Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 23, 1948, p. 3

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thursday sept 23rd 1048 the acton free press when housecleaning dont pot aside furniture that can be reupholstered our new patterns and colors and expert workman ship will make them bettor than new for the best in chesterfied reupholstering phone 87 acton 7 day service more farmers plant than any other hybrid corn make sure yo rec your 1943 and 1944 refundable savings cheques to b mallad by 31st march 1949 tf your name or address has changed since 1943 fill out the special change of address card available at all post offices and income tax offices mall h changs of addrit card fcveff october 31t 194s mail this card even if you completed one last year you should hot till out a change of address card if both your name ami address are still the same as in 1943 no walling bay lynnu umpj if balnd oil kft-uphelauraaa- ajad nw cfcetort k to it monti to jvjr jack sudermann of john dick and son wwfr quality fir fvfff othr rry frm donald mcnabb rjb no 2 georgetown ontario aia4wfcawmmmmmmmmhrimhmi m bowl sy oholio homemakoral now tlio time to make tfx most of what money we have left in tho monthly food fcudget another nummorfl harvest perfume the air but there are nriiuiy rood fruits tlmt cnti wtlll bo nerved alone or mixed to accent the flavor and color by con trast there isnt much to nay about tho apples grape peaches and radons nn n cool riollcioua fruit cup except to chill them to tho marrow sweeten ever so slightly with a thin simple syrup a fruit cocktail should not be too bin lie if you want the dkih to be stylish mid a scoop of lime shor- bort or plain loe cream or cubed jello to help you make the moat of septembers fruits we publlnji it few simple recipes gtape jtuiee remove grapes from stems measure and mash for cncli quart at grapou add 1 quart of water cook until soft strain through fine cheesecloth in sieve far each quart juice add 1 cup sugar doll nnd remove vum bottle in rten hired jars while hot seal tightly keep in cool place jiffy graprf juice cups blue grapes cup granulatedsugar place grapes nnd sugar in o sterilized quart jar fill up with boiling water seal nnd let stand c wecku before using strain when ready to use chronicles ol ginger farm written hpcially tor thn aton l irmri owknoournk f cijvukk oijcaiujmo auction sale in esquksing twp dairy cattle tractor implement liny jrnln iioujehold kffccts etc the uudortdgned have received inst ruction from kvkltt oknny to roii by public auction at his farm lot 32 con 5 situated on the till line 3 miles north of acton on vrjneiav hkirr se coiutitfilnf iu 100 volik tbn ollowlki ooovs ayrshire cow 3 yr old fresh 2 wecku with calf nt foot ayrshire- cow 3 yra old fresh 1 week with calf nt foot ayrshire cow 5 jyour old frefthjj week slth calf at foot keg ayrshire ow 3 yr old mllkwg well bred feb 311 iteg ayrshire cow 3 in attending local fall fairs yc and next week we return to good old standard tlmo go that in many ways we are gottlnjc back to n regular routine following the usual bummer uohenvnt a favorite ootuerve 1 cup minced pears 1 cup minced peaches 1 cup canned crushed well- drained pineapple u cup chopped maraschino cherries 1 cup sultan ralalns 1 cup alirodded bl an died al monds 2 thsps lemon juice 5 cups fine granulated sugar cup liquid pectin prepare fruits measure accur ately and add sugar add nuts stir well together bring to full rolling boll over hot flro- stir con stantly before and while boiling boll hard for 1 minute reno ve from heat and stir in pectin stir nnd skim alternately for d minutes to prevent floating fruit paur in to sterilized jars nnd cool before sealing with hot paraffin malted g to 7 8ouncc glosses note this may lie made in the winter with canned fruit plum conserve s cups prepared damson plums fi cups granulated sugar grated rind of is oranges juice of one orange 1 cup seeded raisins nutmeals if desired wash half and htone the plums for measuring add sugar and cook gently uncovered stirring often until a few drops will thick en on a cold plate add remain ing ingredients and cook 10 min utes iet stand a few moments skim then stir fill hot sterilized jars and seal with melted wax fruit compete 2 cups bugnr 6 cups water es rain nt hu ve aft or seven weeks wlwi hardly n sprinkle we ihuve actually been bleated with a real rain wo began to bo afraid doubting thomose that wo are thnt although rain wan