Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 16, 1948, p. 2

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pace two the acton free press thursday september 18 ims xubluhej every tliurtdmy kt acton ontario authorised nd cllk mall pamt oilier department ottawa subsouptiok jtates- t u a vac united sthtca joe additional slou copi 6c both old and uiw fcddreneg ahoutd tm fci when change of fcddr l rmtl advertising ratesod application ami as given in varloua tolumb beftdtsg altwotixb every precaution will be taken to avoid tftmlhn free irea hccepte hjvcrtlaintf la it cel- ytte oh th understanding that it will not b ibttu tor any error a any advertuvucnt publlahcd hereunder unlcii proof of kuch kdvertlkecaeat reuevfed en writing by the advertiser fcrtd re turned to th frs rrm buainea office duly d by the advertiser and with kuch error or cor rection plainly noted in writing thereon and in thftt ck if any error no noted nbt corrected by tli free tveftk itu liability thai i hot exceed kttch pnoportlon of the entire coat of such fcuvertlacnient the space occupied by the noted error bears to the whole pic occupied by kuch advertisement c attlop dills editor telephones editorial knd dmineia office y heiidence 131 where arc the lenders some sections of the press nrc deploring he delay of mr king relinquishing his position of rrimc minister nnd assuming of that position by mr st laurent strangely the section that deplores this situation at gfftnwn has nothing to say about the situation in ontario where we held an elect ion in june in wkich the then premier lost his a time when there is a surplus in the profess ions and n dearth in many of the trades it is a school for training in business and better workmanship along most practical lines graduates will be in position to cam top pay and have a firm foundation to establish suc cessful busnesses of their own located in the old normal school establish ed under egerton rycrson the premises were taken over for training returned soldiers in practical work under dominion auspices now the provincial government has taken it over as a civilian school the following facts taken from the advertisements are briefed for readers who failed to see or read what was set forth the school opens september 31 1048 ap plicants must be 18 years or over fees for ontario residents are 25 a year with higher rates for nonresidents courses vary from i months to 2 years but shorter courses may be arranged and special short courses for students sponsored by industries practical teaching in cludes electronics mostly concerned with radio jewelry and watch repair architectural draft ing furniture crafts photography fashion crafts food and cooking printing trades sta tionary engineering barbering hairdrcssing etc then there are practical courses in business such as retail merchandising nnd familiarity with modern business mnchines as well ns machine tool practice nnd modern machine shop prnctieib diplomas will be granted on grndu- it ii ill hr- tppn tlint till- nhnvr mr rnosf 5srorj recollections ol acton ctopi back in 1848 tuurvn frorr ua ipr kvotd of ttiuruy 8rpttbor ib 1k98 upwrtitu of 800 tickets to to ronto wrc sold tit acton station durlrik the exhibition 1 kitted the rauia following the warm weather the lawns and pastures jmvo taken u fresh ntnrt nnd look beautifully ftreen nnct attractive again comddornbc properly has changed hands in the vicinity of crewuons corner during the past week mr r wanshrough hns purchased mr wm swncklmm- mors fnrm nt n rootl figure mr j osbourn has sold his fnrm to mr w crlppn the price paid u 2250 mrs john cameron of johns- town nv in visiting relntiveu in acton frosty nights linve sot in duck shooting is in season the municipal electric light deputntlon will likely visit new market nnd stayner tills wookto glean information nnd secure pointers tor the proposed plnnl to he instil lied here marriro toc august 25th at ihp- residence of t he brides father george herbert locke of hnrvnrd col lege cambridge mass to grace isabel only daughter or john t moore toronto specialists iri warm air heating air conditioning eavestroughng and plumbing fivu aim is to give service to our customers and instal only the very best equipment at the lowest possible prices we handle only the best rw cmjikt a ndoor cdmfoflt b f murfin kiiebt metal works plumbing heating eavmlrouehing eorgelown phone 138w carrolls business directory medical dr w g c kenney rfayslewn and rurteoa suocenir to dr j a mcntta ottlce in symon block mill st acton hlr ihono is itcknoe ut fbmva is dr d a garrett lrliyljt m 8uraci fiferlck street acton formorly dr neuona office office phone 230 residence 34s dkntal dr a j buchanan dnj surrn office lclslimah block mill at office houra 9 am to g pja xray telephone 148 dr george a sirrs dnud surfson mill st corner frederick acton office houra 900 nm to 530 pja telephone 19 l wilson doctor of thiropraetle fuectrothrmplht dell telephone building acton phone 303 hours 10 nm to 8 pm seat in the legislature he hns since never sig nified whether he will seek a seat whnt bothers us is who the heck is running the country while all this political manoeuver- ing is going on or can it be that leaders are superfluous and the country just runs itself anyway all of