Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 11, 1948, p. 8

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mxtom f blrlhs msrrtaro dmim r lwl is this wit mw ll addllkaul 4 tcmrv mm itadm nrtlm bm ft tdltbmul to tmtry 0m morn bjitrh at th ceneml jtoa- pltal guelph on krldy novem ber 8th 1m8 to mr and mr roy butler orewson rner a ton a brother tor i5avi1 ilbmonmr and mr s xjmn john street acton atvvery hl- lay to announce the birth of the son edrlok ivan at the nur- atn homo tiuelph street acton n november a brother fur betty and marylynn mother and baby doing well lutcitootk mr nnd mr ii httrhcock jwl no x krtn wish to announce- the blrlh or theli dausbter kllaahelh jovr at the nursing home mtmlnh street jtcton on november 7 a sister or three brother and two me ter kverybody happy in mkmaiuani ptttw rok6ucix in lowtth memory of oorue haexell who passed away november wh 1w1 sunshine radei and shadow fall but nweet rettembwnre outlasts all aluay renwmbered hv his wlf and tvmlly nmxvi in loving memory of a lar lf and mother mr mar- ton nlcol who nasaed away nov ember 11th 11w4 ahd while w lien in peaceful aleev lr memory we shall alway keep kjutlv missed h husband and amlly noutcynjn lolnn memon ot howard and ivwry who passed awaj november 1th vm7 tts tweet to know well meet asaln where trouble are no more and that the one we loved to well have just tone on before ker remembered by marjorle harry and duel pbituorql m1w v 1 ttmflll 1mint oathailn wiviall wmllun ed quietly awv at her home w laimvek ave lirottt mn dav nwhiuar tt mr knilth wats dw1i killl inn tvp and nivent limit of hei life in i near antatt oh wu a daughter if the late jan evele and t aoilan mcmillan a manwr ivf kiwi prealtylerlat church shy was active at many of it phaaea of fforl ixvltvtf the mral keoretry of the women mis- klonary nowety when it m or ganised in mt vr the past to veara he lm llve1 in lirottlo sbnvlvlnii am dauglvter jean and a aon mm rmneral aervlce were held front her late realdonce on thursday dr movhehrin offtclataia inlor- ment w in ralrvlew cemetery acton rilie pall beaivas weiv mnur ivmam monougall oorilon mf- nouitall achlan mcmillan itua- tell kcclea morley ttoakw and dr john modougall amvi or th the family ot the late mr nell mcdonald wishes to mank friends and neighbour for their kind acta nwuace ot sympathy and floral tribute extended to them at the time of thetr recent bereavement i a bemembnance day today chrbtmu just alx week from saturday the flrat snow fall i well de layed this year and moat folks hope for further delay many from here attended the ic oapade being held in toronto this week the iloyal winter fair will be an attraction next week for many from this district if everybody saves maybe we can cet by without further incon venient interruptions in hydro but everybody must save during the power shortafre the business office of the free press closes at 5 p m each afternoon hours off the mecluudcalstaff co incide with those of other local in dustries with rloalne at 330 each afternoon service amon sev inconvenienc attendant upon lite in a city la the difficulty of finding anyone who can do ordinary little job quickly and well wltnoca the sad case of the summer bachelor who received instructions on a friday morning from his wife that he was to ba cure to have the grass shear sharpened and bring them with him to the summer cottage when he visited her that weekend the commission dtd not seem too difficult to execute and he took the shear with him as ne drove to the office he stopped at the first hardware store en route and asked if the shears could be sharpened there they could not a little dlsoourajred he drove to the next hardware store the answer to hl inquiry was the same the third store seemed better at least the clerk was willing to accept the shear for sharpening but when tht customer asked if he could pick them up that evening the clerk smited in the tolerant manner that has become fashion able