Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 28, 1948, p. 1

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wht jvttott jfttt press seventyfourth year no 17 acion ontamo iiiiikkday wiohpk 2hili iimh liklil llrwiu iiiiii iiiis six cent ceo kohertstn 5 young men given heavy van sentence at milton courl c croup convicted of shootlnc lironle ftrajaiiat stole car and gun to commit offence court hndjall term with whipping ordered a sentence loutllng 20 yoats in kingston ivnltentlary with eighty strokes of the strap wu meted out to hv young men convicted on a charge of aacaull with intent to rob while armed by magistrate kenneth u lancdon in milton magistrates court in milton but talcfat the five were jointly charged with the offence in which a ahot waa fired while they were attempt ing to rob donald anderson allan a bronte druggist october 2nd bvidenc dlacloaed allan waa wounded in the abdomen thoee charged and sentenced frederick philip jackson 32 to ronto 10 years with 30 alrokea of the atrap buddie roger smith 18 of wlllowdale 5 year with 20 alrokea of the atrap joseph rick rebeck 31 toronto t year with 30 stroke of the atrap edward douglas- mamann 20 mallon and joseph steven arabakl 17 mel ton were each sentenced to two year wkh 10 atroke of the atrap in each case the court ordered that each accuaed were to receive five atroke during the first six monlha in prison five within the year and the balance within eighteen months rebeck also charged with steal ing a revolver from 218 caatlefleld ave toronto and theft of two watches and cash from an oshawa residence was sentenced to an ad ditional six months on each charge to run concurrently all five were jointly charged with stealing a car from gus cal- derone eloblcoke but after evi dence uaw heard crown attorney w i dck suggested the charge be dr j mather adlrpswi kolary hen on tuesday dr mas ii mather mullen of- fleed of health fur hatton gave m mo i interesting address t the tuesday luncheon of actott ttotary club he traced the history of care fttr puhllc health from earliest days on this ami the european continent and gave n review of the formation ami work of the hal ton county health tlnlt in its first year of operation d mathei the annual meeting of the hjii tun vk look pin on ohhim jj in milton tlie olcitlmt of nffliciu wan held ulllt arthur hawem in tlu chnti j he following weie the new of fie ph elected president leorge ftoh- ei twin vicvpi ciddent uolwl oilman jml vlcepiesldent ar- i hie service sertelniy mm itnb- crtknn iveiiiii re i a iaugellf t hnlrmnn of membership commit tee wllf timber mr uolvorthon the new pi esld- ent then took the i hair ho in- t induced mi hawcu ulio is one of the moat tlivleiu wenkers for the ccf in an interewtlng discourse mr hnwes outlined the conduct of turkey dinner lor pupils ol l lninl clnurl three schools milton scored vler nuhimr f iniiiiih uud prementl with trophy follow ing vomtpoiiemcnl lilenl weather conditions picvnlhd lo make tin nniiiiiil infer ui hnnl traik i a tin u dlniiei with nil the likminllium wiih the 1111111111011 for nen i iv bo fjnm at inn mid nut loiindlng oninuinllu h on mniubiy evening in the united chinch j he even i was under he nuttph u of the chilli h eholi ki itin f in pin in ml well offer nine oelo k the tahhh weie filled with uueuu llinl ihii uueuth wine flllitl ulth n do oiiily ommillee io shitlv rdorcslralion oarh and every city memlter nnd pointed out thirhaltofi ladal mr i well a iielnn a memlwr of the r- poimed out na u u m1n fu ly renl nlul understood lie xald krnnro8 u uut brjcu he had yit to meet the c onaervi- mvo who could off hand tell one of the famous twentytwo jmiiiu of the procrnni of that party it la euehtlai that this ahould not be j the case in the ccf i i eapmlal emphasis was placwl by puilr rhoo dma m and nhm rlay uw aeion jeore llichlful mid hoiinlemiu illnner with turn nnd mlllmi puhlh kehnoh v veetnble suhidu mid one of the iveht hlme its lueeptloll pupllu fiom thtne selioolh vht for honors in the jtlfeient evenu and in many rosea eomrlltlon was vry kwn whll uxevs wvrtt no liullvlduii1 chiurvilniiu