Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 21, 1948, p. 8

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mas eight the acton free press thursday october m 1940 mk o births marrurai mi llfc m lamrlad is lkl writtma llk mc iwr hn mldltioaftl for y morn xxntt hospital on wednesday octob er 13th to mr nnd mr hobert kootltt a on uobert bruce eden mills int mkmobiam tttt in proud and lolng mein- ory of our dearet aon sat don ald k till and hilt plnnt com- mdosc hlaf kllusl on active ervce octolier 22iut vm4 bur led in macon cemetery chester icnglartd thev are not deiid they could not die so young they were and jfrty such citllant nnd such hrnve souls could never puts away j and though we cannot r ihelr face we know thevwnlk with us in the happy freedom of their immortality ever remembered by dad mot her and slter sybil mr and mr t a inslea nc- iximiuinlrd by mr and ml- win lteeye of knnotvlllo liavj returned w aft aixdlnar a week on a fluh- rj trip at ixuket and algonquin park mr and mr linduiy lton and mr anil mn cliff klley and uoli- ble kpent a weekeiul roconlly with relatives in imntlach michigan our vluvlt deported liu1 week with no many tvslrieiiu at tending the inteiuutlonal plowing match at lindsay where the locnl presbyterian 1adleu alii hud a booth mr llooko and carolyn of klt- cjiener spent the holiday weekend with her slater mrs l v froail and mr frood mr nnd mrs f lovell of i tor onto vulted over thnnkstflvinu with the latteru parents mr nnl mrs ii mcintosh mr nnd mr clnuile brlnklou and family spent a day recently with mr and mrs ben hltchcns at oshawa mliw benlrlco pnllant spent a weekend with her brother mr llnrry pnllant nnd mrs lallant it oshnwn lac l1o1 buvely nnd mr f afcfts or thanks the famllv of the late lohn clow wish to thank pr waller nurses at the cuelph lleneml hospital friends and nelchbor who sent cants and flowers or helped in an way during their recent sad bereavement vjlttflfc thai the trv are sheddlnk their iriws rii fvivw mf the henv frosts this nru havowvn ret week plans art nw urjeru for nn enjoy able wrt here to avoli ydo cutoffs dont ioavp a sinc lirht burninc when no in actual use municipal nominations are soon due time to think about your munlciftl affairs christmas is the next holiday nd i rvun g3ojishinplng wil tjike more of our time vr runuiiinmni i u t acteen topics ffliym inibiiintrrt rtti ijut friday tin uwnl tititlih itude tludr nnniuil uppearnnce hi the form of tho mu pivalilinthftl ihtmilf tin mnrntmitli evtrvn- kttnxn not under way fnwn thu town 3 lull niter nil the lull ma- tlltlnto liiul lnn rounded tlt imrrulo led by nn tnformnl hand followed by the float of en- tlldnto aunn wended iti clr- eultoiiu route of tlu full vlllnue candidate ijmwmh flont ryhrw truuimrtv bearing his mipportera came net followed by lnd but not least candidate lilow the ilnrwlevll rliler mountwl on hla invtnrcycl which incidentally hnd to bo towed the vnrloua cnndldntwi xro- kcd their iderth intenftons nnd drew from th cflinpitlun in frtvor of drew from the cnmutlun in fnvnr of ken allan the voting was organised about eteen oclock nnd immotuntoly nftor lunch tlo contest wns be tween two very worthy candidates nnd was the closest election lm- buvely nnd son of trenton i mt nglnable each cnndldnte had ap- n ueekend witti their parents mr pointed a scrutineer who along and mrs j buvely nnd mr nnd j with the mayor tallied the returns mis kiwi onidiner th finnl result of the election wns mr and mrs fred rcllly nnd in favor of gord lnwson nnd ns terry malted over the weekend i midnight tolled emnyor kirk- with the latter- sister mrs anna nis turned alii the troubles wor- turkey dinner and musicale arron initki ihiikii monday oct- 25 dinnit kcrvod