Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1948, p. 1

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nw jilm seventyfouth year no il acton ontario thursday novemtifcr 1 1 tit iimh kirht homo print panes six cent knox church marked its 103rd anniversary more hku prom rxrmer actonian vor swimming pool hadnt heard from atiy of the acton old hoy and girts regard ing the community swimming pool tdnce fall fair time and we wre moderator of pnebyiay waa cheered to et note from mm oj1 i i edmtllurnl nee miss edna hint- specul ptcsschetannual w h noc maw m turkey dinner monday hlaokouls lo jconlinuellnless quota is mel halton preshyterial sectional meeting of the wms ten dollar hill which brines the ob- large- conffreeatloha attended wat sunday when knox premhyter- lan church marked iu 103rd an niversary splendid fall weather favored tha event the special speaker for the day was rev findlay cordon stew art- of b andrews church kitch ener and chairman of the guelph presbytery he gave two force ful discourses which were mltah ap preciated jectlye a little closer sou garden ave toronto 3 ontario novamw 3 1w8 dear mr dill many times in the part i have wished acton had a swimming pool i was very rhul to read about a dream come true in the free press so in memory of the old days and with bast wishes for the future rulullnu together was the uleniu- for tlw sectional meeting office rental u discussed wilh j ch tuesday october 26th mrs wnl ymca hoard at 1w- days meeting at the moraine service mr stew- x woum lk mm tribut ion to my home- town sincerely edna bums l nee illnton previously acknowledged 500 mrs hums toronto nee miss filna illnton 1000 7300 art ehosetus text from the first verse of revelations 21 and i saw a new heaven and a new earth for the evening service the text was taken from the fifteenth chapter of john it waaa continu ance of the morning sermon theme the eholr rendered special an niversary music and were assisted j total to date kt both service by miss cherry i watts of r weston who contributed royal winter the usual denominational coiir- fair will have tasry was observed at the evening market section service and the united and baptist j services wire withdrawn and the one o the feature of the msr- congregattons jcaned with knox ket section of the royal each year church and many visitors from out is the carcass competition for of town at this anniversary serv- dressed beef animals competing ice in live marked classes are eligible i for competition in a dressed class on monday evening the annual entries will be classified in thre urkey dinner was served by thv sections according to the warm ladles aid and the dinner and en- dressed weight section 1 523 lbs tertalnment provided attracted a and under section 2 s2s tbs to crowd of over s00 the culinary kis lbs section 3 623 lbs and up skill of knox ladles aid and their this is a departure from the prac- ablllty to serve an appetizing and ice of former years and permits satisfying dinner has become well animals of any pure breed cross established the turkey dinner par- or grade to compete in a section taken of on monday measured up according to carcass weight after to all standards and was complete saughter prlie awards have been in every detail increased this year the exhibit the variety program following will occupy the new freerer units lhesupper featured former metro- which were opened last year nolltan singer john rocltwood who tho royal will also offer a opened the program by present- champion and reserve champion ing in song the old refrain award in the market division of the too ra loo ra loo ra when irlsn eye are smiling and dannv boy mis frances splars xylophonlst played two numbers which demon strated her skill on this musical in strument two comedy numbors how jimmy minded the baby and a boy were recited by mrs ballen- tlne rev a calder of georgetown bass soloist sang two selections just a wearyin for you and forgotten you coronet soloist chasrtandsborough played tht sweetest story ever told ter hrownridge first vlceprwddent of halton presbyterlal was in ichnrge of the meeting acton public utlmles commission repretenlatlves were present met in regular session tuesday ev- i gratifying- reports were given enlng chairman c m hansen i lh morning session from aux- i presiding reevf f j mccutch- hlarles mission circles cfi it eon and commissioner j r mc group mission band and baby arthur were present hands many helpful suggestions superintendent ljimbert reported were- exchanged to meet newls of hint the wood on tlie frost casing different groups b the water tank wa not in good j a mqrnmb sion the bal- repair it was decided that this nf auxiliary were in charge of repair lould be made early next uk devotional period miss b ywr llllts read from nehemlah 4 and in the battery for the gasoline fire her taljj which- followed the em- pump had recently