Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 9, 1948, p. 8

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page eight the acton free press thursday september 9 10h wot ice oi flirt tin uatrrlikc antj tvatths rv trnd a this col urn without ehrn in urnnfuta notice pc and mm per n avddllloakl for potry card e ir 1 th norn robinson to mr and mn hnrry robinson on wedneutny sept ltd nt gnelph gonri it i hospital n son ornld rodney gordon mr and mm wnmncc gordon wkh to announce- the hhh of their dntightrtr judith mny til ouelph general hospital on september uh mother and dnurliter fine bwackhamerat uw general hospital guelph on tuesdnv auruu 24 to mr nnd mm wal lace swackjinmer the rir of n daughter carol ellwiheth n m- tor for donnld nnd linda medonaij mr nnd mrs archie mcdonnld georgetown wlnh to nnnounce the safe hrrivnl of their dn ugh tor nt thr cuolph general hobpitnl on wednesday mornintr wept 1 1mh a sister for normnn fabian mr nnd mr h fabian nro vrry hnppy to announce he nrrlval or their daughter pti- rleln m nt the nursing home guelph street on frldny sep tember kr phh n mstor for john mother nnd tnby fine holmks mr nnd mrs f holmm mcdonald elvd acton ore hnppy to announce the birth of their dniirhtor margaret jnne ann nt the nursing homo guelph street on frldny sep tember 3rd vms a lter for peter nnd brb mother nnd bnh just fine matlktrkn bapllif cfiur august 28 normn bene sec ond eldest daughter of mr nnd mrs p j fctterly aeton to joseph frederick crowson of toronto son of mr nnd mrs crewron wm flamhoro ont braidaduvai in st jorintij church acton on saturday morning september 4th vms bv revv 7 morgnn shirley mnrcelln daurhterof mr nnd mrs wilfred duvnl to rino joseph bra id n son of mr nnd mrs s brnldn nil of acton in mkmottlam nightingale in fond nnd lov ing memory of my dear hus band aurthur nightingale who departed tws life on sopt h 1046 there k a unk death canjiot sever love nnd rememtarance last forever lovingly remembered by his wife nlwnys apricots a rich source vitamin a vitamin ntsnyi on fruits nl the dominion experiment nl station summorlimd b c wiyrt a w moyn hnve rhnwn iiprlcotjt to bo nn exceptionally flood loiurte or vltnmln a vltnmin a in nprlcots like othei fruits nnd vpgetiiblps ik present in n form that is not ev- ndly the vltnmln itself nnd is call ed piovltnmln a or enrotono this yellow plnnt iuhtnnce is convert ed in the human oi nnlmnl body info vltnmln a that is nutritional ly active in everyday humnn nutrition provitamin a or carotene 1 the chief source of dletnry vltnmln a either directly in the form of fruits or edible green or indirectly through dairy products nnd eggi from tho feed eaten by the cows nnd ben even the high vitamin a content of fish liver oils comes oilrlnnllv from the carotene pioji- ent in the marine plant life the vltnmln a content of apricot unt found to rhnge from 1100 to 7 000 intemntlonni unlth per 3 ounces of fruit which makes apricots equal to orr olk the best summer buttei hioccoll leaf lettuce jounc ennot nnd sup erior to most vegetable- ipt lhe green lenfy ones mich ns spln- ac h t hnid kale nnd mustard greens apricot nre nbout twice ns ifch in vltnmln a n either peaches or itnlinn prunes both of w hlch ni e considered good crewron-fetterly- in acton purees of this vitamin while lhe satordavr nsldernhl with variety nil vnri etles nre n good source on the bnis of ncreptad nutrltlbnnl stnn- dnrxls npproxlmntoly 4 ounces of fresh nnjrieot will supply the aver age adults vltnmln a require ments for one day vitnmln a is well retnined in canned nprlcot some lois ocrurt however in preparing nprlcot puree thl being partially due to the removnl of the skin which is very tlch in this vltnmln letxters keeps hot nnddry schools reopened on tuesdn with lnrge enrolment dust h blowing on tlu fields that farmers are endeavoring to prepare now da light saving time ends this month nnd then th das will really shorten labor dny was nn nwav-from- homc dn w ith many from here attending the cn e school days nre here ngnln motortmu should use care ard ctiurtesy while the children are on their wn to school as well as returning to their homes rex ceo hitching who preached in the united