Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 18, 1948, p. 7

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muhapay november ib 1mb the acton fnff press oakville major robert duncan apple- notice to creditors and others all persons having any claims ford jtoyal canadian army medl sb5sth who sksi o m m qaejph on or about the slat day ton will shortly retire from the of july 1948 are required to file canadian army to resume private particulars of ame with the un- i prncuce n oakvllle dersfsned on or before the j5th t ai i i day of novwnber 1948 after which have been a much date the estate will be distributed tnore serious accident marred the bavins regard only to the claims local pheasant shoot ort saturday ch lb of which iho administrator shall then have notice dated at acton this 4th day of november 1948 kattle e davidson acton ontario ad- bhd bt when the sun sn the hands of a hunter accldently went off wound ing lloyd green about the head mlnlstrator of the estate of doro thy 31zabeth davidson deceased voters list 1948 mvnicipaun of the village of acton in the count of ha1ton notice u hereby given that i have compiled with aectlon 9 of the voters list act and that i have boated op at mv office in acton ontario on the first day of nov ember 1948 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said mun icipality for members of parlia ment for members of the legisla tive assembly of the province and tor municipal elections and that such mst remains there tor inspec tion and i hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- bccoi app at november 194a 183 clerk of the village of acton rected according to law thd last bet 94 j mcgeachte the people of st judos church on sunday morning paid a solemn and impressive tribute to the men of the congregation who gave their lives in the first and second great wars when a great brone tablet bearing the names of the faven was formally unveiled members of the oakvllle liens club enjoyed an official vllst from district governor p v smith grimsby of district a2 at their regular meeting on thursday ev ening record star burlington word has been received here record entry for royal winter fair this week entries in the horse show of tke hoynl whiter fnlr november lg- 24 havecrowded the- horse palaoe to capacity again this year and district regulations preventing hordes from leaving the prcmhteh during the ahow have been waived and approximately 140 will be trucked to the royal for showing and returned to their home stabler nt night officials regret thbf in convenience to the exhibitors but my week by ft jf drachmsn dots thi- world owe you a liv ing j he hint word i have on that question is very clear doflnlto and explicit- it doetnt if you want to kn living you lmvlobo out uiul hunt for it and the best of rood luck to you it happened thta way i offered a small prliie for tho best unsw orn to mven definite lulscrtlorut were they true or were they false i give you now some- of the nmwcifl received if you can think of better nnswors drop me a lino nnd ill send you n copy of the there k no alternative entries covering approximately 100 horses n7l winning answer to thewhoio were returned for lack of space scvou and for being behind the deadline although the iiotkc palace wns packed in 1947 entry figures show thnt room for foun more nnlmnl has been found this year making n total of 1238 beef cattle entries total 588 as compared to 528 for 1947 the mar ket cattle division shows n decrease of 170 animals however to provide adequate stabling it will ngnln be necessary to hnvc a culling com mittee reduce this number on the day before the show opens dairy turning out a newspaper the man who picks up the local newspaper glances through it hnlffs nnd sayu nothing in it is by no means a rard bird he lives in overy town ak a rule ho screens all the editions very caro- f u 1 ly looking for errorro fwh i chr wo have to admit there aro quite n number and if he finds one much to hit satisfaction ho will ho cftreful to broadcast it as much ni possible this is actually doing the prepor n good turn for con sequently moro people will begin rending the paper moro carefully even if only for the pleasure af finding mistakes other prefer to borrow n nws- poper thus saving five cents we wonder how n person like thnt would run a newipnpor it is odd but true thnt the general run