Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 16, 1948, p. 8

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page kk3rt the acton free press tlursday september ib 1018 motleaa of blrtha marrlacaa and daalha mr fcaaartad km tbla colaaaai wlthoat afcarva slmmruaa notlca lac mdm una additional lot mmtry oada i thanba aw born reid at th toronto general hospital on thuredy septem ber 8th 1948 to mr nd mr j h rold aoton a hon fraier donald died cooper at her late meldonce uower avenue acton on thurs day september 16th 1u4h mar tha moore widow of the lato frederick cooper itestlnic at oie johnstone and humlpy funcrnlx home acton unlll snturdny wliere funeral aer- vlcc will be held at 230 o clock interment kulrvlew cemetery peiiiiy at the home of her dau- chter mr clauile cook ar thur st acton on wedneuday september 15th 19lb jano frecn beloved wife of samuol ivrry itcslink at tho jnhnntono and humify funeral home acton until friday whcro funeral ror- vlce will he held at u30 oclock interment nt falrvlew cemetery aoton in mkmoiuam ckipps in loving memory ll my dear husband icriuin crlppa who iwujuki nwny september ifi 1017 when nil is null nnd silent and sleep forsakes my eyes my ihouclilt are in the silent crnve where my dear husband llci snddly missed by wife nnd henry al loving memo of n dearnunnntiri3 fsltiett whtt pauuhl nwny suddenly sept 15lh 19ii also a dear son and brother who passed on berore july 9th img gone from us but icnvlnn mem- ories dentil can never take nwny memories hint will always linger while upon this enrth we stay sndly missed nnd ever remem- bered by arcte and ewood ibnbe vfcjgdj dont forget acton fair is on october 1st and 2nd plan now to attend acton fair prize lists will be available from the secretary on saturday it will be warm again next lummer will we have a swim ming pool then acton swimming pool is still short of its llrst objective make your puxlgh now milton fair is the 2lth and 25th just one week from tomor row and saturday first coat of plaster is on the new room at acton high school and messrs joneu nnd vanglls oro putting every ofiort to have it readjrtor ottobcr soper reunion is held at brookville last satukday- fall pair dates fob 1mb kvenra or fins district acton i oct 12 milton sept 2425 georgetown sept 1718 mount forest aug 2425 caledon sept 1713 cooksvule sept 1718 london sept 1318 now hamburg sept 1718 gait sept 2325 lindsay sept 2125 orangevllle sept 2122 aberfoyle sept 282 arthur sept 2829 watordown sept 2829 markhom sept 30oct 2 bolton oct 12 rfureetsville oct 2nd brampton oct 73 krin oct 9 a 11 grand valley oct 5fi rocktun oct 9 4 11 tvoswater oct 5g woihlbritlgt oct 8 9 si 11 i b rook v wo hall nauagawvya decorated in whlto and blue cropo paper and- nutumn flowers and ferns was the contj of many hap py reunlons whrni n get-to-goth- er of tho soper famllloa and dls- cftftdnnls was held to orgonlzo an a clnti nnd plan for yearly re unions nearly 100 member at tended coming from dundalk cedarvlluy uookwood curtis e detroit georgetown milton ac ton hamilton dundn shcl- burne cnmpbellvlllu nnd kllbrldo after nn afternoon spent in juut rhnttlng and renewing friendship a bountiful supper was served from the kitchen ktrpervlned py miss arletjie woods with plenty of help pleasantly given by the teen ngeru a ball game and horse shoe pitching was enjoyed white some of the older members helped clean up the hall to munlc sup- pile by the martin ai sopor orchestra nnmely mr jns mar tin age over 80 mr chan mar tin mrs john stroble nnd mi bill soper at 8 oclock n meellng was held with mr jas martin as chairman mrs john strobte pianist mra chas martin sectreas nnd mrs j j kennedy organizer it wns decided to have n reunlon next year and the following officers were elected president mr harry woods vicepresident mr fred hards and soc treasurer mr edgar howden entertainment convenors mrti john stroblo nnd lunch convenors mrs albert si ej tfietikon rand m n j jicon- nedy the meeting wns opened by the chnlrmnns address and speeches by mr reuben smith dundnlk mr harry woods campbeltvilte nnd mr- jns martin detroit followed by the chosen theme song the more we get-to- gethr a one minute silence waa held in memory of those fore fathers who have gone before mr stroble gave n musical num ber that broke softly in on mem ories nnd gradually became lively again in the mood of the day master dick martin detroit gave a rending a monkeys descent prizes were given to the fol lowing lucky cup at supper mr harry woods campbell vllle one tin veiling the farthest mr nnd mrs wm mnrtln nnd jerry de- t rolt oldest member attending mrs barbara soper 83 years ac ton most recently mnrrled couple mr and