Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 28, 1948, p. 3

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thursday ootober 28th ims the acton free press revolutionary nkw steel process itt was announcod rtxntly that the british iron and stel hdaearch association has succwdod in devel oping a hw method wmch i claimed to be a world lead in the sphere ol steel technology xt has been known for about 170 years by scientists in the steel laborator ies that oxygen can be used to pro duce higher temperatures more ef ficiently but it was not until now that british scientists alter long yoaps of research succeeded in put ting this theory into practice the advantages claimed for the new british method bra among others the increase of output by so per cent the making of higher quality steel and the use of a greater per centage of scrap en all your dry cleaning for frampc weekly bu sl txtt cakd in window kach monday ob monk 1h aoffon cards may be secured at coopers clothing store or from driver master dry cleaners job woods the bowl titwr hello homemakersl every bus iness has its busy season and home- making is no exception many women find early fall a period in which a hundred and one duties require their attention canning is in full swing the children are off to school again which means ren ovating and renewing their ward robes the house needs freshening up or decorating and throughout the household it is a time for stock taking club meetings and social activities begin to absorb the all too few ofduty hours and there you are at your busiest it l probably at this time you appreciate most the small but ef fective housekeeping pointers that make for efficiency and help you get results with minimum effort so today we offer tips worth clip ping for reminders at any time take a lip 1 to freshen your upholstered furniture wipe with clean cloth moistened with cleaning fluid then nt once rub briskly with dry clesn cloth j 2 fainted floorsand other paint ed surfaces will wear longer if you wax them lightly as soon as the paint it dry one note of warning however before repainting wood remove any trace of wax use paint cleaner or turpentine 3 if you have a new stove or re- wanted dead animals we are paying the highest prevailing prices for dead or crippled farm animals horses cattle hogs telephone collect for immediate service laing cartage operating for gobdon youno looted fkeue oulph iui when housecleaning dont put aside furniture that can be reupholstered our new patterns and colors and expert workman- ship will make them better than nesi for the best in chesterfied reupholstering frig rat or keep the enamel sur face nfew looking nd sparkling by washing only with soap nnd water never ute any cleaning powder or any abrasive the soap and water treatment riven frequently will prevent the surface from becoming scratched 4 dust your furniture with i moistened chamois then rub with soft cheesecloth have chamois wrung out tightly so it wilt he just moist polish with dry cloth and there will be lees frequent dusting 8 xn gluing together parts of a piece of furniture remove all the old glue first by scrubbing with hot water dry thoroughly heat the glut in n tin ran met in a sauce pan ot water apply evenly and clamp or tie the broken pa place and allow to dry for at least 4fl hour fi wrought iron lighting fixtures and stair rails should be given a protective coat of liquid wax da not use wax on fireplace aeces sorlei as it is inflammable rust stains can be removed before wax ing by rubbing with kerosene then scouring with steel wool 7 if lacquered brass finish dull remove it with dcatured alcohol poison and apply fresh coat of waterwhite transparent metal lac quer with a paint brush 8 hammered nlumlnum will be bright and shining if washed in mild soapy hot natcr if stained ue a fine steel wool pad impreg nated wltb special soap over a cotton cloth nnd then rinse nevey une afrong sonp or alkaline scour ing powders because they darken nnd discolor aluminum i 9 plastic screens must be taken down nnd washed with gordeh hose or a brush and soapsuds dry thoroughly in a breeze before stor ing away 10 the carrt of pressed wood walls which have a synthetic resin finish is quite simple regular dusting nnd occasional wiping with n damp chnmols are all that is re quired i 11 cement concrete floors in lthe basement nro often damp it makes it ensler to care for them if you use a special paint or a wear- resistant surfacing mix 1 gallon of sodium silicate wiatcrglass with a gallons of water fthls makes enough solution to coat 1000 sq ft once the floor should be clean and thoroughly dry- apply solution with mop and let dry 24 hours scrub with clear water and let dry apply a second coat as above 12 windows may require jmtty to make them secure if the globs is smeared while doing the job take the putty marks off with household ammonia j chronicles ot 1 ginger farm t written hperlally for the actan free frees t owkndojnb 1 cuttlkk w politics in a hurry phone 87 acton 7 day service v no waiting easy payments arranged if desired en beobhelataitag and new chesterfields up to 12 mouths to fay jack sudermann of john dick and son george drew leader progressive conservative party will spook thursday night nov 4 on thi subject t the nations business station cbl745pni fyo0ujv cottrvatfv party noitx