which adds up to the inefficiency of public management and the much more suc cessful management by individuals of privately owned industry no shortage of water in acton its a matter of muncipal pride that in spite of the long dry weather and a greater consump tion of water for all purposes that not once have acton consumers been nsked to conserve the water supply there have been no restrict ions of watering lawns there has always been an adequate reserve in case of fire thcrt has been nothing to worry about in regard to act ons supply of pure spring water reasons for this present security is the iact that three years ago a new reservoir was built at the spring and in the building additional sources of water were developed a large pumping unit was installed at that time too another helpful means of water conservation are the meters which measure all the water con sumers use in acton nnd arc the basis of paying for this utility consumption of water in act on has been abnormal for the past few weeks but its certainly reassuring that there has been no shortage more exhibition obwcrvatiorui xe just couldnt let the ex pass without spending another day there nnd as has been our custon for years witness closing- ceremonies ue were determined to hear that famous eng lish band before it left canada and so we relax ed on suturdny afternoon and listened to both the welsh guards and the kitchener musical society bund we were disappointed with the xelsh guards not with their ability but with the selection of the program e like to hear bands play selections written for bands and not arrangements written for pianos they lacked pep and we didnt hear a march selection alt af ternoon the crowd listening was a reflection of the program and so we waited until night hoping this great band would give us some bund music and crowd appealing numbers we were delighted with the evening program but well never un derstand why bunds and leaders dont confine their progrums to numbers which- show to greatest udvuntug just another observation for the whole day and evening we didnt see one person on the exhibition grounds unflcr the influence of liq uor matter of fact for two days we didnt see a drunk at the ex thats a fine record too and we hope the day will never come when the sale of liquor will ever be allowed on the fair grounds its been forced onthc public in most every other quarter its a treat to see a holi day crowd getting real enjoyment without it a new educational opportunity with the opening of the ryerson institute of technology by the department of education a practical slant and an opportunity is given the young- men and women of the province to become proficient in trades and skills tliat offer a good- livelihood if is a good trend coming at practical courses in worfcrrt and business for further information write direct to the reg istrar ryerson institute 50 gould st toronto time to check fire hazards september is here which is a reminder that the autumn season is near at hand and winter regardless of the recent hot weather is just around the proverbial corner it also brings to mind the fact that it is time to check the heating apparatus in homes and buildings and ascertain if they arc in readiness for the coming winter fires resulting from faulty stoves furnaces boilers or chimneys cost canadians several mil lions of dollars every year more than 9000 fires are caused in canadian homes every year through carelessness in maintaining or hand ling heating equipment most of the fires can be prevented one authority contends a proper check on furnaces and chimneys during the summer and early autumn months when the heating system is idle and repairs to damaged or worn out equipment and cracked chimneys can be made will do much to prevent fires of this nature chimneys and furnaces should be thoroughly cleaned before winter sets in espec ially in homes burning soft or low grades of coal these precautions will also help cut high fuel bills caused by inefficient heating equip ment a few tips on cleaning the furnace are sug gested once the chimney has been swept clean out the pit at the bottom of the chimney soot will corrode the pipes if allowed to stay all sum mer and autumn pipes should also be checked for holes and loose connections from which ob noxious smoke and dangerous coal gas may the chimney if they slope at all finally the escape these pipes should slope upwards to furnace fire box and heating boiler should be thoroughly cleaned and checked for cracks or other damage proper equipment and ex perience are necessary to make a thorough inspection and cleaning particularly of the chimney if you have not checked or cleaned your healing apparatus do so us soon as possible or before cold weather sets in if you do it will help to prevent possible fire with heavy loss or damage back in 1928 fro ill tin ifwue of tli frre prcis of thuifulny srptrniber is 1031 theyve hnd n fnll of snow nl- ready up nround cobnlt at a moctink of the acton pub lic iihrnry board miss mnry chalmers avnsnpnointed lor fill the vacancy of assistant librarian owlnr to the removal to kitchen er of miss laura scott st josephs church acton was on monday mornlnc the scene of n very pretty wedding when helen nellie dnurhtcr of mr and mni- jnmes gibbons victoria