Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 4, 1948, p. 2

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nam two the acton pree press thubhday november ims qhje artrnt 3frrp jutbb publlahad bvary thuraday at actoo ontario ttlt pot wltc i acond cli department otu auttitwticj uepatmu utiawa sodscuiption kates- p j vane unllaj stataa oe hldlllonal stnru cmi 6c holh ou ihjhiw atmr ahould wm j at atliifaai la fattliaalad aovertihnl watofi application ivan in vavloui column haadlaa 1 arrov th vt although vry pracauun will b tahan to vll praa pf a ajvarluloat itf th umwrtanltn that it will 111 lt cnl udi i km a for any arrovln ay vwartlamal publuhaj hcrauntlrr utiun a proof of auch mlvetunint if tiuat in wrltlrttf by the advartlaar and vm turned to the km iv bualnea offlea duly auu t1 by th advartuar awtf with aueh arror or cor rtlom plainly notvd in writing threort ami h that caia if any error to nolad la not corrrtm by tli kra fi ita nihility thai not crd such a nratvortlon ol th antlr coat of iueh advrtlamnt ai th ipae tmcuplj by the noted arror baari to th who ipae occupud by auch alvrtlimnl g aklor dius killlor tkiephones- fdltorul and hualnais ofllrc i4 acaldcnca jjj ixm in october compares with 142120 killowatts in august which itself was 10 per cent higher than the previous summers peak the keen demand jor rural electrical services continues and will likely continue for a number of years evid ence of this istound in the fact that at the end of october 1047 there were on hand and in immediate prospect some 31000 rural applica- ants requiring service in lmh to servo part of this group it would be necessary the report states to construct 5300 miles of new primary lines the commissions objective is to serve some 30000 new consumers in 1 048 nnd to con- trtict 3400 miles of new rural lines a splendid program of expansion but some thing like building n new railroad without any rolling stock it appears that ontario has fail ed to provide adequately for this new or the old field with sufficient power all of which pro- es that the cackle came before the egg or the people arc ahead of the leaders iocriioii3iiol recollections ol acton lfo1 leis have the fads we are interested to note recently that the county assessor had made a report to county council on the progress of the county assess ment in halton we vere disappointed however in that the report gave only the number of as sessments under the new system in each muni cipally we would like to know and we feel the gen eral public has a right to know how the new figures are going to apply in each municipality now that assessments have been made under the new plan in all municipalities it should be an easy matter to give examples showing osscs- ment under the old rate and assessment under the new schedule it should be an easy matter to select in each urban municipality three residences three retail establishments and three industrial plants and give the present and the proposed new as sessments in rural townships three typical farm assessments could be given these ex amples should be selected by county council as giving a broad picture of the whole plan and its general effect on the county county council passed the new assessment plan and now have a further responsibility in keeping the public informed on the progress and what it means to the taxpayer responsi bility did not end when the system was decided upon an informed public is generally a fair public but lets have the facts on county assessment figures now that they are ready a marked improvement most folks arc delighted with the gradual improvement being shown in the observance of halloween somewhere in the past ages the custom of destruction came to be associated with the last night in october there was no justification for it or in fact anything associat ed with the night that called for such observ ance but like all bad habits it grew and grad ually became more serious it will take time to eradicate the nonsensial destruction entirely but a fine start has been made in the past few years with the children and young people and halloween is getting a saner and more enjoyable observance as the result of the parties arranged by service clubs its the same old story that if parents and children join in the fun together a very happy time can be had but if the children arc pushed off on their own there is no estimating the trouble that can be concocted on halloween or any other night theres an improvement in the observance of halloween that will grow for the better for both young and old perhaps the changed at titude will spread to other days than october 31st we may some day find more pleasure playing together and less in war destruction if we get the right attitude back in 1898 taken from tlw iwii of th vrwm 1tva t thurndky novmtwr 4 ihoh tin honor roll for october for nitnnuoklmrn school lonrtt the fol lowing imu m wat hon x mc donald j i iinirwm m kennedy mnhol mnnn h wtttaon i donney i dohhfo a hmtltfimon s cole iiorhii mrum m mownt k dcn- hoy tenn moffnt m mcdonald s wnlkon g moffnt a mcnrtlr teacher a very happy family reunion wflh hold yorlerdny at