nit around un it was going to pans ufl by you nee that fourinch rain that ton 3nd jleg drenched toronto saturday night i 4 bred march b ayrshire ui r u n ii t m cow 3 yr old milking well bred dldn t come our way at nil it was m 2h ayrflhfro 3 r 0 sundny njglit before our turn milking woll bred february 11th came and believe mo it woa llko i ayrshire cow 5 yr iold milking music in our enrn to wake up and hv fhw ayrshire hi u ownpour wt- i cv tine the roof ihe windows nml i frojh 2 wooka willi calf at 1ho fximl diiorntppfi somn of itittml jersoy cow g yr old uuo enmo in tho iioubo too hut hint j 17ll ayrshire cow w n her nor there it i w lusi nliji filled the cisterns to ovor- 1 f sw ayrshire holfor brl ftowlnr so now for n month nny- march 7lh ayrshire heifer bred wny w shnll hnvp lots of nlra april 2lllh jersey heifer hro1 nnft wntnr mnyllth ayrshire heifer bred mft wntor jst uuornsoy holfer 1 yr of course tho rnln is too into im ayrshire heifer 1 yr old to hell the nnstures much but it l youni calves the above entile wim certainly sove the fall when ihfre tsff problem for a rood mnny fnrmers ilrown klni 120i1g born koo it is still quite hot but i imnjrlne lj17 brcnl by l ii bertram a dny or two will clear nwny the hnimplon ont unromfortnbld humidity nnd then hollses and iiakness gry we mny have some nlco fall went- j l- xttt zslk or whi wil add to uocnjoji tnnatt jolfars homemade cake readymixed jhftpbcllf cake mix 3 ft cwot04aw colmfj ahenjion farmers wo are pnylnif tho mehut provalluit price for dm or crippled farm animal horses cattle hogs telephone collect for immediate service laing cartage olekattno rok cordon youno umttwxt fhsue oualoji ssm ies uncktu penklnff of ntnndnrd tlmo part ner amused me the other dny by snylnjr you know i wouldnt milnd dnyllkht nnvlnp time at all llswe hod it in the winter ln- steavl of uh nummor seems to mecvo go back to standard time jusl when fast tlmo would be umo advantage to us maybe partner forgot that the idea or fast time was not primarily for workers but for those wishing more dnyllht for their lolsuro hours ulnnkols duffnlo kobe ioulthy and equipment km yonrllnit leghorn lions in full production 8 ducks colony house 10x12 fox cnpe lioatiy brooder stove feeders etc hay giuun wood 50 tons of goad mixed hay 230 bushels of vanjtunrd oats a quantity of dry mixed hardwood a qunatity or dry cedar 1 inch lumber 50 ccdnr posts 12 elm plonks tractor 4 implements allls chalmers model w f new july this year with starter lights loaded tlreo etc jd 2furrow tractor plow m d 4 disc tractor plow m d tractor cultivator fully equipped 18 tootli nearly new cockshutt 13 disc grain drill with fertilizer attachment f ai w grnln binder 0 ft cut i f w drophend hay loader k w mower 5 ft cut dump itnke m d side delivery tedder ahd from fast nnd slow tl itnkc used 2 yenrs fnrm wagon problems we jump to how to oave r zjjrssl on hydro power ono sblutlqn is bench sleigh m d walking very simple but it will never beillnw steel ijind roller deerln ndoptnl we could go hnck to n c binder good cnnditlon hni- sefmpoed curfew wo could try fx f going to be nt 10 oclock miinyu while wash sprayer of- those in the sixtylsh clnss i 1200 lb high beam senle eer whnt they wive mn clcclrlc light jencers sap pnns snp buckou the young folk bum up in half ft gr tenv itti tlie time imnglnc suggesting to stuffier 2 wheel trailer wili youngsters of this day nnd nuiiilgh racks nnd all small articles hint uloy be home by midnight j r n well equipped farm why for them nt 12 oclock the i y equipmknt and i houskhoij kffkcts illnmnn elect rlr milking machine 2 units visit our modern showroom 8 garden street gueijph ont opp fire hsjj ilunllkit and mastic tiijkj4 inxaid ijnolfcwal wall timcs ftutalled in kitcliens ilatlirooms hallways 8tere offlei eie ljmtn sanders for rent or work dene -yea33nfijlle-co- formerly guolph flooring servic ihonn 2s40w guelpii artr iloun uuj night is just beginning in my far dislnnt youth it was a late night nearly new perfect condition ir we were out to midnight and mhiolte cream separator palls vet i really believe we had more strainers milk can milk cart quebec cook stove stewart kl- eciric ciijiimts pandora stov- clare jewel cooking range good new quehik- heater extension table table with drawers cup- hoard whatnot high chair thing planned for weeks f fun lwcnusw ve were not satiat ed with pleasure nt twenty there was always something new nnd t new different to look forward to