dedrlml it was a i ue that ono competitor was only ellotttlo for two trvonts as wbi tveen to the forefront in matters of pujdlc health the fcpaler was thanked by rolatian wen ilnitty tlieiv were two visitor at this meettnc nnt ken blow wtfs wet corned at a new memher the ex ecutive is planning for a ladles night to ive held soon homemade pies aflei tlie uroup had tuien heived they iinhiinhled in the nun h nudltoi inm where u mtiuh nli was prokint4d itev 1m kei inu amitoulyed foi the wait of a piotmiuod few niln- ulem lot the ulildent of ciuu iohu coifieim de ked tut in flowelid hiitu deitiyh mid all the i oliini anolhrr slorf is rnovihl lor luiilnu the pnwt few weeks mi i momiillen hah nuide marked im- ptovemenln on the store on mill slrim nevl to llm ih iiiwiry whit h he nueiitly piinhssed new iiliow wlrfdowu have tieen put in and a tnimtern iifrant- made the front iimh ihmiii slut eiu d and the interior otttiu htore has on r fitted and iodi orated amioillli omen in another l- umn ulves partuularu of tin open- and leualla lejuwntntwe or the a hjuihin t ifood oht dayu paraded up the t ai ion tnriiteiis wolon mr don wilson had the honor of win nlnu two events each amnskln a total of iuhteen points for their school mrs a klnff represent inu the tb polyjnut in short crk arlxana find their efforts to uv rommunlfetlcalty frustmud b y tome mmbr of thtf tokiny too laxy to work mr hawes on the need for farmers pr 1rophy to and urban workers to gel to if pulllp j tor wlmhn to iron out differences hieae dlf- h hl number of point- mll- ferences have lieen built up oy ilnu ceor piwu and radio with the lovf of 27 keplnn these two aroups apart i k w foit chairman of the rthat uielr ultimate alms ar iden- i romm f rll of hie track t leal can only be shown by co a mpl v- thanks all thrwe operative plonnlnjc in conference w1 k their mp lo bbart d hms pleaded jrullty smltfi waw sen tnced to an additional year in jail to run concurrent with the previous sentence m passing centenoe magistrate labngdon told the fue ou stand charged with one of the most ser ious offenses in the criminal code of which the penalty might be life in prison and also be u hipped your demeanor all through the trial has not been altogether tn the lnteronta of any one of you he observed referring to their manner of laughing and joking whenever they appeared before his worship this court is appalled ot the num ber of serious offence by offend ers in their late teens nnd early twenties fortunatel the wound was superficial or you might be facing other more serious charges his worship concluded during the election a week ago jackson and rebeck were the only accused to enter n plea of guilty lo the fieri ouj offence according to evident e or mr al- ian a bronte druggist he was about to close his store at 11 30 n saturday night october 2nd when he heard a person enter he said be did not pa much attention as acton puhllc utilities commis sion met in regular session tues day evening chairman c m han sen presided with reeve f j mc- cutcheon and commissioner j it pttr ag fou as s maeah bur bein pie jpiuuu iransicfcd fli wri iiald i satche- rjl np 1 m wan the results of such plann- 10 i owi1 accoiinl hlwn fruitful in that pro- vlnce kshaltl waistskli74bfelc lhb ot n fwleral el- ivim t mtcl ww hi cotlon in the apring the effort of every ccf member in helping t attract new members lw ewwntlal tlie peoples party must prepare to become the government mr howes spoke for thirty min utes hut the time seemed to fly quick y dlwu salon followed and 1he meeting had a brief kocinl time power to he supplied to mr vatvy water stotiplefl tt a other cotnm talon iluaineah a motion was pawed authoriz ing the refund of deposits to two coruumers who have discontinued service a letter from the 1iepc of on tario thanked the acton commls- lhi-trfttttry- family st ilomrs in arloli two re4il estate t rnnvc ing the day in n noncompotltlve event the girls and doya ball game was won by milton school oilier results are an follows flo yard dash girls dorotljv hii- li jeorgetown dorothy williams leorgettiwn muriel nriritnw mil ton 