Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 21, 1948, p. 5

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x thursday october 21st 1943 the actqn free press paok nvi m mra d a runsel left this week to visit her sister at dryden mr stan bradmore wu home over tho xvevkend from tbront mis ruby clark spent a few day with toronto ifrtoncl last week mrs f 8 slwood left the end of the week to live in edmpnton alta mr and mrs j b lake of imwajuon called on acton friend on saturday mr nnd wfrs lloyd mtcmurdo will aoon be moving to their new home in brampton friends will bo glad to lean that mr jos otdonnoll ha returned home from hospital in toronto mr and mm walt gibbon and baby of kitchener visited recently with mr elizabeth gibbons mill st friends will bo glad to hear that mr thos robaon has rot u mod home from st josephs hospital guelph misses joan mephercon and clair hillock of toronto visited recently with mrs sayers nnd mia gibbon mlu mahe clayton ahrl mr wm hlncks of hamilton and mr carty of torowto visited over the week end with mr and mrs w h clayton mr and mrs j ryan and sort from guelph and mlu henry r n of kitchener visited mrs p say- and miss minnie gibbon on sunday mr brock gurney of kincard ine visited with the denny family in brampton this week several other acton friends also visited at their new home the friends of mr w j gould are glad to see him able to take short walk around town again after hi long illness mrs n w taylor of erie pa visited recently with her mother mrs nora cutting acton and lis ter mrs doris robertson of guel ph and other rotative and friends mrs rouglns guthrie and daugh ter of crewaens corners left on frkla evening for montreal where they sailed for scotland on satur- dav mr guthrie accompanied them ns far as montreal miss agnes gould who has ipont funeral months with her brother mr w j gould nnd mm gould left for her home in pittsburg pn inst week previous to spending th winter month in victoria bc mrs john ponnldson of wlng- 1mm spent n feu dnys with her dnuchter mrs robert turner and mr turner during the week nhd intend milling todny for the old homo in scotland to lslt relatives there snttru ehurrtj of cganaua aeton otaterio ftrv ixnns mouquno minister trsonase fiowvr avenue sunday october 24th 1048 the festival of the harvest 11 00 a m sowing ana heaping 11 to am the congregation of the children of the church 12 10 am our church school 7 00 p m the evening service sermon tho threshing floor dedication of the chnhcol and re opening of the sanctuary iri- day october 29th it 8 pn you are welcome i jjrrohtitertmi dljiirrlj in eattaua knox church acton ttev x m andersota a- mg bar sunday ootobeil 24th 1048 1100 am morning service mr j sutherland ba of knox college 12 15 p m sunday school 7 00 pm evening service mr j sutherland b a anniversary services november 7 rev v g stewart of kitch ener they that wait upon th lord shall renew their strength ssajrturt hljurrt acton rev crab r gowek mlolstet 1048 sunday october 24th 1030 a m sunday school 1130 nm miss kathleen ford missionary thursday 8 00 pin bypu october 31 11 a m and 7pm 106th anniversary service nov 1st to 5th inclusive baptist brotherhood meeting each evening at 745 county assessor reports to halton council continued from pag on brampton on november 4 at 3 pm councllaljso gave their assent to granting the governor and guard at the tall a 15 a month cost of living bonus as granted other civil servants in the province members felt the initial salary of these men si 250 pei- year was hardly suf ficient for tho importnnt task they are asked to perform oouncm made a grant of j100 to the st johns ambulance appesri declaring she did not wish to b critical of the operation 6f the old peoples home reeve mary ietth stressed the necessity of additional spaeff to take care of the older peo ple when they need that care she explnlned that it was high impoehble to have applications for admittance granted whbewthe county was nlso paying hospital care for some who could he eared for in tha county institution tho reeve of nelson thought a board- erin council scl dales for 1949 nominations other items at the october ftieeunjf of township councfl