rroni r to hh pm ticktnx onk imhialt clillilren r to 12 ytom 10c ihrttvlulon mimli fr nurimry children fret ir chiirk mknu tiinikfiull juice lurkey nnd niiulnu trnborrle turnip loliiioes tsiltlume stilntl fruit jelllos choliv of pies ijmim pie pumpkin plo apple pie si rlieeu sinuoi onliitm nnd uilllefirt chueun pickles ilivnil nnd llutter ten- nnd cofi coffee the classified section buy sell exchange wanted etc advert liwmnu uhtur this hdlng acessh wlthordctup to lt1 wordi additional words 1c icr word if cash does not c- rmniuiny the nilverllxemeht minimum chnrge 50c and ic per idibtlonnl for ench word over ii3 subtwiucnt inaortlons won for- hale wanted koh saik medium kjo quebw wanihd to uknt enrage mi liter in good condition ihono j k itoblnson manager hoy ftfiw tjiealie the vtver canada r1ble society has an acton branch a m4in of the upper canada bitu society of the parent body of the british and foreign bible society wns held in knox church on friday evening october 15t dtiarfalhy good attendance the meeting was addressed by the rev dr ajnutt of toronto a field sec retary of the society the growth of the work of the society and the demands made fox further printing of newtranslnted portions of the holy scriptures for ovorsens peoples and tribes were well pre sented in the evenings address a fascinating film wns shown deplet ing the work involved in the pres ervation and translation of the scriptures since the early christ ian centuries to the present time the invention of the hand print ing press in the fifteenth century made more effetcive the work of producing the word following the years of laborious efforti covered by translators before that time the election of officers of the local branch resulted in mr m m coles being made president and mr a t brown the secretarytreasurer it is intended that a door to door canvas in the interests of the bible society be conducted toward the latter part of nowmbar the rev louis pickering presided over the meeting mr coles led in prayer and the rev mr lutton read the evening lesson coukun mr ami mrs normnn thomas spent a week islling friends in ohio usa messrs bill lowrie and norman marshall jr have returned hoirw after spending a few days duck hunting in the north mrs wm mino hns retuineo home after spending n ceek visit ing with mx nnd mrs j wilson nt acton nnd her sister mrs wilson in ouelph the many friends of mrs dunc an mnrnmi wjll he sorry to learn she is confined to hosplurt in guelph all wish her a speedy recovery we welcome to our village mr and mrs pieter wylle and family of st catharines they are at present living with mrs wylles mother mrs c anderson mr nnd mrs g la mcptmil spent severn days visiting their vons george nnd don and families nt sudbury ries difficulties and wonderful ex periences of the penguin club over to gord lnwson president of the club for the current season the two penguin club dances this enr have had unnecessary disturbances the fracas inst week mny be blnmed on no one in par- tlrulnr but inebriated teenagers i will positively not be allowed nt penguin club dances it wns in the execution of this policy thnt inst weeks fracas started acting on the council of j the penguin ceilb i is not the enslest j task and inst years council f had every intcn- ui tw im tlon of mnlntnlng the penguin clubs reputation until their term of office had been completed they attempted to peaceably extricntd inebriated tecn- mrt-ano-tvtrir- the dance the mob bie and mr nnd mrs j us arily becomes prevalent magni fied the disturbance manv spent a day in toronto recently dr b r greer of toronto a rep resentative of the gideons spoke in the prosbyterinn chin ch in sunday his message was very in structive and well received