Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 7, 1948, p. 3

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thursday october 7th 1048 the acton free press a floyd smith jeweler watches clocks ewelfckf 78 quebec street wait guelph ont jf s jtoidm optometrbt vbouglas street guelph eyes examined glasses pitted milton catering banquets- weddings picnics etc no catharine too small w too large all inquiries reiv promt attention e coles chrafc si- actakt with th nld of n local ground yule hhd h jueatlonahlo ruling by official caledonia noted out the local intermfktlate clan hy an 87 count eliminating them from fur ther advancement linlean tho oba upholds mil ton protect outxtandlnff attraction drew a crowd of nearly d000 people break ing all previous records at the 06th annual mhton fair and hal ton dairy cattle show lwld here last friday and saturday ideal weath er prevailed making the how th heat alnce iu inception official aid wilton erand old man george a hetnatreet wm tho oldest man at tending the fair he waa w mm 3 u ixirner oo milton waa the olrieat woman while mr w spoer 88 of bronte waa the second olden t all received prlxea worknun have begun digging and con it ruction ow ration prep arlng for tho romodelllng and n- atallauon ol the artificial ice equipment at milton arena thin wmk dieting and laying of drainage plp8 in and around the building iife gironiclis ol ginger farm written kpooully lor tha aototl vrm iraa owkndolink p clarkl ontario im faring a crisis mow it u mat depends upon yht nhrt ma ihhi the rent at tin ukpln iain raforrlng to tha hydro uhohaga of course a lot nvond upon tha rest of the people am naturally on the hydro commission itself hut still if each one of us woum stop worrying about what tha other follow ik dnlrg and concen trate on wayg and means of having power in our own homo n lot less kilowatt iwhiro would ha uaad an a result it i no easy to say why khouuf i bother tn una lea powar whan konndsoh house in all lit up llkie n christmas tiw supposing it ta dons flint give us ilia right to 1m equally inconsiderate nnd ignor- nnt aa my nlccy aptly remarked la procmdlnor while tradesmen are tha olhar day itydiw la or iiiiiik erecting the building to house the you cant hoard to hnve it you the sunday school lesson htlniiav mjtoiikk 10 lots freezing machinery at the westerly corner of tho older structure canadian clmmplon notice to creditors and ottnchfl in tha katata of cooper a n oooitcr a 1 i persons frkhrrirk d martha claims m fcff cuajdm a all your dry glaastlaig r frawjit wcaldy tss ot oattd in window each monday ob fhonk iu aoton card may be ueurad at cooper clothing store or from drtvor master dry cleaners jor woods j having cooper into of the village of ac ton in the county of halton ite- tlred farmer deceased who died on or about the twcnlylxth day of may 1d4h and all persona hav ing claims against the katnte of martha cooper lalo of i ho vil lage of acton in the county of itnlton widow deceased who died on or about the sixteenth day or september limh are requested to file proof of same with the un dersigned solicitor on or beroro tha sixteenth day of october 11m8 after which date the said estates will lie distributed ravin regard only to the claims then nld ixatkd at acton tills twenty- third day of september 1048 noiiman burns james moorb executors by their solicitor c k keatheltulnd acton ontario ulu it lit ontario stock yards bulletin luurut wallv ford wry tvtujty mtruiug hamilton mdctiml 118 am roys taxi all passengers folly insured phone j m acton prompt efficient service at all times roy goodwin gordon mckeown emargeney nlgtit galls to rin r when housecleaning dont put aside furniture that can be reupholstered our new patterns and colors and expert workman ship mill make them better than new for the best in chesterficd rcupholstenng phone 87 acton 7 day service no waiting easy payments arranged if