Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 21, 1948, p. 2

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mgx two the acton free press thursday october mm 1mb lumuhd fevry tfmratlay at acton ontario authnruaj aa ecoml elaaa mall dfprlwtnt ottawa poal olllca surschimion ftates4so p yr u aj vanc unit state oe additional slrt cnpla 6c llolh old and haw aildraaiaa ahuld b ahra wlin chatr of kddraa ruuaatd alwkfctiklnc kateron appl and aa ivvrt n varloua column hiding a although every treautlnn will b taken to avoid arror th vra prraa accept ajyrtlaln rt it col- utntia on th undaratandlns that it will not t ifama or any rrnr in any advartlacntant publlitied hrimdr unleaa a prool ol alich klvftlaemaitla requaaird in writing hy lh advavtlaar and re turned to th hrai pr blltlnaia oil lea duly ilgn- trd by the advrtur and with aueh arror or cor rect ion a plainly noted la wrlttrii- tharen and in that rim ii any trot notad a not corraelad by th ft frees ita liability ahall not eveeed tuch a proportion el the entire cot of ueh edvertlaentent aa th apac occupied by th noted error beara to the wbote apace occiipl by aueh advertisement g awiop djms editor tpxefmonrt- rdltorlal and thielrtfta ofllce iy ttaaldence iji eddor when abscsnntent ifl not uniform huntsville is another of the towns that has found the new assessment for 1040 based on the new gray survey and valuation to be a bit drastic ncording to the huntsville forester the forester has compiled a list of towns of similar size to huntsville and finds that as sessment figures are about half of the new 3108000 assessment of huntsville for 1049 commenting on the list of assessment figures of various ontario municipalities the forester says from these figures it is quite obvious that the advice of toronto experts on assessment values is not being freely sought by the smaller towns in ontario of similar size is a question spicious example of the isolationist principle in taxation values whether it can be shown that property values here arc double those of other towns n ontario of similar size is n question into which the experts might set their teeth it may and will be agreed that the high rate of assessment in huntsville permits a tax- rate below that of other towns similarly placed this situation however is one from which the taxpayer can derive little comfort when his tax- bill under the new and lower rate represents a figure fully comparablo with that of other towns where lower assessments and higher rates prevail if the local assessment survey and taxation values had been in the hnnds of our own offic ials as this paper urged they should have been it is highly improbable that our total assess ment would have been increased 100 per cent a nominal increase would have been looked for preceded by a campaign of education through which the taxpayers would have been fully in formed of the purpose of the increase and the need of value adjustments as the situation now stands any value we may derive from a lower tax rate is nullified by an assessment level far out of proportion with that of comparable towns and just as like ly to adversely affect the interests of the town it is not nn easy task to establish any differ ence in the psychological effect upon a prospect tive taxpayer of an excessively high assess ment and low rate on the one hand or a moder ate assessment with a moderate rate on the other high assessments are just as likely to drive fear and hesitation into the heart of n prospective industrial or private citizen as high tax rates huntsvilres objective might have been reached more effectively if greater moderation in assessment values had been exercised at least we would have maintained a more uniform position with comparable towns in ontario a position which is not likely to become ration alized through any mad stampede on the part of other towns to lollow huntsvilles example ontario law enforcement the shocking djsposal of the liquor charges in manitoulin island with the evidence present ed in court is just another startling example of the inadequacy of ontario police courts and the administration of justice from queens park it follows the same pattern that was taken in the