Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 18, 1948, p. 6

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ob six the acton free press thursday november 13 ims news and views of llmltoa fotrm internt rz norvml jnnlon hold annual bnuy t r hllurd junior ex tension fleldmnn of the ontario depart ment of agriculture was the euest speaker at tho annua rally of the inorval junior farmer held in the new esqucslng community hall at stewarttown on tiday oven ins of last week mr hum lard delighted the large audknce with hut resume of junior farmer activities throughout ontario another pleasing feature of the evening was 4he presentation of john bird president of the eaqueslng agrl cultural society of number of trophies won in connection with special seed show sponsored by norval junior farmers at george- iown fair last september those receiving trophies included miss xsmey kean and messrs craig al- xander george c wilson floyd brtdgm and bob alexander nell vanvliet president of the norval juniors was the able chairman of the evenings program which also included vocal selections by the misses vloln bridget and jean chester nnd nn instrumental oy donald garhutt a dance to music rounded out another of those most enjoyable evenings programs stag ed by norval junior farmers lnlshed- thus our childrens child ren and their childrens children shall not know waqtand their nat- ion will remain tb land of plenty and the home of freedom we donot need to point out that that message does not tie in with the practice of selling manure nor thcprnctlcc of lowingupjilll and down dale it also means that more of our farmers should grass down their water runways it also means that if we wish to preserve this canada of ours for future generations we must get back to wknie of the good old farming practice of 35 or 40 years ago in short most of our farmers whether they realize it or not are mining their farms how many today plow down a good crop of clover as green manure t it fcnajt mean a longer rotation particu larly on our hilly fields so that our flcd remain in meadow or pasture which are soli building crops for a longer period of time with this program must go increased tree planting on our more rougher more unproductive fields germnhy we are told has 27 ol their total acreage in timber in halton and surrounding counties have we more than 5 in bush which is not p- lured much more could be said but we will try and content ourselves for the moment by referring you to 2 comparatively new books on the subject the road to survival by wm vofet and vour plundered planctby dr osborne ho yoa have no erosion i hawnt any erosion on my farm buuvoushould see my neighs bars fields remarked alf jones at a recent farm meeting this statement was not original with jones for not more than five min utes berore i had listened to the neighbour tell nbout his drainage ditch which was plugged with soil from the jones farm the neigh bor hastened to explain however that his fields had no erosion erosion taking place over the fence was more ev ident to each of these men than that occurring on his own farm it is a situation heard many times that there is plenty of erosion in halton on nearly every farm des- pue what some of our farmer friends try to fell us goes without luylnc ortehroronlytdlook at the colour of our streams after n rain compare our crop yields to day th those or firiy years ago statistics reveal that in each ten year period with tha exception of fall wheat our yields of grain roots corn etc arc lower than in the previous decade just recently within a period of a wieek we talked to two different farmers one in the lower end of nelson township nnd the other in esqucs- lng township in the georgetown area the nelson township farmer planted a fnlrl large acreage of husking corn it wasnt worth picking yet on the same farm he had an acre or two of grain corn on some land which had not been cropped nt least during tru llfe- time of the present generation this latter land had produced a prent crop of com with enrs a foot long despite the drought conditions v which ovist od in that arva this past season the esqueslng township farmer broke a fej acres of virgin land this past year this along with another section of the same field which has been cropped about 8 years was also put into grain corn the contrast in yield between the two areas in thei same field sown at the mime time under the same conditions was almost unbelievable why the difference in the yields on different parts of the same farm aim oat entirely due to difference in organic matter content and yet day after day and ear after ear we see truck load nfter truck load of manure going out of the mixed farming sevtlons of this county who owns industry by jeaeplt litr kutledge anybody