burlington miss he1j2n horne speaker at knox wmj3 thankoffering knox presiyteriiin church w ms thnnkoffering meeting w ns held in the tiuns room on october hth quite n number of the ind ie from other w m societies wen were present the president mrs blow open ed the met ting with a reading and prner mrs k m mcdonald read the flfith psjilm and pra er was of fered b mrs r ollnrn mr mnn aisttorsbrouglit tlieirencluhi and chilled and also unnnuneed that the net sators into vort aette meeting was the election of officer for the enr 1w and asked all times the ymca bonrd of directors were forced to issue their ultima tum jo an entirely new executive this new group is faced with a real problem should another dis turbance or fracas occur within the penguin club the club wid be forced to withdraw from its pres- jent location and collapse several don mcifnrlane of burlington enrs of honest effort on the part high school has been nominated of teen agers who hnve orgnnlz- for the viscount alexander trophy i ed teen town nnd now the pen- presented to the outstanding junior guln club will be ruined nnd ac- athlete in canada each year j tcn teen ngers given a bad name the asessment for this year has been completed by assessor john- hpn n appearing to ton nnd according to figures ob- under the of lntoxic- tained from the assessment roll th- t u b ndmltwi tn tne total assessment i an all tlm penkuin club high 541g6760 an increase of j we hnve run considerably over- 5130604 over 1047 the population time nnd no doubt there nre many of the town is 5105 an increase more pleasant subjects we could over last year of 162 hnve spent the time on but none the wedding took place in first that so drastically concern you as united church hamilton on octo- a teenager her 2nd of dorothy- lillian daugh- itliere are promises of the pen- ter of mr and mrs harry turk bu room being improved and of hamilton nnd mr stanley atkins course this week the new council lovell bros meaf market friday saturday specials b rie hraiul butter 1st iltadi crkamery 71c lb fresh pork shoulders 18c lb jork butts 58c lb maple leaf cottake rolls g3c lb domestic shortening 39c ih maple leaf brand jj f j smoked back 7se lb breakfast 65e lb f smoked back 7se lb peameal back g9e lb fresh sausages 15c lb lean hamburg teak 48c lb quality beef koil kaik lrl him hln- wantkii amitir tnlont or flilllii riinl iii- iin kl li new nil ilwriiltnnq btk prlw anpl riiiini- bai lloxy lluntrn acton yiilt kaik mln winter foit wantkii liyyi7ini soototi nnil ioiti jliikil l ronrtitliin roupli iimms niurtniinl or liouw lo ii ihoiii- 115 acton ihonr 1j or io lox 101 koil sale 211 yoiini pik 11 wrckk old j surlipy it ii a aiioii 2nil hi oppoulc ktcwnrt klllols phono llllrl koit kajk i llrnwn kur trim- moil cunt 1 ittmt nnil 1 ilrowrl conl all sle 14 in kood condition mn llnrejnve yonuc st foil sa1k hecnndltlonl ni- nllno driven wnshern from j1w50 up itiiondltlnroil electric wnnli- cm from s39 50 up bcatty wiuhcr store li ijounliii st fluclpli ph 1k yiik naik kim nnd noit mllple mixed 5h two ulnrlc cords siti four klnkle cordi ig illt btove me dellverel 1ihk n eonl i rt lenkth on fnrm cnfih or ilellverv k cults acton it it phone i li z l prime rib roast 55c lb tender shoulder roast j5c lb lean chuck roast 45c lb choice rump roast 55c lb tender steaks round fv ii sirloin 7 1 if ih t bone vl iu son of mr and mrs f h atklni plains road a merit hot on sunday afternoon n imnll sail boat owned by clifford green of the bench who had only recent- 1 brought it to burlington harbor caiued just off the enstem gap throwing mr green and n fellow sailor from the royal hamilton yacht club into the icy unters f tl lake tlie boat was caught in a sudden sjuall nnd was over be fore ou