Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 14, 1948, p. 8

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agb eight the acton free press fishermkn and natube on thins which help to mktf the sport of fishlriff attractive to many persons is that they do their fish ins in scenes of lovelv nature which they enjoy whll- they are watchlnff their lines their minds are stimulated by the beautiful pictures which nature gives in these fishing sports if the fuh are slow to blta there is at least pleasure for many in watching the scenes of bntuty by which they are surrounded the rlpplinjjt of the water under the summer breeze and the waving of the tree branches makes a lovely picture the fish jumping out of tho wat er to catch some insect make a mjddon fliuih and are suggestion that the fish are there cva if they show lack of interest in ones hilt 1 he ftlnjrlng of hho birds putu a note of joy into the scene ono seems to get closer to naturt if he bptmta n few hours in these scenes of chnrm and makes observations of natural life that adds to his knowledge of the world in which he lives j l case farm implements sales service floyd mariatt main sl milton 46sw m bowl tire sunday school lesson sunday october lltfa a floyd smith jeweler watches oijocks jkwexkry 73 quebec street west guelph ont hello homemnkors only those who have stored vegetables can realize the value of this home grown supply of food and appre ciate the resultant saving dont i tax notice1948 municipality of acton fourth instalment now due october 15th last day attention is drawn to the payment of 1948 taxes which are now payable ki four instalments taxes a re payable to the municipal treasurer at the acton public imuties office inatalmnnats are dun as follows fourth instalment oct 15th avoid penalties i the attention of itntopnjcrs is directed to the penalties and other clnuses ns printed on the roversc ude of every lax not ice and explained in detail on lvery tax bui make payment now and take your tax notice uitii vol yiien making payment j megeaciue coil to v lsaw in the bible golden text you shall love thv lord with all your heart arid with all your soul and with all your fmlnd this is tho great nml first commandment and n second is like it you shall love your neigh bor as yourself matt 22- i39 lejuort text deut fi 2025 lev id 914 1718 let vegetable go to waste after reposition i teaching uoilg- thcy are grown i nation in the home pout g 2025 the quality of many vegetable qur flwt luy fj 0n gfm la dependent upon the time and nml wp nro finite nml no stage at which they are harvest- numhep nnltvl pv unq ed then the method of storing fmu thoreforelf any man hoom will determine how long gar- lo whoio u c jm den produce will fcop vegetable mim nnf fn hu iu j sucli as lettuce and cauliflower thursday october 14th 1m8 hnvo to be used as soon ns they reach maturity grcten peas and ibenns and corn aro canned and fco7on plants like cabbage tur nips etc it nnd cold frotv weather while others potatoes melons limn beana etc must be harvested before frost nips vines x duty to the ono infinite god where he failed would bo immeniurnbly moi e important ihnn where ho j sm i coded every mans flrtt dutv li to love jehovah tho only true firfd supremely with nil hh af fections nil bin intellect mid nil i hit strength these words which 1 moses commanded the children of tsi ael u ere cods words tim small quantities of root crops p nbow n olj o mvo rh no itaata avnnia hnimlha dodi woid is rot merely in a book no matter how wall bound nnd not merely in our minds and mem ories but upon our henrti cod word laid up in the heart will kqep us from aln in our lives pa 110 11 the net thing to do with gods word is to tench it to others nnd the blind la mad a rellgoua duty in principle showing how holiness is expressed in pity and service to such unfortunates mollrjess is next revealed in judicial decisions in v is there is to be no respect of persons tho poor are to be as righteously treated as the mighty sin is to be kept out of the courts wo may presume that the in struction in v 16 is related to the foregoing verse not only must the character rcputatlor and pos sessions of people be safe in the courts but thoy must also be pro tected outside holy conduct could hot permit any man to defame or maltreat his neighbor neither would it allow him to hate him it in