Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 28, 1948, p. 6

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r the acton free press thubsdabt october 38th ims oolob mac meres v spectacle everythlnjt wearing powder and paint and a lot or fandangle wintertime coming and not a thing caring ooldenmd tlpay in all the fence angles color enough to fair dnizle your eye with evwy old surtinc a nlllnr of fin and loavefi hi owing over light bright butterflies cnrrliwl up higher and higher ft rid higher whirl- in h circle or rllttrrlhg wing and lfild down ngnln in ft enrpet or twi i dont know nt i quit approve of mich thlngu they muddle a mnn nnd unwttl his henrl hes apt to get notions thnt he hadnt ought till winter come on like n ad second thought ahenbert merrill erin a quiet but prvhty wedding took place at the prebyferlnn mnnse in cuelph on wednesday october g 104b when mnrgnret eleanor youngeu daughter of mr and mrs jame nevllls erin became the bride of em est brown elder son of mr nnd mrs jfenry brown of erin rev fred williamson offic iated wellington lodge a f am no 271 held their nnnual at home nt stanley park pnvlhon on mondny evonlng when n large crowd thoroughly enjoyed the ev ening which opened with ft banq uet mr alex mncdonnld of hlll- burg spent the weekend at the home of her daughter nnd son-in- law mr nnd mrs jack holmes of acton artvocate oakville onk ulefi now nowagc dispoml plnnt in process of construction for ncwrl n yonr nnd a jinlf will soon be finished at mondny ev enings meeting of the town coun cil harold tltchfold chnlrmnn of tttie vwors oammrttiw told he council thnt the pumps hnd arrived nnd were being installed onkvilles tuvenlle b bnflebnll tenm was benten b polrolln in the flnnl gnme for the o b a chamn- tnnshlp nt lnhntt park londo i on saturday nfternoon triie score was 13 oakille lost the first gnme of the finals by 8 0 and won the second game by the score of 1 1 in onkville on wednesday of lust week this gives petrolln the j men lie b title trafalgar township is to have n new township nnd community hall architects plans for the proposed building to be known as the tra falgar memorial hall wore ap proved by the township council at its meeting on monday the bulln- ing which will be of brick con- struotlon one storey in height will have a frontage of 136 ftet it will house the offices of the township clerk and treasurer the ohlef of police the council cham ber an auditorium with stage and a kitchen and dining room its cost will be approximately 0 000 record star burlington at a meeting of the public school board held at tlie central school inst wednesday n resolution was passed to ask the tow n council for 110 000 flar the erection of an 8 room addition to the control school tbe remodelling of the building to include new steel stairs u included in the estimates as well as a new heating plant on saturday afternoon central public school took part in the hal- ton track nnd field champkwuhp meet held in georgetown under the nujpices of the georgetown lie rentlonnl council jonn bow nmn 13 years old was the ou- itn tiding performw winning four friday of latt week vtinrked the nnhual provincial inlorclub com petitions for ontarios club mem bers upwards of 200 cttlb teams onch made up of two club mem- wn between the agc of 1g n3 20 inclusive nnd who had not pre viously represented their club in n formerhiliirclub oompetltlon in the same project uoro in action at the oa c in nil there were eight different competitions under way during the day these young peo ple represented home 10405 young people enrobed in ontario in 1048 in such projects aj beef calf clubs dairy calf clubs swine clubs grain clubs poultry clubs potato clubs and in the home economics field food and clothing clubs halton county was represented by five club teams in all and while the brought home no major honors all made an excellent showing particularly so 1n view of the very limited amount of special training received preparatory to these competitions in the dairy cattle competition 51 club teams judged jour classes of dairy cmlle and gave oral rea sons for their plndngs on each they also answered orally tn questions pertaining to feeding nnd management of dairy cattle marketing dairy cattle dlsoases etc in short it was a long hard rlny for the competitors and judges alike and this competition which started at 9 00 am did not con clude until well after 6 00 pm the championship in this project which was won by n hnlton tenm inst jenr went to a peel county j tenm composed of clnrk lyons of norvnl