failed to start phaslied that we should build walls the engine and a new one was or- ngnlnst enemies eg gambling hered j liquor smoking etc by trusting a repair job had been done on nnrt working together we will build tlie waterworks pump and it is a christian brotherhood cltlzen- now in good running order jlilp for cnnnda and a christian a delegation from the ymca w mra j kl cll board wa present at the meeting iy at the request of the utilities com- mrs wood of tho mlllon even- mission the matter of an increase ing auxiliary led the devotlorinl in rent for the office space was dls- period for the afternoon after cussed the unities offered an in- reading passages from epheslan crease to 35 per month this in- and corlnthlnns mrs wood stres- eludes the heating of the office sed that common love of christ i hut does not include light or wnter should unite us nil in our thinking j superintendent wilson reported working and living costly spite that with the new cut of last fences liave been built between weejt acton was exceeding our nallons and these enn only lie over- quota of 20000 kwh per day by comp by the grent leavening agent around 800 kwh dally except mon- thq love of god we must lenrn- day when the consumption was to build nnd work together let us slghtly under the quota the one he suiv wo are building on the hour blackout will have to con- true foundation jcsris christ mrs tlnue if they are not increased in wood closed her devotional with duration prayer j final wnrnlngs were to be sent miss k rutherford a missionary a number of merchants who were on furlough from africa wns guest not adhering to the regulations if speaker for the afternoon she out- thls warning is not heeded super- lined the system of education from intendent wilson was instructed to the village school to the pnsslng seal the switches of the offenders of the government examinations and a servlco charge is to be made the better types of school nre the for opening the switches ngaln consolidated schools each family the following accounts were pas- roos lo tho scho rrounds and rev j anderson returns lo service army aclivefoirce leaven knox church and will lie stationed al london aj area chaplain announcement was made im week by the headquarters central command at oakv1le that honor ary capl john jock m and erson mc nnd bar nnd wartime chaplain of the highland light infantry has rejoined ihe canadian army active force he is to take up his new appointment as area chaplain at headquarters west ern ontnrlo area london in the near future rev capl anderson came to the pulpit of knox presbyterian church aclon in may 1947 and i during ills ministry here both he inml mrs anderson have endeared 1 themselves to the congregation and made many friends in acton who will regret their removnl from this community mr anderson hnsheen active not only in ills church wyirk but hns aaslstcd in community activities nnd has always been willing to lend a hand in these affairs he u n member of the rotary club and acuve in the aoton branch of the canadian legion he has been a lender of the acton boy scouts and took hat group to camp st alhans juild heij successful variety fair the si albnns guild held a very surcecsyul variety fair on friday evening and saturday afternoon the door prlxe for ihe tea were won by mrs g glbhons mrs b dodds miss m rowles mrs dyrnes nnd mrs hargravo the cake was won by mrs crensey and mrs klngsmlm their guess wa 12 lb and the weight was 12 lb 1 ox- mrs f anderson won the christmas cards no criminal cases in llallon fall assizes damages awarded for attack of dog three divorce caacsj financial report yemens club halloween party the acton ys mens club de sire to thank all those who contrlb uted toward j he halloween party held in the arena octcober 30th donations received 4400 box collections 3353 total receipts y752 tolnl expenditures xlofim total deficit of 2044 was made up by the ys mens club as their contribution to tihls annual un dertaking nationaljbeatlon or tick itrjtjftll minks one of the chief hopes behind the nationalization of britains coal industry apart from tho fact that it would produce more coal next sunday morning will see cff m thn u wlu prove the close of capt andersons mln- i between management and istry nt knox church when he will lnhnr in the coal fields so far live hog classes section oi school grounds for the scout home will require addition cuasroom for public sm for pnyttipnt hydro dpartitwit hepc iuppltps hepc insurance grand a toy supplies rcmnrton rand supplies hlchwny gnsairo gas etc force etectrlc supplies mcdonald euctric supp j as r kearney supplies cansfleld electric supplies automtlc electric supp express nnd transport northern electric bulds a grass or mu1 hut for their own children who plnn to attend school a committee is appointed s7s16 to supervise the cooking and serv- 1550 ing of food 1050 mrs hector