Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1948, p. 6

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paan six the acton fhee f hess tiiuimuav october 14th 1m burlington dan sanderson hu sold hu trucking buatneea to harry twr after twntjnnv year tn bualneaa laat thursday evening a nervy thief claimed kit date which kev in moklnnivn ouc bay ns had hn with an attendant in the mene wmahroam in gr park hamilton nrt tlvr vehdldat or whom 13 hm adxllts rorlvd lh holy hte tf iswrtrmatuui in sh john the tta4wl 1oman oattirtllc churx la twu rvnlt on motwta of thla mk lh gen eral mtlv of th niagara llrapl srtay vwttvwny wr htwd in w4r nlv outmml ivulming n th grouvwla of thlr faehory volant at kywvnan jvhn 1nry ivg j wrk aw a wellknvn ami simd tval- awnt of th tn ka inalanth kit milton emphasising tho importance of kindergarten claaaea in milton the mihon home and school club are circulating a petltlnr which will later be- preeefited to he school board aaklng them to institute uch a cum at the nubile school the executive of th ontario ttajh4ttl aaeocjhon upheld a tiro- teat 4od8d fcy the milton club against dedmloru at the laat bm with cuiedonja but ordered the liamo replayed tain caledonia ami break wero again a jonah for th local inter nodlnto ulint the dropped the odd ram played at caledonia yot- toru anernoon ellmlrwtlntf them from further o b a playnwnii calmvudn took the count on two homer b a aeore of 43 the opening meeting of the john i milton chapter iode for tho full mason was hold at tho home wd ti a c5mi train at tho brant atreel ratlwa crojnr on kalurjof mrs tnge morley with a good u afcertwwwt hrtl aftor im nitmdimv th kuu apenkei o ckvk wurlirvcin residents received elr ir ivvr interruptions to- d iednou at iiivn whn th vuttih was pulvod at 11 0 and tho jukv did not rot urn until on ocltvk tvnlcht at t0 tho cltl- wnt wlu onjov tho r flrt black out uson tho entire town will be plun- ted ini darkness for a time to bo detorytu e1 b tho amount of pow er ueed durnb tho da to veep wiihm tie town s allotment of 1s- iw k llowat hours iuetto whit a t vunj thnt u th it colorful art to tompt necltlo do- ajctirt tapjm with an adults d and a children nnd moturs da ht no father d mm 11 w ttfilhinlfh rtvently r- turiel finim a four month thp to england hor nntlvo innc xtwo in a er ploalnc manner nn jntci- octtni tk on tvindltlon tui itho found item oer thoiv cnnndlnn chnnpiorv oont wawtk timh it inpjwnod on the olvatnclo ivurv a trainee puffing nnd crvinnlnc fnilod to make n hurdle as ho stretched out n corporal rnn forw ard hm he oiled w lints the trouble i think 1 e broken my ipk well dont just iav tliero man ftrnnu ae start doing pujiupj news and views of llaltou fwmi lnaenta to visit our modern showroom s cirden street guelph ont opp fire hu rlbber and masc ttljcs 1nlato kjcnolktlm waul teles inatallfj la kitcbena balluvama ilalhayx 8tsra omeoa kid floob sanders per rent or work dens keating tile co lloyd k kfcawng formerly guelph flooring service pbane umw gwclpii alter hour hum k fundable sains thequej for 1943 and 1944 will he mailtd bv marth ls 1949 miki sure that yours arnej safely by following tlilse instructions 2 3 if your noma and addrati ar tha lami at in 1943 do not mail an addrati card your chequa will ntach you in march if you hava changed your nam or addraaa inc 1943 go fo your poit office obtain a pacial chang of addrait card fill it out end mall it at once evan if you mailed an addrait card latt year yuhould- complete on thit year if your nam or addrait hat changed tine 1943 department of national revenue fclxarjcup oivltion ottawa hon j j mccann md aueur at naliaiuj ravwtu have you moved or changed your hame since 1943 if so fill out this card before october 31st kditor of ltatiimv advot ammreaa hal ton meung hnlton county council in roo- otit yeara haa imrchmto 700 acroj nt land in tho county for loforttbt- ration putvomta moet of this aero- hue hit row n planted ami tho earlier plantatlorja art worthy of n vljt in addition under 1 1 in load- mjiij of the laurleultural and lto- foretitatloii cttnunlttee of tho coun ty co u lull iiupthlo skuce teach ers trumeea nnd ratopnyer an lntcrtchool tree pltihtlnc cotnpet- ll ion una innuuurntod hint aplrnu some rlii rural kciiooir eai h plunltnl nr ncrenk in their rea ped iv school kectlonm nnd th uwnrdn will ik announced in thtf nenr future jinlton county coun