Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 16, 1948, p. 1

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tt juttfn jfrtt ftz seventyfourth year no ii acton ontario thursday september ic icmr rtkht home print piikes six cents baxter labs install new thermodislhier new unit will more than double output of dintllled water acton students advance to other educational centres only one of its kind in canada a now mnachlne the only one of its kind in canada went into op eration recently nt the bnxter lab oratories in acton its purpose in to i a number of students ironri ac- iton nro furthering their education bv attending higher centres of lonrnlng j the following fouitoon represent aetnn nl the various colleges nnd udutntlonal lnrtttutoi aldo brnl- dn nnd mary siit will bo nt fond ling wostorn university nt london ont u lion it lonpons for the com- 1 ing term aldo brnldn is tnklng a j course in science nnd mnry slrrs in nui sing rny arblc armnnd provide pure dlsmied water for j nrnldn and john agnr ulll tnkc the solutions prcpnred by th firm in greaterquantity thnn previous ly the new machine will deliver 240 gnllons of distilled wnter per hour against the former 100 gal lons per hour enpnelty in the two fifty gallon dills formerly used its n long way from catching fttoom offthe ton kettle for distill ed vvfver to oils present method nt the bnxtor laboratories his intent method known ns the first used in the south pacific and thcrmodlstlllatlng process was developed in milwaukee wis courses nt the ontario agricultural college tiny arblc nnd anmnnd brnleln nre returning for their sec ond year nnd john agar for his list don ra joan sonrtcrvhlc jack mainprise george elliott and phil pickering nre attending the university of toronto don ross is in medicine jonn somervllle in second year of physical education inck mainprise in third year mec- hnnlcnl engineering george el liott in first enr of blochemlstry nnd phil pickering also in blo- chemlstr shirley elliott is nt- by the cleaver brooks co maker i tending toronto normal school of the present unit who also have i and tnklng a kindergnrtcn course installations in arabia africa nnd for teachers ernest west- is 2100 gnllons per mjiifr m ivirorufflrfr the froe preus visited the bnx- j n u r a i n g and doug mnples- ter lnborntorlow while mr thomius don is nt the ontario vctorin- blshop was nt the plant cupervls- i nry college in his fouroi year ing the installation nnd learned r- actons fourteen ndvnnced tdud- some of the details pt this really cnts are gaining their education nt marvellous mechanism instnllntlnn ami iinnica i- acmns rourteen ndvnnced ttud- upper picture is a general view of the thermodlstlller that went eight different centres in a variety operation nt baxter lnborn- wc in acton thlnknur sratcrh of courses of course theremay torleqlnacton recently pumpt acton loses two citizens who have helped community acton k lolnp two cltlscns who have taken a keen interest in this j community during their reddendo lure and mnnv friends regret their rcmmnl hut wish thorn every sue- cess in their new fields mr tl dirk bonn has purchased n farm and service station nnr englehnrt and leave tbls week mr bean hns been nchvo in the work of the united church a member of the board of stewards sunday school teai hor president of the ys mens cub and district governor mem ber of the- jy m c a board and the recreational committee school trustop and no doubt other phases of community life which we do not rpcnll nt the moment lie was on i the office staff of beardmorc an1 co nnd has spent si yenrq in c- lon b m avlsworth loaves shrrtlv for loronto where he opens n law i pi net ice mnr hns boon with us in i at ton sinre his discharge from the rovnl canadian air force where i i ho served with distinction he was n rial worker in the acton branch of the canadian legion served us n municipiil councillor has hctn 1 i seen tnry of the acton roary nib since us inception nnd a r-ui- loimly council gives approval oil wage inciftases plan to have simcoe county council visit in hal ion and lel written exclusively for the can adian chnmplon nnd t he action froe press pmplovocs of the county iroadu depnrtment receive an increase in their wages hnlton county coun- t tl decided nt their regular mon thly meeting held nt the county buildinrs tuesday nftornoon council approved of the recom mendation of the rond committee that all workmen connected with the kpnrtment should receive i f vecent nn hour incronse in their wages reeve w h blgrar hairman of the commit ire told members it would bring theli wag es up in line with otjiors they we re receiving seventytwo cents an hour no advised members ilso nppioved of a spcond recommenda tion that the remuneration of wm j in ard hut our plole list is almost com- esquesing coiincii approves ol deer hunt a quite pure but nt baxters all this bo more pf whom we have not vet municipal wnter is first delronlied which makes it the equivalent of commercial dimmed water this new unit adds nnother process of purification jn rcdlstllllng the nl- rcady distilled wnter mr blhhop gave un a very fine ovplanntion of the process hut somehow we found it difficult ns a invmnn to follow the flow through