Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 23, 1948, p. 5

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thursday sort asrd ims thacton free press pax3k nvt mr harris coolt of crmnd tlap- m michigan visited acton friend hwi hk dr and mr aanaw and family nt toronto visited with mrs cald well last wk mr and mr win landborouii spent the weeuend with relat- jqd in toronto w and un llobt 1uu of wlngham pent the wkend with mr w jf hall mr and mr s nt3rthler of winnipeg vtaltod whlumr and mr nell modohald a mr and mr k u davldaon jpent the wektn4 with dr and mr john bet at colborne out ml claire hillock of toronto viltd over the weokend with mr ayer and ml m olbbon mr anil mr ii 11 wanabrough of toronto vlaltihl their tnothar mr a k vvnnkbroujzh on mon day mrs s ii dobblo and mlu vag- ett and mlu nellie hall of toron to spent sunday wllh mr w j hall mranft mn tom gordon frod- dlo and aiieono spont tho wook- ond with mr nnd mrs ward graff rice ijiko mr nnd mr j it mncartliur and mr j c currlo nttended tlio fomprklna wcsldlng in toronto vrnsiarottjay mr major cameron of toronto vnttrb durcl of qjanaaa aeton ovurle rev ijouu fiokebino minister parsonage bower avenue sunday skpthmbr mth 11 00 a rn morning c o m m o n worship 11 jo am tho children of the church v 13111am our church schodi 7 00 p m the evanlng service worship conducted by the minister you are welcome ilrbbntrrtnh dliurelf iti qtatuiaa knox jilurcit acton rev x m attderaon hjl mo ttar sunday skptemuml imul 11 110 am morning service iai5 pm sunday school 7 00 p m evonln horviro thiy that wait upon thu lord shall renew iholr strength mr david johnson and children visited last week with mr and mr nell mcdonald mr and mr gordon mckay mr and mr ilarold wansbroutth carol and bonnie of toronto vis ited their mother saturday mr and mr w j o oaku dr c oake and mr bruce freure of gutrlpli visited the past week in sherbrooke and montreal quebec mr annlo vannatter of gior- town and mr and mr william hilts of toronto spent tho week end with mr and mr henry hilt of balllnafad mr and mr archie kerr and bobble mr and mrs earl vanat- tor mr clarence buck mr agnew spent the weekend with mr and mr owood harris flint mich mr f u wright president of tho guelph ileal estate board and mr norman wright were at bljrwln inn like of buys this week nttcndlng tho convention of the ontario aasoclntlon of real estate bonrd many acton friend join in ex tending conurntulntrons to mr nnd mm george chapman mnln st whit on mondny mnrked the slxty- rectvid anniversary of tholr wed ding the tiny was spent quietly nt home wllh members of the fam ily i rent lsltors nt the home of mr nnd mrs ins ralston were mr nnd mn herb prentice nnd fnmlly nnd mlss hny cillnn of ar thur mr nnd mrs norman phil lips of pownssan mrs s wnllnce of new llskeard and mr nnd mrs w v kltnkmnn and kenneth of klmlrn mr nnd mrs frnnk day of hockwood left last weekend by nnivlnl train in attend tho con sapllht ulturrl acton lev char k oowkit mlllutet sunday skptemelt 2flth 1918 1010 nm sunday school 11 an a m chrutlnn victory h 00 p m thursday bypu we iwlleye in a heavon of con- ii r mill i n hell of conscious treatment fo till l h eternal ltiv 20 15 rev 111 8t xlbittd cllltmrtti anglican heeler kv w g luslon ba 1d48 sunday septemer aoth trinity xviii harvest thanksgiving 0 00 m holy communion 1100 a jn combined service for congregation and s school 7 00 pm harveat festival ser vice thur sept 23t8p m preacher major tho rev c g eaklnu ma of milton this church welcomes visitor robt r hamilton optowetiust of guelph dr g a sirrs office tuesday ootorer 12ut 7s0 0j0 rm oomplkte eyesight