Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 9, 1948, p. 1

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n jut stu tt sevcntyfonrth ytar no 10 acton ontario thursday septembfr otli lm8 i tirlit home print purcs six cents acton schools big enrollment opening tuesday 4 i braiiumival oakville chief wedding saturday i at st josephs church addressed the nlnurcd klqjlloll decornt altoll kollirv the nassagaweya lidt r li with parked ca council approves 0n mill sm ol deer hnnl trustees dean and kirlmets juftiim arid two arc appointed for the unexpired term multl coloured klmli i st josephs church acton on turdiiv soptomlw r 4th fo lie curlnp jmenlh dhimuim mnrrince of ijilrloy mai eel 1 j v iu tlu tubject of n thought duvnl daukhter of mr and mrs i provoklnr nddr li jclii f w- ijccthc wlll b sold to rat wlljod dlvnl acton lo lllno iollcc john ivrrj of onkvllle on ilu lie r im ph brnlda son of mr nnd i i uesilnj heron- the jlntnry cliin i a cm utllcr uetrth ol mr s braidn acfon jlev v j j of acton with hli fht linn i ktplemlier mettirlk moiin oyflclnted nt the douhli jiontmt ulth iwilh adult nnd jinei inc ojimiinj i lie delinquents chief l rr had i immnlnilin from the given in marrlnce h her father i many observations that viik w i lailm nt l i-nnd- nnd konits clinirmnn 1ivelt presided nt tne reculnr meetlnc of acton sclu 1 he bride uore n rown of whlti forndod ho quoted tin net which sportsmen s a-s- ooiml held tuesday eenlnr- in in with full skirt bodice of rln ed all under ik n soclntlm uwi prismt to discus the counnl chnmber nt 7 10 pm hanuuj inci n t ok nnil imiih juvenile but pointed out tluu i uli the cininc il ihi advlsnhllltj all trusties w re present llnr trimmed with jed penrl mnnv or the worst problem bns illnp a den nnd pheasant a nn hei floor lonrth veil fell ftoin n nnd rlrls were nbovi that au um ln ownship nfli i n action was tak n on a lettei r celved from the pin mnrshil to im nled mriinil hi ndilress nnd she nd ien up to 20 jeqrs carried a cascade of led roses nrd itii bnsu cause of hhmp complywith uk recommit ions wiu nn7i ww hw lpunqui nr thp chl f re a fire escape fo the pumu m rft of up rmom wm onvirnnmpn m of rmrm school etc uif1 s mstor p duval w is there an executions to thit ii on motion steretnry ni direct mnui nf honour wearing turquoise h id nut for no ulpm whin thi ed to offer reengngement to miss tntfetn mntchlng mlttln delinquent y would ho w lived out l stewart in the capntt of miime nn lun nnd carrying talis a ions ns up hnvi di linnueni tenclur nt 40000 pw nnnum mnrt s i clecn brnldn sister i ndults m enn omct junifs of on motion the socretnry vlris n the qm m as bridesmaid wore this tjpi directed to ndxertie for npplunt n milnr pmn of pink moire tnf- lons for th position of irunnt fta mntrhinc mittens nhd hend- officer drts nnd carried imp pink ron- sccrctma wns ouihond i cure hdequnte lnmirane on thr vl- jumnnd draida and wjifii-o- t2 aljolitlon of tin pulp or so dltlon to tht hlrh school trim thl dunl jr nttended the grooii caiel comil hooks and crime gore fire insurance co nnrt tno ujiers were kenneth stories 1 amendmt nt of tht at t pnpillon nnd nino brnlda ml tli en were four things tlint chief derrj felt would h htlp ful to juveniles il jlnnnwl mov inr plctur programs for children by motion secretary was direct od to arrnn to hae the smull to nvoe of oeorkctown uas room decora t d for the ncranr rolmst the rectption was held nt th kirknss prndi dntitvn of the tencher trustees bean nno dnrdens guelph deavour following appointments tendered their resignations fro n b mo rocelvlnu in a the board which were accepted ry wine dress black nc with reeret the chaumnn expie- oessones and oorsnrc of talisman 1 hu appreciation for iheir ser- nc vice and wished them