Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 18, 1948, p. 8

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page eight the acton free press thursday november 18 ims mtmlem el birth sfrru ud dmis a tamfrtad a thu eokoma vitaoat la kkvorlan notusi svc al mm dditlau lor pmtrt cais ali i born moenery at liurmldc hospital toronto on thursday november 11th 1948 to mr and mrs errt- vst mcenory a dauthter caro lyn june a alstcr for utllle m wake mr and mm harry ware rockwood wish to announce tho birth est a aon blamesrobert on wednesday november 10 1948 at st josephs hospital cuelnh lambert mr and mrs roy lambert nee eileen wright ore happy to announce the birth or a son at the guclph general hospital sunday november 14 194a emmerson mr and mrs bob emmerson mcdonald blvd ac ton are very happy to announce the birth of their daughter elizabeth margaret on sunday november hth 148 at the nursing home guelph st mot her and baby doing line j tiiiies for bitudrahgeivpjf r ii week m effect ma1uukd rrverpahker on tuesday november 9th 1948 at st jamea church guph by kev e bhi- llrufcr glenna may daughter of mr and mr omar parker ev- rton to norman alvin ion of ms and mr herb krycr of guelph died down es at llockwood on thium- day november 11 1948 albert g rtowne in hli 97th year late or 7t bellevue street guolph father of clarence rockwood mr elle coate sherbrooke que and mr ijynn rich kn memokuam esnysder in lovinjj memory of our dear mother olive snyder who pmsed away november 17 1947 it not the tears nt the moment shed that tells of a henrt that is torn but the secret tears in the after year and the sorrows that are silently bom always remembered by irene and fret and audrey nnd leroy henderson in loving memory of mrs ajjnes j henderson who passed away november 18 1936 and whlc she lies in pcneetul sleep her memory we will alwnys keep sndtvtnissed by husbandand family hurst in loving memory of our dear little son nnd brother kent who passed nwny suddenly no 22nd 1946 in his third yea the memory of his voice his eyes his smile lust as they wore is with us all the while evor remembered by mummy daddy nnd brothers just five weeks from saturday until christmas there was a skiff of snow on the weekend which went ns far south as speylde you can help yourself to re duce 11 vine coats by shopping through the ads ench week better examine jio voters list to see that your name is there this is the last week for filing an appeal acton voters list recently is sued gives a total of 1441 votorj in the municipality there are 82g property owners and 327 tenants listed christmas shopping can be done eafry and economically oy careful perusual of the advertising messages ench week in our local stores better put the antlfrevze hi the car put on the storm sash and keep your goloshes and winter longs handy this fall weather cant last much longer if at any time your local paper is delayed in publication the oaus is very liable to bv attributed to shortage of hydro production just stops in a newspaper office when there is no power and often is delayed for an hour after power is resumed johnt fc kennedy r detroit mich tho dentin occurred of john e kennedy 323 east lewlston ave ferndale on fruosday november 9th in tho highland park general hospital born at wlnghom ontario he was tlw son of mr kennedy and the late frank e kennedy jack spent his boyhood day in acton latin moving to detroit a a tool maker tho funeral aervlce was conduct ed by tho rev mont c oliver of the first methodist church fern- dale at tho wossel funeral homo woodward ave he warn a member of the detroit consistory and highland park lodge 468 aj a am had charge of tho gravealde sefvlc at white chanel memorial paik cemetery ke is sunvlved h his wife eva daughter mrv robert betty maodonnld fvmdale a n don ald a at home ms mother mrs f kennedy and a auter mr jos eph lorna held both of