Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 23, 1948, p. 6

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fatik mx r the acton free press i timiwday kept 23rd ims i georgetown mr and mr e b gwackhamer spent last week in hothector ny whortr they vuued with hu sister mm ii jl unwln and mr unwln kev alexander caldor wu in ducted on minister of knox and umehouae presbyterian churched at a service in knox church last wodnewlay ovonlnif he ttucceedd ilev cliaxko c cochrane how mlnuter of a wwitmbunt quobco chiuch mm harold cleavo and mjti c vrourtf of georijotown were biioiit spanker nt the september mxhunjf at norvnl women wn- ntitute nrul toni of n trip to new orlccuwi which thoy took but march the meeting was held last thursday nfternoon nt tho homo of mlas prnlrlc mnjtulro with mm gmydon chester occupying the chnlr the police report presented by cr davidson showed such petty crime in town ns milk hottle pilf ering which is now under bwestl- kfttlon shoplift irik by juvenile a 5 cattle theft by brnmptcm men who had been npprehended nnd hamate by juvenllca nt the local theatre for which pnrcots had been ordered to pay herald i oakville in a closo hard- fought contest tliat mn twelve inning oak villa intnrmedlato b baseball toam went down to defeat before port erie by a one- run margin yostor- day afternoon and was nut out of 1 tho running for tho oba champ- lotuhlfir tncoro was 87 the game wv played at st catharines excavation work or the founda tion of the proposed onkvliio and trafalgar memorial hospital wo darted on tuesday morning by fred price and co limited local contracting firm in the aftmoon a very brief ami ulmplo ceremony was ennctihl before a frnittll group of spectators when mayor cluu hlllmer took n shovel hnd turned a uhovelful of earth st judos church was tho scene on saturday afternoon of one of j tho largest nnd most picturesque wetldlngs of tho reason when mary ellzalwth uyrle daughter of mr nnd mra jnmcji grant ilyrle onk- vllle became tho bride of robert somors tate son- of mr and mrs h wm tote of toronto record star weak tired nervous pepless men women tmmvtavurwltitty poekwjk and campbell mrmwituire of high grade memorials memorial engraving g2 waur sl north galt teijcrilonb jms th sniklayxsrhoof siiniuv hig1tkmiikh burlington cr armstrong reported that hulldtnc of tlin nineteen veterans homos was prokrmklnjj favorably thoy nil hnd the roofs on nnd half of thorn were plastered it was ex fnir ttnlmwdy for ore ii pane v inn montlts time burhngtone1ovi school has the largest roglstrntlon in its history to date the totnl num ber of students on tho roll is 458 a limited number of students arc expected to register during the next few days the increase is in grade ix llic kerns notified the coun- eu that oa and after september is the charge for the town dumping garhafe cot hi property would be increased from 300 to woo the yearly sxreemeflt ex pired on this date council auth orised the drawing up of a new agreement to cover the new chart a unstiiiaoue call has been giv- to dr j g berry by the con- cregatios of wect sutton in the pretiiyteiy of toronto at its sneetnc on tuesday in toronto thr pafcinerv cusained the call and ihe induction uv fixed for thursday eawung sept 30th dr 2irjty t rrtrry fnends will w jh hac fry rurcea in ills new chtrjre- j mait crtc advised council that 1 the hvoro cmtrman had award c t ciinrmr tc jack gibblns to erer u tuns new light stand- irdj and uork wyuld be occn- menoei l es ary dhle on their ewrtior tn hougn i might be unoseinie c ight them this year tre muyor saucl that it would be tieoeaetr u sriave all trees on ertal sffjt xrp to caroline he rkitrtmi regivt bui taid there vics photography studio j portraits jcnluwkmefjtd weddings socia1 oatflrrinus vic bristow pbotatriplusr pfcone m mill st make your selection of new wallpaper prom the largest stock in western ontario priced o suit everyone youll find it at chappies bookstore 1s5 wyndham st ouelph angus kknnkdy proprietor uttrk satng 1ioee savirgi depotts- in cantdlan tftijct rejjrtj th financial pott iachd new high of 3059 mll- vrt in july up 23 millions tfxxi une and up 20 milionj in u faj tiit increaie to attributed hfh wage and employment vtl and s general tendency to save ja wary comforting plo- tur on tobl escwutive termed choice dwellings for sale a vkry desirable property nreaently occupied ai a dwelling by a good class tenant built of artistic brick ten rooms eteam heated hardwood floors throughout finest workman ship and materials were put into this building all oonvenlanca soft water system urge cellar divided by stone wall colonial design a stately property besides a large family dwelling or gentlemans estate would also make suitable quarters for a club or annex to any institution the price asked is very reasonable only half of what tho building cost 50 down needed to own this very desirable property owner moved from town only reason for selling confidential and exclusive listing for ap- pom linen t view contact low taxes seven roomed house with bath garage lare lot good garden