Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 18, 1948, p. 1

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xit jwtan ttt fjrr ss seventyfourtrpear notlrr acton ontaitlo thursday novimrek ihlfllh kiriii home print panes si cent bylaws passed at the meeting county council deal with fencing woodlot and restriction on fenced ux stenbouth other items al novembersemion held on tuesday xcluyf adian chanfemnnd acton fre vm the paulng of bylaw and the approval of new on featured at the regular monthly rneetlnc of halton county council held in the county bulldlnfs itueiday after- noon tfollowlntf the ptlng of a- by law aubkldlxlna the fencing of woodlota reeve alex molnivn an nounced council already received a request from an acton farmer who was aeeklng aulitance in fen cing hi wood lot mr metlahen sponaor of the by law explained farmnm were re- jtuttedjtoiiuichabthotncuib tnemuelv and than apply to coun cil for the nuhaldy council approv- d of paying tho cost of an eight strand wire fenrlnjr with one barb but not the cost of labor for eree- tlon the bylaw atatea the wood lot mint contain at least 400 trevn tt acre or sco tree over five in ches in diameter and the alie of the lot should not be less than two acre livestock are to be kept out for a period of ten years far mers falling to mfctwtththe nec essary requirements would be pen- allied a second bylaw deallnit with cer tain restrictions on the erection of signboards garollne pumpi and fences along county roads was giv en the third reading two read ings were given at a previous meet ing and then it wns totwarded tn the ontario cinvrrnm fo i tjhandmothkks iay kkatlkki at the jhisy kes wi the november meeting of the llusy i3ee wi was held at the home of mm w tuck with a good attendance roll call was answer ed by your most rnnbakasslng mo ment of which it sems oners child ren are usually the cause min utes nf last meeting were read and eorreapondenc by seetreas mrs stan robinson more plans for the afternoon ten and baatar were made ticket convenor mrs 3 j kennedy tea table committee mrs coxe mr howard mr allen mrs service it being grandmothers day a small program had been prepared mrs wm sepvlce mr w b brlt- ton mr w kennedy and mr o smlllle gave humorous readings a prize was given by the president to the oldest gr mrs wm dredge the youngest grand mother mr jrj kennedy and the one having the most grand children and great grandchildren wna won hy mrs w e llrltton the meeting closed with my own dear land and the mlxpah ben ediction mrs tuck rctved a lovely lunch mrs mclean moved a vote of thanks to hw for hospitality and use of her home nw class room at aototr school ready this week account amounting tv 111wh- 10 wore passed for tuiymout nt ihe j monthly meeting of north ilnlton high school district board oi mondny evening of thin nmomit 12158 wan for cnpltnl oulliiy on new building niul equipment mm p donrtng was engaged ah an additional tearlter for tho mil ton school niul will common nor dutlo when tho now rooms are ready flor into which will not likely lie before tho end of tjio present term a hut of supplies and equipment weiv approved ifnr use in tho acton school nnd n telephone was to ho installed in tho hnllwny of 1ho now ntltilt ion tho present arrangement vf only ono plume nt tho public school whr not satisfactory rilio board inspected tho now remembrance service in aclon last tlnirsdav j i held nt sowierh monumoiil and in tho united church law rrhursdiiy november lth 1 he legionnaires vnriouu nrgnnlz- nmonv oltloiih nwvo nnd council paid tribute to the fallen of two world wnrt in the annual service of roniomhrntioe in acton the parade of the aclon lcglnn and other organizations led by thir acton hoyw nnd olils flnnd mid htandjird licarors of jhe organ i z- filloiiii starfed nt tho legion hall nnd proeoeded nip mill st to the soldiers monument wreaths wore place by the vil lage of aollnn t lie province of ontniln aclon legion acton wit- mens institute iodr inkoslde commerdnl room nt arton whldi nnpt- iodr duko of oevon ulllljdynrrkvupnnbil aiiplnr ntrslw icnl tho erwl of thin wok it n