Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 4, 1948, p. 1

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ptfess seventyfourth year no 18 acton ontario tiiuksday novkmhkk 4th iiiih l hum print 1itkcit six cent community hall opened by esquesing township esouksingts new community ckntkk council chamber and pine as- aembly mall part of new nulmintf cltixens of fq ileal ng township knight well lw proud of the fine building whlnh was officially open ed lant night in st6warttown it sa indeed a credit to the planning of thomd officials of the township who are responsible for its erect- ion enqueuing council acquired a 3- atorey brick building on the site of the community township hall early in 1023 before that time tho township bufclnefts had boon conduct ed in a frame building across the road on thr tracy pro perty at the corner rriio purchase price of tho building wn 1200 and at that time it seemed a high price tho building had been used a a general store and also as nn implement shop the name of tho original builder of the building ha been forgotten hy mott residents of stewarltown the present building is 4fl foot wme and 120 foot lone it in divided into two sections tflxfio with a fire wall between tlie roar in for hous ing the machinery of the town ship and it also contains the hot water boiler for the steam heating a well has boon dug in the floor which had a flow of al water the depth of this well la only feet an electric pump la installed which supples water to the ktehen and hcntlng system on the left nn you enter tho building from the front in the cvmnrll chamber with a vault built into tho room the nwiemhly hall in approximately lovfio nnd ban n stage at the back end wlh two dressing rooms on clfchcr side the walls of iiiih room njro flnlijied in natural hlrch plywood with a masonlte ccllng the hall ir large enough to accommodate 200 per sons at the side of the hall and immediately behind tho council chnmbcr is n well equipped kitchen with ample cupboard space a sink and nn soon as it can be procured nn electric stove the kitchen is 1ft x 20 an outside door gives ac cess to the kitchen ullh n serving door opening into the nssemhty hall immediately back of the kl- rben tollets have been installed timbers of the second and third stories of the orlglnnl building have been used in the hulldlng of the gnrage section of the building a parking lot has been procured immediately to the north of the building nnd this has been levelled nnd gravelled for tho parking of enrs the members of the present council who are warden george cleave deputytveve george cur- rle councillors ceo iesllc craig held nnd wilfred bird are to be congratulated on the enterprise which has given ksqueslng town ship one of the finest community ihnlls in this district of course clerk isaac bennett hns had quite a lot to do with the erection of this fine edifice it is estimated the cost of the building will he ln the neighbourhood ou 520000 aharge proportion oi this cost will ho col- jeted in subsidies from various de partments of the government largo group gather to officially 0mi tiall peri scope- eyed flies that can swing their eyes around a corner have been brought from africa 10 the american museum of natural history esu wednehfy night n large group gathered in kaqucslng commun ity hnll to officially open the building nt stewart town guests sjenker of the evening wan mr t a carroll of the department of agriculture who was introduced hy warden jeorge oleave who commented briefly on tho anfllftt- nnce given by mr carroll in the remodelling of the building mr carroll stated that as we progress in machines ho should we progress in our social life it was his aim to see that people had access to facilities that would al low them to have a good social life the speaker complimented the people in ruval ureas on their abil ity to meet in gathering that in cluded all ages mr carroll in conclusion said it gives me great pleasure at tljls time to officially declare hsqueslng community hall open warden oorge cleave chair man for the evening introduced line three exreeves of eaqueslng mint were able to bespreaent messra ivoslle wilson and nelson each briefly congratulated the council on liielr fine achievement mayor gibbons of georgetown