of mankind cherish illusions that there is no ensler job than run j- government of canada bonds 3 due novem 15 1951 have been called for payment november 15 1948 thesj bona should be pretenle of re demption with all coupons of laier date attached no further interest will be paid on these bonds after this date the world owoi everybody n llvlnc so rnn the statement and one of the nearest nnmvers receiv ed thlq tantemcnl came from wal ter dale of montreal 1 true but to collect you nln newepnper as a mnttor of miut present your chit for ecrvlc- act n ono ot t hardest some a rendered people clink to the idea thnt turn- cood wasnt it he gave a defln- oul n costs nothing lie answer ii took only twelve v y con i inn thinly nt nil tttrj iuau l1l- worda it means that you and i that mac macgrecor shot a 400 catuc mmen 1v jb black bear on the hunting wt patterson ro specialist in kye biounhistleh ortlsepttst lal wyndham st oueumi muxie mm completely equipped offices below matter shoe store 1 skinny men women gain 5 lbs 6nmnsvahvitw grjsastrkiftr rry unow mm toiu tutteu i to i bj j in i wldtl reuulc otis vt 4m at u dranbu a floyd sifl jeweler watches clocks jewelery 75 quebec street west guelph ont i- catering banquets weddings etc no catherine too small or too large we bonply sndwiebes and ljinnhs far small ta luye oreapa prompt attention to all enquiries e coles church st- acton partys way into camp at south river the- party u composed of jo brown wm ch tip c e mnc- gregor albert hall gcorftc gomf cnrnct powoll and james tvtlt the rod cross swimming and water safety program carried on by the burlington yaeht club during fhe past summer culmin ated on saturday afternoon lat in nn interesting ceremony held in canalilantgi6nttremoha1hanr when the ilcd cross swimming awards were presented to some 25 boys and girls who had qualified in the tests for junior intermediate nnd senior certificate lake ontarios level dropped five inches during the month of oc tober it is now a foot lower than it was nt this time last year the pr sent level of 24139 feet above sea level is comparatively hlgn water but the outlook is good for nn absence of flood conditions nt the local beach nnd other inke re sorts nevt summer arrangements hno been com pleted between the hamilton flr department nnd the town to assist in fighting flrcf here if requested negotiations were commenced inst january jor the hamilton depart ment to come to the assistance of the local fire department should an emergency occur and final steps were taken by the fire and jail committee of the hamilton council last wednesday night to complete the agreement gazette low inst year and the rest of the people must give something for what wc get another reply woo 2 false even birds and georgetown on saturday november gth at a ceremony at the home at the grooms parents agnes beona mog gy daughter of mr reld moggj of manitouanlng became the bridi of james herbert held son of mr and mrs w h reld of the norval road rev louis pickering of acton was the officiating minister hal newman recreational di rector for the town of georgetown since april 15th 1916 resigned hh position at a meeting of the recre ational council last thursday mr newman said in his resignation that he would remain in the pos ition until december 31st in order that the grc hockey schedule might be organized and that thd the effect of culling out appro- boasts must work for a living imntely 150 sheep before the 1017 thannbwor came from f h show li evident in the decrease of avtrv wetnskluin alberta it entries in both breeding nnd mar- too is quite convincing if the ket divisions the total is down birds nnd boasts cant got away nbout 300 but roynl officials be- wilh u how cnn men nrul women hove the net result will be a higher kel wnat thc wnnl without work- standard inr for i breeding swine entries are down slightly but the market dlvlson w kit si i snme statement lipsbringi the ta to fim nn n ri- overall increase t- vi r il wuldtiz vvvry tlon think of nil the labor which goes into preparing the copy meagre though it may be an uncoopoxntlve public is ono of the bnncs of the newspaper butd- no is if people came halfway nnd nlded the local correspondents in their efforts to make the paper i n newsy informntlve publication both parties would derive much more satisfaction out of it once the copy hns been prepar ed then the