could say mack robin son the accident was immediate- 1 sien ti niemturs of the yacht club who were in the revetment wall and a row boat manntni tv wally pollanl and charlie hull put out at once to t hertcueand will be introduced so let us all xliow our support and start them off ylth a very successful dance w t patterson ro speeiojiftt in eye examination orthoptlit 103 uynmiam st gueltii phone 21 or completely kqupp offieei ulow maher shoe store who have rejmrts to gie to conn prepared mian j mephai of camphelk ul wm spoke of her plieun i ti mg piisent uni evttiidetl a cor dial imitation to the knn w m to attend lheli v m s phanko ferlng meeting at st da id church mrs c 1elshiunn f oriti iti a lovely solo which wi nuuli in joed mrs ii mnlnpne inti ducvl the guent enkr mi hel en horne from toronto who gr a very uuiplring talk on her work mrs buchanan gave a hoit ii k and thanked mho home for her very worthwhile oildrss nko all thoa who took part to make th me in a hicoau wrt- john anderson offered the dedicatory prayer the meeting oakvilije building pitinitn ivsiiid in k- vlllf tor the first iight mniis t the presnt ear had a totil value ulmot duiltle that for tlie whole of last ir kigures tilitsl bv limn ccrk oaitii ii herv hiw i total rf suw171 m- paivd with sm50u in 1mt keti dental hudin wisn f i nt wlh i total f pimi coiupiti with snj i h h for th whole o ph olkv lie hld the sie4nd low es prowii fire loss and loss p apita t the five town and 1- lagei of hnlton county according to a report on fire losss in canada for 1947 issued by the dominion fire commissioners office oak- vlllei total loss was s18s9 and the farnworth memorials mimiimrnu ul miiilcratr price ckmiikiiv 17ti klim fjuru llil ul cemetery t tuii ost ibrotutht to a clo by the ilns- per capita loss 4 plfrurea for the ins nyroo kud ptyr by mr other eonimunltleii are as followi blow all mm invited to rmln acton 390 21 burllnston s39 for mteaatambu whtli a vry 108 gcontetown 3130 13 mll- nt bait hour wan apent ton 3781 109 record star i j i case farm implements service sales floyd marlatt main st muton 463w lines of fall and winter goods are arrivinc nnd our stock is well ashorled to supply your needs ladies snllfigies and vests scvirnl qunlities other linos in cotton rayons etc childrens vests bloomers panties in n riinnc of qualities all sizes in stock goods for warmer drchkes sutrlu ijirire iuurtment vunen and milts for the whole family wools leathers knee socks for itoys and girls ijsleh wools see them sweaters puiloven cardigans in a wide selection for all members nf the family men and jtos parkas mackinaus windhreakers for the colder weal iter for knit tine gordon 1ikhinikr kroy wool is shijos in stock hall 37c wiieelinc yarn for heay socks etc j inj 1 ih skein- lilc llnnkiette in white stripes florvis spiral weights tor is jamas limm lc to fik- yard many other lines on display phone 3a acton koit saik nixl sntiintny nt- tirinuin ihorc will hi- on mir mnin 1 striot a truck irmil of mnrlntosh appns for sali hy the hushl from i kfmlrik orrhants hurllnton i irrini nii uwo containers v jt klilmiik i plant now shruh trcis ivcrtirconi hciluc plants swclnl cliaiitik pr n fruit trocs inp- 1 ties pears ilumm write for prlc- cs ianlcn sales vaid l aven ue itonil tfiimito or ii lillini ilns rk aclon koh saik 1m7 stuilehnker uinrl cniimt ii7 mercury vi1x illllmnn convert i h c ihi1 model a konl limchiv 1h7 dojiro ton pickup lll white truck aj7 uudce trnclnr trailer wnlun 1220 tracor 2t new kercuson tractors together with one tur ner cordvood saw nnd one fer guson fi ftldo mower mnsscy hnr- rls model 25 tractor on kuhber maisevv hnrris tractor on rubber knrm vyngon uswl bcnr cnt clnr- den ititor 14 hp now manure sproailer on