nnd ralph dunton of brnmpton with n score of 1039 nut of n possible 1200 stuart al exander of georgetown nnd geo burkhoder of freemnn represent ing the milton holsteln nnd ayr shire cnlf club were in fifth posit ion with a score of iocs the high mnn wns clnrk lons with n score of 550 with stuart alexander hal- ions high competitor wth 551 tho beef competition with 25 tenms in action u ns won by a sputh slmcoe club team with a scabe of 1022 while gnrnrt norrlsh nnn alex buchnnnn representing the hnlton cnlf club were in ninth plnce with 075 the acton calf club tenm composed of rn ever- dell nnd bill pnttcrson scored 879 thirtyeight club teams faced the wire in the grain club project the championship here went to a york count tenm with n rore of 1103 sam harrop nnd john cur- rle both of esquesing township representing the milton grain club were in sixth position and the acton grain club tenm of ron hemsley nnd clarence held wert eleventh the swine club trophy which wnsuon by a halton team in img this year went to elgin county while a leeds team won the poul try project honours and well and countj the honours in the potato project in home economics a pair of perth count v oung indies topped tne food project and middlesex the clothing project the winning teams will now represent ontario in the interprovincial cmpetjtlons to be held nt the roynl winter fnlr next month rurni ontario will wish them well in this friendly battle of provincial champions milton 4 poetry painting and pott- ory of the indiana was the sub ject of a most interesting address by ethel brant monturc before the womens canadian club on tthe tnic of many minds ry jtotmtph vjalcr rutlodce the autoorat by the very defta- 1 ten ess and flnnllty of his powers monday afternoon october 18th i hnn unquestioned advantages fre tall standards of white and rod from tne necessity of consulting gladioli and whlttf chrysanthemums the opinions of olivers he chn with mum of crimson autumn movo pmmply and with decision almost enough houses leaves decorated benutlfuj old st georges church georgetown on saturday afternoon october 9th when tdarrell winifred dnwson daughter of mr and mrs a ernest dnwson of this town wns united in marriage to philip bertram howard of canada howard farms milton son of mr and mrs bert ram e howard of toronto knox presbyterian church choir gathered at tho manne on tuesday evening to pay dual honors to mr cameron wilson on his approacn- ing marriage and to mr harry ho can got tilings done unfor tunately while promptness is one of tho virtues it may easily be associated with wrongs and in justices and tyrannies that b the record of nil autocracies democracy with its innumer able checks nnd balances is n lumlvering system slow of ton overcautious nnd frequently in efficient it must base its claim on the end results for all its pedestrian character it has made for freedom nnd a larger and london on his retirement from the i broader opportunity choir canadian champion georgetown mrs robert hill gim wlllinms grand old lady is receiving the congratulations of friends on the occnbn of her 97th birthday which she celebrated on monday october 18th mrs hill enjoys good health and is active around her home i a member of the royal air force for the past year flight lieutenant gordon mcdonald of georgetown has won the clnrkson acrobatic trophy according to word recoiled here by his parents mr and mrs alvln mcdonnld a barn on tho 9th line owned by the inglls brothers george and james was destroyed this morning by fire which broke out about 5 jo am the barn which was cmpty w as on the property known as will logans top farm vlilch wns re cently purchnsed by the two bro thers a nntlve of georgetown where he wns born 69 yenrs ago oliver telford mckay died in st thomas on snturdny october 16th nfter a lengthy illness he wns the son of the into wullnm g mckny and frances barber herald i pollock and campbell mianfutanr of high grade memorials memorial engraving 62 wa alerst tjclep1 su north galt hone 2mb j l case farm implements sales service floyd maflatt main st milton 463w the reason is thnt when a slate or nn individual- becomes the ai- bltrary devisor determiner and administrator initiative fcteootmes limited to the capacity of a fow minds through their very ab- solutncs thoju mlndn tend to be come frozen into a cot pattern thnt ls what the planners ar asking us to accept whnt la the alternative in canndn there are close to a quar ter million separate enterprises outside our mnln business of ag riculture lnch enn only survive through