mrs don hill dundns youngest member christine smith 3 months dundalk the rest of the- evening untl midnight watspent in dancing when the guest hook was passed for final signatures jolty good fellows nnd god save the king wns sung refreshments were ngnin wrved nnd good byes said cbc to broadcast address from the cwna convention john fisher of cbc staff is to be guest speaker ot the annual canadian weekly newspaper as sociation convention on septem ber 22 nt niagara falls because of the widespread interest in this convention the cbc has arranged to record mr fishers address and present it to the broadcast audience at a convenient hour the following day the broadcast will be heard over the transcanada network of the cbc on thursday september 23 from 800 to 8 30 pm eot snake skin over 12 feet in length on view here everton ise sparingly there is a story about n utile boy who or us wolf wolf so often that when wolf really did come along to eat him nobody paid any attention the moral of that was simply dont give fune alarms department of high ways safety official feel the mime way about drivers who use their horns all the time horns re warning fclgnahu ise them only when they 111 help someone to avoid danger good drivers use them courteously and courtesy of all kind is essential to safe driv ing oakvyn1tions politician one who tun1s for what he thinks the voers will fall for political bedfellows those who lie in tho some bunk committee a group who keep minutes but waste hours i taxation the art of plucking tlfe goose to secure the greatest amo- ount of feathers with the least i amount of squawking your eyes for better and more comfortable vision consult rm bell registered optometrist phone22rl2 erin mr nnd mr alf coultng mlxth line vuiltawl on sunday with mr nnd mriu irvln hamilton mr nnd mm hntvoy jetln nnd family mlui barbara bnlinm gulph cpont tho weoknd nt the homo of hor nnrcnbi mr nnd mr j p donhnm mr mid mm robert pntten guclph vlultcd on sunday with mr nnd mm albort alton mlii miiry itoborluon clovelnnd vliiltel it fow iliiy ut tho homo of her brother anil fnmlly mr nnd mm will lioboiluon gucllh pond sunday vuuortj with mr nnd mm will smlui woro mr nnd mrs fred bnptlo and mr nnd mrs alvln mlllejand fnmlly bramp ton mm ilnrvoy jcitln and botty ann vklted last thursday with mr and mm ed spenco toronto rockwood the municipal oiling nnd spray ing co of toronto havo been busy applying now voad mnterial on upper main street which pre sents a much improved appear ance employees of the bell tele phone co are busy about town in the erecting of new poles in iomo placeu blasting has been resorted to in order to get down to requir ed depth mr nnd mrs wilfred hniucr nnd little son gcrnld returned lat ter part of last week from a brief holiday at shublc beach following n mornlngscrvict nt st johns church during uie sum mer montho service was held at tho usunl 11 oclock sunday morn ing wben holy communion was observed with the rector hcv w g luxton officiating com mencing next sunday afternoon service will bo held at 230 pjn the many cfrlenda of mr cyril knight will sympathize wth him in the passing nway of hla father on sundny in toronto as the re sult of a heart attack iost office drivers safety campaign tho united kingdom post of fice rocently issued f6r display to ith largo utnff of motor drivers nnd officer employed on talo- grnph delivery n now not of- road km tot y poster with iu fleet of 25000 motor vehicles covering a total or about 240000 miles an nually and about 25000 blcycw britains post office hi keenly n terchtcd in road ftafety and every encouragement u given to it driven t entor tho annual aafo- drlvlng campetltlon of tho hoy ml society for tho prevention of ac cidents in 1916 tho lntest yoir for which figures nre available 28187 post office driven entered the competition nnd 17420 gained nwiird1 dont do this tonelite nbxxb harmful ry ur q tinted thy blend with tha coroplctuo nd at th aamilmlwpnnnoyln nd harmful al v a ua aluiut tooa ilitb lenart cecil a carr ravm opuoau r doujiuj ht tol 10ui guelpfa onl cjj 5 useful word teacher alfred what is the term etc used for little alfred i guess its to make people think we know a lot more than we do farnworth memorials monuments at moderate price cemetery lettering klora ltd at cemetery ilelp1i ont lovell bros meat market friday saturday specials ilarric rrand jsulieeuszlcik fvcsh sausage 15c lb hologna sliced or piece 38e lb bacon breakfast g5c lb r smoked back 75c lb ivamca back g9e lb laian shoulders pork 50c lb choice rump roast beef 55c lb domestic shortening 39c lb prime rib roast beef 58c lb lean shoulder roast beef 18c lb tender steaks round 70c lb- sirloin 75c lb