Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 18, 1948, p. 5

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thursday november 18 1m8 the acton free press r mtts mimred honinger of to ronto was noma for the weekend miss margaret garvin spent the weekend with her mother and sls- ter in town miss nellie hall vudted over the weekend with her mother mrs w 3 hall mr walter cubbonsof kitchener visited with his mother on remem brance day mr htarry norton of banrmnq- ullla columbia is holidaying at his home here mr and mrs ross allan marie and john of rrbrontoispent sunday st the parental tames mrs w j gould and miss ruby clark spent a few days last week with irrionds in toronto mrs clara hillock of toronto visited mrs sayers and minnie obbens for tho weekend mr and mrs arch mcnabb of hoclcwood spent sunday at the home of mr ofno c dennis miss edna russell visited with her cousins mr nnd mrs dan henderson of brampton last week mr and mrs miller gray of sarnla spent a few days this week with mr and mrs john c dennis miss helen mceachern of to- 4onto hd mr douglns mceachern of bnrrle were home on the week- nd mr and mrs root hall of wlne- liam opont armistice day with his othoiymrw7jvhallrrmi jorie mr and mrs wm hall and heather ann 6f toronto spent tuesday with mrs w j hah nnd mnrjorle mrs john dullan and mrs ag nes duiian of toronto spent thursday with mrs snycrs and miss m gibbons mr a knapp of perth formerly relieving operator of the roxy cir cuit is now the regular operator at actons roxy theatre mr and mrs wark of burks falls owners of the bluebird theatre visited tho roxy theatro tuesday nnd viewed the acton building the friends of mr donald uc- lean will he p that he tx pccts to leave the toronto general hospital today following a serious operation mr and mrs leslie stewart hamilton and mr and mrs tom smyth florence and xlanc all of toronto visited during iho week end with mr and mrs j e pearew at mndlcwood farm mrs tr gordon agnew is lenvlng toronto today for halifax where she will sail on the aqult- anln to englnnd and thence fly from london to paris on to bui- inttrb olljnrtri at janaa aecon ontario rev louis picxkhino minister parsonage bower avenue campbellvili mrs james wallace was hostess to jhe grace mission band for tbalr ttiankotfering meeting on satur day affternoon the president miss norma brown was in charge after singing a hymn prayer was offered by marilyn moore and the w scripture toftsoitwas read by ann synoay november 21st phcer with comments by the turi sacrament ttf infant leader after several items of bus- baptism at the mornn service uken th 1 christr p wlth lowing program was preseobsd al m 4i piano solo by anna llurren duett thvcsdesi conbroe i by marion and lois greenlee 1z15 pm our church school i p pwker redtat evening service at seven the kil- lon marian greenlces mrs beech his hymns a welcome to all irrbbrrtrrtott chlnurb id ojanaha tox church acton 1 sunday november 21st 1100 ajn mornlng service rev w findlay of cooksvlllo 121s sunday school 700 pm evening senvloe rev w findlay they that wall upon th lord shall ronow their strength centenary of isaac watts an guest speaker gave a very interest- evening with the writer and l ing talk to the girls shi had made a scrap book with pictures show ing the many things we all have for which to be thankful also read a story of a little chinese girl named jadeflower virginia mitchell favored with a piano solo mrs wallace read a poem composed by her father who is lmng in scotland there was a fine moral in the little poem miss mcphall president of the wjmffi gave a few remarks virginia mit chell thanked the hostess and mrs beech the birthday song was sung for mrs menxles and lois greenlces the meeting was closed with prayer by lois inglls the hostess served a delicious lunch and twentyone girls and nine ladles had a pleasant afternoon miss louise currle of toronto was tho guest of mrs lloyd craw ford on wednesday friends of mrs e d mahon are sorry to hear she is 111 mr howson luah li inthe north satttnt cctjurtli acton rev char k flowler minister acteen topics ii of sunday novembeil 21st 10 30 ojyi sunday school 11 30 a m tho relationship fridtytovember lh- 00 p zrjt w by p u him every success mrs fred peter u c is visiting with mr and mrs wll- t aumtte dfurrr i hunten