Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 4, 1948, p. 5

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v hubspay november 198 the acton free press -pjmhb-jv- m mr pan mclean is in the tor onto general hospltal mr hoy wahjfcorough of tor onto was in town oji monday miss joan somervllle wbi home trom toronto for the week-end- mr and mrs frank manton of toronto visited friends tn town on sunday mr and mrs jos held pnd fam- tly ot hamilton visit in town on tuesday mr and mrj georire mawui spent the w4ckend with friend in detroit mrs jbjj vanntorman and jack of gnelph visited this week with mrs robt vannorrnan mrs jan russell and miss betty of unlonvmevlshed with mr and mrt john wood on sunday mr george elliott and miss shirley s3 hot t wrehoiae from toronto for the weekend mr miller gray of samla vis- ited wltw his couidns mr and mrs john c dehhts this week v mr robert mdpherson of tor- onto vteited a- few days last week with his brother mr a m mc pherson mrs anderson tn stamford spent the weekend with her son rev jm anderson and mrs anderson at the manse mrs ii m mcdonald is spending a week or so with her daughter mrs norman small and mr small at niafiftr falls mrs gertrude ramshaw of tor onto hns been visllinr with mr and mrs arthur swnekhnmer and ot her relatives this week mr nnd mrs siunrt mllllffnn mrs e g bell mrs e hannn all of toronto visited with mr nnd mrs alfred long on sunday mr nnd mrs kenyon of benms- vllle mr nnd mrs n wilds doug las nnd carolyn of vlnelnnd visit ed with mr nnd mrs wilds on sunday mrs robert reld nnd miss lnurn reld of hamilton visited with mr nnd mrs chns lnndsborourh nnd attended the anniversary services here on sunday mr and mrs alfred long and miss hildagard long of toronto nnd mr wm corking of hallcy- bury visited saturday with mr nnd mrs alfred long mrs reginald johnstone of tor onto was in town over the week end her sinter mrs symon re turned to toronto with her to spend a few days there mr and mrs aubrey allan of detroit were here over the week end and visited with the formers sister mrs a m mphcrson and mr mcpherson and other rela tives- here mr nnd mrs c h hnrrison mr nnd mrs j snult mnry peggy and catharine mr and mrs j wlndeler nnd beth all of toronto visited with mrs d c russell nnd mr nnd mrs edwin lnndsborougn sundny mrs c foroe of gnlt was tlie guest of her daughter mrs ed ward ferguson nnd mr ferguson rlddoll street woodstock- -injinn- or of her mothers birthday mrs ferguson entertained n number of rolntiws among the visitors won mr and mrs e h force nnd son dick of gnlt mr nnd mrs e s force mnry jnne nnd kliznbeth of acton h r force nnd sons don nnd rod mr nnd mrs c v force of guelph mr nnd mrs g r force nnd pnisy of hamilton snttrb qlburtb at eanaba bkv louts pickebino parsonage- bower avenue sunday novbmueil 7th 194h the sacranient of the lords sup per will be administered at the morning service at eleven sermon the uplifted christ 1315 ajns our church school the ovonlng service withdrawn at- tending the presbyterian church anniversary service at 1 pm our church anniversary services sunday november 14th 1 you are weloosne flrtkbgmmt bhttrfh lit sauaha knox church acton rev x m attdessek ba mo sunday november 7th 1948 anniversary services 1100 am and 700 pjn special speaker rev f g stewart of st andrews church kitchen er special music 1215 sunday school they that wait upon tho lord- shall renew their strength baptist fihurrh aoton rev csias r oovver mtalster thursday and friday nov 4 5 special meetings led by the tor onto baptist brotherhood sunday- november 7th 1948 1030 am sunday school 1130 am final meeting led by the baptist brothprhood mr george a hnrrap special music 1230 nm communion speaker t albtm a ginrrh anglican rector rev w o luxtoh ba sunday november 7th 1918 trinity xxiv remembrance sunday 1000 am sunday school 1100 am holy communion be ginners class 700 pm evening prayer this church welcomes visitors wanted amattf talent of all dcflcriptions musicians singers and other entertainers roxy theatre acton acton ys men hear story of arctic trip mlchnel btvr senior student nt- t ending the university of toronto described his experiences north of the arctic circle nt the regular dinner nicrtinr of the ys mens club inst thursday ills father is dr heer of the chemistry depart- ment of reardmore fc co here mlchnel was selected by the can adian government inst summer to assist in establishing wenthir sta- tlons in the fnr arctic one great hnndlcnp to accurate weather an alysis in cnnnda he asserted was the fact that weather stntlons fir the northnn over so0 miles npart len vine jfrvnt jjiipi where weather data is unobtainable illustrating his polnts with pho- topmphs nnd colored slides he des cribed the hazards of the short arctic summer nso the simple but satisfying life of the eskimos bob parker on behalf of the club presented gifts to tom jones nnd the vnnolls