its ability to render its own individual service there are 1go00o wholesale and retail estab lishments some 26000 manufac turing enterprises and nnother thirty or forty thousand individual undertakings in mines and pojar tntlnns lumbering operations fisheries nnd cnnnlng plnnts nnd trnnsportntlon systems wo hnve over 700 000 business enterprise in agriculture in close to n million such un- derlnktnp there nre n million op- portunjltes for innovation nnd experiment nnd development these opportunities ore there be cause inherent jn their very in dlvidunllt is the power to auth orize these experiments nnd in novations operating under a mil lion sepninte budgets controlled h a mil inn d ffeient malingers initiative ennnot die competition develops new services or qunlitles or products to nppenl to n wider public this ls the price of sur vival cnn nny system limited to the direction of n few minds hope to achieve the drive the initiative the imnglnntlon nnd ndventure that opens new vistas of nccomplkh- mtnt nnd pi ogress we know it can t these qualities arc the product or n million mlndsi able to experiment to profit and to pro gress under government supervision nnd in defiance of former parent arranged mnrrlngos japan held a marriage fair where domestic- minded single folk went in search of desirable mates executors sale of ral estate blarksmlths tools and furniture farm ilalp for 1049 the ontario immigration branch has been named the official agency oi the ontario government in the plniement of agricultural workers j fiom the netherlands nnd are now busv drafting plans to eliminate some of the exlng problems ox- perienced durinr tlu past enr application forms mn be ob tained from nnd when completed should be returned to the immi- niednls and winning against nllgratlon branth department of onipettars in the open 60anl dash although rnln prevented tht completion of thi program th public school cup wns won in cen trnl hh first 10 mile iilav rau in tin htstorx of sports in tuwn wns stag d on sntuidnv nfternoon inst undt r the nuqilctss of the new- h form d burlington athletic dub 1 he route wns down new stivet to tin gualph line to cum 1mm land av v nnd return a dis tant of thrtc miles west end moa of toronto w re the winners of tho international tro phy and the times of the 4 teams were as follows west end yic a 2 41521c hamilton 01mplc club 351 is 35 gladstone athletic club 253 32 burlington athletic club 2 57 3145 gazette 1mnnning and development 1117 bnv street ioronto i farmers w ho ntv interested in sm urlng this t lass of labour for im should make n start nt onco m lomplttinn tin initsiaiiv appli- tnilon forms it is our understand ing that furthi r information may tu secured from the above addre- iur from the agricultural office in milton f r oolttt mentences inoovsi8tent lp head optometrist eyes examined scientifically qearinq aid batteries quick repairs to guaaes binoculars field glasea etc u st garf 84 phone 1529 guelph ikt u yaan pakap11rasino doolkv it was mltftr oiiolev recalls napier moore in hu financial pot 5icratchpad vv ho said i care not who makett the laws of a nat ion to long as x can take out an in junction these dnvs comments moore it seems to us some depart ments of the ottavcngoernment paraphrase it we care not who makes th laws of a nation ko long as we can ael an order-in-coun- dl gilbert and sullivan s mikado sana of hu object all subhme to let the punishment fit the crime and mo canadians answering a financial post questionnaire share this view they state that if thera is a leemlna disparity between the severity of sentences imposed in canadian courts this is because judaea a tempt to deal with everv cast on its individual merits the majority approved of this method a few aumrted that if reform was required it should be ciwm bv en- fcurlnj thal men of proper ablllt t raining and understanding are ppo4ntel to the bench quien jullannn h husband prince barnhard sometime acta as her pilot when she travels by air make your selection of new wallpaper from the largest stock in western ontario priced to suit everyone pukium a vf craft wreath now and dlapla it wear a loppy an kntnibrana da youu find it at chapples bookstore its wyudluuk st qulph angus kstnntoy propria tor the undersigned have received instructions from the fcxecutor of the estate of the late joseph w wtcik to sell by- public auction at his late residence in the village of campbellvllle on satlttday october 80 101ft nt 1 oclock the following blacksmiths toolas and fcquipmbnt forge blowers 2 vises drill press