Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 9, 1948, p. 7

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twurstkay sfeptkmbeh 9 1048 the acton free press page seven salam wanted dead stock highest cash prices cattle w00 eeh hvm 450 each hogs 175 cwt all according to size and condition calx oouueor gajlt iiiu darling co ltd choke dwellings for sale a vkry desmable property presently omhileit ft dwelling by n good class tenant built of artistic brick ten room iiuftm hentod hardwood floors throughout fineat workman ship and materials were put into thu bull dine u convenlencei soft wntcr system large cellar divided by stone wall colonial design a ntatoly property betides a large family dwelling or pentlemnn s estate would also make suitable quarteri for a club or annex to any institution the price asked is very reasonable only half of what the building cost 50 down needed to own this very desirable property owner moved from town only reason for rolling confidential and exclusive listing for ap pointment view contact low taxkh seven roomed house with bath garagd large lot good garden hardw ood floors almost throughout completely equipped ulth storm windows and door located on crescent st the garden of acton owner living away has no further use for property six roomed house nnd garage double cellar all conveniences near to ptnnts nnd offices well located good garden these propei ties are ot present u ell tenanted but is is wise to buv now for future use or occupancy lor a iran tnumartjon buy and 811 through a realtor cam and trucks financed and insured f l wright wilbur sl realtor and insurance phone 85 gas ranges designed for use with ssotan 1a1t cuan simfult ovtltlxi ovinft it ttu t iiimiinh longixl to i ook with gutt- it j u a mini modi rn raiigt lion u v our i liiitut nn iiutluhlt in htrvumlinthl nuuli b tin wi it known make of gtut rangth hi mils built tor uwwith bwiotjitu 1 hvv light unto matunllv no hntokf no rihi ciuh cooking in i iran tjiiu k lfw trouble thiiuunintl too lmiwi fmi 4 l ar w dttmtt by im1j oil llu4 mf u by mu 4li ptumt mm ikwwi n4j 1 ooi u 1 fit so w ubl f alt rsjy 10 4w w imperial oil gssotane limited toh4nto wahu cahliton plact clm htki i it i i i i i i fluna gu ifrvlrt 1ibiotai oil limited b i burch 8ut 1 unuitu x odtwo i woult ikk to know num bout kmotad- fimm mntl ma iii 1 i lin or okliluui your khkk imm uluautej rw which i1u u abaul uxu b hv hami hmu rid ntomhumhl v ll t chronicles ot ginger farm i news and views of halton farm iritfra written spocully lor th antm fw lra gwendoline p clafcke milk irnluwn to toronto mmrkrl muaauaibd with lrraont mnrbrt- iw condlllcms the luck of tucjunte rnlnfnll coupled with the lijnt wove tlic innt week in aukut him created ljut sunrlay mornln thro of u rlou tl tzt lli7t l 0 jn iriw in pnttlculnr no lm or tuy nc- rtsv e itlrr wmch u hnvm the o flclnl opening of lis new brn and live admlnstrajtlon building nt miip held ptlc llstt ii n now nvnllnhle from p m hdidhciid milton alt no j who i he able secret nry of the ilulton agrkulturul soilel i hiih hlth 111- nuthorltlei have imhii secured to offlrhite hi the line in the per nns of prof m w ktnplei of the ontario agh- cultunil college on jerseys k a innlw well known iloliteln breed- or of brrmtford ji iioktelns nnd wm brooks of piirk outstanding hrelir and exhibitor of ouern- fceys on the latter breed vil kmdy to oph nw iliiritm from nn nhatidmteil pig pen to n palatini new luirii in three years of operation jh tlitstory of success of the- mftplc cattle breeer as- nexday she would be in englnml non px on a inrge perccfii- ee3 though she had uu hours to of 1armtt wlnt jdlng wait in montreal a x watched jnr prevailed in n great many her plane disappear into the blutf h sliuf j it seemed impossible that nhe vis oar modern showroom 8 carden street gueijph ont opp urc hall it jim kit uiwl mamtio tiu initio unoletjrt waix tujeh ynslllml la ullchtih kllhroon itellwy stom ottuxm eta vtjoou hanoerw far lunt or wohk done keating tile co uloyd k keat1no formerly guelpth flooring service phonr mi6w oukini afttf hottrt botm should be here one day and at home the next but so it is and her visit like all good things ha come to n end now the hens and chickens cats and kitten all look at me in surprise when i feed t hem because cicely had taken them over completely what her ph cow jane will think of her desertion 1 dont know- and i am not likely to find out because it is partner not i who has taken over jnne again lnst week we really had qulje a hectic time crowding in ns much j w of 1s nn we could in the little mme that corn too has been hit hnrd and is a disappointing crop in some oases it lias been pastured off nnd on a large percentage of halton dairy farms will fall far short of filling the silo added to the dairymans pasture and corn prob lem is the unsatisfactory condit ion existing in the toronto milk market many shippers report that they have received payment nt the top price of 4 05 per cwt for only a fraction or their ship ment and the balance nt manu facturing price according to ro- ipmt thin has varied in some enog nt tjp price le on thursday next september lgth when the guest speaker will be col