brothers for their assistance in installing nnd remov ing the dance aqot from the ar ena this floor u now clear of debt and in n colorful note burning ceremony the evidence of this for mer indebtedness asevnded in smoke and flames major newman recreational director of the georgetown dlstrlct has consented to address the club net meeting on the problems of adult education in our modern world ephead optometrist eyes examined scientifically hearing aid batteries quick repairs to glasses binoculars field glasses etc m st aeorffes 84 phone 1529 guelph est jo yean roxy theatre halloween iarty grand event children of acinnd district enjoyed a bpeclaltreat last satur day afternoon at the roxy the atre manager geo robinson had prepared a special halloween party for the youngsters and aome 300 members of the hiovle club and friends partook of the fruit cake candles and balloons handed out ushers joan mccrea dehlla maclntyre and gregory barr were all dressed up in traditional hal loween costumes in keeping with the occasion mrs robinson led in community singing and in addition to the regular features extra car toons were shown on the screen lutle fiveyearold leslie duby won the birthday prize and spoke a few words over the microphone the kiddles are looking forward to the big christmas party thtf roxy is plahhlng for the young bters next month additional hydro cut brings more local restrictions the jordanlappin wedding saturday in knox church cijcajung auction sale hlolc- ouu herfetw implu- mats kte the undersigned hnve received instructions from 10a lpatiilotfirrone to sell by public auction nt hi fnrm lot g con 3 township of esqueslng third line on kattlrdav november nth commencing nt 2 oclock the following houses nnd harness 1 pcr- choron gelding aged odd cillnrs blanket- etc 1 brown mare 10 years old would make saddle mnro 1 set henvy bnckbnnd har ness almost new cattle 3 durham steers 2 years old nbout 750 lbs each 1 white durhnm heirer nbout 750 lbs 2 durham heifers nbout goo lbs 1 durhnm steer about goo lbs g pnrt poll angus steers nbout goo lbs 1 bnby beer imphements furniture wood etc jwheele1 cnr trailer with solid rnck sultnble for horses tires in excellent shape inthrow disc 2- wheeled trailer with open rnck nnd box cock- shutt 2furrow tractor plow 2 wnlklng plows 2 hp gns en gine int root pulper mh cut ting box hnnd or power pile of cednr ralls no of pine logs jnmeswny oil brooder large size con- henter jamoswny oh brood er smnll size sheet metal wood honter congoleum rug 12x9 congoleum rug 9x10 both rugs now forks shovels bars doubt pulleys etc no reserve ns the fnrm irf sold terms gnsh settlement with clerk dny of sale r r ford clerk 182 hlndley and elliott auctioneers unreserved dispersal auction sale in eraimosa township cows young cattle and hogs iron anything eier faster better with the new auto gladirom won in half the time with half the work the famous brooklyn bridg is to b wdnml to aeeoaamodat dx streams of traffic irs eompamy new its wicaliy mmen7 come in and try it i manning electric phone 20 acton the undersigned hnve received instructions from fraser plummer to sell by public auction nt his fnrm lot 4 con 7 ernmosa sltunted on the eramosaerin town line m miles north of crewson corners on thursday november 11th commencing nt 2 oclock the following cows red shorthorn cow due jan 7th roan shorthorn cow due february 21st ronn short horn cow duvapril 1th ayrshire cow due februrtry 1th hereford cow due march 7th heretord cow due march 1lth holsteia cow bred october 2nd hoist eln cow freshened october 1st these nre good dairv cows nnd hani milk ed holstein heifer bred sept 23 holsteln heifer bred october 9th brindle heifer bred october 2nd 2 open holsteln heifers short horn heifer fnt young cattle 4 yrrlln shorthorn steers 1 yearling short horn heifer 3 shorthorn hiters rising 1 yewr 1 ayrshire mm for rising 1 year 2 holsteln 1-ier- rising 1 yenr 5 holsteln spring calves 2 fall calves hocis york sow due at time or sale york sow bred october 2nd york sow bred october 7th york sow bred october 9th tnm- worth bonr 7 months old young pigs 26 thrifty chunks miscklijvnkous 500 bus of feed turnips portland cutter 3 steel barrels 3 5gnlori cans 1910 desoto sedan it not prev iously sold terms cash on hay or sale this is the proprietors 2nd sale nnd it will- be conducted ns tlu pnvious snle no reserve and no hyblddlng lunch counter k baptu clerk hindley nnd elliott auctioneers ph 19r5 rock wood or 177j milton will be hour luadkout monday lo friday industry co- oerates to kcp pay envelopes fsdl last friday the hejpc of on tario advised the acton utilities commission that effective this week a further reduction of 1500 kwh dally must be made in local consumption this was in ilne with a general further reduction in quotas throughout the province made- necessary by lack of rainfall in vital powerprod udng areas the u til ties commission