Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 28, 1948, p. 5

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v thursday october h ims the acton free press paob rtv mr and mrs ken mackenzie have been spending this week in buffalo mr win mcnabb of toronto visited aoton relatival and friends on saturday miss wanda hutledge has re turned to duty on the staff of toronto general hospital mr and mrs howard d coles and stephen at weston spent the weckond at their homes here mr and mrs ue thornton of moosman sask arevisiting at the home of mrs i ritchie this week mr allan m smith of grimsby beach called on friends in his home town again and renewed ac quaintances miss helen tew and mr nor man of tdrohto vfsltfed at the home of mr and mrs rujjcdg on the weekend miss wanda rutledge and mr joe taylor were present at the wedding of mis elsie kennedy and mr prank fox ln ejora on saturday october 23rd visitors with mr and mrs geo murray recently were mrs r e moklnney london mr and mrs r lelowes toronto and mr w wallace gumey of wlnghaw mr and mrs norman c arm strong and master rou of crew- sons corners spent the weekend with friends at lowvllle and at tended the 75th anniversary ser vices of lowvllle united church on sunday mrs e j caldwell mrs mof fat mrs i pickering mrs j lambert mrs j moore miss m z behnett and miss e hawthorne atended the sectional rally of the womans missionary society lri bethel united church on tuesday mr and mrs h d brldgman rockwood rr 2 r h anda man ba or trenton on mn nellie dodd and miss lucy gortn of waterdown were guests at the reception of the brldgman-mcca- gue wedding in toronto recently mruanclmrs jrldnhjuirenbi of the groom received with mran3 mrs jas mccngue or toronto parents of the bride each or the mothers wearing n corsage of crimson roses with white ror the occasion sntttft filjarrti of 5naos aotmt qmftui parsonsufa bower aveno sunday october 31st 1948 pcrvic of the reopenlngf of lh sanctuary h 00 mn common woalp sermon hrt the found ailon guest soloist mm joan ken- hedy kukscii unlohv1i ont j210 a4m our cthjrch school the- wnlnjj setvltte withdrawn attending the anhlvertjry service in the baptist chbjh a service of the dedlcatlort of the chnnce friday evening october 23 1048 8 00pm xvoceudonal preacher rev e e hallman ma b d kitchener ont a cordlnt invitation to friends of other communions in tgwn and community you aire welcome item from the record by jawtph lkttf butfeace anyone who u dubious about the record of enterprise in canada might take a lance at one- amall part of its accomplishment and sk themselves whether or not it was a job well done canada began thin ocntury aa a selfcontained country with an eye for her own interests and a timid approach to outside affairs resulting from the deadening ef fects of colonialism in those first years of the century she dldnh hcii abroad one doluars worth of newsprint nickel copper alumin um platinum or xlnc her manu facturers were limited jind local nnd in the main concentrated on the home market again at the beginning of the century she didnt ship many dollars worth of manufactured produtts there were no nutoihoblu or tires and tubes electric nppllnmes and en gines nnd hollers were almost equally unfamiliar but 4fi years later canadian en terprise had not onl discovered and developed these and innumer able otlkt products but 1 was producing in such abundance that canada could export in 1946 a total of 522 mllion worth of these products alone it is worth record ing that this figure representing the export products and commod ities virtually unknown at the turn of the contur was more than sixteen times the total of all can adas export in the ear 1900 or if ou would go farther and take such item as wheat ani wood pulp and machinery and fertilizers and whiskey and asbest os commodities that were un known and were exported in thou earlier days the export figure has inoreawd from a little better than 4u million to jam millions over a billion dollar increase in foreign buvinet in commodities that had not been discovered or had been matters of small domestic trade is isurelx not a bad record of ae ro in pi isthment but somebody is almost certain to say yea but look at the work er what did he gvt out of all that he got better hours better working condtloiu recognition of hi unions and their bargaining rights he got protections and safe guard and oxer the w hole industry ha got wages that aerage 116 per cent greater than at the cen- tui beginning hie pergonal in come from all other sources which included of course the vast prof- its that are supposed to accrue to capital increased something lass than 37 its worth a moments thought 4iatttta knox ctwnctt acton kav x m auderwv ba htfg sunday october 31st 1mb 11 00 am morning service 12 15 sunday school 7 00 p m anniversary service in baptist church knox anniversary scrvicenday november 7th theythat wait dupon uw lord shall renew their strength october meeting busy bees wx at mrs a coxe acton rev ohas tt oowkr mfaosut thursday october 28th b yjpu halloween social at home of h rejd meet at the church at 7 45 pjn sunday october 31st ims 110 a m and 7 00 p m anniver sary service rev j f patch bji bx of wtentwrth church hamilton music by presfton baptist male quintet te monday to friday nov 1st to 5th special meetings each evening song service nvtas bapthrtr brotherhood of toronto l albatt a rjurrlj anglleaa rwitrrv w g tuctea ba sunday october 31st 1048 trinity xxu1 d 00 a m holy communion 10 00 am sunday school 11 00 a m morning prayer and beginners class 7 00 pm evening prayer tkbi church welcomes visitors 0ktjuho stock yards bulletin wallv roo mry tutidy mnug hamilton