methods por opening nrltlhii mink mining engineers in britain are freezing a section of the earths surface to a depth of over 400 ft tills is a preparatory step to open ing a new conl mine near notting ham which is expected to yield 1 million tons a jenr this novel tethnluqe is necessary because the shaft of the mine must pass through a strata of porous sand stone normal methods of ex cavation w ould entait pumping awuy more tlmn 1000 gallons o walivr un hour which uoutd seep into the workings from the nearby i underground watershed a ring of plpct has bet n laid down around j the spot where the shaft is to b i i bunk thete pass through and un i i der a strata of sandatone brine solution chilltd to 37 degrees be low fortjng circulating through uh m tontlnuousl i his will cause n collar of lee to form in about h weeks time a natural barrier will ihus be created within whlcli uie nornal work of sinking the mine shaft can proceed l britains harvest ahomc average this year a report issued qn october hth by the ministry of agrlculturt hous thu ear harcst la at least lis7 better than last year s despite the storms in august and earl september the harvesting of wheat is practically finished 1 he yield u now anticipated to be 19 9 cwt an acre as compared with a tenear average of 18 7 last years crop was only 152 barley crops are forecast as 11 t cwt per acn as against a tenyear average of 17 4 kven oats which suffered more than other cereals will ylold 17 4 cwt to the acre which is 1 cwt above the average the toal wheat crop is likely to exceed last year by some 212000 000 bhhels it was sunday afternoon part ner and i werojioth reading jprtxt- tmlly we heard u car outside and in a mnttor of seconds someone was honking a horn that in it self annoyed us partner made no attempt to go out if anyone out there is wanting either of us ho can come to the house ho said ihe horn wont on honking then i began to wonder maybe some- 1 dne is hurt perhaps one of us should go out so i opened the front door and called immediately a man got out of the car or rath- er panel truck for that is what it wns he was smartly dressed in fact a little on the flashy side but made no attempt to come to the house instead of that ho call ml out have you got any eggs to kcir inoj i answered short ly none at all any ducks or geese maybe no i repeated nothing nt all we dont do business on sun- dnya oh oh i see responded the caller and with that he climbed hack into his truck nnd rlmvo down the lane at a pretty fast clip and was gone before i could call partner to the door tills little episode may have been on the level maybe the man renlly was looking for egga on the other hnnd if after honking his horn loud nnd long no one nvpparod he might have assumed no one wns at home in which cnie he tould have done n little investigating on his own which might not have been too profltnhlc for us after nil the idea is not too fnff tched so often arm people are away be tween chores on sundays nnd peo ple going by would think nothing of seeing a small truck in n drlve- wn nor would they be suspicious of nnvone walking around- farm premises in hrond daylight anyway hints that nnd it could be there l a moral for drhexs in that little storj if nothing die that is to honk your horn is not only bad manners it enn also arouse suspicion and now just in case you would ilko to know the end of my cat story maybe i had bettor toll you thnt mnrk the one kitten that re mained alive last week has sur vived and i renlly think he must hove established something of o record because he went for six days and nights without eating or j drinking in all that time the only nourishment he got wns what i gave him by moans of a medicine dropper i also gave him a one- drop dose severnl time a day of a wellknown veterinary mcdlolne which most farmers keep on hand all the time but then while i wns doctoring the kitten his moth er died since whisky had bwn given a hot and was never sick at all it was quite a shock when j she moped nround for only a few hours nnd then quietly passed awn so now we nre reduced to one cat and one kitten i taking it all round we had quite a time with our livestock inst week there was the night when we moved one pen of pullets to their winter qunrters moving the ones that were in the pen wns as but there wero others roost ing in tree thnt we just coudnt get so the next morning there were still thirtytwo running a round the next night i under took to see thnt the rt mnlnlng put- i lets didnt roost in the trees be- ufe me i got plentv of exei else it developed into a sort of 4 ndur- anre test the chickens were de termined to get into the treea i whs qunllv determined thnt thev shouldn t so i ran from tree to tree and the chickens flew up or f l w down according to where they were vi hen i tried shooing them lnlo th pen we kept it up for over nn hour nnd there are still m nt large these pullets nre a lireed we hnve never tried before and probnblv n ver will again ihe are hybrids a cross between mm red hoc ks nnd whit leghorns diev are the scariest birds you ever knew now the nre in their winter quarters we knock nt the door before entering the pen walk in without warning nnd they fly all over the pen battering them- sles on the walls windows yes and even the reillruj of the pen another day we sent out ome cattle to