Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1948, p. 3

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thursday november u 1m8 the acton free press pack thrkk voters list 1948 muniopaittt of the village of acton uv the county of halton notice is hereby given that i have compiled with section 9 of the voters ijst act and that i have lated p mi vy ff1rt in affon ibntarlo on the first day ariov embet 1948 the list or all persons entitled to vote in the said mun icipality for members or parlia ment lor members or the leg1la tlve assembly of the province and for municipal elections and that each mst remains there for inspec tion and 1 hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor rected according to law the last day for appeal being the 22nd day df november 194r j mcceachle 183 clerk of the village of acton vatiwyck gleaners pickup and delivery service ph one 272 for the best in dry cleaning iron anything easier fatter better with the new of interest to women the irf y bowl tijma hello maker is the of the nation women engaged to f esslon than in any tlou we probably do the home- ie economist axe more ve pro- occupa- conslder aut gladirom on in tms timi with half yhs wokk its cdmpimiy new its kapicalty iithrenj come in and try it i manning electric phone 230 acton career pursued by noma of our jobs as glamorous as the varied sisters but like them we must give- our best efforts if we wish to be successful although we try to keep rood bills within our allowance most of us arenoo busy to keep a regular budget and account of expenditure perhaps this is muddling through but experience is a groat teacher and we tend to rely more upon it than facts and figures the garbage can is always an in dication of your economy check your food supplies constantly and ncvor never throw out anything because of neglect keep your garbage tin free of wasted food and you will have more money in your purse wlthfalamore expensive than ever and a supply to be collected dally wo review gore of fats 1 bo sure to mcasuro meat gripping for gravy making do not guess and waste it 2 render meat and fowl trim mings by putting tlirough the grinder and heat in double boiler or slow oven strain and store in refrigerator 3 watch temperatures in ovot skillet and broiler to see that you do not scorch dripping 4 chill soup stock and stews so that the fat floats to the top and forms a firm layer which can bo ensily lifted off s keep home prepared fats covered in refrigerator strain though cheesecloth before storing to remove any sediment hot vvatmtt hnokbbbkad 2 cups leas 2 tbsps sifted pastry flour 1 up baking soda up salt 1 tap ginger 1 tap clnammon 14 tsp cloves cup dripping cup granulated sugar 1 egg 3a cup light mol asses cup hot water sim mering temperature sift flour then measure add bak ing soda salt and spices and sift together on to plcco of waxed paper cream shortening until fluffy gradually add sugar mix ing until creamy beat egg until light and add to creamed shorten ing and sugar mixture and beat to gether well combine molasses and hot water add dry ingredients to creamed mixture alternately with molasses and hot water btartlng and end ing with dry ingredlentx fold in genuy after each addition nrurn batter into a greased and bake at 330 degs in electric oven floured sx8x2lnch cake tin and for 3s to 40 minutes serve warm with banana sauoe mexican oojtn ciiowdeb 6 slices bacon chopped 2 cups 1 can corn u cup chop ped green pepper 1 cup small potato cubes v up salt u tsp popper 1 tsp worcost- slilre sauce 1 tsp sugar 1 cup thick tomatoes 1 cup canned consomme 1m cups rich milk 2 tbsps flour 2 tbqw dripping cook bacon for about 2 minutes add onion and green popper and cook 2 minutes add corn and po tatoes along with sensonlngs tom atoes and stock cook for thirty minutot covered blend the milk nnd flour add to the hot mixture bring to boll and cook for 5 min utes add butter and serve hot with crackers serves 6 oxtaii soup 1 large oxtail 3 tbsps butler 1 quarts boiling water 2 thnpi barley 1 tqp ailt 1 on ion finely diced 1 carrot fine ly diced 1 tbsp chopped pan- ley 1 tsp worceitshlre sauoe ilnvo the oxtail cut into sections wipe off nnd roll in flour melt butter add the oxtail nnd brown well add the water and bring to the boll cover and simmer slow ly on nn olmpnt turned to low at thp end of an hour add tho barley nnd salt cook for hour and add the diced onion carrot and parsley add worcostshlrc sauce and cook onehalf hour longer some peo ple serve this strained to mo straining detracts from the home made flavor so servo it with all the good in it serves up to 6 fried green tohatoe8 wipe tomatoes do not peel cut in b inch slices sprinkle with salt allow to stand 1 hour dip slices in seasoned flour and saute in hot fat until tender about eight mlnutctt serve on platter around meat stuffed cucumbers g large cucumbers cup minced cooked meat cup boiled rice 1 tbsp minced par sley 1 tbsp minced onion 1 tbsp minced celery 1 tea spoon salt w teaspoon pepper 1 egg 1 cup tomato juice peel cucmbers cut in halves lengthwise remove centre boll for 10 minutes in 1 quart