real tnsk begins set- tng the typo running the prens hereu another answer to the k lhe f lo the hundred nnd one things n round the office until flnaljy the paper is rendy nnd mailed to the various subscribers doubled some entries fox sponsored com petitions hne not been received morning after erin made thl recreational council would have i week by the headquarters central ample time in which to fill the lt i ti cntric of body am everybody is the world poultry pigeons turkeys water fowl rabblu and cavles nre nbo ah 300 hl and coopln will be fll- l i nb y p aottln o a newspaper rol led to capacity this year there a iw t it if it wore true ari1ic how sm m cverlnst- will be no showing of canaries or t wor owcs everybody n v judrfherit discretion hudgerlbars vlng i would mcu that all the npnun with evcrybod fleures for other dluilona are pple na the world owe all the m a thick head not complete yet because they are people or the world n lrvmfr wo musci leg the pntlence of open to entries until november 11 mnnv b urhtly how wkliom of soomnn nn however in the world champion- llll horc ln whcn wo the fnculty of smiling when you ship seed grain divisions there k n f com0 hlnk of dont feel a bit like smiling al- vcry marked increase nnd th here is n man who hnd a solid tonn echo manitoba deadline mny see the figures concept of reality his reply was i false all must meet their obligations make a living and lenve tile world better for our s i an officer of the inw wnlkcd up i like his statement if that the front steps of a suburban homo thought could be burled deep in nnd nipped sternly on the door i the he of men nnd women the j know nnything nbout that car j uolld might le n grentdettlhnp pnrked in front he nsked the one of the most interesting fent- p in another hundred years pretty girl who answered his ures of the annunl meeting of the knock wellington county federation of here is the net assertion thii why yes i do she replied agriculture in melville hall for- nn age of plenty better tell me all you know it gus was the public snenklng com- think over thnt for a minute is reported ns being stolen petition in which the chnmplon then rend whnt the experts say j oh that cor wasnt stolen of- orator for all wellington county mis rnmc horn gilbert jnckson fleer she smiled it belongs to was proclaimed thi winner was f toronto my boy friend he wns ln no con- miss marlon onkes of koekuool ltrue for those fortunnte dllion to drive home last night so large congregations attended enough to live in north america i mnde him walk the anniversary services at burns f the lemninlng eighteen hund- presbyterian church on sunday red millions on this planet no when dr l o bristol of mcmns- heres nnother answer from nn ler unlversit wns the guest entirely afferent point of view speaker 2 comparatively speak- bedfast for oer four years ling more people have more thomas elgic passed away in lord material posslons than ever dufferin hospital orongevlllc 01 before hut there is still a terrific frlda october 20th 1918 ad- demand vocntc 3 false says john atkins i of brncebridge the most plenti- tyyiyt i ul thing we have in this world aiuj is the illusion that planners can ittretch scarce commodities to sup- large congregations attended p everyone last sunday when knox presbyter- i now tnke h question is it ian church marked its 103rd an- possible to increase production so niversary splendid fall weather ns to kve every canndian a much favored the cventr announoemenlt wns position prominent among the showmen at the wingham horse show last higher standard of living from wilfrid eggleston well known broadcaster and writer came this answer yes but it means harder work or better utilization of existing resources from a western banker came this reply to a erv different statejnent the size of the national debt is wholly unimportant his reply wns brief nnd to the point hie uze of the nntional debt should be in line with ability to produce nnd capacity to repay to the statement if we have make your selection of new wallpaper from the largest stock in western ontario inriced to suit e er one youll find it at chapples bookstore 115 wyndluui ht tiulpb angus kennedy proprietor command nt oakhie that honor ary cnpt john jock m and erson mc nnd bnr nnd uartlme chaplain of the hlphland ugh frida uere two local men ken infantrv has rejoined the canadian