Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 30, 1948, p. 3

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burlington the work on th new building tor guide vhd brownies to stead ily trogressjn7 and the frame ar now being laid to house the oejnent footings delegate to the national con vention which begins at ottawa september 30th are senior sec tion x s hovoholson burungton ladies section mrs k j hallett trafalgar township young oon- aervatlves miss esther imylof acton alternates named were e steck georgetown and 3 a b icodeary and r j new oak- vllle gasette a floyd smith jeweler watcihoi cljttctlu 1 jkwkijcry i qiiilun slrcfl weill gmblph ont oakville chronicles ot ginger farm wrtluli kpcllly for th acton krwt jr mvbniwmjnk p clattkk kornu 16 oakvilltftrafourar high school btudonttf earned mroondary graduation aiplonw lnt trm it wu announced yesterday by prin cipal wi s tllako thom diploma together with honour graduation aheepkiikln and intermediate cer tificate will bo presented at fommftncmtint exorclaen alated to tnke plneo during tltelblrd week of october a irume scottu regimental court of inquiry together wlhi tiht central army command in in vestigating tho ctrcumtanra in which jack snrgant 16yonrold otjhts atudmit wan injured in a trajrlc mluhap on the flmuday of oakvlllo industrial exhibition ni j tho other wny round mnylw lu- twic young atudent u hnnd wai z ciuim it h n uhnle nt fas or to badly mangled when a pi at 1 uliwt nn oxtift hour tlmn it ir to nhpll burnt from the tube he wm examining during n student body the sunday school lesson hiniav xtobkh 10t olehn txt phe ward of our cod hlmll itlnnd forever yfta 408 kvimmltlon 1 iv word of cod ii i 119t7l i hio whole nf tli 110th pxalm j if an affirmation of tlu revelation back to tandnrd time and n i word th verw were- you glmt of that extra hour ltel arc ymbollc of the wliote in v 07 notice that inve and mtd- w if wd nlrelv until we get outside l when tho double begin shell wl eed through hlh thumb on d st wo nrc often out to feed vlblt to tho fair stwji fln of tho and forefinger it ot upwar1 rl r to tear a capln hole in the arena rwly fnr hrrakfn 0n vics phtgg studio next to vjwoa pobtwarwl r wurnwos social gatiik8inus vic bristow pkatoarralmr phtttb 8 mu si w vanwyck eaners ci pickup and delivery service paone 272 for the best in dry cleaning roof to land in n harden one block awny onkvllctraraliar jour nal the demnnd by stamp collector for the 1917 dr alexnndor gra ham melt fourcent stnmpa broke all canndlnn reconld in bed last kundaj we find it much enxler to uljuxl oiimivm 1 uhen the time clmn from fnt ve ol wo will hnw it by ov- lo atnndnr1 time than when it i w v time to think about it v oh atatca that the word of od mium wib- er men v h 101 add that there in mtmcthlnk in knowing th wold which ninkea n mnn of krenlor undfrutnmllnu tluiil lencheni mnlt 1125 1111 is tla m v 10 lmw loyalty to the word ftm a memih of avoiding evil im ik a tllub 2 11 w 111 v 102 the juilrinenth ikovem- f hnve lorjiolten- them cntherlnjt the ejjjjs also hn in lw sort of re- niinnned on dst the bins slnrl inle but keep lnlnil well into the afternoon on k s t we have lo mail pirklnn up euir eail i him- the hens uel must of thel i hk lavlni done in the forenoon then the kittens nnii looking for on ir lueakfast nnd supper at what farm stwtmpijcmknta dy laid time the ehh kens are up end looking for it xml ralsinr a regu lar rumpus bienhne thej ihlnk e n ahown nu understood by the word jcr 32 tlkahint auction sale 1hc limuthlknid nsti urlinnh from hiivu received w of mnklnk liio itnlmnls nnd hints t hniire tticir schedule nrrord- k aoamh iiir the wny tlie eloek k hit to sell by public miction at his and isnt it sjinnre how mueh dif- tnrm iot 21 con 1 twp of ks- ferenee one hour rnn make ciueblng on snturdnv wau our lornl fnlr nnd yinksoav ottonkb ktii i for onre in our lives we mlined it commonclncnian oclock the whtol s to ntrimp for thnt iioitsks nnd harness 1 team work hordes ftyod set of double honnou odd collnrs etc cows and voung cattuz 1 ilonn cow in full flow bred ocln 2 durhnm cows in full flow bred fijrnln 1 blue cow in full flow bred flpnln 1 jercy cow in full flow bred ngflin 1 ayrshire cow in full flow brad ntrnln 1 brlndle cow in full flow bred