the seemlnply endleas piping past cooler tjirough steam compressor which is ronllv a supercharger and flnallv emerging ns the finest dis tilled water the evaporation unit has 760 stainless steel tubes each 40 inches long the raw w nter passes in side this tuhlng nnd steam is in he chnmhor around the flow com pressors super chaigers pumps motors nre really all combined in a erv small spnee to do this work the pictures which nppear this wpok will give some conception of two meetings hdd this month to deal with township business the regular meeting of esques- j ing council was held tuesday e- enuir september 7lh deput- re o ot orge currle councillors ileorge leslie ii craig reld and ilfnd bird were present reeve c e cleave presided accounts authorized for payment the outward appearance of the un- included dcpt of henlth for insul- i t- process of cold wnttr in 2 17 georgetown herald and motors are in the foreground of the unit while at the loft is the section pneked with btainless steel tubing through vhlch both cold water nnd sioom pass the large round section in the centre is a steam compressor or super charg er iower pictuie shows plant supt gordon rornvnldson explaining the mnny intricate vajves nnd gad gets to general manager william benson the capacity for produr- i ing distilled water at the labora tories is doubled with this latest un- jit stoi appears in nnother col umn free press photo lime for community interests ho hns conducted the law practice hero of langdon and aylswrrth consumption ol power must be curtailed here it the steam pressure etc iq nil bone nth this covering in nn intricate system which works very efficiently student officer back from an allrsummer course john mnlnprize officer candi date with the university naval 1 division returned home this week from an allsummer cruise there were mnn ports visited in bermuda cuba jamaica can al zone mexico usa and van couver island john is a third ytmr student in mechanical engineering at toron- kund superintendent on to university nnd court next week prin ting 5 91 province of saskatch ewan charitj for september 20 00 bell telephone co 4 25 dept of public welfare 9814 mrs w caves account for meols 46 20 sheep claims and valuntors 40- 00 hawes and nelson july and august accounts 85727 george town furniture sales 34 00 rich ardsons hardware 13 54 mcbean and co 9 00 mrs w caves rent 20 00 road accounts of 2 874 52 and relief accounts of 7950 were also passed for payment a bvlaw was passed to assess the several school sections of the tow nshlp another b law reappointexi the differ- council approve building lighting system for park oiarge laid for theft from eton stores in court resumes his int bails i moved b currie seconded by i luid that this council npprove of a deer hunt in the township of estiuesing on condition that bos of the licenses be bold to resident and 50 ef license fees be retain ed b the low nshlp the total number of licenses not to exceed 100 can led at police mutt in milton on wednosda jmjitembet 15th tw o i uses witv heard james a lwi- of 97 hudson dtive loronto char ged with cureless driving was ac quitted 1 he car duven b lowe uils in collision with u ivtir of a trm k ewvned bv mount denuis construtum co 1 he ueeident oc- eurnd on numbei 7 lttghwnv jubt east of alton on august 30th in the second cas art hilmul mat ivugall of marv st hamilton chatil witli tht theft of two wal lets from hinton i to 51 hi and u sweatei from m cnip r on tues setembt i 1lt h was convict- ed and rent md1 oiu w e k foi sentence the unused pit ideti ui tv to the charge explaining i dldn t nsalize id taken the stuff when tnkn into iustodv bv chief har- rop macdougall was in posslon of half a bottle of rubbing alcohol later confiscated bv the irown this was live f rst case in whuh acton merchants had luul charges for peitv theft from stoixs but we learn that sexerul merchants have lost goodt in this wav not only 1 he adjoui ned meeting of es- eiuesing township council wus lu id fi idav aftimoon with nil membeis present reeve g l c itvivt presided mr fellows assistant to the munli ipal engineer nttt ndcxi the meeting moved bv leslie seconded b ketd that i m bennett be appoin ts i a coiuh tor for the lown ship of kmjucsing and a bluw be pitpirtsl to covei the same cur iiid mov 1 bv curt a secondnl by bird that the road sup i intend iu ik instructed to transfer from c ipit 1 account to rojid account itu amount of b ik 00 for gar- igi tmst ruction as purt payment of account pr hnwe nnd nelson c irrieti movtd l luslu btcxmcied by rt id t hut this council htition 1 ho ix pit iiucnt leasts of arena to ys mens club approved plans ap- proed for improvement of cnr crossing on main street application made for sub sidy on streets of acton acton council met in regular session last evening with council lors w mcleod a mclsaac f dav ison and deputyreeve w coon present and reeve f j mo cutcheon presided accounts were passed for pa ment as follows georgetown herald ad 3 3b e p bow man maps of acton 9 00 iuc various services 21318 coles clerk and bailiff f tv s 8 00 bell tel serv ice- 18 97 wellington welders sharp ening mower 8 00 j mcmulkn plastering 14 00 1 hompson motors truck ac count 2b 80 v s cooler upplk 