fine afl mm w vhmn mf1 now modern room nnd the llhrftlry u now n small but very comfort- nblo elniw room for emergency ue auxlllmy of acton urn rich loklkinnnlre a k mih rend the honored hut of nnmen of t h approval council wnu informed it wns npprovlwlth onl a minor eluinjn council nliw lnntructed th clerk to vropnre n bylnw covorninc the isrtmlon of bulldlnp nlonp county rondc rfwo w h blrcnr inform al the ttnnrt commlttoe wns con- corned with thin matter stating in many small centres some bulldlnrs were conntructod clos to the road way which ultimately may be nav- d and rorvtcod with sidewalks he hioiicht in future jdnnnlng build inffs nbouldbe sufficiently far bnck as to civo rood road allowance an well na a sidewalk service dls- cukslnp n nlmllnr bylaw from wat erloo county it was suggest od per mits be obtained for building should it be erected between gfl nnd 200 feet from the cent rv of the roadway on motion of william vnnsleklo and alex mclaren tb clerk was asked to prepare another bylnw prohibiting the carrying nnd use of highpowered rifles within the oounty the mntter wns brought to the attention of council by communi cation from the hnlton sportsmens association on recommendntlons of tke game warden it suggested prohibition of the carrying of nny rtfln over 22 cnllbrv in nuto- mobllos within the county except while t ravelling to or returning from hunting in a territory where such rifles are permitted reeve wllham vanalckle in en- doming the bylaw tald that every sunday there are trespassers going through the county with high pow ered rifles there is no doubt they are seeking doer he stated council filed a communication from the village of acton stntlng it was meeting with the munlclpnl board in connwtion with annexing certain lands from esqueslng township accounts authorized to be paid included finance 2911 7 print ing 3003 county buildings 170- flfi agriculture nndr4fonestratlon 30638 county roads 774239 hospital accounts 1001 co reeve mclaren chairman of the rttforeetratlon committee announc ed to council the expenditure of his department would only be about ten dollars above the estimate for the year council adjourned to meet on pecembcr 14 with warden oeorg- deave informing the members the wardens dinner would be held in georgetown this year memorial window honors mr and mrs r 0 warren ijist sunday morning a memor- tnl window wns unveiled in walm- er itond baptist church to the memory ejf t inte mr j 71 1 txvattpti me unvetling wo a hy mr e a warren nnd master i david warren the donor of the window wns mr e a warren a son of the into mr nnd mrs r d warren both were untiring work ers in the service of the baptist church not only in wnlmer bond but in the wider church field i mr warren wns born near acton spent his boyhood days here noil early manhood in acton irl georgetown before going to to ronto he wns editor for some tlrrie oflhogoargetownhprfitdandie iotyrwhtflrsrotprefuitfll mw the flrhool and new desks nnd rents fii rilt jlm vithi wijj1 wmill0 and other equipment is mfwl mr a mnh1 unah w4 loweiexl and the two minutes all- this week it is nntlclpntod thnt the commercial classes will got started next week dr shiofirhl was sprakrr at kolary the- flihl liidles nlglil nt acton itoinry club last evening was tin ntithinuilltig succouh mid hnd many features wjilch murk it an n red letter event in the nnmils of thin now hoivico club- a delightful tur key dinner of cnuruo put o very one in ttvory contented stnto for tin progrnm mid tho other fonturos of hoclnbltlty mho nionu comprltiod everytlilng mint goes with such n tvnat even to two dewiorts nnd wn served by watsons bestnurnnt prosidul amns mnson wns in charge nnd wos bently was mnhter of eremonlofl for the program dr fsilinrielil of uu fnculty of tin ontario velerlnnry college of juelph was the gueht speaker he brought n delightful mennage of service hpleod with plenty of lin- uior nud full irt goud thought he wns introduced hy hr frank onucn nnd tho thanks of the club wim extended by vic burnley mr john itoekwond gave a gen erous group of vocal mthm tjial de lighted everyone whlch