again breeding dfttaa of cows riv en day of sale i durham heifer 1 jwar old 7 jortoy helfcro 1 yr old 3 durhnm heifer calves 1 veal calf 2 durham steers about 000 1s hoq9 1 yoru sow with ii pigs b plg823 weoki old 10 pigs 10 weeks old 1 york hog l yr old implements ca11s straw nnd corn mnasey hnrrin hoot pulper extra henvy wagon suit able for hush work 2- furrow cocknhutt wnlklnc plow massey harris cronm separator nrw 2 row corn cultivator horse- drawn trnller coal oil heater wood heater chevrolet roadster 102g model etsex coupe 1w0 model quantity of straw other sronll articles quantity of corn in stook terms cash settlement with clerk day of snle everything sells to th lilnhftst teen lovely hnink thcm bidder ns the proprietor ls gtvlnk 0 them but now up farming h1ndley and elijoat auctioneers phone erin or milton our men were on their second field trylnc to cet it finished be fore the wetkend nnd the fair however when the whent won sown there wns still the ditches to run you know how it is no good farmer li content to leave hli field until it is properly ditched but hi the time thnt was done tho rent of the folk w era coming home from the fair i suppose i cout1 have gonenut i just didnt feel like it nlocff joy went nway on the soven bus that morning so i wni more interest od in kottlnn anv work done in anticipation of i quiet and restful wookond and wc had it 1 suppose we renllv mlsned somi- thine woithwhlle hocnuso we henrt it wns n wonderful fair nnd it was certainly nn idenl day home hnk- inc wns ver much to the fore so suprnr rationing didnt quite mnke the vomen forgt t how to hake renlly sometimes the wny ones plans get upset is quite funn af ter jov hnd gone i snld to partner well i supptrte thnt sees- the lust of our summer visitors ivh ierv ont- and then wm r bracken real estate and general insurance mortgage loans arranged representative of mutual life assurance co- ltd visit our modern showroom 8 garden street guelph ont opp fire hall rubber und mastic tiles inlaid linoleum wall tiles installed in kitchens bathrooms hallways stores offlors etc floor sanders for rent or work done keating tile co lloyd e keating ikornurl guelph flooring service phone s40 ouell after hours tum i went on to enumeinte the jobs i wanted to get done the unfinish ed work thnt was simply diopptd w hen cicely arrived letters thnt wire still to be written and vni lous items of bifclness to he at tended to that somehow got put off until the time should c nn that would see us hack to ordinary life well after outlining m owi intention to partner i went down foi the mail and there was n let ter from m sister would it be all right if she came up fox thank sgiving weekend i just na 1 to laugh but so it is we go on with our nrdlnnry everday plans each with our own special problems and our little pet worries so import ant to us nnd et how unimport ant when we consider what mi im shaping up from the tene in ternational situation it seems un thinkable that theie should he another wai hut then war doesnt stiin possihle until we are nult m the middle of it no wine mrson wants war nnd et our war imc effort is aiw n s so much h i e than oui teuise time actultv true tut illogical dont ou think hut then we are illoghal mout so main things little things big things nfl kinds of things just toduv we heard of n wo man whose doctol 1ms wtirihii lui in i jim 2 lfl 27 experience isivals ihe ptetlnlimiess of the wold as hiiowii in v lot hyput ilsy its nvolrhd hy uudentandlng cnds woid we ni e told in v 101 pirn ii 12 mat i 713 a autu mn ty niny h found in v 10s a innip to ijtiien ft el is a slnnli- of the aiieleni eusloin of attnchuig a lamp to the foot of n night walk er a light for the path in an over- fietln it ttil- wonl of cod we have tlie light of uie world jim h 12 no mal lei how dark it may le about uu tps 182h one but not that naturnljy sug- rehted by the ordor of the words nnd tholr relation to ons anothar htero lu not a slnulo instanoo nny- whoif el in tlie creek new testament of the crnnihinucal eoniit ruction demanded hy the trniudntlon found in tliri u v but there are numerous o titer tnntanc- et of tho grahimmtleal construction found in tlw tianslakon ulven in tlie authorised vorlonxjuut those who do not like pauls doctrine cannot got rid