water to which has been added 1 tablespoon vinegar drain blend the meat rice and seasonings with egg and stuff hollows of cucumbers place in buttered baking dish pour in tomato juice cover and bake for si hour nt 350 degs pour off stock into saucepan add 1 tablespoon butter blended with 1 tablespoon flour and cook until thlckoned serve the sauce with the cucum bers serves g conservation suggestions 1 to shorten time of cooking soak rice in cold water for two hours 2 make drop cakes instead of large square cake to save time and electricity 3 keep a chock on the foodstuffs in the refrigerator and use left overs nnd perishables in order that refrigerator does not hae to operate overtime to keei them 4 honey in grapefruit juice is a good substitute sauce for use in stead of cream military air photograph has re vealed two large uncharted islands off baffin s land they are cover ed with moss and llihen i chronicles oi i ginger farm i wfcf- written specially for 1 gwendoline r cuuuue i fjjhs dont do this m pallant mill st acton ont tone lite lenses aosorb harmful ray and alar became they redfhcslely tinted they blend with the compleiion nd st ths same tune keep annoying and harmful glare from your eyes av us about tone lite lenses i cecil carr saaff optleal b douslus st tv 10bi cuejph out s s what you can do with a car given the time money opportunity and courage john the young fel low who has made thu his home off and on for seven years and who last august felt the lure of the west in his bones is now back home again he left alberta on a wednesday went on to the rock ies over to the states back to canndn and then straight horn covering about three thousand miles nnd arriving here about five pjti the following tyicwiny no flat tires no motor troubled no un due excitement of any kind nnd a fellow with him to shnro expenses also he has come back with n grcnt liking for the west he had n good job with n young couple who treat ed him like n brother and who would hnve kept him hnd there been nny work for him anywhere around but nppnrently there wasnt hecnuw ns john puts il tho weit it n gront country nn i you enn enm big money for nwhlle but then comes the time when there w not money nnd no work cither the opposite nocms true of farm ing district in ontario there nre still more jobs than men to fill them tomorrow tohn starts in on n new job just n few miles from home one of several he could hnve hnd as for us wo nre getting rondy for our flnnl threshing this reason the machine is supposed to comi in tomorrow wo shnll be ver glnd because we nre nbsolutely out of cereal grain but still wo hnve neighbours nnd like mnny a farm er before him when partner needs chop then he borrows grain from our neighbour ncrots the rond in just the same wny another neigh bour borrowed seed wheat from js until he had his own threshed whnt would we do without neighbours that question reminds mo of n book i reed n few years ngo concerning a mnn who decided to go farming he also mnde up his mind ho would have no inter ference from anyone and wanted no neighbours or friends or rolnt- lons to visit him to this end he bought a farm in nn extremely isolated locality there he brought his loynl and lovable young wife nnd practlcnlly forbade her n-ssoe- intlng with the few neighbours who did ike in tho district two boys were born to the young couple and thtlr fathers hostile nntl soc- inl attitude nnturnlly mnde life dif ficult for the boys nnd nlso their mother it is n tragic story but well worth rending tho title floods of spring h henrv bcllnmnn nnd first published in 1012 and while on the suhject of books i wonder how mnn hnve rend the owl pen by ktnnoth wells i hnve rend mnny reviews of his book henrd the author on the rndlo and inst tuesdnj had the plensure of meeting mr wells at n gntherlng where he was giving n short address nnd yet so fnr i hnve not rend his book but i still hnve hopes of borrowing it i can not possibly buy nil tho books i wnnt to rond but between friends nnd libraries i got nlong all right mr wells spoke of the wenlth of material for writers on n fnrm and nsserted that while ho hnd only 4 acres of land n cow one rooster nnd n few pullets et he dldn t ex pect to run out of subject mntter for his writing for nt least ten tnrs hm true for there is nvr a dull moment on n farm fven a urtkv roof can provide nn ekment of surprise nnd uncertalntv wo know h cause we hne such a roof winn tin first lain came after the drought thls sumirni we got ilmost ib mui h rln inside as out and there was n wa of tiling where thi haks would come until i did rain so thin partner stnrt- td in to fix the roof hut as sure a he patt hed one plat the next rnln that enme woulfl find another wak spot anotlur mnn might have given the j b up ts hopeless but paitner slink to it and in the end won out so now w can listen to the pattt r of riin on the roof nt niilu wjthiut wond ring if w l should gt t up and rus nit ovr th house to collect iots and pans to i itt h the drips and thin 1u awake 1 ngi r st u listening to the steadv tat too of ralndi ps hit ng hos same p its nnd pan old i av ve would lit awaki