cases against the operation of amusement concessions on stfnday at ontario summer re ports thev were allowed to operate the full season before anv charge were laid profits go above all else there uppears to be absolute ly no enforcement of the liquor laws in ontario teen age boys and girls can jo injo any town or citv where they are not known and they are served seemingly without question at least they appear later intoxicated police are almost powerless to get convictions in the courts for drunkencss and arc losing any interest in making arrests or taking cases to court we have an overdose of law and a sad lack of justice if mr blackwell aspires to leadership as premier of ontario ho would- do well to give attention to his present department in tho jtrovince mr drew failed to make the grade last election in a safe riding most folks of ontario want decent law en forcement and more backing for the police who are making an honest effort in most cases only i to he frustrated when cases lire taken to court how fur in thiferwe russia has many ways of threatening us remarks the financial post editorially one way is keeping us in a constant state of jitters our present defense spending may bo inade quate but also to be remembered is tho fact that too big an annual commitment taking too many of our people out of production and into unproductive defense could also have very ser ious effects on the health of our economy is that not just what russia is after to weaken our economy so that sho will be rela tively stronger by keeping the democratic nations in a fever of rearmament which feeds inflationary fires saps the economic blood of the nation and contributes to unrest russia is winning battles against us some arming we must do but too much can be as serious as too little it is only in combination with others that canadas defense program can be wisely drafted and it is only nn economically strong canada that can serve the cause of freedom in peace or in war cri6cr3 recollections ol aclon ml ifol living tho ideology flfou would fight for world labor is being torn apart by the war of ideologies the ideology of communism hns already captured control of the major unions in france and italy as well ns the countries be hind the iron curtain and has even infiltrated many of the unions here in spite of the efforts of sound leadership to stop it recently two large unions the united pub lic workers of america and the united electo ral workers were blacklisted by the atomic energy commission becnusc their leadership is suspepted of communist affiliation today we see the spectacle of sound labor men cither trying to stamp out communism in their unions by strong arm methods or being slowly sucked under by the communist stra tegy of smear and sabotage fred copeman former british delegate to the comitern and now chnirmnn of the cen tral lcwishnn labor party said recently our own labor movement has lost the fire and faith of george lanshury kcir hardy and tom mann men who were led by god communist dialectics enahled people to die willingly for the party this is because communism convinces people that its ideas and ideals are the ones needed for the present world what is the an swer to nllthis copeman stressed that the answer is not negative criticism but building a greater more constructive inspiring fight- ing ideology and living it backiniaon lyofrt th luurt of thi iyfir rn of thiirwluy ontenlw 20 iroft w p cnmphell in hulmlnj imntlwr houtto cm church fitrt wont of wiiiii in the rrttr of arinm coouh irnrtt it will lw n iranio imlminu lrx2fl with kitchen ad dition a joyous vent wn nt uto homo of mrs benjamin ander son lut wednesday eventing nt eight oclock when hor clnurhtpr ionn ntnl omr thorn ns p walk in son of h wntklns kq wore unit ed in holy wedlock a numiwr from acton iitlemltxl ntirsnicnwoyn fair nt cnmnbcllvlllc on tuesday n mr henry pnttoriion nn turn kit- weyn hnri a serious runnwny inst saturday he wits clmnahig hln hormw in tho field from i ho plow to the wagon when the horses started find tho wnjjon upset throwing mr pntterium out nnd fnlllnu on top of him ho hod n nnrrow encnpo from being killed iik iaijl in trnfnlgnr on sunrtny urtobrr ulh inn