the lion t l kennedy minister of agriculture for ontar io visiting the unit recently the minister expressed surprise nnd delight in the phenomenal growth of this artificial breeding unit which stnrted out to urve one township nnd now servei seven counties nnd parts of two others th directors in planning thin opening cwomony decided to hold open house and invite anyone in terested whether members or not legardless of brved nfflunlonj the formal program will com mence nt 2 ptn hut some of the members in rome counties are poultry and eggs wanted phone milton iw for belter prleea halton poultry products nnd 55 nt the necondniy price ws loft nnd of cours there wnn nimln 70 nt the top price pnnnlnb n huq trip mi lundics will of s105 nnd 1ik nt 2 00 per cwt rpunr work to be done ts well wemnnnired to km n bunhcl of tomwitoe into jnrs between qndd- incnnitrntrrtnlnlng be nvnllnble the ground- while the new milk control act provides for collective bnrrnlnlnk one- dny we went to the hx roprcientntlveb it would nppen nnd ni tnr n i know it wns the thnt when the neuotlntlons for the only thing in cnnmln hint ckoh lnst pi ice incrense took pine e the didnt like she slid it was too producer rcprcentntivl- overlnok- nolsy too commerclnl too untlilv includlnj in lite bnriiln nny- nnd too colloisnl i wns dliippnln- thing poitnlnlne to snle ioiidilloni ted nt her pcnetlnnnnd he n ijeicllc3t ndd ondl of snl tnlnly didnt see nnythlne worth representatives it would appear i buldtiim atrtrgc icwt j through the co operation of the loini lndle orgnnlzntlonn it is while hecnuw the noise nnd the crowd worried her much thnt she couldnt utny in any one build ing long enough to find out whnt there w nt to ice so w e rn me home b trnin n lot enrller than had been our original intention of course there li no denying the fact thnt the exhibition is 1cr- nblj nokv nndahe litter nil over trlhutors the groundn simply appnlllng but mill the fact remains there ls plentj to see nnd much to h nrn if we enn hut nhut our ces nnd ears to whnt is undeslrnbl next vvednesdn some of us hope o go ngnin although partner kshoiir signs of backing out nlreidx he sas he is nfrnld to leave tlu farm for erv long because the horses and nttle need so much watching nnd watering with the continued dr weather nnd there is alwivs the dnnger of fire of unknm n or igin a neighbour hnd n jrnss fire start in his inne the othe- dn and no one knew how it started fortunntelv the soon hnd it under t ontitnl hut supposing eerone tin thnt fnim hnd bexh aw i to ihe exhibition cioeh nnd i hnd one dm m tor onto that she enjoed i w is inrt- k business to chetk on her plane j reseivntion when tjint was done we hnd ten at the arcndlnn court because i wanted her to see that toronto could put up something better thnn n hotdog lun h oun- ter then we went to loews to see a date with jud it aos quite light but good nnd we enjtw- ed it then we were shown ovet the toronto conservntoin of music nnd listened to several violin solos we nlso ibited with m slater and nephew until late and then be came we still had time to kill we looked over the ronl york i wanted to show clcel w hnt 1 or- i onto had to offer in the wn of first ihisi hotel nccommodntlon nre equally ns important to the milk producer ns the price factor as we understand it the new milk control act no ion gee permits the ontario govjsrinment ior officials of the milk control bonrd to pln nn part in establishing price or conditions of sale those are the i esponslbllitles of the represent atives of the producers nnd dis- the art dots however mnko piovislon for toilet tlve bnig- nlning for arbitration etc and once an agreement hns been reach ed between producer and distribu tor leprcsentntivos or a tlr dini lus bet n made b the bonrd of arbi tration it is then the duty of th milk control board to enforce the agreement or finding it would therefoie seem thnt wlii ntw nt kotintioms take pint e this fall between producer nnd distributor tepiesentntlves t hnt not only will pi ice receive consideration but nlo thi qutstion of the basis of eti- tnhlishng tiuotas and other t ond t ons of sale in short om e bit twice sh hajton diur cuttle breeder achieve honors ut clnel the judging of ayrshires hol- tcins guernseys nnd jerseys took place at the cne on thursday nndfildn inst we were pres ent only for n portion of thurs days program of judging and con- sequentlf ennnot give a tomplete bulls picture of the nwnrds while the i entries were fnr short of prewn standards nevertheless there wnt n good showing in nil four breeds nnd each had their quota of a large interested ringside in so fnr ns we could determine halton was represented onlv in the hoi st tin ring where entries of hnyt umlted r c given f pellet- teilo sons and j f trimble made nn excellent showing the highlight from n hnlton standpoint wbi the junior championship for has been vtured for an auditorium and tills will iw seated with chairs the new bnrn to replace the pig pen h 12f feet long nnd 38 feet wide with sixteen box rtnllu n hos pital or ixilntlon stnll feed room and breed big room located in- front of this is the administration building 10 ft x 40 ft where the management handles