it should be i partner wouldn t hear it if the ro f lonke halftones apples at bel when well kept science has contributed much to the efficient storage of apples modern refrigeration can now be used to retain the full fresh flavor of fruit for a much longer period than in the days of our grand parents efficient methods of hand ling the crop from tree to storage hnve also made it possible to ob tain apples in their full fresn crisp and flavorful condition for months after harvest says w il phillips ihvlslon or horticulture central exbcrmenul farm otta wa if the householder is to benefit from these more efficient metrod care- musc be given to apples arter they are purchased in heated homes apples soon lose moisture becoming wilted or shrivelled with tho loss of moisture flavour and crlspness also disappear heavily waxed cellophane or wide mouthed glass jars can be used to advantage in controlling loss of moisture if apples are kept in this way the moisture which would normally escape through small porelike holes in skin is held in it should be remembered that npplns nre nllve the cells within tho fruit nre continually breathing taking in oxygon and giving off carbon dioxide for this reason if g nss jnrs nre used the tops should not ho screwed on tightly if tight ly senled the npples will suffocnte nnd tnke on objectlonnble flavors- correct temperatures ore most important the best temperature is 12 degrees f hut 40 degrees f the normnl temperature of house hold refrigerators is quite satisfac tory for short intervals when held nt higher temperatures npples breathe more quickly using up their normnl nutrients to enjoy npph s nt their best at full fresh flnvor crisp texture and high nutritious vnlue store them in n cool temperature nnd enclose them in n moisture retnlnlnc con tainer exploring ontarios sea coast ontario has n sen const all her own even if few citizen- of the southern reaches of the province ever think about it much less pay thnt ealtsea coast of the sub- arctic region n visit but that windswept stretch of coats from jamos bay nnd following the south shore of hudsons bay to the manitoba bonder has a u- ncuc putt for naturalists eager for scientific research there they realize are animals and plnnts the arctics contribution to ontario flora and fauna new found in tho milder realms of the province of such interest and fas cination is the quest for thcao rarer species thnt ever inrc 1919 the roval oatarlo museum of zoology has organized fiom parties to explore this subarctic wllde nes summer after summer and since the museums exploratory resonrch wns commenced the re cords of natural science for this part of canndn hnve boon greatly tnnched results of the survey of 1018 by n pny just returned nne now being tnbulnted cape henrietta maria 300 miles north of moosonee was tho headquart ers for the current study of flora and faunn by members of the staff of the museum land birds and waterfowl arctic foxes and many other animals found in th remote northern latitude undr explor ation are among the moat in- terestlng exhibits nlwnys on view nt the museum 7 otrm to mix a spice cake just add one cup of milk or water to campbells cake mix kt tf- and hake enjoy rmth iwnnrnuidir cake a i way i light tender nnd dehcioux try it flffipbclls cake mix notice to creditor ad others all persons having any clalns against th rstato of dorothy r liznbetti dnv idson who die i at guelph on or about the list day of july 19ik are required tj ilje partuuiars or sami with tht un dt rsigned on or bet ire the j5th dnv of nov mtv r vms after which date tht kmnte will be distrhited himng n gnrd onlv to the claim of whlih the administrator shall th n have notlu da1kd nt acton this 4th day of ovemrxr idis i- aiuh fc iav iison acton ontario ad ministrator of tht kstate of dor thv i- lizalfct th uav idson detenstd if ou enn use n ceremonial ele- phant they are selling now at 0 fob india special low rail fares to royal agricultural winter fair nov 1624 toronto cmd i4nfno mlh to 17th inctutive rtlurh leave turuatu nut liter thin midnight nov 24lh fare and ome third for the round th covcrnbmol tai eztm all mfan m jv 4mt canadian national wm r bracken real estate and general insurance mortgage loans arranged representative of mutual life assurance co ltd ih two abort year we have added over 267000 telephone pat in hundred of switchboard and trained thousand of people to extend and improve yourtelephone service we are adding more telephones to meet the rfrting demand for service just as fast aa equipment becomes available all this is being done in the face of rising cost yet up to now there has been no increase in the basic telephone rates established 21 years ago for you this means greater value than ever before for us the satisfaction of providing the best telephone service at the lowest possible coat hi ieu toefhone company of canada hospitality begins oki c oca cola lii for tt itfhr tsy ijj rajemtarat wjn w ujs tbg anthorized bottlor of cocacoin under contract with cocacola ltd orangeville bottling works orangevhxe phone 1ww

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