turn mod up in v 18 thou shalt love thy neighbor an thy- iclf to be printed soon such as beets carrots parsnips potatoes rutabagas and salsify should be stored in a root cellar j or dark basement in moist eand nlternnte layers of the roots and either in piles or in boxes put in j sand and the vegetables will not shrivel when tho vegetable are gathered the tops should be cut off i if larger quantities aro to be stored they can be piled in bulk in a root cellar or in an outdoor pit storing in pits will vary ac cording to the climate of the dis trict as there is more danger of deep frosts in the northern parts of the province choose a well drained spot and make a shallow excavation threw or four feet wide and one foot especially to our owr children wo should tench it diligently tho most important part of a childs education in the education at home to talk of his words nt home when thou sltteat in thine house nnd next we should talk to them as we walk with our children or with others the lat thing we should think of when we lie down nt night is somethng god has said notice to creditors and onrcitq in the kstale of alkxaniek d mann all persons having claims agalrjjt the lslnte of alexander 15 mnnn into of the villnrf of acton in the count v of ilnlton i orcmnn deceased who led on or nhnut ihn nineteenth clay of juno 11m9 aro lequosted tn file proof or same w ith tho undersigned solicitor on or he fore the sixteenth day of or tnhcr lhk after which date iho i slate w 111 he distributed hav ing rtgnrd only to tho claims then filed datld nt acton ontario this twenty- third day of september 1m8 r jessie ilobmltson administratrix by her solicitor c v ilhathfcrland acton ontario u one oot h w0m nnd the flrat thing deep put a good layer of atraw in w anoud th when wo rise this trench and pile the v4guhlm in a conical heap cover with one or two feet of straw and notice to creditors and others in the fcvute of frederick oooper and marttia cooper actons new teephone book when weather gets nippy cold add four to six inches of soli ventila tion should bo provided at this time by standing a narrow drain tile on end through the soil wltn a piece of screen at tho bottom up in tho morning is something god has said in his word v 7 this verso should be pondered word for word and then scrupul ously kept dny by day the more strict jews took verae 8 literally and bourd pnssnges of scripture a 1 1 persons having claims ngnlnnt the estate of frederick cooper into or the village of ac ton in the county of hal ton re tired fnrmer deceased who died on or about tho twcntyelxth day of may 1048 and all persons hav ing claims against tho estate of martha cooper lato of tho vil lage of acton in tho county of hnlton widow deceased who died on or nbout the sixteenth day of september 1948 are requested to file proof or same with the un dersigned solicitor on or berore the sixteenth dny of october 1048 nfter which date tho said lstates m fe sw sllout tlnig pimm only to tho claims then filed dated nt acton this twenty- third dny or september 1018 norman burns james moore lxocutors by their solicitor c v leatjimtland acton ontario halloween is coming round sgainl when your door hi ii rings be resdjr with hit grand ihuuiy pumpkin pie made with purity flour of course heres s mclcioyourmouth pastry retir mm on their hands and wore them in m uiv wuwnjitnc boxes on their forehonds it ti 4 to kcop out rats stuff the open lllr hn if mnnv nf ni would nfler which date the said estates end th a piece of bagging to ab- x 9 morally toiay i j k l sorb heavy rainfall i ri a auido to hollness lev pullanbbnge roots and all and i jg nn 17ig etand uuwheads down tn a wide tjie instruction i an ampllflcat- j trorich ion 0 tno ton commnndmerli some vegetables eg pump- ult some additional details it is i kins nnd squashes need warm o he noted that each instruction dry storngo conditons such as a is r by the declaration i uooden shelf in uie basement i ftm tne lxird or i am tho lord in tho urban home a vegetable go jn tnc entire chapter room in tho basement is the most thls statement occurs llftcvn tlme convenipnt storage plnce spray i in lhe p nr second i with n ddt solution and u i commandments are implied we fresh leaves or sand construct a be impressed with such re- nodraft vent nt door or window affirmations that jehovah and check with tho necessary ls our god