erin township council mot ot october 4th with nil members prev ent reeve gold win burt prodding a bylaw for the purpose of set ting the date for the holding of nomination and election if necess ary for the member of council and for the election of thrcte trus tees for school area no 1 and three trustees for school area no 2 was introduced and given the necessary readings pasisat and numberod 12 the nvwnt nations are to be held jn huiftburg ftown hall on friday the 20h day of november from 1 oclock to 2 oclock in the after noon the election is to be held in the different polling dlvldons in the v a man wio wears an adam hat tnpr home would alleviate the sit- 1 township on monday december uatlon until extension plans could nth 1048 from 0 oclock am to be made at the brampton home 5 oclock pjn at the tohowlng no eldcrjy person in halton places nnd the officials in charge ftl albttu a qhjurrtt anglican rector rev w o luxtoa hjl sunday october 24th 1048 000am holy communion 10 00 n m sunday school 11 00 a m atornlng prayer and beginners clara 7 00 pm evening prayer this church welcomes visitors ttdro shortage brings its problems to newspaper ephead optometrist eyes examined scientifically heaiung aid batteries quick repairs to glasses binoculars field glasses etc 81 st georges j phone 1529 guelph est t years should want for care she stated adding that council should make plans to locate such a boarding home reeve william hlgglns thought it would be worthwhile for the county to investigate a program to institute a home of its own halton is growing and it may not be jong until we are faced wtth that possibility he declared other members favored the idea adding that both counties were in progressive expansion which would soon require a larger institution its not ease of being critical but one of looking after those ap- pftcants now unable to go there for want of room mrs petltt observ ed on suggestion of deputy reeve george currle the matter was left in the hands of the warden to suggest to the board they procure property to care for at least 10 or 12 persons until extensions could be made on the present property council gaye two readings to a bylaw regulating the construction of fences erecting signs and plac ing of gasoline pumps on proper ties ndjolnlng county ronds it was explained the bylaw af ter the second reading was to be presented to the department af highways- for their approval fal lowing their consent the byjaw uould be rend rr third time before it would become inw accounts approved and ordered i to be paid included finance s2i1 countt rnnds 9 333 94 printing 75 27 county buildings 1 0e0 r8 hospitals 1 827 25 ag- i rlrulture nnd reforestrntlon 1 910 20 council ndjourned to meet on no ember 9th polling subdlvlslon no 1 os- prlnge at andersons shop a 13 currle d si o wm e robertson pc polling subdlvlslon no 2 ball- innfnd at community hall robt kerr djio jesse mcenery pc polhng subdlvlslon no 3 hop- yard at h turners house jas gillespie dro r d graham pc polling subdlvlslon no 4 con- ingsby at w cheynes house ii t matheson djio morgan gra- hnm pc polling subdlvlslon no 5 mim osa at n matthews house albert roszell d ro earl jcssop p c polling subdlvlslon no 6a hlllsburg at town hall root slnnn dit o archie mcdougnll pc polling subdlvlslon no gb hlllsburg p o at town hall fred mcmillan d jl o geo laeey p c polling subdlvlslon no iah- llcs school at school house chas mckcown d ro hugh reld pc tho following resolutions wett moved and carried thnt the treasurer bo authoriz ed to transfer 25 00 each received from the hnlton mutunl fire in surance co to the hlllsburg firo brigade and the erin fire brigade for their assistance at the lanoev chevne fire the clerk was instructed to ad- xcrtlse for auditors to audit prom idei clothuuf stogie jwain street acton free chest clinic in halton rural areas from monday october 25th to friday october 29th tho residents or the rural area of halton county will have an opportunity for a free chest xray this is part of the domlnlon- wlde campaign for the control of tuberculosis and is in part fin anced by the purchase of christ mas seals it is a cooperative effort of the halton county christmas seal commltee