might be surprised to see a dog baying nt its own heels but that is a very fair picture of much of our arguing and thinking we want to chnllengo corporate enterprise we want to take from it its socnlled illgotten gainst but brother thfc gains are your own and the only profiteer you mn reasonably challenge is your self maybe you dont believe this its not surprising if you dont its hnrd to believe especially so after such a long build up about how much everybody but tho honest worker was getting out of our economy we like tho honest wqrkcr we rather consider our selves a worker honest we hope this honesty compels us to ioolc some facts in the face to wit total corporate profits in 1946 were 51421000000 these are government statistics and hardly to be doubted that represents better than a hundred dollars for every mothers eon of us do you remember getting yours maybe not but you djd most of you for instance out of that total came almost half 670000000 in taxes where did you think ill the social securities that we have heen demanding came from and who did you think pnid for them dont get to thinking that it was some elderly mldas who gave up these profits to pay for your privil- cgvs youre paying for them yourself they are your profits it isnt n dream its a fact- after the taxes were deducted there still remained a tidy 751- 000000 less than half of that 340000000 in all was dis tributed in dividends the re mainder was retained in the busi- clearinc auction sale in eramosa of farm stock implements feed and furniture rrho undersinned hnve received instruction from jr r tirok to soil by public auction at his rnrm lot 1 con 4 kramosa sit uated on tho 4th lino of kramosa jus south of grays mill on wed november mtu commencing- at 100 oclock the following worses and harness gray porcheron gelding vi years old bay porcheron goldlng eirod set of team harness collars etc sttebfts 2 steers nbout 1000 lbs s steers about 800 lbs- all ready for tho butcher hay and grain 8 ton of mixed hay 400 bus mlxod grain 500 bus turnips implements m h binder 7 ft cut mccormlck doorlntr mower dump rnko ficory m p ow six section harrows with 4 and g draw bar spring tooth cultivator 11 spout seed drill lumber wagon combined stock nnd grnln rack grnvol box set or light sleighs seurtler pulper fork hoes shovels bnkfl chnlns boxes and tho usual lino of small articles j household pukniwfte the entire contents of tho house consisting of as rood as new dining room with extension table chairs nhle board nnd chlnn cnmnot ches terfield sulto land a chnlrs dishes knives forks spoons cooking utensils ijnomims mnts grnm- nplione nnd records bedroom suite with simmons mnttress good ns new dressers wnsh stnnds bed clothes kitchen table chnlrs smnll tnblc kitchen cnb- inel cooking utensils stoves terms cash on day of sale the sunday school t lesson hlnoav november 21 no reserve ns the fnrm is sold the fnrm is lust west of no 7 highway midway between rock- wood nnd eden mills hindlky nnd elliott auctloneert ph 19r3 rockwood or 177j milton with fuel prices up keep heating costs down insuate now with rock wool blowing method up to s0 savings for free estimates phone rockwood 32 ii ft brace local rep for kw roofing and insuiaunr co kitchener we operate ontarios most modem equipment may safe noss for expansion for increased wngeo for better methods and newer machines the factors that pny your way nnd protect your job of course you may be thinking that 340000000 isnt a bad little plum it isnt slxtyslx million of it uont to those 75744 fortun ate canadians with an average tnxable income of over 3000 something under 900 each the remainder directly or indirectly went to us so it seems that it is really we doun to the fruit nnd egptable little folk who own the business nroas nt the front is it logical to and get the profit without any eon bugkest guiirnntinvlng prices turmoil of upsetting government lmd on cost of production to such nnd redistributing wealth eighty formen lost september we had per cont of all the profits outside the pri liege of hnrlnu hon john of tnxea cornea to you and ma al- crarlsen nddress n luncheon on ready farmers dn at the cne dur- ing the course of his address as u roonll mr bracken stated t lint the overage production per acre in north america is 250 v hile the average production pe neiv in china is 5500 calories hon refine old oh of coarse you irtsmn to play safe when eyesight is concerned but you cant always be expected to jmow place your trust in us because we arc optometrists of many years dxpenence wc recommend and fit canadas foremost glasses corectal the lenses fo- maximum eye comfort cecil a carr lavage optical a douglas st tel 1001 guelph onl corectal lenses iron anything easier faster better with the new hlch prices for oil