7r yard dash senior glrln fran ces iemmon milton mary imiiow milton doreen hrown acton 75 yard dash in term cd i at boys robert foster milton donald foster milton ross mcolll geo rgetown 100 ynrd dash kenlor iwiys don wlliuin milton john denenulletil cleorgeiiiwti nori ford f iirge- town 1 in dash kenlor girls frnnc h iemmon milton margaret mor ton milton pauline tyers ooor- gelown 100 ynrd lash intermediate girls ruth rrnler milton dolly kel- mun milton dorothy hlller gor- geiown 220 ynrd run intermediate boyn rosa emerson acton russell was sold to mr b d rnchlln imdlarhl acton robert fost the stord home more letently ton owntd by mm ii nnle drden wnsl 2j0 ynrd run senior boys don sold to mrs c u poole wl son milton don ford george- both mis nukllnnml mrs dry- t mj m now resdlng in culph i unnlng high jump intermediate hiing hie famjlar sin old favorite ilitnke iihde thf pkhiritm was ojhiied with the king nnd then the burnt of ctnn cross cornel h joined in loglni i mid of iiiifh and clmy a group qf eight corners girls ming lliiiutlful diurmr and iong long ago two of tlw ci ikm i owiits prenented kllver tiinsidm are shining mong the gold as n duet n ml the genlu of the cornell blended their voices in mnshtis in i in cold cold clave two of tin- glrlh emoted a pan lomlne of the minuet while one ml mi of die you home again kathleen wisre ptehend d in a tiumphol no also the holy city by one of the genu frrnn the orners 1 he entlie group join- d in the yjiiging of com to the fair and the piogiam was ohini wwii abide with me and die icitld nig of ci ins crotis corn ru moved on halloween party in acton arena saturday evening mimiilen will elury phimblng and ltillng vmilment nnd ciim tih nl applhiuieii dihtwct iirkbdkrh havkmany fink g jkktsky iiicrim ilalton county jerwys have lieen very much in j ho news of late with a yearllniielfer from the herd of fentheupono ilros oakvllle udllnu for yioooo in the famous sale of star at columbus ohio at the piovlndal sliow at slmine hnlton county jersyii from tin heid of maurice c lleaty mine than held their own winning many of the outstanding prizes nnd i hnmplonshlp recently a large number of jer- tiiyg have rjonllfled in helton county several of them era daughters of tho grand champion bull llrampton hast word in the rcaty herd a splendid record iias been pro duced in the herd of kenneth klla hot kwfod ontario where echo loge henuty kilty ltftshh at f years in 106 dayn prrwluced i07m uw milk ml 11m fl w n tew of sot f atherhtone bros report sv- ernl ctws have finished record n- f hiding avonlen kings princsn end ifjvatji with a junior thren- yiin old reiord of 7a22 lh milk vtl itir foi in 105 days with n test iiii iliinn nir nvsi de ftmrvey of ks- lp in wmwiul h purf hhi 77 li slon and all who cooperated were made recently that held pni- trannrerrlng so much of the day tknilnr slgnfricanc for ninny of us time load to the night load they who have lived in acton for ml alvo asked that the street lights ojfour lives the home of mrs be not turned on until it wan nee- a e nlcklin on rower avenue iwsry in the evening the street light wattage has been reduced as much as to per cent superintendent wilson submit- ted the rwords of the dnlly kilo watts used for the past while they x nn showed that wednesday was the they are the surviving daughters i ruh n milton mur- j ntnfes all the particulars of the ontario has a senior twoyearold of the late w ii store a tons ll s georgetown ieona vent anil it also requivits those iuallfing in m day r nun georgetown ulio feel tli yk mena club are running broad lump m nlor girls doing n goml job for the kiddles lean pnlmer acton mnry nil- j to help along this event by mak- 4- spihikj gohllnh wltiiies blmk mils cowboys ghohts nnd a host if plher trnnge chorac fen will ngnln mak acton arena their h adiiiiti tent for hnllovtevn on snturdny i venlng thr yh mens club of the yimca of fi 00 are ngiln sponsoring n halloween ijoyd cru htnn george own party foi the children and grown- ontario who has been doing ex- iipm in the arena on snturdny ev- ifitlnnnlly well in the show ring enlng plans have