continued il f crci micces in their ne fclds of en i wck accessories and i corsnee of red roses were l ucat tn o mus- made from uie chair dr f g j th hnd cho n p oakes to finish the balance of 1048 b mo d term on the property committee p matching and mr n l bowles appointed to sor on their return they will supply committee for the balnntx resme m actm of 140 torm mr mcktnzle reported overflow devonshire iojxe erodes throuchout the school there holds meeting at bcinc a full class of 50 ln the kin- 1 m cuitito iercarten the teachen new to mkix t saclon are mrs vlllklnson grade 4 tm r i v r- v d o i w the duke of devc nlii e sopt- mrs bell grnde t and mia m- tmbtr mettitb was held nt th to prohibit childnn under 16 from attending shows labelled for adult entertainment only nnd 4 stopping the snk of toy with j pistols the chief also fill thnt vj 15 57 arthur grade 2 finnnct statemt nt co erlni july and august optrntion was nassel as follows finnnct mattnuiit idwrinj july nnd aurusi opt ration w i iiasmhl as follows mik ii u mcdonald ins w knight d t c w knight dt coin tins woods co supplier west co supplies f a olliff lleanint can geocrnphicnl in w d i nlbot suppht iloy s elect ru suppht s baxter drucs supplies qlobt and mail advt j inglis co rt pairs macmillinn co supplies fret prtss reports symon hdwt supplies workmt n s comp bd bell 1l phom mrs parr tan taking cope trnnsihirt curtail hydro lght hydro llrht j a kerr cutting jr is bell itl phiint lu v nn norninn irlng j mi mullen repairs o m htndr supplies helntzman supplu s oxford preas supplit g v hiomiison suppl us buntin cilhts supplits homt of mis pet smith with the rtgtnt mrs n bilicl presiding it wnt propostd to hold the u unl tag la at tte aton fiir protends 1o bt u d f i foil i ir it is for bntnin driut tw ton n good y m ca with proper supervision nnd planned progrnm was helpful in providing a place for young people to gather and hnve fun of a wholesome nriety a question period nt the jose was cramped for time nnd it was hoped thnt chief derry wouid be able to return later to complete this part of a verjl important study lome scoli win second place in cne content sidt rah disi uulon i he follnu in r otution wai passtd i hnt this c ouni il nuthorie the holding of n dter hunt in this i ownship this senson to be suerisd h the department of iands and uresis i he litensts sold to lw limit el to ilritepnyern nnd limited to one hundred in t nunibf r i hnt w sujesi to tht dtp irtnv nt that thh i ownship should 1 1 t le stmt flnnnt ml ti tuins fuim the lieensi s mld wt fui thtr nuthorlzi the holding of a pheasant huntthls season jin ndditionnl fee of fifty cents to im added to ihe tost of the lictnve to be turntl over to the i in ton county sportsmen i association aliounts amounting to 5225 00 and the hand superintendents outhtrs nmountlng to 21 16 41 wire ordered paid i i ho heee nnd clerk wire nuthorlzed to petition tht minis ttr of public works nnd high wnyi for the interim payment of the statutory grant on ro id tx- iknditunt to angust jlst 1948 a resolution was passed grant ing uic usual request of canndlan ltgion acton branch for a wreath and programs for rcmem hrnnce day another resolution w as passed as follows tli at this council pttltion tin halton county coun cil to petition the department of highways to have no 7 hign wa white mnrked from acton to georgetown nnd beyond on si ph mlv r s nt u to am tn tin curni r of mill nnd h n d ink st a mi driven b wlllieil i sttiu ttilltdf d w ii h a park d nr in harm of i dwiud i llmtt hi it15 pi j mouth ow ni d by i li c ripps aiul opernttd b i dward i llmtt was irl d it hum two sir et lights on th i fl suit of tin load facing west and was urmi 1 ti pit d wilhtrt stott was driving wist in a 1111 lord toil