Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 28, 1948, p. 2

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faost two thb acton prbe press thursday octtober 38th ims i qhjp arton 3xtt llmib sibluti4 kvry thurdy at acloa ontario auihorlitml mcond eu mm ii in ottl subscription fcateuv p y u vamc halted bttg od uldlttoaal coput tftf both old mad nw auldnimi kboald b whm bnc ol tvmr i wiuw advertising ratksoa mptitckltm m in various coiumh amavdlaf ahtumgt vry rmotlo will o ubra to aold wrrrkfrprbcpuwrrtiaia lahfc umni on kfaa ttndrrudli ikal it will wot w tttbl lor ny orrotr in amy dvrllaant publuld hrun4lr u prootf o4 sttch dvrrtlnnt u rqutcd in trrlttag by th mavwtlr tad w- turned to th pri fr bu offlc duly tn d by tb dvrtlmr ftnd wltb xhb vrror tx cor rection pulnly not la writing tbron knd in thai if kny vrror ko tootsd t no eorrtd by th prm ptm ita lubjuty hkll not vscood ktich proportion othj mtlr eot of buck ndvrttamflt m that hp occupud by tb wntod rro br to tb wkou bnc 6ccupud by much kdvrtlntnt chllor ttuls kdltr tfxfcfhonfct- ultnrlkl lldnc juitnrui and business office mm poppy day local appeal the local branch of the canadian legion is making its annual poppy day- appeal to the people of this community onnovember 6th the poppy fund is now n recognized institution wherever the canadian legion exists in canada and it serves a twofovd purpose of very great merit the money which is raised by the sale and distribution of the wreath and poppy the symbol of sacrifice is used entirely to re lieve unusual distress among war veterans of all the empire wars and their families this is where the poppy fund raised through the sale of wreaths and poppies by the local branch of the legion steps in and provides relief for the situation all vetcraft wreaths and poppies sold by the canadian legion are manufactured in vet- craft shops throughout canada solely by par tially disabled and handicapped veterans men and women who urgently require earnings in addition to their meagre pensions for their sus tenance by purchasing a vetcraff wreath citizens can find much satisfaction in knowing that they are helping these handicapped veterans to o1fairil aliveliliooa whtcltthewauttebthenvisc lack on account of their special disabilities this twofold appeal will find n ready re sponse in the hearts and minds of the people of this community which has always been pre pared to make the way easier for those of its citizens who served country and empire in the empire wars we commend it to your sympa thetic consideration in the hope that you will respond generously and thus help to hold the torch flung to you by those who did not come back democracys future leaders against a background of assassination civil war and a generally darkening world picture millions of our youth went back to college and school in an era rrademarked by division and chaos the question arises what are they being educated for how to make money and get ahead are no longer adequate in the face of world crisis thematerialists ore training their youth to use division and chaos as tools to gain world control we find the fruits of materialism por trayed in youth graduating from our colleges ns fullfledged marxists miss elizabeth bentleys testimony in the recent spy trials dramatized this although a vassar graduated with 20 years of education she fell for the marxist line according to her she was never taught the basic moral structure on which americas founding fathers built their nation the los angeles board of education in the face of the challenge has unanimously adopted a new statement of policy for teaching amer icas ideology in the schools mrs eleanor b allenioneofthemembers of the board out lined this stutement the materialistic ideologies of fiisbism and communism have been on the march vwilh power plan and purpose in this twentieth cen tury democracy as conceded bv washington jefferson lincoln and other curly statesmen can only survive af we affirm boldly the ideol ogy that will put the democracies on the offen sive in this ar of ideas the schools of the democratic nations must therefore teach their future leaders the demo cratic ideology which is based on moral and spiritual concepts ships donj just run themselves someone has to give thought and time to their guidance sometimes you may disagree with that guidance and think another course should have been pur sued but at least give credit to the citizen who had the courage of his convictionsand nerved to the best of his ability constructive criticism is always desirable but crltipism without a constructive suggestion or remedy is of little or no use if a man or woman has given good service to the commun ity in a public post it doesnt hurt to tell him about it a word of praise is as easy as ridicule andiscertainlymore fare these are days when men have specialized interests that allow them little leisure many capable men feel they cannot spare the time from their own business to give to the affairs of their mtmjcipnity and the multiplicity of regulations from provincial