Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1948, p. 10

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page ten the acton free press j ursday october 14th 1948 notices of nirths uirruni and death bra fatacrtod in thla col nam laitbottl abibrve in uefnorlaaa nottetm foe and fc p ho additional for poetry ckrda ad thank a joe died mwntoshat st josephs hospl- tnl guelph on saturday october 9th 1jmh mnrion mcintosh daughter of the late nell and mnry mcintosh eartat guelph general hos- pltal on monday october 31th llmtt sftmiir vimstonc peart he- moved fnther of russell nnd wil ling rockwood charlie of cunlph into archie guelph nnd daughter mr hnrold scott mnry rockwood clifford at her latd residence arthur st acton on friday october 8th 104h alice croft beloved wife of augustus k cllf- ford nnd dear mother of doris mm samuel snow acton mir iam mm wm holloway acton edward td guolphl and el eanor mrs a thompson hani llton in her 70th year cards of thanks mr a cfhtford and family wish to express their thank to all who were so kind to the into mm clif ford durinfe her illness especially tv w g c kenny and rev w g lux ton also to express to their neighbor nnd friend their apreo- latlon of tb expression of xym- tthy ami beautiful floral tributes t the time of her patting theso ctots of klndrwta will nlwnys bo gratefully remembered bbbbbr dbituorq actons first power intorrupt- ion came but thursday and lasted for an hour the rain of the past week have indeed been helpful to the toll and fall work power interruptions are not convenient but are a reminder that aavlrg will help avoid them fun for you promises be show with n lot of local tflavop in the town hall tonight and totrior- row night jmore restrictions are announe- d this week for all hydro consum er- to keep actons hydro consum ption down to nenr quota saturday is scout apple day in acton be liberal in your buying those rosy apples from cnnndlar lads proceeds will help with the grout hall centers of inspiration miss marion mcrntosh resident of acton nnd district most of her lifetime miss mnrlon mcintosh passed nwny on snturdny nt st josephs hospltnl in guelph she had been in falling health for some months she wns n daughter of the late nell nhd mnry mc intosh long resident of this com munity miss mcintosh was the inst sur viving member of her fnmlly a sister mrs taos gibbons nnd a brother nell predeceased her two ntecos nnd three nephews survive here they are miss mndcllno-gtb- bons rjsf of acton nhd miss blos som mcintosh of london nell frark and thos gibbons jr all of acton the funernl was held on tuesday morning with requiem mnss in st josephs church acton by rev father morgan miss mcintosh was a devout member of the home church of st josephs here 1 interment was made in dublin cemetery the pallbearer were messrs wm cooper prank mc intosh geonge smith illo marzo ezlo mnrzo and lawrence gibbons the churches of nil fnlths nnd forms of worship nre grent centers of religious inspiration they hold up high ideals of fnlth nnd conduct nnd preach lofty principles of wor ship nnd fine purposes in humnn relations people arc elevated by these excellent thoughts nnd sup port is secured for fine ideals the truths of religion are forcefully nnd eloquently presented nnd they arc n great power for good in the community the educntionnl work of the churches is highly important a grent deal of thought is given to the training of children and youth nnd mnny people join adult clas ses youth organ i rations carry on fine nnd useful activities and seek to cultivate fine ideals among the young people discussion groups nre emphasized in which special attention ls given to modern prob lems elevating nnd inspiring thoughts are presented from the pulpits of the various forms of fnlth the sermons nre in touch with prob lems nnd they cnll the people to support nnd adhere to the highest principles of conduct nnd religion musical programs are presented by gifted performers the singing of hymns is done with enthusiasm nnd it is n satisfaction to hear j these fumlllnr songs sung in such spirit j the churches nre centers of j jkue sn friendship nnd soclnl relations ln nu l nx ium iut b l m 1 lvp of krn newcomer in town nre sure to i miles west or acton on find n hearty welcome in these nt- soentlon- ml their llvs ore en vt kltav itttobkit mnl i0ik rioh bn iluw plonant contact l the rhurolus are a wonderful ikooi sows fc 1lca york power for jjood in tlie community st with 11 pijr at side nd iit- nnd n kreat source of inspiration tcm s oux nrk sou witji l pij the nene of these i wrh gallons welcome bnck those ho t pi i wenn york sow have been awn then nre heart with young 1 g- rend to wenn grtm tings for those who have been v mks augustus e clifford born in england nrd highlyes teemed resident of acton for the post thirtyfour yenrs alice croft wife of augustus e clifford pns- nod nwny on friday last