Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 7, 1948, p. 1

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rfflttt ft seventyfourth yenr no 14 acton ontario thursday october 7th 1048 fiklit home print piikcs si cents field day al ac ion high school held lasl week huree team competed in ath letic event champions are declared the annual field day of athletic oven was held last wednesday in acton park with keen competi tion and kood port following the practice of reeenf year cajptajna wfr chcosen for three team 4b rd white and blue arjd t student body divid ed accordingly this made tor ictfen comcpatltioci in th various veit the weather was sunny for the most part and a fair num ber of townspeople assisted at the pits and on the track among th girls the blue team led by june watkius emerged with a winning tmtftl or 334 points the white led by pat chew gained 228 points while the third position mfmrh tn th tm1t enpinlwat hy joan coles with 185 points in the boys events the red aggregation piloted by mob blow collected a total of 274 points in second place the bkjc with 250 points led by jim splelvogel then came the whites with 210 points led by hay ever- dell the senior boys chnmplon was easily mob blow with 27 points over his nearest rival jim splel- vogcjr the intermediate boys champion was ron anderson who came ahwad of the runnerup live marchmert by only three points among the jurrlors a keen strug gle for first place developed be tween john ware bob cunning- bum dave stnddon nrtl don perk- ins with john ware emerging victorious with a margin of three points for a total of 31 senior girl champion was jonn coles 62 points with june wat- kins 41 points as runrerup jackie wntklns nnd pat chew were tied for intermediate chnmp- plonahlps with 38 points doreen coles look the junior crown with helen somervillc trailing 8 points behind in nddltlon to the chnmpions and runnerup the following boys and girls gained a total of 15 points or more doris thomp son betty wilds lorraine mulllni frances chew jonn veldhuls ray evordell crawford douglas dune gibson hon cripps hoy webster allnn ellerby don davidson frizes winners in various groups at 19 ui acton fall fair some quick facts about hydro in acton cutoff will he jwn 4 to 5 each day when quota kt exceeded actor manufacturers- nnd busi ness men met on wednesday morn ing with simterlnt indent wuxon of the acton public utilities com- mltsrfon and mr edward municipal engineers of the ontnrio commis sion to endeavor to meet the pres ent power emergency nrw aome very interesting fnets mm out of the dlscujarion industry in acton linn cooperat ed by cutting 4800 kwb from the load i actons present quota is 19500 kwh in the five day period from i mondny to friday inclusive and there is every powdhllity tbat be fore spring this quoin will be low er another 2000 kwh must he cut from our preant lonrl transfer- of nie -of- energy to here nre some of the pictures from actons 1018 fall tfi months od who also won the class nt milton- nnd nt fair upper left picture shows the everton sheep georgetown fniis this ear iiiwor left is one of the bleeders with tluee of their prize winning entries in th- heavy tennis ihow n by w hewson mnlton which also sluvp cass w hich hnd n fine exhibit this yenr left won at ornngeville cnl don milton nnd georgetown to right are colin pnrker j r penvoj and j p ben- this veir theiell be gnulr e interest in the picture at f clnsms nnd is wnl by w h merry of onkvime ittle e nsses at acton were n splendid tfiow tills i he plctine of the heavy horse tenm is through court es of vic bristow acton photographer nnd the i her pictures an free press photos we appreciate the th ham sons entiy upper left is mrs norman brnldn j llh lowei right since beef seems to jigure so much in w ilhnimess of mi bristow to assist with his pictures when with iinda jenn winner of the red ribbon fcu- girls 3 to j every- famil budget this is the champion steer in the utii vr cam a failed to function properly on fair day youths in milton court yesterday on seriouscharges five remanded in bronte shooting carapbelhille robber in court irish again an irishman got out of n conch at a railway station for a sand wich nnd coffee but the train left before he hnd finished his repast hould on cried pat as he rnced nlong hould on ye murth- en ould stame inping yeve got n pnssenger on bonrd thats left be hind five young men were remanded in custody yesterday when they appeared before magistrate ken neth m long don in hnlton count jail until october 13 on charge of assaulting douglns a allnn bror te drugffist wliile armed inst sntui- day night thoe charged were josph s grebskl 17 mnlton dick j he- berk 1 toronto buddy rogers smith 18 willmvdiile edward douglns mcmun 20 mnlton and fved p jackson 22 toron t o the fle nee used wen- not lirought into open court but mag istrate inngdon explained to the press fhey havent been put through the line up so the were remanded in uie jail office surrounded b four provincial police officers and two jail guards leo g adams alla brunnell and sloan appeared brefly nnd was re- maided a week in custod on re- q uest of crown at t orney w i dick adams recently brought back from vacouv or is charged with robbing the bank of nova scotia campbells tile while armed of 10000 cutfi ami 05000 bonds july 8 1ws henry metrash comlcted a week ago of cuuing n disturbance was fined 10 and costs of 10 or in default of pnymer t 10 days n jail james howard was remanded a week until lie could obtain monies coming to