the ontario department of health the ontario tuberculo sis association the halton county federation of agriculture and the hnlton county health unit a scries of organization meet- i ings have been held in all town ships nnd interested community groups v111 mnke a house to house i canvass to explain to tho people i the need for a chest xray i 10 clinics in nil will be held the clinics nre as follows i nelson vlunge october 25th 1 00 i p m 5 00 pjn the union school trafalgar 17 1 octoher 25th 700 pm1000 b4llinvfad to cooperate in power conicrv- n t ion nnd still mnlntnln our pub lishing schwtule ue hne found it not etsnr to adhere itrlctu to deadlines for handling the copy u know nil will nsakt us if we outline this schedule i mnnda nt a p m is the latest time we tan mcopt mnts for ratt- lnp the metal for this work is melted h r wntt eh trie heat- i r nnd the can onl be heate om i em h week nt a time w hen th lo id is lirht phase don t ask us tn i list mats for illustra tion- after this time as u art ohllirnt d to refuse u mn at a p in is tin ilea it line for al displn nth i tiinn we pn ft r to imvi it tn irli r in thi wek wheiuwn mvslhle if j w mi liix spainj of a full pa pi i 1 is out ut us on monda iiii wsixp nl tlaullltsl uds m lw i t h 1 mm im iii nla tuit p iste dnnt wnlt until tin ti t mill in ft it mi s ml thi tn r yht afti r the i nt ha p4 ns mil ih iri m n m im t 1 i im lutliil th it ui k quit of ti n wi n i lii n islm s i th it t u 1 l ie h n s nt in mi mo 1 1 in i r ft n w l n i muih i n wiin til i tl t it just i in t h si t f r im it wi isvu m i f us i i ii t i w m n t u h ii u ns c rn s n h nt wi 1 ilp i ki it si i m itlinp tpv tm ondi it ill iti ms mn n t u in lu ii 1 s mi tjn 1 lit lit us in mi i ii r m i 1 wo w mt to nt iln mir stnndtrd t hnlnj iu homi p ip r r id fu ou on time em h niunula- we need our help in this emery en to maintain this schedule with pual phof up keep heating costs down inltuuu now with rock wool ihlowlng method it t so siis for fiet eitlniutts phone rockuood 32 ii nilack lueal llep fr k hoofing and insulating co kitchener op nte ontarfis most modi rn julpim nt quite n number from this com- nunlt nttemled the plowing match held at lindsay last week congratulations to mr and mrs painter on the arrival of a young daughter the sympathy of the commun- i it poes out to mrs irvine who is not in thd best of henlth her self and whose husband passed twn in guelph general hospital on saturday i the wa met at the home jot mrs henry hilts on tuesday the president mrs v smith presided mrs starrett hnd charge of the i scripture stud setrnl ittms of huslnes were dtscusmvl a nullt wns alto quilted the meeting i losed with the mizpih hendlction dalnt lunch was sercd bv the hustiss assisted by mrs shorull the wms mlvsion crile nnd mission hand bed a joint thank iffi i ing on uml i nilit 1 he siiiptun stud wis t iken b miss ti in inrlair pni r h mrs or man simlnir the mission hand sang two numbers a duet b miss u r nli i nnd sh rl 1 h njis m mis sonim r illi of frin was the kinst sx ik r uul jii i in in ti r sting ailtlrt ss mi tu i i ttu ii w rk of thi wms m oinndn ltu iii tuik 1 1 wsi with a hvtrn ini piair 1 iu mr flimjall j township books and school area asn 1 books for 1018 tenders to be in pm the hands or the clerk not later r ber mth 100 pm than the 29th dnv of october 191s p i that the reeve nnd oork be i camphellvlllc october 26th 700 nppolntwl delegates to attend thel p munirlpnl school of instruction to brnnkvllle hall octoher 27 1 00 b held in ornngellic on novcm- p m r 00 p m ler 1 and 2 ijmehouse community hnll oc- rhnt the collectors bond in1 wr 27th 7 00 pm1000 pm holdup insurance bond be rt- norval community hall october unwed with the canadian surety l pm500 pm co nnd that premiums of 12 so no 9 bo scho01 october land 537 so respcvtuely be paid j9th 7 pm1000 pm thnt the reeve be paid 5300 r pernio octobir j9lh 100pm for attending the meeting of the 500 grand vnllev uthnrlt nt gait bronte october 29th 7 00 pm- that members of council each 10 00 pm icvelve a dns pn for attending at these clinics no appointment i trucks at kltrhener on august 30 that enn village firo brigade and hlllsburg fire brigade