for dealing with intelligent members of the public who expect service in return for their money oh no he said call back in ten days the customer then remembered that there uu a maintenance de partment in hi- own office build ing so he took the shears there the maintenance man had a grind- stone and was willing nd able to apply the shears to it i7h job took three minutes i i i rlnttj word vkhaatujc kqoivmxnt with a0 different governments on its order book a north of eng land firm of grab maker claim to have established a leading world position in this vita field of pro duction how vital can be seen from a record ot some of the usvft to which it equipment is today being put prleatman grab are removing boulder in the st law rence river hidden rock from trade route in tenarlffe harbour handling cargoes of palm kernels and peanut in africa cement in india coal on doclctlde crane in spain pltprop in scandinavia carrying out archaeological re search in palestine handling lead in australian mine crushed lime stone and gypsum in south af rica cryolite in spitsbergen drift wood from the upstream face of a bluenlle dam clay in brazil and coal iron ore sugar beet grain timber and chemical in porta factories coal mine and power station tolttlstij bi yig moiik a financial pom suro of jew- elrj chlnaware woolen and knit ted wear outlets traditionally mutt popular meccali for ameri can bulni n wnls an l ictase in tourutbujlng anywhere from 10 to 15 ptr cent oer last ear one of the largest canadian jew elrychinaw arc firms with out lets across canada estimates sale to us tourists ahead of last year by so to 25 per cent a highgrade uoolen goods official told the pont v turnover was away ahead of lost year we want to know by joaaph lteur ruumr the iwidorahlp of bath major polltlcnl parties is beltiff chanced and both pnrtleb will hnvo new lenders nnd possibly new policies rnie people of canada watch these chances with more than custom ary encwnens they want to know juat where these parties stand they have a very fair idoa where another important party stands but how can they make decisions if other luuea are not clearly stated and if thoy ar not sure where a prospective leader stands in relation to these issues we have been confused about theu political opinions of late thvhawxeemedotx3nat like bunvnni mr facing-both- uni we want them facing one way or the other yean ao though these parties may have arled widely they both represent ed people who in their own per sons or through their forbears had come to this country seeking freedom and opportunity and in- centko thnt the could not find in the older system of europe they xpecied freedom from rigid poli tical patterns and unsurmount- nble soclnl barriers their pres ence indicated their belief in the individual right of eerone 10 stnnd on their own feet without use of their intelligence skill or strength and to be miualned in the ight to any accruing ben efits the lnnd of opportunlt became one of the pharsev of the da it stood side by side with another phrase the selfmade man now people are beginning to wonder a little anxiously what has hapjwn eil to t hese phrases and the political ideas tluy re presented so thoy want some party to ji openl that it still stnmv tor n land of opportunity they want to be assured that they will te allowed to attend to their own affairs that government will be i onltilned w here it belongs in maintaining order and providing the broad services that permit p oplo to look after themselves to that md and not for wholl s ifish n sons thev want to con trol more if their own mono uh use hit is the onlv wa th tan fioo fhtinselvea from lit hlmi of burviuiracv for when j pit control their own n n tu tontiol the govern- in nt lun tin guv em mint pro- vnlts j wui uts foi specialised ki uns it the i pense of t i ituin o whitli wo mm not or do not i v tlun it is a short road t th- goveinnnnts control of th rjpu in n it i onus ttnu o t ist ur vvte we want to know uui