4 44 i an champ adver 1 10 c l hlcke nnd sons fire men s helmets 78 7li corp lax collector 36 j 1 prov lytasuier sinking j fund 44 tf miss v waller hoi pa 6 73 jon s and vnnglls tchool account 2554 s 9 ithnuv iki iwil of grant soofsl 1 mrtimihli toronto trip 3 oj acton auto bodv repairs tc j truck 12s00 j ford nilar mnts 16 00 w 1 1 ilhot supplied li jutit another pull together for swimming pool last fridav night the acton community swimming pool com mittee lielel a throe hour session present returns show that the first owetftlveis still 1000 short a nmbcr of workers have not re turned their completed lists and thcte are to be in not later than september 20th the committee will meet on september 21th with these complete lists before them and decide on what course is best to pursue there are some who lean to the view that if the first 10000 la not obtnined that the mone shouldbe returned nnel the project abandon ed the response to the fund ap peal will decide the course if vou have been waiting now the duke of devonshire chapter i is the time our help is needed of the i ode asked permission to rneie has been a splendid response hold tag dnvs on the streets on oc- bv man but others have not been tobtr 1st and 2nd the funds ure assuming their share of the lnan- to be used for brtlsh foed parcels c burden the project just re- ejuires a final lift of all together to put it over the tep contributions wodlt be two years before the money expended would be recov ered council after hearing the dls cusson decided that the lease would be renewed at nn annual rote of 150 which was a reduction of 150 the club are to pay water and llghthnrges and the prlvllere of renewal was given for 1950 at this rental superintendent wilson present ed n plan for installing a perman ent lighting sstem in the park the cost would be 300 64 coun ell bv resolution requested th utilities commission to make this lermnnent installation mav be made at either bank ir acton or at the public utilites of fice our donation is deductible for income tax purposes pledg i aids tan be secured now and the pnv merits spread over six months i he cash will not be required un til construction starts but the as- ttu 3 991 62 lown foreman a kirkness gav i detailed report of work that should be done and repairs reques ted bv vjnious residents repairs of highwavs for to various streets at the park and stit utorv grunt em road ex ptnditures januarv 1st 1948 to vugust jut 1948 on 39 119 10 citrried moved hv bird seconded by cur rie that hawes and nelson be from transients but from residents pud the sum of 198010 percent- the arena be renewed for another aometlme children nnd in other age on contract carried wason hie project had not been cases adults it la llkel further j as profitable as expocttnl and the charge will be laid if this stealing many from this district will club asked a more reasonable ren- oi goods from counter and dls- be attending georgetown fair on tal figure all money was used plays continues saturday for charitable purposes but it the are nti were dlscuased with council nnd approval given im provements nnd repairs m vsrs w hall and j 11 crelghton on behalf of the ys mens club hiked that the lease of permiion was grnnteti the solicitor rend the proposed lease foi land for use ustpnown dump between the corporation and mr and mrs e bra ida the lease is foi ten enrs and the yenr- 1 rental is 125 the corporation is to build and maintain the fences council approved of tiw lease terms i the clerk read the leher he jin i surance of funds is neceiar now sent to the provinlinl police i if a pol is to be started next sea the clerk read correspondence in from the board of trnnkport com j mivsmers regarding the fill for i suit walk over the cnr crossing on main st reel lhe ra llw n v agived to pa up to 350 toward fill and w iden and maintain the pi inking over the railway tracks 17ie count tl agreed to the order as outlined in the letter the clerk was to advertise for tendtrt for tht xiu red fill the clerk rend correipondenn frmi the central mortgage an i housing corporation regarding the deed to property in the wartime housing subdivision other cor respondence was relative to un taxes owing for this year on the subdlvlson the clerk read the trtatement of expenditure on roads for the car for the purpose of provincial subsidy the amount of expend iture is 5 335 04 for the first eight months a resolution was passed covering the application to the department of highways commission employees asked consideration of salary adjustment i he re gutnr session of acton public utilities commission was held on 1 uesday morning a letter was rend stating the an nual meeting foi the ace ountlng rsonne of thft ameu would be held in windsor on october 14 another letter was reael notify ing the commission that a meet ing of the we st central division of ll hejc would be held in brant ford on thursday today superintendent wilson was in structed to attend the meeting it was decided to procure n qua nt u of cinders for repairing the road on the hill at the spring p superintendent lambert was in structed to purchase n portable light for his worft in cellars etc superintendent wilson waspre- sented a plan for a permanent