and dominion governments often makes their local duties more frustrating and unsatisfactory it will be a sorry day when the small municipalities do not have sufficient men for public office even now it becomes more difficult as men find the honor does not compensate for the effort and criticism involved to be effective our system must have the best men and women as leaders in our munici palities municipal affairs will be in the fore ground the next two months its the duty of every citizen not just a few to assume interest if our community is to grow and prosper and fill its niche in a better world the part may seem small but its certainly important shahie3icaii30l recollections ol aclon 2e cionr3 back in umi information for the politicians george gallup originator and director of the gallup poll has been sensing public opin ion on the magnetic effect of various types of political campaigning throughout the united states he finds some interesting angles to the appeal of politicians for public support here are some of the revelations on party platforms gallup says that nn outrageously bad platform may lose some votes and a phcnommally good platform may win same but generally political platforms hnvj little effect upon the voter thirteen years of polling show that a poli tical speech or evcnnscrics of speeches do not change many votes the value of a prominent man as candidate has much less effect upon the voters than is generally supposed an appeal to women is n wasted effort mr aikk crlpiw and ilia unlitf of workmen aro enuaiion till wmik tn roofing tho now sheila at knox church lvo months huo today 1ft 70 par humtrml waa paid on arton markat fur lions iliu wak the rultnu prion la down to 41 7d thfl pre- arnt prtrph current on arton murk- it are aa fnllowa utuuw wheat ioe tvd whaul we wlillo udiaal flhr neaa mb oala mu barley itl ry 4v wry llttlo jiroln in offurlnu tho farmeih umrrtlly hptwar in bo lioldlnu their uralu for higher prlroa die ihllton imntlklimon associat ion intend holding llihr annual plowing mutch on or iilwuit the lltli of novomlier a fine field in tho fnrm of mr a ohluholm near mlllon jiaa twen aerured and the aiwleiy inlenda to liavtf oiw of ilia boat matrlioa of tho aonaon mr k 1 imwahti liaa dlnpoaml of lilu calutraplatyimywrltor and hla office la now ailrcraod with n flna now smith premier of tlw inteht ionian nikit i1ushani3 al olikvllle on krl- ilay october 21it john jliiihaml in hi ii7lh year hardinc in kuilonlnit on wed- noaday ootjolmr llwji william harding aged 7h yoara and 7 nionlhu back tn 1928 they vote with theffhusboncvst and lastly and most important its not front a party puts on that convinces the voters but the degree that the party has given the country good government paflilion improved canadas current trading position with the united states underlines the extent to which vigorous demand in that country has thus far more than counterbalanced the contraction of our markets elsewhere the bank of montreal makes this observation in its latest business re view which is devoted chiefly to a comparative study of canadas exports and imports in the first eight months of 1b47 and 1948 the substantial improvement m the do minions adverse balance of trade with the united states the bank says has been achiev ed mainly by a 35 per cent increase in exports to that country and has been dependent to a much lesser extent upon reduction of imports which are down by only 10 per cent in the eight month- comparison principal items listed as contributing to the higher export values hove been in order of importance lumber newsprint wood pulp and i pulpwood base metals agricultural implements and cuttle on the import side restrictions have sharpy curtailed receipts of fibres and textiles fresh fruits and vegetables automobiles house hold electrical appliances and luxury articles the review continues on the other hand im ports of an essential nature such as coal petrol eum and heavy machinery have been in signifi- antly higher figures reflecting both price fac tors and the effects of high levels of industrial activity and new capital expansion in this courttr tjien from thi edltlnn of oui vrrn hm of thursday octobor 28 is2r the nnnual plowing nmtcu if the hallon asnoclatlon wna bold near palermo yeulcrday nfter- nooh mm k c robertson of mlnga manftoha is making n vlalt to hor slater mrs b f king of niuum- gnwoya after nn absence of thirty years from these oflslom parla- upon the retirement of col jan pedley from the command of the hnlton ulfles a parncle was cal led for nn inapectlon by general bell goc and the handing over of the regiment to the now com- mandrrig orrreer col chlkhotm it wan held at milton and the act on section or d compnny nttended the fnll meeting o the press association of the district ombrac- lag wellington dufferln and perth counties was held at fergui last week and mr and mrs ii p moore attended from acton one of the features was a visit to the mammoth manufactory of beatty bros in this thriving town died harding at ills home lot 1 con 7 krtn ivp on