desired on beupholsterlbz and new cuastarflaliis up to 12 month to pay jack sudermann of john dick and son poultry and eggs wanted phone milton lw for bettor 11100 halton poultry products miiat anvo it wo nr continually lwlnn in- mlmhwl hy trojih nnd rndlo to nnvo powor uho no nmro lights thnn nrc norensnry turn tho wwltrh ulmn kottlfh btnrt to nlnjr lw nv- inc with hen tors nnd no or thnta fine hut i think if wo study the habits of our own respective fnm- lllos wo may find other mrnnn of saving power i know wo rnn in this hnuxe por inntnnce until ev eryone la in bed we nlwnyh keop n llftltt burning in tho linll aa n safety measure wo at 111 do thnt but wo put in a 10 wntt bulb inatond of n 40 ami for the bracket light in the dining roomji 7 wntt bulb tho mnln collar light has always been our big wnstrr the switch la at the top of tho stairs some one comes up from tho cellar for gets to switch off tho light nnd be cause it is natural to close the cel lar door the light is shut off nrd there is nothing to jive nny warn ing thnt the switch has boon left on so we got busy we rigged up n plug in light with a flry hulb that hooks up on the outside of the cellar door sine it is plainly vis ible through the glnst panel of the dlnlrgroom door we always so it nnd net accordingly if by any chance- the light in left on then in our llttlo sitting room partner has n fio wntt bulb in tho rending lamp hy hit couch thnts fine for rending but most of ever ingn pnriner will drop off to sleep nnd who needs n go wntt light to sleep by so unless i am using the lnmp nt the other end of the mom i switch off the bright light nnd turn on n 13 wntt wall lamp specially installed fox the purpose and allot nhout i he radio where is the fnmiiywlio ennnot find some uny of using it n utile lev how often is the rndlo lurri ed on nnd then forgotten with an nouncers telling nn empty house how to get rid of ndd indigestion or tho kind of nonp thnt mnkes the whitest ash and then there nre stoves cool days nre with us oree ngnln nnd it shouldnt be- nny great hnrd- shp to go back to the old codk- stovc to do our linking hydro is such n precious thing nnd those of us who did without it for ho mnny yenrs know only oo well how jnuch it contributes to the joy nnd comfort of everyday life shouldnt ve then be the first to do nil in our power to conserve it not just for ourselves of course but for indus try shortage of power is bound to hnve far reaching results it could throw thousand- out of work nnd seriously upset our industrial mnchlnery utile good can be ac complished nt this time by berat ing the government or hepc for nn inconvenience we may suffer we were giver fair warning thnt this short aire might occur and it hns been further aggravated by the long drought in august and september nnd that was some thing no huhinn power could pre vent cnnndn depends so much upon hei naturnl resources water to generate electricity rnturul gns in many pnits of the eomtrv oil for so mnnj purposes and it looks as if our use of these resources is outst ripping the supply another thing u pen ranees are sometimes deceptive and for thnt reason it might be well to thlrk twice before we trittcise for instance inm week ore big buslrvss plan in a nearh it was noticed to be ablaze with light someone tin ned in u complaint onl to ik told in this pirticulnr tase the company had us own gen- er uir g plant imusi- me a minute rutin r is illmg ohoh is nn face rtul iliiiiit just cnllimi to find out w h ill bukcelln light w is left but n- llh i i the tutpi it see what i mem if we it h m ike 1 ji iblt of i he kliij up on the rest of the f im 1 wliit t lot of powei i in h miooilawly in tiik hlbjue coldfm text in nil thy ways mckiwwmft0 him ard he will dl- reet thy pntiis prov 10 13x position i ahinhnm callfed uil13b the world hnd rolapaed into at vwy bad condition slnco the cleansing ftmul again ood aeleet- ed a ftlpule