a cumi t 71b auu the octber meeting of the busy beea wx was held at the home of mr- strfikhen coxe st hel en with ti memberi and eight gueats attending roll call was answered by an exchange of bulba mrs stan rounson sec treas read the minutes of the last meet ing and the correspondence the wx fees wen voted paid the institute was asked to sponsor a project for halton recreation park at lowville officers and convenors were asked to attend the rally of aid to effective speak ing at umehouse november 23 it was carried that we apply for the legislative grant a loaders training school is being held at mil ton october 25 and 26- canvassers for the chost xray clinic being held at brookvllle hall october 27th planned the area each would cov er two members volunteered as- nlstahoo at the hall a new prices was set on quilting quilts mrs e dredg won the kicky draw for the day the meeting closed with god save the king mrs stephen coxe assist ed by mrs leonard coxe and mrs smlllle served a most enjoyable lunch the president on behalf of all thanked mrs coxe for tho use of her home and hospitality ami told of how mrs coxe had been missed at meetings the past summer the rung of a ladder was never mean to rt upon but only to hold a mans foot long enough to en able him to put tho other some what higher thomas huxley ladies do you value health comfort and style wear a splrella foundation garmmkt designed individually to give you the greatest comfort for appointment phone 128 attention all hunters acton and district your rifles gun sights can be insured against loss for all risks theft pilferage fire transport ation etc the cost is of the value per year john w chapman insurance agency 33 macdonam blvd acton ontario phone 321 w n acteen topics everyone met the executive chosen by president lawson for the coming year and hey were welcomed by a very successful dance there may be a few addi tions to this executive body but as it stands it is made up of cord lawson president ken allen vice- president jacqueline chew joy romph joan coles frances chew joan feuerly sheridan romph and fred u ringer having talked with tho presi dent and vicepresident wo under stand they are nlrvndy begin ning to work their elec tion promises yes the pen guin room is about to be renovated and weve no doubt it will be a great improvement tlwro is also a big sadie hnw- klns dance in the nottodlstant future nnd no doubt n lot of other special dances nnd rood times for the penguin club at tenders although this is being written before wednesday night wo under stand that this wednesday is tho time when the victorious blue team or ahs field day will be en tertained by the reds ami whites although as yc4 we have nothing official on it no doubt it will be great success and n mark in aiis social life thu salundny what a day a h s meets de la salle in n game of sixman tackle rugby sounds ex citing nnd no doubt it will be for nil the plnyers george odonn- hue claim our team plays a strictly acton style of the game nnd pcrhapt this will at least con fuse the other team whatever tjie result it will be an experience with a brlof mention of hallo ween well close there sevma to be big things in the wind a clown band a dance and a lot of good fun it doesnt take drastic meas ure to have fun wcll commenton tho rugby game next week even though the subject may bo rather env harassing nnd providing were still able to comment dont fence me in county wide county committee oh reforestration continued from page one suggested the county should buy such a machine to help in this venture other representatives thought there were many amall streams which could be dammed to pro vide additional water as well as a reserve for game fish while considering plans of re forestration some thought should be given to the protection of wild life which wltl increase in these wood lots shtrricf w j robert son emphasized he described town and city dwellers coming into hnlton with high powered rifles nnd in closed aeasons wilfully slaughtering our deer and other wild life he suggested further as sistance be given officials to sup press these illegal shootings h c morris suggested county council should approve a bylaw making it illegal to carry a high powered rifle in a car unless it was being transported from the owners home to another place or by police or game warden per mission a free public lecture oh christian science entitled cfntistf an science the remgion of ceaseless prayer by oscar graham peeke csb of kansas city missouri in the faiace theatre guelph sunday oct 31st at 31 k pjn under tho nusplccs of christian science society guelph ont blood from a stone the constant demand among citizens for more and more look ing after must have an end some where rhls belief u based on the familiar and pertinent wisdom of the saying you cant get blood from a stone many politicians and others teem to believe that titer la an endless source of revenue to pro vide for all sorts of dogood ac tions nnd services to run con trary to this popular belief is to be grouped at once with modern- 1 day scrooges aa stonyhearted selfish and insensate humans for that reokon it is difficult to arguo the case dlspasslonntcly but there still remains the fact that you cant get blood from tho atone that hasnt any and that you can only take so much from humans until physical or economic death intervenes theresa re inescapable social ob- ligations that no one wodldwant to evade there are other obli gations that we would like to as sume ni our abilities permit as we fnce these people who are al ways asking far more we would like to know how well we have faced up to the obligations and how much more we might be