asked industry to meet with them 011 monday night to see what could be done in view f this further drastic cut in quota the meeting studied every poyjlhlc means af saving in an effort to avoid long and numerous blackouts and small er pay envelopes it was finally agreed that even with many ad justments of hours and night shifts for industry and a dally blackout of one hour the now reduced quota could not he met entirely as a result it was decided to brides mother received in a make the best possible ndjustment of hours nnd shifts for industry hnve n blnckout one hour monday through fridny from 4 to 5 pm nnd immediately petition the he pc of ontario for some relief to offset the balance of the quotn a committee of four wns np- polntod to mnke ic presentation to the provlnclnl commission nnd on tuesday visited officials of the hepc in toronto nnd put the ense before then as a result of this visit hejpc officials visited vacton ewdnesday mornlnp met ngnln with the committee nn1 n greed to give every consideration ond some relief in view of the ef fort acton is putting forth in the emergency consequently it is now felt that if fullest cooperntlon is continued no further ndjustmqnts or restric tions than those now in force will be necessary french grey cirepc gown blnck accessories and n corsage 0 roses the grooms mother nsslit- ed wenrlng n blnck dress blnck accessories nnd n corsnge of red roses for going nwny the bride chose nnvy blue gnbnrdlnc suit navy accessories nnd a bluelsh grey short le conl and corsnge of white carnations the linppy couple left nmld showers of good wishes to toronto nnd ningnrn falls guests were present from tor onto thlstletown mount forest montlcello conn rlvervlew or- nngevlllo port credit milton georgetown glen willlnms nnd acton on their return they will reside in acton m red cross rannockrurn school halloween party the junior red cross of ban- noclcburn school arranged a hal loween party for friday october asthr cnmes costumes and stunts were enjoyed during the nftemoon the clrls prize went to margnret morrison in her ghost costume and the boys prize to frank benton as the old witch who later told fortunes the pumpkin chnso wns won by lillian philips nnd dorothy mc donald nnd the pumpkin hunt was tied by leonard ztons ave in ft rocher nnd frank benton mrs robertson wns on hnnd and play ed for songs games nnd dnnces a few visitors dropped in to nda to the gnlety wltsn rj ckom ejatmi b tur to inquire atwul tonlu lttnias jtwimykiilj anj aiv three wo atjvanhisaii tonelite cuts off the dsnser- oui ultraviolet rsyi that other wie reach your eyei tonelite odmtta all other rsy useful to vision roneliteaddt to your appear ance because its delicate tints blend with your complexion jj fil tone- lite lmnfti cecil a carr saage optical 8 oouglus st tl 1091 giielph otit farm porums start season in halton county by lillian collier gray on november 1st fnrm radio forum got under way for the ninth consecutive year next year well be able to tell how many group3 met in hnlton county we think this yenr is going to show n con siderable increase in numbers over inst yenr and that is not only go ing to be true in hnlton but it looks as if it will be the case nil over ontnrio nnd maybe canada for the information of nny per sons who mny not know what the farm forum is national farm radio forum is a listenlng-nnd-dls- cusslon group project for the fnrm people of cnnndn it is sponsored jointly by 3 dominionwide non profit nnd nonpoiltlcnl orgnnlx- ntlons the canadian association for adult education the canadian federntlon of agriculture nnd the cn nnd inn broadcasting corporat ion ijist season 1351 groups or fnrm forums met nnd reported regularly throughout the fall and winter months ovor 23000 people belongod to these groups halt on county hns never had n county farm forum roily but oho is now being planned by the county executlye forums wilj ne notified ns to the dnte and place- ir you have a forum in your com m unity or if you would like to have one or if you are just inter ested you will im welcome at the rally next week nnd oneh wek fol lowing we shall try through this space kindly contributed by your local newspaper to tell you what hnlton forumltes nre thinking and u lst yellow and mauve mums formed a pretty setting fn knox prerfy- crlan church acton on saturday october 30th at 230 oclock when tholina mabel lappln elder daugh ter of mr and mrs jf d lappln became tike bride of gilbert issue jordan son of mr and mrs h jordan acton in a double ring ceremony rev j m anderson officiated mr ted hansen ac ton played the wedding music and mrs b veldhuls sang the lordti prayer during the signing of the register given in marriage by her father the bride looked charming in n floorlength gown of ivory satin n fitted bodice with skirt falling into a train hor sweetheart head dress held her fingertip vol and she carried a cascade of red roses