man to 1m tho head of n new racn we flml abraham in hnrnr when the call mrnt enmn to him he was in mesopotamia fae 72 abrnhnm obeyed the call promptly hut nt fully bo got out of his country but not into tjio country ooi showed him it took the denth of abrahams father to get him out of hnrnn ac 7 1 tin call whs to leave i thy count ryr 2 thy kindled 1 thy fntheih house a searching tet thnt but jt enmeu ti mnny luke m xv mat 10 a7 kvory child of jnd has n call to reparat ion 2 dor 017 lfl one reason why fol cnnvd ahinhnm out of klndre1 nnd coun try was becniifur they were idol- ntors tosh 2t2 jen 3110 20 furt ivormore uu hn1 great pur- pnftf nlvout training n covenant pcopln nnd the innd of canaan was just the lnml for thnt pur- poe it wns a trememlous trial of ahrnhnms faith to go out tod held out ns n reromponsc ills own wondrous promise 1u did rot even tell alirnhnm where tho land wna 114 110 but led him one step at a time abraham had only gods word of command nnd pro- mlw that whj enough for him there wero aeven promotes connected wth tho call to set out of his own j and nnd get imo thtf inrul jehovah aliowod him the flrat promise mndo a grent tax uiwn his faith to bellow i will make of thee a grctot nation ab raham was seventyflvo years old and chllrilfua 17 0 1818 it has been fuimied to tho letter and had jinn a wtlll larger spiritual fulfillment horn 4 10 tho pro mise i will mnke thy name great has bcten mnrvelnusly ful filled abrahams nnmo is great nmoijg jews nml mohammelnns as well as christians it pays to be lieve and obey god tho promlm wore accompanied by n significant command be thou n blcmtlng a solemn ohllgntlon rests upon the one cod blosses to he a blessing to others jehovah undertook to bleus them uint blessed abraham nnd to curso tho one thnt jurnod him mult 2t 14 40 45 ijx 21 22 god is dealing in the same way todny with thoso wlio bless or curse ahrahnms descendants the jews now comet nn luttound- ing promise to this ancient and nt thnt time unknown wnrjlerer thee ihall nil uie fam hits of the earth be blessed rut how maivelously has this pnimlse lieen fulfilled the christ the saviour of the world descended from aj- mham gal 3 8 av 3 20 ii gods covenant with ab raham 1718 at 09 yeurs of ago n full thir teen years nfter the birth of ish- mnel abiahnm received n visit from tha iord i his was n theo- phnny or n manifestation of dei ty in nrgellc form it was evld- ently necessary nt thnt day when i there wna no si riptunet as we i hnve them today god dealt with i men in direct manner i am the almighty god is the title em ployed in the time of the patrl- j orchs it was to bhow the power of god gen 18 14 jh 3 ex fi 3 abraham was an old man the promise given him hnd not ei been fulfilled gen 15 5 g ev- ry day made it more impossible but with god nil things nre pos- ihle matt 10 j6 god assured abrnhnm the covenant would be fulfilled gods covenant was one f grace and assuinnce of like nature with the covenant we have with our 1ord jesus christ heb h 0 there was a hange of r ame abrnhnm meaning a high fath- r to abraham which mean father of a multitude of nations in tintii ipntlon this looked for ward to two seeds 1 that of i the lsiiulltes and 2 that of be- lievers in cui age who should i ive looked uivon as his spltltual i s e1 ikom 1 1 11h gal 3 jh 29 in those davs a change of rnme meant a hange of stains god ailopttd the ustoni of the i nuri- tr to reveal he iertnlnt of his ovinant it is gotis purpose thnt we shall believe him nothing so kiievis him as our dish lief hit go s far to confiim what faith we h i im i neour igi- us to h n inore imk 21 i ooklng down the in units god ivsiiid alrn- li mi that his seed should possess lh land 1 hi v did but not aj fullv its i mi sdd tin v should and is im il st t ml wits of abr ih mi suih will 1 he rifts and cajllnj clkajtinj auction sale iii tha ijnlnlay hlnck cuellh iwp iieoihticrrd aoorknlticd