf any use for a tax- dodgfr but ou must prove him a taxdodger first as the sydney daily telegraph said the socialist governments attitude was just grab what shes got no not nil of it leave her sixteen bob then l she wanib to set up n squeal the can now if a so iallst government will do that kind of snooping and grabbing while banks are in private hands and snooping can onlj be done the hard way what on earth will it not do if the hanks are nationalized and every bank emplov ee from junior clerk to manager becomes a state official of course the monev may hnve been in the commonwealth bank hlch is government owned since the commonwealth bnnk s the onlv savings bank operating in the states of new south wales and queensland if so then the object lesson takes an even slinri- er point i pivm er chiflev lb now trvlng to nationalize all the trading i banks jn australia his legislation is before the high court of the commonwealth and will likely gu to privv council in a test of lta vallditv australians are showing gieat hostility because they feed that with one nationalized bank ace ounts of individual customers would be under control of the government of the da with all soi ts of abuses possible when we wrote our recent editorial saving we dldn t want gov ernment officer we hud no idea thai w itlun a couple of week wed get such vllnchtnfi proof of the- pudding nor did we ex pect the ccv to stiek its neck out the wa thev have a frieni in auitiuhn sent it to us in a letter with clippings of the row it raised rhe canadian stnte man wo id drop inf goto leg table rangette inri sij sideboard iron red springs nnd mnt tress diesser v nsh stand bed nnd springs odd bedroom chairs toil et sets mirrors extrn large suit case ft rnenes poll caninge dinner plates odd cups and snuceis soup plates odd dishes pictures garden toos quant y of linen blankets quilts pil low s bed spreads conl oil lamps sealers pots pans etc il rms cash settlement with clerk dnv of sale no reserve as the pioprietress has rented her home i1indley klliott auctioneers w bracken clerk chiming on all our dry clean in for prdmpt weekly service 1tt card in window eacii monday or phone 10s acton cards may be secured at cooper t clothing stoie or from driver master dry cleaners joe uoods hilo coveb add lo the lut or daily idea new yurks exjiectant fathers club mat made af vlnyllte ehceilng is placed on top of silage while eurlm in tlio reporu tho financ ial fobt maker ay mat by con- lervlne the natural heat of fer mentation and preventlnu evapor ation reduce the danger of froit to a minimum nnd presorva rfh- iuu of the allaffe make your selection of new wallpaper fiiom the largest stock in western ontario priced to uuit ev erj one t youll find it at chapples bookstore its wyndham bt fliulpli angus kennedy proprletom midtmfjit sbcaucuuf ryans auditorium iieijh utday miduiufjit sept 5 12 05 to urn tim eaton nnd his 11 pc orchestra admission 75c person the classified section bay sell exchange wanted etc ailvcrllsiiriiin under thli hillric 35r casftiwlth ordfr up g to 23 worr additional words 1c per word if cask do not ac comiutny the advertisement nilnnnum clmre50c and lc per i word addltlonnl for each word over 23 subsequent inxortton r i for sale lthl saik j hit ice box phono wanted wani kd experienced halek help apply mnher shoe storm ukis wanrudline spruw ihnstviood etc ihnne or write d roil saik plnno reabnnable a j mcijuhic phone 47rfi aclon kou salk coleman oil heater casskljundm iliijhvvny sum- iimmi one senion kod condition mervllle onl phone ooksvllle phone jyzm irfij flocks to supply u for 1mo hatch- hxjh sau nore oil ilenter waniki jroml ni new mn j h dennv with hatching etfus uower av inc reason vjunrnntewl premium kottsalkivory prnm with dj wm sut xwasz ap chrk box 2 free prs fon sale clover honey 25c n lb in your own containers ap ply ii llndds 1 mill st ixst and found koit kalis- cornell 5k expect stttavid from the farm nrmle commcrcml no 1 3 00 per ninck rrlndlo poll bull anyone bushel cnnndn llownrd farms jelnk snme please notlfv frank it ii fi milton phone 2h0rl3 holmes acton phono mrm for saii dlnlnc room suite dark oak 125 or for straight nsh juki apply box 15 fre press fob sajjsced wheat daw son lolden chnff 52 75 per bushel fnrdnn hume milton phone isnrll u miscelwneous smnikll jahifriv are -iree- tive 2 weeks supplj 51 lj acok 55 at coopers ijrun more coitn cirri in hy the acre jwith si ifprojmlled torn binder ii fob saii 1117 sturtobnknr i arthur ilnnis lehphnne hock- sednn in excellent condition low wootl lrl 1 it b 1 aton 9ib mllence apply w h clayton wilbur st no cobns no cnllouse-i- will be your sonn if van use lth pipes m noon londftlonwrn ijpttntifs tfi ivk slore sell cheap mr nellie kelly mnin stxcot actnn fob sale mount maple hol- bfcxxjme nn independent bus iness man nnd yourlown boss if you are ambitious fmustrlous nnrt i stein jnnunry bull cnlvcq trom n rood solesmnn applyt onco to abocvnt iron duke yorkshire i biue bban1 pboducts co honr a v currie osprlnre 7227 alexandra montreal quebec i fob saip blue convertible lokllni