Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 30, 1948, p. 1

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v wiu jvtfw mttt fjrtss seventyfourth year no 13 acton ontakio thursday september 30 1049 eight home print pages six cents second report on acton swimming pool wia nw medeod in rsnt chuhch societies wluicanvmm of bumnem coming tojfton jjtwo m a very pleaw afternoon wns tjetod second list or don- mncnell won hortow 16 the wjmls ations given this week n lndlo aid society of nnssakii- weya presbyterian church i during the course of the after noon mrs ed dredge called on with still a half dozen lists of canvasser still unavailable thr- aeton community svvlmmlne poo to irand wpbunrf t cvc i that the purpose of the e dr herbert moore speaker at the acton rotarv acton rotary club was indeed foriunnte to hnve this wmic us their speaker dr iicrlcrt moore of toronto wellknown industrial physchologlst of stephenson nnd kellogg industrial engineers packed into thirty minutes dr mooro left n mengc hint was really relished by the members nnd several visitor some of them high school boys who were guests ilo urfted young men to noulrc gen eral broadening of learning as far an one can bjdmllnte before giving thought to the life work to be as sumed nnd pointed out that broad ening of knowledge enn continue power load lor acloii is still above quota stjutx a p who is leaving our midst shortly long nttor leaving school published this finds the first ob- i hnr i to mnke her home in acton personality said dr moor is the in well chosen words mrs biggest factor in determining auc- divlrynokoifaiiewllllnkawi cgggjnllfe nnd the biggest void in with which mrs poole gave of thewo7tutrtokrlefldercldp her talents and the cheerfulness i of thd pr laid down with which- she gave her efficient i for younr folks nmi parcnta may service whenever needed havc amod old fashioned but he on behnlf of both societies mrs folt tnnt younr people today ie- wllfred kennedy preserved her qu ft hcwlthy wholesome re- w n rt b gnrd fnrronkfltt nnri token of the cwteem m wntcnitiu jectjve fctlu ahortj a itat of np peals by letter wreeftdila the appeal to all organizations for their contribution an an organiz ation are being sent out tv was thoroughly discussed by the committee nnd a recorded vote taken before decision was flnnliv made to proceed with the other 2 f wg ik first general canvass was complet ed committees were namedto pro ceed with this work and will short ly be calling on retail business men and manufaoturcrs for their pled it it was hoped that the general canvass and old boys and girls contributions would have brought in a larger amount before this time but if the work is to be completed this year the other two phases could not he delayed any longer here is the second list of contri butors in the general canvass previously acknowledged 55245 00 is held mrs poole replied fittingly expressing her regret at lenvlng mrs arnold marshall gave an ap propriate reading a dainty lunch was nerved mrs macnell and assistants by cases heard in milton court at wednesdays session h dron add inez mclellnn f york ted footltt ruwicl arblc george wnre w h clayton doris wilson sam snyder bob marshall florence snundcrs o dyrlw m dyrlw j mcgladcry f sngasklc a frnnrescato d franecscnto w m pnlmer jns ii wilmin fred sponr d c price h grnham andrew wilson- nora jxveeney george glbblns dorothy mcdowell telf mcdowell m plcstcr ur mrs- a 1 storkmnn i younghlut w duvnl jr eveleen brnldn david dills hoy klrkness hartley coles c pnrgctor j turkosx t todd s znjnc pnt bnylis a turkosz ron sjlt j wilds s mshy jr k west h bittorf kdnn ewer lols gordon doris itohtits dolorrs lippm sthu fields i41n suar gthrkinn pfrr mm iurhit1 mulhn aiwn misjur jack moirisuii uarluun 1 jiwvui lnu lshi june wilson mn spir shirlf kikton joan kord iilllim iliiim- ivimj iipillon konnn pap lion ft unco mipiisfii nhirli vi r muriel hanton stumt mcdonald hottiini gniff c var 5 00 2n or 5 00 io g adams alias bninnell and sloan nppeared before mngl i- trnte kenneth m ljuigdon in milton yesterdny nnd was remand ed in custody one week adams is charged with the armed robbery of the bank of nova scotln nt 1 so cnmpbellvllle july 8 1047 of soo- 1000 000 in cash and bonds 5 00 i the court explained to report ers it felt in the interests of the nccusods defense he appeared in the magistrates office nnd wns not conjunquetvuy brought into court to hear the charge read i accused was brought from vancouver by provincial con stable ai lomon where he was nrrested over a week ago harry parks convicted on a charge of assaulting mrs fred stewart in