have meant calorie buslnces for us refineries i which refine used lubricating oil and for firms which manufacture mr bracken also pointed out that refminir equpment rwrta the the per enpttn consumption in north america is 10 xx calories end in uast asia 27x cnlortft the point la north america a compar- flnancial post cottt of reflne1 oil is about 10c a ciilon and ntnkeru wiy that properly r- 1 aimed oil standi up to all re- auto gladiron poetrfim thenidle golden text ho lintli put n how song in my mouth even prnlso unto our god ps 40 3 lesson text ptf 24 exposition 1 the glory of god 1 2 this psalm is inserted in tho sunday school lesson purrlculum os nn example of biblical poetry it is majestc in swcop and lnsplr- ingly objective truth la imparted in many forms in the blblo but tho emphasis is not on the form in the bible but on the real trutl tho reveatlon from god conveyed in it in tlio 24th psalm tho in spired writer brlngslmportant rev elations first is tho glory of god it is written that the earth is tho lords in order that ignorant narrow pnrochlal or trlbn man might lenrn that our jehovah is god of tho whole corth evory part of it exists by his flat gon 1 jno 1 13 when jehovah made tlie world nnd gave it to tho children bf men ho still reserved to himself nil his sovereign claim upon both the world and man hc- nllstlcnlly nil things are gods men mny net selfishly in their cov etous greed for possession but they own neither themselves nor whnt they accumulate 1 chron 20 11 dnn 4 25 1 cor 10 1c ps 89 11 eph 5 15 tho word fullness in v 1 ro- lntos to the inhnbltnnts- of tho woi id tliecrentlonof tnnnwns the completion of goda purpose gon 1 27 28 the first parents were to bo fruitful nnd multiply in order to replenish the enrth since mnnklnd is tho crenton of god it is the duty of nil men to glorify lkc for nntl worship god rev 4 11 it is ijio sin of mnn not to do this the forms of mans disobedience mny bo diverse but they hnve osssentlmlly once com mon fault men will not obey god deut 11 2628 1 snm 15 22 jot 2c 13 ii necessity of holiness 36 the hill of the lord had ref erence to ml zjon or 4othe tab ernacle or to- the teraple hnd the slknlflcnnt of referring to they hnve essontlnlly one com- tho dwc ofgod the nothing to that incomparable hour whon our lord of hie hosts conies with theni to the final hour of re demption of a lost world in a new heaven and a new earth it is the work of the holy spirit to teach us to glorify god jno 16 1215 through the gospels wo aro show th of jesu he was born in another mans stable fluko 2 7 had no place where ta lay his head matt 8 20 was scourged as a guilty felon jno 19 15 was crucified jno other mans gravo jno 19 4042 19 1618 and was burled in an- hc was every mans servant lac 10 45 tie was all of this in or der that ho might be our saviour i3ut ho arose from the doad mfc 10 45 w 6 ho was received up into jjeaven where he alts at cods rlght hand until his enemlea be omdo his footstool beb 1 13 sometlmo christ will be given the kingdom which has been promised him dan 2 44 ac 1 6 7 rev 11 1518 when that time comes it will not bo as a servant that jesus will appear but as a king his rotlnue will bo tho saints whose delight will bo to sing of the glory and majesty of their eternal re deemer rev 5 810 19 15 one way to oe a seat tkel new country i depleting her ltfbts thf w hnd lu soil resources much motv rapidly than the people- of china we would do well to bear in mind the message of charges e sweet entitled our soil the soil is the heritage of our nation we who call ouraelvea the owners of the soil are only its custodians fora brief span of time start in the depressed thirties but greatest growth has come during postwar boom puis by atk to eastern europe hungary is to improxe the quai ls of bacon by importing pedigree the soil is our moat priceless p from britain 2400 of these possession and our greatest re- an are travelling by air to spaahblllty freedom hat never eastern europe all were bought flourished in a hungry and lmpov- by tno miionof agrlcutural ax- erlthed land pe to britain by tho hung- god grant us the intelligence to arlan government they are be- respect our soil and the will to lns transported at the rate of 43 conserve it in ajl way to that dmjpi ln individual travel crates when our period of stewardship is of whleh 15 can be fitted into a done we may pass on tha loll with plane lie fertility and frultfulneas undlm- won in half th t1mi with haif tw work its compute 0 new tr rapicauy pimxeht come in and try it i manning electric phone 280 act6n figure lends us beyond poetic lang ungc and compels tho question who enn nppronch god certainly not unclenn sinful men god is holy lev 19 2 21 8 1 snm 2 2 god requires holiness in his creatures lev 20 7 isn g 