brought greetings and cnngratitln- tlons from his town which apprec iated lis good neighbors in kh- ucj1ng the members of tho present council each smke thanking the people for their oooperatlon and expressing their pride in being th- instigators in the erection of this community asset warden cleave introduced th commit te empowered to enre for die administration of the building mrs ijiwson stcwartvlllo wt mis cunningham ash grove w i mr broun federation of agrlcul- tuie mi alexander junior far mers mr held fsqneslng agri- cull unit society mr currle and mi cleave represent ng the coun cil the ehnlrnmn on half f ihe council tinned the manage- it nient of the hall over to mr ah under president of the committer dancing concluded the memor able event ns the ksqueslng c-in- munity hall was latincheil on its program for community develoj men curling rink walls to be repaired lor skating use officially opened inst night at stewarltown was hue new community centre for ksquoxlng towiimhlp it provides headquarters for the township municipal f re couneil chrinthcy and iismtinhly hall and all necessities for a gathering plnce tor all the township in a social way complete disruption an it a report of the omnlng inm night are given in another column lnwer lefl hiwiws oumll iiknmldeit in ltie council chamber whiu lower right ilerk isaac llcnncll and itieve o mile uiertemt al ihe dimr to the council chnmhor kiie press ihoiox knox ywa prksknts gift to mrs j m anderson the october meeting of the kno ywa was held at tin hum of mrs o w masales with t president mrs f anderson in charge the scripture lesson for the evening was tnken by marg uerite lloszoll after u hich mrs h ohara led in prayer mrs sinclair gave n ver lntepesting chapter or the study book mrs c bowen rendered a solo hich was enjoved by alt at the close of the meeting on behalf of the members mrs inglis 3resented mrs j m anderson with a vnse as a token of their friend- ship mrs anderson repled brief ly nnd thankedithe girls for their gift the commlttee in charge served a dainty lunch anil a social half hour was enjoyed by nil vs mens club slage halloween childrens parly plenty of fun nt arenii with itizeu nnd hnllouecn trealh the w itches hobgoblins gliosis and al lhal goes to make up ihe colorful pageantry of hallow een met at the town hall on sat- uidnx evening despite the heavy fog ken ihe members off tlu band were dievsed suitably for the oc- i nsinii led by bandmaster miimim the galherlng pmaded to t hi arena wlfie hie ys mens club had pre pared to receive the ehllldren of ihe 1om thcie wen iiuineious i lasses fu i lie ns hilled flglltes dk lit d into s huitl gioups the various wln- neis wei as follows pie sehool katharine kltkness k mi kay irnle i and 2 hose mar skill pet ii cnnhnm ijide i anil 1 bi mn tlmiann- dun blown cindc ti and i marin maih- to- jany craile 7 and vnne arblc high schihd boh kumlev adults sin itovcll bom panibnuin baur meb blow twjo motion pictures which were very appropriate for the occasion were shown teddy be7ir at play nnd western marshes numerous other stunts were put on for the entertainment of the guests b members of the v with feorge odonahue al ihe mike president john creex of the vmca boai i acted as master of ceremonies all classes for the costume ev ents were welt filled and the judg es had a difficult task ln select ing the prize wlnnen among o many worthy of prizes approximate three hundred well filled grnb bngs were passed out to the children along with a rosy red apple at nine oclock the lat child had received his trent and the show was over for another ladies aid of knox church meet at manse mrs john anderson was iiohicss to uie knox laidles aid fin the or tobel meeting the pieshlejil mls f mccufch l presided the blbh ixndlng was taken by mrs jen i jill i tl he business pel lod im ii ded final plans foi the annlvisni supper all convenors repotted on i heir miiii ihe past month all lepeated ihe ioids piavei in uni son to conclude the him i lie- s m el- ing musical numlicis weie guen bv mis w j hall nn llu- auto llnp and the two number s l tl i allies jtinjh lie nf mis i i it son weie whispering hope nid fbe chinch in ihe wlldwood mis lei snliieivllle no b i 11 n i j it- ilniip give a fnievcl ill- sage 1 ia mis tnhli