hovparants langllean j mrs robert inglls is staying at reetor rev w g luxton ba the home of mr nnd mrs roy donaven hamilton this week sunday november hist i sundny next to advent 10 00 n m sundny school yoqjim holy communion glnners class 7 00 pm evening prayer this church welcomes visitors talking through the hat mrs george goldstraw enter tained last thursday afternoon in honor of glen goldstraw margaret be- mcphall nnd larry mcphall it be ing the occasion of ench of their birthdays several children were present with gifts and good wishes mr and mrs carl ross of pus- hnch were guosts with misses jean and janet mcphall on monday dr and mrs robertson and fam ily visited with friends in thlstlc- town over the weekend mrs burke snannard bobby and anne of ottawa spent last week with dr arid mrs beech wo offer congratulation to elizabeth i by jeaeph litut butted one sometimes wonders whether any cluzan u quite as slmplfr- mlnded fnhadbelley p elizabeth and prlss him toe of course the pollucua phn on tw brth qf thhr fl may be right they have sorae hom sunjay evidence on their tide witness th no r flrstithc undersigned have received v instructions fk5m u 1 school farm poruiit met vmrakvuxb shaw amazing absurdities that john on monday cvcn thc school to sc by suction on the farm lot knrla to nttend the womens world comrn arc sold by monopo- pence conference dont bite off tot mueli every conscientious farmer wants to improve the pro fit picture on his farm render more useful service to his corn- public seems ready to swallow mr robcrt hurrcn cp provided they are presented on- mnn jjonajj sma acted der thc proper auspices unl after a discussion on picking an instance at nuom your fathers farm progressive there is the statement of premier ruchte waa cn prtjp wm douglas of saskatchewan hcjcjd nonj wcro smm hcien thc ccf convcnuon at winnipeg agnewandmr james watson when we dont like the price we mrs gdorrc ink uns ho u have to pay or gasoline or clgai i a of st davids etoo or farm machinery thore is church on wednesdny afternoon nothing we can do about it these i lies which have complete control of tho prices they charge apparently john public didnt even gulp over tho gtatcmont- yet he must have had an idea that srtfiriday was sadie hawkins night atthe penguin club and the girls certainly did a good job of keeping male wall flowers down to a mini mum yes the girls really had a field day tlxt sadlo hawldns novelty dance added some pep to tho evening with tin boys facing the wall and the girls rurmjng and claiming them on the word go it is odd uierewero not moreflatten- ed races there were six prizes given out for elimination dance pot dance and tho rdale and fe male must wed four of the prixes wore free passes to the roxy donated by mr george robinson manager of the theatre thc penguin room is certainly beginning to look good but there is still a little work to be done the aiu5 rugby team were de feated by a alight margin in their contest with georgetown but woll lot someone else make the excuses nnd account for that tho team played orangovlllc monday- but this is being written prior to the game tlve acton boys and girls band nre planning to procure flashy new uniforms if it is financially possible they have twothirds f the cost after six years of work but that oncthlrd is going to bo difficult it is tomored ihat they aro plan ning an extra- special super- duper christ mas extrnvaganzn of course wo will all find out in due time they may even have their uniforms by christmas it certainly seems the teenagers are out for flnnncnl support what with a rugby equipment debt hang ing over their head and now band uniforms coming up and thc swim ming pool not yet completed pac2k txvt rejections without foundations y jtoeeph ijster bafledge socialism rejects capitalism says mr david lewis national secretary of the ccf party be cause of its merciless exploitation of human effort it rejects com munism because of it denial of individual personality jdofoi any of this make the sort of sense that reasonable people might reasonably demand of any theory that asked their allegi- ahoer on that ground we could challenge the last clause because in socialisms demand for social equality then is the denial of the freedom of action that is the ea- sence of individual personality we