show was an event a dance soin ahead a sundny school concert was often lots of fun especlally the walk home oftcrwnrds with table pots pnns goose feath its ijmn mower vinegar bar rels sad irons hot water elec- flickering gaslight from tho troet itrtin iksnr lamps casting a shadowy glow electric radio with solid walnut neither night lights nor bright cabinet nd many other articles lights were necessary to enjoy- j terms cash with clerk on ment in those dare i cay it day of sale those good old days i no reserve as farm is sold no i am nfrald curtailment of n otrt night life will not bo involved to povevion on hint date nny grent extent in plans to snve itefnshment booth on grounds our precious hydro power in- yf a gibson auctioneer stead wo must have weekand phone guelph 7i3w c b swuckhnmer clerk a government annufty ii your tafsguard ooolml dependency in your old ag prspar for your futur now than you will never nd to look back and toy re- orelfolly l only j t 1 poars 12 jilums 12 apricots few drops red food coloring j shifts in industry stmt off the add sugar to water in large heaters turn off the radio put a lowcott canadian government annuity guarantees you at much as 1200 a year lor life no medical examination is required your annuity cannot bo talzed under any law you cannot lot your money even if your payment fall into arreart anyone from 5 to 85 it eligible annuifei branch department of labour humhiiv mitcmu uuuu a matmauaia onr a n n u i tie s kettle and bring to a boil add skinned peach halves and simmer about 10 minutes until tender remove with slotted spoon add unpceled pear halves to syrup and simmer about 10 minutes until tender remove add whole un polled plums nnd simmer about 10 minutes until tender remove add whole un pooled apricots nnd simmer about 6 minutes until tender arrange fruits in bowl aoitted food coloring to syrup to give a lovely clear pink pour over fruits in bowl while warm cool at roorrw temperature then refrigerate until chilled serves g young mandont go west if youre thinking of goin west young man better take heed of ottawa warning and think again says the financial pot according to deputy minister of labor mcnamara there ar four jobseekers for every job on thtf pacific coast blame for the current unem ployment in british columbia is laid to the exodus which has batfn going on from the prairiea and eastern canada since the war last weeks warning was espe cially directed to residents of ths prairie the latent report of the unem ployment insurance commission hows that on aujrust 13 there were 17183 jobless and only 4- 337 jobs by comparison job and jobless just about balance in ontario and prairie out the lights gave on the hot plates stoves- heaters and ironing to train italian war orphans in save in every wny possible just mirine trndt american workers so long as it- does not interfere gave a tilinrter million dollars to- with anyones pleasure and while ivnrd a home for them recently the houbewife feels nlmost a opened in sicily criminal if she should dare to have a second pieoe of toast sh t knows thnt in the towns nnd citj ics night life goes on as much as usual with maybe a light dimmed here and there as a special con- j reason to hydro conservation j now i have laid myself wide j open to bo labelled as an old crank but isnt there some method i in my madness or at least some reason for it when the need to i save power is impressed upon us by radio and press nnd yet from j towns and cities there is all kinds of evidence that hydro is being j used in so many ways exclimivcly for pleasure t and now heres a laugh against myself i had the kettle on to make a cup of tea a few minutes ajto thinking the water should be boiling i went out to the kitchen the kettle was on all right but i had forgotten to turn on the heat now who dareu to say that i dont practice what i preach wasnt i saving the hydro fcujl ifcu cun today potaoi fu amnuiiu bfmcb h l lbmr ottawa hmu im mm co ah it i oimation simhi c nami ffnr cltabl adoths visit the maritimes youll enjoy going by bus iiehhingoil iias new use an experimental plant for manu facturing margarine from herrinjr- oll has been established in lowso- toft england it 1 expected that he production of the new plant will reduce margarine imports by 6 million annually r a k i s a k 1 ow oumd tkh tax incuibtb haijfax 5635 sydney 415 st john 1x40 subject to change harold wiles phone 58

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