Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 18, 1948, p. 3

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thursday november 18 ims the acton free press paok thkev pot canadian farmers ta nd industrie there are many im portant developments on tha food front the financial poet l what ahead for bacon and etc tamducan in xm9 the united ictaisdom u pfenning d uu cuts in purchase from canada next year that bad newa only hope 1a that the con jam be allow ed to taper off not ended ahaivty bare were other developsnants western grain men an aaadnf an hiv tan into the losses incur- ted by we farmers fouowtnf sales of canadian wheat at less than world prices koa roles on ujs ifjotir and wheat sales are hampering canada ian flour exports vanwyck cleaners pickup and delivery service phone 272 for the best in dry cleaning bowl 2mr7 hello homemakersi there are more single shoves around our house than pairs of glove of course four women each losing one glove every so 6ten demonstrates extravagance however we are ranking novel osazaar and christ ma girt with these and its like exactly ten minute this saves money in a piggy bank here are the ideas 1 cut a two inch band from a wide cuff to make one arm band for miladys blouse xjne it with red satin and put elastic through to make it look like the one they sell in the usa for js9s 2 lapel novelties may be fash- oned from leather gloves into mini ature dolls animals and rugby balls or other favourite sporting goods stuff with cotton batting or use pinking shears for the double flat ones 3 pin cushions 4 bean bags 3 christmas tree- trimmings 6 belt buckles 7 corners for desk pads and calendars 1 but smaller compact trigidaire holds 30 is 50 mora food in ha tarn kitchen specs i see it now for those who havent any odd gloves to make into novel gifts perhaps there arc odd pieces of fabrics that can be made into mod ern accessories at a recent fashion show wc saw a smart belt pieced together with- volvoteen and serge in 3lnch rectangles and white se quins sewn on domino pattorns using the back of a summer pul lover a dlcklo can be made for a winter suit for warmth use two thicknesses of material and quilt it hoods ore still popular and can be- made from short wool skirts chronicles ot ginger farm kowing weeds helps eradication avrlltn bprciadly for the aeton free tree owendounk p claiuuc fsm a prlnc is born riows flashed over soon winter will be her and all vegetable growth will be checked the interesting question arise as to what become of the variotm weeds at that time what pro vision is made for their survival and renewal in the following yaary if this is known rays g a elliott associate chief plant product division dominion department ot that was the ajcrlcuiture ottawa suitable the airwaves e ay be taken to attack required amount of water for tea there aire commercial powder available at your electrical dealer which should be used to remove lime from your kettle 9 to hard cook esg wash them and put in the potato kettle for or from upholstery and material stitch an interlining close or ust ul thickened add cnbbnec reheat a top stitching after the cap has been sewn and turned riff lit ttldo out since the edge of the hood may curl back manning electric phone 200 acton turning on an extra electric ele ment 10 hrhe pressure cooker may be used to cook a number of different foods in the samo pan make full use of the quick cooking utensil watch the clock to prevent over cooking hbquewwcd jucctpes welsh bareblt 2 tbsps butter 1 tbap corn starch 1 cup rich milk or cream 4 tap salt few grains or pepper dash of paprika 3 cups mild cheddar cheese grated 1 egg slightly beat- on melt butter in top of doublo boiler add cornstarch and mix until smooth add milk gradually cookoverhotwnterrstlrrlngcan staritly until mixture thickens add salt pepper and paprika add cheese nnd stir until melted add somo of the hot mixture to the benten egg and return to mlxturs in the doublosjwllcr cook for two minutes servo at onco on toast or crackers garnish with olives or parsley yield g serving not slaw h cnbbngo shredded 2 epg yolks slightly beaten m cup cold wnter 1 tbflp butter cup hot vinegar tsp salt mix egg yolks cold water but ter vinegar and salt cook over hot water stirring constantly un just as i sat down to write and i rmlnat them must confess it has put everything w commonly classified olse out of my head what rejole- biennial and persu ing there will bo throughout the nua wlth annual as a empire at the news princess convenlnen though hot ey ellsaboth has such a very warm entlflc further distinction an place in all our hearts and it l y b winter an- bring her closer to us because now n when l in the- fall in common with air mother she ond ortunato in ha location or has experienced the pain and joy of ln or m b gu- chlldblrth wo know very well she tar wln annual a little would be spared any unnecessary f south i suffering but tho very nature of ls weod that jrer- her ordeal precludes the possibility minates in the spring or early of it being entirely painless ahd summer grow and reproduces so we are all glad tho little prince h winter