Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 30, 1948, p. 7

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thursday september 30 1mb the acton free prfss faok seven optometrist 7 douglas street r guelph eyes examined glasses fitted a all year dry cleanlns por prompt weekly b pw gajtd in window each monday ob fhomb 1m aotonf card may be secured at coopera clothing store of from driver master dry cleaners joe woods young drivers iilamed for many accidents mtt formllet jycnr old drlv- vru cause ntno time an mnny accid ent a drivers in the 15 to iso yr old driver ogd group and though the 4550 year old drivers form the tuifest driver ago group the driving imb its of nil ago groups no id to he improved if our accid ent toll in to be reduced accident records prove that lo thnn one accident in four i caus ed by highway condition mech anical trouble weather tthd othor cuue eightyfive iper ctit of all nccldentfi are cnuked by the driver and klnco cats atrceta and hlgb- wnyn nrt constantly being improv ed the nnswer to the lncrenn- ing accident toll mul bo better infer driving traffic jsjhenvlar these days too driven have to bo better nnd a training program for young be ginner driver would go a long way in developing a generation of care ful cfflclcntacddcntfrec drivers already irr cnnndn in response to ktrong favorable public opinion a start in nafety driving instruction has been niftdd several tchoolff haw led the way in provldlnn cinrroom and behlndthewhccl instruction for high school stud ents 300 attend the guelph area vv i convention of ficeru named or ntt year and intcrehtlni heporth preoented all passengers fully insured phone 128 a prompt efficient service at all times roy goodwin gordon mckeown ttrrmiy nurht call 40 rltitf at loti from tltc taking of notes by tin dolegatoh 1 mm ostor chairman of the ijmdmt convention area brought greeting fiom iht area to the guelph convention a gumt from the englluh worn- en imdltutek mrs brain of hnrtfordfdilre brought greetings from the british institutes nnd won the hearts of her audience with hnr ttusiuige from england the nrillfh institutes consider tlie cnnndlan w i nt their mother inntltutes ns it win from canada that the w i movement was car ried to britain in 1015 by mr alfred watt nnnt president ac the british w i member mem bora woikcd truly and faithfully thr- wth the ough both world warn the main project at present is to produce food and the promotion of work for world the annual womens institute convention of the- guelph area comprising eleven districts in western ontario was hold on sept 1 nnd 2 1948 in memorial hall oac guelph when some 300 womwia institute gathered for two days purpose of learning nnd discuss ing of the work of the womens more institutes and to carry back to intnatlonnl tholr own branches nnd commun- peace itlcs some of the enthusiasm and i mrs brnlne cooperation so much in ovldoree throughout the convention the motto for the convention wns working togother we grow in understanding nnd accomplish ment nnd the cvenu of the en tire convention proved that this tlveme wns indeed well chosen and nctlvely born out the convention wns opened by nil singing tho institute ode and mrs ford sudden of gait reading the mnry stewart collect widely used at womens infl l a tent ion farmers wo ore paying the highest prevailing prices for dead or crlppledfarm animals horses cattle hogs telephone collect for immediate service laing cartage opeltattng for gordon young limited fhane guelph 3334 meetings on the minute nt 11 n m we were privileged to hnvo cjoy guelph broadenot their 11 00 to 1110 program the way i heard mcmorlnl hall when several in stitute indies were interviewed and a miniature quiz program con ducted with three of the ladles each winning two pair of nylon hose cknx wlnghnm also record ed the events of wcnnesdays ses sion to ho rebrondenst later in the week during the hioadcast from cj oy miss stout gnve n recipe for stretching ment which she had received fiom mrs loren guild rockwood auo mm lloyd crnu ford con ducted sing song nccompnnled by mrs mncnnughton nt live piano others tnking part were mn j olson waterloo south mrs rhlnohart halton mrs lockhnrt waterloo south mrs henry car ter wellington mlrs hamilton perth happ annlwrsarv wns sung for mr nnd mrs david humes arkell on their 25th wedding an- niersar mrs hume was pianist for the foment ion for six years after the tompletion of the min- utei of the 1017 convention nnd the appointing of the nominal attended the ac ww conference in holland lnftl year nnd has many pen friends in different countries na n result at the present there mo two german countrywomen in britain studying w i work and hope on their return to inspire german people in the democratic wny of living there are 7000 w i s in tjng- innd with n membership- of 230- 000 members their nlm being to improve conditions of rural nit the snme ns ours for home nnd country they nre selfgov erning nnd selfsupporting nnd their fees nre now npproximntcly roc an btrilitjtii once n sear