birds much npprec- 200 intedsolo and a very lovely duet 985 hy mrs h caldwell and mrs 263 pickering of acton added much to 2219 the spirit of the meeting 1198 previous to the lunch hour help- 3710 ful conferences were held to dls- 690 cuss problems in the difforent de- 514 pnrtments 1440 the ladles of bethel wa served n delicious hot dinner s226g5 give his farewell message to the m rftc the tangible ilgns of congregation in the evening the thnt improvement are lacking tjie congregation and minister will briish mn ls now he hl join ultji the united church ih the p vwrker in brluah industry but anniversary service i fnct remains that with all the i during the recent war he served vantage sw of public i as padre with the highland ijght ownership and in spite of every infantry and landed with this klnd of pp from the govorn- unlt during the initial stages of mcnt tncro nr stin hnrl of the invaslnnof normandv he was work stoppages a year to judge awarded the military cross for i b thc n of strikes the outstanding gallantry at buron bloom ls coming off the magic france on july 8th 1914 and in d nationalization wlnnl- march 1915 was nwarded a bar v free press to the military crasg for hls brov- ery in evncuatlng hattle casualltlea in the face of enemy fire j capt anderson wns born in scotland on march 8th 1913 and i resided at port elgin prior to the war captain and mrs anderson and their two daughters will take up residence in london in the nea future the best wishes of the commun ity go with capt and mrs ahder- 1 son in their new field and the hope thnt tjtey will have opportune ity to call in acton often i i the heir to an african tribal throne is in hot water with his peo ple because he married a white girl n r november meeting esquesing council court ot revision john rockwood wturaed to ting three beautiful selections sunrise nd you a trick in the ferry nd the ever popular on the road to sjandalay miss splars pre- q ented as special request 12th street rag and as an encore you cl everybody rwrlin mrs bal lent in e gave three aelections toboggan ride ldies aid and an expremtion of thought rev calder iumed to sing when the bell in the lighthouse rings and dear lord forgive ckas landshorough gae two cor- anet solos nd john rockwood con cluded the prognuji- with thine alone old man river annie laurie and th leords pmer rev anderson chairman for the program closed the evening by pro nouncing the benediction chairman lovell presided at the regular meeting of the acton school board hetd thursdav even ing in the council chamber trus- i tees chapman balrd jones and vtaterworics ivfiahment j j power and heat at spring 50 36 canadian brass co 767 i acton auto body 14350 w d tnlhot 375 es were preaent s2058 veterans night at walker lodge monday evening on time now aha said the head clerk tm plad to notice that youre arriving punctually no mr slocomh yes sir tve bought a parrot a parrot what on earth for i told you to get an alarm clock v i know and i did but after a day or two i got used to it and it didnt wake mr so i got ihe parrot and now when i go to tsngr service bed 1 mt t vt i ttti rvvk nnd put the parnt x cage on top of lt- what that brd tas when the alarm goes off would wake up anybody a former usa bomber pilat who renounced his con u try to be come a c tavn of the world and who vlv1 hid epind in franw fouod stnciuary in the palais de chaillot aculy opened un ai- ambly stt in park cvn side red intrnstiona territor milk by atr to offset a drop in milk produc tion during september the british ministry of food is arranging to fly 50 thousand gallons of milk dally rom northern ireland to liverpool and blackpool in the biggest tlngi air freight job in britain on motion scout home accom modation was authorized on a atrip of 40 frontage on the left aide of the school lane next to school fence at south west end of the school grounds- mr mckcnzie reported that he had received two school desks from roekwood and expected to get four more mr mckenzie reported that pa rents night would be held at the school on november 18th mr mckenzie felt that there was a real need for a home and school cub in acton this met will full approval of the board an amount of 20 was authoriz ed for the purchaf of world books mr mckenzie informed the board that an additional classroom would be required to accommodate the children in 1949 the secretary was directed to ask the njih5j1 bvird to ap prove a telephone for the local high school to eliminate the nuis ance of having to provide dally the h school in connection with very fre quent long distance cals tfif finance committee reoom- mended payment of the following aorounts highway carav repairs w r bracken invurance v vinvorman repairs hargraw ful oil mii ntlr milk wivt dair mk ilut nrlvii urts m kn- xuppli andfrn upplus ont iviftiy lir up k pric supplies m pirr- ir tv phone rvires the annual war