vt iv definltelv whit we i ut v oting for of the jvt500 homes in cana da 57f are owned by the peoplo who lle in them making slnnrrm rrl hy jowpti liaiar uullaa ii l rnlltti irniiue hie way mi mam of iu hy in make th na- enllat llilllg dial we all mt out lo ili lilt i a kin as 1 there ware not klna eitiiuglt in th world well all admit that we wnl to lller oiiiiwivmi wo wolk mi that mil work will bring a return wo study our job an that ii will ttrltui a teller let urn 11ml is the bimittal iiuualloii of the gmwtn of prnflt if w dldivt want them we would never htove from one job to another lo better ourkalv we would satisfied with any return our wfforl brought us moie than dial we would be con- lent to have our win follow in our satisfied footsteps our desire l hat our sniu should go farther than we have gone live bettor and achieve more is in essence the profit motive then why do wo insist that profit are wrong wo do so bo- raihui we refuse lo make a dis tinction lietween price and prof- its and because we will not reo- ognlgo that the consumer always seta the profit if sets it be cause of tho slmplo fact that there can bo no profit until the solo is made whon prlcos go up it is be cause wv as consumers clamour too much for scarce commodities we can send prices nnd profits down any lime that we my we dont wnnt the goods monnwhlle we are only blnmlng ono another because n natural law continue to work butter is a nice case in point it is n sore point nnd it promises to becomo wirer well let us have tuo grim satisfaction of knowing that it is largoly our own fault we tried to mnko sinners of men who wexo no more sinners than you nnd i the men who distribut ed butter left to thcmsolves they would have morcd butter and mndo n profit and we would all have paid fairly high prices dut the profits wouldnt havo been any considerahlo part of it be- causo theuo men intonded con tinuing to do business with you and me instead wo set about making them sinners and circum scribing them with restriction and ceilings until they were right off the market nowr whan have we accom- pllihed weve taken out of tho market the business men who in their own interests must make n profit which could be defended by nn unbiased jury as a proper rental for the experience and cnpital and effort involved we replnce them with a guy who works in the blackmarket has no experience but has some dubious capital and a low cunning masqu erading as effort he plays on our private weakness and selfishness to accumulate a profit that no thing could justify and thumbs his nose nt public opinion well its our choice when wo make a sin of so universal a thlngas prof w ejiejpslnnerstalf at profits acton firemens annual appeal a1n iihimln wiix call on iii ailzhns op acion dui1ino iiik wkek ok novkmjtkh 1nth in the interehtr of their dunce on docetnber 5th firemen solicit your patronage rrrttrrrrttrrtrrtt a- ixeit rit ttrr itrt rtttti whnles and sen lions will play together why not painted barns when while travelling through the country a nicely painted boxn comes into view one is imprescil with an idea of uhat a great im provement in the landscape it would be if mart farmers would adopt t his means of not only brightening things up but at the same time preserving the build ings themselves in many other parts of anurka and manj coun tries of europe barns painted in cheerful coluurs are the rule rath er than the exception in this great faimlng country however there ire ver f i w farm buldings with tht eiiption of the houses that evir sit a coat of paint possibly it k the result of the fact that nutnv of our building were built b the pioneer of this land who had no unit for painting as the struggled to git the land cleared and build a plan to keep their vtiotk do iunl protected what a gnat improvement well painted imins and otlur farm buidings mould make in the gon eral landscape im igtne nice red barns snuglis under pleading em or maple in is scaturid about the rolling