t bone 75e lb heinz tomato ketchup 13 oz bottle 24c the classified section buy sell exchange wanted etc advcrtlitemenu under tliu heading 35o cull with order up to 25 ward additional word leper word if canh doeu not ac company the advert ixenricht minimum charge soc and 1c per word additional for each word over 23 subueuent inuertlnnu for sale for sale quebec heater and drop leaf tublo phono aa yoit kent cnrage for rent apply mr a ii mclean uower avenue kor sali coleman oil heater u bed one hmiun good condition phone yt2m lxjit kale llkht ihisflojc new lamphire pullets stan hob- imuui lot 18 con 5 najutftgawoya foit rent for rent tlnratre for rent lod inrarinn apply l slnrkniin aelon room kor rent rooms and menlu nvnilahle by day or week station hotol mill streot aetoti jxr aale ualhroom fixtures available three piece payment plan nrrnnned apply uox 10 ln ploiih 111 for sale flnlay oval conk move perfect condition larjje lire box and warming ven phone ipjrii- for sale32 chov rondater oran even trade apply 11 moron blvd wartime iiousuik after g oclock for salkllkui ford conch four good tin motor in real uood condition apply cleorrtf rlddnll 1 mason ulvd r sale collie puis for sale alkoornde ix llmh sciiool tunkn apply iavui staddon iil 1 kth llni erin township for sale noro oil heater medium size uwvl only four months also 2 oil barrels apply 1eb for sale- 1 urown fur trim med coat 1 rust nnd 1 brown coat all size 11 in k condition- mrs jlnrjjrnvc yontje st for sale ml chev sedan kood conxlltion senlexl beam head lights hot water heater perfect tires best offer phone 278j for rent ivo or three com fortable rooms suitable for liln hotikekwplnc all convenlnccs apply lloyd masjiles church st lost and found losvboyn itllver with cold crest phom box 021 miscelivneous slentlor tablets arc effcctivi- weks supply 1 vj weeks sr at coopers ljruk store dancing happy feet youll have if youll hut use lloyda corn sjilve fyie nt baxters drug store cxlllns saw mili- custom mi win j ji ven prompt service at all times iot 7 5th line enn twp cxjrn cutiinf by the ncn- wlth selfpropelled corn binder ii arthur harris telephone rock- wood glrll rr 3 arton ub kajje sale at the farm or thomas mckitt milton ontnrlo for wed- nimltiy september 2jnd has been cnncelled h for sale new sinner sewmj machines elertrlc portable nnd cabinet also treadle machines for particulars write box uu frei iress 1hkssmakin tor jf o u r dressmaking requirements ctjats suits alterations etc contact howl tnrzwell co mrs j vlckery vone st 113 for sale brick house de tached wilbur st and bower ave vacant possession can 4e viewed at any time apply j h boulton wilbur st phone 173 stove repairs no stove in better than the fire pot flrcllntr fdnstic fire brick makes perfect inlnn and naves fuel john v- saviike acton the skin of a 12 foot boa con strictor on view in the free press window is drawing considerable attention this week its so long that it cannot be all unrolled in the width of two windows it was brought from buenos aires ar gentina by mrs r r slrrn a sls- t erm la w of dr and m rs geo stirs wlu is visiting here and kind ly loaned for a few days ionscrimon txstly hoi- canada ntvd universal military training or would it prove a deceptive hoax econom ic lunacy the financial post estimates that it would cost 1000 millions in the first year to inaugurate such n system nearly o more than total estimated recipts from personal income tax this year on the other hand a selective dnift sstem such as planned n the inited states would only train lvuh to jsihvl men yearly for proud dressmaking chesteklaine english pure wool worsted broadcrepe ripper we have it aganl lovely gordon mackay chesterlaino english broadcrepe soft drape warmth without weight two dozen high style colours to choose from see this smart reasonablypriced fabric while there is still full colour choice 53 to 54 mchos wide 295 for smart tailored casual and childrens styles illustrated see pattern books the womans dress in sire 14 takes 3i yards chesterlaine about s925 and about 150 for buttons pads pattern extra for sale beatty rebuilt electric copper tub also ennmel tub washer guaranteed easy j tvrms also 1 slightly used gas washer apply box 10 free press forsale wilton ruj mxtih i oak dining room suite kitchen cabinet while moffat stov 1 burner side oven reasonable price j tor quick sale j 11 boulton wil bur street i for sale will deliver any ol i uiese articles to acton blue fold- ing stroller just ike new also cole- man 3burner gas stove good con- dition folding play pen with floor apply mrs f h allan rr u acton ont i torturejl by constipation try proven fruit- aitvks fam ous herbal medicine used success