the home of mr tint mr grtiike ilytitln 210 slmroo st toronto tlu occasion bona tlto kohun wedding dny of tltlt oslrcmod couple parents of mr georce ilynds acton who j wer ihomfudves for yonrac rfrfd- dent here the bpworth lenug is to lie congrntulnwd upon the succes of helr anna nnd story recital on hal loween nlrhl a inrrf nudlcncc nn- semhled nnd the program wns of a character nt once refined enter- tninlng nnd nierltorious this community wns thrown into il deep rloom tuerdny mornlnc when it bwnmo known that mr denjnmln wntklna had died from injuries he received when his horse ran nway on monday even ing upkcttlnn the burry which fell upon mr watklns died coniky at hurfnlo ny on krldny 2hth or october katie daughter of mm hrldret conley sjpeyslde ared 1 years cook at his home lot 29 con t kwiuettlnr on tuesday novem ber lst joha it cook nrhl c1h yenrs robl r hamilton optometrist ok guklpi i will lx nt dr g a sirrsjmice tiikhikav novkmnrk bth t3o aso lm miktk bvkmkjut heuvick ijmiss allan reg ciuropodiht trru foot aolmnnu ckr- tlr llaht comtarimble aoh- 4 of leautxir or ntel 1u pr- frrod 2v altthur st gueuh ilume 1300j j government of canada bonds 4 dua november 1 1958 have best called or payment november 11948 thm bond thould b pmntd lo rdmptlon with all coupons of laf jot attached no urtkeif inurwt will be paid oh thom bond afur novmtr iri 1948 f -v- exports to vs soar canadas exports to the united states soar ed to a fantastic height in september the fin ancial post is informed preliminary calculations suggest a figure of 165 million this is far greater than anything achieved in the wartime peak and almost double the corresponding figure of september 1947 in the first eight months of this year can adian exports to the us have averaged 110 million monthly in the same period last ear the monthly average was 80 million several factors hae contributed to the phenomenal upswing in our exports to the unit ed states 0 a big flood of canadian cattle and beef into the u s the september ship ments are estimated at between 20 and 30 million 2 an upsurge in exports of manu factured items stimulated by pressure from the canadian doirifttonservatronrestrictions 3 continucd hea shipments of canadian base metals lumbers newsprint pulp and paper items bijjkefil killer to the motor car goes the dubious distinc tion of being the major violent killer on this continent points out the financial post last year 4129 people or more than 10 a day lost their lives on the highways of canada in com parison the murder is n puny enemy only by exercising everlasting caution can we hope to curb these mounting losses in traf fic killed and maimed the authorities must be more careful in issuing permits to reckless and inefficient drivers in eliminating hills curves and other proven danger spots along our streets and highways above all the average motorist must ibe made to realize that every time he gets behind the wheel he is operating a machine which through a little carelessness orthis part cah become as quick and deadly as a machine gun back tn 1928 troni tkp vuun of mm vrrv vr of thursday november 1 192r mr a mccann has sold his res idence on itilll street to mr hlrnm fisher who will remove to acton mr john chnpman who hns boon superintendent of st alhann sun day school for the pnst throe years irts presented with a teachers bible hefore his removal to tor onto to take a new sltuntion halloween parties wcro enjoyed by younr peoples rroups tjie past w eek uev george w barker or grace cliurcji toronto and former pas tor of acton church wns the spec ial speaker at anniversary ser vices of acton united church last sunday difj wilding at frwport ont on sllnilav october lh ljju mrs john wildinn niece of mr and mrs lobn 3ui linebam i kimmkiiman- on saturday oc- i tuber litb 1vjh iuv lurhnrcl krnest zimmerman u a ol mnorcficld arod 41 years i editorial notes for those who must do it early this is the month for christmas shopping we cant be reminded too often that we must save all electricity possible if the present shortage is not to bring more dire consequences television sets are coming on the market and the price range i between 700 and 800 these expansion without provision the fortieth annual report of the onaro hydroelectric commission which came to hand a few davs ago contains some interesting information on rural hvdro service at the end of the fiscal year october 31 1947 there were nearly 196500 rural consumers of all classes supplied through rural operating ureas served by 24400 miles of rural lines despite shortages of materials and men 21000 new consumers were served and 1000 miles of primary lines were built of the new consumers 17 300 were served from existing lines in october the aggregate of the monthly peak loads recorded for all rural operating areas reached a new maximum of 140625 kilowatt 195500 h p an increase of 20 per cent the report notes thit in previous vears the maxi mum aggregate power sold in rural areas oc curred during the summer months of julv oi august in the latter part of the summer ol 1947 however so rapidly were customers being added to the rural lines that the