i u in il h donald mailntvn iik totif struik dm i ukid tin on i im ruir find ir cjiiiijijt dit fi licit i j ml i l ii of th pkniti itli d mn r to tlit- pkmouth was siimnh d at d and tht vthuli was in sum il ihi iniikt if tht oirs dam ir d tht t on pn i ii th it ft fiont findir and thstromil its sit t ring i it 1h i of tht two o i ui nits ol tin t ai w n injur t tl i he danuij to this vth t it whiih was unin uid was t timattd at kh as rt no t jinrge rns hen laid lull it is fh1td i hit tin w it t mnflt onstnbh th ims inestititetl tht in d nt old hoys and an itnfinislird job with holidn- oir wt n lnrt ing to h a r ngnin from tlw acton old bovs nnd dirls with dnnntlnns foi tin ttttn oininunltv swim ming pool i ht last fev wttks tiavt hi t n prt ttv dull on th s front hith at homt and awav from wn i mrs f drown ng of ioront wliih in alton tlonntitl 5 to the fund it memht nn tht tlns w h n sh hvivl on park avi run and wis still inti rt sted lo sit furthe- jail iniprnw mi nts ii in n luisdav tlatlslon hiishantl who now lists at ojdens lutrg n stnt a nie t ris 10 hill nnd n the noti ncitimpnnvtnr il sa 1 inn rt member tht ihrill wi rot whin wt toultl wim to th tjuaitir antl thtn tht halfwas slunis and to tht log in tht otln i sidi of i ur 1 aki ai 1 n mi mix r whn wi first had to wiar trunks nnd if sse forgot tin ni wt had to im n t hi loo i out ft r dan rnham porn m it a t l iars tto stmin my i add iv tonlributiun pievioiisly ai knowledge d 1o00 mis v drowning toronto fm w i hushnnd odenshurg eramosa oelers action on request tor deer hunt oibcf items at the september mealing held in ftockwood 1 he rt unt il foi tn i iw n hip of i fmios t mi t in th i m i it ill n st ptt mbi r 7th at 7 10 witt ill hi on mlm rs i rt st nt i r 1 kt is d li i r i in tin t ha r 1wl is in i i ir i mil llutthmsou iml i ii i i i that i i ink das in 1 1 1 1 i i i p dm antnt empios i undt r ihi t m m plosmtnt insnrarut ct moved by com rill n- ii nhnm inri hutht rford mil t arri tl ih it tin hontl in uriimt ht increased from 20hjj to a 10 it t j r iiiium of sljr mini d h ni mi in i i hit hinson ind an h d tl it tin i port t f hit t i sn i ip uid i r foi tti pt rnwl i mu ir 1 t i luty 15 1hh and tht n p it f t hirh ssa autlitor for 1 m7 i atttpttd llioijruvl iif- tin dluarlmuul 1 of llfigmvatsvii tu rhf y kiimi arrnnmtnti sstre mnde for meetings with the nelson and pusllnch township councils for ijocal lntcrtest centred oiu year around the lome scots band on music day nt the cnna dinn nntionnl exhibition this band has alwas taken a high place in this competition nnd this t nr won second plice and 250 in pri2e money under bnnd- tnd s mrs cmt prt m id master pvrrott thty played in road inspections thtir article of clot ing to bt stnt section ii class b group and i council adjourned to meet ng ui wire just 2 points behind portion mondns october 1th 1948 at colbome citizens band who wonsth pm s350 and the waterloo troph here ls the standing of the mvtn bands in this contest 1st 92 points port colbome citizens band 2nd 90 points lorne scots simpkonnuhtinc ijc wedding saturia at st amcank ciilrch i all standards of 1 itiioli do oratt d st albnn s an cliur h in atton whin i illinn mat dn ugh tti of mr nrd mrs wil am night tnnlt of acton bt cum tht bride of donald tore slm oi son of mr nnil mrs jnmi s snip n mof fnt hit revtrend w i uxton b a officiated ckcn in mnrr ijt hv nt r father the bride wore i fl jor it ngth gown tif white net ovtr slipper satin wltn tmd ce and sleeve of brotadetl sntin and li ilo headdress holxling her embroidered veil and matching nitttn her imjuui was a castnd of ameri ihe amount of 28 00tnxes and uty rstsan htmvmdii tfic interest was ordered stiurk sht wns ntended by mrs arthur off the 1917 tax account as un nibhtingalt