veterans night m was held in walker lodge no 321 norpiiinprrjppfinn ajp fc am on m ening llxtllluci aj1lliiji1 november 8th the candidate was i mr thomas e watson a war j veteran who is the son of wor bro perry watson who served overseas in the machine gun bat talion ot the canadian expedition ary force in the first wqrld war a very good attendance wns changes made iii ownership at present for the ceremony and wor- casesheard in milton police court yesterday theft drunk driving and fighting charges ar dealt with is arranged for nassagaweva accept tender for snow plowing and approve esqucsing council met as a court of revision on november 1st and authorized the clerk to certify to the roll presented for 1949 the re meeting of the township council was also held following the court of revision and all the councillors were present and reeeve g e cleave presided accounts passed included on tar io hospital woodstock j4g g e fs i si a brunncl smith wood 9 bell telephone and sloan charged swith the armed wm provlnce of saskatchewan m 20 g e cleave a w benton and i m bennett selecting jurors court of revision nassagaweyn township council met on monday evening nt 8 oclock in the council chamber after the minutes were read and shipftil master t m mccutcheon appointed wor bro f j salt as worshipful master for the even ing the officers taking partln the ceremony were all war veter ans wm wor bro f j safe adopted and the correspondence ij wor bro h u ritchie was read council adjourned to meet as a court of revision when the appeals of mr j k mahon and mr e d mahon to have annn chaplain bro f terry sec- s w wor bro j m steele jw wor bro w m mlddleton sd bro s snow jx bro a j buch- v r i sz vargi re vi irs s 605 79fio 19tf 2nito 45 ri a to 8 v 16579 ipji 14s5 24 0i is i5 3fil3 fi5996 ownership clanged were granted the court adjourrvd and resume as council a bylaw to ratify and confirm nn agreenent between the police village of cnmpbehville and the bell telephone compajvivte joint use of poles in the village wa given the required readings and pasmd a bylaw was also passed making provision for hoding nomination meeting to eliit a council for the tninship and schxil board for sf arn no 1 on december th 194s account amounting to jt21 on ri road superintendnts vouch- itf titl nn wrr ordend paid the usual grant to the federa- n of agriculturx was ordered pnd c an i adjourned to mih agalr r november 2th 91s at y p m or at the call of the reeve retary bro g h musselle ig bro g f tngate ss bro l r mckersie js bro e b gru- organlstf bro n turner assistants wor bro j b chalm- tr ilro c rognvaldson bro n b wright at the conclusion of the inltia- tion the 1odge held a remem- hrance ceremony and wor bro muidleton recited ln flanders fields the poppies blow by lt oil mccrea whil- memhers stood with bowed heads in memory of thoe who paid th- supreme ancri- fice on behalf nf the exserviceman wik- pre- ntif mi r id- r mirker w ldge w bro ritchie h imlg a leautlful i altar cloth nnd bible hv wer graciously f prl hy the ruling master r r t m mccutchntn after lodge i coed refresh- nts y srii hy rro ivan m it a1 h- stevariis in27g7 thtf secreary was directed to as- vevs nhhpp board kf7591 when thv village of irouoli unr prescott ontario is rebuilt salt sea water now can bo made after it is flooded out by the har- palatable by treating it with nenmng of the st lawrence rivers chemicals which combine with the rapids lt will ba a model commun- salt in the water to make an ln- ity soluble product robbery of the bank of novn soo- tla nt campbellvule in july 1947i wtls again remanded for two weeks when he appeared before magis trate kenneth m lnngdon in mag istrates court in milton yesterday when crown attorney w i dick kc asked the court for a weeks remand on requost of the defense counsel he informed the oourt he would be forced to ask for a week remand as a witness would be unavailable at that time the- court suggested accused agree to the two week rcmnnd and ordered that the preliminary hearinc be proceded uifhlhen joseph shearer charged with stealing a quantity of tobacco candy and tools from the boyne service station was remanded a week on his own request this court ha nosympathy for it ne who is drinking and unmerci fully attacking and beating up another person magistrate lan z- tlon declared when he sentenced charles hennessy crnmpton to serve one month in jail with hard labor pay a svt fine and ctwts uf s1t in default f paynvnt an ad ditional month in custody iten- neksy un convicted nn a charge of causing a disturbance and flglitlng in fnht nf the norvil hotel nn oeher 10th v acrirding to the testimony of rnviriial onsiahles ray mftmin and ale mcniven hth ntrd i- nviim1 attack lliil cameri in front of the hotel the offlr stated camerons fare was cut and cvrred with hi nod from the attack h- fore they could sejinrite the ac cused who was on top of