usual drop in load following the exodus from summer res orts was more than counterbalanced by the in creased demand from permanent residents in rural areas the peak of 146625 kilowatts established j but theyre parts yet not essential to liy ing men want pep vim normal vitality thousands r vig easy way a tit fmtlnc waak miomm wornout rundown i rr than your yearn try a itltla mpnlng up with iilmuutln invlforatlnf fawlialliinir blood- nvrncratlnji uairc iamclkljy advuad nr man un or 40 w or ful fnata ilitu saw tm wqualnml ww only uml try uttrai tool tab- im getting greater while most commodities show high prices the irish are having their day with canadian potatoes retailing at very moderate prices and in good supply egg production aylmer whole dill golden bar or rlchmello creese ml 27c flteahly oltound coffee romarpkg l7e51o aylmek bweet crushed ftneapple 14 37c choice caufollnia peaches ffl 358 butjt pitted dates lasoe size 40 x9c 50 26c quick quaker oats lc- rrco red oohoe salmon s 34c marshall white honey j 5c green oiant fancy peas 20 02 tin 19c ayxmer tomato juice 2 20 02 tins 2ic prunes 19c 2 pl 35c it or according to the farmers advocate a lead ing agricultural journal the mad rush for education and white collar jobs is slowing down i and the university enrolment in the freshman year is substantially less all across canada in the parlance of bigger business we might explain that due to conditions beyond our control last weeks and this weeks issue of your hometown paper are the work of a loyal staff who are getting out the issues without assistance from the editor we thank them and know youll enjoy the change too until repairs are completed t kp your brna at thrtr mltlilmt at the peak t klacui with coop lay mash matalnlfif all rami ual protelnj wliurmla anj cornflakes keiaooos peanut butter bomar 37c mincemeat mafubleap 12 39c cut mixed peel iouro 35c ogilvies t biscuit mix fko 41 c ginger bread 28c hot roll mix pko 28c lfupfets pko aic johnsons waxes glo coat s9c 98c paste wax liouii cleaning auaju pouaimio s9c x07 waxffc 59c ontario has a new premier chosen by one of those bloodless contests that popular member for peel hon tom kennedy who has been in the legislature for 29 years is now at the head of the provinces affairs a man who hasstond high in the public life of the home community for that long must be a pretty sound man for such a position we can anticipate more fulfil ments and less promises under his steady hand and long experience carrolls dandee tea pko 37 7ac christies fruited pudding ai 35c assorted enqlisn biscuits lb 5oe fancy greek oiant for christmas overseas aylmeb dipt packages ussxs ul chikces p10l jell0 lemon pie or puddings 170 wax beaks 7 milton district co op affiliated with vitmcb rasmsaul do4hrttahvic co ltd seedls larke 9gy jrapefrllt no 1 ontario onions juicy florida oranges size 216 doz imported iceburu lettuce jlue hd 6 10 19c lie business directory medical dh w g c kenney rhyiobui mnd bursvon sycauor td dr j a menlnao offleo in symonulock mill sl acton ltl mionn id utoldonoa ht lbom iso dk d a garrett ihyiouui utd hurgoou krodwlclc stroot acton kormcrly dr nolnonn omioe otrku phono xh ijcinldoum 34s uentat or k j buchanan dcntal hurctson offlro ioluhmnn block mill 8 offlco hour 0 a m to 6 m xray telephone hb dr george a sirrs dautai huratwn mill st corner fredorlck acton oftlco ilouru 000 am to 5j0 pjm telephone10 l wilson doctor of chlrptm4jt cllrorfantlt doll tolophono building acton phono 303 hours 10 am to 8 pm leo ax c f leatherland ba aoton uarrulor si solicitor notary pouw office 22 phones ruldauaa 11 11 lever hoskin clmrtoreil acoountauiu succcuoru to iiknkjnh a hardy 1103 metropolitan bids victoria st toronto vbteiunahy b d young vs bvsc veterinary hurgeoa office lirookvilk ontario phone mlilon 146r4 f g oakes vs bvsc veterinary hurgbon office ami residence knox av aclon phono 130 mihceijnkou8 johnstone rumley victor b kumley funeral home llnutxl ambuiavbe solving the community for 45 years ihnrif 30 nlrhl or dny willoughby farm agency lnrefit jic oltlest agency in canad i lend office kent bltft toronto ciorktown kepresentatlve tom hfiwson ihona georgetown 8s2w travelleits guide gray coach lines coaches leave acton kant hound nf 11 urn b7ll am 850 ajn 11 lb m 2 06 p m 4 41 pjn 0 il pm 8 2tt p m dlo 5g pjn- westbound to strntfortl 10 44 am 1z i m 2 5ijm529pm724 pjb xu m pm yll u pm to iowlon 10 44 am ltt pm a52jpm 7 24 p m bol p m a- except sundays and holiday t sunday and holldnya 1 saturday sunday and holiday xlo kitchene daily to stratford suimityandttoirdaya y lo kitchener only railways canadian national standard time kauitlhiund iait tu am unlly exctfpt sundays 0 5j n m 7 10 pm sun day only h lj pm dolly except sunday klyer at georgetown 637 pm imuy flyer at georgetown id 11 pm west hound dally except monday 1 17 ara monday only 12 09 am dally ac cept sunday 8 41 am 0 50 pjsw 7 44 p m saturday only 2m pjn sunday only 9 4j am flaextop klyor at uelph except sat and sun g 16 p m radio service guaranteed repairs to all make and models manning electric phone 230 1

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