hardwood floors almost throughout completely equipped with storm windows nnd door located on crescent st the garden of acton owner living away has no further use for property six roomed house nnd gnrngo double cellar all conveniences near to plants and offices well located good garden these properties are nt present well tenanted but is is aibe to buy ricrv for future use or occupancy tor a iran transaction bay and sell through a realtor cars and trucks financed and insured f l wright wilbur sl realtor and irumrance ilion95 warning to domestic commercial hydro consumers owing to the drastic cuts in pur power quota this com mission may be forced to cut off pow er four to five hours per day if sufficient reduc tion is not obtained by your voluntary eo-op- eralion to reduce the consumption of electric ity the manufacturers have agreed to reduce their loads by various methods in order to meet their quota- it is bow up to the householder and the storekeeper to do their part in order that full employment and pay envelopes may be wafatainei this reduced quota is effective wed ept 22 1 and until further notice there m ji heavy penalty for anyone refuting or neglecting to com ply with any restrictions or orders under the power commission aot acton public utilities making unwl family trndltlnhh cnlnvu text as for tin mid my hout wu will imrvt hut iord tdmii ji 1h ijuon trkft- ac 1tlt-tt- tim 1mi 1h1h lckjwvtltliiti 1 pntil itiut- tim othy ac llllk thltj im iutf flrxt iippoiirnnrc nf timothy he jteeamo n wmiilant 1 ntiiipiuilon and helper of jmil to the end he look marku plnee i to ik one of the mmt himutlful tjible chiinirlerj hu faith wtm in n noiiho an inhoiltunc it dwlt first inhu grandmoljh- ioih nml his mother kunly 2 tim 1 ft juii when timothy born mo a chruunn wo are not old yet ho received the holy spirit nt n divflnlto ox- pcrlence through iho laying on of rnulm liiinclm 2 tim 107 ho it is plain that one may hi a du- olple hoiiir time without definitely receiving the holy spirit this shown nw m mnny cither patutng- cs in 1111 acts of the apontlos do how uukcrlpturnl im the pohltlon held by rome that every believer iuih the holy spirit as an netual definite experience the receiving or the holy spirit nfton comes home considerable time after con version there now jiowover be no such lnterlmlf w would only llnvlmheryovulnjiruclf iimi risen saviour wo would defln itely receive the holy spirit nt ithrt tlmv of mnvsilanai-rireup- 1 red in tho household of cornelius j and an occurred on the day of ponlcofrt pauls tour wok eminently nuo ressful first of nil the church es were strengthened in tho faith nnd in the second placo they incronsetl in number dnlly here we hnvo another illustration of bow god mnloes the erron and tfvon tho ulna ofmon and oven iwllevers work out to n roocfohct pa 7010 the fnllure of mnrk nnd the folly of bnrnnbas brouflht timothy into the work and in directly knvo us these epistles of priceless vnlue first nnd second timothy it shows how god makeo all things work together for rood to those who lovcf god rom 828 it was now twonty- two years since the cruclflcatlon of christ nnd fainlce had been converted soon nfter tho resurrec tion of jesus and had married o very early gentile believer thoro would be time for timothy who was only n youth 1 tim 412 to be born and prow up paul fnithfully delivered the decrees of the council at jerusalem to tho wulvtimiiu timed ts no way to bl- vmllnii fkoftpt iy faith in jsus im ac 11j jim iio said the lllhu iw tltti liiolruniont wtdoli 1ai biiw ehomiti tuid nppointsd to jnlnu iu to a ktiowltmiac tmd up- piluuuliin that frhh jno j0l tl tim itum 1017 1 id 133 law tlh jherti h ti erylnu ntfod in ow tlainli iifflnd jdy hot only fur h let urn to hu nioro dltluortt wlddy of holy horlpttird hut to k pnmpt und utwutmllonlnu noopt- anee of nnd buhmlsurlon to lis uuublnirw when thpflnltely uiwjor- ihlnod ff tlie hlblft u thr word of gnd how yooiihii ii in to hubmlt ht tcinlilnum lr tho ehtldum of our fkilttt renuonluu tjih ircutvt itf liuninii thlnkmu in only tut in fant compared with tho infinite od mirron roys taxi au valtllkwhitui vuixy inhtjhku phone jl jcs acton immmit kkficiknt hervice at jwjl tihe8 woy goodwin gordon mckeown knircnoy nlht omllm 4q hn lilllliredh ft peoph lined hllflt- ynrdu victoria aveiihe and milt street to watch th moit hpecth- cular hhie to be ween in muton in over i hlily yijim when fire hiokf out in the flatu adjnlnlnfz the nil 1 1 pond suiuhiy arirnoon abou 1 lirihnyhlackh containing 1cmj0 tons of hny wm totally de nt royed from the blazo which was first iirttlced by henrby reldenth ill ihree oclorir the iohh in inwilctl nl nearly jhh was not nivcril by irthiirance i ant tuesday evening nltout ihlrlyflvc friends and nel itthewmlnrrtiejinmo ol mrm uef ly sliainblonti to bid her farewell pleaiiunt evening wns speh tfiusy- lnr prokrosfllve euchre tho high score prize for ladies belnff won by mrs e simpson and mr l klnjj was wlnnor of tho hluh for men a pleasant surprluo rreoted ball fans at tho ball park inst saturday when they found