in stallation nt the park for the use of the fall fair this plan was to be presented to the council for approval other matters in regard to the fall fair requirements were ruled upon the new regulations for the con sumption of power was discussed and rulings were to be sought by supt wilson at the meeting in brantford the average dally con sumption of acton is 27200 idllo- watt hours whereas the allocation for acton this year is dnly 21150 hours per day if this amount is exceeded it is likely the powt will hnve to be shut off on the ortlers of the h epc i he employees of the commls- son requested consideration regar ding the high cost of living and asktd that the commission con- s dei increasing their salaries a special meeting of the utlulea is to be held on thursday september 23rd to go into this matter accounts amounting to the total of 5225 it were pocked for the hjdro dept aetounts totalling 139 40 were passed for the waterworks dept the incrense was necessary in view of the increased volume of wot it he has been nskod to do several resolutions were discuik- ed nnd endorsed members gave their nod of appiovnl to a request from kent count y who were posed to having members nppolnted to the county board of health for two or three years if regulations wore continued it would mean the remnty council would loose control of thit phase of the work reeve mary pettit explained that this question has not been finally drctled upon hut was convinced it was not the intention of the de partment to nllow the henlth pr gram to got out of the hands of council memo rs recommended n reso lution from wtmt worth count ho filed they weie seeking to have the ontario and federal govern ments assume the liability of dis placed poisons residing in canada when they become indigent persona in respect to hospitalisation nnd childrens aiel enre it also re- iiiisted the governments to nssunv this burden until these people be- ome sejpsustnlnlng wexs a munie ipnllty should share our responsibility when we are asking displaced persons to come to our country and bocotn canadian citizens declared reeve alex mclnren- he also explained that under ex isting logislntlon in respect to in digents they nnd to be a resldit of a munlcipllty threw months be fore they could seek old both the dominion nnd provincial gov ernments have already shared that cost and in name cases looked after these people for ns long an two years he stated while members felt there was reason in a resolution from nasaa- gaweya township who were seek ing to petition the department of highways to have a white line painted on highway 7 from acton westerly they considered it did not come within their jurisdiction members from the northerly part of the crounty explained the high way was under repairs nnd whon this was completed they felt the department would no doubt paint white linet as they had done on other highways chiding members who were not preuent at the session dffpury- reeve elmer foster asked if theu members had been present at die last two meetings reeve mrs pettit advised it is a rule in municipal countrils that continued on page five w he n nt w fejundland the oldest bi uish tohinv become s canada s newest province there will auto- matitullv be 116000 new cana dians as mnnv i ople as uiere are in ottawa and hamilt n ont ario c cunhint ci a utter from dr mather of th ii i ton count v health unit ex pi ese d appreciation of the coop eriion txhrieited bv the unit in the first vear of operation the munu ipal dept gave riot ic ej vi the sthools being operated for municipal officials the near- vst school was in orangevllle thii ear it was ifelrthat the clerk should attend the question of the second lawn mower secured by w d talbot come up for discussion again but no decision was made i j straw hat players impress m1tskoka i huntsvllle forester i he hunt3uu community has tnjojed enrichment in cultural en tertainment this season lhrough the presentation in ugh drama given bv the straw hal playeis this group of profess i mul stage artist i has presented four well- known plavs in their frst mason ngagment in huntsvllle and white the available facilities for these productions have not been perfect there has been a good averak ul ti ndnnee at each and ti who jiave htlrd them have felt that this venture in the realm of summer t nterta nment for this community has been eminently worth while i he serlet was sponsored by the rotary club of huntsvill in sup port of their established cuiom to build up a more substantial back- ground of cultural entttiinment in huntsvllle during the tourtmt season the hope is freely expres- sed that the straw hat players i may return again next summer j barn dance at claude picketts firm seventh lire is miles north of hornby tuesdn sept 21st modernalrci orchestra ad mission 50c btf tho nassagaweya presbyterian church anniversary services sun day september 19th at 11 atn and 7 30 pjn rev norman mc kay dufferin st church toronto guest speaker b the 110th anniversary service of phurcbill united church wtll be held on sunday septamber sth morning and evening service will have rev r plckeraglu and rev john m smith aa the guffs min isters

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