included without n song will you h further grant to the band deferred lor bookeeping nistrict l nassaaweya wi visit acton 1irancii the november mooting of t ho acton womens institute wns hold at the lioino of mm krod ander son tlu president mrs u f diivldson prcldfid following the btihlnohh hihimi the toll cntl wns re sponded to hy a hook i have read nnd enjoyed tjie motto was rend by mrs ieorge ijintz oil read and you will leiirn icnm nnd you will love isove and you will appeals hoard on erin ass and investigated- area no 1 ivuuonfl council lo join iiielph suburban high school dlrtrict erin township council met on once olimrvod then itevilllo nnd the bnnd plnyc the irtnlltlonnl j hymns o gml our help in ageu punt nnd abide with me itev i con- jimomher tmy mebhiige dunn thats why mmkles were born mid the blind imowmnn nnd then to die delight or the irlui and scotch hose of trnlleo 11- le ijniliny nnd concluding wltn when irish eyes nre smiling fvery number wns n ilellght he kanaum powlkle for ilulwinrf a chaihl and crypt in fair- vltw cemetery arena maiv tiffentent fo he secured ot her item at ijwt nlfthtfl mellrtjr on wednemlay the rvgutit meeting of tho acton cuhcll whs liolil in tlu council cham tiers with all councillor present nnt thtf iteeve presiding the following accounts wore passed munlclpnl bonn vistnge serve advising the reading of the clerk fees bible n one example of keeping 4tii- home life more concrete mrs dnvlflsiin welcomed mm gueitt and invited mrs klllott the prenlftent of niuagaweyn wi to tin chnlr the following program win preunted a lending the bishop and tjie cow by mrs mof- futt an instrumental by mish aiiii- riv bhlnioinrt n remlln lv miss wntch mie corners nud a fine ndilresn buc acton fre iress iu11 tel co w u tnlluit aclon free press tims cutting gravel thompson motors mid hoch he urged the penpt lo stmid by their way of life if it ijgoynjribor 1 with ll minihe wo ll and fo hllllil lip oil mr iuxton pronounced ihe hen- i wnu introduced by ir joo slrrw edlctloii m bnckwoodh accoinpnnlst whs the service ininmiuiod in the mr armbtroiig they hnve n united liurrli as itev iuxton red before acton audience nnil gat the cull to lumwihrmice t them nnd lnt nights i bev pickering presented n hum- vm were agnln an event of i be message to those gnltiered no reniember he spoke of the thirty i the acton clubs own contrlb- i years since the mitt armistice utlng artist was george mason who which had mippniiilly been n war w three bngs nt tricks mystl- tn eml wars of the low of the flr amused the gatlierlng youth in thai war and their faith always tins some new ones added to his growing list it tricks and his presentation was heartily jippwvwlwindadhlghtfnl font in of a very brlllnnt evening rihankh of the indies was ox- prensiml to mie club by mrs w j bcnlty for n very delightful even ing of course the club snng songs ufler where every mnn hns a dec ent chance to live in conclusion he stilted that we went to war to make pence and suggested that we make our democracy such a thing thai those who havent it long for honor paid the memory of jie and mrs warren will be learned with interest by many of our renders who knew of his sincerity and loy- ajty in church work present nnd beevo gnldwln hurt presiding bylnws wort introduced niul rend the noecssary times passed and numbered for the purpose if ndopting the 19ih assessment roll numbered 11 and nlwi one for tho purpose of imposing an additional charge of onehnlf of 1 per month or frnctnin thereof on all j klects oitkeitss taxes not paid w divembor hat m tvu tinv imm nlaw numhorod 14 1ians amrs a pitltlnn whr wlimvrd from at a m llnu l monday al sdl00l aivn n 1 riqiincttn i hcy otman ijiumicc wat iiincil to pnss a rhnlutlon per- j i tcliil iiisiliiit nlim simpson ii y nisi cum nutting school area no 1 to join the cuelph sulairlmn high school anil petition wns placed on file for the present to he considered later resolutions requesting ihe coun- anniversary ol the united church observed sunday ccretntw mid mary biailley iitiisiiicr of the badminton club arrangtiiienls are already under way to invite