hamil ton ontario tfthwsox lb the editor tngf th w rwnehyance day except for during the aecond world war it has been contin uously observed since the cessation of tho first world war hostilities we are aware of what the day commemorates and the end of pence supposed to be served in its continued observance imny this just an a reminder nnd inorder that there will been no disappoint ment wa will iv pent from time to time tho present deadline for ac ceptance of copy for each weeks issue of the free press mondny at 4 pm each week is tho latest hour we can accept mat for casting in advertising or uvwj items t tuesday at 4 pm 1 the deadline for nil display advertising if you an let us have your copy earlier your service will be better ami it will be most helpful late hews copy and classified will be accepted until wednesday we reserve tho privilege however of choosing between into now copy for setting and copy thnt could have reached us earlier in tho week correspondent are asked to send in copy on monday and make a second mailing later if nec essary tho uncertainty erf hydro and reduced hours of production make it imperative that wc adhere to these hours rigidly please do not ask the staff to dovlate from them and tho earllot- tho copy both news nnd advortlslnar tho more holpful it will be in maintaining regular hour of publication of your local nwapapr scotch block wl hears address by district president tho november meeting of the scotch block wi mot nt tho home of mrs s love on november 11 in tho absence at our president mrs murray first vice- president presided it was decided to send 3 boxes of food to mrs tucker in england to never be forgotten oven though distribute among the members of the passing years make us more re- 1 her institute we decided to aond mote moved from the memories 50 00 to the red feather cnm- of carnage and death at least palgn mrs d lawson rend n thnt is our prnyer copy of tho report from the mect- of this civic remembrance dny ln concerning reforostrntlon the service we are nil well nwnrtf 1 r cal1 w wors uu was nns- wonder if wo are equally nwnre of wered by nil members present nnothor service rendered in our wc we fnvored by n lovely midst nt n inter hour of the imep selection by mrs n law dny at this later service there is son murrny rend a few verses no marching no music no saluting entitled rural telephone some nolnsnevomo but ns 1 sw i i c enjoyei there was moahlngful simplicity the district president mrs rlne- nirfectlon and nppreclatlbn this hart brought some good points to ceremony was conducted in the our institute in getting up papers local cemetery grounds i had io rend nt our meetings prepare often seen the wooden crosses them yourselves not copy it all some placed by the side of family out dt pop- she rend n paper tombstones nnd some standing in does your face show your per- n rowthe intter presumably benr- sonnlity then ended with recipe ingthe nnmes of fallen comrades for happiness mrs c service whose forbears do not lie nt rest in thnnked mrs rinehart for her this pnrticulnr burlnl place pnald talk mrs murray conduct ed n contest mrs c hardy being the winner the national anthem brought our meeting to n close af- ur which lunch was served i had been invited to nccompnny n smnll band of women just four in number who quietly walked from cross to cross bearing small union jacks depositing one nt the j base of ench wooden symbol of there were about j934 worth of sacrifice then i heard the common life lnsurnnce fn force for every prner uttered for gods protection l canadian nt the end of 1916 n bros are bigs the popular conception that human beings are of primary im portance get many utd shocks one of these oecuirvd in tlu dying days of the last session of the united stntth congivss two ap propriations were passed one pro vided 492000 to fight llho long island potato bug the other pro vided 