at the home olf her daughter mrs s snow arthur street acton mrs clifford wa in her 70th year and had been in failing health for some time left to mourn the loss of a lov ing wife and mother nre her hus band one son ted of guelph and three daughters doris mrs s snow acton miriam mrs wm holloway acton and eleanor mrs a ithomnaonj acton one sister edith remains in england sympathy of many friends in this community goes to the bereaved at this time mrs clifford wns a member of st albans church acton nnj st albans wj nnd when health permitted was active in the work of her church home the funeral was held on monday with service in st albans conducted by the rector hev w g luxton inter ment was made in falrvlew cem etery acton j many friends ntterdrd the fun ernl service in sympathy and trih- ute and floral tributes tfrom the following nlso bore testimony of esteem husband fnmlly grand children mr nnd mrs j sinter nnd fnmlly st albans v a nnd guild mrs holloway george nnd doris mr nnd mrs jos kentrtr nnd family mr nnd mrs wilfred snow and mr nnd mrs ed snaw i mrs m a mussel le george and bessie employees aja engineers the rohson family mr nnd mrs chns cults and molly mr and mrs wong members of st al bans church the watsons acton council eleanor alex nnd fnmlly jerry nnd tinny grnco nnd ray mr nnd mrs ab harris mr nnd mrs a memullen mr and mrs c rnnney mr s h webster and family pnl hearers were messrs chns i cutts george musselle albert harris alex mnnn ernest rookos rudolph spiel vogel skid row derelict now officer in salvation army this year n man wa nominated for the citizen of the mont award by n wty which nine yenrs n go committed him to nu iiluiiv asylum for alcoholism nnd drug addiction tow crocker a successful man of responsibility became a con firmed nlcohollc lost his poutlon nnd iround himself a drifter on de troit skid row from tluit time on toms life was a veritable hell on earth in nhd out of pollco courts through one cure after nnothor he wns finally locked up lr- nn insane asylum a mm incur able upon his release still crav ing both drugs nnd drink tom was evicted from his cheap rooming house and his only shelter was in tunnels in caves or on park bench es with both legs paralysed home less nnd degraded one day this mnn found hi way to the sal vation army bowery corp brok er in health without money for drink or drug tom cried out in desperailon do you think your jesus tan save mo hi extrem ity became god opportunity that night he wa converted he eventually became captain tom crocker and for nine years has gone into the highway ami bywqys nnd compelled mer who need a saviour to come in and learn of n hotter way thousands of alcoholics have been rehabilitat ed nnd by gods grace many of them linvc been converted under the command of cnpt tom crock er there hns been a splendid de velopment of the detroit skid coins which added an employment office housing accomodations for 200 men recreation facilities and nn infirmary staflfed by responsible converts who stand as living wit nesses to the effectiveness of the power of god and devoted work ers this is just one story of what is happening in hundreds of places around the world every day of the year the army is really dolrg its part to help others will you do yours to help this noble cause during the campaign now being held in acton more wages xjebs blu much labour ls involved in uw production of butter labour to- dny i very dear o dear that the farmer can afford to hire it to feed and care for milk cqwa that is the reason for the butter short age thus it ho come about that the high wnge rate which are belnj pakl in the cities nre drawing 1j bor nwny from the farms and driving butter from the working- man table farmer r h farn worth memorials mnhllkihtntm ut mnflrlrml irie cemeyeiiy lettering rlnrn lid ut votnoinry uckiiii ont unobtrusively on september first exactly nine years after hit ler started tiie war that destroy- ed the third reich the second german republic came into be ing- lqvell bros meat market friday saturday specials maple leaf brand breakfast 65 lb smoked back 7s lb peameal back 69c jb bacon freah pork shoulders 49c lb lean pork butts s9e lb barrie brand butter lilt grade creamery 71clb freeh sausages 45c lb lean hamburg steak 48c lb quality beef prime rib roast 55c lb mealy blade roast 5053c lb choice rump roast 55c lb tender steaks round sirloin t bone 70c lb the classified section buy sell exchange wanted etc advert ixitinenu under this heading l5c cash with order up to 25 words additional words lc per word if cash does not ac company the advertisement minimum charge 50c and lc per word additional for each word over 25 subsequent insertion fr for sale voil sale inrge quehec heat- er good condition j mniacy sr young st fo j i salk smnll size quebec heater good as new elmer maude mill st wanted young man for room nnd itonrd apply box 477 actonor phone 2hw