service oral counell of the united church being held this ear at st andrew wesley united church vnncomer b c mr dny ls a commissioner 1he will nlso lslt relatives nnd frinds d i knjafajtmikmus j mr nnd mr d aoerlnnd of krln wish to announce the enguv- ment of their daughter rlanche norivn to john willi am 1jiwr son at mr and mrs m inr it tovn 1 he mariliijii to tnke plim tho lit t it ii rt of september mr ami mrs james micauuo 135 oamjtku aniue torvmto an nounrn thf onjiacomenl of their second tuurhter mnr liirrnlne to mekln harvey brldsnwn b of miinirisij eldtir son of mr and mrs hare r btiilinan rocu- wri u r no j ttie mnmakc to tak ploei quietl on oetobr 9th in toronto record harvest in s4uth africa suith afileas livltks harvest ls the ivatest eer reaisl in tme union uvin1inc to official estim ates of the south african ivpart ment of heonomic and marketlnj production ot nuilav tokiceo iliouiuinuts sun lower seinl kul- lirmin tvsms and ilietst it in ouch cas i rtcird hie tot u number of beef t it tie has hien the highest for eais and whlu mutton is onl helnnlnu to bultl up follow inj the llll drought it is evpevled that pork w dl be nuirketihl in inereailnj quantities to fill the mutton jthortane oommencitik sunday sep 2fith 1918 gray coach line buses will run on standard time time tallle for iondon acton toronto remains unchanctml kopt 1105 ara daily from toronto hooma 1115 am and 711 m sua and hot to toronto la discontinued tlokt4a and information at harold wiles ph 59 oiuy coacii lines limeiiouse wmkntd vultors with mr lano included mr and mrs a w ijili or montreal mr and mr tod morrow and klalna of toron to mr and mr bob lana and children of georgetown mr and un hay powell and douglas of lowvllle and mr and mr wilfred brown and bu1u of weaton with the bhelboumv mr and mr iiusmii thomdson visited hi iarent at laurl on sunday mr and mr w mllller snent sunday with mr and mr spence mcklnnon tho women aodatlon met nt tlio home of mis ivetu on vt lay evonlns quite a number from here at tended georgetown pall fair oft saturday where our local wl and as nn 0 matte splendid showings sunday achool will reopen htixt sunday when itally day service will tiff hold at 3 psn meeting of milk cream producers and processors tho federation of akrtculture in cooperation with tho halton county heejih unit is holding meeting in tho tourt house mil ton on tuwirtfly keptcmhor aath nt h pm for thp milk nnd cream producer nnd processors of hal- ton county the sneaker will he- mr k a churchill djj ms dairy llnc- terloloirlst nt the school of vet erinary modlclne mldilenn state llllrilllll i loellivei mr churchill will speak o ui chnllmglnn uloctj will nis sanitary production of milk payt he has devoted tho last 3 year to field and laboratory atudlu of tho sanitary aspects of milk pro duction botih on the farm nnd in tho dairy plant he ha studied not only disinfection with chlorlnd but also with tho ouier newer compound mr churchill tajk i designed to demonstrate that proper minttary production ot milk will not only result in a cleaner infer milk supply but will also moan more income for the farmor an intkkksttnq town people like to live in nn interest ing town ns they may cah it whore thero nrc mnny activities nnd things going on the pooplo nro of course grently interested in entertalnmentn amuienienu ath letic sports nnd recrentlonn if a town has plenty of such ihlnra it will bo interesting movements for community pro gress and lectures nnd addresses on informing subject help greatly to miiko n town lntoreltlnr qf- knnl7tlons do n great deal to mnke a town interesting tho act ivities of churches nnd tho