market when norma was hetng loaded bob precede her into the truck with a long lead rope i happened to look out of the pantry window just in time to sec norma make u bolt for the hnrnvard with bih running out of the truck against his will but htlll hanging on to the rope poor norma it didnt do her anv good after all what could one cow do against threw men calgarys zoological park has a llfesssf cent dinosaur hy jtoonph vjaier sculled- tjie trouble with people who have the altruistic urge to svvst i he world by their own system nnd no other is that they are al ways in a hurry they want to sponk first and think afterward or act first and efcperlelnca afterwards the canadhin semite like tho british motive of fords hmjk al ways been an irritation to ihoo who wnnt to do good to us at one they are impatient of anything that in providing time for aerlous thought delay tho immediate c- complmunent of their doslgna they conclude that any delaying force u useless or destructive ah we have to live with political systems nnd accept whatever good or 111 fortune tlvey may bring to us uurely we have th time to inform ourselves and to move with caution caution does not prevent us following any course that may seem good to us it merely suggests that we stop look and listen before wo pro ceed in formulating their platform in winnipeg the ocf party in cluded in a hurryup plnnk it involved n wrlea of constitutional amendments thnt among other leaser mntlers involved tile nltotl- tlnn of the senate and of nppeals to the privy council nnd n r- vlnlon of the b n a act to glvo the federal parliament more power all thotic changes indicate an organization in such a hurrv that if and when elected it docs not propose to be restrained by nny sober second thinking there is something here dimly reminiscent of certain hnppenlngs in hurope where minorities in n hurry tor p er have seized it nnd hnve promptly removed all tho checks and would limit tholr actions and quality tholr arblt- inry designs it may be that changes are needed to make tho senate more efficient nndnloro representative but the suggestion of abolition leaves ui without en thusiasm there is nothing in tho constitution of the senate of which any sound political think ing nood be nfrnld like tho ilouie of lords it can delny but it cannot deny the will of tho people ns represent ed by tholr majority representatives fn par liament thete rights are nmply sa fegunrded for t he rest every indlcntlon of oui dny points to the need for a check on the ex uberant will of n majority as well ns the malicious will of a minority or force eager to give a legalized form to illegal actions it is significant that where tha mott liberties remnln here is a twochamber parliament where liberty hns died the restraining force of a dual pnrllamcnt has died with it east to mix a spicc cake just aa tine eut tf milk or wslei to campmis cili- mitlr and hallo knjoy frh itiimicmnhi enke always llfht tender anil wiclou try it cflfopbcllj i cake mix 3 ruvm utocotam ooimn tries visit oar modern showroom 8 carden street guklmt ont opp pire hall ruiuucb and mastic thjm in1jud onoucvm waix tfljctl ituulirj lu kltehens baihroema isallwavya biwrm ostom kaa noob sander vat tunl er work i keating tile co ixoyd k kjcatino formerly guelph flooring srvle lboofl snow avkuett atlvf it iuhalaai wm r bracken real estate and general insurance mortgage loans arranged k reprmcnutive of mutual life aasurance co ltd j ljssour average sfiarewder about 30 complete skeletons prohistoric monsters have been dug up near drumheller alberta since 10j2 uniiaifroirnd trains for copenhagen the danish cnpltal with 1100- 000 inhnhllnnts has such nnnrow stieels in the centre of the town thnt the public transport services are proving a hindrance to each other rhe authorities are there fore planning to build nn under ground system of rnilwns based on the london model a delegat ion of six high offklnls of the dan ish state railways is coming to london to stud the london un derground including design noise reducing methods booking facil ities nutomntlc doors and the way in which road nnd rail services nr co ordinated to guarantee the maximum effciency mvi name ty b goit wiuou pstnek 0rniy or eniu tsgs h amy ba a fsmur a lawyer a carpaiur a real tat sgeai a baaksf taaelis or oue of our own employe hi wjf or wokbar mlfat h m sitjweholtw ha aad about 5000 otbar cmsdlsm from all walks of life tb owrtrt cj dominion tsctiu cawpiiiy l l yr smattf iktm tty did 157038394 worth of iminw ttiat waa hw wmwp totsl lafiiue for as ysar lats sbapufy it and say aeh atvrtvf sliarlaur tud f 11570 worth ol bwfflm ttut was h boobs b took isu now uts look at wkat ba sbbt to fct tkst awasy bora h u wtmjy ejiw far fck twmfi hsiiblur fc ttav ih prtaicjpihy raw eatttw sumbaa ntianilpissi dyu ptku jm ealtar wapliaa sod oomabas mjmim a a ra pairts foal pmtar hfru paaatwaa b aadfttkar null llimi awnisil iam tff imptfrrit tasaa uoaar r4baaud o kaap uta imiaaio u atabl eoculilioa nat profit racnvwl by ur avmtfr s1jmiimit oat tikleli h payt psnaaal taxaa too hjmm tijutu f utm i 114 ohihioh yixtil1 cohmhy lihiti9 theres romance in old quebec youll enjoy going by bus sw a round tkii vax incuibib quebec 2635 sherbrooke 2270 montreal 17jj5 subiect to chance harold wiles phone 58 i

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