their dclegntes meet in roynl albert hnll lon don in convention their branch es are so lnrge that homes can- not accommodate the members so most of their meetings nre hold in halls there nre no junior in stitutes in lnglnnd but they hnvj youth clubs also there is no limit to enrs one mny hold office in nnglnnd mrs brnlne ers to enquiries reoelved from w i members t mnlntnln our rcputa- t tlon till letters must get prompt attention in brnncjien as tlwy are uigent or they would not have been written j plans are lielng mado for a gnlhehug nf district womens in stitutes officers nt the o a c in the spring nnd n summer holi day foi w i women nt the oac in irly july it la the duty of each m ember to take the institute woi k seri ously for in her hands lies the answer ns to whether we ndvnnce or fall back plense do not leave the work for someone else but put enthusl- nm into our work nnd he loym to our alms nnd creed and to our off i rem ioynlty is wi important be generous in our criticism dont look for thlngi to rrluclxe nnd never belittle an individual effort n each memlier is most important pnrt in the whole or ganization miss mcbrlde clryl by knylng tlie world needs our labour let us make our common endeavour worthy of tlw worlds great need mm mdnnughton entertained with two rentllngs 1 shnll not pass this way again and mrs malone nnd tho cenor miss marlon tjiompson super visor of wellington county pub- lli health nuiscs spolte to the convention about their newly severnl lesoluthms were irn i with nnd those sent on to pro- vlnelnl board included to tihorten iwvcmgo room hours to prohllbt oeenlc posters g when housecleaning dont put aside furniture that can be reupholstered our new patterns and colors and expert workman ship will make them better than new for the best in chesterfied reupholstering phone 87 acton 7 day service no waiting eur payments arrmngvd it daslm en reuphsiterta and new cheiterfukb up to 13 month to pay jack sudermann of john dick and son the cnnndnns for pnrcels sent nnd expressed the wish that tbev might see the joy when one is opened one pencil in nnglnnd tosts nhout 52 00 miss iewls announced the win ners in the farm home contest nnd three institutes in the guelph ar n w ei e among t he prie w in- neis woodstock north v i in oxford county won 50 littles corners w i gait won 2 nnd centrni dumfries wi won 10 following the hnnouct in the dining room nt the oac mrs c robertson i hnlrmnn introdiu ed the guests at the hend tnhte who int itiih d mi nnd mrs iw is parents of inn dlietlor of wom en s institutes foi ontario mrs i robertson said we work nil jour nr in our own bnithhfs nnd nre luie committee were- completed the coinentlon adjourned for lunth i see a big future for little pigs when fed with balanced feed balanced feedlnu from the day he a weaned to the day hes marketed auuxes you of a huaky heavy laslbrowtae hag uiatll bring you tup price coop pig starter coop hog grower coop brood sow ration coop hog minaral milton district cooperative phone 127 milton in the dining room nt the oac at this time the delegates regis tered nt the administration build ing for their rooms for the night nnd menl tickets for the entire com ent ion period at 1 15 pm the nfternoon ses sion opened with tlw girls prog ram b memlwrs of the nrlous homemnkers club nd junloi institute of the nren the junior area report given by tho comcnor mrs ruther ford better known to us ns mlss mnrjorle ford of gnlt showed thnt the juniors nre renlly on their toes nnd hne ery worth while projects nnd programs plnnned for their enrs meetings one branch reported making their ow n prize list nnd contributing the prize money for this list for the competition of their members nt the local fairs ml scott home economist for wellington and perth wns in rhnrge of the girls session with miss erlnnd gregg of enst huron a pro tncml honour junior nnd i winner of the chlcngo trip as chnlrmnn two new home fconomlsts for this area were introduced to tht gioup mks ann jnikson for waterloo count ntul mks lucille bnxnr foi unit ort the tot il number at homemnk ing projiits in the junior club progr im is 11 git is li ling ns le lders in th irtmis si tt ions weie miss 7issi wlngfleld hilton on clothing mlss mirgiiel dmnlitson penh on foods an lnt noting part of this si t on was the demonstri- ti in b two gn k of different snlnd plu tine t illed susar- ne ind the otlwr n hot ttahle salad plate miss fit inor st irk of hnltcv spoke on the supper club htsirtv ipplnuses h the nudl- esiiv t ndtst the tumor tlrls ses slon mn retr trenstinr s report as gken b mrs loren guild rock- wo1 and the auditors report b mrs f rlnehnrt halton showed the area flnnnot to be qu te in icimrtlance with their require ments reports were given by each of the six standing committee con- i venom showing much interest in their respective fields i a ploasant interlude in the afternoons serious business uu tlw musical selection by the st og diet to get instruction nnd in- spinntlon foi future woik she np- peahd to w i members to be patt