Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 30, 1948, p. 5

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thursday september 30 1948 the acton free press paok flvi 7 jfommal mis mary slrrs of toronto was home for the weekend mr boyd clark of torn to wad hom over the wekeod mr jack main prize of toronto wu home for the weekend mr e ftoadknlght of toronto pent a tfow days at the old home jnere mim etta dill rert d oh mon day after a visit with her suter in toronto mr and mr j m mcdonald of toronto called on friends in town last week mm hedge of dixie spent sun- dky at the home of mr and mrs w j jiutwda mr and mm e phillip spent the weekend in hamilton with mr and mrs a weaver mr and mrs mac bell of lon don weft guest of mr and mrs ln lovell over the weekend mr and mrs charles symorj of toronto vuited at his mothers hcrtf over the wk6nd friends will bo glad to hoar that mrs w j rutledge hns returned home from guolph general hos- pltal miss dnly partridge of tor- sp5ulallhehomo aw bhmdttdm luttrb hqttrcl at hattaba aataa kasaria suev louis pirmxbma parsonafb bowrr avenu sunday octobbil 3iu0 1100 run marnlrjg common worship 11 m m consrenatlon at thu children ot the church 1210 mn our church school 7 00 pm jth evening- service warnmft- conducted by tho rvsat jkfestlval sundny oct muslcalo church arwlvoraary services sunday nov 14th you am wslcom salvation ahmy appeal to be next month and mrs w h ctnjton over the v eeknd mr goorttc elliott nnd mul shirley elliott accohipanlod by miss kay broun wore homo from toronto for the weekend mrs j a mount had the mu- forturjc to fall niul break her left wrist uhllc visiting her dauehter mra u baxter fttiroy harbour toy dvnnl of san dieco qillfottla called on their cousins mrs molvln burns and mr john c dmlaust week ills esther taylor left for ot tawa last night where she will ba a delegate from ilalton to the pro- ereaslveconservntlve comentlon this uvek me for me ijrrabgtrrlan cwjurrb hi eatiaba knox cirukcjt acton ifctv x m attdanou ha mg a ttaa sunday october jiid 1100 nm finerament of the lords supper 7 00 pm evening stavlco a 00 pjn krhlay oct 1st prop- nrntory service anniversary service nov 7 ihe ilov k g btewnrt ot kitchener they that wait upon thw lord shalt renew their strength the salvation army causa will open n drive oct 1st to 30th in acton in aid of their good work for all cumm and it is felt that acton will do its part to help the army to carry on statistics just releaaod for the year ending march lt8 show qeda and meals supplied across the country 1344318 babies bom in sa hos- pmals 17012 girls ndmltttfd to receiving and maternity home 10003 children ttlvon holiday at army fresh air camp 8062 men and women sentenced to homes or employment from prison 3510 offenders committed to army cave 3000 aged people cared for in sunaet lodges 3019 meals and bods supplied exprisoners 91770 hospitals in operation i h rough out the territory 44 remember the army is a hum anity service 24 hours a day pleasure of summer cijcaiung auction sale by joseph ljstar rutledga rnhe recent threatened railroad strike has had at least so we hope a sobering effect on public think ing for a few days the country j stood face to face with a threat that might for the time have ut it back a centur to w hero tho horse and the slow water haul were the onl means of trans portation with no coal or oil or gas highway traffic to which our age is geared w ould soon have been at an end food would have rotted in the fields for lack of n means of distribution cltiei would have been starved and uninhabit able because their necessary ser vices are dependent on tho rail roads whole industries would have had to clou and tens of thousands of people who had no personal interest in the dispute would have ben without work or wages the things did not happen but the threat was there that threat has made the public ncutelj aware that such a condition must not be because the cost and lhe gains are dispropartlanite nnd ltldtttrihuted the coat to a whole people and the possible gnln to a relative few this is no criticism of the railroad men they were following s well- beaten path that leads to nowhere they were no more irresponsible than an other strikers they were no wome than the nonstr king clt liens