dying naturally ls born arid hope that tho toby arid whon caueht by autumn frosts potato pancakes 3 medium sized raw potatoes 1 tbsp flour 1 thsp cream 1 egg 1 tsp salt oratnpntntianq n othwr ingred- tents stir well cook by spoonfuls ln heavy frying pan in hot fat to mnke slippers from on old felt hat is not difficult cut tho hat up the back to the crown steam press felt ond scrub with a brush dipped ln soap suds then use a pattern for beat results or buy insoles that can bo sewn from top to toe there are ideas for using outdated materials ln modern yet practical gifts cooking ihnta to save eijootkiotv 1 use canned cream soups for sauces often never let them boll only heat enough to ent 2 blend flour into meat juices then add hot water to mnke the best brown gravy quickly 3 a layer cake may be baked in 35 mlnutcsnt 375 degrees while the snmc batter in a square tin requires 55mlnutos nt 350 degrees 4 bake a meat loaf mixture in m8 million bushels a gain of 59 muffin tins for even servings and mllllon over 1017 although there it cooks quickly this way i was some increase in acreage tho 5 scalloped potatoes made with r wns duc mainly to excollont a hot orenm sauce require only j crops in ontario quebec and man- hnlf the baking time shred cabbage turnips and tho gains ln bnrloy are not aa beets on a slloer and using a small j rnt as in wheat nnd oats but amount of water cook the vege- 1 u cstimntcd production of 148 tables ln fifteen or twenty mln- 1 million bushels ls about s million his noyal parents will spend many happy year together my first thought this morning wns of the princess and i wonder ed as i watched the dawn if it enmo as a good omen because 1 ennt remember hnvlng seen a lovelier sunrise not that there was n lot of cdlour nclually there was vory little but above the suns first rays the sky was such a wonderful blue interspersed with billowy white clouds faintly tinted atthelrloworodgobwlthshadoa of rosy pink and yot in such n little while the first glory of the dawn jind faded the blue was less vivid tho fleecy clouds quite ordinary nnd the sun very much as usual by tho time i fed the chickens there wns nothing overhead to at tract my attention nut thcro wan underfoot it wnsactunlly slippery there hnd boon enough frost nftor the rain to mnke tho ground slightly ley here anil there i could hardly believe it it seems such a little while since we were com plaining about tho hent but so it is nnd inst tucsdny saw the end of our sensons work the last of our grain was theshed nnd believo me wo are very thank ful one of our neighbours offered to help mo with my threshing meal and while i appreciated tho offer 1948 grain chops production of oil grain crops in cnnnda in 1918 will bo greater than in 1917 acceding to an estim ate mnde by the dominion bureau of statistics at 372 million bushels the wheat crop is 31 mlllon bushels better thnn the 1917 total all but 10 million of this increase was realiz ed ln the prairie provinces sines there wns a slight reduction ln wheat ncrenge the increase can be wholly nttributod to higher yields per ncre out production in 1918 reached its progeny the seed is safely tucked away within seed coat capable of withstanding winter ndvcrsltles tho importance of the seed is attested by its abundance as compared with other weeds if tho seed can bo induced to ger- mlnnto before wlntor or if it can be started early enough in the spring either frost or tho prepara tion for spring sown crops will destroy it while young biennial weeds usually start growth early enough in tho sum mer to provldo ufemsetvoa with a stout tap root and a strong rosette of loaves lying on the ground to carry them through the winter rind furnish reserve food for the flower stem which ls quick ly pushed up in the second year a broad sheared cultivator ls the best implement for eradicating them perennlnl weeds while repro ducing by seed maintain thom- kcivcs year to year by their strong root systems which may be creep ing like those of canada and perennlnl sow thistles or short nnd fleshy as with docks and dan delion no simple operation in fail or spring will suffice to ex terminate the overage perennial summer fallowing nnd cultivation are usually quite effective enough should bo known of the special o her 1 wn s life hlstory-of-oaoh-weed-to-gulde- in tho proper cntlng them methods of cradl- niutain leading shipbuilder ago and i did but tho credit is not to me it is entirely due to the conveniences i hnvo around me now as compared with the little 1 had some years ago these con veniences toko all the worry and a lot of tho work nway from getting threshing meals and they are no more thnn every farmers wife tfiould hnve not nil n once per haps but it should be tho aim of every farmer to give his wife the tools to llfthton her job he might in the end save on doctor and hos pital bills unfortunntely as we know only too well this is not al ways possible during n depression even hydro cuts did not bother me ilnst week because i baked pies ami cooked meat the night before it meant working until midnight durin thl vcnr p juno 30 but that wns better thnn worrying 1018 