amleisoir and plisenlcil mel with ii pelsnriul j ol luembiniii e mis k j has- snd tin mil f ihe niniilh wil i lie i ci imp hiidel s silvid leflesll- inents anil a sm ial line mis i joveil mis a j muiiav was op ixiinied cnnviikir of ihe nov- mix i meeting allies jtinlt lie nf mis i davidsnii mil w j hall mis llelli bos 1 nnd mis k andei new chaneel llniled clitireh is dedicated wockh of work by conuremiliun show fini improvenihit in liurcli interior jn palni iirralne bosell idan homph bela kmrnerson the mortgage goes up opning remarks mr patch com plimented the church nn teaching this milestone and suggested that on anniversary occasions we should bring together forward and back ward view s take stock and plan foi the future the theme of mr patch talk was what if jour prayers w er- i ansv ered at the conclusion if the ser vice the quartette sang mnj the t lord depend on you j at tlie evening service riie qunr- i telle sang he will keep h i v j pickering of the l churc h oreenock wi met at the home led in praer following which le of mrs j near on october 20iii quartette sjing wondrous love with the president in the chair mr patch spoke on the theme miss elvn pearen rend tb scrip- debit and credit living he wis j ture nnd roll call was answered bv not he said recommending either an iropiesslve seivln if dedicat ion was held in ai ion lulled chiuili on friday evening oclohei llli when the church wits reopen ed fiti reglllaj eh 11 1 eh vet vices afiei a pet lod of icnovntlon during w hit h time u new choir arrange- meiil nf si- allng was bioughl into firi and a seinlehain el miggokt- inn was given ihe frrnl of the iiifiuniv thk wm it moi dmie l vmiiiiiicii inbmir utlilei the up i visum of ik minister has hrell in jilltgles fi injillv wclc fl lit llif whlih period he tongtegal inn hud been holding their sabbjit h il vli es lii ihe si i j in i ins l he ippi llllllli e nf ihe new design te veals what can he done to impiove ami inodeinlc tlw interior of iniiiv i htm ins witli tare and fme- ibnligbt and those plesetil at the 1 i-ivii- nf iledleiillotl weie un- fouridlv peisimded nt u hangetl ppin the new dslgn pin- i vnles ici ntninndation fnt upwards of iii choir voltes and the spin line bant e adds dignity and awe to u ffeet of the w hoi- the chnii- e mhi steps to the choir the cen- lie aisle of the- church and the steps to the hirneil hav been cir- peted in a i itii beautiful and quiet isgri in deep shades of reil while velvet drapes in matching shad- screen the console of the oigan on the friday evening of the dedhntion ihe sermon was deliver ed bv the bev f k hallman of kitchener minister of the zlnn congiegnthm of the kvangellenl l mil d- broth rt church of north america in a forthright message preiton consisting tf omit spene mr hawmnnipokp or the plae gerald coons ceorge pollard ami i ni nt m church in the so- kd lements ciet of tndnv and the miltabllltv al the morning service the qu-it- mnk n fashioning the let sang the dny is brlgnfst ios of rt tmt pp nnd strong arm of ctwl in bis baptist chnreli ularks 106th anihversarv rev frank intch of hamilton wnw the ciaucht preacher acions oldest church the bap tist church celebrated its kwth annlversar on sunday octolvr11 the guest speaker for the occasion was itev frank patch of went- worui st baplisi church hamil ton special music was pr vlded bv the baracca male quartette of magistrates court kcinanilh case filth time for a flflji lime ieo i adami alias hi unell md nlonn was re manded w hen he appeared at n hvecltil witling or magulrntos court hen saturday mofnlng ada mi h cliarged wlih rnmdng while winwl the bank of nova scotia of appmxlmnlely kttrwh cash and bonds on july hlh 1im7 white ihe crown was projiared to conl i n ue with l he preliminary hearnu at ihe special session de fence cnunncl john t white nuked ihe com t for atiolhei weeks re mand i uniterslaiul the crown hah aheadv asked for three and i woiitd like some lime lo prepare n defense he wild mr i lck t e fused to consent to granting of imll for the accused when nuked for by mr white magistrate kenneth m tjingdnn remanded adams to november i novemiier meeting duke o devonshire ciiaiter mm -r- the noveuilici uieemng of the duke of devoushlie oiaplei if d i was held at th borne of mrs si 1 1 s with