mcmillnn and jack mcka army active force he is to take georgetown girls pipe band weiv u nls w appointment as area also n feature of the show and chaplain at headquarter wcat- were a hit attraction ocoordlne to cm ontario area london in thp all reports fnenr future once ornin it was hockey night tlie annunl war veternns night in georgetown last friday when was held in walker lodge no 321 jim connely and cy allen brought aj fc a m on monday evening their toronto may fairs into town november 8th the candidate was for an exhibition affair with the mr thomas e woton a war ood tlmij in war wc can have georgetown raiders under the veteran u ho is the ijon of wor kood lme ln pace a dc bnnk- leadenjilp of uus bowman and bro perry watson who strved tsr rve this reply monngnr perc blackburn and overwas in the machine gun bnt- in war incrense the debt whisked them home again with a tnlion of the canndian evpedltlon- uml theribj the inttrest burdens 7 5 win ln their joni herald nry force in the first world war in p p off that debt or i fiee pitos k iwinkrupt there were no foolish replies b nuiing thtm i have incrensed m faith in th people of canada we iu make mistake but we sharpli hiklur fees and hi m a mt s wt nn not ntrancemnndaidihamnot houiml ofx ou utl eaichworda the enrolment probh m of can fancy flu styles and pricks 1 here s a new look in fur coats this iar and in their prices nso aajs tlie financial post fajiions ill provide better pro tect iin from the wintr blasts but mthins a bigger dent on die um ket book best dressed w omen will be wear n g their coats 1j inches from the ground this winter this means the nn extension of anywhere from two mini m four imhes jver coit and u full- 4t hat k thrown in it also means 10 to jo per cent more- tklns per ismt and nbout the snmo hoist in piittvi t for those women who are sitlnfunl kjth last ears styles a more itnrikluutieh ndian ur ivisrsi ties slates die fi naiuial post this full total at tendant i will be w 11 ovtr 60 0t0 whle is a slight diop from last vent s record it it fnr beond vei i of prt w u wilhtni snnit dr sti oh ingt m presi n miuhlions the 38 unlvirslti s this tsumtrv mav as will rt i n- cil tin nisimvi s to a perm a i ent t n rolnn nt of at h ist double that of li fort th ir ivtntuali this must mean a little shopping around will pro- suhsi mt al addition to our unl- vide close to latt oars prices i the national hfwiri h counill founded in 191fi to conduct re m arch on problem a of national scientific tntervht had a staff of 3tx half of them scientists in november 1047 siu inpiu lt pi nimbi v sorn lontrilimiuui with siiiallei oi ierhajvs fiisltr institut ivn t nlieve the lo id in the larger cen tret and at tiie same time wluit ls thi greatest single problem ik fore tlu world todaj it mav sound stai tling but if we take the world ns n whole the rt il tjustnm i where h the n st nn il tomlng from a luivt just wnttin a rtvlew of a uiok entitled koad lo sur- viv tl ilu fan k that the re- soiiins if the wmld are not un limited ibis ixiok should hi nail 1 mm thoughtful canadian i will he j a i to sind a cop of m rev tw of this ihhk to anvonl w ho mav tw inti n stid m ad- ilre s is i qiimii sir et oitavvi cuimlmg on oil your dry cleaning for prompt weekly servtoe put card tn window each monday ob phone 103 acton cards may bo secured at coopers clothing store or from drlvor master dry cleaners joe woods poultry and eggs jvanted phone milton lw for better prices halton poultry products wanted dead stock highest cash pbices cattle 503 each horses 500 each hogs 150 per cwt all according to size and condition calx collect galt j71sj darling co ltd any way you see it i ltsrrl y wa y l personality hays ih b positions i itll b your coosunt companion ia tb botu puyi anywhara you wut to play it plays any way you wane to play t fiu on narrow balf hmnga on the wall stands up oo tka coffe table in beautiful molded plastic with a choice of six natural color tones only available in 6 colo an i ivry x buxk 4- grttu x mr4 6 bint ut last porsons ir mor than 21000100 ossihi tju bonlir into down the com to the studirts canada from the us but over a themwlves or to those who foot threenium u r of them staged hisrt i for onlj a day or mi tlumr bills youi 2995 persohuity is waiting for w4n0w at v mceachern electric mill st acton ont

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