le each paid 525 00 for their services at ljincey cheynes fire accounts ns follows wire order ed pah general 51 08 relief sni77 sheep 120 00 road 1 007 01 council adjourned to meet again on monda n mlxr 1st it 10 n m for gen rnl busim ss and nt j pm as a court of i ismn on 1019 lu ss vsmt nt roll fir the i i itockunon croup present procrm vt unite w mx the nnnu il ih ink j int of the om in s s k n t of t i 1 niti if i in tin suml i s n i i i mn mrs b m m it r ul d 1ll it si hilt m ram asser may not call at your home ou are welcome to attend there is no waiting over 100 per hour can bo xrayed at these clin ics there is no undressing there is no charge to anyone i who should be rnifl fvctv adult should be done regardless f ik fun among m r ild rly people occaslomlly infectious cn- s if tuht n ulosis are found up t thi itl of sth giade it is not on iii i nms ar to rn hililri n s n i uses of tuht rcu sis of tht luni are rire found llimmr if tin r h istti en nn ilit with n i n of thi disens thi ihlld should he x raved child- r n in sti gr i le ind nkie sh mid h i ms stnis t is in thw a i r tup thnt tin i i s most fi 1011 nt- 1 ai it mini people win x nnl in ttu sur 1 it i it i i ut n ur t u ns i 1st at hu an i f our rh t 1 in this hydro notice hydro power will he off in atton and district r sunday october 24th 1 pm to 5 pm for necowary feeder lino refttira between guelph and acttm acton public utilities commission please remember the salvation army appeal i now being made for funds for their hospitals and every day works of mercy donations con be riven to the members of the committee mr r h elliott mr a t brown mr wm bensontmr gnrdon ko mr vv j o oaks mr w g mc- ken7ie mr thomas watson mrs w mnildox or direct to mr a w haydon manager of the bank of nova scotia treasurer for the drive reserved sevts ml st be ordered now ro l winter fur nov- 1624 i m ki f ml n n ii i 1 k kh u i ith 11 nl il i u 1 nsiir n 1 it f 1 r i is vl 11 t to print a department atorei fullpage advertutement for per fume an oklahoma newapap seen ted iu ink the suyplv is limit i iistrvnl s tits iiiut i to 1 ms niniidllte- t obt of town isitors lxn t miss this thrtl inj iolour- ful 4hitiile ii kt d with inttvnit f r nil keerrd srtu fternoon lidiy ov 19 to wed 111- no 1 00 including ginrr4 admludon kovntsl io i 75 2 00 hu tnrludlnx ffnerl kwnlnat i admlwlon likiow a sidfnddressshl envelope with oui iluque or money order to royal winter fair j royal ooluum yannta out i mi i v i i in 1 is i 11 11 1 m 1 11 cm r in m in fli in li ni i i r lu 1 acton branch canadian legion presents steeles cavalcade of stars camujfikslsii 1 i v iri cl 1 r in iffo clu t 1 1 mi 111 1 euihutc on all jour dr cleanlnx i- or prompt weekly sendee tit ciid in windoh eac1i monday ob phone 103 aoronf cards may be tecured mt coopers clothing store or from driver master drycleaners joe u oods m s hliim i hi uijiht s s l u j 11 i u nu nl t i o quests v v t h it is i n ti thi f thi ir pro f offi rim mrs 1 tlns m- 1 1 1 mi s i t 1 1 i m from h lit st h idi mi tins f t inks to kw l lidit 1 th d dl ntion mmli h mrs i- lul o ml f r t 1 1 ii in 11 ii i i pu kerinc i unrh ms rt b the n dies and a sorlal time enjo 1 at the elo- of the meeting a surefooted animal is an anlm nl that when it kicks it doe an miss ir n is in it li 1 t n 111 st dif fi u t to ur t di a 1 finding t ins o tub r uloms t ir fi furl hi r s ad of the disease fi m thi patient to n htsr m rvons in the rommunlt is pn- ontd aproimatel lomontar 10 1 tliins 1 11 each i ir with tuh- ew 11i01u pie did bei ause they nre ndvnnred cases and were x-ray- d onk after serious phslcal breakdown rodeo circus western south american 25 americas finest trained horses and novelty circus acts ti atukim it v he south mtnoin ilklilinu hume he fwhk hi- tlnnc- md he jumpu over an automobile utlantlini trained ug in a unique cluiplav of t nnine inlelhtnci sw 1 he ritl who i lands b the tik uul lues to tell bollt it trk it hoiim v tim k m f ltllin i owns vnd trmned ml iks one hour antl kort minutes tlinllini and uimiroratini entertainment onk nhht on li october 29th acton arena ais pjh adult 75c children under 12 l

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