300000 for the fight against heart disease just how much troube and loks the potato bug oc casions we do not know we know the tveord of heart disease better it affects one in every sixteen per sons in the population cause one out of every three deaths and the loss of ten or twelve million work day a year of course bug are bug and according to some sdan- tlst are one day to inherit the earth but it doe seem that we who provide the money might give ourselves a break jlr upon home nnd country nnd nil this in remembrance of the boys whose names were thert inscribed i observed with whnt reverenco nnd quiet dignity this was done something npnrt from the gaze of the populace only understood in its fullness by the nilseeing eye of the eternnl i learned that this part of our remembrance dny observance was sponsored nnd has been carried out by the lakeside chapter ofthe iode nnd thnt this locnl branch if the order has been in existence for thirty years hence this cem etery rercmoninl has been exercis ed sine shortly nfter the first world wnr i w ns deeply impressed by this little hand of devoted wo men by the thorough quietness in which the did thnt which in the name of their ogrnnlzntion they imd been commissioned to do it is the fall of the year our cemeteries are usually considered bleak places in the cold weather this yenr the weather wns reason ably fine sometimes it must be a real physical hardship to spend n full hour at the cemetery on nov ember 11th no wonder not many are commissioned to be present since t hen i h e wondered if a cemetery service dny might not be arranged say on the sunday alfternoon nearest may 24th or june 3rd whon what was done there lust thursday could be suit ably attended to providing also an opportunity for other simple acts of love and devotion to he rendered by the attendance of many who would gather out of respect for rvlatnesjmd friends whose mortal remains were conveyed to their last lusting place in our cemetery signed ixiui- pickering total of 11500000000 phono milton 382r3 camphcllvillc ont vilifk sales service vova and monarch ca11s voxca trucks jxiir tnaciona and tmpuimenis fob saije 17 mekcury tudor like new 47 f6rd fordor like new io foro tudor 42plymouth conch in good shape j i mercury sedan radio and heater 41 chev flcetline sedan radio and heater 40 ford opera sent coupe 40 forddelux coupe thick 30 chev sedan 20 model a sedan 30 model a coach 47 3ton truck 134 wb chassis nnd cab 20 chev- l truck 34 ford 2- ton truck 158 wb with 1040 motor lovell bros meat market friday saturday specials lard 31c lb schneiders crlspycrust barrie brand butter 1st grade creamery 71c lb fresh pork shouders 45c lb i lean pork butts 55c lb fresh pork loin roast lb ham end maple leaf brand 55c maple leaf schneiders smoked 1 cotlajje rolls lb djc bacctnii ireakfast smoked back pcamcal 5c-br- 69c lb 75c lb quality beef prime rib roast 55c lb choice rump roast 55c lb tender steaks plate or brisket bouinrr beef 32c lb ijenn hamburg steak 18c lb sirloin round porterhouse 70c lb the classified section buy sell exchange wanted etc ailvrlkniiiil unlit this liotidlnk tie cash with ortlnr up to 21 wortln atltlltlonnl wordu jc ptir wota ii cosh tlo not ac compuny tho iulvfrllstment minimum churn soe and ic per word nddltlnmil for ouch word ovur 23 yuhmivjucnt inurtlons for sale koit hattk ll ilrs wnnus old ii mdolxoil aeliin 1111 1 out foil kaik corknr upnnlel pup- pp ri 2 tilondis nnil 1 red loo uuhy aruln koilkaib hoeom ilinnnriipli hbltndln nw may lw mnn nt mrs n ljimhrt mnln st yoil salk mubkrnt fur eont himj 1410 lcnkth 44 in kxeollnnt condition apply jjox m vrea ivowi foil saiik 1017 do solo sedan nlr conditioned radio slip covors low mlliiiro lhono coorkolown ijirii nfter 7 pm u to rent onii iioom kill hunt uiht houiukfplnkt it ithlrod phono 315 foh hent- 1 room for ront rur- nlsluil for youiik couplrt with nm ijilhlron