the j cgcnl mi n llalrd pteddlng 11 was dc hdedto send a donallon tn hindqiiat lei h in aid of hipping thing tti llillaln instead of ihe usual food parcclh tbbt month cinuii rout had on display then donallim of inlhlng for bnhlen and i twill i hlldii n to lie ient to the gi n flldabeth honpllal in fnrhind i he vat iniit at lb ttiii vet v beautiful its well nv ilefiil a chilhtlure gift will be 11111 ihe chapleis adopted m hunt in the uirth al the dei iiibet meeltnj to be held al the home tr ml it t mrdonaii a pedal featiin will be mi fiddles b mis 1 i shu e piov in ial fdinilbn seirelarv ff ihe i uriel itli i w bb ll un te will be a slur oag f chrhliiwei aion mi blow read an nith u- no fihicalinti nnd after ds u slori it vas d i nhd in give a donallon in he acton public librarv the mush nl pingtatn wiei given bv two high school jirls yvonne biunelle singing two delightful slns and lorraine mullen wil ii pluno solos mrs d mclean ev pn ssed the npprei iatlnn of the in mbei- to the guis for their en pvible en lei talnment hostesses serving r efresbrnents were mrs long mrs j lephmnn mrs w ces and mrs irwin as nt 31 mny inst canadas population reached llihh3000 with ontario quebec nnd brlfcuh col umbia in that order showing th greatest increases 4 4 coniihg kvints iiirmnim i m- tua- i tl- t ill rl 1 rrl ill f t 1 1 f l r i it linr with j mn nn n i r tiv iiiiwnnrrmriili v- is a house nf cod praer as snrlrtv i i your i the ys men deserve n lot of credit for undertaking this yearlv event and citizens who support the party with donations find that it really pays off in having the child- i ren ent rtained on hallow een night october meeting greenock wi at mrs j nears my favourite book and author the new qult which the members i hail made was on display anil mis pearen had a number of boces of christmas curds for snte profits from which would go to the wi pujrjs for n supper to bo held by hut he stressed the fact that a1 men need to be saved in conclusion mr pntch said to all of us there is the cross us shaft driven into the earth from which wc live the upright pointing to heaven to our hope for last thursday night acton ys mens club celebrated the complet ion of a project started three years ago when they finished payment on the floor laid in acton arena for summer dances the obligation as- ftutned by the individual members has been met and picture shows the avrtff8 eolpg up in smoke while the club really enjoys this fire the institute were discussed mrs everlaslng life nnd its nrms polnt- it mecutcheon and mrs h reld ing lo all sldest embracing all favoured with a duet and mrs men stan hill conducted a contest at the close of the service the famous children which was won quarette tang child come home by mrs e patterson the or can 1st for both services was the me ting closed with the cbas w landsborough the national anthem lunch was terv- church was wellfilled both morn- vacton kre press photo ed and a social time enjoyed ing and evtftilng the ohje t it th place of changes and the world with is problems moves on the church too must ever be on tlw- march capable of mrvlce in ever day nnd gen eration other clergy were present taking part in the service and the piepnrcd responses of he people were a challenge to he dedicating nf ihe merit- hers of the body of christ to christian servee on sundav morning october 31 the chunh was offlrlally reopened bv the regular service conducted ia the minlstr the sermon sub- jeit was christ the foundation with text rhts4n from 1 corinth 1 1 1 for other foundation can nn man lay than is in d which u jesus christ a large congregation was in attendance t h- choir provid- ng nppmpi nte music mrs ftus- e uf ininnvilte was the guest nlmt ncvi sundav morning the first tommunion in the sacrament of the lurds supper will be ob served n the newly renovated cburch a usa tenpr named mccor- mack who possesses the highest range mans voice known in a cen tury will ting roles in the purl- tans an opera discarded for lack of a tenor able to take its higher notes ai ton fjirl ouide and brownie cookie pa this saturday nov- cmlwr fith progress ve euchre at dublin school november uith h 10 p m iadies prtvide lakeside chapter i o d k an- mini bajinr and baking sfile sat- urdav nov emtxr acton ymfa lol