leon made to during the past miison had wvernl f 11- i make tills affair a hug surcmi iowh iiallfy one of which is nor- jirid judging by past peiformnni i s al noble mavis 149109 with a the group iri this club will have n junior fouryearold record of 027 nnlly colorful affair for the child- j ihs milk 12h llw fat in 306 days ren with nn avemge test of 4 491 an ndvirtlwmfnl in this issue h icybourne rwkwood da the largest amount of power was used a little more effort on the part of the householders wou d bring at ion within lu quotn dur ing october there were nine dns in which the tjuotn was exceeded an indicator is to be erectd in the window of the puhllc utlllths of- f it e hh h will sjiow each day the amount or energy used mr vnrcv npplled for uwer for the operntion of a snh antl door facturv next to the station hot power is t factor a test of the water supply was made by officials of the ontario and all on first reeve and foundei of th storev glove o fnr manj enrs the stoiev famllv has been prom inent in a ton nnd it is with re gret that many renlie that there aie no more members of this famllv rtsidt nt in acton the sthord home is however i fown town running high jump interrnediote low milton pauline tyim geor getown shotput seinr iwiys- bud kent- ner alton frank cnrtor georg inurence rayner georgc- htlll ver much of this family home with rev and mrs c l poole residing there it is a home rt- t u rnlng for hot h of t hem this be sunplled to this wab mp po home before her marriage and acton is very much a home for mr poole where he hpent seven or hght faithful venrsj hoys- boh coon acton 2nd and ird tied rois mcciii georgetown bill coon acton running brond jump senior hoy frank carter georgetown ter- r brush milton jn k sviiith ing donntlnns for the purchase of priis a list of the collecting depots i j included in the advertlse- ment- so come along with onr jnck- o- inn ten or broom or what have you nmi enjoy an tvinlngs fun with the children nt tin arena saturday night minister of acton unite 1 m church be was mnrklng merchandise i beard the popcooler open nnd dernrtment of health thou glit it was some of the local samples tested a boys helping themselves as they a ntohon was passed uuthorix- aometlmes do he testified ing the transfer of 1000 from the when i realized someone was wnterworka depart inertt t tlhe two traffic standing near me i heard him gay general account of the corpra- arvidfnts near where is the cash register and ii urn rivvnpifi before i had a chance to say anv- i superintendent lambert report- acton this kek hin one said hurry up i mean ed thai nt the present time the business it was at this point i pump nt the spring con just hold turned and noticed it ws a fctrang- the head or watcjr in the tank driven h stan adair nndkenmth john debeuulleu er he utmed to screwup his during the daytime hour thu is lace asjf hewas going to hit me a wg jump in the consumption of told the court water over a fewyear ago the one said lets get out of here matter wa d s ued nnd it will fnda night octoiwr 22tti tan running high jump senior girls mnrcle vlpe acton donna thompson georgetown jean pal mer acton i running broad jump intermed iate glru aluriel brlstow milton dolly kelmnn milton dorothy i williams georgetown running high jump senior boys two deer are killed on no 25 struck by cars fiierwlj mule ihiaar and bak ing snli october titli if pm i nit d clnifh s s room i i fa low en dance snturdny ot tur toth town i lull acton auspties ladles auxiliary tit the during the pat week two deer ieglon pniex admission k 16 2 were report ed killed by cars on no 25 highway between acton and masquerade party ujrne s hoo the animals of which o tuber th admission in cos number throughout v ulihout ladl witi apparently have a unth free georgetowm georgetown hurren were involved in an ac- lawranct rayncr i idem on no 7 hlghwa one mile e mcco acton enht of acton both cars w re running broad jump intermed- proceeding emcon no 1 when the mte boy terry timbers milton vehicle dnven by stan adair at- p ijiwson acton bill mciiugh timptcd to turn left onto the 4th acton