ex- petted to do we are using some figures presented in a bulletin of the council of social service of the church of england in canada they ore government figures and we quote them from the council because no one would suspect it of urging our private advantage against our rcsponslblltloa it is poultry and eggs wanted phone milton iw for better prices halton poultry products it here compact frigidaire by joaeph luter riitletlge a lot of people ore cither ap proving or bewailing the loftlsh tlneo apparent in the thinking of vouth yet it la doubtful if thre is ground for approval or reason for bewalllne the youne collegi ate and college student u not so much championing a cause as ho is following a patent he is rebel- not ihop but we who suggest that llous in the face of forces whose the figures might make us itop imitations ho con sec but cannot and consider before wo go blithely remedy he is as yet untouched b j about the business of demanding the rude business of living ho is moro and more of a burdened dt- j iilll under the leadership of ideal- lienshlp the various charges i ists whoso idealism is not shaped grouped together represent an av- and modified by the immediate i cragc annual toll of 286 on every nnd pressing competitive battle fori family in canada survival so youth becomes tho nw go a little farther and re- natural hope of tho loftish pro- 1 member that the dominion bureau agandists it is also their surest of statistics records that in 191g check youth is their hope because there were a little better than two of its quick acceptance of new nnd n half million canadians who and virtually untried doctrines paid income tax on incomes over for that is the way of youth it ffio the total nns just short of is their check because its real n billion dollars this ultc ob- faith is represented better in what viuusly is the group that miist it does with its time effort nnd rorr the bulk of the load for the enthusiasm when it freely de- sorlnl services and the load rop- termlnes its on course for its lescnts 15 of their income is own ends adjusted for tnxation purposes a joung girl wins the npplause we used to remember that 10 of a world for her skating skill of a total income given fb the i and in the rinks of tlmmins win- iord uns considered reasonable i nlpeg and toronto boys and girls nnd just admittedly there ore go wriouslj about the business of other factors entering into the producing unother anil better rn but despite these the fact llurbnra ann scott alone or und- remains thnt we nre doing a lot er the eyes of a teacher they lth our available resources bo- spend long hours practicing their for we demand more and odd figure eights i hey ure paying the more charges to the close to a price of achievement the price uf billion dollars which social aervic- of their own conviction that they arp now costing us we should ran advance beyond the riovvd in pause and consider in im8 the remote construction camps husky o earnings of the whole work and mote or less erudite j oung men ng farce of canada were just ure swinging a pick l day and 0 h170o0oo0 it mlgtv teaching in the frontier college y mens annual halloween party saturday evening oct 30th the acton roya and glrlo rand and clown rand will lead the grand parade from the town hall at 700 oeloek to the arena costume contest i preschool boys and girls 2 grades i and 2 3 grades 3 and 4 4 grades 5 nnd 6 5 grades 7 and 8 f high school boys and girls 7 adults 8 band entertainment prizes grab rags apples fund boxes are located in hcfollowilifprewises raxtern drup store jenninrsh rowlinj a i icy h flank of nova scotia coopers drug store carrolls groceteria rank of montreal fun for all at the arena no admission charge but contributions to fund boxes will be gratefully received were ht holds 30 to 50 more food in tfis same kitchen space uaj m imppy aa hmam- tuwaa day itrave nta died uutt yau ntlgbt hap tha hgm to whut it manning electric phone 230 b night wh to fit themselves or their school into a set pattern who would believe that it is to make a new pattern and to help these nfw cunudiuns do the same in the mines in the forest in survevors gangs in the cook house or the ixsort or the farm in a thousand occupation sis varn d as the luialitus ancl thf cirium- stunces in which tliej nre found vouths are working nurd ami long to earn the mone to provide the cduiaton that will enable them to be better men than the next in their chosen work mnvbc lhev will come hack bronjuml and tough huuiim once again to vole against fr enterprise so what i hut is just lip service in their juts theie is no evidence of a be lief in a creed that would fence them in on the fighting line jouth asla not for security but for its own chance j l be possible for a nation to socialize itself into bankruptcy wrong request new hospital patient say doctor i asked that nurse to put a hotwater bottle on my feet and rfie stuck up hex nose and walked aw ay docto what else could you eiect ihst was the head nurse inst during the wur magnesium was extracted from the sea by the untish our eyes a iropftr kjf kuuulnation u mou itiwirtnt r m bell rrclsuwul optometrist ihon k3t erin nightly 7 and 9 i matinee salutday t p air conditioned now playing deborah kerr in it black narcissus friday and saturday two star features v october 29th and 30th hear a lopp on remembrance day ilrave men died tluit you might weur it monday tlesday and wednesday nov 1 2 3 gctinlu s0tfflngmo comfortable hiy i guns s v s loud hlyis mating sieete mm hwttuk 0 w la a ii 1 1 m w wat 1 i coming next thursday tliut great and wonderful picture green grass of wyoming j

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