avenue became the bride of mr wlllmond cripps acton mr donald duff of thomloe new ontario visit ml friends in acton nnd vicinity during the week the death occurred on the firsi of september of allan mann at his home near tisdnle sank in his eightythird yenr mr mann was n sop of the late hugh mann acton nnd n brother of sir don- aid mann i died murray in erin on saturday september 8 1928 james mur ray in his 62nd year pollock and campbell manufaetottin of high grade memorials meaiorial engraving g2 water st north galt telephone 2mi editorial notes daylight saving time ends u week from sunday and you get buck that hour you lost lust april brituin now has l0s2hk civil servants com pared with losthk in 1u8 and the mining and agricultural industries are short of i4u0oo workers another example that the govern ment doesnt control very successfully vanwyck ci eaners pickup and delivery service phone 272 for the best in dry cleaning an american manufacturer has produced a turbo- jet engine suitable tor civilian use which will propel a four or five passenger plauc at 250 in p h theres u need too for drivers who will have courtesy and common sense to oper- ate at such speeds unwanted jjdgets arc being forced on many car buyers says the niagara falls review which predicts one of these days some motor man ufacturer will start making a much simpler car without expensive gadgets and it will have tremendous sale it may even be that low- priced british and continental cars may capture the market among those who cannot afford present prices catering banquets t weddings picnics etc no gathering too small or too larc all inqulrlas racalv prompt attention e coles churdi st- atum bag msc homogbmixbd we want everyone to try our new romar itomocenliej peanut butter bacatisa wo know youll nay it in th very bent peanut butter youve ever tasted the peonnu are roasted to a perfect eolden brownesa the exactly correct amount of salt in added and the npeclal homoffenlzlntr process breaks up the oil particles making romar more digentiblo for children and ensnrtnjj a product i of uniform buttery smoothneiui once youve uaed romar peanut butter you will never naa any other brand take thin coupon to your nearest oarrous store it will entitle you to a full 37c 10oa jar of our new romar homogenized peanut butter for just 27c i value ioc on the purchase of a regular 37c 10oz jar of hos1ar homogenized peanut butter at an carrolll itorr not valid blltn ilere after october 2nd marshalls honey 53c junket sherbet ux 2p29c vitone fudge mix pkg 35b heinz ketchup i 24c tomato juice x hns c baby foods ein 3 25c frenchs mustards loe brucesjurdseed 0 heinz vinegar 63 aylmer crushed new pack campbells tomato soup tin ioc dandee tea pko37c73c pineapple 37 uitioht8 apple sauce z 21c brioittb new pack tomato juice loc satnmttt olivks 01 jar 21c san1 white paper oll 9c shelpak spices ckcc loc nabob coffee f 32c fcoc mother parkers tea c 4 kelloccs cornflakes e 19c quick quaker oats u x7e f cuban sweetened crushed coils ule vly swats 13c nsii cakes 2in- isc vn camps pork and beans 27c burns spork 12 oz tin 41c pineapple 153 victory sweet mixed pickles air3ie whole mixed picklino spice 29c freshly ground romar coffee 2c 51c free lb tin chan wax with chan speed coat qt ih 9sc fb t carlo en 36e 2be apples wealthy no i g qt- cooking onions 10 lb bag oranges siae344doz celery hearts bundle 50c 39c 20c 15c lkjai c f leathekland ba acton ilarriatrr solicitor notary publl ofrico 23 rhoiuhi rrkleum 151 langdon aylsworth narrhtero solicitor ktc- officcs acton cooper building k mnclntyre aylsworth b a acton phone rsidn 2lbj cicorketown grkory theatr bljt- phone 8hw owrr 2 1 aw lever hoskin chartered accountant successors to jenkins hardy 1305 metropolian bide 11 victoria st toronto i eie 9131 i vktertnaky j b d young vs bvsc i veterinary surgeon i orfir- brookville ontario i phono milton mfirt i f g oakes vs bvsc i veterinary surgeon office and rusidonce knox avt 1 acton phono 130 mihceijaneous j johnstone rumlet 1 victor b kumley 1 funeral home heated imlmuan j servinj the community for 43 i years phone 30 nlnm or day willoughby farm agency largest oldest agency in canada head office kent bldg toronto georgetown representative tamiiewson 1 ihone georgetown 332w i travellers iuide firay coach lines j coachks lkave acton daylight saving tim eajitbound i at u nml7ll am 856 am i 11 hi am lioti pm 441 pjn g31 pm hl6 pm dlosg pm i 1estbound 1 to stratford 10 h am 1244 eim l5u pm 5 1 pm l2l pw vjm p in yll 31 pm i to ixjntton 104t n m 230 pm asj pm 7 24 pm b914 1 i i a kxcept sundivv and holidays r sunday uiul holidays d siiturday sunday and holidays x kitchener daily to stratfortf l sunday and holidays y- to kiichenct only railways canadian national standard time east bound dully except sundays 535 to i4hinv 710 pm sunday oaly h 19 pm inly irxcept sunday klyer nt leorgetown fi 37 pju daily flyer at georgetown 10jj pm ueatbaumd daily except monday 1 17 am monday only 12 09 am daily eept sunday 847 am s50 pja 714 n m saturday onry 130 pm sunday only 843 am agrtiy flyer at guelph except saturday and sunday 610 pm wt patterson ro rpullu im e kuublilm- 1u wvnduah gveuhl tlm comjvluly giilp4d oslth blow uhr slio star

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