mie cnxrlson clut floili itielph to acton next week thls will be a mled doubles com- ty treasurer o return nil monies petition with partners drawn from rj ted hanson nt the piano nnd j ittindd baxter leading were n fea- miil henrtlly enjoyed annual meeting of knox wm sikjety ai-milsr-janviiome- speedv uio maker a new home rugmalting mach ine which is foot operator is re ported in the flntybal post it can lie affixed to any table and will irlveweave in very complicated de sign it li claimed by north wales makers as fnsfeat in world mach ine 1 stated to be very simple to ontte is economical in wool us- rev dr h w avfeon was the invent speaker and mm wm maxwehttiitino soloist splendid congregationi attended the anniversary services in acton imted church last sunday when he dr k w avlson o former j minister of the congregation was j the special spenker and mrs wm mawell iwc uuth gibson of iuclpii a former member of the choir was the guest soloist the anniversary occasion thb year was really a culminating ver- vuv of three sundays since the auditorium f the church was al tered nnd the new chancel built at the morning service dr a- isoa chose his sermon text from 1st samuel 4th chaptier 9th verse i be strong and quit yourselves like men his subject was christ the foundation ite choir also con- itrlbutod much to the annlversrj services and ihe morning selections were my fnlth iooks up to the i and the anthem o how amiable at the evening service the de- nonllnationul courtvsy was obsei h1 and the services of knox church and the baptist church were with drawn and the congregations join ed in theserxire dr avisons iwt for the evening service was founl in the thlrteeniii chapter of klrt ronnthuu the choir selections were t kadlant morn and a song in the night the offertory solo wa glvon b mrs mavxvell iauelpl guest tolout nt both sftnwi during the day a special anni versary thank offering wns receiv ed nnd the mfnlstor bev louis pickering announced that the con gregation had very generously giv en more than the objective requv- ed owing to krln township nnd also one instructing the road supt to notify patrolmen to hnve atpsnow fence- in tiielr respective divisions erected hy december 1st the clerk wns instructed to ask for tenders for auditors to audit the township books nnd nlso the books for school aren no 1 nnd for 5vchool aren no 2 krin town ship for the enr 1018 lowest or my tender not neccssariy ncocpt- ihe o cluipcau we are looking forward to larger turnouts wheth er pio or amateur as it will make for mvre enjomenl for all mon day wednesday and saturday nites 7 appenls against the 1019 assess ment roll were hoard and woe laid over for investigation to be dealt with nt an adjourned meeting of the court of revision to be heli on thursday novemher ififji tho treasurer reported the re ceipt of 12483 82 from the dept of highways being subsidy on ex penditure on township roads and bridges from january 1st to aug- accounts were examined nnd or i iii it sms jl oil austraisian wool knox presbyterian church wm s held their annual meeting nt the home of mrs lany on november 11th the president mrs blow wns in charge the meeting being held on armistice dny a period of silence wns observed in memory of those who made mie supreme sac rifice nnd prayer was then offered by mrs blow rilie devotional period wns taken by miss ruby clnrk and mrs bucluihnn led in prayer an invit ation wns received from the bostrn presbyterlnn church wms to at tend their thankoffering meeting a very pretty and useful church calendar wns shown mrs blow gnve n very interest australian wool production dur ing 191748 amounted to the equivalent of 500 million which ing reading on formosa telling of was 203 million more than in tho the groat work done by tho mis- previous season the global qunn- slonary there rov dr mckay tity sold was 38 million bales i who was the first presbyterian tho nverago price for unsecured missionary to go to formosa inb- wool wrii 529 oents a pound ored among the natives for over ngnlnst 325 cents in 1946-47- an shirty years before giving up he increase of 61 per cent the