acton september 23 nppeared for sentence the court ruled he would be placed on suspended entcnco for one year should he pay the cosu of tiie court as well as entering into n bond that he would keep t he peace nnd not nanlest the stewart family for tho length of time harry mctrnsh was remanded in custody a week for sentence when he pleaded guilty to causing n disturbance nt the dance held in the town hnll on fair night constable hugh wnrmlngton wns i he complainant oop 10 00 200 iroo 10 00 5 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 irno 1000 in oo 10 00 r f i 10 00 500 5 00 5 00 500 500 25 00 1000 10 00 in mi 10 00 10h 10 00 10 00 1000 10 ml 5 00 5h 10h 10h 10 0 101h 5 00 5 00 5 0o i ht 5 oo 5 0o 10 00 10o0 mihi 10 0o 5 0o 10 o0 10 0o 10 00 i0ui t 10 00 10 00 5 vi 5 00 5 iv 5 0o px 5oo 10 iv 10 10 01 this could best be started in the home he held little liking for som of the present day theories of let ting children choose in whims he also thought youth needed some ac ceptable instruction ui persevcr- nnce such ns was received in sports or yjmca and ho urged that all young people and adults must ex ercise self digcjpllne the biggest thing in life are the home and ones job these arc the things worth living for his address was very aptly illustrated by exper ience from his fifteen years in guidance with young people and analysis of menln industry dr moore was introduced l rotarian normnn batrd who made arrangements for his visit to act on nnd the thankb of the club were extended by wes bentty with the removal from acton of mac aylsworth some changes were i neceojiry on the clubs executive these officers wore elected nt this meeting jack hoyston becomes club secretary and doug garrett i step into hi place as vicepres ident the new member of the executive is ted tyler new instructor at aeton u for this season cltl7cni nnd particularly those interested iw the acton ymca nnd the activities of young people will be gratified to learn that n new instructor has been engaged with duties to commence on oc tober 1st he follows johnny gray who with mrs gray did such splendid rervico in acton for sev eral years and went to j a higher poult ion at sudbury this summer george odonahue of toronto wns the instructor engaged by the aeton fair oilers a two day program this weeli council awards tender for fill kail a special meeting of the acton public utilities oommlssjon was held on thursday cvenlne all members were present tho kalarlea of the employee of the commission were gone into and adjustments made to brlr the nonrvni thcmeetlhk on monday employees more in line with the ovon t instructor re- prcvalltae salaries about town and ce education in toronto also to help take care of the rls- school wm acuve central ym ln cost of living cjv in the city nnd a member of the central ymca swimming the reuulnr mectln of the com- wns physlcnl recrent- mlaslon wns held or- tuesday ev- nnu lrnlnlnb instructor in the enlng with all members present nnvy the war and was amrttrrntmhanseiihttealuuni mrvci the question of supplying encr- i enrl chawel on motor by for flat rate wnter heaters was i boats ducussed nnd all those having v i u ii 1 george o donniiue plnyerl junl ir heaters lr are to be supplied ns far j v b hocuey with de la salle nrd in r mnlier horlfey ed that the break at ue bowling r ln t u ho green luul been repaired and also ac hl ncndcd that a hydrant on the crescent j w co which had been struck had been i rhp t r f a repaired p n cutten golf fields lr tho eervlce for mr d h llnd- i tupl says mill ls being installed this week i harvest supper it was decided to get new locks at st aldans church for the various gates and doors of i iv ktfwiwr rlth n tiie commission property and havc i kvfclniinliuilaj n key to each at the office for cas- th uarvest fcsl nt st at- es of emergency hnn wnj folowed by an enquiry from a conmructlon rhlclcn s tl 1 kt lnqu evenly guild the acton utl itles had a spare ilrcl worc mcsdnmeh c nel- wnter meter on hand the com- r h curr mission decided to sell a spare met- nm qnhcl or to this company f superintendent wilson reported tne vilely progmm following on the effort being made in con- c comunity singing led serving power the followlrg i b mis3 u stewart with mrs f facts will be of interest to local nl tho nano musical sel- consumers ectlon1 by messr duby fountain average daily power consump- nr ribbons recltnuon miss e tion for a 6 dny period previous to tnylor piano sdlo mist i- stew- sept 22nd k w demand 14g2 k ttrx mnrle trlclts- by w g mason wh ilsed 21tb consumption sol mlvi bctv qndtl the address sept 22nd to 27th 6 days k w of tne