line esquesing iow nlnp tlie car girls when the gun went off jjlr allan be gone into further and as they ran out the door i not- mr b d racblln was present iced two others but did nut see to diuvs with th commlsiuori their face certain restrittlons as thev affect driven bv ken hurren smashed in- milton acton can you ldentifv the man wu storvkepers he reciuetttd that ht rear 1 rt side of the adair boys relay race was hodlng the gun crown at- an outside protection light be al- r damage to both curs wai ex- torney dick asked yes the one lowed this request was not gran temlw tlirw imusvngers were in the brown suit sitting over ted mr rachlin agreed to have injuned and sent to hnsptmi in there witness repjiod jkilntlng tola meeting of storekeepers shortlv cuelph hut wer alowed to return jackson to se if thev tould bv anv means to their homes on sundav after- further describing the shtwittng vave moi power jir allan said he did not fiel any- the following accounts were pas- thlng but noticed broken bottles on t sed for pavment milton there the district apparently have crossing on the highway near the winding section below speyslde motorists will require to take care along this heavily crowded section to avoid accidents the carcaue were sent to charitable institutions relay race georgetown georgetown thelf i thought the shot had missed me until i aw blood run ning down my clothes on th floor tlie gun must have been pressed against my belt not to feel it bat ae i turned sideways the shot went frontwards instead of inward he said stating the path of the bul let as extending 0 tn l to th right of tb front of hit abdo- m- wltneas produced a belt he waa wearing showing a bullet hole twhsjr th buck h said h locat- tod tb spent bullet on th shelf later hydro department bell telephone ten he 0 free press supp iulv 1h 4j hepc of ont power m01 7i cin gt n klectrlc supp fi5 traffic officers mason and mo niven of the ontario prov mini polue investigated th accident on wednebdav ootoler tth about 4 10 a m the large browns bread tranjhirt driven h robrt j ijidbrook was in an accident 2 milton acton prize winners at lakeside chapter cards thcymc crntrv of tlit community badminti n club imln linn again nnimcni ing vov 1st ut w1 i4re will be n into ni londii on u edm sln inl nnd ih ctlon j b mackenzie l son evprecs and transport mrs- ii palmer coal 25 ko miiea west of acton ijidhrook won uf ufficers for the coming vason at h all former r mlwri and nn other interested in playing are requested to turn out toronto de im salle college halloween parts wnodsld v hoot thursday octoler jh con cert and dance prizira for bl coa- lurnf adults 2sc iirhes aith lunc h frce i he churchill vvuman s associa tion w ii hold their annual bazaar and wile of home made baking in the acton inlted churrh school room saturday november i3th knm hitrd annlv rsury servcv sundav niivemnr 7th at ii am ind rn annual turkey supper and concert morula nrtmtxt sth fih ji m adults 1 v children under 1 1 i he ijikedde chapter iode hed a verv successful euchre and bridge nt the y m c a on wedne- dav october 20th t he follow ing were the priz- w inner ladies bridge mr leather land mr blow men s 111 driving wet when he wa blinded bridge vv 1 beatty w talbot tne r of aton high ments 12 do by the lights of an oncoming car ladles euchre mrs g mclellan j hool when they hook up in the vide and forced into the ditch the mrs s norton mens euchre mrs lman rugby game to be i 5 s56 23 truck broke off seven guardposts marks a fryer plaved in acton it is one of the i variety fair evening and after- w alatvarlta depahsttetsi and miraculously eacaped rolling fastest and most thrilling games i noon teaawlth prize fish pond for can brass co ltd t s73 47 over before it came to a stop thej r- to watdi opening wckwi at children candy and sale of bak- hallowf en masquerade euc hre nnd dance crew son corner hall friday oi tolwr 20 auspices arton iol 467 good prize refresh- admufcion 25c ladies pro- 1g2 walace a tteman ltd the i 1515 front axle and frame of the new i britains average wheat yield 230 saturday october 30th at truck