nhout housn p- bred domestic animals were lnv j ported duty free into the united states for breeding purposes ex ceeding the 1917 figures by more than six thousand of this num ber 314 thousand were cattle predominantly houtclnfriealans 43 thousand were sheep more thnn half of them suffolk 18 tho total tonnngo of vessels under construction in the world nmountn to 4021889 tons groat of whioh 5g per cent is being built in britain the united states turning out 162072 tons while canadian shlpynrds have vessels totalling 125847 tons presently under construction luletcding stock for da utes depending upon the amount 7 pnstry turnovers are more quickly bnked than henvy fruit pies nnd baked on a jelly roll pan require 20 minutes at 400 degrees 8 use n pint measure to fill your un kettle and heat only the ecialists in warm air heatentg air conditioning eavestroughng and plumbing our aim is to give service to our customers and instil only the very best equipment at the lowest possible prices we handle only the best bf murfin sheet metal works pluttbtaff hcunff eavrtlwhitfibti georgetown phone 13sw better thnn in 1917 combined eprlnc nnd falj rye estimated nt 263 million bushels is about double the 1047 outturn yields were good but a nearly doubled ncrenge was the moit important reason for the increase i canadas flax crop was tho larff- 1 est since 1012 18 million bushels from 10 million ncrea the 1912 i record crop wns 2g1 million bush els ripening ov the harvest the ripenlnr of the hnrvest o canadian cropw is n wonderful event in our life an untold am ount of energy and mechanical skill nnd modern scientific study and inventiveness and many more fac tors of enormous importance have kone into the creation of theta products they nre a marvellous development of creative skill to which a ureal section of th pop ulation have contributed th world looks on with wonder at tht result that have been arhiev i the result g accomplish wlu be of croat- help in meeting th i needs of the world which w ntsds ample food supplies- hun- poo- pi in many lands will h hrd by th news of canadian crept and the food will toe a sreat con tribution to th restoration of normal life progress is bslnft j made in th battle saalnst hunger i canadian farmers have done a i frrand job in raisins these food j supplies and have contributed enormously to the welfare and i prosperity of the eountry and the 1 world aj1 who have helped ln this great job of food production are entitled to high praise about five million united states ritlzensare connected with canada either by birth or mnrrinre nhout cutoffs the next morning in tf the middle of threshing i to tell you the truth i think these power cuts add zest to house keeping it is rather fun trying to arrange ones work to suit the hydro hours and ao often we get fooled washing with oneeye on the clock is quite an ndventurc thousand were swine mostly shall we or shall we not get j yorkshire and 260 were breeding through a few more heavy horses pieces to put through the wringer and then slzzz and the machine stops dead just as that hnppenod here last week partner walked into the kitchen look i said see how dependent we are look at that washing machine it is no more use right now than an ordinary tub and s that vacuum cleaner it ls icfa use than a broom in the country we hnve power cutoffs nt a different time from people in town but i suppose even country districts nre not all the same we nre shut off between ten and eleven in the nuvrnlng nnd again from onefortyfive until two fortyfive ln the afternoon so that on the whole we suffer very little inconvenience tonight however was a different matter we hnd an unsiheduud blackout the lights kept going i and off nt nhout fivethirty until finally they gave out altogether it was funny to see partner going off to the barn with a lantern and the kitchen fnlnt- 1 lit by the dim gfaw of a coaloil lamp i wondejvd how we lived that way for so long but we did and i havrnt a doubt we could do it again in fact i think we could put with any inconvenience exeep tetng cold and that would be a hnrdjthlp rather than an inconven ience how sad it u this growing old homemade cake readymixed flflpbll cake mix 3 flovo chocoon looumn 1mci wanted dead animals we ar paying uk mghut prevailing price or daad or crippled farm animal horses cattle hogs telephone collect or immediate service laing cartage olehatino for godon vocno uooted hoa onelph tsu continuous quality is quality you trust same ntkeij since 1ftft6 mas 2 wartta taxm oid ortw isk jot it tilhtr way talk tradtmarks meaa lit sami ma authorized bottler of cocacola under contract wltlt cocacola ltd orangeville bottling works orangeville phone 1s7w visit the maritimes youll enjoy going by bus salary of the lender of the op position in the house of commons is slqfooo a year plus his members indemnity some foreigners find it hard to understand why the pub lic here supports a leader to op- roelhe government in power ltk is a at low bound trip tax included sydney j6445 sl john 434o subject to change halifax 5635 harold wiles phone 58

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