rubber uwd-rubbor- ltv wngon used cultivator new skymne crlndpr new skyline for age 1 unrvester ford ferguson ilowl shares cast nnd steel genu ine herguson llller used 2furrow trncthr plow massey harris 2-fur- row tang plow new 2furrow 4ietf plou- ufcl 4ulngko-r- firnln drll in rood shnpe 3 hp i hc knglne l can gem milk cooler deljival pressure system deljivnl milking machine parts new wlilte washing machines ni- sci bicycles 1 woods milk pais 11 aluminum nnd 2 stain less ske compete with plllsator shells and ruhlmrs t k hewson phone tt2w georgetown robt r hamilton optometrist of guelph will be at dr g a sins ofrice tl kkijav november 8ta 730 m vm compunre kvesiqht service wantki young inrtv interest ed in hrownle work to act as lend er of acton group phone iij wanriki house work in good home will sleep in if wanted ap ply to lin ki fvi press ortlee farm wantkli fw with the option or buying must he n trnolor inrm and capable or car rying a large stock rent in nl- vnnre it required apply llov r0 free press hy2 vvantki sound clean hard maple or beech logs lor immediate sawing delivered to mill ir posslblc hut would pick up also log cut ters write to w r wrlglitr r r i acton wantkd to i1iiv cnsh pnlril tor old glassuaie old dlsties or naments vases oil lamps dolls old buttons old silver and furnit ure etc phone 17 or wrio p o llox i mrs keith rnrber corner king and union streets georgetown for rent kok kknt 7nunifl hunish i or unrurnishfd f iv local tfl ciinvcnirtios iii fill fife 1rcss hulls- nirnt- applt lost and found ukwajtl lost irlkk fox hound ffninlc lihl inn hy wltt while nn hrrnst nrwl mnt iors mkstnr for nhout a month phono ih1r klmit uurt icoicrtown h miscellaneous cxiuncs saw mux ciutom snwinc given prompt service at nil times lot 7 5th line icnn twp iiaws skt nnd lilku thrr yenrs tnrtory exptlinre hn tea rensonnhlc k crlschow mom st jmiow huxih si ihonc 231w 151 sixvk hlnaikls hnvo your stnve firn hov lining in nirf tvn- dilion uvliro h nstlr i1rwhck will ronseivo hent wve fuel john v snvnk acton inrlirpsiton hi adaclits nt- oils try pnncn fltuit-a- tivks famous hei hnl mitlrlni usid successlully tfu ifi yenrs urink relief ciuickty tones u liver kieps hm n ncjlve rv- stores jroixt health kfxlaillt vics photography studio next to ymcxa robtraita emargemknts weddinos km1al oatmeiuntjm vic bristow rhotogneplutr ihon5mlllki township of naksaaveya court of revision tnke notice that tlie court of revision for the township of nil sapavveyn will sit nt the townshl hall lirookille on monrlav nov ember 1st nt h m i m to henr an1 determine nil nppeiils nt fit d nualnst the ajurssment roll or the- inlil townshtp of navsiiiuwpyn lor the yenr 1m9 dated at nasjuikftweyn ontario itils kltji day of orloner 11mk signed l w mrmlllnn clerk i ontam vanwyck cleaners pickup and delivery service phone 272 for the best in dry cijsaninc- we an- ind o the sunnniin 1i oi not heii fur otttii a ml i hank tht- unt il v lull ist k in mit h a tiir 1 a itin wih fie nm f iiutl nittl f ion rlti- i- this piojet t w1 ti- e i mi i is n ii 1 i an i i i i tie- v ire toinifu hi thl k itltl fist ve isk iui list i mi ih ti lie piilletit as ue are liiinu- iur utmofi to ie iv ervone ronl thtsre i still tim hefor the rnti weather actually seu in to make our houe warm- er hy the application of insul brlrk ilrrr if too cold to o anjwhere x k macwcnne a son cb of courm you mn to puy whro ryeutfht u concenwd be you cant ulwaya be empctd to know place your trust in oa brcjiutf we arrojttonictrutaof many yeur eipcnriice wc rnoinmmd aiul fit canada forrmott elaaaa corectil the icoiei fo- maximum rye comfort cecil a carr hlu huml itaughu hi fl 1mi1 gulth onl corfctal

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