of nnswer nnd not pnr of prob- postage rates to britain in accepting the chnlrmnnnhip jo 111r1919 mrs roliertson snld she hnd enjoyed jier work nnd would give her best an she realiz ed thnt where there ls honour thero is responsibility the convention dosed at 3 10 pm with the natlonn nnthem and thanked iom a delegates turned their steps homewnrd relnforced for hie task nhead of them in their womens institute work for 1mh- lol hy the inspiration gained and friendship formed during their stn nt the oac offlreim fjectisd for 104r1o4o pnst chnlrmnn mrs j hnrold spiers rr no 3 brussels chnlrmnn mrs c roliertson i r r no 4 rockwood i 1st viceclinlrmnn mrs j r white rlplev 2nd vitcchnlrmnn mrs ford sudden r r no a gnlt i secietnrytiensurer mrs lor- i n guild rorkwood i recording secrctnry mrs roy mncktnle box 227 ripley 1 f miutiv mis 1 i nsh r r no 1 kit henr r mrs wllbext coimie fergus mrs arnold dnr- roc h clifford ir area convenor mrs john k rutherford ar i auditor mrs f rlnehnrt rr win a free trip to british isles open to winners of esso classes at opa branch matches again this ykail imperinl oil limited offers n grand pric of n free trip to the britinh islen to rntli of the two top men in the ftstto champions tractor claiui nt the international plowing match nt lindsay on october iftth the ksno chnmpionn clnmi in open to winners of kioio champions special claracr nt o i a brunch matches dont fail to enter this class nt your local county match you mny be one of the lucky two a jet full pnrticulnrn from the secretary of your county branch of the ontario piowmenn association notk- winner of kssn rtnwuu nt o p a lirnnch mntclvmi lvfid insl fall nftnr tm 1047 kteo chnmpions ciam on octobw ifith imperial oil farm dlvliton limited lem in the win id todnv and nlso asked delegates to tnke home n full report of convention activities mr w r reck president of the 0 a c w ek omed t he delegnt es witji words of praise for the work f the womens institutes ho said we nie er proud of the fw io nnd this orgnnlzntlon is con sidered the foremost rural organ ization in the country when the w i goes out to meet problems then go ns n group nnd get results they stand on their own morits nnd this makes for grent- i er strength mrs j r white replied to mr reeks nddress of w elcome nfter which mrs t h spier past i area chairman proposed the toast to the womens institutes nnd stated thnt tho w i appeals to rural women and thnt is the reas on w h we have such n vnst or ganization todnv i in her roplv mrs j r futeher piounclnl president fwio said it ls n privilege to be the hend of fwio and membersjilp in this orgnnlzntion is n satisfaction helps woman to be better home mnkt rs nnd better citizens this is a splendid w n for rural woman to s r we want to kio our woi k w here it will do the most i good and are rendering a splendid serviie to mankind th s service i is ohint irv and unselfish nnd th degree to w hlch it is render d is eat h nieniltei s n iponsihllitv tlie ripid growth of our i shows i 1 hi git it mi il we fill in the 1 v ei nf rui il women out task now is to det pen and widen i hose bndg heads t hroughnut t he w orld ftomt ind count r is dear to ni in s hi irt whatever his rats or trirtl i he met ting dun ijjourned to menioiial hall w here we wt re 1 honoured in hiving john rock- wotvl baritone entertain with several vleet ons after which mks ixw is shovwvd her slides of hol land inktn v hlle attending the cin ft rence of the associated countrvwomen of the world i orld prgantzntion of womens institute in amsterdam last september thursda sesnons mnrted at i am sharp after breakfast at 8 15 in the diningroom with the sing ing of the institute ode mrs futeher provincial pres ident in giving her report stated no ion 1 cnmplellville mrs h han- r r no fi guelph to meet the demand for every thing from egg beaters to electric street cars canadian manufac turers have spent more thnn a billion dollars in plant expansion since wars end j i case farm implements sales service floyd marlatt main st milton 463w on guard day and night mora dependable than ever today telephones am four time aa fire from trouble as twenty years ago and there are twice aa many of them each month 10000 ore being added ao that soon all may have dependable tele phone service and tho security thnt goea with it this is being done in spite of rising costs yet up to now there has been no increase in the basic telephone rates established 21 years ago for you this means greater value than vor before for us the satisfaction of pro viding tho beet telephone service at the lowest coat the beu telephone company of canada theres roma mce in old quebec youll n io ilni ii bus jaopbi hlllbllhm which wr j the has already tine taking offl rtxally enjoyttf by all alao tho last november written over 390 slngaansr which provided relax- letters theae are all personal antw- p a i a low bound trip tax mfcludto hiiekbkooke titit quebec tc33 montreal i7j5 subject to change haroldwiles phone 58

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