of hockwood winnr collectable i kn of pistil hlui n t over blue lotal to rev fr morgan ueixomed home fkom overseas visit following the 9 orlork muss n st josv ph s church inst sundny mornlni hev fntlr morpin wns w icomtd home irom a two month trip to the british kit s pn n tntion wns mnde hy thi pnnshiin ers nnd an address of wi icomi wns n nd by norman bralda and mr john ki nntdy prescntid him with a pursi on behnlf of tiw r irinlon ers 11 to thi hlldrens hosp nl in f ni 155 00 mrs wolfe nnd an nrtltle on l tilt bplmdid work htii iljnt b 2 1ki many int listed peopis for the too den f blind mrs matonws mrs baird and mrt- ami m iscn wen 4th uists of the cn l it i lunckon 1 k ut which lady mounlbnttin wts band georgetown lfa i the cuest of honor and mrs balisi 3rd 89w points brantford 4 10 1 told something about th occasion m monnl concert band iy a cuest ftom each cent- was eu t ti 88s points newmnrktt h 16 1 en the opoprtunitx to spenk nnd citizens band 1378 vrs matthews spoki hriifh about 5th 8fi points biamsvllle cltiz 6 1- acton 5 1 hosttsst arvin rtfrtshrnnl j9 1k1 mrs laralk i mrs hamll 5 ton mrfc grindell mrs garrttt 9ofc district school board deal- ith pupil- requests de jjcj 12h j t gg1 l 30 00 9 hi l 0 1 is m 1 94 05 ens band fitii 844 ponts harmonlt 1ort ttelllt quebec 7th 84 points dundns concert band donations to the swimming pool rk l i a r oinnlere thi fall ueduetibletor lax 1 swimming pool for cton to taffeta ss ith shoulder itni th veil and blui tornflosser h to il t i ir rietl vtlloss roses aid jahs hi v smthimums mr ivan i ay lor ot m ffa svas htst man and usik r wtre mr john simpson of i oronto lousln t f tin jroom and mi fred nihi ntak of viton hruth r of tht luidt wtddinj musit w ii play id is mrs oakts who jrivd i i iv ou lyulv during th s gning of tht rtttr tht rtteption w ts held nt thi homi tf the bndes parmis afttr i tht cert mony where thou fiftv ihe north halton high school fut cutits gathered to wisn the young couple happint pink and white streamers and aiiumr flow i rs decorated tht house f r the oc- iasion and the bn1t s table was tentrid by a thr e tierd cake flanktd h two silver vase- of ink roieh mrs william nightngik moth er i f thi bruli rectiv d ss iring n perivsinkle blue- dresj ssith inj of palt pink larnat s and i rn sht was a sisted b mrs simp n in i tvso puce insembk of h t llu ssith a t i jf j ink 1sssusess slndas school has asm l 1mcmc 1 ht annua undav sthool pic nic of niusnasst a prethvterinn t hurt ti w as htld on mondas aujiut uiiii nt lowxllle park with a spit ml id at t ndunev a bountiful lujuh was srsed to tht gutluiint at 1 to t tltnk a varud program of sjk rt ssiv condutttd dui uu tin afu riuhsn baseball was pjavii thi suptilns htln on ti i in himi md 1 is e at initio if ttu r i x s svire s lid i svs i ills t s 1 ll i l i lui i v rt man toils s u ht li t d a i mt mtllm tirls li- 14 nth i int frai r u s i llts t s t rj k b ns n fcvott oimpthsll bo u ix ut is d retire ixtugla i imiut 11 iu s 10 a l imt r pied dun can t ampin 11 i hrt it wvd k us bom lush and douglij e imph 11 rlnur iiretlge ami dun an campbell kliking tlve shtve athertne kraser margaret dredge 1hjws w ere gi wn to the w in rvers and the usual goodie were distributed to all the children all returned home reporting a very enjaable day secretarj reoeie ruling from national revenue dept keep your receipts u mil has bum nnxlsi 1 bv mr 1 mrtitiulu somurs ot ttu at i n eommunitv ssvimmint 1 that dyuiuti iiin t this fund art de- iuititlt fr iu inionu t is vii u tsipts isiuid should theitfoii bt viiriluhs rt trstd m i il ti u ih ur iu xt ineonu is rt turn hin l tlu ltttir fiom tu i ut iu nt n i u il htvt nut ia iti i divis on cunadi in liu dnik lh auk 11 ml ut i th t i u t n svs nm n 1 ill i