cil is now utvlnir consideration to pnylnc a ejubuldy to piperty oim- er who will fence and protect ex- utiij wimdlotn fiom livestock in brief the akrlcultuml ami ilefor- f station committee of hnlton count coum ii has bet ome rnl7ed b the import ante of o 1 1 untcr uid tree lonsorntion and uielr ic- lnlonship to food production st i tanus which 23 or 10 yen 4 nm inn all jcar uiurd ttwlnj art dr inod of the enr rnrmeis wills whkli a f w jears npo ncvoi dried up aie unlay often dry for months in nddllion fish nnd other iireatlj decreased in number because of loss of trees nnd sti earns not to mention the loss of fertile soil as n result t flooding nnd runoff in older thnt all hnlton rntcpnj- trs both urbnr and rural may discuss this problem n public meeting is to be held in the court house alilton on tuesdn octob- er 26th nt 8 00 pm roeve alex mnclnren chairman of tho ha hon reforestation nnd agriculture com mittee informs us he has been successful in securing ns guest speaker wntson h porter editor- inchief of the farmers advocnte and secretary of the ontario con- servntlor nnd reforestation com mittee mr porter in recent years has visited europe nnd is fomllinr with m ensures adopted by mnny countries to meet similar prob lems to those which exist in hnlton the writer has henrd mr porter spenk on mnnj occasions nnd we enn assure our renders thnt n trip to million on october jgth will be more thnnvorth while cirmt awards relonsod on hal ton calf and grain club projects i he klngswny kiwnnls speclns ench of which consist of 12 50 to nppl on n short com se nt the 0 a c this comir g wintei liae holn awarded as follows milton holstcln and ai shire calf club geo butkhtldr freeman hnlton guornsej jersey nnd baby beef club ale buchnnnn moffat ac ton boh beaver oat club geo c wilson georgetown acton caf club ray everdell acton a s mllnr scholnrshlp hns been donated by the klngswny klwar is club of toronto to the mlltdn boys beaver oat club the achievement dny for which will be held in con junction with the hnlton seed fair next march halton milk producers associa tion also donates two short codrse scholarships nt the ojlc these have been awarded to john mckln- nor of milton and dave peuerttorlo of milton other interesting awards follow nelson robinson specials guern seys bob joyce milton beef jud ith merry oakvllle jerw gmt bevlln milton holsteln barry archer georgetown j l chlsholm special bob joyce milton c f pickett special david pell- murlo milton chestnut jersey farm special it o luias freeman halt on llreedoni main outstanding showing ut stmroe i he championship htiow s fo tnti il nnd wtsitin ontario ler- u ttnl cutinsis wilt juki nt sinuot on i in m1 i and hiurstl w ti pt ntl last wink in the hr- vt y uow whkh hi ought together i top it ist vcjf it ntrnl ami tsttrn ontario haltor wns rep- itsnttd hv on one ht nl niimtlj tint ot m c btat of miuoii i what a clean up that lone halt in hi rd made a f t w of the more i ioti worth wins follow i 1 hi htat sonltu henl sjro j llrnmpton bnil ward wns the sen- i lor nnd grnnd champion bull of the show een more outstardlnj whl tho ahowlntf of until 1 wnrjli ot a junior yoarllnk dautihtei won iter vlnan and wont on to the junior champlonnhlp nnd reaerve urultd ihamplonahlp of the aiiow fx 111 nnothor ftauirbtrr wun llw rlmi pi lo iwlfot calf ami renerve juntor 4 liamploh female i lb offprint nhto won the prtaory of ham clnhri junior setofalri olaaa and to cli max it nil baftll ward and h uroiip of hu daukmerk won the graded herd clnw it hatt lken mnny n yoar alnce a hnlton herd of any 4red hni mitde audi nit outhtand- ing allowing at one of thtv major fthnwti i hnlton county may well he proud of the hoiiara hirnught to uie court y by the boaty hord few hreednih achieve urh hnnora in a lifetime but to build up n herd of this quality in a petlod of home eleven years is little abort of amay- ing wet such an in movement ti tnlte plnco in tjve field of npor hendllneh would bln7e acrofui thtf fiont page of eveiy nowmpajier in oini lo but nn this wan in the field of agriculture nil we ran nppai- entlv wiy is lints off to mnurleo ii nt and those nssoi inted with him wo re pi mid of the nt hleve- mer t and we extend heartiest con gratulations on a job well done besides tei spyn iay pat farms palermo made the guoinnoy en thusiasts of cent ml and weslern ontnrio sit up nnd tnke notice prrbnpi the most