pvning wns given by can- demand 1251 k wh used 20531 on brownlee rector of st georges dnllv reduction of k w demand ciiurch guelph mks c burgess 211 kwh reduction 800 returned missionnr from china compnrlsor of power used night a short nccount of some of load in brnckots sept co 1782 hor rt experiences mom sept 22 first day of con- the erjnynble evening concluded mass chest xray survey in rural i areas halton xiounti beginning on monday october 25th a free mans chest xray sur vey will be held in the rural areas of hnlton county the survey will last 4 or 5days and will be held in at least 2 centres in each town ship last year mass kurwys were done in each of the 5 towns there were 125g9 people xrayed 20 cases of tuberculosis werefound and 5 of these were active cases i ry this survey much was accom plished in bringing tuberculosis under control the benefit to those who were found to have the lseawjwisasogjrentby early discovery of the dlcasc their pwr lod of hospitalization and loss of earning power hns been greatly reduced servation 1500 7m sept 23rri with a hat contest in which messrs iway crossing change in staff at local office hell telephone mis mnrj allan who has beer the ei courteous and efflcimit mnager of the bell telephone co in acton for the pnt foir veiis has resigned with the resg- intion effect ie octnlxr 1st sh will he suetsjhmletl by mks mar redman w ho lias been chief o- tiittm at norwich mi redman hin hui long srice with the bell io ami uis furnii 1 1 n siijmm sh it iuelph fine concert prexmite at rena suudav eyeninir acton hon m tier the diiectuu t mavin gi cvn of the s i ill l uiind un- of hirutmater f tin finest on sumla oth pi ilion at well numi- onl dsap- e vire of the evening in the prju e actoi park it wis a d piogmtn mil ih 1 h tiling ft tor ts t row it w u enjotsi it ttie progmm had several unique i frtiuts mr k cole- contributes i nkm si with kind acciampatil merit diminutive tvind leadei ivtet i iw ii iskiducitsl tju ljind n i ouv it numtxts setra o tie former memlwrt i a m i tien kind iga n pli t d mclutt- tng iesm- a misn i seiogel ssige sni ti and tom nuvl ti km was also awstexl lt n lng ronimiitee was appoint m to loos sntiphone and mr peters on after a booth at an auct on wle n the ilrunis both tf the lxrne scot mr 1nxsrctt dnn farm plans band were made for a euchu and dance mr charles kirknevh was the lunvh wat serve b the hostess er capable jules brazil of cne and her assistants and the meeting closed with the slitting of god save the king 5 71 t 50 lunmkkihrn institcte hou seitemu meeting ttie spt ember meeting of ban- nook bum women s instttute was held at the home of mrs uusmi fall activities were dwuvsm fame in announcing the numbni and giving a brief summary of the comioaerk and selections court of revision arranged and account for lawn mower refused acton council met lnit night i with councillors w mcleod a mcjsanc f davison and dcputy- heee coon present nnd kceve f j mccutcheor jireslded the tender of stewart eulot for supplying fill at the cnr cross- in nt 50c a yard wns accepted by council it w n decded to hold court of kemhion on wednesday october jotji after dlscussion council instruc ted the clerk to change the blaw tin waterworks lo conform with hvilro arningenvejts vvhereb ex tra servicer were wild for where more than one family occupied house cuuncl again dlcusel the pur chase of n lawn mower oixieril horn w d talbot when the a- oum was ptesontid council i e- fuseo pajment of the mower net ount town foreman kltkress report eii that the cultrt had been in- bulled in the wartime housing ulktiv ision tjie town foreman was to it- cure a supplv of wood for heating at the arna rxhr schools to compete in fieu meet in milton t the annual joint track aid fluid meet for the secondare schools m acton knn and cexirc town and milton will be held a milttm on wednesdnv octt fth onimencing at 1 15 p ni inst vearthe mitt was held m iergtown and milton won i he champ onsjilp hi s vear the com- ptitioi apptnrs to h ix de o en as graduation hat caused a de crease in the numlwr of senior students attending thexe schois the two bst athlete in each event will reprevnt their whool we have the complete track and field program and the public is- cordially invited to attend this event passed for payment hydro department hepc ontario power s57 rm hand service can llne materials mcdon klec supplies ferrantl klec supplier mnso klec co smgamo co supplies fed wire suppliei act in free press kvprvss ttiinsjmjrt mt- h palmer 11s8 702 sopt 21th 1188 792 v aj n turner w knight sept 25 888 7m sept 2c g9fi w denny ii s jolley h g tur- 3ftj i ner