n out u u l u i iu lis uisd n uhnutttsi i s u 11 t i its k n w mint 1 i iv joi i it u hi itt n fi i hon s iumvii n i kt i is j hi 1 jj t u itl w u lis v t u us idsissj ti u tm 1 i itim ihi utk si r jet i s i iijuxm bs t ii ct i mi luinusi is i deduction n 1 t initik the t isal it lnionii of the i in ir ln aseordnmv win ml ub jeot to the limitnt oils of tht ibivi ihtntamthl set turn of th ait ours irv truly j s or in for deput linlstt r jjf i luxation district boartl dealt with a num hi i of requests of pupils and par t nts for pupils to attend schools in this and otfrtr districts inst thursday ev ening tht men ting was held in acton high school iv en t y eight cases were dealt ssith twelve from terra cottn and glenssillioms were granted permission to attend georgetown high sthool as it was more access itilt than any other school trans jkirtation will bt provided to other than milton nnd acton sthoou other n uiim mattt rs svnt tit ill with at this nutting and u uisimirtation axrangtd before to nts r munittts where ssvimming pools tht opt mng of the term anite l s ire tn oik ration and i htldnn met tint sihedulttl for tht u f t n t s 1 britain is worlds biggest car exporter i united kingdom nutomobllc mnnufnrturt rs inst june exported i more than 20 000 units only 1- whv0 less than thi rombini d ship mi nts of the us canada and i ram e in tht pnsious month the intt st period for which com parable figures are available fc-x- ports of cxirtimercial vehulefi in the samt month numbered nearly fifoounits ltss thnn 50 short of the all time record of april last the value of overseas sales of lnited kingdom agricultural trac tors and parts in the same month exceeded 1500 000 jg 000 000 more than 16h0oo000 272000- 0o0 worth of motor vehicles cars commtrual vehicles and ag ricultural tractors ind their parts and ncctssorles left britain for oversea in the first six months of this year dur ng tht ssetktnd wt travtll ed north west and saw two com ss is truk it w ihh 1 ssas ijli i r urn 1 it u il i h in purjt t md t rni ssen having rtal fun at durham board in mlltt n tonight this had a i intent basin for tlw i hiuirtn nt vi r is incles dup imt it was tn uh for the small om s tt trs out i few strokt s ind it wtn donj somt running 1 ill ss dis n it t h in st i i ii p n si tlu- st ii it iv motiimlv tui ptn1 and just utuut tht uinu i t t n rthimrts 1 htsrt was a 1 iu up for tlu nftcrnottfi t inn runt and jhvu wn full mot tl turn it still h is s nit feme t ih o nit 1 t i t ut t s in us r il souiik ml d if th it limun ts s uuij nu t in ug i pt s ss sst tii iu ttrui onie f itt t u 1 1 i iix n ss h hil i n tl nnus f i i iup it ttu dim n 1 1 t i ivtir tutll h hil irt n ssi rt 1 isti ii ib ut it t t s in tt t r rnntory hi h i just i r minilt r tl i wt st 1 t ist m unf niched task i t n v pool ss uld hivi t so la i t w awtlttnil iis of th pist ft w sfks but 1mj sunuut i ssill hust dass just oi hot i ht i k noss is to finish it j b t h jm tt has i mw rport on iddlllonnl dt nations in a ssx t k or 1 tu w irkirs hist iutdthl i jul alas t t t s and fern for tin sstddlii in i h piotor th tht r h ion u d k it h nas s ut r i s lurn tht s w ii rt si li all grades at the public school record of pupils new ddition to high school not complete 184 registered in iubhc school ttntrnct foi 20o0 s lrds o cmdied gravtl with tin lit inn i i mstrui 1 ion co nt rt p r yard delivered a lettir from thi fu tpn town ship count i i connrning ttu hail way approach at tt iwnl ni w ii ortleret lo be filed no nrtionwas ink n tn tht tp qutst of mr it c w mcflid- dery ftir a lonn fa- llle drilnnce mr i i ftiuld interviesved count d tonttrning the iwtslbillty of tin purchn t tf somt vnc int lots nt nr watt r sin 1 1 it wai r m- uu rt d that stime effort should