social nnd cultural organizations nlso rnnko a kicnt contribution towuld developing nn interesting life in a community ofcoune you main to play taf when eyeblsht u conceroed bat you cant olway be expected to know place your trust in ua yean exponence we recommend and fit canada foremost gumc corectat the lenaet f mmximuro eye comfort cecil a carr saago optical h dougliu su trl loll guelph onu corectal lenses ctalltno auction saee farm rtock im1 orain motor oars attcl 1he underslgnol have received intruction from t t atlamh to eell by ihuillc auction at hi farm lot lit con 1 lwpof tt- uueahtg on ttickiav october an i commencing at iio oclock the following hqhhtel and hajlnksa 1 team worki horse agol set of double harness odd collar etc cows and you no cavrtds 1 ltiinn cow in full flow bred again 2 durham cows in full flow bred again 1 wue cow in full flow bred ngaln 1 jarsoy cow in full flikw bred attain 1 ayrshire cow in full flow lirod again 1 llrltvuo cow in full flow bred again llisaedlng dntm nf cow giv en dny nf sale i durham llelrer 1 ynr old 7 jersey 4 lelfor 1 yr old i durham heifer calves 1 veal calf a durham steers about 000 mm ho 1 york sow with 11 imgs h lmg it weeks old 10 pig 10 weks old 1 york hog 1 yr impikmiinlt ca1w stiiaw nnd coitn mniuiey llarrln uoot pulpivu mxtrn heavy wagon suit able for hush work jfurrow tnrkshiilt walking plow massey hnrilh ream sojiarntor new 1 junior citizens make fine traffic officers school ivslw are ringing amln and it i a pity that they must ring with npprehfmslon and dread in the mind of mnny canadian parent fear for their children safely in tin traffic on tholr way to and frow school dread of the terrible tmrhat our increasing traffic tnki in this backtosdtonl sentmn more children of school age or under were killed by motor car in ontario inst sep- teinlmm than in any other month of the year what enn he done there is already evidence of the general worth of the provln- clnl hhfety campaign liolng spon sored by the llvpnrlmeiil of highway and supported by tho press rndlo and many other ngenelew there were fewer truf fle accidents in the mrt half of llim minn in any oilier ulxmohth period since the war hut chil dren lire another problem teach ing the rules nf unfitly at itchool ulvlng parental nilvw e ntul 1m lew i ilow corn cultivator home- 1 piekhlng uiu safety factors urg- drnwn ivnller coal ml heater special million by miitorki wnoil hentor lievrolel iloadster ii rirli ir him model llwox coupe lltui ln model qunntlty ot stinw other i he children all uvn in fall that smnll aitlrles quilntltv nf corn in because tho cnrefiee youngei in stonk termn cnsh selllemenl with clerk dny or hale kverytblng sell to the- highest blihler ns the proprietor is giving up farming hfndiky nnd kmityrr auctioneers phone erin in milton kxtknfuvf tlljoahtno vucnonmt part htoru implptnrnta thrhlnpr kqidmimit vurnuur the nndprslrnwl lmvo rmorlvvl inktrurtlnnm from wm nkiiron ft hon to soil by public aurttnn nt hli fnrm irfit 1 can 7 iwp nf kb- qucrlnn nt hornby on tflkhdav heitkm11rb s romntmolna 12m ovlrvk thn following houses 1 porchoron mniv fl yenra old about 1500 lb 1 pr- choron goldlnn 5 yonm old about 1wx lbs 1 pcrrhoron roldlnr v3 yrn old nbout 1500 ibn txws nnd younc camk 1 hlnck hnlatoln cow duo time of snlf 1 blnck ilolatoln cow duo in october 1 white llolstcln cow due in november 1 blnck nnd white hobdoln cow duo in nov i whlto tlolfttpln cow fnoah aun ittnd 1 blnck holateln cow freah sent lib 1 blnck nnd white hol- stoln cow milking in full flow not bred 1 white holiteln cow full flow bred mnroli 23 1 bliu cow mllklntt brod mny 13th 2 hokteln heirom