and babys breath wins del ores lappln sister of the bride was her only attendant she wore pink brocaded nylon halo headdress and matching mit tens she cm r rind pink rosea mr melvln jordan brother of the groom was best man the njihors were enrl jordan brother of the groom nnd mervln bngnnll uncle of the bride at the reception at tlve yjmca in 194g canadians paid almost exactly 75000000 for admissions including amusement taxes to the dominions 1500 motion pic ture theatres that amounts to slightly more than six dollars pftr capita and would allow for 19 shows in the year for every man woman and child since average admission price was 329 cents clearing auction sale in the township of ernmosa of uv stock tractor farm im plements hay grain etc doing and remember nights forum night monday ratproop wallboard makers of newmnlllng material claim it will keep rats out of chick en coops farm storage rooms etc says n flnnncinl post report a combination of hardwood veneer nnd an asphaltimpregnated fibre fnce mntcrinl it is nonpoisonous but in tets it was found that while rats gnawed through g ordinary wood easily they barely scratched the surface of pratekwpod the undersigned hnve received instructions from clarence gamble to sell by public auction nt his fnrm the west half or lot 11 con 4 ernmosa sltunted nbout l mile south 0 2 highway at the centre inn on wednesday november l7th commencing nt 1 oclock shnrp the following tractor equipment inter national lolk tractor on steel li ic lifurrow plow bisse doub le disc mh springtooth cultlv- ntor bell cutting box with car riers ihc l hp engine floury chopper go ft of fi bolt house drawn implements bisvll roller mh corn cul tivator m h lidisc fertllor drill nearly new 2 sets of har rows walking plow mh 7 ft binder in first cnss condition cockshutt spreader new mccor- mick mower drill plow m h side delivery rake f a w drnp- hend liny lender dump knk 2 truck wngons hav rnck bench sleighs sleigh plntform 3seated light sleigh portlnnd cutter buggy democrat rubbertired buggv stone boat 2 pulpers pet- hnmiltnn t7tpoth cultivator with broken wheals realty exten sion indder chatham fanning mim 1m0 lb scales block nnd tackle 1 cyclone seeder wheeled pint- form myuck platform scales scuf- for distributor pipes for silo 1 brooder houses fattening crnte hoppers etc brooder stove set single harness sen of team har ness with hrnrhlncs set of back hnnd harness collars bridles etc overland 2g conch for re- nnlrs a quantity of scrap iron 1 boxes bnrrels chains nnd the ui- j unl line ot small fnrm tools grain hay etcahs ton of i mnv if no prevlouslv sold 200 j bus alnx onti 300 bus mixed grnln 75 hits galore barley 100 hus buckwheat iousehoid effects i h c oram separntor churn butter bowl milch pnls and n quantity 1 f household furniture xvs blue grev hereford fresh hreford heifer tresh grnv i ford fresh red ov hrel mny rd hereford tow bred tnlv 10th heriford cow hned july llth holsteln hereford cow bred july j2rd hereford cow brd august nd hereford cow hrefl sept 29th hereford helferhred young cattie all sird by a purebred herford bull 2 steers 2 yrs old 3 heifers nslnf 2 yrs 2 steers rising 2 vrs s baby beeves 1 venl calf 3 smnll fnlves you will he pend with these good hereford cntte hogs sow due deremher 15 7 wenners sheep 11 lincoln kws s ewe ijimbs terms cash no lusirve ns the farm is solrl lunch counter pleosp come on time as night tnlls early buyers coming off no 7 hlgh- wnv turn n 1 4 miles hlndtev and elliott auetlnneem ph 19r3 rockwood or 177j milton iurchafie a vetcraft wreath jow on retncfnhrance day wear a poppy greater love hath no man h s holden 7 douglas street guelph ontario visit youk new ztd afifdiahce state 1 authorized dealer premium vacuum ckum6rs polishers see tho maytag washer and quick eg cookers v pull lino canada paint and brushes irons toasters electric clocks fixtures a full line of plumbing supplies nnd many other items winnner of this weeks egg cooker premium mrs h boulton r dont gajnble aboutyour decorating needs call daw ph 236 j 15 years qualifications in old country rtlimntcs free prompt courteous service decorating in all its branches staining graining paperhanging interior or exterior work time or contract work brush or spray all work fully gunrontood david cohen peel st acton u3es usi acton fl nightly 7 and 9 pjn liatinee saturday 2 pjn air conditioned now playing thursday friday saturday 11 ftiai hids j and now tbe screen ring with mary ohans grealat adventure of the new wtt i green j grass of euyyiis cobuii aitioi louis king robert bassler monday tuesday wednesday november 8th 9th 10th haver scudoahoo soddahay lommcmlllreli2ex coming thlrsday friday only katharine hepburn in song of love mr ted ilanwn will jive a piano recital on the stage of the rxy theatre november 11 and 12 purchase and wear a poppy on remembrance day

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