of it by mistrans lating this pajauttfe 2 sam 233 mk i23fl jno 10w ac 110 28 23 rom 1h4 hob 37 3 pt 121jee r v 1 11m oodbrvat hod scripture im luofltahlo fnrfour allimportant purposed torching reproof rostor- atlnn to an upright state in- httuetlon or tinlulng in rlgjit- eojtmiess tho nuteonm of thtf study of scripture is unit tho man tif god liecomes complete or fit ted for use furnished complete el unto every good wot k 17 r v clearing auction sale iv r eh ron teiuil ianii imple- tueiitii poultry motel wr and furniture ihe lllldei signed jiave leiilvid illsl i ucllollh floiu jf k mnmahivjt to i lmihlh aihllon nt his fnim it ii con 5 two of nel son 1 miles west of mill on on friday otlohkh 1st eiiliueiirlnif at i ltd oeluru he fnllowlng i ivi smxk 1 leiun of vi- iiit u ium that she nbnolutt iv must ut 1 a lesjullve life it l- onlv oi- of manv such warnings to a hich this pitlent hltheito has pad little nt v poultry and eggs wanted phone milton lw for better prices halton poultry products d lit 1 1 tent ion she has nlwas brtn an nctl wonnn nlwib reudv help in an social work certii i she has no wivh to be a miui inval id vet her actions are likelv t i tiring on the unwelcome eondtlt n that she fears whv consult u lo tor at ull unlets one is readv to lake ids advice of coutm most dihorb know that women patients are nu anywnv one mtnlicr waul to me we can nlwavs tell when a woman is readv to tike to her bed bet iuse she akva hu to make a real job of house -en- mg first arriving it the hcsppii for an ojhrntitin mavhe tired out and w th all her reserve brngth of th used up claitsl ii why john recorded the stgilk related in his cnsptfl jiui 20 11 31 jesus wrought many works of divine power signs of ills being sent of co as the messiah which nre not recorded in lhls gospel nor in the other gosiwlw in w i eat ing from nil the signs that jesus i km formed there john recorded tie had just one purpo n mind convincing men thnt jesus is tho christ tlw son of cod in ordor thnt by believing thls from lhfl heart they might hove ufa in his name the bcit way to got that faith in jesus thnt brings life is to road tills gahiwl jno 7 17 ui tlie wondeiful power of tho word of cod 2 tim 316 17 paul had juit warned timothy iv 13 that evil men and im postors shall wax worse anil worse this prediction is receiving ubund- ant fulfilment today and ho now tells llmothy how to be perfectly safe no mntter how error in creases by continuing in th tilings lie learned from the holy st i iptures the w i ltten word of lod we now get a glimpse into a christian home lht home in which timothy pauls own son in the faith woj reared 1 tim 1 2 tim 2 2 timothy had boon axefull trained from a babe in a knowledge of ihe word of god the old testament scrlptui- es tlie faith which now dwelt in him dwelt flrut in his grund- moltier lois and otis mother eunice 2 tim 115 happy la the child whose mother has and grandmother imd a living faith and wjio also have the wisdom to train tlie child torn infancy in a know ledge of the word of god the hol scriptures here spok en of doubtuss refer to the old testament for though many books of the now testament hud been wiitten when paul wrote these words the were not when tim et h was a babo these old testament writings were hol or vsoired because tlu- were jodbrenthed oils is the literal interpretation of the words inspired of cjod v 16 in ttiem hol man spxke as they wisre movthl literally carried along b the hol spirit 2 1 t 1 jl limoth luul not only learned ituse things but hod been assured of their certainty he had tins assurance betause of h s know itsdge cf thom from whom i had le irned them and of the in fluent e of tjiost scriptures upon their eharacteis he had been us- tmed of them also bet u use the hoi scriptures luul tonimended themselves us being of od as the do o evei one w hose will is surremh red u ctxl ijno 7 17 i here wu a migtitv mwei 11 these old testament si hptuies i as trulv a oujre is in the new i i st unent s i pi nn s ouw u in make the one who read them and believes them w lse unto salva tion this salvation dial they re vealed was in christ jesus the old testament scripluret clearly and wondruusjj and ver fully reveal christ jeus nf luke l 27 u 45 pilet woi iters 2f heavy fat hens farm implements