Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1948, p. 6

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mb six the acton free prfss thursday november u 1848 news and views of lultea run inter halton juniors tttaa annoml lnktle rponklna- oaraprutwa th annual public speavlne vnvimri arid amateur nlr- talnmrnt contest of the halton junior ftirown a held in the lush sohaol wilton on fridays- mine last a u4ll hjlani1 program a pr- wnlxt uhaer tw chalrmanmhjfc of mu iime vlccprwidxnt of haltvin junior farmers i i palermo junor farmers wr urim th first honours in the amateur entertainment contest with milton juplora second and acton in third place the judei mn r- s adams and hum t a autchlnaon and geo e elliott had five- contestants to consider n the pub ic sneaking contest the sneakers and their respec mjb jecls were as follows vera m o the mjiton juniors hydro for agriculture eleanor stark of the norvnl juniors the lus lincoln county bus tour jean patterson of palermo jun- lors on food joan lmeruhp of acton jun ior on recreation daw pelletteno pnlermo jun iors on youth nnfl its hespon- ihllitv the first nunrd for the girls as awarded to torn sum riue of ac- torwujio ith nmh pelletteno of rosedale floral oboametown rlowkrs for every oocasiok if lta a apray wreath areddlnff flowers cut flowers polled plants mrs canplaam you our price are hjht phone a t marks acton till or georgetown 383 ljcarino auction sale in the iownahlp of framoin of uv htook tnutlar fami tn- plrmmita lly drain bio i iw undettdumvl hnvn reielved imdructlonw frohn j l case farm implements salts serrko floyd marlatt main st miltoci 43w tljmtknck oamiiik to soil by publr auitlnn nt llx rnrni the west ilnlf of ut ii con 4 eramoaa altunted about mile south of 24 highway nt the centre inn on vtkdnkhday november itth commencing at 1 oclock sharp the following rniacroit equipment intor- natnnal 1020 rrrnelnr on steal ihc 2rurrow plow blssel dollb- le disc m ii springtooth cultlv springi ittlmj ho tin sunday school lesson huniiay novrmiiru it pltopllhcv in iiif hib h fnldell lext he hltlh ulinwtd thee o man wlttit is uood nntl what doth the ijml reiulre of theo hut to do juxtly mwl to love kind ness nnd to wnlk hiimhly with thy clod mlcnh 6 h leson toxt arnnii j 21 2 7 1015 mlcnh 4 14 exposition t 1 cod requires hlkhteouanesk amos 5 2124 tjie ordinances nnd rituals which ator hell cutting ilox with car- rna had trlvon to mnmu nti lie rlers uic 1h hp fnglno floury 7 chopper bo ft of b celt mount nnd inter nil were for the horse drawn implemen rs ip towelling splrltunl lei- blsaell roller m h corn cul- sons rut israel became formal nnd tlvator lid 13dlaa fcrtlllror ceased to be spiritual making their ro r ff oh empty of ag- binder in first class condition nlflcance nnd ineffective of moral cockahutt spreader new mccor- ami spiritual improvement that mlckmpwcr drill plow m jill why the low fnlled hob 10 4- neadxaerruntn r j tl t th truck wagons hay rack bench f wo of god n they ore for sleighs sleigh light sleigh portland cutter buggy democrat rubbertrecl crown disposes of almost all war plants pelermo 11 now represent hal ton juniors in the nistnrt compet luon to he held nt the wnterdown high school on monril nov 15th at 8 00 pro halton rurnl peopk mn well be proud of the voung people pnrtici pating on uie program n the mil ton high schoo on fridn cnenlng last nnrt ns a mntter of fact in the calibre of the oung people in gen eral who mnrte up the nudienee one would tmo fnr to run ncros another audience rural or urban of 150 oung people who would rate ns hgh to what extent junior farmer work or church young people s organizations have been responsible for their development we do not know but definitely their home training has been ex cellent which nugurs well for the future leadership of rural halton moose have long trip to new home make your selection of jnewwallpapeil from the largest stock in western ontario priced to suit everyone youll find it at chappies bookstore 15s wymuiam st guelpfa angc8 kknnlooy proprietor buggy stone boat 2 pulpers pet er hamilton 17tooth cultivator yitji broken wheels bentty exten sion ladder chatham fanning mill 210 lb senles block nnd tackle 1 cyclone seeder wheeled pint- form truck platform scnlea scuf- for d ntrlhutor pipe for nllo 2 brooder houses fattening crnteo hoppers ftc brooder stove set slnjtle harness set of tenm hrils ness with breechlngs set of bnek bnnd hnrness collnrs bridles etc overnnd 20 conch for lord 11 amos mennnge nnd denunc elntlon 7 1013 amos begins where nil encrget ic minds bopln in denunciation he issues judgment in the name of the lord ngnlnst dnmnncus gn7ji lrus rdom ammm monti jud nh isrnol agnin hnrt ngdln his word is i will send n fire fell 1 4 7 10 12 ii the lime enme of course wlun amos mossnge hegnn the successful transfer of 10 noose five male and five female from elk island national park alberta to cape breton high land national park nova scotia by the national park service of the department of mines and resaurces was announced the 2s0omlle trip which last ed nine days was made over canndlnn notional railways lines the animals were takn by special truck from little bras dor near sydne ns to the roper brook nrea in the cape breton park where they were released officials of the tatlonal parks sercc nnd the dominion wild fire