c cutts and c o ranney thls comparison will show how lolk raft the power users have trnnsferred the load from daytime to night i ctfs blitnt warning our 24 hours k wh consumption is approximately 1000 above our if canadians ever allow the quota on the 5 week dnys the ccf party to take over power nt i change in load from dny to night ottawa they know now exactly should help on the quota what is in store for them states in nrother column is published the financial post there are no n letter received wednesdny morn- ifs or bub about the platform ap ing from the hepc notifying proved at winnipeg last week of impending interruptions in there are no suggestions for enre- powcr seryice ful invesigatlon of realities nnd the following accounts were probabilities to be followed bv possible action here is a straight imc two three proposition 3 02 in one way and another the 3 15 program would give the ccf 4 11 direct permanent and absolute oi 75 contiol over all production dis- 1 50 trihution and consumption and tl 48 over the lives and savings of ail 18 00 people engaged in those activities 15 11 that means revolution nnd the 24 95 regimentation of an efttlrc people 3 43 hy a political party 12 00 i halton presbytery womans association elects officers the first mlannunl metln of the hnlton presbyter womens associntiort of the initcd church of canada was held in st puulii inlted church milton thursday september 23rd the president mrs t j hediey of burlington pr sided mrs galbralth welcomed the indes mlvs hume brought greet ings from the womens midonnr smuty mrs a g mrghit pres ident of the hamilton conference womans asnociation vas the guest spenker as this is a new organiaion mrs metallic was ver helpful answering many questions nnd giving information it is hoed mnnv more womens associations nf haton vv ii be af- f liate1 and so become part of a grv it federation of christian women off hers elected for the follow ing venr wctv- president- mrs t j hadle box 205 burlington 1st vcopresitwnt mrs b w hall trafalgar 2nd vicepresid ent mrs ivan goodboard rr 1 waferdown sct mrs g m houden box 215 burlington treasurer mrn c d wilson milton uterature mrs it smith rr 1 georeetown pressmr a o flumerfelt bronte as was the case last yeart this survey is a joint effort of the hal- ton county seal committee the ontario tuberculosis association nnd the ortnrlo dept of health ths year in addition the feder ation of agriculture is also coop era ting meetings to organize the cam paign in the various townthlps will be hed very shortly and the dates and places of the clinics will be an- nounced in the near future your contribution to the christ mas seal campaign has made this mass chest xrny survey possible even a amnll contribution may mean much to the health nnd well being of your community source dries up uml night performance tte lures wen tern riding and trained moraefl and comedy acrobata saturday program will have fine stock exhibits raoeft and many novel events cartey shows will be on tho midway at the fair on friday and saturday pinns are all complete for the annual fall fair in acton tomor row friday ami saturday the first night will have all off the ear- nival flavor casey shows with at least four rides such as ferric- wheel nnd merrygoround and a large aeetlon of the midway will be lighted and in operation ifi the areftirnhattiwhktwlu be joan ross and barbara fajr- chlld with their trained horses they will give exhibitions of trick andtaviiry riding rolpctrle bull whip therell be a real west ern flavor to their net and aom- thlng entirely different for the program for many years he dir ectors have been unsuccessful in getting thla type of performance nnd are pleased to be able to pre sent it this year nlckllng bros n team of comedy acrobats are among the top performers in this clnss and present a program never seen her on any previous show there will nlso be classes for highjumping horses which are al ways n feature of acton fair the old stand4ys of potnto race and musical chairs hnve been left off the program this year the acton boys nnd girls band will provide music for the even ing nnd of course visitors will haw r nn opportunity to view the hau ex- employers who occasionally ask t hlbits which are judged on the first employees to work overtime at tlmeandnhnlf or double time are saying that tax deductions at the source are a mlmnke the extra income for the one day ln the day seand dy its only good weather that is needed to ensure the success of tho week docmit mnke it worth while rday show on one of the the worker says to put in the fim fnir kto ir the province there will