monday october 22nd 1uvm john harding aged ai years i cook at st josephs hospital guelph on sunday october 21s lifja edward kelsey cook eldest son of the late h b cook of acton aged 74 years- entorprlslng belgian manufac turers are sending a floating fair to ports in north and south am erica in november quebec and montreal will see the exhibits next summer editorial notes the first flakes of snow may well be a re minder anv of these davs to alter driving hubits acquired when pavements were drv snail but important municipal nominations and elections are just around the corner and it is perhaps well that every citizen with the interest of his town at heart should give consideration to the affairs citizenship role in its welfare towns or town repa tl bonfires in the leaves can cause considerable damage if thev get out of control and when sturtcd should have some adult supervision un til they are extinguished this summer the banks were sodded on no 25 highway and now anotrijrbuilding for equipment is being erected oil the land just north of milton secured by the department when the cutoff was made theres sure plenty of preparation of the scenery even if the road doesnt get much attention vanwyck cleaners pickup and delivery service phone 272 for the best in dry cleaning whan yu ckmm abiiui ix tur a inquire about tmlil laniat yly an dajicatejytihttd an j uiv thaies tic ajvaatigsi tone- lite cut ott the danger- oui ultraviolet raya that other wise reach your eyea tonelite dmita all other ray useful to vtuon tonelite add to your appesx- ance because its delicate tints blend with your complexion ws huwmiij mn4 hi yonfl- cecil a cahh bawac optical dmujus m tl 1mi cttsjpk ont from tho issue of the krm fna of thursday klskr xilk lata roys taxi am faautknonut rtnxy insured phone j 2 acton romit tcfviciknt riebvicb at all tows hoy goodwin gordon mokbown kmotassusy mim osjjs ruse a business directory mxdioali 4 dh w g c kenney llijrsssfebsi anal vnrsssssv hiiorsssur to or j a monhrsau offlrs in mymon block mill c aeton tmum hu is ii lw j a gakkett tiijrawsvm mmd mrtmt krsowwk ttttml xirtim r7rirly in hslsooi arffls of xm lusmmaw 34a lrhal buy canada savings bonds tor h iran tnuuuuiunn huy and mali uuoucb a ussus cam and trucka financed and instured f l wright realtor and inauranee wilbur hu phone 96- tu a j liurhanan ifomisj mtfassj sum i iishroan mw miu a of fir hours 0 s in ui pul jtllav tkikiiioflk hu vjiuil a hluuh mssiui htitgktt mill lit umr vtuutitk atum oflc hours uyj a in to sjo pml ikliionk 1j l wilhon ltur fr uropnuiu liall isuplmn iiullduig aetjn ilijns 303 idari il am to 8 p ja uuhuj c f leathbrland bj kvftoft rurruursv houelter netory i olliat 12 ltulwai militfia specialists in warm air heating air conditioning eavestroughng and plumbing our aim is to give service to our customers and instal only the very best equipment at the lowest possible prices wehandle only the best- b f murfin sheet metal works plumbing heating eaveatrougfaiflf georgetown phone 1ssw lever hoskin dturiariul a successors to jenkinh v iiajtdv 13j5 molnjpjlltan bldg 4 victoria st toronto klg 0111 veticrin4bv b d young vs bvsc vntariiuury huraosai office ijrookviue ontario ihono mlllon lr4 f g oakes vs bvsc veterinary hurfson office and itisldenco knox ava aclon ihone 130 miwkijankouh johnstone rumley i victor b humley i funeral home heated flmlitlpabts servlni the communty for 45 i phone 30 niifht or day willoughby farm 1 agency largest st oldest aserey n rstia j head offce knt bidej toraetto georgetoan reprftentatlva tom hewsosi pbona georgetown sttw thavellebs guide gray coach ones coaches leave acton eostocukl a6 41 anlt741 a m 834 aj 1146 am 2 06 pin 4 41 pm 631 pm 8i6 pjn inase pbj wttuubjaj to stratf ortl 10 44 am 114 p m ms p jn 5jo pm tm va 9 14 pm yll34 pm to london 10 am zjav 2t pjs bau p m 5x9 p m p m a except sundays arct houdasv b sunda and ho idas 1 saiurttsv sunday and houdaya x to kjtchtner daly to stratford sunda and holdi y to kitchener ony railways canadlvn national it stands to scwtfc wherever you see it couiitkoya nnd efficient aorvico at our awitch- boimla in our buaintsa offices and in your homo thata the kind of service were doing our boat to provide more rind better telephones have doubled the scope nnd increased the value of your telephone service vet up to now despite rising costs there has been no increase in tho basic telephone rntes established 21 years ago no matter where you travel youll find no greater telephone value no better service at the same low cost standard tlnw easthotuvl uall 6 41 am uoiry xcpt sunda 9i- am 7 10 pm sun- da on 8 19 pn dally ep sunda ter at oonretowlujsjt pm dall myer at georjotosm hi 11 p m uhtfcooju daiy except monday 1 17 am monday only 12 09 am dally x- rxpt sunday 8 49 am 650 pa 7 44 p m saturday only 236 pm sundav only 9 43 am fujestop y xr at cuelph exevpt sat ana sun 6m pm the 1ell telephone compantttof canada radio is er vice guaranteed repair to all mate and models manning electric pftlonkar

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