church here on sundn morning received his auuiorlt to preach from the acton methodist church in 1895 tws is the first time rev mr kltchlng has visited the churca since 1h95 he is n brother of mrt caldwell and mn moffat ll is 70 dgre below eio 10 miles above the tnrth but 40 milts biglter up th juat vould tnul water ut sen levrl one of the pleasant experiences of life in enjoyed when one has a letter from some friend whom he had not heard for a long time lnc watered trnuy such a communication is likely to thc plants shoujd be placed m a suggest pictures of the pnt and sin row rnther thnn in a double outt way of planning y joftrpli ijin uutlfdti a lot of people seem so ltltten with the idea that iome hoi i of i linnfle will prmluctf sudden mlr- m les that tlyy ometlmes overlook the fact tbm just going nbout our own huslnes of working for our- elves hatjit done foully for us as a matter of fact no plnnnor of n quarter century ago would have dnred to promise nnythlngllko whnt we have to allow nt tho mom ent to take just n few items out of our slightly bettor thnn two nnd a hnlf million home 57 por tent nre owned hythe people who live in them beyond tho cities wheie npnrtment arent so num- erou 81 of nil the homos nre owner occupied almost every second home w hetiier owned oi rented also hat n cuf better thnn threequarters of them have radio n 40 per cent of them have tele phones- hnlf have rofrlreratlon nnd n qunrter hnve n vncuumr clenner you mlflht senrth nbout uie world without finding mnny plnces that have n much in fact move off this continent nntplry to dnd such n plnce but the mteiesting point 1 that we hnve dona it by ourselves by rwnntlng things nnd goln after them nnd petting them nnd by being free to do just tjint it took plnnnlnp of course but it wna our own planning with out persunlon nnd without compulsion do not crujvd tttnicw hcdffe soil should nlwny be carefully prepared for n new hedge by dig ging out n trench about eighteen inches deep nnd at least twice as wide ns the sprend of the roots of the young plnnts saya r w oi i vcr assistant- ornamental horticulture central experiment al farm ottawa a llbernl dressing of well rooted manure should bo dug into the bottom of this trench and covered with a few inches of well pulverized sandy or clay loam top soil when the plants are put in place more ot this good top soil should be put around the roots nnd firmly tramped down before be- vics photography studio i i nnt to yjcay 10itkat kniaiuiemjcnth wlai oaiiikiunoh vic bristow ihotoiophr vhont n5 mill st to bring up scenes of former days which one had enjoyed in company with that frtehd thc mind dwells with strong interest on such associations of former years and it is realized that life ha been a rich experience to crente thes ties with interesting nnd inspiring peo ple it is n pleasuie to learn w hat the friends of former dns are do ing nnd hetir about their new experiences if the hnve had tioubles and anxieties smpnthy is stirred if the hnvehad suc- cess and happiness one is glad for them such letters form a new chapter in the stor of personal inches apart experience it is a fine thing when mem bers of a w idelj beparated family can find time to write to theh relnthe such letters bind the fnmil together nnd it is pleasant to hear nbout the interesting things the relative nr doing in order to get letters it may be necesiarj to write them with some frequency if one writes to a friend that person will probnbl be induced to write in replnnd thus the tie of friendship is kept active and ivid it could be added that letter writing is extellent practice in the use of english the people who write a good mam it tiers imin skill row with the plants staggered this latter method usea more plants and more bpoce is harder to trim into a good shape and al- wnjs lenves n poor end nt a gate or path where any unevenes is the distance apart at which the plants should be placed will vary with the material used and the height to which it is desired to have the hedge grow erect grow ing shrubt like privet and the true- hedre columnberrv usi d in n low hedge should be placed nine inches to one fobt apart more bush plants which make a taller hede