nott worthy at huxenif nt amor g oth r wins wns the senior nnd grnnd chnmp- innshlp nward on their herd sire i kingsholm philosopher which nnl- mal also won nlmltnr honors nt the hnlton guernsey show retently ibis nnlmnl wns bred by geo h king fc sons oakvllle and to messrs piggot nrtl king we nlso extend our sincere congratulations ikrkinrulayfeb wkddinc in the inchewmi chitiicii cuihimc on all your dry deanlna for prompt weekly servioe put card fn window each monday or rj0nk 103 acton cards mny be secured at coopers clothing store or from driver master dry cleaners jolfc woods yiiultwood united cjiur h win donor a ted with white nnd pink gin- dloll and aider on maturday hepr ihih for a prewy wfddlng wheyj hetty lona hnyna yolingeat daugh ter of mr and mr wm have of tnglfnvood and gerald thomaa porklitm avm rf mr and mm har old parkin h otf acton were- mar ried uov j a holgnon officiated mr john kmrncmm brothor-lr- inw of the bride aang for you alone and ill walk bonlde you mrn johnny harper wiu at tlie or rrttt given in mnrrlnge by hor father the bible wn gowned in ivory aat- in th rough nnckllrw wan khlr- red ami held in pine by pearls and hor long tljtri fitting kodlctt with n full wklrt foil to n hoop nt th bottom with roue point lace pamtrt she wore hor mother itm kot llor long embroldernd veil wns held in place by n coronet headpiece nnd ah inrrled red rose while mlsi marlon pnrker ax iirldehiunld i hosi pale blue btnend- k uitlr nnd a full net skirt and arriod red roues ilevorlev fm- mersor nleof of the bride wns n flower git i wenrlng pent h broend fv orgnndv similar to the brldos and cnrrlel pink baby nsters mr i iwln kenim r of acton wns best man and mr gear haves lunther fr iht hilde nnd don perklrs bro- ther of the bi idegroom were ufli- ers the i er opt ion wns hold in the inglexiood united church sunday st hool rooms where mrs hayes loreivod in n nnvv blue sheer dress with turquoise accessories nnd tal isman rose eorwige while mrs per kins chose n hlnck crepe dress nnd cerise neressorles with n corsage of tallsmnn roses for trnvelllrg the bride clwxse n grey tnllored dress with red accessories nnd a corsnge of carnations on their return from n motor trip north they will live in georgetown attention farmers wo ar pyln th mghmt prevailing prioas for dfmrj or crippled tmrm nlmaja horses cattle hogs telephone collect for yinnkdjat ti laing cartage opckatino ror oobdom tovno uoy to cook with gas cas ranges designed for use with cihtocthull wofcrr hkll art one of the curious things about winston churchill writes adol- phl in the financial post is that he refuses to sell any of tho hund reds of paintings that he han dono over the last 30 yenrs ho has renl nblllty as nn nrtlst ability fnr nbove thnt of the gifted am ateur tho dollar value of his paintngs must be enormous what would nn american or canadian millionaire pny for n signed modl- teirnnenn scene by the immortnl winston churchill simply turn mvttch iruitjintly you get a ring of hltie hi nt a luttlnr clonrvor flame owi you linvn f vttr cmui d with ttofora tlwro no vmtt tn ii knn tiic imjuoitui of pots nd pann no iimn it you rnn k thu mrmltrn way on citfl nmifc built np uilly for uw with kahotans cloiin onwy timn wiving cnnimical to ijyuituno itiinbt tnd wnfr iuutrne vm dirtct hv imperial fill 1 tmilhj itangm awild hv mint npplinnin dtnlin tlv piut rk mum meui fm uual tlllu ruvrf awemlaji rv jv lov aiarwn aj lka blata ua inaolt a pgaaai imperial oilffotaneiutei toronto cahlcton pucki i w c7u tum w 1 urrl st i 5rvir in inerint oil lim llevl or nhlixntion gum rrvtet ll 1 like lkiow your hu-i- h- ibr illuatr iot my mmi pti ut addiiss n l1rmimlm wilknut chart oklt which tu all ahoul ihu mw phoui mum mr essotane give5 the hottest flame louh finish beffer if yon sm mi l y0ureyes for better nf more comfortable vision consult r m bell ufoistfjted 01tometiust phone22rl2 enn you know it yourself how many ways a rainy day can sud denly spoil a sunny life thats why it is wise to save now with canada sawngs bonds and if a rainy da joesnt turn up your bonds will help buy jou your favorite dayilrc im a holuli rip or even a start on irds a home on uli smiles bonds are on sale now 1 hi ma be bought for cash or on eas insalmens over luchc months through your bank or imcsrncn dealer buy ours today fy m m way ak how buy sib semis

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