hall need 77 years nnd 7 monthi spaukkku in toronto nn fri day 141h october mlldrod irene daughter of samud 1 st nil her nged i years nnd 1 month back tn 1928 editorial notes first real frost of the fall in this district came on sunday niftht and n reminder that win ter is just around the corner you know that every time you save hydro these days it helps you reduce the cost of living its a shortage that can save you money too without much effort cant recall that the autumn colorings were ever more beautiful than this year and the road between acton and milton is as fine a drive for autumn glory as one could desire just now from the ihhiic of thr free pretin of tluinuuy octolter i a 102k john cnffn of henrdjnore cres cent brought to the free prcji the largest sanijilc of carrots seen n round here this hnon the sample one weighed 2i pounds the fowl supper and entertain ment nrrangvd by the ladles of kno church in connection with the churvli anniversary t proed very popular and wiis attended hv a big crowd last week two families who have been residents of aclon for wars removed to new homes elsewheiv miss k kit t ley and betty nnd mr and mrq clarence kentner ami babe temoved to col lin gwoori mr and mrs john smith also removed last week to miini ihvlr home in ottilia the contest for posters and es says conducted by the womens clukllan temperance union in the province had art mi winners in both high and public schools miss itnrbaia uithrie won first in high scbool fjnd in the public school tony kavellce cat ned off first honors mus hetty pindlay of medina ny who is attending college in toronto visited acton friends over the weekend on monday mr william stalker was felling n tree in the bush wh n he happened with a rather serious j accident the tree was deflected from its course and fell on mr i stalker fracturing his left hip and his back hns also been found to be injured iiki mc4ihuon in ksques ng town- jjup on thursday october lltn lxs john mrtjibbon in his hjti ear i ckfwvring auction sale of furniture anil llniihiholil s sic ftts sliwtrm anil antique the town of bowmnnvillc 1ms raised 15000 of its g5ll0 objective for n new arena and while still 10100 shmt has awarded the con tract and started work on the new building the plan is to proceed as fur as the money goes tlii indirs kinii huvi rictlviil i the progressive conservative party has picked n new premier for ontario and mr drew has taker one of the ontario cabinet to assist him in ottawa this pltmng of the political game in the back rooms mukes fine propogunda for the isms- to use and is quite helpful to their cause we get so many suggested editorials on our desk that we began to wonder how to define or interpret the word our dictionary savs an ed itorial is an article published as an expression of the views of the editor vce thought that was the general interpretation but some times we need to reaffirm our faith doctors make the biggest incomes in canada according to a report of the department of national revenue published in the financial post their average was 74ti0 per yir with lawyers in the secondranking group at 0528 in third place were architects with 58i fol lowed by dentists with 5289 from there on all classes were below 4000 a year at the bottom of the list was another branch of the medical profession nurses with average earn ings of 1173 mks kiizaiiktii ckitow lei s 11 liy luhlle auition at hnr rimdimhv situated nn no 2 llieh- a krnmosa komtl a hn f mile past hu ell limits nt cuilph tin satiiidav ktolter j3n cnmnunruik nt 1 iii nclnrk the j follow ll imn nir koum kstrnsion tnhli oak siila llimrcl i uinthcr seild plnliik kiinm fhnlrs ihetiv side iiud i walnut orlklnnllx enni- hotttmid ehalis and arm chair cuni itnltiimiht itimki ilalloini kmkfr hand nivisl kmkor and hand artd arni chan r al an- llqtus all kinds of km ktn and small tnhus old viol n it mil pumoush sold siiikiiiii marine ivdislal ij stiikiiln mai hli ivl- stiil l woikiimi redistal mar- lii- lock mantel clock ottoman slniil old w limit lledioom suite poll pull of ulass wll hraekets for candles candl shikv old iliiur ind ki am plllures and ylml els wine class vims linips tea 1 mni ers sol ii oils uros iiuit lllshei