rtnd drill rmer crlnder anvils horse shoe corker tire setter tire 4tiaptr lire crimper iorgo as sortment of new horse shoes all sizes hound nnd flat iron n lengths several boxes of new horse shoe nails bolts hlvets corks forks neck yok whlfric 1 rees a inrge no of new plow shares landsldcs sole plates skimmer points for kleury pjows ioklng chnlns hooks ctevices blnrksmlth tongs wrenrhei taps dies and numerous other tools fukniturk settee and rock er to match i ectrlc floor and lahli ijimps j centre lahles no or pine tables 5 hocking chalri chest rfleld hocker ijirge 111 v chair hug oxh secretary cabinet itadlo old fashioned buffet klectric peluxe vacuum sw t eper nnw 3 cval or wand heaters i awn mower high chair arm chair fxtenslnn table and s kitchen chairs 2 bedroom suites idd irejaers odrl washstnnds single steel bed and springs ijirge chest of draw ers k dav cjwk several scatter mak cushion- 4 lld took siove like m w smnll h ze other small hous hold kffeets khal es 1 atf at the same time and nlce there will be offer ed for sale subjert to a reserve bid the property if not previously sold consisting of of an acre more or jnw on which ls erectad a sol d hrlrk 11roomed house with 1plece hath furnace hot and cold water hydro roof in excellent shape also a detached tingle gar age and a j stnrev frame building sire 40xjfi with tongue and groove siding this property is situated in the business section of the vil- lajje of campbellvllle and will be offered to the public as one par cel ttvrms on clmfttu cash with clerk day of sale terms on heal estate made known- day of sale chas weir carlisle executor l mcmillan clerk hindley as elliott 20 ab auctioneer prices and demand in many of the larger dtles certainly do not sufcfest that tho housing shortage is over however remarks the financial post editorially govern ment statistics warn that if we are not actually approaching the sat u rati on point in housed then at least we ore nearer to it than haft been the case for many yiars ybccntly published census tables shnived thnt by mu1948 there was a house or selfconlalned npari- men for every 4 il pemons in can ada lowest figure since tho census started to include such ntntlstlcs nt uie turn of the century this may mean thnt throughout canada as a whole we are get una clone to the point where the hous ing supply can be termed normal that is something those contem plating paying long prices for res idential property would be well ad vised to keep in mind they an others too should realize that the change from not enough to enough can come pretty quickly when there arc 11 buyers hor ev ery 10 houni the market is brisk anil rlaqg but add one more house to that supply and there is a tre mendous difference local stores support your towndo you support them atlmer choice golden cream 18c corn stock up now por winter needs dew kist choice ontario special lynn valley white cream corn 2 ms 27c dozen 159 dew kist choice slave 4 s peas 2 r 29e dozen 169 fbankford standard peas dozen qqc 20oz 3 tins z5c 20 oz 24c 2soz tin aylmer bc prune plums 2 rs 29c dozen 169 special campbells tomato soup tin ioc dozen lio special aylmer choice out golden wax beans 2 ms 27c dozen 159 special aylmer boston brown beans 2 thh 2ic dozen 12 blue and oold fancy wax beans 20 oz tin ioc cut mixed peel 35c 20oz tins snoz tins 20oz tinb smoked salmon or bloater pastes t1ns 25c swirrs premium 12 oz tin preftf 4sc ooncentkated bleach javex v btl 1543 23c packed to ball undar a nationally famotu label tfcu soup wu made lata in the samaon and became it la a little light la coloar yon may buy quakes tomato j soup 10 cooking no i onions 10 lb bag snow no i apples 4 lb peaches dozi blaz ooold choice calwor peaches c tinb for 107 special red olo choice tomatoes van camps standard tomatoes xttantp orange and grapefruit blended juice special fancy red sookeye salmon 21c for those who like blags pride of niagara cherries ruf 4ie brights choice tomato juice 2 19c dozen 109 silver ribbon choice tomato juice 29 aylmer tomato cocktail xfs ae dares chocolate marbhmallow biscuits 49c crown brand or beehive corn syrup tin 26c 6lc aylmer new pack tomato juice 4 zc r0mar homogenized peanut butter 37c freshly ground romar coffee 27c sic aylmer beans and weiners m 22c c ft b date nut chocolate nut or fruitnut br 19c freshly roasted peanuts in shell 1 33c new low price libbys deep brown pork and beans tin i7c florida for j odc cilwefrvit lg size 00 d hz 25c no 1 ontario potatoes 75 lb big no delivery 149

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