who believe that a demand that is economirall or politically powerful enough carries its own justification it is perhajmi the first step to constructive thinking to realize that thi re is a penit for eeon omu sin and thnt sin is that an- onr should um power to itsure b neflt one nt h epenu of another it is ev li n ed in the me f r me attitude th it u n threat to the r ixnitsl mh litv in w hti h wo til liw- for jujxisi to its logical ex treme it nit ms tl i ntl f org in it- mkiii imi a i tin n to ttu toolh wul ilaw f th jungle it is well tit it the funm r xmuld have retttted tint hu ears work was at ntnke tjmt tin public should reognui th it the i sifet and their oomf rt in 1 ttu ir ihllit to live in their wivrld wis alio in jeo- panl tint tin should reiliii tht their rights the righ to work and to nn riiai lue to p aee ami to be sc lire und r tu triiuid sthiitv thev hid estnbllshid can- not n- suhjt to uie whm or the pnjudrt r ttu possible rvtil of anvone nhii which moons all if ils not stwne fivond or some powrful krou nuist ttint all its memlht for the essence of ioiet it that it should provide a wu of living together nnd no b unv compulsion hut of our own frte choice baptist hurrli acton rev ci ias r goukh mlnutei sunday octlxukh luib 10 30 njn sunday school 1130 am baptist brotherhood group toronto speaker mr c t wnymnn soloist mr geo bunco iliurs sept 30 8 00 p m bypu nt home of mr and mrs w coles anniversary services oct 31st brotherhood meetings week of nov lat to 7th lncl live ktoek in krumosa the undersigned have received inti in lions from wiuttrcn n h v awt 8t albattii filjurc anglican reetoi- rev v o lux ton ba sunday octoucr 3rd irlnlty xix 10 00 a m sunday school 11 00 a m holy communion corporate communion ot wa 11 00 n m beginners class 7 00 pjn evening prnyet preacher rev c a johnson ba rector of brampton this church welcomes visitors fnrm situated 1 mile s of rock- wood w it li esntrance from no 7 highway on tilllrmiav ottobkr 7 commenting nt 2 o clock pm tho following dairy cowsred cow milk ing well bred july lid aynihlre cow milking well bred luly 0th guernsey tow milking well tvrcd julv 3rd brlndle heifer milking well hrwl june 2nd red nnd white cow milking well hred july 20th holstcln cow milking well hoist eln heifer bred aug lth ueinsey heifer brei june 2nd stockbiis n hereford steers 8 hereford heifers these nro a nice h reedy lot of young cattle we think you will like this offer ing rnnging nround 700 lba 3 heifer calve hogs york sow due in octo- bei ketu in mind the dntel october 7th the plnce inwardlolgh farm mitms cam no reserve ns the proprietor is selling this stock to make a pay ment on his farm liindluy elliott auctioneers phone lurj rockwood or 177j milton rred baptle clerk important notice all hdro consumers in tne guelph rural opcratink area are requested to reduce their daily use of hydro by at least 15 per cent in order to keep the consumption in the district within the quota unless the dedred reduct ion is made within the next 7 dayb service to the district will be interrupted at regular intervals daily monday to friday commencing october 6th we especially request jour cooperation in conscrvinc the use of yard lights uater heaters and ranges a asaylor area manager one should um power to asu enil to uhlih nv n not tntillfd the unumitnri or that bene choice dwellings for sale iiok r mx koomki i1rkk vfveeit dvveiaxmq in im m rt mi nihil 1 nitt jtrt n blotk oft hlliun strtn t coumtt- f i klin room pining itoom nml kitchen with klniiedln r h i lire bull oonii nnd minroom upstnlr- new roof inaulat tl hnntutkhl floors rtnuiutniis wlrttl kraln fir upslnlrs beautl- rullt trimmlti ind iiulphti uilh ample untn nnd clothes closets 1 n 1 ulth unrm nlr turniue nnd laundry tub roomed oft i r h t11 ipht ind nthir hohhlis tood k iriiki lnrni lot well k t liun ind shrublxrj if uu nr looklnj tor n well built irul impnw i dwlllni m the moth rate price field without riitini t s en 1 m n t to r modi 1 nrrtnje to see this im m di i in v- ion i ovc iiiv- is mot inn to new lot illtt invssitvtuo nrmnrjt i utistu niuttt nukuvt in i linive nslilml u dltr c t n nr the pirk pease warm nlr furnio- inst illisl three fnrs iiko bathroom hjulplied hard- t ol ik its looms two stories nttic t upbonrils well dec