or two slnul apply 15 crtmnnt ivttor 7 pm lost and found foil salk 2 jersey jlolfors nhout 2 yonnt old rfkterod and vncclnntcd ilfrd fully nccrodlted w ii dovlln 7url2 wilton foh salic ltt5 bulck stjdan rood condition rcasonnbly prlcod apply it a mcdonnld john st georgetown 5th door from arena foil salk or exollancili for other fnrm producejmlddlo aged pcrcheron goldlnr welrht 11110 lbs good in nil hnrnefis h lirown crewsons corners foh sajk 31 sq yards a- aunre bnttletihlp linoleum plain hrown rerulnr j3 iui stj yard aalo price i2s clement tc mountain ijiono 426w milton trb foh sale kltrhen cnhlnbi good condition pnlnled white llrlmmcd with blue ii k fhnnd- i ler mn1n st opposite mnunloa dnlry phont 2jjftm iwrr mnidlr rimmed rlassesi in llrht brown lent her case last rhurwtny finder plenae leave at free press office miscellaneous foh plain hjdwinc nnd drs- mnklnr retiulremcnts contact mrs cook over unrrs grocery storo collings saw mlucustom sawing riven prompt mrvle a nil tlmos lot 7 sth line erin 1vt saws skt and filed rilire yonrs factory experience llstea rensonnhle k grlschow main st below church st phono 23thv 350 hovs klecthjc sehvice we enrry n complete lino of prem ier vacuum elonnora and mlrhaitl floor polishers phone 32l22 uk 1 acton 2jfliv are you n victim of constlpntlon try proven fhuitatives fam ous nerhnl medicine used success fully tor is years urinrs relief quickly tones up liver keeps i howeli nctlverejtores health heliablk foil sale- 1 duro pressure sy stem both motor pumji nn1 tnnk nlsu 1 moflnt 4 pole electric stove with oven nnd wnrmlnr closet priced to sell gordon hume phone lsfirll milton h foh sale ijldles blnck cont with silver fox collnr size lfi also black fur trimmed lint to mntch iike new one pnir mens hockey skntes size i in rood condition phone 28hi nnytlme nfter 3 31 be youil own boss distrib ute our 2f products toilet artic les medicines exlrncts spices floor wnr insecticides fnrm pro- durts aplentlld nssnrtment of gift boxes our denlers mnko substan- tlnl profits a customer in each i home for cntnlorue nnd detail write to familex 1600 delormler st montrenl que foil sale used ivory ennmel bedroom suite trimmed with blue wooden bod h mntl hoy vnnlty dresser with bench nlso t it walnut finish bod rood sprlnc nnd mnttress with vnnlty dresser mrs v b ilumley foil sale 3 piece clieater- lleld suite two loces wine one piece rreen piece wmnut ii-rt- room suite nortjlern electric combination llndlo phono with table ind records drop icnf kit chen table nnd clinlrs trilirht flour ilwunp double med spririr j and mattress all articles practic ally new apply 13 mason hlvd 1 unkesehved auction sale if worry makes you blue let want ads see you thru i zthe opening of your eyes a iropr ky euuiilnatlun u mokt important consult rm bell reguurd optommrf lhmi 4brs1 ekin rachlin jeivellery store after 13 years of opcrutipk a jewellery department in n very limited space in our clothinr store we are happy to announce the openinp of a jcuellcrv store two doors west of our present location where wc will carry a complete stock of jewellery watches suerviare and china as in the past we shall continue to handle all kinds of watch nnd jewell ery repairs and hope to serve you even more efficiently t we take this opportunity of ver sincerely thanking our jewellery cus tomers whose patronage through the ears has made this move possible and necessarv following are some of the lines wc shall carry in stock elgin ind bul- oa watches international koden and wallaces sterling silver flatwear com munity find 1h47 rogers bros sihcrplate a full line of westclov clocks and watches sunheam electric razors kunson lighters stock of parkplfcns and pencils and a large you are invited to pay a visit to our store and browse around we hope to have it ready for business this saturday november 20th nwiwfflwftw kok saik lmo i moult conch im1 