be on exhibit cattle fine horseb n big poultry show and a fine entry of pigs and sheep there extra iimc thus in effect there la a tax payers strike one employer recently said thnt some of his workpeople said they would work overtime if the pay was given them in cash and not thown on the companys books or reported to the tax collector it was reveal ed in the prices inquiry that some workers have weekend jobs for which they get cash and presum ably pay no tax thereon the tax collectors are smart persistent unrelenting but they arent likely to cntch more thnn a email num ber of such tax strikers deduction at the source is fine in theory the practice is different and t he working people of can ada still consider the rate of tax much too high the printed word the newfoundland railway a deficit operation for all but four f iu fift ears ls to be taken over bj the cnr under terms of confederation f vfij t 1 vutrwrti itopt w oinninkhiim a ill j2 if k slilitir sjo ml win lhomisn 1 i cui urivs c lxil km in- lira- 7l3 si iv 7f critical situation in hydro ruin to ontario industry new meat contracts inder the terms of new meat contracts great britain has ag- itti to take the whoe of new zeila nils export surplus of meat for the next seven vear up to 155 the exception lsplg meat for which the contract runs to 105 j after which the quantities w 11 be subject to review on two full viars notice in addition an increase in the output of meat for export has hen requested bv great britain an increase of 50 000 tons s the target to ij- rvached not later than 1055 great britain has un dertaken to assist new zealand in obtaining materials and machinerx neceaar for the expansion of hr production new zealands meat killings since 1930 for export have axerag- ed 331000 tons annually the in crease of 50000 tons sought by the united kingdom by the end of 1955 will be approximately 15 per cent m stages of vital concern to even cilin in town or district appear in other columns from the ontario nnd local hvdro commis sions if the ontario hydro com- mvslnn enrritsj out its threat to interrupt power for fifteen min utes every hour during the day there isnt an industry that can operate electric power u used not only for drlvlrig machines but in many cases for applying hnt to certain parts this threat off in terval cutoff ak the most serlou blow to induslry in ontario thnt has been dealt sinc hydro be came such a universal servant i it may mean that will be trotting races on the track nnd judging in the various rings again the boys and girls band under c w mason will handle the musical program and lend the pnr- ade of school children at one o- cock nnd the parade of livestock before the grandstand at four oclock theres n contest for the freck led boy and other innovations and nt court there be the baby con test with a fine lot of boys and girls who will be the future citi zens of this community nowhere else can one get the variety of entertainment the op portunity to meet friends and a meeting place for town and coun try as at the fnll fair and nt no place will you get a better wel come than nt acton fair this weekend make it a date for acion fnlr on friday and satur day and if you are still energetic you enn attend the fair night dance in the town hall theres something for every age at acton fnlr bazjuir anil baking sale octo ber 30 sunday school room united church auuplces friendly circle euchre and bridge ymca aiton wednesday october 20 815 pm admkalon 40c auspice lake- sde chapter iode may mean that thousand opening euchre and dance will be thrown out of employment i-oi- 467 crew wins corner fri- heeause no industry enn afford to day october 8 refreshments lo- njch unproductive time with good prizes admbtslon 25c interruptions no newspaper with- out nn auxiliary power other than i on november 20 mrs kate ail- hvdrti can publish an edition a ken will speak ln the united lot of heating svstemi will only church at 8 oclock auspices half rr orient the contusion fmnrfly circle united church k a hit difficult to conchw we dont know how you can an event to renvmber turkey vive electric powisr most indus- dinner anil musloale acton unit- tries are already cooperating to td church monday october 23 the fullest but we understand auspices th church oioir that domestic users are showing few reductions the situation s barn danre at claude picketts critical if you think pay day is farm seventh una ih miles an important day of any wtok ftorth of hornby tuesday oet youll save hydro every concelv- 5th modern air orchestra ad- able opportunity mission 50c

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