a new icorfl- board liad been erected for their convenience tho annua 1m cot in jr and elect ion of officers of tho halton mai choir was held in lowvlli united churoh monday evening sept 13 nt 8 oclock mr j m ledwlth tho retiring sectroas read tho financial re port which showed the choir had mado over 700 during tho past year and had a favourable bal- nnco with all accounts paid at the present time canadian champ ion wm r bracken ilkal ejvtatk and jknkramnsukanck mortgage loans arranged iteprrtiinuimve of mutual life axxurimee co ltd l iheo churches nnd c blessed this concession ii timothy pauls dearly be loved son 2 tim 1 3g rendlnr between the lines one sees with especial clearness how much this yonnr disciple on whom the rrcat npostle come toloan so henvily nfter he had become paul tho ard owed to hometrninlnr and to n knowledpo of the truth as it had been instilled in him by his mother nnd rrandmother the shlninr example of tliese rodly iwlievlnr women should be emul ated by every woman in christ church to whom the care of chil dren has lten entrusted none are too younp to be told the story af jnsus and the records show be yond all shadow of contradiction that the rreot champions of truth in all uros of the church have been very largely those who in early years were instructed by their mothers and grandmothers in the knowledge and admonition of the iird pauls interest in younr timothy was especial and unique vfi the whole family to which he belonged bad been con verted on pauls first missionary visit to kystro the rrent apostle to the lenities was at thnt time involved in a controversy with the jerusalem church concerning j tho question of tlenlhe converts freedom from th- ordinances of i clrtumstnncett and otiier distinctly j jeutsh olmervances ac 15135 111 the power of t tie scrip- lures 3 m 15 the reason paul gives fr tim- othys continuation in the thins i which he hnd learned is a deeply significant one namely he knew i from whom he had learned them tch 15 he knew the piety and j consitrutlon of these rcmmi nnd i godly women ht wm nwore of thlr prayerfulneai humility and i fellowship with od all those fine q utilities wont to recommend th i views they held ami which they hnd taught to timothy timothys mother hnd begun at tho rlnht time with him babyhood not what 1 paul says the holy scriptures have the power to do therein lies their preeminence over all other books all other writings paul here to j referring to th old testament which when rul in the llflrht of the faith of christ jeaus coupld with implicit trust in him alve sufficient instruction for salva tion there is more power in the bible to impart the wisdom that brtnas life eternal than in all the rest of the lltermuire of th affea it is through brlntrlng us the faith that is rooted in christ jesua that th scripture make us wise unto cuamimc on all your dry cleaning- far prompt weekly service put card in window each monday or phone 103 acton cards mny bo secured at cooperu clothing store or from driver master dry cleaners joe woods every morning before the bank is open for business branches of the bank of montreal all over canada ire making deposits for the days first customers banking by mail is safe speedy and con- tenient for those who cannot get to the bank and who do not want to run the risk of having loose cash around the house it cant be beaten next time youre passing a branch of the bofm why not drop in and ask about this service or if you wont be coming into town soon write today for our folder how to bank iiv jlj by majlv with it you can ml dhii if open your account right away without even a visit bank of montreal anon branch w h clayton manager canadas first bank oouiua win uuiuii m eviit wtu of un uu mm employers and employees now contribution ratos for unemployment insurance aro effective october a 1948 the new contribution rates are c11 clan of employed peroni 0 while earning icbi than 90 cents a day or while under 16 years of age pid on hi behalf by the employer earnings in a week sao to 749 earnings in a week 750 to 959 earnings in a week 960 to 1199 earnings in a week 1200 to 1499 earnings in a week 1500 to 1999 earnings in a week 2000 to 2599 earnings in a week 2600 to 3399 earnings in a week 3400 or morej value of weekly rate weekly employer 1 mployae stamp cent cents cents 9 9 18 18 12 30 24 is 30 24 18 42 24 21 45 24 24 48 30 30 60 36 36 72 42 42 84 r more a year ar not iiuurcet weekly and monthly rated employee earning 3 12000 or more on and after september 20 1948 new denominations of unemployment insurance stamps willie on sale at post offices surplus stamps of old denominations may be exchanged at post office any time prior to october 31 1948 effective october 4 1948 increased benefits are payable to claimants with dependents there are other changes affecting both employers and employees for full particulars apply to the nearest ofbce ol the unemployment insurance commission tt j tallon commissioner 1 g bisson chief commissioner c a l alukchison commissioner

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