3 heaven resounds with the prnisos of his holiness rev 4 8 for uint renson the question of th psnlmist is n renl one who shall slnnd in the holy plnee only those who hnve clenn hnnds undoubtedly n leferencc to right eous living nnd a pure henrt refei ring to the inner motives of the soul who hnth not lifted up his soul to nnlt n challenge to men regarding the doctrines which they hold nnd which control thelt- lives whether they be according to gods reenled truth or not all fnlse philosophies 111 e vnln empty whnt ordinary human being could qunlifj none rom 3 23 hnd the significance of referring to our iird jesus christ he is ev erything thnt can be expected he hns nscended to the holy plnce heb 9 21 he is the saviour the son of god luke 1 35 as our representntlvo in heaven he hns undertaken to bring us into the holy plnce as our redeemer he hns cleansed us from our sins 1 pet 1 18 19 as our hlga priest he intercedes for us rom 3 34 as our advocate he will tt inst present us purified and holy unto god eph 1 4 5 27 col 1 22 the blessings which our lord has received he shnres with those who will seek purity nnd hol iness ns n mnnner of life thus nil our chrlmlnn ndwincemenl nnd enilchment depends upon- our pur suit or holiness ileh 12- 11 11 who ls the king of cory 7- 10 the language of this section is fnr rwaoseil tioni our piofnne minds rhe king of gior is n wondeifhl title glup 1 ihe ef fulgence rmianrt trnnscenlnnt beiutv of our holy god rev 21- j1 the quetllon ls raised because men in their sinful stnte know i nothing of god or ills gorv but i when the nre regenerated b th holv spirit the come to know nnd i love god rom 5 5 then i something of tlie glory of god j rests upon them 1 pet 4 11 it ik this esjienenoe which gives u witnessing power ac 1 8 our epectnnr is thnt we shnll ap- penr with christ in glory col3 41 undoubtedly then this part of the psalm has a reference- to the triumphant enlrv of our iord jes us christ into glory with ills groat host of fotlowvrs w hen he shall deliver up under uls feet and when he shnll deliver up the kingdom of god anil the father that god may bo all in all 1 cor 15 2228 in the imagery of the psalm it s said ho he nn antlphonal chant sung by tlie priests of the temple and the people as they ascended the hlu toward the temple if so it must have been a wonderful experience to observe it bat this will be as tho nervous little man glanced novously nt his watch grabbed his hng nnd rtrihed out to the station platform tho effecton the other travellers wns nil thnt could btf desired thoy also picked up their luggage nnd ran shortly after ward tho little man returned picked out the beat seat ln the stntlon and sat down to wait for the trnln which was not duo for 30 minutes pollock and campbell hanufaeturers af high grade memorials memorial engraving g2 water st north galt telephone lou robt r hamilton optometrist of guelph will be at dfrgra7sns0ftice tuesday dbceafbeb lath yso j pm oomplete eyesight service rosedale floral oeoboarrowrf flowers for every occasion if its a spray wreath wedding flower out flowers potted- planta we eaa plea you our prices are right phone e t marks acton 88 or gootzeuywn 283j visit our modern showroom 8 garden street guelph ont opp pfa hall rubber and mastic tiles dojud unoucdal waul teles installed in kitchens bathroom hallways biorea oflleea us floor sanders for rent or worst 1 keating tile co lloyd k reattno formerly guelph flooring service phone zs4sw guelph after rmm i when housecleaning j dont put aside puitntture that can be reupholstered our new patterns and colors and expert workman ship will make them better than new for the best in chesterfied reupholstering phone 87 acton 7 day service no waiting easy payments arranged if dealred on reuphalstarallf r new chesterilelda up to 12 months to pay jack sudermann of john dick and son from the not the lop h k start tl ua a junior he moved around he motesl up he learned u lot nlxut bonking uihui itiiatlu ubout people he in sitill eliinhiiif still leurnirtg u job itlueh i not nimttereri in 11 lay or a yeur he lint learned for iiihtutiee that in mukhik ioiuih a bank manager iitunt ttatiufy himself that thelorrover would merit your conlicleiiee if vdu were lending nr own money at the same time he weleomen opmtrrnnitifu to put money to work iuns are part of his buhineuh and an important source of revenue they help people get along hejp build a properouh progressive uatiou contrail hit freedom of iudgmant with conditions in lands whar fradom i denied wheea very bank it a political tool ovary banker a stat official i stat monopoly of banking propotod by socialists hor would opa your banking transactions tc political intrusloit sponsored by youk bank

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