be mndt to find an owner before iuch lots could he sold for tnxet no at lion was taken on a re- out st for rtnt for a reliefeo mr thos b thomson discussed tht question of his assessment with tht council tin matter s t laid over to the nt xt rourt of revision the bulldinj insjiector was aut honfeid to isru a pi rmlt for n house and allosv th owner to re side in a kniiil for not more than one ytar while the house is under lonstrui tn n in ssasnlo lut lor it d to takt immttlinti iction for tontnvtntion of the building by law in tin casi of i chicken house twin mov id and used is n rest di nts ft pi st nt it iv s of the di pirt- ment of ami ind fishi rit s wire pnsint to discuss tli possibtlity of i tit r hunt in uit township liu rriattir ssas laid over to bo dls- i ussed at a sjiecini mi ting to be t ailed by tht peeve in the nen futun two mi mbt rs of the sunjrbnn u iph high school board measr it i leslie and frenl dugield weie prest nt to di scutes possible bus ioutts in tin townthip and to re qutst snow tlenrnnie for the st hool busses attounis amounting to j4b 15 w rt passt d ft r wiymt nt and ouncil adjourned to meet in the ntxt regular meeting at 1 pm on ot toot r th ul il t i 1 ill 1 m in 1 l it ni 1 1 f r i n u 1 i n ir i 1 tc i piu in ttrms of our mont v in ita lodiiv it takes sut to mntih the buying luiwer of that lountrj j pre war si i dlstinclibhl d lndiw 1mtors the earl and couutcti of uountbatten mid llurnu arc shown u they tci ped frooi a trans canada air line north star at montreal airport from shiaarm ireland for thort visit m canada earl uountbatteo lu wu use rit governor general of india and an out tt a tiding hero of world war ii opened tbe canadian national exhibition at fofooto oo ism reittra to fkland earl ajountbatten will astutne commaad of oae of th cruitrr nadrons of the koyal navy i n vli ik i iu d un i ut s das w th bt th tht hilii and pub lu schools taxed to iaii its at th publu stl tt i pi int i 1 mi k nit rtjtirttl i total tn r in nt f im u t if i f in kina i s in tht k ii irt n 1 im nl f 1 ut lu s rt n in i t n ss r j n t n s b m ks ttjuii rn nt ii 1 tl i t r liiuls f r t l s i 1 ui us ir all put h vi 1 juld i l in uh tit at t n si at tht llih s i 1 st wart l ii an ir im it ll ss i h w il likfls bt in l reuse i luting iu net few days when i up s art sttlt 1 un riutts and tt i i nmliriiil ix urst kits in rttioii 1 i n s r n ind ttjui hum fir i nm re il st rk ls nit rtads ui i in is ik t nd tht i t i f l f tl ir- ft ts t u i tl it t ui luit h re id t r t r ni s ml work s tn ui usl d t u i nntruilois iut ni 1 an t lis 1 i lurtt st h up f iuur t lr ratlt i s t l upils lit bus route i pe ruled by l i imtr w mv ding u wrvlce f r tht north part oi kaquesing nnd navsagawi y lownshtpa die pe w buu pun hosed by m r ller ls on view at the canadian national exhibition and will not be in acton until monday this week another bui haa town pro- vided for the north route acton pcpils are st ccessful in mtsic ewminations i ht following pupils of miss 1 sndn stewnrt a i cm er5ai wtre suetssful in ex4xminatlon oi tit koyal t nservatory of music f i iront cradt hi p ano honors bev- rls hyde r iletn t rank rntie v plant honors donna 1 millan chnstina uimb ula hji im v iii harmony honors mi nally pusa albert radt shirltv iost rati 1 1 nors i hm l history iirst class kt nut th harrison honors k t i in alb rt i ost pash m nallv dan hrotksillt ii ill h r i day s t hn ssi n i fu hra ition liu 8 v pm sn ig i uncn wrvid admission st albans uilti are ho d ng a iruty i- air friday kvenlnr nov ith and suturday afternoon nov barn dance at claude p1cktt farm seventh elue 1 mllaj north of hornby tueaday sept 14th moderalres orcheatri ad- i mlulon 50c bit

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