bred ln april 1 blue heifer bred in april 1 hnliteln heifer bred in mnrrh i holtteln helferi h monthi open i uktered llolsteln llolfer 14 months old h iloliteln heifer ml vet these heifers iuo vnerlnnt- ed nnd nllrnttle except one bred nnd rnked on thin fnrm thk10s11inc m a c h i n k tuaixunnd tfiacixh kqdip allls chnlmem trnctor model a ittbbet waterloo sepnrntor 13xlh on ruhher wllh grnln uirnwisr nnd cutter ihc cuttlnr hnx on ruhher ll cnse hnmmer mill 103 cocksbult ha trnctor plow on rubber cockshutt trnctor plsc no 1 ilkscll itectlon dmr cuhlvntors cockshutt manure sprender on nibber clrculnr snw nnd rnme millhlp snw jobn- stefh motor 1vow heehml imple ment priiller dinw chnln 125 ft with pulles ho4ks tdne heltn 1w ir0 hiv 7s tl hnrrels pelt lnclnc tool pmerv wheel mandrill crease cuns pj1is pul leys power i nun movr 20 blade new ikks 10 tat hors if not sold before snle 1 pirs horn june 11 10 chunks 1 york sow due in hillilmti hpeemlly have difficulty tiaileintniklltik or e ithuntliift the dnilketn w hit ll exlht no moie effellve method cif lli- hi 11 lln laich undemtnndlnu into ninik nilndit hili el ben noted than the liihpli ntlonal experlnuitt- belnti tiled in canada and in hcv- wiat jiuittur of traffic juiam y la pro hiimuhly plneiml in tiie junior cltlons own hnntlu and to a keenl extent it nctually is it filno wmks school hnfety natrou compiled of olfler pupllfi mnny of them cntleta hoy scouts fllrl scntifi nnd hrownles nro ehnntel with kutdlnc nnd helping young er children thiouch trnfflc tliey help pnevont nccldcntn nnd uiey ihenihjlvert nrijuiro n new kenso of imipondblllty then nn auxiliary force of traffic snfety juniors afo til ven the joti of nctlng n traffic wn idiom they ihborve tho chil dren who run ncroan nn intonwc- llon who ctowj in tho muldlo of the block who nro coreleah on tholr bllwji or even wllh tholr enra they do not talotnltlo to tb tenchork but report cnrolewi or ivcklefm net lorn to tho chief traffic safety ofricor appointed by the pupils t hemnelveg the iden works becnum tho younktei k enjoy it and tnke it mrlously instead of resent lnu constant ndult hupervllon and admonition the oopei1 whole- luattedly taklntt precnutlona be comes the proud thing to do not taking foolish rlslth nnd it in set lous double- 1 1 ou hie for the ouiikster who taken a chan e n tiafflc u juls rlskrfl mi nrcldent and has a black mark with the ti nfflc safety junioi h and the sulvt v patrols givti tin children every brake tiafflc on the streets nnd roads of ontario ls growing heavier nl- mosi by the hour nnd rlht now as l hey are starting back to school in their thoujinds we nre in the most dnngeious traffic period of the cnr for the children of the province ineutnbly nt this time of yenr trnfflc ae december nit n of u twftwj nh involving children rlsc to ihc craln hinder 7 ft new j l i mower t m h dump pake 10 painful heights hut it should not m h hny lender mp 1sectton be and need not be inevitable spring tooth cultuator m h hf the snfety or our children is dhnrrssslffrjj p j of the whole sec stml lnnd holler 1 drum community the toll of previous scuffler 2- row corn scutfler t earl autumn seasons can be re- sloop sleighs truck wngon v dn- tires hn hark klat new low 1 1 0th attninerflarg prutrra euwtjaii kuui etuvujt sunday sept 26 servieea 1 1 am and 730 pm hundmrdtime ilkv h w lsckersaix ov kltenezeb and hev john m hmiti ok aautiuiatrown special muhic for lltilh scrvicca all welcome itcv o u flindull mlnimer halton afincultural societys 96th annual milton fair friday and satlrday septmber24 25 300000 in prizes special attractions 10000 in races zzt 20000 238 20000 