halloween masquernd- ar crewvms corners cancelled last week on an mini of bad weather will im- held bis frida rhco antl dunce crwkon corners hnll fridav november fith auspice of acion ijol 1t7 cood prizes re freshments admission 25c indies provide variet fair fish pond candy sjile rf work and baking ten with door prize friday evening nov ember 5th at 8 pm saturday af ternoon 3 pm pnrlih halt under auspices of st atbans guild i 92i2d0i tnxe yet to lie ol- mvd mtlille orlerel tor wlrtlef mriiwm cotiiicll httvr conferrstl with cinutriv uttu re hiiel acton council met in regular sihslan on wednehihiy evening wllh colinelllois a melvaae w j me- lend i dnpiihitccve w j oon iming present iteeve v 1 mcciilchcoii ireiildeil town foreman ktrloiesh retiinl- ed eight inlbi iii hiittu fence for places about i own this permis sion was gi anted the itehtlon of plowing snow at nig hi it wiih dhictimmed a mo tion wiih iohi lo have ihe neeusriiv lights llislalled on ihe ttuck o plow the miiow at night a delegation was pieuni to dls- ciihs wllh council he possibility of having the youngster u plav hockey in the arena this ynr the idea behind this delegation was tp gel n certain iiumlwrofhnurii nl- hiitvd lo ihe voungtlteih eath week it wan decided that a meeting he held of ibomt inlereidfcil in the leanm along wllli the arena man- ngcuic nl mi i hat a pi ogt am oiitd he drawn up to the benefit of all concerned the report of the finance com mittee was pfinied at ffdlmvh- county halloa grading fifi jones a van rjt high school nun 13 yh men halloween lfrh p bowman mil veng w j mccehte elwthig juiors r wi k i iimiop juioii rio f j mecut heon luioih hi high schonl board vfi fll high si hool mortid ihllw can leigon wreath ififki h i lent hinari tile ii wi f i wiljhl in iimrio 7ni s fltbtl gravel ivrlm municipal woik itatloner v 1 ii hiilhme- tf- pobe 11 v f milm bullitnlrii ilvi stewar i wnnd rv on t ill v a n inl meetikf t cutn 1 vie in id i-i-itll- nh ihe vn- iteiv itniiid in dim iei ihe blllld- inj- nf a chapel antl crvpt it wi flr ibal to eret i and oulp a sir able building wmibl tost ip- mxloiaielv tp bk q he c- er boar f i hail gone into the po slbllltv nf ere ting mi ii a hulln- ing nnd had viewvl a numb of buildings w tilth have been tlfrl tl foi tin purpose it wan fell that 1 tone building woiljrl 1w the most tiriabe and ll should in built nfnr ihe ntyle of a hiirrli tin fur rilhldngh would likely tost three tf four thousand dollari council fim that a start should b- rriiide in lav log aw a a portion o die tost so thfil eventually fhs building fould le ere ted tbi matter oum be tllhcusstvl with next years council so that monle i could be laid aside it was nto felt that donations may te rechv- et that woud help th tost council dljuhwfl the fixing of th- sills tn the curling kink it was derided to rnis t at the anan on thin vlav to devide what was needed io make it is building snf- for us- w ti nccrpt- innme of council aga n dlsussed the in stallation nf no parking signs in front of dr kinniji office it was derided not to install thr signs the clerk wo instruetevl to or der vr yartls rf sand for the street 4 a nijtltn was tnssed prorlalm- tng thursdu novmbr 11th a dav of ilcmembrnnr- and that a letter b iwnt it the industrie re- fjuehng their t reoperation in al low ing rtn one w hr wish to attend the services b twiin 10 am and 1pm a hospital ncrrnjnt erj vi crun il for nn an industrial school a ont met wni r m imrwrlal tobacco co rime clock in the arena a letter fcpi the fire inder- wrltcrs asked alour f re alarms and waler supplv dur ng the hw- er hlnckouta tills w ns to be checked wllh fire czlilef brrmn at once clerk mcoeachl reported that the total outstanding taxes re- rrialnlng unpaid are 2120 01 and after next meeting order will be issued for their collection council issued instructions that th band must comply with regu lations and present their books for checking w ed for vlfh the knox lolrd anniversary services alhtraixan honey sunday november 7th at 11 ajn i and 7 pm annual turkey supper during tjie current flaandal and concert monday november year australia wl auppry the un- 8th 68 pm adults 100 children td kingdom with 10 thousand ton under 14 50c i q hqney

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