price t was rewarded by seeing many nnt- for scoured was 70 g cents nn ive ministers in charge of the hotly price of your moiilli by ihe president of halton dbdrlct mrs f khlnehart who gave de tailed information of our county work nnd nccompllxhrnontm find spoke on citizenship a topic upper most to fjitttltutc wrkort mrs klllott conducted a content with nwitrdh going to mrs karl jjim- herl mid mrs f klngsmill mri i urysdnle expretuteil the thanks to ttn vlsltois hosteks and any who lifnl iihviclated mrs je isfijnby offered her horni for a social evening anrj mrs karl lambert her home for the i ice mlier mistlng mrs drywlale wtis ikslnied liy mrs wm denny and mrs f klng- htnlll hi serving a delicious lunch the meeting concluded by jtlne- m im tic the tje mint hinds halton chihs win in competitions for the district j moo a oo 234 rl 1013 m21 was 200 77 1400 27 15 ja05ri lncrcoso of 27 per cent major h newman addresses acton rttivd pnld ns follows gonornl ac- j v ail liik counts jtg88 shpp accounts i suu ao 00 ilfllpf accounts j117 08 rond accounts j51g 88 i major ji ntwman itecrcatlon coundl adjournihi to moot again director of gooootjn in im ail- at hilubureh on wednesday doc- drosi at the bimonthly dinner rmbtfr 15th 1m8 at 10 oclock meotlni of the ys men club last am or at the call of the reeve thursday appealed stronkly to i parents to make companlvmts of uulr school uke chlldnn parents especially fathers arc apt to make a ureal ihlnjt of their proschool children catering to their many whims but as thoy jyrow older the tho rouular monthly meotlnk of partnts too often leave it to the the womans missionary sinloly of school ami other groups to brim tlu inlted church was held at tji home of mrs e j caldwell on tuesday wth the rnsldent mrs taldwill presiding churches the annunl report of the dlfer- ent committees were given nnd npproved mrs buchnnan and mr e j ilnssard were appointed a i committee to secure officers for the tomlng year hmd all wore invited to remain when n dnlnty lunch was served and n real social time was enjoyed mude more pensant by n visit from rev forbes thomson nnd mrs thom son nnd family cnited wjw november meeting at mrs caldwells latest contribution- for the acton swimming pool v this wivk two more organiz ation- hnve turned in their con tributions to acton community the devotional period was taken b mrs moffat mrs hveldhul up their children nnd a wall of strangeness grows up impercept ibly both child and parent lo su pool nrmiunts that precinis undsrstfindlng con- mw bnnj lu citl2pns ur k tact hkh is so vital in devolving rnnvas for jioooo up over the 7wu mark nnd juit 3000 character a bnppy secure home is sinn a solo nail mrs pickering the gtvntem gift obtnlnnble by mnn m to go to reach this sflgure shke on the ndaamv of finances mild the speaker nnd it is the nat- and missions for the foreign field ural right of every child the study book west of the gor- plans for the nnnunl turk ges n history of missions in china draw in support of y work were wiu giwn by mrs b mownt mrs announced by oiarlle heard pre j moore mrs j ljmbort and mis uunt wei wolfe informed tb nonnott were appointed as a nom- members thnt the acton rotariana inntlnjt committee arrangements were to be hosts to theyi men on uvyne made for a life membership thursday november 23 tjie 500 j canadas population was of british tea to be held at the home of mrs donation to the swimming pool was isle origin and 30 per cent of slnrs v ratified by the membership h french pivvlousy acknowledged 6003 5t dublin womens institute 20 00 acton ieglon auxlllnry 25 00 total received to data 703fl50 at the last census 1041 half of purchnko nt rock salt wns deferred and the clerk instructed tn invest igate prices the clerk was inhlriiclod to re ply in nnd forward a letter receiv ed seeking informal inn- regarding lh- armico building to tho owner if the property a letter received requesting tho organizing of a committee or the united kmorgcncy rellof to brit ain wfis dealt with council set mie price for the rent of mie town hall nt 35 for tho kldd baker show permission was grant evl