itsl i or i lean trmiisuchon buy and sell throunh a itealtor can and trucks financed and insured i f l wright ilbur sl uealtor and iiuiunincc rttonc 95 if there was njcpntetd bobwoen the varlouvvjeasons to see which uhould bo considered the most pop ular the aummortlmo might ot the moat votei tho springtime li fascinating in its budding hojv and its promise of tho future but many raw and chilly days of that aehson croale something of an ob stacle to maximum enjoyment the autumn u woridcrful in lt flnlshtxl glorlem hut there are hints of coming winter that are not so pleasant tho lumtnertlme has to contend with plenty of hot weath er which is llktsly to make people uncomfortable yot thoro are hq many compensation for nny dis comfort caused by heat and peo ple so love their nummer pleasurem that urn fieason is ivlghly popular in spring and fall thoro are in most cllmatojt many days wlion pcopllnoed uomo warm gnrments arul when chilly weather placei re strictions on various ports and pant i mew in the nleo summertime thew restrictions duupponr and the door ifl wide qpon to a won- dorful variety of uports and dlvom- lonh there are typical scenes in which tho joy of bummortlmo is hnii in nil its hnpplncsn one of the most common is hint of th people swimming nnd hn thing nt populai plnces gaining vigor nnd refreshment from the tool feel of the wnter one common scene ih hint of wnler crnft moving over the pit nsnnt surf nee of inkcs riv cms and ooeanfi by the uho of mot- oi mill or humnn power a tplcnl lv jntff tho ml in hnll games tjiecilng on their fnv- tuirite teams nnd plnyers nnd np- plnudlng fine plnys so there is no end of plensnnt hummer diversions rwhh h make pt ople hnppy rriiey nre oncour- ngetl to hpend plenty of time out doors nnd do nctlve things so i ho siimniei time pnises quickly nm ends nil too rcooon test vitamin oilb in mixed feeds thq vitamin iforuficntlon oi commerclnl mixed feeds enpoclally poultry feeds is common practice it is important thnt vitamins be ndded in sufficient quantities tj moot the needs of tho nnlmnls or birds to be fed but it is albj important that the coat of tho foods la not increased unnecessar ily through wasteful use of those costly v itnmlns in order to pro duce economically feeds which aro nutritionally complete manufac turers must therefore know the potency of the vltnmln supple ments they use tor some years now the plant products division of the domlnon department of agriculture which ndmlnmers lhe feeding stuffs act has been checking the vltr- amin a nnd d guarantees made by manufacturers of feeding oils such oik nie the most commonlv used vitamin supplement when this work was started j may discrepancies wore found some firms met their guarantees fairly consistently othon wei e badly out of times most firms whow guarantees were out were ns often above ns below their guarantees this in dl en ted that thev were having difficulties in blending or testing the tests for these vitamins are very delicate and subject to wide errors unless proper methods nnd extreme care are used through direction and instruction it was posslblo to bring tho test ing methods of manufacturers in to line with the result that recent years very few cases have been found w here vitamin a and d guarantees on these feeding oils have not been met an open letter to local hydro ritom the llyurokfjcorklo hwkh commihhion op ontario ttirmliiaj bldf hamilton ont september 2a 10 ih acton public utilities commlhdor jinx 445 anton ontario attention mr j mcceachle socytrortsu her allocation o available lhwr rtippllee your weekday consumption of kilowatthours jinh been rotudsbont- ly in excess of tho quota allott ed your municipality nrd the com- mltuilon in therefore reluctontly obliged to inform you thnt unlets your weekday consumption of kilowatthours iw reduced to the quola which has hieon nlloted you it will he obliged commencing oc- tiohor sth 104ft to wwiuewt you to open feeders nt regular lntorvnl thiniighoiit thi day until tho rt- qulred reduction is njured we hall be glnd to coopernte with you lr nrrnnglng the time nnd dur- ntlon of bene interruption mont suited tn your requirements fail ure to comply with anv such re quest which will bo transmitted to you through our operators will make it ntoniuxry