would challenge the first clause because we do not believe it could be supported by any evi dence that resoable and unbiased men would accept such broad benerallatlons should defeat themselves because sooner or laer they come up oca inst facts that give them tho life lets check this charge- of w clless exploitation of human ef fort against the facts of orw of the biggest industries wo have in canada the canadian pacific railway the cpr has a total of 95858 owners in 1047 they received as total payment for hazarding tho 472 millions that made tho oper ation possible an average of 206 ench there are 83528 persons em ployed by the railroad lr- all its opcrntlonfl last year theso recelv- ed wngps or nnln nn nvftwigo dancing every saturday night town hall milton to the music of tiny hopkins and his orchestra open for engagements through the week and new years eve very reasonable rates phone tiny hopkins 425w milton of 2322 clbaiung auction sale in the towmhlpof erin of farm stock implements kay grain roots fimntttngeetc chemung auction sale in the- township of ernmosn op oary cattuc pigs hor ses implements hay grain etc ullh the preiident mrs j k mahon in chnrfrc the devotlens were taken hy mrs s cairns nnd miss e j mcphnil committees were appointed nnd flnnl ar-ranse- ments mnde for the bnznnr a nominntlnr committee win np- therc was something wrone about pointed to hrlnc in n slntc of of- it he could stop smoklnz or drlv- f f iog commute l i j inc for instance and see what tho f lire membership bulls 15 monlhs old g spring nnd i socalled monopolies could do lnthcwms several other hems summer calves j about that a lot of housewives of business were taken car of munlty and thus to the world at i lnte kot mad over the price of twenty ladies answered the roll lame as a citizen nnd fanner ho hect nnd oulont buy it it drop- cn thp moctinf wm closed by must be mnrchlnc constantly for i nid 10 ocnls a ikund ln woc repentine the lords prnyor in unl- sunerlnr mithol to fulfil his dual i theres another thine he must son after which all enjoyed a social have known he could do too he na jio 0 a cup of tea could agitate to havo the eorem- several indies from here ntend- ment remove or lower thc taxes t goth anniversary of the on thc product twentyone cents indies aid of knox church mlltin the undersigned hnve received instructions from j mocann sons tn sell hy auction on the farm lot 27 con g kramosn township sltuntcd on thc sixth line one mile north or oustlc 12 miles north of guolph city on friday november sb 1948 commencinp at 12 ocloclc sharp the following dairy cows reg llolsteln cow born march 27 ljm in full howdfmilkrartincrauythred sept 23 to paul perfection reg hol- steln cow born july 20 1u12 in full flow of milk bred may 2a to pioneer lodge sovereign reg holstein heifer born september 2 1017 holsteln cow milking well bred mny 20 holstein cow milk ing well hred mny 24 holstein cow in full flow not bred part holgteln cow in full flow bred on june 29 ayrshire cow tresh five weeks with heifer cnlf nt foot ayrshire cow in full flow bred june 5 ayrshire cow in full flow bred juy 1 blue cow ln rull flow bred aug 20 blue heifer in lull flow bred september 2 rod cow nev set of tcnmbnckdnnd hnr- i milking well bred mny 15 blnck noss good condition set or slnglel c milking well due jan 5 harness collars etc ronn heifer due jnn d jersey cows hcrcrord bred in june cow in full mow bred sept 4th milking well a rehire cow bred jersev cow milking well bred in august milking well brindle mny 27 cow bred in june milking we ll young cattle 3 yearling jcrsn cow rresh about six weeks heifers 10 steers nntt heifers with heifer calt nt root red cow about mw lbs 11 spring calves bred in mnv milking well i young calt 2 knt calves nbomt young cattle heifer nhmit lbs ik lhs 2 yearling hellers 2 red 17i con 4 erin township situated on the 17th sldcroad between the 3rd nnd 4th lines about 2 and one hnir miles north of osprlnge 5 nnd n half miles southwest of htlls- burgh on thursday november 50 commencing at 1230 oclock sharp the rollowing horses nnd harness bnck percheron gelding 9 yrs old grev mare 12 yrs old good in nil ha- lilimnll ittilrt r itii itttt ttrrrrn m i i i4 ijii j acton firemens annual dance j friday december 3 i i acton firemen will call on the citizens of acton v i