should be plnced about eighteen deciduous hedges should be planted in the autumn as the leav es are nbout to fall or in the early spring before the leaf buds burst evergreens are planted in september or just before new growth starts in the spring oakville a ellknown onkvillo couple rev v b cainell and mrs cas- v011 vill celebrated their golden weddinc anherenry next tuesday september 7th at their home on balsam dnu formerly centre acnue until further notice the people n the art of composition so oakllle arv advised by tho letters are a tie that binds hearts health authorities to boll their together and the keep alive ikin water nu mones and enrich life this burlington despite the heat a ioodl iimd braved tlu blazing sunshine to cheer th lontestants and tflve uiilttiv anglers these modt rn dins sometimes use their own or hearts indorsement to the b y c llir hvdmplane to curry them lo red cros w im leguttii i event i r ikes of northern which bids fair to become an est ablished louil tiadition ihi nr u bnn ux thervs reull natural ampithentiv fornusi by th- lll in tin icla high siioivs of bur ingion s ii haibor the bright skiei and lilu the reaion for precaution is a blockage in the water and light commissions intake pi ix which draws water from tjx lirke on the west side of i the town i he james h kendall leather mfil co whose plant at the cor net of colbome and navy street was burned several wieks ago has punbaxeii the plant of intercit torunte ltd cross avenue and will lesunie opt rations therx sonu time thu fall pwo eur old rofo rt o lears ontario where the fishing u sure hmi mu m sta frim l ni bring thrills theres realk ins kntuv august ittth when lie stphd off the plei where ih statue of queen victoria has ixfii jemoved from dublin s par- iiamentaiv lav n and put into stor- nje aerial ancjijius wntfi nuulf a krft 1 1 he t in foi sivne tllltsi with uitin and ml iest mi v k 1 rath i ti mmaii r th lntei 1 rhun watei aiaboirl aiuiouiust ttus i liu stlnv i mornint that the tun mi waterlg lawns and giilei iwd rn n lift l lhe hut hngton fui- ih i iittnint bail a hot tine answering flis inlls eiplall ova tjie vwvk nd when they unswereii iv aliim on sunda mr and mr c a hants hjivt i must rvtvl an invitatioa from the bml s 4nornious neat develop ijulnant ginernar of ontario keen interest in this bird they and mr ry lawson to attend single it out for special study at rptlon at qumni park on wei- the hoal ontario museum of nrtday afternoon september 15th zodog from among thousands of at 4 oclock to mt the honorable birds there exhibited they want john a couello sctd prime a closeup examination of the ospievs oi ftshhawks have been atrial an t rs all down the cen tum 1 hese gnat mir is t 11 b e alwavs usen dresied for the sport with out her sw ailed modem imssoix uilskliw or at bast witm mmutung just ai etfbuni phi ii ig thtimughlv waterproof- ni wiui ot aiationibts who have wtthed the ospre fudiing in some shining lake of the north- i m i who have admired the enre- iul pis linutiarv jvitrol of the like shore the sudden dive with t ilons imlwsi for the kill and the adjustment of the prvj head fore- for t rnnsixirtation to the md another small child were pla mg unalteiuitd bv an adup vh r- ith mi kim who is tinploed bv tlu miinimiarn construi hon co saw tbeihlld topple into tlu wutti md in t matter of stconds hid him vifelv on hor btt e lhe w rs exit pt fot i had fright keisirdslar minister of ireland and mn cos- ulla caxmt equipment of that aerial anler of uncanny skill farnworth memorials monuments at mourmt ctemeteiiy uettebing rlsrs rd at mtry ulcomi ont cuahimc on nil jour hiry demnlntc vor irmpt weekly sarvloo tut card in window racii monday or phone 10s acton cards may be necured at coopei u clothlnr store or f from driver master dry cleaners joe woods iaii vaik iatkh for lotb bvent of this imhtrict the llit of fall kulm ami the dai upon whloll they will iw held luii ihfen ikiui1 by the ajsrl- tllluial sncletlen branch of the ixparlment of agriculture he are home of the nte in which our reinlern will 1m intercited c n n toronto a ton milton leoreolown mount forejit puihnm rerjui ilnrrtk braci hrblne cnledon conkvlllc london now hnmhurc shelhume