tho fire men to uho mie council chnmher at ihelr nnnunl rlnnce ns n chotk loom the npfieal of n morton for a rehnto of his dog tax assessment on 44ugrjhfnlw4tthf4hfioghbdlled wlmiln live weeks was refused the correspondence regnrdlntf ihe npmal yf wm fltaswlk for re lief was reviewed nnd a decision made in fnvor it tho nppllcant the clerk requested permission to purchfisee the municipal sta tutes and lermlsslon wns granted further eonsldorntlon wns nskoil hnlton junior fnrmer again concerning nn indigent account nnd won iut in both contests at the ihe clerk w to lnvtlgt district public spenklng nnd am- the band sought the assistance nteiir comrmtltlons held nt w j lonn hgbkejioolnnmnttdny ev- the council instructed thorn to enlng bring their books uptodate nn competing with wentworth mnlntnln them before nny further county miss joan snmorvlllo of grant could bo made arton junior farmers won the a letter from the department of public spenklng nward and will highways regarding private park- represent halton in the zone com- ing for dx kenney gave no da- pet it lonh to lie hed in bnrtish unite policy united church in mie near future i it was found thnt the depart- thk is the second win for joan ment of municipal affnlrs would who last wink won the halton sanction the hulldlng of a chapel honors and a crypt on tho land at the milton junior farmers were the present cemetery winners in the amateur entertain- j the bylnw regnrdlng the regu- ment contest hnlton mny well be lation nn1 control of the water- proud it the fine showing of it works system of the municipality clubs in these events was rend v the clerk wns instructed to send g w a flnnl notice to negligent tax pay- tapt j anderson i coundl decided to advertise for nicsc niitiicifv i arcnn mana f thc viltlsts itiinisirt concession at thc arena in knox church commenced dutie thih week ah area chaplain for wchtern ontario the closing service of the min istry nt rev captain j m ander son in knox church here was held inst sunday moralnrwhen a large congregation attended mr ann- erson chose as his subject lor the service friendship he did not want it to be regarded as a fare well service becnuse both he and mrs anderson hoped to visit acton often recognition of nppreclatlon of the ministry of mr anderson was made at the close of the service when mr k n brown represent ative elder spoke of the regret of the congregation at the terminat ion of hi church service here and recalled his fruitful and good work done in mie church and in acton during his service mr wm coop er senior elder of the church on behalf of the congregation pre- sente1 to captain anderson a well- filled purs- nnd lltte lynda mann presented to mrs anderson a love ly luiuquet df flowers loiter miss isobel anderson rep resenting the soed club and mr carence coles on behalf of toe church choir each presented gifts to mr and mrs anderson bev and mrs anderson and their little daughters moved from the manse last week to their new home in london and captain and- omon comownaed ijis duties a area chaplain of western ontario on monday coming events nmitinrrmrntt urrtlnm rt titifr kvrni under i hfjihna r rlinrunl in rantg lm wiili a minim im il- rit nnaiinrimrnli ol ytc olde tyme dance dublin school friday nov 26 9 15 pjn admis sion 35c lunch provided the unitel church sunday school christ mas entertainment acton friday december 17th 194s euchre thursday november 19 at legion hall prize admission 25c auspices legion auxiliary lakeside chapter i o d r- an nual bazaar and baking sale sat urday november 20 acton y3ica acton junior farmers euchre lorne school thursday novem ber 18 at 9 sharp prizes ladles provide admlulon 35c 193 the womans association of the inlted church are holding a sale of homemade baking candy an1 nprons saturday december 4th euchre and dance- lol 467 crew sons corners every friday refreshments good praxes admls- slon 25c ladlea provide the annual general meeting of acton athletic association wttl be held in the council chamber on friday november 10th at 8 pjm everyone welcome v

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