wanted wanted fl or 10 ton hay s tons straw apply hox 5 kreo- pivks wanted to ijtly- forage that enn he moved apply fiox hukrevf press wanted to rent nrnge centrnlly located apply kree pre office koit sale 2 york sows duo end of october apply g hutt acton phono xv2 for sale spy apples apply stan robinson rr j rockwood phone 1mw2 milton b for sale girls grey wlntor coat size h 1 high chair babys phone 107122 nftior g30 pm for sale 120 new hampshire pulkots 0 months old laying mr mndlll llmchoufic lot 30 6th line for sale we still have a iuant1ty ot softwood slabs 4ert put your order in while they last mervln hflllard juatllnafnd phone genrgotown 3mr22 for sale twprurrow cock- sliutt riding plow good condition 1 hull 7 months old dual purpose dark red shorthorn apply a mol- oyl lot h 4th line erin- for sale reconditioned gns- oline driven washers from 8150 up jtecondltlored electric wnsh- ers from 350 up bontty washer store 0 douglas st guelph ph 2iw help the acton boy scouts this saturday ymmbauahmbmmbhhbmhhnnhmanmaamnabmhnnbmhmmauwmbanmhhummbn m fourth annual auction salf in ekin toivnshlv of wtooo sous volnt plfis vus fat attij fkkdeu cattijc siikkp ete i the undersigned has re strucnnns riuni eied lr absent and plently of enthuslnsm for uie work nnd programs of the nil and winter iitmax contacts h sale di oi k stiw due oct hmh j yout g yoik sis due ahuil time of vile york sm tnd litter due about time of sale 2 i younu nrk sous rend to iirved 1 k ktstered yorkshire hoar 2 ear i old bred h ml lor uros georne- tmn ont thrf hunks about lbs ii tinft shonts 15 young human contacts nre a splendid 1igs remi to wenn feature of home town life the tows itun cow tresh 1 week brif anrt lonr conversation f jj when pthple meet or apnd a little lv r mtlkink woii timi together give illuminating nrvi august 1th pictures of life nnd experience as f i lini kkkpeii il they exchange their idea- on pub- steets about km lbs lie affair thev comivarv their dif- 7u1 l kal faring points of view and are n imlptsl in forming tvrnvt jiulg m ments they exchange information in such talk and their comments on modern life anil questions of the j day are enlightening and instruct- lv people have interesting stor- le to tell about their own ex periences and can learn a great deal by listening to the observ ations of ones friends about lift and its happenings inn ii t fat st lelfers about r athit 7lv helfeis abmit uhi iakes 1 yout g fa if os shorthorn hulls mitis oci j holstem helters i to breed hefp i keg stered oxtont is a oxford kant limbs 1 yimiling oxfud ram terms cash settlement with tlrk on li sale as in fotniir siis everv nnimal will tie mtht kssttlel without re serve wm a gibson auctioneer phone guelph 7ltw you cant find it anywhere else week in week out the acton free pretjs brinjis von local and district news news of your club vour church your friends that news just isnt av ailable anywhere else if youre one of the few who are not iettinthe free press everv week drop into the office 250 cover a years- fiihscription ps our advertisers sav the free i lrinirs them real returns lor their invetinent have vou found out the low cost the acton free press fou sale childs cont with hood sie 12 wine good na new several wool skills six 12 1 pnlr ccm ice skntes white shoes size 7w 1 pnlr roller hkntos like new apply acton home unkery phore uk for saje elm and sort maple mixed jh 00 two single cords 15 four single cords sib split stove size delivered 10 00 a cord 4 ft length on farm cash or delivery c e cutts acton h it 4 phone u9r2 for sale 1 smnll dining room buffet 1 hronkfnst suite buf fet 1 circulating furnncette 14 fire box 1 new hoy thermo oil heater 1 smnll quebec conl heat er apply wm j mcleod phone 203 for sale qunrtity or good lumber fifteen unrred rock pul lets uentty washer with gas mot or nine piece mining room suite english onk good nt new ilnppy thought range hums wood or conl inrge slze good ns new 1 liny mare 10 years old 50 cords wood 12 inrh mape dry set herch sleighs apply e pa hist er corn er no 7 highway nnd 5th line for sale 1h17 mercury 1017 innd crult sturlebaker t1i0 ciiev sedan 1d17 wlllvi sedan i 1917 dodge ton plrkup 1m1 i wh to truck 1di7 dodge tractor trailer wnllls 1220 lyaetor w0 jihc tractor on rubber mnssey trnetor on rublwr farm wagon i used rear cat gnrder tractor m ihp used rubber tired wngon ifsed i cultivator new skyline grinder j new skline forage harvester ford ferguson plow- shnrei rait i nnd steel genuine ferguson till er used 2iurrow tractor plow m h 2furrow gnng plow new 2furrow trnotor pow wed cutting box grain drll in good shape i hp i h c engine fican gem milk cooler dcljivnl jres- sure system iiavnl mil kin j mnch rc parts st used electric fnrm clippers new white vasli ing machjjicsw apply tliots e hew ton george town phon- 332 w vnoaaor of aton court of revision wanted sound clean hard mnple or beech logs ror