wert broken no one was per acre la double that of the us acton park thu is a must for 87 63 injured a aport followers ing fancy articles etc october 3 and ii parish hall auspices ht a loans guild i 200 people auetid meeting- in millcm tticttfluy evrulittf iervimmeril4 formullon of a otinywlde vmnilur to study reforest rut ion lutie motiniulh schcml winrterm tn conltt siwmmtred by county council w ii coder u spvlul speaker itnphhslring the import am e of reforest rat ion in ronm ctlon with soil and water c nnuirvat ion rq- resantatlvm of various county or- uaniitlons ndoiwl the stahllah- ment of a countywide commit t to study rforegtratlon hitd con- servuflnn in ro ormrnthai with a similar committed of ilalton count council thtf deculon was made at a joint meeting of repr sntntlvnu from womens imttltutes federation of agrlulture w bonis rniinfcipnlltlet surtsmens ajjuiclatlon junior far- men and county council officials held at th court hous tuawlay nlgjit nearly 200 people jammed the court room including many in terested citizen nni farmers ft was further decdd that the intur- mted organizations should appoint their own rcvpriwnfatlvet n commute outlining the countys reforesf- ratlnn program ale mcfjiren chairman of th councils refon- ratlon commltten uad haltgn le- gan its first venture in the pro gram back in j 040 with the pur chase of land in naasagawaya hlnco that mm- 7a7 acres ot bush land have hen purchased and in many cases thousands of seed ling trues have been planted whll vf rgln woo1 n ready located has imen preserved all of this land is nl tun ted in naswagaweya town- ship which is ideally suited to th program further plans for nest year will include cueilng township ately land m bf included in the pveratl program of reforestraticin there kiems to be no tots available in neluon as mokt of that land is unci r profitable cultivation mr meljinn stated i tin nk r announc i d county coin ii hiii aln ady given its ap proval of mibsldlzlng worullrjts on prlvnte farms he l lieved that many farmers mlgiit rwcome on- bdomilif th imtmtlanre of pro tecting their existing bush lots and th- council felt it should assist if fit all possible i he further explained that in- cludevt in the yeart pngram was la school rforestrntion content in whh h 11 schools tock part tnfor tiinfitily one iwhchl hal retired from die i jmtwtltlfjn but lie hop ed thnt all t fioolfi in the rounty would take part next year mr ham item zone forest ranger in announcing the wtnneri of the contest said ench school ptanted tt treei on n half acre of isnt they were- marked on the surviv al ut th wwl ings ax welj as a v hool cjulz aru leaf collection winners nclude- blue mount ain sclwiol rs h esouertng wat erloo school ss 5 ewjuealng bloonujiury nchccjl 51 s 9 naaaa- igaweya nnjucagaweya chyl ss in the atttence of representa tives from the prize winning sc iicmjiji warden george cleave congratulated the teachers mni their pupl fcr such a fin- show ing in the first contest acting as chairman mr mclaren dplord the number of streams located on the map of halton t being l only spring watercourses which would dry- up during th ummr months he thought this v ni an indication which lhouli pur everyone to become conser vation conscoui w ii porterj editor of the far mers advocate pa nted a vivid picture of the necewty of refor- eitratiun and hi connecrtpji with oil and uater conservation he said that for safetys take we should develop some plan or con- nervation in the province he showed how the bushlands held water and deplored tiw- drain ing at uwamp land these are natures greatest reservoir and for this reason there is not suff clent water in the land to turn existing turtlrwa to give us hydro e continuing he said germany found that when she lessened their forests they lessened their food production then following study they embarked on m state refor est ration program which is a honey during the question period paul fisher said ft endorsed the re forest ration movement but owing to the lack of labor to plant tres continued on pag five

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