how wonderful it s thermometer which should record i tn greater of the universe approximately 40 degrees insulate the side of tho room nearest the furnace if necessary burlap or tar paper and an extra wood aid ing is not an expensive proposition compared to the cost of your summer work and tho amount of vegetables you have gathered consult your local agricultural representative for further details on vegetable storage r4roetd reelpea plum chutney requested by hn tj 3 quarts plums 3 large apples 1 cup seeded raisins 1 teaspoon ground cloves 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon ground ginger 1 teaspoon curry powder 1 teaspoon dry mustard 6v cups granulated supar s teaspoon salt 1 quart cider vinegar now is the time to check and make sure that your listings are correct should you wish any changes or ad ditional listings call your telephone business office today we shall be glad to discuss your plans with you j i sanderson manager the bell telephone company of canada scout apple day saturday t oau rm turty t uur tfcjj mulj jrm jiusis karri umnst u vn r all ymr kjjksmg ls our redeemer nnd cod for jehovah is the title of the second person in tho trinity and means our lord jesus christ he is our lord the object of our adoratlor and of our unquestioning obedience matt 23 8 jno 9 3538 20 2g29 rom 10 9 commencing with v 3 we see cods holiness as righteousness in action in this case it is reverence for parents that ls required and keeping of the sabbath the fourth and fifth commandments are joined because they have in common this element of reverence ir regard to parents it is of course assumed that they are godly and worthy of profound affection and respect the sabbath was the day of worship toward cod thus in home nnd church tbere k to bo manifest true reverence to have such however there must be pre vailing righteouaitss homo and remove pits from plum after church famly nnd church memb wlping well wipe and chop apples pshlp nrt to r puritv of hfc combine with other ingredients in in v fnto nnri rokor preserving kettle cook uncover- wnrnpd k idolatry l a ed gentl until thick about 30 ptent sin as men and wo- mlnuts stirring frequently nu n turn nvay frnm od nml his pour into stcnlized jars when rewnbil tnith in christ they turn cool al with hot parafln yields to f often mitermlwtlc 2 pints kltrit i hiuj sauce ilqumod by m u 2t ripe lomnttvs 5 peaches 5 pears 5 applet 5 onions 1 sweet nd wpper diced 1 swwt grwn pepper diced h i up whole spices is tahkpaons jilt 3 cups grunulntod sugar is pints elder vinegar ivel nil the fruits tomatoes and onions cut up tomatoes and chop fruit rather finely mix well to gether add other ingredients with tho spices tied in a cheesecloth bag cook for is to j hours or un til thick melds fi to 8 pints the new orangecoloured boxes which have recently been adopted for osifxjllxli7x x llixx dxxxjfio mark the return in teabag form to our finest orange pekoe quality at no increase in the list price sau0a tea company of canada limited substitutes such folly cannot go un pun shod j pit 2 j0j1m thi iluid flghth and ninth com- niindiimints art in uw in vs 11- n stallng ulng ami profanity art phut d in tho munu tntegorj i riiis is often tru ihlexen nri liars nre ako g iu rull prof a no shiwlng in tin ir irrevirerco how dibisod the nn dude 10ltj atilt d nie theso wlkelnoses defrauding a mighhor and keeping luuk the wages of workers fraud is put into tho company of thieves liars and tht profane thv mnr- ner in whith wo treat the deaf anfl hcta outv tm now purity flour i oooc 1h ft tun m llu hwwi pukitv c root wiui ii 79 tcth iimm muity ytaut kllch sd m pot mar4i piuuy vlaur uuu otmctfhm loa n h mowrwl osu- ottahoramool wlmlml usxil calfsvttt altai vactwvw 1 rmqmtflutmhtctimi i iji j new utirr ijoqgeno bleioii aluminum logging sleigh recent- 1 put nto us in northern que bec weighs just over 600 pounds j reports the financial pout this is 40 per cert less than timber- etnstructthl sleighs which have boon in general use it is capable of loading j 12 cords of wood i miss allan reg chiropodist trrats taat nllmhiu our- rips light aaaifahsjile arch es of leather or stool us pre ferred 27 arthur st guglph phone 180ftf round twi vax imcludu chieajro 1910 new york s180 detroit 1110 st louia 2590 subject to change harold wues phone 58

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