the affairs of the unit and the processing check ing and shipping of wmen is done this is regarded nt one of the main industries of the village of m ft pie 1 miles west of richmond hill iju memheishlp hns increased from b7 in june of 1015 to approximately 12fi0 at the present time including owners of holsteln jersey and ay rshire herds about hnlf of which aie gindes w p watson ontario livestock commissioner will also speak and as stock mvn know bill hns nl- was n ver appropriate message ami set retntmnnngei g w kt f- fer states thnt mr watson has a most important proposition to pre stnt to the membeis nt this fur c lion president norman poi ter of ihornhiu jms sent invitations lo a huge number of livestoc of- fuiak anti rrlentts of the dniry cow so this promises lo be n red le tei when the cars nnd buse from biv- tn ounties con vet go upon the 17 ntie farm of the maple cattle breeders at the northern limits of the village it is interesting to note that to date visit ort have coim from several of the ntates alberta jamaica and palestine ihe buildings nnd bulls will be on display all afternoon ns well as representatives of the get of these and if mv memory can be relied by tne jun vvftr upon i believe the hovnl orkoin i herd mrt of f po sons 1 match or surpass the rlt2 the cec- i il r the carlton in london finallv we wended our wearv wa to the railroad stnion and at j a m e arrived here nt our local station i had told bob n it to nut t us ns wl did not know how or when we should get home 1 h it sounded all light by da light but at j am the fm t that if n tavi showtsl up we would hiu to hk oti a mile didn t sem silt li a gthtd idtni but w wtlc lutkv a taxi dnwr pftssing t vtw tlu tr un pull in ami on ttu ihn t it might pu k up a fare hi w ued he ol his fan all light 1irtmr juki jjifm med m thil a ilit sj i inkling of nn is ma ri itk nil vf iiopt it p uis and iuis 1 lu tlroiight ii iuil laitl on botii nihls iml birds striii la i luituid two jtatts o bin in- i ir hni i nl i in ling u und litlt ntw usl lmking fir v iter s for the iows ihev havt r j p i off in tht it milk tn n n 1 uu v ai m fs on i milk tuot i iiinn hu ti iml i i it i ws in i it b ii ii i bu mote i im il s i u essotane gives the hottest flame thi i is a triu s r n i tu tii- tr 1 lu is blls t 1 unit ii ui klllk w it r i k u 1 i tin usand g illons urse llvt we k and dumptd t nit v tin s tei n foi w hat s flu n d t a tvathroom if the wnttrwt rks uns div of milton this anlmnl m g sovereign ormshv will be recalled as the reserve junior champion at the 1m7 uoval and ah canadian hull talf for 19f7 ibis animal was bred hv max m iibc of fteeman tind to i ssri pellet terlo and rtvnrflrg we tt nd hetu tit st crvigratinntlons havs limited were strong t onlendt rs tin ought nit nnd vmii tht ir quota of lirsts seconds nnd ottit i top awards in tlu jerse ring another hal ton hietflet uas in tu ii nim ki e reft r tti mauriif iw al w 11 known iis brei tit r f m hon who was assistant judt in tin sin nj 1 1 isev stuu it is nidi ttl n sin ill h nui to b s it t tt 1 t at t in this i ixult nt a show ilk tin c n i mil o mr b h to w txtind our sinttr longrttu 1 motis to this itdilh lion of ms ihl t a- an aiithnritv in u rs s nicdl s t uld his tibllitv as a hnt th r f hrss ji is tt n t knii d m halton for mini urn mil it list veusknil his tatth it o k i iiumlv r of t u u ii aw ir is w m h fti ut d ittt nt lt i fit m tin it is iiithus isis u row can id i on ths populir son if hilton pollock and campbell mmaa9etanrm ff high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north galt telephone 24 lifiil a dolul mwn and you can buy it yci whether u s that imart new camera yciuve had your eye on a better vacation ncxi year a new dining room snile or a home of your own you vc made a good surt toward getting it when you put your first dollar down in a saving account at the ilink of montreal ihoutantk of our good customers start ed their bank account with just a dollar or so t and they hae never regretted tt why not join this 11 of m family hrt f your objective 1 hen start saving rrgulary youll be surprised how quickly your money mounts up remember though it s that dollar down that counts moat tbe dollar that opens vour itofm saving account todays the day to start it bank of montreal acton branch w r clayton manager canada s first bunk wowtno wth uuuduui im cvist wuk v u una wt i he mokt comfortable temner- ntiurv for the kitchen is about gc degrees f during the winter i full on iulrj miov immiu tu 1jktabllah a kreord hilling the past ten or t w i tars thf milton f iir iuls tmhttrnt nottsl for its outstanding holsteln unci jtrsev shows this vear a count v guemsev show has leen added sei nil in all we wm expect tbe best nil round dairj show yet y canadian national exhibition al ist 2hh u shtemhek 11th oxcept sunda direit into the tikounds iteduced return fan- 205 inrludeu exhibition admbuilon cliiulren 105 leae acton 1j5we exhhhtion jug turn 10jjo pm daylirht time evhihlton lutsmentrern travellinr on regular bvum will tranufcr at toronto huh terminal to btweu running into the groundm ticueth and information at harold wiles phone 58

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