tor the commis- shm to interrupt your power nup- ply every hour tin the hour throughout uie dny from dawn to dnik for pcrlodn of time ranging up to fifteen mlrnten in d urn hon krrcancn sooop 70tviih tt being given sd thnt ynit may have nn oportunlty to notify nil youi oiihumors of whnt to expect in th iwent the required pioductlon in tin ir wt ekday cortumptlon of kllowntthours in not forthcoming and nlso so thnt you will hnve nn opportunity of taking stepa to safe guard nil vital hervlt es during the power rutoffs should these he- t time necessary it m mckhnzin manager west central region whithkr food oofltbt the question in august 3939 cnnadlnn food price index waa 75 now it has reached peak of 201 whnt do you think index will b enr hence and why canadians answering a financ ial post questionnaire show a wide range of opinion an to the future trend of lhe foot prlc index the head of one promlnmit chain of grocery stores making a care ful detailed analysis of various commodities predicted a 10polnt tlrop within a year but stipulated this apart from government ac tion which can only be guessed pollock and campbell manufacturers of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 water st north galt telephone 2mb auction sale or in kmiie at ttu n sldt in i of itmnk pftw1i ldlthm cirtjrgetuwn on momas evening kt i it 7 n lo k the follow irg t pi tuvterfield suite usd 1 ill 1 i walnut bedroom suite ieti 1 x j urs 1 hoi iltiliu w us i t r usiit 1 i tniio tlntiii run i ttti iul morllis hj eltttnc u n ilsl j months in w tootstiil i ik riini mk rnin suite 0 lb tn nut 1 i ln f t u r vt r i klllk lilt wk oik iiiiuiik hhuii suiti k inif f t mik dinui t itilt fi i ting d i tn rt aid nmltrevs kiti in n i in bti ikf ist t ihh ind 1 t hairs kit hn t itilt i lie ti hi i in i k n w i ir it ii i i n i ik ir m i tih nm i is al i inn i t liu t w m i ithiv t luiir ti st r- u ul i nt ilnut t n t i il ith i h k i i k i i up t ihit rr e t ibl wrung ilt sk 1 hut simni m i i tit k ei t likt nt u i ik ed t itik md in ittn s i ht st f 1 i w is g td hi r ink w irlr h f i imi- oiiki l mn ru t i lik in w in w k it n n ilt op 1 if t thlt i upk uii numlm r kit l ui h ib s h it imitt hi li 1 i r t mi i i t mm m i i t i it si i i i il s sli i li qin hi ht it r liki new qui t i il in u h mw i irg kir i n t ui i o ii l rn i hi s i i k n nit ti il n v t tint himw fl niolt i eli iru radio i in lut tut ur t is mis n l mrs u m i i ng um m ush il n h in in mi iw n ljus ntri m i d tin is 1 lils is ui ex pti in ill line lot of furniture vi rms cash kuank irivh amitoiuei the annual meeting of the prog conservative association of the county of iialton will be held in the town ilalx milton on tuesday evening october 12 next 1948 at 8 15 oclock everybody welcome vv j dentty pre l d dingle kc sec tappored ond of plastic kltchan coop pormltst oasy funnallnsj of rlour and sugar from a lar oon- tnlner into kmall bowls or other focoptaclea aooordliuj lo inaliv fncturoia mport in th rinanolal post in u yonr cnnniln mnkciu tnora iimvprlnt uibii tho total mad in tho next flvti loading produoar lountrloa combine robl r haniihon optometrist ov cuelph will ba at dr g a sins office tuesday octobeb 1 oompuctk tcvesloiit cnatyion nlshuy 7 ana 9 tua matinm salurdaya 2 pjau air cotulltlyed now piuaying ray milland nnd marlene dietrich in it golden earrings friday sat october lot 2ml v continuous hhawa fron co pm hpirlul chlldrtva matlhmi halurday morning at looo aju nntp oiannc of mntlnetf tlmo this saturday marjorif b0tt ctmw m ain r lit ceohe cttvtumi wltuui cmimc monday tuesday october 4th 5th his ktmssmsof a nm ot euhsmoku hen tummlj set the west aflktl ffrtirfliif fiifrrttallwtl prmmi tde carlo duryea 15il pekr kilbride fl wed thurs oct 67 c01ein helen gray mlkei walt disneys most exciting creation bambi plus arthur takes over wallpaper l cent sale w ii t yol ii we been waiting for chapples annuar lc sale of wallpaper on purcliac in roll at tli- rcirnlar price and reeeim n extra roll for one cent stock up at the inazinir io prices and make your selection from the larjret stock in western ontario chapples book store u 12 umulluuii street luhhhiihkjhalslhslttm guelph mmlillhkihihallb4allimlihhhmhhblhlmbiimhmiia1hmm

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