hr dee inmn cid iilile itadui and itadlo table phonograph am kimords smill ua niiiul seiini maehinx i hand luinedl llonkerl mais prusls cirpeis cushions hird iil h oelen cltlls of all klnd pillows clothes horse tuhs wash hoards plates cups suuts- uue lliuhes vool cards- seieis butter howl churn creeks hoi point kleetrle iron vneuum cleaner carpet sweepei cardon tools corn hoes tuinlp knes liiwn mower hoes itakes ktc tkiuts cash no resire ns the ironrtv is sold if you nre lnteristed in mod- i rn nnd antique kurniture dont mlsj this offerlnflf i hinducy eluiotr auctioneers ph ljr1 hoekwood or 177j milton kine husk kanc hnsk- rose him is lis pitch t- fancv fa trees and their relationship to food production arid human welfare a conference on the nliove topic has been arranged by the agricultural committee of lalton county to take place in tiik county court housk millon onlarb tues october 26 at 800 pm w h porter editor farmers advocate and secretary ontario conservation and reforestation association will be tho speaker every resident in halton county is vitally interested do not mm this mmttno buy canada savings bonds for n clean tnuibortlnn iluy and hj1 thro ugh a itealtor com nnd trucks financed and influrfcd f l wright wilbur sl rcnltor nnd rnnurance phone 95 business directory medical dr w g c kenney lliybllit mnd surgeon successor to dr j a mcnlvea officii in symon dloef mill st acton offloo 1hono 1ft kalutusa bt lhoiui 1m dr d a garrett iphjralcilall uid bura krodwlek street acton formerly dr nelson offlos office phono 238 nmldonc jl dkntal dra j buchanan knnl hurgaon omico lelhman block mil st office hour 9 o m to 6 pjn xjray telephone 148 dr george a sirrs idsmiui 8urgn6u mill st cornor frederick aclon office hours 000 am to 530 pja telephone 19 l wilson dlmlteir of chiropretj klootrothorut ball telcphono building acton phone 303 hours 10 am to 8 pm lkual c f leathekland ba acton lurrlsuir ll kollcltor notary publu officii 23 ihonm iteklnn 11 lever iioskin jhurliirml aerountmnu suicessois to jknk1nh li iiakdv 1115 mutrupodlan ulrlij ii victurm st toronto eib 0111 vktekivaiiv v 4duartrirtlmbfcsilbi speoia1 avlmett british ooltjmb1a prune plums z9c ogilvies produots ginger bread mix 18c hot roll mix ck 28c tea biscuit mi kagc 4 grape juice i 2 ih 25c tomato juice 2se romar coffee 27e 5lc dandee tea s7c 73c red salmon n 39c niblets corn 19c apple juice 21c sweet pickles vt 59c libbys baby foods 3 23c johnsons floor waxes glocoat69e98o paste wax59t107 ron cicaniiic ut polishinc liquid wax pint bottle c choiok california peaches 33c bpeciai onoioe silver ribbon peas ungraded z ts z9c b 0 young vs bvsc veterinary hurgpon offlrp drtokvillo ontario ihfinc millo 14fir4 f g oakes vs bvsc vrtfalnary hurgann offlc and rcftidcnco knox avft arlun ihonc 110 i mihsckixankouh i johnstone rumley i victor b uumley funeral ilame heutfd ambulaa srrvlhc the community for 45 years ihonc 30 nitflt or day i willoughby farm 1 agency lnrfsi olilrst afncy in can ad iioikj office kent bldy toronto cicortown iteprctottatlvo tom ilnwkoh ihnne irorgrtown s92w toavellers guide gray coach unes coached leave acton kautlmuiwl n6 41 amb741 am rm aja 1116 urn 06 pm 4 41 pjn 331 pm 826 pm dlosg pjn i wathouiul i to stratford 10 44 am 1244 ip m 2 59 pm 5 2u p m 724 pjen xj 14 p m yll 34 p m i to indon 1014 nm jjm pm a5j pm 7 24 p m b014v pm xi except sunday and holiday b sunday ami holiday d saturday sunday and holiday x to kltrhener daily to stratford i sunday and holidays y- to kitchener only railways canadian national i standard tlmo icaat bound uall g 14 a m dally except sundays j 52 nm 7 10 p m sun day onl k 111 p m dally except sundny klyer at eornetown ii7 pm dally klyer at georjcotorwn 1 11pm westbound dally except monday 1 17 am monday only 12 09 am daily eept sunday hill am 650 pjnw 711 p m saturday only 2 36 pm sunday only ii 43 am flaifstop klyer at cuelph except sat and sun t 31 p m wushed ctlloilairs simnach valencia orames sie tlfi izen mild i a nre spanish onions 2 lb florida sedl grapefruit lff sii 96 15c 25c 15c 6 radio service guaranteed repairs to all makes and models manning electric phone 23wt 11

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