him to enable hm to return to his mitford home he told the court he suffervd n seiz ure- and jhe peapiebe was work ing for thought he was attempting to take his own life medical evid ence disclosed he was able to stand trial the court ordered the re- i mand when the crown had no ev- idence to offer fire destroys store shed in business section 1 prompt action of brigade kned serioiu conflagration a fire about eight oclock last night destroed a storage shed at uie rent of the acton ci winierj and for a few mir utes threatened a section of the business distj it t of tlu- tow n the tjied was used to itoie egg ciutes and new but ter boxes and t morels for the ervamerj and was of conugnied iron construction in a few min utes it wus n roaring mass of flumes it immediately mijoired a burn but the named were confined in the shed and little damage was done to the barn or the crenmei building often one inurs criticism at a fire of tardness in getting watei on a fire it so happened the wit- tor was in the town hall when the alarm was sent in by the tele phone connection the siren sounded immexhately and we answ ered the call to fir d out where the locution of the fire was in just eleven minutes from the time the alarm was first turned in two ativams of water weie sub duing the fire atul it was under control the acton fire brigade which is a oluntevr organization we thn k ovmrxe the highest pniis for promptness a third lne of hose came into action a few min ute later and u as laid fixim a hdrant a block nway cnils of the fli luis not yet been asrertalninl nor the los es timated ttie building was ownevl by the acton creamery of which mr q artieryon is manager 1948 acton fair another success in spite ol cold and cloudy weather big crowd saw outstanding arena performance on friday even ing showing of catue was one of largest midway had half a dozen rides and was crowded all afternoon trials of speed gave fine contest for trotting horses baby show had many entries good exhibit in the hall the weather was the deciding factor with acton fair on snturdav nnd perhaps the afternoon was the most unsuitable for outofdoors of any this past two months it didnt mm but it was cold and dull the result was reflected in the gate teceipts which were down h 100 to 150 over those of last enr but a crowd of 6000 braved the weather and witnessed n good c brought in wllln gap fair met old friends nrd had a n 1h vlitkrum ano ml stoddart good time xiw dinner there were oilier respects n highlighting the program which the 101h fair excelled that n fine musical program and the virj capnbe uobt ft pnrker wib master of ceremonies keeping the show running smoothly an1 doing the announcing nlcklmg bros brought a new nr to the arern when they perfoimed on the parallel bars ns comedy ac- tohats ii was fiust moving nn i kill fully executed the music ii was the trick riding nnd trained horses of lex fairchld nrd ridden b lour floss and bett falrchild then was a real western flavor o the rope ti it ks bull whip ti icks and the fanc riding die horses used were spendldl t rained anl- of last ear which was a top shov tins rtir the arerui audience was larger nnd tlie performance found more general satisfaction the cat tle show this ear sel a new ret- i ord for aiton with all the sjxices flllexl and the various breed well m and put on a fine perform represented ance it was an act that moved the arena hhow quicklv gave pkntv of thrills and i the arern how on friday night pleased the crowd i drew n crowd of 1200 who saw i the haji kxhlhlu inew trh of program the high mihv folk vistim the hall on tti jumping horses were first on the frst night and jewed the exhibits bill and a docn fine jumpers pai- shown there the entry in the tlelpnted in these events and dr baking cliisss vmis the largest in fowler was the officiating judg eurs and othej- classes ueie well in the performance class miss joan represented the ladies and child- i gowland with symphory ijid car- rens work flowers grain roots i runl top honors mr stoddnrt wc- and vegetnhes al hnd a ctimmerul- ond stewart holdings patches was able showlrg lhe womens in- third lirne masala with rocky stlryie dlsjtluy was also admire came fourth and mlss rowlands nnd filled a giwd sect km of the i other entr of king was ffth i h ill with exhib ts by hnnnockbiirn in the high jumping class miss htmknlong georgetow n limehouse gowland again won first on sii- phonv 1ad mr stoddart was sec ond and stewart holdings entry turied off third and fourth while in flffh place was fair candor owned bv pr bouvaul purine the performance mr ll- wm lohrston 1h s ears presid ent welcomed the visitors to acton fair expressing appreciation of the help and cooperation of all and and publln branch in the commercial exhibits j b mackenzie son had a fine booth for building materials and mefuehem fleet rte exhibited the latewt in electrical appliances hie spinning whwl and lamps made by john kognvadson were admired b nianv tloudy and cool ii was cloudy nnd cool saturday told of some of the features of but casey- shows and all the other the event acton boys nnd girls rides aril amusements soon filled bund under c w mason provided the midway it was still dull nnd cool as the parade left the town hall and made a short cut by bow er and knox avenue to the park decorated doll buggies and bicycles ndded color anil the band led a liv ely group of children who soon took possession of the grounds every section had its attrnctlor for the fnlr visitors the trotting races snw j h holmes of milloi take