a iimvoi1 ttokteo iiourrrinh imiijcmknth rla riw llttilarhlirruifl hava rtwalvad illmtrui hnnm from irvink iiknirrfmn in nail hy pulilh niictlnn nt il fin in slluntiul nn willow ltd v mlla writ lit tha ally limits on h ati ikk a v ootoiirr vtti cmiunaiialn at 1 it oclnck tha following iioiwis llrnwn 1arrhoron mnra 7 yrs old n vary rhnlaa wu- nti miiiv aual clyria lalillnv rkfl iioistkin otwh lov- aiiitrmnhal imk11iw horn mar k7 kmt hlrt cainatlon tiovarnnr hrml hil 1st tn irnti uuka wlilah is n rliili bull kranay may 1naah m4wu hiirn mnrah iilst 11mj hlra olxln looali llartoe llh ilua nnv loth iliullnc tjnvernnr kran- ly miruuj tmrn ijoa 171 h 1im4 slra kir jn ti t oirmillon a son of irniilloii iiivamm iiiih uaa 22ml lf mlintuln nlr una mnurl kranay kayau 41lirlb jmirn isrly lotli illh paulino ilimh hnrlok dlxia miulmil ixirn mny nth 1m1 hire dlvla iniwh llnlliib kllh llrwl au jlllli lo iihl llurk dainty a rllil hull mftlwl osrh llnrtoe al- hli nimw burn dir n 1141 slra dlvla iusali llinkiii kllh llrad auk 2fllh lo colony miranda sli hue v1in catii ialwt llilrka rinillna ikarilll horn on mnr ihlh illh hlra inlmt miirko lin i- ly mubal j tntr apla posah abblo i71wi71 lun n airll lilli 11mh slra llnnd llnvan itn aiila int mlr- nndn krnmy koyis 7i7h2 bom luna 2lrd huh hlra sir tolony mamnda kir jtuo imllllly 1imi n u iljllotx ijii akin dllaks imillmknts kordson fnia- lnr aulid willi hnltfry nnd ill- trlbtitm wllli now nlhton rods nnd tnpiiltjf lwofurrw imc trnrlnr plow tlna ilnrralx kunnols ota wldo oulllvntor koursorllon har- rnwn la hindu dlsa tanhoo stvxl drill tollon walking plow i iir- nlpswiwor knnnlnjf mill innd- stona kaufflar milk cart ilanch slalgli cutter iiueny unlit hlalifh damocrnt a rubbffrtlrad wakbons klat ilaak mil manuro kproulor mil hay ixadar mil llorsa llaka v w mower mji li ft ulndor with trartor hllaii llaavy vlca sat of dlca plpa cut- tar ho ft of inch nlpa 51 ft of thratfalffhuui rod a larffa quan tity of bolta ilarbad wire har ness collars ktr orks hoas klinvols chains and othor articles too numerous to mention rkkd and 15 tons of mixed jlay co fenco posts yuu uus mlxod raln quantity of po tatoes hook elm suitable for dnubletraeu odd lumber kuilnrrurb cook stove uln- inr koom tabic sjdeboard 3 uurner coal oil stove chairs- ucristoail croam hepnralor milk pnllii cnns ate tkhmk cash no itcsorva ns ilia r li sold tollow the nrrows off no 7 high way tho kdlnhurgh ltd or lln- imlar ltd hindihy kujorr aucllonaars 1h ljs hoikwood or 177j milton homemade cake readymixed jlflpbll cake mix 3 rbvmi cwooia aoioim visit oar modern showroom 8 carder street gueijph ont opp fin mud kiiihkk and matttto ttf jm inlaid ixdouboh wall itijch iiuullad in kltalmuia lthroar isajiwaya htoraa oblaaa ik flooh handuu var kant r vvftrk dta kliatino tiijb co llovd k kauttno formorly iuolph vloorine srvlo n ihnna 2myv otlloijlf aftav hum specialists in wakm air heating air conditioning eavestroughng and plumbing our aim in to give rvico to our cuatomers and inital only the very beat equipment at the lowest possible prices we handle only the best b f murfin sheet metal works plumbing heating eaveauwoxuac georgetown phone 138w u wallpaper x cent sale what you have been waiting for chapples annual lc sale of w4llpaper you purchase one roll at the regular price and receive an extra roll for one cent your lnit chance to take advantage of thcte amazing valuw friday and saturday chapples book store 125 wyndham street gudnb f id 11 vv llhnllt r piill im i s 1 vi ihi 111 ji mnr- ill iii 10 pel pttrolaum prtkluted t oiiias fioni auiorta con i of nil in canada mil ih ul tin iliillllse 11 mil in hi- llmilllll 111 hti n 1 will if a lpi 1 nnl h lo western canada you enjoy going by bus j fatlj ake 10w 00iib tup tax ihciubib h inmpeg hetilna cauakv vncoiver 1575 5705 7710 s0 35 subject to cli inke harold w ile phone so

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