litis intttiut of drab wiithir barns of todaj a greit m m of our stihl s are now gtaminglv whltt with their coats of whitewash m wi of the 100k hive taki n on iolor with the new i tvptsof pn m d i oofm some hun tl in hivt lutn pilntdl a i in bright mi hut ft w bain- i iv u t ri tjninfornied more nip 1 1 uit to fanners howevu is tin iut that painted wtunt long outl ists unpalntcd and j test rv it in i in m linn- lepnyt the tast uul trouble ntw barns in particular should be painttnl as sound economy while many old bindings could be treated similarly w ith very profitable results arthur enterprise arts and crafts of georgetown exhibition of handicraft s and tea canadian legion hall georgetown saturday november 20th 1 to 5 p m exclusive hnnumadc rcfib by experienced crnflsmcn will be on sale modut plumluup aft eating offers you hibinator oil burners oil gunrnntccd maytagwashers wallpaper essotane gas stove ajiplicationn accepted see the new telechron radio nnd miihical alarm giisons furnaces in stock air conditioning units also canada paints varnish oil turps rangettes toasters electric clocks alarm clocks sec us for your plumbing and heating requirements j e7tof5miiileii residence phone 66 david cohen winner of thin weevu premium one quart canada paint lovell bros meat market friday saturday specials barrie brand butter 1st grade creamery 71c lb fresh pork shouders 15c lb ian ihrk hutts schneiders maple ieaf cottage rolis clc lb i fresh sausages 55c lb 15c lb muplv i enf brand baconir breakfast smoked hack 1 lenmenl buck c5c lb 75c lb 69e lb quality beef choice rump roast prime rib roast ian beef brisket 55c lb 55c lb 32c lb fresh hamburg steak 48c lb boneless short rib roast 55c lb sirloin round porterhouse 70c lb the classified section buy sell exchange wanted etc ailvorllsiimmils umler this heading 35c cash with order up to m words aftdlllnnnl words 1c per word if cash doo not ttc romiuiny t in itlvrtlsrniht minimum charga 80c and 1c per word nildlllitiiil for imch worl over 2fi ssubsoquent insertion 1ftc for sale roil haik 11 iib 7 wwks nlil it warns hit 2 acton tor raik lliafi vrd coaeli ust offer jlitmo 04 aelnn voll kalk- chofco milk fed rsilckins ilellvered ready for tho nven 1 llnlen phone hurxi vxjh ralki used tnriw electric rniik apply modern ilumhlnk and ilentlng store to rent toll kknyhlunillheti bed-lt- tlik room and kitchenette now in central location lelophone mlj vill hknt michael floor pol- islicru nt your modern ilumhlne and jlentlnff store r ilknt itnom five mllea from acton with hydro apply mrs k 11 allnn ii 11 no a ac ton mml kaik t ho davenport suite wine nnd rreen also two end table phone u91j irxill saikwood of any kind sand urnvel general trucking cus tom wiwlnif iho b cutllns mill st ihnne 1111 acton for ha1jc jo00 mllort g- ollno nrnller nnd mnck tractor for sale- huh model sun oil company limited hamilton roil saijc tl q yard a- funce hattlmhln linoleum plain irown robular j1m so yard sale price ji js clement it mountain jiohe vavj milton tfu xil saik 2plece velnur rhest- erflell suite in turquolbo shade ex- wllent rondltlon prewar made usihi only a few months can tie seen at llerh cooks ii it 2 ar- lon tlordon cook 1bj ww saik one black winter cont silver fox detachable collar new size 11 pnlr snake skin pumps hl7e 7tfa new blnck dress size 3 may lie jieen nt 11 olternelns mill st koil saji dry e m nnd sofl mnple mixed hiii two lnli etirds lf four slnale cords 1s spill stove kl7e delivered 10 bi n cord i ft hfurih on rnrm tnkh on delivery iitu of henl in huh wood iih nlrenrly wnrmed me c i culls acton it it 4 phmn lllr2 loll saii lml dodge conch lhh jllllmnn convertible 1hl voh hknt lloom in private home hrenkfnst if desired bus- inerh man preferred tyox 10 kr i miscellaneous hoys klacavillc ttkrvick wo carry n rnmplpfft linf of pram- lor vuruiim rlpflnorn nnl mlchafcl floor po uhors phono uriel it r 1 ac ion unwlnfl ftlvfin prompt urvlc at nil tlmos lot 7 5th uni krin ivp haws hkv nnfl