fully for iv yrnrs brings- relief ujulckly tones up liver keeps liowels active restores oml hen th reliable wool j for sale now is th time to put in your order for a piant it y i drv soft wood slnlis price 2ti delivered or j75 otherwise apply to mervln hil- inrd balllnnfad phone ueorge- town 3lr22 weak t1rki pepless men women try ostrex tonic tables for new vim vigor and pep that at night contains iron vitamin at night contains iron vtnmbi bl calcium new get acquaint ed size only- tidc all druggists acenps door to door sales men wanted to 4stabllsb a husinss of their own wlb i ur uoo guaran tee household nt eessit es splen did territories vacnnt in your dis trict unlimited possihllites for the ambitious person never a dull season experience not essential but a car is if you select n rural territory very little capital need ed best opportunity of starting a business of your own write for free details nnd cataixkjue to familkx lfiot delorinler mon- t rtii for sale- 47 de luxe dodge sedan visor nnd heater 41 ford de luxe conchradlo and heater licensed used car dealer fender repairing welding ond painting i reasonable rates let us estimate your job perrys body and fender repair glenwilllams phone 442r3 for sale 1047 mercury 1919 rover sedan rndlo heater air conditioning new new scp- bicycles new white washing machine w 9 ihc tractor on rubber formnll a tractor mds- sey tractor on rubber llrhts and starter used benr cat carden tractor lj hp new waterloo carthn tractor l4 hp new skyline grinder new skyline forage harvester de inval preftfl- ure kyktvm new de laval cream sepnrtor new tlsed cultlvntor fordferguson 10 and vi plows ford ferguson plow shares cast and steei 5nulne ferguson tll- ir- used lfurrow tractor plow 2 massey harris 2furrow plows internnthmnl hay tedder used hay ioader used cutting box used rnln drill in good shape farm wagon 3 hp ihc engine ldoflce 1937 tractor trailer white lml truck chassis would make good low truck pm7 knrgo i ton pickup truck gem fenn electric farm cllpptrs apply thos i e i hcwson georgetown phone 33 jw ncynce will any person who witnerfted an accident on main street on the night of saturday the 11th in stant nt approximately 9 pm when n truck presumably backed into n car parked at the dominion hotel kindly come forward and state what they know thia may be treated confidentially if no des real e e haiihop chief of pollct clearing auction sale miik oowh brood rows poultuv kuunlttjre eta wanted wanikii st el lllni cabinet letter uf- ilmne ki it doesnt sm pojble but acton fair k only a few wks uiuiy and itild wcntht is i creeping up on u 1 are oii prepared or win- ter ivrhnps we can help the situation as at long lost we hae a liniitcsl supply of com- binittmn doors in j h6 h ond l lnt in at n approxjnuite j if lfiwt the come complete with glass and screen j the bowling alley is open ngnin and nil newly decorated this is an enjoyable snort tor t tieie col evening sm you at the park pav ilion remember thore tre only two more dance left in which to enjoy yourself and help the ya men j b mackenznc hon the undersigned have received instructions from miw r k nilamilijcat to sell by public nuctlon nt htr farm iot 1h con 4 twp ot nass- agaweya brookvllle on friday kkitkmjikk 17 commencing nt 1 oclock th following catlle 1 guernsey co a- in full flow not bred 1 guernsey cow milking bred june ltih j llolstein tow milking bred lunr- wth i holkteln cow milking bred lulv 2tah 1 llolstein cov milking bred july 11th 1 blar jersey cow milking lired juty 11 1 holstein cow milking bred july irlh 1 shorthorn cow fnt 1 veal calf l heifer calves 1 year old i inst spring calves 1 hrrn n months old ijiiniv ir fat liens i o- anil 1 gnndn york sows 1 york sow dur sept 9th 1 york sow due sept kuh 1 i ork sow due sent jird 1 yoik sow due octohrr mb i york siw due oct llth 1 york sow due november mb 1 york sow due november mh 1 york snw due- nov llth 1 york so due nov nth 1 york sev due nov -1st- 1 york hog 3 yearn old shont 3 mo old imilkments liny forkiiny car and hope ilnv it nek handy hand cart fed hoppr llenvy ivim harney fwld ilrli11e roll of wire scythe forki hoei twuns etc flllmtcbe playr piano with a large number of rotr ex cellent tone modern mcclary toyal range quebec orculnor heater 3 beds secray and bookrose iiwn mower child crib high chair gendron bnby buggy piny pen royalelectric sweeper eleetrle umpi tahl chairs and numerou other house hold effect tisrmi cash settlement with clerk day of sale no rtve ai the pronrletrem hai sold her farm and ta giving up nosseulon immediately hlndley and ellloti auctioneers l mcmillan clerk phone erin or milton

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