cult ilndiny orankcvllle aherfoj lo arthur v wntcnhmn nfnrkhnm bolton sliectsvlllc brampton hrln clrantl vnlley hoc kton teeswater wniklbrlilre auk 27fpt 11 oct 12 sept 2425 sent 1718 alltf 242s sept 010 sept 1011 kept sep sept sept si pi sept slpt sept sept 2123 sept 2122 sept 2829 sept 2829 sept 2829 sept 30oct 2 oct 12 oct 2nd oct 79 oct 9 11 oct 51 oct 9 11 oct 5c oct r 9 tl 11 1314 1c17 1713 1718 1318 1718 m15 2125 the classified section buy sell exchange wanted etc advertlncmenth under thl heading cash with order up to 5 wordii additional word lc tier word if cash does not nc comjmhy the iiflvurtlkemcnt minimum chnrga koc and lc per word additional for each word over 25 suhniuenl insertions rou sale kok saii- a 1 mclianc klt sam pply i lh a tony jmano renhonnlils illume vtri acton slihmx pullll unit phone ii iii v- ai- wanted wan 1 kl firl up youne wo man for rentnurnnt work apply watiin dairy bar iolt sam i liked one iienson ihone 292m lemnn oil heater inod inndlllon 1 ok fiir sam al illl unvlil pups toi slidilon nearly a1x l0t in wartime one of the oxcuijjg for heavy tnxea wna that taxes paid nubsidlci on nccesarlca and t liuituoutconcumapptlcnq davjtl nearly all tubaidlen have snt wiped out nearly nil taxes stay the wime i of i th ilne lrln ivp lok saii j imiril imipe ulth ruinhle sent eoul tiies and inolir tlsil w ii ieal il minmalil lllvil h sam luh model a i- mil mfiiuli end omlltlon to fell for 1 tiest i ash nffei apply i lionuii hot i lili il uw mk sam 1 blue box ront with whllu fill collai size lfi aku tahle lamps new apply mm ii itodv 11 11 slent st loksam 1 brown km trlm- med tnnt 1 bust and 1 brown ciinl all kl it in kood ronilltion mrs lliufirnve yonue st fob sair mount mnple iiol- steln january hull inlvei from ahcrwat iron duke yorkshire boar a e carrie osprlnrc ih wantiuj lln qpruce hnsswood etc ihone nryrlte i j t iisseli ijlllklnk lllnhwnjr sllm- tint ihone vksvllll 1 lr wanll i applications ill recelvid hv t lw unih rslfmed until i nilnv s il 17th fin the position of iriiant officer details of lut- i s mnv wi iiriil upon tprilnat- inii vv mlildlelon set arton sihool ilonril wanted 500 baby sitters for sitting pretty coming to the roxy theatre soon v folks apply for your baby sitters dont forget orangeville fair tuesday wednesday september 2 1 22 see the fineat ijve stock competirik for 350000 in prizes a big afternoon of racing 2jj8 freeforall and buggy races for purses of 50000 swings rollers wheels midway bands evening premiere dancing wednesday evening in the main pavilion to modern and oldtime music w h hunter josecooney president secretary lo v ell bros meat market friday saturday specials maple leaf brand bacon breakfast smoked back peomeal back 65c lb 75e lb f9c lb schneiders crisp crust lard i u irint 30c lb burrie brand butter 1st grade creamery 71c lb fm4h saitsake irc lb maple jckt smokd cot tage rolls ghc lb shouideirb 50c lb lean skoulder 48c lb sali ljenlty robuilt ht tub nlv ennmol u imijr also 1 slightly used nfo washer apply liox 10 kror preos for sale brick house dt- tnchml wilbur st nnd bower ave vncnnt poiseision rnn be vlowcd at nny tlmo apply j h boulton wilbur st phono 173 jxk salk walnut burfot avuryjcilchencuphoant drosiit stool bed nnd prlnks i trunks solid oak hnll tree all in tfood condition apply mrs joi ki-nt- mr willtav street j- oh salk smnll clove shop equipment new cnterlnp to rustom trnrie in fine cloves mnkta 520 day clear can be seen on request inquiries conridontlal owner lenv- lb r overieai 1500 handles must be cash bo no 12 kree press kok sauk new skyline orln- der new skyline fornre harvest er used bear car nrrion tractor 1 h p new waterloo tjirden lvncor is h p new de laval pressure system new i3o laval cream sepnrntor w ihc tnr- tor on rubber karmnll a tractor mnssey tractor on rubher liht nnd starter used cultivator ford ferguson 10 nnd 12 plows 1nrd koruson plow shares usr nnd sttel lenulne ferguton tiller used furrow tractor plow 2 massev harris 2furrow rant plow s international hay tedder used lln londi r ikhi m or- mitk deerinn corn binder used cutlink uo used crnin drill in ktindi shape farm wncon h p ihc kntfnc dodre 1917 tractor trailer white liul i ruck