m ii iniii hiudii l ft m mowei r fl llii teldei m ii dump rak siini t iln tnti rmr tnrhtow dtsc cultlvntor grain i 111 ii disc sloop sleighs herd hal tows pwofut low walking plows 2 walking plows circular saw ami steel frame lumber wngon 2 gfwwt market wngons root pulpm fanning mill cut- ttm steel wheel trallor bag holder 2 sruffleih step ijuldejr hog rate jet of double hnitiess odd collaih and hi idles wagon and liny rack steel durreu oak ilarnds delival cream separat or ugvhe work bench tcmiih fiiantity or white ash pine oak tongues and rent lies fire ex tinguisher m d hay ioodor al most new plymouth set ian 33 model with good t ir en nnd good engine mileage about 69000 large qunntlty of ftuks shu vela chains ami other small articles furniture tlie entire con tents of house including walnut hurw hair sofa walnut corner whatnot center table studio couch 2 chairs to match walnut extension table nnd 6 choirs to match buffet drop ieaf gate ls table dion leof table battery radio mantle bnttoiy radio cabi net vlctrola 6 wicker seat chairs several odd rocking chairs odd small tables exten sion table nnd chairs lo match secretary 6 leather upholstered chairs hall rack kitchen stool lounge wnlnut bed with dresser and wnsh stand to mntch cher- iv bed with dresser and wash stand to match iron bed odd dresser odd bed with dresner and wash stand to mntch number of smalt bed side tables pine best liuge tiunk number of feather pillows mat revi quilts comfort ers shoots toilet setsmirrors odd pictures oil ijimps parlour lamps singer sewing machine electric washing machine benty cook stnve empire rongifte quantity of short dry hardwood inwn mower kitchen utensils cooking utensils pots pans stone lugs verandah chairs clocks 1 complete set of dinner dishes ciotklnole board dime odd dishes some class silver ware nnd tit tier household ef- fet ts terms cash settlement with clerk day of sale no reserve ns farm is sold ihndley st elliott auctioneers phone erin or milton l rendhead dork lto mix a spice cake just add one cup of milk or wnttr to ta cnmplwlu cake ntl nlir niul bnku eujov triitli hnnuinitde cake kfwnys light teiuler mid delirious tiy it cfl07pbllj cake mix 3 ruwor cuocotant oc4d1m utc help th salvation army to help the helpless respond generously ut the red shield appeal timiuiiiri trouhiirer mil a w haydkn mir hnnk it neivii kcotla iuiwe help the army l crry on ijacni commlltw orkuniziitum cokvohm and kecuil nanwa mr h h elliott mr a t brown mr wm kcnson mr gordon kokiivuldson mr w j o onkcs mr w g mckcnzic mr fhos watson m specialists in warm air heating air conditioning eavestroughng and plumbing ouk aim if to give service to our customers and instal only the very belt equipment at the lowest possible prices ve iiandij only the 11est canadian chaptsm b f murfin sheet metal works ilumbink heating eavestroughiag ieoreetown phone 138w if worry makes you blue let want ads see you thru illogical t but than nature of women ou cant now follows a brief but coin pieheixim statement of the div ine origin and marvelous power hol scriptures paul dt- r scnptuie 1 inspmj bv tol tills does not agree with the theories of many and the word admit of being juggled just in case it should go o r a with and it has he n done the spore flame followed each o he change in the r v was not made j uis athletes who relnw the for linguistic but for theological torch from olympla crs e to reasons the translation of tho r the london dljmpics v u a very reniotetv possible warning to domestic commercial hydro consumers owing to the dratic cuts in our power quota tin lommixsion may he forced to cut off pow er four to five hours per day if sufficient reduc tion i not obtained by your voluntary coop eration to reduce the eoilsiunption of elwtric- itv the numufacturern have ajpecd to reduce their loads by various methods in order to meet their quota it u now up to the householder and the suwkeeper to do their part in order that full employment and pay emrelopwjaay be maintained this reduced quota is effective wed sept 22 1918 andmiutil further notice there is a heavy penalty for anyone refusing or neglecting to com ply with any restrictions or orders under the power commission act acton public utilities

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