do1k conrh lmh hlllman convrrtnhlc 1110 modfl a ford willys ivwi wllh power tnkoolf pulley 1w7 diairp stoi pickup kli intcrnntlonal truck new mm tinctor sliirtr and ilkhls wallls vjji tractor new centeur tractors iikiis and istiuter ferkusnn side mower i new huliler at sieel farm wncon i used iiir cat iarden tractor is j lip nv skyline ilnmmur mih fordferruson plow shares vast find steel cenulne ferguson tillers new ufurrow tractor plows woods and ueljunl milking machine parts woods pails used complete with pusator shells and ruhbers apply 1 hos k i low son fleork- tiwn 312w j wanted j wantkh woman desires work that enn hi done in hr own home iin tit free press 1 wantki number of cnlvea and old horses picked up immed iately call acton lpjrll or clcor- jjptown msj 221b i wani ki to purchase pullets harred kocks new humpihtret iicht sussex aes 1h wfdks to lalnk kod pi ios paid apply iiedde chick hatcheries limited 1 feirus ontario wan tkd to huv cash paid for old uliinswar old duhei or naments vnmi oil lumps dnllt old buttons old sliver and furnit ure etc phone 47 or wrie p c ho wi mrs keith unrbor corner kink and inlon streets leorjietov n furniture s ujv tiik mivlttilk and linihk- iioid kfttccts i1imy accrkdited p1ibc itltkk nnd 1radk iiolhtkin owh nnd iifiiehh selllnr sub- iect tfi hlood test also 1 vouk iigh the undersltnetl liave received instrucllons from w npnnih to sell by public miction nt his tnrm iot 11 con 1 township of nassaknweya on gueliih llond 3 miles north nf vimtiliellvir on tikmdav novkmbkr 3s comineneink at 1 30 oclock the following- cows and young caitie i lieu ilosteln cow lady sylvln lothian due time of sale 1 hog ilolsteln cow princess alcnrta sels sue it fullmow bred aur 10 1 iiik ilolstln cow nether- nnd mircedes burke in full flow not bred 1 ken ilolsteln cow supreme helen iithlan in lull mow not bnrl 1 hep ilolsteln cow ijidv sylvln pnhst keyvs bredl jul 12 1 ken ilolsteln cow hel en segls pnlmyrn bred june 23 1 lieu ilolsteln cow souls sup- mnie lllen in lull tow bivd nov 3rd 1 lleg ihusteln heifer mer cedes texnl girl 1 year old open 1 1ei hosnln helter supreme xrmsbv helen 1 yenr old open 1 kej- ilolsteln heller sylvln orms- bv ijidv a 1 yr old open 3 kejj ilolsteln heifer olive 1 grade llisteln cow bred april 21 1 grade guerne cow bred tune 22nd 1 grade ilolsteln heifer bred june 11 1 grade ilolsteln heifer 2 vrs old omn 1 ciade ilolsteln ibifer 1h months otl open iikiii sihi- mercerls ormsbjr gisirk bred by g k cowlnnd sired b llllholme ormstiv prince dam calnmlty lllll korndvke this is a proven sire with extra kmid tilrnil lines and shnwtnk extra jjnod efinformatlon houses and tttv s 1 hrown geldlni i vrs old about lrjul lbs extra rood wcirker 2 york chunks about 1lt lbs k york chunks about 110 lbs 1 york so due ivc 1st 10 york wenn- ers terms cash settlement with clerk on i av of sale no reserve as kverytblnr offer- d sills nnrt the proprietor is iinklnu a pavnvent on his fnrm hindi ky kllkxit 1 mimilan clerk aurtlnneers ph phs lckwol or 177j milton of the inte arxuvar wiuqn ulf tie sold nt his inte residence village of arkell satllldav novkmiikr 50tii nt 2 oclock hindlky t eiliolt b aurluineests farnworth memorials monuments ut mod rate trices cemetery lettering flora ltd at cemetery cel1ii ont we hear thnt the horkey tinm hn ltarted ihls wvc with a practice nt fjuelph we sjiw th hfkil hos nt slx- niin f i m it tut 11 under fcorg imajshue plaine ntirije- iimn last week cle the loc- i int another ynme or two ind t he w 11 take of-nrgi- t r n with the cold weather nim- luk h1 brain remind people tlutt come january an thracite coal will in in very short supply if ou have lomo money n kimmi way to inveit it or a warm winter li by order ing your coal now we wont he therc but then li an iode bazaar at th ymc on saturday j n mack1enzz1 jb son-

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