chassis would make rood urn truck vm7 karpo ton pickup truck cm fnn milk cooler new lm9 hov er sodnn mdio heater nlr rnn- htionlnr 1u17 mercury mouth simclnt deluxe a pnssenrer coup new scp blcclou i mt uwed electric farm clippers whlti washlnr machines apply thns e hew son cleorrtjtown phon 132w b por rent io klnt fa7iir7 ooilion ihone in ist and found usl itonson llrlilir nit innn a ton park p o box lht km small child s n d win els no x dais mrs d c maplcsden it m d- kcwarrt- kidd i ir hetiun to ciiir h st miscellaneous si nd weeks r tablets nre effective i lweeiqlu mlllncs sawmill ciistom sawlnr riven prompt service at nil times it 7 rth line erin ivp coiin cutiinc by the ncr with slfpropelled corn binder h arlhur harris i elephone bock- wood glrl3 kb 3 acton 9b would like orders to make littl kiddies smockevl dresses apply mrs ijiwrencv yule behind bnrrv irocery store npartmont down stairs dkessmakjnt for your dreinmakinr requirement coats sults nlteratlonn etc contact hazel tnrzwell co mrs j vlckery yonre st indigestion hendachei ner vous try proven fruit- a nves fnmnun herbal mcdlcinr- usel successfully for 15 years brlnps relief qulckl tonci up liver k ops bowels nrtivt re stores roo1 health reliable atgcenqte atetad wearv and reluctant feet an treadinr up willow street nriiin vvith the herinninr of sthool hie summt is mi but coud in some of the mot hers will be hnppy w itti the thlldi en buck at school lhe previous prediction of this column rerordlnr th mimiln of anthrncltf is il- s rtadv pruvliir true we have- been able to keep up with the demand foi stove coul but hope our t ustomers reiulritir nut on i w iii continue to tn patient we hall ih making clelueillt as fast as w tan re iv the coul ste the school kick riding in tht lnss bus we viewed with c n at the kxhlbulon j ii mmkknzik 4 son adents door to door sales men wanted lo stnbtish a business of their own wlh r ur jji junrnn teed household ncesilthm splen did territories vncnnt in your dls- tric t unlimited posstbilltes for lhe ambitious person never i duir senson experience not elpntlnf bul a car is if you select a rurat territory very little cnpital need- d htt opportunity of iirtlnr a huslness of your own writ for frfl ditnlls and caialooue to familkx ihoo delorlnier mon treal make your selection of new wadpaper the truest stock in vestern ontario priced to suit everyone youll find it at chappies bookstore its wyndham st ouolph angus kennedy proprietor mortgage sale under and by viii hie or the powers of sale contained in a certain mortrare which will he- produced nt the time of snlo thert- wlll he offered for sale by itiank peyi aaotionr public auction on vkdnftiav the 32nd day or wkitembfr ib4s nt the hour of onethirty oclock in the afternoon at the farm of thomas mckrrr milton ontario the followfnr property namely all and singular that terlnln parcel or tract of land nnd premises sltuntc lying and beint in the township of exque- iijr in tlie county of hajton and hjlnr composed of the west hair of iot number six in the second concession of tho said township of i squeslnr t ontntnlnr by ad measurement one hundred acres be the same more or less which innd is described in mortrnro numher 1kk to rihe agrlcultuinl ievelopmcnt bonrd on the said farm there lu said to be erec ted n dwetllnr housn suitable with farm hulldinrs 1 he lands will be solcl subject to a kim rve bid terms of sale firt per jitnt of th purchnj montfj to in uill down nt tho time of the sah the balance to be secured j h ji rnortrhre with interest nt j four pi r c nt per annum for fuitfiei partuulnrs and conditions ol mil npplv to illl- commissioner ok ackin lilral 1xans rist block parliament ituildirirs iniontu ontario i a i 1 d at i oronto this tn lav of aiirust pj1h i wn yu ckt iimi k tur tinquir aujt tnlil lihmi ifrfjjll j nd iv thkee imo advintasti tone lite cutt off the danger ultra violet rays that othw wik reach your eye tone lite admits all other rayt useful to viuon tone lite adda to your appear ance because its delicate tints blend with your complexion wiruwiimiia ami fit tone- lit1 lam cecil a cark 8vsvx opual i iwujum hl ti 1m1 guelpk out

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