serxlcc hod charge of the jnoose during the entire trip at one time moose wore abund ant on cape breton island abut excessive exploitation resulted in their extermination in winter when deep snow made the animals helpless hunters often slaughter ed them in their winter yards under sanctuary conditions however wild animals that were virtuailj extinct at the turn of the century are once again thriv ing the buffalo is a classic ex ample the rcestabllshment of mooae in cape breton highland nation al park is regarded as an impor tant project a recent investigation tot wildfire conditions there re vealed that the area is excellent moose range under these favour able conditions the moose should increase rapidly the keys oe to fe royal winter m mi z24 afoer 17000 brad of liwulml un 1 poultry k taohmn mi vik- ing i atl itiimlrtmls of ouutandlng altrme- lions i spertarular home show ant colourful kcm i muaieal ride afternoons and evenings atlie royal flower v show was umiiur tuu royal coliseum toronto i to offend iome of xhnic who tat in tilri a qunntt hf scrnp iron ftovo nnrirls chrln nnd the un- h n nm who ocruph d ox- unl lino of nnnllyfarm tooli n ted n uriou innk arruilnh wna orajn hav ktc i5onofthrrhicfpritromhrroynrnn hn if nol prloumv sold 201 tunm of t n botho nnd frnln 7s hut hnlnre bnrloy 30 in rlao intlmncy tilth the klnjr am rut in stands hero fnr what may im regarded as state controlled rp- licinn ant he resents the prend of a teacher independent of influ- encn and patronnce who welts to have him pelled from the king dom 1 he makes an appeal to th kinp h hrinrlnr arralnst amo n rroundlens chnrro of treason by n blase slander he endeavors to in fluence the klnr against the true teacher 2 he does his best to nu buckwheat houfhoid rffrtts ihc croam separator chrtrn butter bowl milch pals and a quantit or househod furnlturjo cows blue orev herer rd fresh 1 leref ord i lei fer f resli grnv hereford fresh ited cow bred mn rd heietord cow bred tul 10th hereford cow hrim tulv 1 1th holsteln hereford cow bred tulv 22nd hereford co brd aupist 2nd hereford cow bred sept 29th hereford heifer bred tuly 1st young cattle all sired by nnrm the prophet prophesy not steersyr hefersnslo f at bethel he 2 vrs 2 steers rising 2 vrs s crl for l llc kings chnpel baby beeves 1 veal calf 1 smnll and the kings court ch 7 131 calves you will be pleaied with it docs not appear tlint jeroboam these good hereford cattle nny notco of mcaallgo 7 wearf duc dcwmbcr amnzinh sent him concerning sheep 11 lincoln ewe s amos in order to give effect to ewe lnmbs hls purpose he addressed the pro- terms cash p saying o thou seer go flee no reserve ns the fnrm is sold thee nwny v 12 but amos docs lunch counter not flee nwby nt the word of am- plcose come onjj b ailnh instead he tells the offlcous buyers coming off no 7 high- priest that he is not n prophet nor wny turn n hi miles the son of one but the fact not- hlndley nnd elliott auctioneers withstanding he was prepared to virtually nil the industrial buildings construct ri or flnnnced directly by the crown during the war have how been disposed of liermiitiently or temporarily of their 13 s million square feet of f nor hpace k4 per cent has been more or it ss permanently disposed of through bale to industry trans fer to government departments or to crown corporations or has tteon dismantled or demolished an nddlllonal 15 per cent has been lensed to industry in part on a multiple tenancy basis or tempor arily transferred to the war assets corporation for war surpluses the balance of only one per cent lt now available for disposal the canndinn government financed the construction of 170 new plants during the war at a coat of over 200 million excluding nn expend iture of 500 million on equip ment the plants turned over to pri vate industry and being adapted to peacetime production are ex pected to employ more than 50000 people they will be turning out i almost every major typo of monu- fnctured product including auto mobiles neroplancs communlca- i tions nnrt electrical equipment j pnper nnd wood products chom- it nil pharmaceuticals plumbing nnrt hentlng equipment nnd tex tiles mnny of thcso commodities nre being produced in canada for the flnt time and ore thus contributing to the diversification ojtcnnatlioli industry nnd hie maintenance of n high level of i employment edmonton is pondering what to do if the oilfields creep into the tlty limits visit our modern showroom 8 carden 8treet guelph ont opp fire hah rubber and mastic tlu inlaid unouom waixtixes installed in kitchens bathrooms hallwrnrv stores offleea me jeloob handehs vor rout ihon ijisw or work done keating tile co ijxyd e kkattno formorly guolph flooring service guelph arte mean toga specialists in warm air heating air conditioning eavestroughng and plumbing our aim is to give servics to our customers and instal only the very best equipment tt the lowest possible prices we handle only the rest cahabum ctsuuttfm luuvkjrfin j sheet metal works plumbing hentlng eavefltrougtdnj georgetown phone 138w ph 19r3 rockwood or 177j milton optometrist 7 douglas street guelph eyes examined glasses fitted lone nro in old granada w hen the moor ttttv torctvl to flee lncli man wk krm his home behind htm taktnn tn his riicht the ke hopefulh the uotched and wait ed for tlu time to come whin tht should return