during the week of november 25th in the interests of their dance firemen solicit your patronage inni r rtl ri rr lt t rv i irrrrt m mi im superior methcwls to fulfil his dual function more effectively but in neither cum k it possible to enact all improvements t once in community work for ex ample iome ambitious farmers at tempt to belong to local federa- out of the thirtyfive cents paid for a packet of cigarettes is tax ions of agriculture agricultural wouid theso monopolies have per- on the 12th all report hnvlng had a mtv pleasant aftwnoon asoclatlons municipal councils school bonrds and advisors in junior farmers npd club work fteultb obtained from such nn overload of community work usunlly weigh very little on the other hand if nil ener gies were tmrentratel in promot ing the activities of fewer organ iut ions benefits to all concerned would be remnikable the same tna be applied to fnrinlng practices the man who attempts to institute eer known improvement in u single year often full to do a thorough and offeetive job with iinj of them in munv cases he become dis heartened disillusioned and final ly sinks into tlu en lego r of a wosliout a smart farmer will take a stap at a time instead of attempting mi t tod that ix it could have bcn avoided or could they retain that price if taxes were dropped so it goes with gasoline and farm machinery we could reduce them nil if we didnt demand so many social benefits that cost money that is part of the price of cigar ettes and gasoline and farm mach inery but the main point that premier ivuglns did not mention was that bv switching the brand he usej john public can also do something about pi ices of course that hdit an argument that would sound well on a platform more or lesu dedicated to getting rid of com petition but these ore methods that work apd in his mine mom ents john public knows it it is only when he lets hlmwslf become bemused with a theory that ha more than half a million can adian men and women who served in the armed forces and merchant marine in world war 11 will re- reive the canadian volunteer ser vice medal mork tmvkilsities to leap to the top oi the ladder forftvu the very simple replies in oin jump all farms are con stantly in need of wme major im provement nils fall for instance improved hay and pasture man agement can be concentrated up on experiments in many live stock raising areas have proven thc economies of procuring mora feed from hay and pasture are fully justified when grassland areas are improved to the mott economical point appropriate steps may then be taken to in troduce other new ideas it will be found that one improvement builds on the previous ones th old moral dont bite off more than you can chew still holds good that his common sense would pro vide for him miss allan reg chiropodist trta foot aliment oar- ria llgltt eamfortable arch es of leather or staej us pre ferred 27 arthur st guelph phot 1300j sharph h ghri fees nnd higlnr entrance standaids have not solved the enrolment problem of can adian urhersitles states the fi nancial post tills fall total at tendance will be well ovey 60 xv while that is it slight drop from last ears record it it far beond the average of pnwai withou sonic drastic change ln present ixmditiom the is universities or this countrv ma as well recon cile themselves to a permarent en rolment of at least double that ot before the war eventually this must mean a substant nl addition to our univer sity capacity probably some de centralization with smaller or perhaps feeder inst i tut loan to relieve the load ln the larger cen tres and nt the same time cut down the com to the studer is themselves or to those who foot ther bills- ins york sow bred aug 10 york sow bred sept 1st 15 chunks knt pig hay nnd qllals 700 hushels or oats 10 tons or hay timothy with lots or alfalfa 50 bus or man golds bag corn king mineral uitmhkk kukl 75 cod ir posts a quantity of mixed lumber about 1000 rt scantling planc and inch 2 maple tongues abiut i f0 ft of pipe a bunches of cedar i shingle pipe fitting bunch or 1 asphalt shingles about 10041 cord- i of cednr kindling kails about 10 i cord of 1 rt mixed hardwood i implements m h hinder fi ft cut ernst and wood mower ml side delivery dump hake iaiden car for wo4dentrmft sling chains 150 draw hope hn kork kordson li