fua2d hthr yonr mrtory cxrwrinne iutn roaronnhlo k firlachow main st imiow cliurrh st phan u39w 1bc1 i ivor upbot fool wiumuhr iry nmvon khuitarnvks fm- ouh horhnl modlrlno usd wjeci- fullv for 4ft yonra uringa rllr qulclcly tonna up llvr u tww la nrtlvo roitoros mod honlth 11kuxsxle iik your own boksf dljrtrib- uto our 2jm prmlueu tollt iirtli- los morilrlno kxtractn spte klonr wnr inkootlcldea kurm prrt- rluoifl iplruld nsnortmont of gift hnxra our donloro mnko iubtn- tlnl profile a cuitoyyier in ech home kor rntnloiyiio nnd dtall wriu- lo kamukx lfioo liolormler st mnntronl quo furniture sale chov snlnn 19 model a ford willys jiop with powor tnuoofr pulliy 11m7 dodro 4ton nlrkup kj intornnllonnl ton trurlc 1d4h infornntlonnl cub trnrtor now m m trnrtor btnrtor nml light wnl- iik v220 fivnrtnr new contour motors tlffhtn nnd ntnrtor mnusov harris modol 25 trnrtor on rubber mniutoy hnniji- ruhi i urn r cord wood saw now for- kuson side mowor now knrm wuroji ilouhlor nil stool unod nonr tnt arden trnctor j hp now skyline flrlndor nnd 1ornco hnrvost r ford ko rjjuson plow shores rnit nnd htool fenune forcubnn illler used jrurrow i tinrltir plow m h two furrow knnn plow now 2turrow trnrtor plow drill in cnod shnpo woods nnd dolnvnl milking mnrli- j ino pnrls i woods prills romplote with pulsntor hholls nnd rubbers cockshutt liny londor nonrly noa hoy therm irmco hontor nonrlv now apply ihos l how- son noorrotown phono cl2w b tiik iitrnitiire aiwl iiouhk- hoij kvykcth mbw eijanktll k rampbkul will be nold nt hor resident near sfnnloy pnrk erin on uattrriav nov ist nt 2 oclork ilw houso hna boon aold iflndlky nnd htlaagrtt aurtlonrs wanted wanikd to buy antlquf chlnn nnd inksoa box 2fi free prgq wanl ki house or rooms to rent immodlntely by reliable ton- nnts apply po box 312 acton wanted number of calve nnd old horses picked up immed- i lntol call arton lpjrlt or geor getown 51 221b i wantkd mnrrlod womnn wlshoi work to do nt homo such ns nridnsjilnk mnlllnff lists foldlnjt nrculnrs or uhnt hnvo you used to pi ore work box 2h fr roe pros wani m lo purriinso pullets bnrrod hoc ks new hiimpshlres llkht sussex hros 1h weeks to lnlnc rood prices pnld apply pweddle chick hntrheiios umltrd fergus ontario farnworth memorials monument at modort vritum cemetehy lettering eloro rd at tmury wanted ixj buy cash paid for old rlnssware old dishes or- nnments vnses oil lamps dolls old buttons old silver and furnit ure etr phone 47 or wrle p o box u mrs keith barber earner kinr nnd union streou it ornetown ixst and pound do you want hand knitted socks gloves or sweaters for chruitnun prescntx or maybe a winter outfit for the new baby of the fnmily if you do phone acton 98rh jost llend ifht for rnr on r n dav nlcht in at ton kindir il 11 phone a w allinv lmrl i milton anil itvcrst ihares macettqle aeutd althdtih wt w t rtunnbie to attend ettjier of the biff turkev dinners that hne iwen held in tiu n rt tenth e tu ar from omllt brown thnt ttuy ir a iov1iiir surrohs v or such n dinner the indie of the various t htm his nunn how t hi ir jibilm and illtnk ss to nwillf i utdo th ins kt s i th s that hni mi tl t rds rs f i st nrni ih wi hae k i n s t i m i t start i i lin turn in t u k i ihk in ir n r i iv r itt than 101111m 1 w iioktim pr pnr- tl to tuk a limit- d number of rd- rs i hi in it id ink andi-r- sim m anl b ir n turns to tin rniy in which h has cl- en such fine sirviic in the pait we an nlire uint acton will ii ntl reel this loss but we tnk this opportunity to wish him the bent of luck in hlh new position j ii mackrn3xk a bon your eyes a propr eye examination is moat important consult r m bell fuglitsred optometsiit ihone 4br31 kjun ullh livl irlee id keep heatint costs ikwn insi ah now with rock wool ihlowintf method it to so havingh kor vr e kstlmntes tiione kockhood 32 ii c ilkack tonal rep for kw hoofing und lusulutlnf co kltelukwr we operate ontarios moat modern equipment

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