cameron edward iogan was sent to jail for seven days when he wtis con victed on n charge of driving a car while intoxicated 15 i m bennett stapler 150 a w benton stamps 14 aoton fair board 75 enqueuing ajrrl- culturnl society 75 halton agri cultural society 25 norval jun ior farmers 25 canadian legion georgetown re poppy fund 15 hawes and nelson account 137- 40 wei louth brave 18 stew art elliot gravel 179 03 cnlms for sheep killed and for valuator amounted to 39800 and were passed relief accounts am ounted to 2785 other accounts also passed were movers school supplies 200 chairs ti80uo fire and boiler insurance premiums 192 50 w caves rent 10 road superintendents ac counts of 135341 were also pas- a settlement totween both the plaintiff and defendant was arrang ed before conclusion of tlie only jury civil damage action to be heard ut tho fall aasl in mil too this week at the court house be fore mr justice j gen est the aettlftment wns reached after the jury heard evidence on monday and tuesday if ol lowing the sudden illness of a juryman half of th defendants wit new had been heard at this time heat of the courtroom along with interest he was taking in the case was blamed for a falnuag spell of juryman norman brown follow ing the announcement of a short recess by ills lordship the juryman was revived by dr george e syer wfto wo already in the wuneai box testifying tho settlement arranged was for the defendant to pay the sum of 750 to the plaintiff for damages arising from an attack of the de fendants dog on the plaintiff mrs corn edyth wheeler plain tiff in the action was asking 2000 damages while the estate of her late hiutband harry wheeler was seeking the sum of 500 from ml myrtle b field owner of the dog which allegedly attacked the plain tiff en using injury to plaintiffs leg when bitten according to the testimony of mrs wheeler ahe had taken her small dog for a walk on tho night ot mnrch 9 1940 when she was at tacked she told the court she wa carrying her dog whon the defend ants dog ran from the fious jumped at her back and knocked her to the ground in front of mia fields residence the dog pulled my golosh and shoe off grabbed ma by tho leg tearing three holes in the flesh above tho ankle it then grabbed my loft arm as mis field came out and pried the dogs mouth open to release it witness testi fied adding she was under medical care for olght weeks tho same dog nttacked me nine years previously but did not bite mc on that occasion later it bit my niece who was seven year of ago thon under cross examination by l dingle witness said every time mis flcldsdg saw- her little peldrte- dog it would go sifter it william anderson former deputy shorrlff and mr frank menlven both testified the dog had jumped at them on occasion mis bthal brass niece of mr wheeler des cribed how she wa playing on bar aunt lawn when the dog grabbad her on the arm taking the stand in her own de fense miss field denied her dog was of vicious nature she admit ted u had attacked the smaller do but did not know that mr wheel ers nleoe was bitten until 1946 when the writ wa tued 9h also testified she had never received any complaints about her pat but those from the wheeler family describing the events on the night of march 0 1943- wltnea said she heard a scream and found that her dog had hold of mr wheelers coat sleeve she waa sitting on the sidewalk but she did not say she had been bitten i did not know until the following moh day when her husband called m at the officer mis field testified dr c h heslop said the dog had no vicious characteristic to hi knowledge and he destroyed the animal in april i94fi thos da- aney appeared for the plaintiff dr floyd bridgeman veterinary said that terriers as a type art continued on page five the resolution appointing a w benton building iruspttor was re scinded and a c patterson was appointed to this position moved by currle seconded by istie that the tender of harry beer for plowing mow as per spec ifications in ids lender be accepted mjbject to the approval of the high way department nrrled moved by reld seconded by cur- rie that the treasurer return the depii1 cheque of sheartlown and ilk on bridge contra rt carrie mmvd by reid seconded by bird that ths council adjourn to meet wedneidiy december 15th at 10 a m or at- 4 he call of the reeve carried i speaking in favor of secluded nooks in public parks f6r lovers the mayor of london ont asked ids audience to remember they were young themselves onetime 1akcslde chapter tode an nual bazaar and raking sale sat urday november 20 acton vmca acton junior farmers euchre iorne school thursday novem ber ihr at 9 sharp prize iuliea provide admission 35c 192 tho churchill womans aatocta tlon will hold their annual bazaar nnd sale of home made baking in the acton united church school room saturday november 13th

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