actor complete with pulley and governor m h disc drii j kurrow tractor p ov 1 single kurrow hiding plow dou ble disc 2 section drag harrows spung nth oiltlvntor t section diamond harrows 5 section har rows cockshutt drill with nm feitilator scufrier steel heiicd lyiuk wngn kim hack old high wheel wagon lor ciittng lwn klat itatk hain wag in et n bench s eighs iittt lieeuarmw clrcunr saw wli dodge motor 1 spools of karhed wii hods of woven wm i vine never used steel w iter birrel wooden wntei ham l sugar mettle pig troughs koiks hoes shovels neck yokes lolitm nd kqcipmkni vew colnnv house 10ll new colom house 10x11 covered with insul brick ousnn coal bnxider 500 eapacik nearlv nlv hoppis 1 keednr water kountalns etc mi n hnmpshin hens new- hampshire ulets starting to in horsehotd kkketls hound dtning itoom tnhe leather seated chairs 1 dresners- 1 burner electric plate hall hack mirrors renfrew hnnge 11v17 ivor finish w ith reservoir anl warming closet buffet china cabinet hocking chairs ktectrlc iron klectric toaster bed coiih i dishes and cooking dtenslls wasji boiler fi callon crocks m h cream separator milk pails childs wagon smgh is sold atotfoin promnc mslnum su st kvh up residential schools where some 500 rnrmlng in case of bad weather pupils who are totally or partially stock nnd furniture cnnbe sold blind learn braille take part in ulw v i umi tvraw canh with clerk sale day arux warn hindley ft jujqtr i kred ilaptle clerk auctioneers regular school cjs trades i pk7s- berk sow due jan 1st i young sows bred tirst week in november 3 kat pigs t thrifty chunks about 150 lbs f 5 thriltv chunks alxiut 100 lhs york hog rendv for service iiohsks and harness grey mare 7 years old good tn harness brown male fi yvars old good tn all harness bay mare h yrs old good in all harness blnck killy 1 yrs old chestnut gelding 2 yrs old 1 sets of backhand team har ness collars etc implements miussev harris i furrow tractor plow used one vear mccormlck deering la disc ginin drill with fertilizer attach- i ment cockshutt binder no fi 7 ft cut frost nnd wood mower 5 tt cut international hay loader rubber tired wagon wagon box klat hay rack templln sleigh j walking plow cockshutt 1 section harrows new mnssey harris ya tooth cutivntor low wheels with trictor hitch new this vear two low corn cultivator cockshutt 10 clmppt neirlv new hoover dig ger renfrew iooo h scales klec- tiic kem er logging chain ruh- bei tired wheelhtriow cement miser new this vear 1 seuftlers j5 sip iain sap pun tool grind- ii potato spiaver pig cr ite nnd l small ntthles 10 siinr- tim- uts hay nnd grain ftoo bushels or alaska ats 500 bushes it heavv mixed grain 0 tons ot good mix ed hay dairy hqlipment at jhhl- lry woods klediic milking machine power d with a briggs niratton motor with pipes nnd h tsjulpment st minor pats plung er sli ik cans renfrew cream scpaiatoi good as new 50 light sassex pullels 5 roosters col- onv house bkil l spraver fclth so n of hvsv holskhold ekkecis all- adin limp ijimps extension tnble washing machine day bed coal oil stove etc the farm if net previous v mild the farm will he offered mr sale subject to a reserve bid con sisting of 100 acres more or ls this ls a good farm a0 acres of wheat bank barn stucco house for further information apply to the owner or auctioneer terms on real estate 10 per cm on- d f sale 5t per cent whet possission is given balance mav remain on mortgage ftir 5 years bearing intenst at f per cent terms cash with clerk on day of sale wm a gibson albert gray clerk auctioneer phone guelnh 7k1vv nightly 7 and 9 pm acton matinee saturday 2 air conditioned now pitying jennifer jones gregory peck joseph cotten in duel in the sun adult entertainment friday and saturday november 19 and 20 a great horao story a gre heart sto gewetatjtky his horse champion strawberry roan monday and tuesday november 22nd and 23rd mm bum uobt c1iy ai tie iisiors ka sriif jtfa fj giv you sssjr wednesday and thursday november 212 adult knicrtuiiimtnt in addition on the stage search for talent show cash prizes stars of tomorrow in review doors will open at i oclock show starts at t 10 talent show at about s 1 come early and avoid disappointment uiad4 of talent a gigantic lyogram coming the sainted sisters and t marauders

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