trom tbetr long e u to tht r homes so far away llut te mansions tn granada th hat uft in all their prime anlshed v the nrs rolled on ward neath ttu crumbling tiath of time like me moon we all have riw tilings where we atnly lon to b and thnuh all lite chanelnff phases wj- fai wv hold the kt our fair country lies behind ua ia art exile- too tn truth i- or no more shall i behold her our cranada i name is youth we hai our dlumi datreami and rtttvice when now and then some old heartstrlng stirs within u and wt reel our outh again we are ounj we cr triumph- f ant thrilled with ootlme joy and ulee i thn the dream fades slowly oftl leavlns nothlnc but the ke bsle chandler j cuamimc ea all your dry oeanlinr fer prewot weekly sentee put card in window each hondat ob piionk ibs aoton cards may be secured at coopers clothing store or trom drlvor master dry cleaners joe woods prophecy against bethel nnd against amazlah the rreat point taught here li indicated by amos candor he apes neither manners nor scholastic qualification which are not hi he had not studied n anv prophetic school nnd said so v 14 i no true prophet is ever nshamod- of his orlrrln however humble amos is thoroughly conscious of i the divinity of his mission amos had no douht whatever as to the 1 fact that lord bad called v 15 when god calls a man to work that man knows it and no argu ment will convince him to the con- trnr amos denounces the conven tional priest in the name of the lord in return for this rebellion against jehovnh nnd his messenge- amos fortells for the priest the punishment thnt will fall upon him when the judgment shnll come upon israel 111 gods recipe for universal peace mlc 4 14 this is n very appropriate pas sage to show how universal peact ls to come not through great peace conft rence ns is sometimes ex pected by those who nre ignorant of the teaching of gods word buj through the coming of our great king to rule zion over nil nntlons the last or latter day v 1 la used in th bible as a general ex pression for future time but pre- dominantl with ref renco to the establishing of mcsmnh s kingdom gen 19 1 isa 2 p ezek 38 lfi nan 2 ffl ii 10 11 hos 1 5 ac 2 17 i lei 1 2 2 pcmi by the mountain of the i ord s holts is mi nnt mount 7lon in jer- i usnltm w h re the t mplt was i located in the das of solomon we das wanted dead stock highest cash prices cattle 503 each horses 500 each hopi 150 per ewt all according to sue and condition t mx collect galt 111u darling co ltd hnt precisely un snm prophecv in isa 2 21 but a significant change in isa 2 s from mlc 1 5 similar propht it s art found in jer 11 fi 50 1 5 zech 8 20 23 tlu s passjigt s should b studied togiih r tthnvnh incarnate will be the teacher of nil nations in thnt da mlc t 2 lsa m 11 all nations thtn will walk in ills paths llu law shull go forth from aon and th ford it the i ord from jerusalem not nure t israel bu to all nations of enrth this will iiimi about not through the ktntrnl spread of tin grfspt k but through th n turn of th lord ani tin i stabllshment of his king dom in ti rusnh m on mount zlon 1 et us tx watihlng for his coming and t ring white we wait 1 thes 1 9 10 soil roskn in north america represented a crop loss of 73 000 40ncre farms a new travel ration period november 16th as announced by the minister of finance the regulations governing the use of us dollars for travel continue in force f as in the past it will be necessary for canadians to obtain a permit from their bank if they wish to take out of canada more than 10 us or more than 25 in us and canadiarpcurrency combined reports show that the saving of u s dollars made pos sible by travel rationing can be expected to amount to between 40 and 50 million during the period novem ber t6th 1947 to november 1 5th 1948 this substantial sum was thus made available for the purchase of many essential supplies and commodities during this time the regulations governing the amount of u s dollars available for different travel purposes are outlined below plonwuro travol the maximum amount of u s dollars which any canadian resident may obtain for pleasure travel purposes during the twelve months beginning hlovember 16th 1948 is 150 in the case of children of eleven years and under the amount is 100 there is no restriction on the number of trips as long as the annual allotment is not exceeded any us dollars obtained for one trip and not used on that trip must be brought back to canada and exchanged for canadian dollars at the traveller s bank immediately on his return no credit for funds thus turned back can be allowed against the annual ration for subsequent trips liuminonn travol applications for u s dollars for business travel must include a certification by the employer that the travel is m his business interests reasonable amounts of u s dollars may be obtained for this purpose iboruvr travol a canadian resident may take out of canada without a permit up to 25 m currency of which not more than 10 is in us currency for this purpose he may purchase up to 10 u s in any calendar month this is m addition to the annual trove ration further information available of any bank or fom foreign exchange control board monti iai ottawa toronto wlndsot vamcouvir tuu uedet oirfjuvjry e tjl gevensenal e cewetfe tmumuuds yisvqurxrs i

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