first money with jimmy ii second went to ken thompson of flora with hoy d rect nnd third nnd fourth prizes to a j mcklnlev of high river altn with p ii worthv and bertha gratton this w as the j 20 class the 2 17 class was won by 1 bar net man of stratford with bud braden slim arres owned by a i mcklnlev won seeond third went to guv wire from the same stable and fourth entrv was hai i- van ow ntd bv k thompson of flora dr c h heslop was the starter and he was assisted hv j m mc donald and j a kohl r son winners for the best dol carr iage aid child in the parade were norma uncial r marilyn ronvald- son and maigaret jean anderson the best dtvornted bicycles were those of aveline roc her b lly rog- nvnldson and donnle price winners of the judging lnthe horse ring at the cattle enclosure and in the poultry sheep and hogs are all to be four d in the classes under those headngs the horse ring of course tlrew the best crowd and there was a fine group nf light horses but the heaw horse clisses were not ns well fi led i the rahy hhow ttie hohinson babx- show was a centre of attraction oving io the tool weather th judging was tlone in the areraand the judges h td i ieal taskut awanilng the i ed ribbons best girl under t months wns cnl marlene daughter tif mr nnd mrs kevin breen acton nml best imv under 3 nior ths was inrry jon of mr nnd mrs reg black of ac- j ton j in the class three to six months the red ribbon for a girl went to linda jenn daughter of mr and mrs normnn bralda who has won continued on page five indefinite is the doctor in no he isnt do you know wnen hell bo hack i really cant sny he went out on an eternity case snturday nnd sunlay will be a most helpful solution the greatest demnnd for pow er is from 8 30 a m to 5 p m encjti dny acton strwl lights hnve been otsf by 2st nrd when kmmllnr bulbs nre procured n further re duction will be possible there wvlt he no interrupt ions of power if acton keeps within its quota in the event of exceeding tni quota power cuta will be for an hour from fouq io five oclock ench dny there is no prospect of brlng- irg new power prnjerts rwfore 10s0 nnd some in- 19fi2 a long period of wet weather would help fill hie rettervolrs sup plying deverbpments on the gat- inenu river a committee of messrs d man ning b d rnehlln and r p watson was appointed to secure the cooperntion of the retail mer chants in conserving power low it voltage lamps will he installed nnd all unntveswiry lighting will hi turntv off reprentnllves of industry n- girei to shure flgurea make n htudy and confer with mr wilson jesterdny afternoon to further cut power tonsumptlor or transfer to other hours it appears that domestic consum ers have up to the presvnt made little relueiion in their use of the power cnr to pay halt cost ot main street fill brief session acton council ijist night dealt with routine business 1 councillors f davison w j meleod and a mclsaac were pres ent last evening and deputiuve ctwm piesidtvl at the rxgular ses sion of atton council act mints pastil ftir puvment as follows county hnlton grader s ldi nonskld pavement supp fit oft matswain mottrs 1 fh iersonal stntioner supp 13 25 acton fie prvss print ing etc 2fi57 dr d garrett 5 00 v d talbot supplies 12 is jones varglls school contiuct 3005 kh j31t7 9t a letter from the board or transpoi t commissioners enco fi a copy of an order sent to the cnr for widening the npproat hi t nt the mnir strt railway crona- ing ttie rnllway was ordered to pav half the cost of this fill a letter was read from the sol icitors for the sick childrens ho- pltal regarding an ncoount for s girl claimed to tie an indigent anl w filch the council denied an account from the guhph neral hospital for an indigent pntlert amounted to flk another iccount frtm the same hospital fir sss was nfusexl a motion nuthorzed the treas urer to pav the library board 100 lialanoe of their annual grant council refusetl to erect any moie no pirklng signs on mill st reel i the clerk wns instructed to pre- pire u blnw for ttie next maet- irg calling for ntimlnntions nnd nr- inngtng for the municipal elocttons why tney shun public ufe there io much truth in th claim that the personal smear campaigns suffered by men la public life nne nn important reas on keeping many very useful citiz ens out of if assorts the financial post decent people regardlcm of pollticaj allegiance will deplor the smearing to which men in pub lic life nre too often exposed a mnns policies are the proper sub ject of debate and comment coming events v ii r 1 m him- 1 in i i 1 1 i li lrl r i dance brook villi hall friday otloherhth admission iftr b come to the atton junior farm- rs mtft nn in irrie school on ihuisdav evening t7tober 1 1th ltinth pnividiti admission i5- the woman s association of the inited churth are htjltiing n salt of homemade baking candy and aprons sat unlay december 4th opening euchre and dance lou 47 crewsons corner fri- dnv october h icefreshments gootl prigs admlssion 25c an event to remember turkey dinner and muslrnle acton unit ed church monday october 23 auspices the church choir euchre and bridge y m c a acton wednesday october 20 8 is pm admission 10c auspices ijike- siu- chapter lodk kfresh- mer ts bnruioekburn womens inst tu to km hre and dunce will be held if bnnntmkburn school october 22 at h pm atimlssion 35c lunch pruvided everbuly weeome barn danoe at claude picketts farm seventh line 1h miles north of hornby tuesday oct 12th modcrnaircs orchestra ad mission 50c

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