irnm lmrdvood tolrt 1 nvay plnptn also a oimmiulo newloreolly ffe tlvelnvntive ir proven fbwi a tives public notice roys taxi now operating gordon mrkcoun and roy goodwin arc now operating a taxi service in acton we will en- deavour to render the best of service all pahscnkers fully insured trips an v where or any time at standard rates except no local calls be tween 2 ajw and 630 ajw we will do our best to meet all trainu at any hour we solicit your business phone our office on mill st at 128 ir all in vr onlitlon woo ho mclne uss lor the lot lelep 2i2j uuessslulli for r years brln 1ob salh com 1 cornell hi kl k eps howch iteu 1 dnwson colden chnff wheat tim bus fall bye s2 50 k fall h bus all power clennetl cordon lxslle acton phone itockwood yenrs brings tones up liver active rtirei iii u able 11 1 12 11281 clearing for sale- 12 york plrs 8 weeks pnlr each aeroplane wheels tire size 1100xl2 nnd 15- ooxlfi with short axles bock elm plnnk w wnrd bruce it b 3 acton ont auction sale rx acton fob sale brick house de tached wilbur st nnd bower ave vacant possession enn be viewed at any time apply j h boulton wllburst ihonel73 nritnttttre iioiseiiolr kffeftn klt saik small clovi shop equipment new ateiink lo c uslom irnd in fine kovts mat s 520 dnv clear cnn be set n nn request eniuin s unfidentlal owner leav- inc for oversens s15ik linndl s must be cnsh box no 12 lie pr ss lovell bros meat market friday saturday specials maple leaf ilrarul bacon lireakfast peumeal hack smoked hack 65c lb 69c lb 75c lb liarrie ilrand butter 1st grade creamery 71c lb maple leaf smoked cot- tajre rolls 6c lb fresh salsace 13c lb quality beef lean shoulder roast 48c 11 steaks round 70c lb ijifialn and porterhouse 75 lb prune rib roast choice rump roast 55r lb 55c lb fob saik new skyline grind r new skyline fornco hnrvester usetl biar cat garderr troctr 1 bp new waterloo gnrden tractor i hp new do invnl cram sepnrntor new de invnl pressure system w 9 ihc iroctor on rubber farm- all a proctor mney tractor on rubber lights and stnrter usert bovvcnp trnctor cultivat or used cultivator ford-fer- kuson cultivators and tandem discs fordferguson 10 and 12 plows used 2furrow trnc tor plow 2 mnssey harris 2fur row gang plows international hay tedder used liny loader used mrcormlt k deerlnr corn bimur usol cut ting box used grain drill in irood shape genuine ferguson illler farm walton 3 h p ihc engine dodgt- 1u17 tnutor trnller white 11 iyuck chassis wiuld make good tow truck 1917 fargo iton pick up truck gem gcnn milk cooler new 194 rover sedan radio heater a r conditioning 1947 mercurv sedan 1917 plymouth special deluxe 1 passenger coupe new sci bicvcles used set klcctru harm clippers whites washing mai hines apply thos e hewson leirgtown ihone u2w mackenzie afetua i he main street of acton has taken on a new look with the addition of two new stores in the old theatre building this week the new look trav elled up the strtet to a new siore being opened by mailers we are repln ing on old for a new trmk to improve our service if ou notice it running around minus a plat- ttam sou will sec that our i ust timers work tomes be fore our own are vou planning to lav linoleum or tile we have un ample supply of untempcrcd mavinke or plywood suit able for underlay ste you miiinlte sunday at the cton park pavilion j n mackenzie sl ih untlenslgnitl hnve received instructions from a n perry lowllny publli auction at hhe- home mtuited nt the corner of ajt- nos ond llgin greets actn on satl iuy heptemner 1 11 ii commencing nt i 10 oclock the following iivin room davenport suite end labl wkker flow- r stands bridge lamp halj kntk wilton rug scatter rugs t urtains p ctures etc dining room onk dining room suite secretary book tase coil heater and pipe- lln- oltums set of dishes ah kinds of cake plntes pitchers wnter sets platters cream pltchors sugar bowls fruit dlsnes tea pots htc dldiukim hjunrnjile bfd- room suite llnlshed in mauve solid walnut bedroom suite tom- plete table lamps mats etc chllds cot kipchkn furniture- able chairs quebec stove with oven and water jacket singer drop hend sewing mnchlne korc el ectric rangette new kitchen cabinet good as new couch loc omotive electric washing machine ironing bonrd wash lubs palis pots pans ten kettles btktnjj dishes bowls cooking utensils i of nil kinds garden lools lawn l ciinirs lnwn mowtsr shenri etc fltwir linoleum etc hunncs i tevms cnsh no reserve ns the proprietor is giving up housekeeping parties wishing to see this offer ing mnv do so on wetlnesday sept hth from 7 to 10 pm or oy ap pointment phone ml acttin we recommend thu offering lo the buying public it is well kept clean and as good ns new i hlndlev and elliott auctioneers phone milton or erin a floyd smith jeweler watcheh ctxkkh jevveijcky 7 qmbex- stret wnl iuelph ont pollock and campbell mabuteeturan at high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north gal teuafltonb tm farnworth memorials mobunwnu al mwlenkta lrim cemetery letterina elsra rj a cmmtwy uueuptl onv

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