livestock exhibit special holstein and guernsey show bob calf club in guernsey holstein jersey and shorthorns display of uj work boy and girl exhibit tiiru garden brigade leorketowit girls pipe band admwtiion to crounds 35 cnth dvnce in twn hall saturday night admission so cents j a elliott xea e m ueatlhend soc treoa phon 2llr2 rum wagon 1 1- tires 2 walk- inc plows lwliivl trailer cutter u iruek sllnc car nnd hope lute bhks ollvirrels 1 ik kence posts hand power clippers keno stretiheis r anchor posts itoll snow fence stewart el ect nc ci ppers sprav pump peat hole auger slush srriper lltch- r sterllnc milker with 2 units plictro pall palk strainer iream ni parptor with mnlor some white onk maple nnd kim planks scales 2000 ihs haln wrench tool- double tree korks hoes and numerous other smnll articles chain and hay 175 hus bnr- le hm1 hu cats j hu red clov er ml lbs aunlfn se- wv hales of airnlfn hs nn biles or t moth f ton inse yli pocmhy vqvw pcinty 1 ilnoder house 1012 1 krood- ei house lamswii stle kel house 2 shelters 2 brooder stoes coal kwhi hoopers kountnlns 17s ij ntr hens houskhoid kffkcls 2 ward kohes pine cupboard chain rocking chairs klectric clock fleetnc toaster 2 larre coal heaters dutch cken egg s iles bread bo mirrors glaih churn odd plhes and other small articles 1 secretar bed spiings nnd mnttress dresser aid wnsli stand to matcii terms csh nn rtsere as proprietor hai sold lis firm and ha bought n home la milton nnd is giving up r inning kerthlng offertnl for sale is owned b the proprietors hornh women s institute will supptv nv freshments hindley ia kiuort phone erin or mftton ceo curne clei k unst september more children were killed b motor cars ln ont- ailo than in other months for the p ist ten i ars sepember nlwaya has been a black month yet this gi im threat to our children at the end of their school holiday can he illevlnted if nil motorists if all parents if nil school offlclnls and tun heps and if every elub- and organization interested in community w elfare will combine m a luncentrntcd effort to lm- pncks the spef ial need for caution eveone can help for instance b st ressing these simple back-to- school safety precautions nt every opportun t motoiusts- ghe the kids the brake u id them the rlght-of- wa and look out for them with pei lil care in residential areas and s hool ones parents sc that our chll- dren know the uife route to achool and that they know hor to behay safel in traffic set them a good example in traffic behav iour older boys and girls watch out for small children the follow j our exnmple you know so gis e them a good one to follow younger children obey nur traffic officers nnd school safet pitrok play in aafe place and set that the way in clear before hiepplng into the roadway alwns cross at an intersection newvr in the middle of the block pileitihxf acloa boys girls ftnd with aiwlhtink arlliith in a band concert t- p sunday sept 26 in acton arena program mon amlo tnlli mlnitld on fluard uiisi kllvnl our tymfial tlyjwy festival rddy hoars ihcnlc tho southland uost uoviki irlsli melortlea c w mason conductor i uivhiin ajfcmuislit oudurjtor silver collection a c t o n nightly 7 and 9 pjst matinee saturdays 2 pjti air conditioned now ilayint alan ladd in tl wild harvest fltldaysatlirday sept 24th25u bssfx eddie u bntor joan davis ryou eu suse y ulvi jojiym eamlbjumcle ioiiv lutein mondaytuesday seit 27th28ul wednesdaythursday seit 29th30th pmmthl vmmm ajy mjattwi miiund- dietrich golden m uuwh wt imuca ultib cuoab4umju m mocv quihtmi holohn mwp4 fall fair special wistful widow of wagon gap

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