immediate- sawing delivered to mill if possibly but would pick up alw jog cut ters write to w r wright km 4 acton wanted to buy cash paid for old glassware old dishes or naments vases nil lamps dolls old buttons old sliver and furnit ure etc phone 47 or wriy p ojf3ox 3fi mrs keith barber corner king and union streets georgetown- for rent room for rent large- front room downstairs unfurnish ed preferniyiy middle aged wo- mnn for compnry nonsmoker phone roclcwood 78 miscellaneous for plumbing heating and carpentry of nil kinds phone s m sinclair 217w collings saw mjlicustom sawing glveti prompt service at- nll times lot 7 5th line erm twp saws set nnd filed three- years factory experience rates renonnblc e grischow main st below church st phone 239w 153 stove repairs havtf your stove fire box lining in perfect con dition fbvllro plastic firebrick will conserve hent save fuel john v savage acton need a really effective laxatlvet try proven fruit a tives famous herbal medicine used suc cessfully for 45 years brings re lief quickly tones up liver keeps bowels arttlve restore good hnnlth reliable oli at 40 50 60 man your crazy thousnnds peppy at 70 ost rex tonic tablets pep up bodies inking iron for rundown feeling mnny men worn err call old nvw get acquainted size only 50c at nil druggists agents door to door sales men wanted to establish a bulnst of their own wih rur 250 gunran- teed household n result iii splen- rlld territories vacant in your dis trict unlimited posmbllltcs for the nmhititus person never a dull season experience not eatentlnl but n car is it you select n rural territory very little capital need ed rest opportunity of stnrllng a business or your own write for free details nnd catajxkiue to fam1lex 1600 dclorlnler mon treal rijcarino auction sale in kiiamusa ivwnsiup furniture implinirnu eus thi lndirslcnil hnvp roroiviht instructions rrcim the munlrtpiil counrtl of the vlllnk f arton will mmt as n coutt of itfvlslon in tht nunrll chnmbtt arton ontnrio on wed- r tay tb iv tntiit fi ln or oct ober run n 7it nrlnrk all pr- sons iiumhk jipiwnls anlnst thfi assvmrnt llnll fur the smil vii- injjr for the v ar rl mll tnk none und kin thnisrlvrs nc- coulinkly i niitlir of al arols must ne lrcrl- d b 111 on or brtorr ttl- slstrnth i of tuber im i mikahik orrk lnl it fti s it h i ik of oct lhs j h m lhone 171 serinr adon and district sine 1875 mackenzie ateiud three ears ago the war fin- i isjied and esrone thought i that soon the shortags woud be oer and everytldng would in- fin- in our land of lent in the building line there aie mor at ute shortages than ev- er wth cement plastei board lime and trii ks heading the list coal has become stirne better but it still has a lor g ui to gn ti lie in ample sup- pl n w lire ri d wth n mrtie that afferts e ei nne whether at work or at home this power short ige nn onl he met b the im-iji- erit on of ffione in the run- mrttion nf miwir we havisit on good author ity that chnrlle will have enough lights for fun for you at the towr hall thursday and friday evening 1 b mackenzie ac bon siisstvtiiaiuvebaker to sell liy public auction nt her home lot 7 on 1 eramoa townshlp situated on the guelph and krnmnsn town llrv- about 1 of n mile north of no 7 highway on vf ofttorfr 2mb comnincng at 130 oclock the following imlements wagrn hay rmk wagon ho cutter hay leddei steel roller dump itake quebec sulkv plow m h mower mil hinder ihc seed drllj liolh r i use stiff toth cultiva tor tv hp gasoline ingine iir- nlp soser siurfler cutting hox fanning mill hand sleighr plat form scales hench stelghs grind stone s of i enm hi nhs -col- lais etc kettls iitrrelk pig cr it s itlacksmith xms forge nil w rk hem n with wimmi siw ai km ti 1oik stjrh a lons jlruturs chisels hammers pun ties saws iexels suyeit st el isi lumhcr chams wtirs va mdws iolilry and srimlh- geevi- ff ns ii 1 r puletv 11 mr roosters chii ken crates hojkts etc fcrni ifrh modern nr d amlyi h dning room suite wii ker fein stand xmas cartuj 1 looked mats lirijus curt a inn landing jjimp old fashioned oil lam pn lutes old mittoea yit- s co em in mintel jimp iris cushion sinill i aole cul antlrie tattle rockers cires arm ctftlr- cpholitered chats hall hnnglng inrnp writ ing desk hest of drawers hall raw ird tahle i redroom suit j hilet seis hdothing i g cibm out t red sheets fea- th r tif ks p hows cushlors rag carpets linge clocks i hatt er rdios i unviil radio sttee i oud sakers phonograph nnd i eirrts etine jtottomed chair diop inf table wood heater t ri r i rjinge with reservoir and w lining cloet dtshes of ah kinds knives forks spoons etc i ooklng ttens is of all kinds termsgash ntv iterve the fnrm is sold the date wed october jthu the place just north of no 7 highway midway between guelph ni d rockwood hindley a elliott h auetlanr phone roekwood 19r3 milton 177j fred baptlc clerk 0 i

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