Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 25, 1948, p. 1

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wht jxtln jfrtt press soventyfourtjlyer no 21 acton ontario jthursdaynovember 2510ia jzikhl home print panes six cent power shortage cbieft subject oi public utilities the camfbeljllfluldei wedding at manse in georgetown another aetonian joins over ninety birthday group rau for street ugtitw fa re duced hydrant break wui mean water shutoff arton turn unolher nonouonnrlun thin wtvk on tuiiuy mrspi- vr husband willow stiw hwrk- wl hpr tilnetlvth blrthday and joined that evcluslv croup known as the over ninety club featur ed on neighborly news from cbl mr and lln husband have been rements of acton for ovr forty years hoth are uii quite active and on tuesday both walked down town and attended the funeral of a neighbor we join with many other acton and district friends in wishing mrs husband best wishes for good health on many more birthday oc casions in knox prebytrun man oeorjzhown on saturday novem ber wh houkjr daughter of mr and mrs roelof mulder of time- house and john donald son oi mrs druce robertson and the late mr john csmpbail were united in marrlaee by irev a oiwer the brtde given away by her father was djvtsed in ankle length tur- tha regular tneatlng of acton nuols blue taffeta wtth full klrt public uuuum commission was and bustle bow small grey hat and held on tuesday evening chair- american beauty corsage her ass c m hansen presided and bridesmaid mlu helen shelbourne heeve r j mccutcheon and j n wore a rose taffeta dreas cut on macarthur were present similar lines with mack acceasor- a dalegsauon of the worker were and yellow rose corsage tueeent from wool combine cor- mr peter mulder brother of poratlon they wanted td know if the bride was beat man it would b possible to work long- a reception was held in ijmc- r hours dally and eliminate the house memorial hall where the saturday afternoon work shift as brides mother received in grey l hiijuwij f tt acton u exceeding th dally quota crepe wtth yellow mum corsae lz t present aveu with the hour i and wearing brown acceasori holds round robin blackout the only alternative u she was assisted by the grooms i at acton v working on sunday instead of on mother in mild blue crepe and j saturday black aeeetsorias monday night marked the open- mr c f leatherland was pres- rev cklder was toastmaster ing of the bird club at the y in ant at this meeting with a draft rrh ten tables were centred by i what promises to tw the best sea- sf a waterworks bylaw the by- boaquets of pink and white mums i ton yet a round robin seriea was law governing tha operation of the after their weeks honeymoon the j held with partners being drawn waterworks system had not been happy young couple will hve in from a hat mary bradley and revlaedalncaahaanstaluoonthaljmehout mostytllsurviveatugtrgoing ayatara thurjew bylaw incopor- gueat were preaent from st in keen competition to emerge the art the original 4ylaw and brings catharines erin brampton mil- winner into force other suggestions of the ton and umehouae prior to their i i the consolation round shlrlr commiseion for better admlnlatra- wedding the bride and groom were i elsen and jack honevwcll copped bon of waterworks this bytaw guests of honor at a miscellaneous i the honours a social was held will not come into force until pas- shower in ijmehouse memorial after and was preparwl by lor- ad by council hall on wednesday november 17 rnlne root and committee a short superintendent lambert report- ed that a main laid two years ago buslneas meeting followed net monday nhe november 29 j the acton club will play hosts to the garrison club of guelph i prises were presented to the win ners with nn appeal jrolng out for newrnember as you can be prom ised an enjoyable owning had broken this repair was ef- t1i c tjf feeted monday nigh l lmtytlve havc a letter wa read from the h i tvinstrvw pcpam ejc stating that they would not 1 xt tipt oe supplying any more hot water appjflpnt heaters for installation until the x i mliutriil present shortage of power was cor- reded i thirtyfive passenger in a gray another latter from the h e p c coach bus had an amailng escape mrs h mainprize gave the rate of charge to the from death shortly after six oclock addressed meeting town for the reduced wattage on last friday evening when the veh- knosoed club street lights icle was involved in a headon col- letters were to be sent to the llslon with devon ice cream truck i nguiat f mcetlni principal and school boards ask- at the intersection of highway 7 f knok s club was hcli ing that they make an effort to nod the eden mills road about in m khool twtm undw tlu keep the lights off in the schools four miles east of ctuelph venorshlp of miss m roszell the in the early evening and thus con- the drivers of both vehicle and rrt mte j anderson presld- serve power i coven passengers sustained injuries matters pertaining to the conwr- and five were detained in hospital devotlon for th vatlon of powvr were taken up nnl injured were mrs e flint al- ttv taken by miss m ritchie deart with bert street oahawa suffering from fo business mis a superintendent lambert reported i hock possible fractured jaw leg mclsilllc rendered a von dell that the batten- for the gasoline nnd rib injuries mta isabel wll- pnno the convcnor th fire pump had arrived i son a student nurse at general cnilcd on mnt h mnlnnr who a hydrant on church street hal hoapltal suffering from abrasions hcr own sti been hit apparently- by a local to the face mr j buckley f nn acwun of npr p tri to oal truck this had broken it awn 365 sherboume street toronto re the west coast which was very from the main and it will have t ported to be suffering from sus- muoh enjoyxi by al ppint foj be repaired this win necessitate ipected fracture to the right knee- lowta fho ilnsins ot nnotne the shutting off of all the water in j p hntln mr c col clolwj town while the repair is being tvo other patients detained in mcctln u pmj made ttils repalri is to be made5u josephs hospital were miss sunday afternoon and a notiea la theresa moore rr 1 rothtay to be inserted in the free prew lacerations to the face robert fjip relllt of to that affect i roach driver of the truck of us lw v mas chest a letter of thanks was to be braemore aw toronto lacera- sent to the industrial committee tkins to the noae for the effort expended in arrang- j cody coach driver of 75 rnv miivev tag the power loads in the factor- trent road toronto sustained l lea ao that only one cut is necess- broken wrist and multiple lacera- ary at present ttons but was allowed to go home the following accounts were pas- after treatment aed for paynent ward three esijuesing twp presentations honor xscrvice m and wo men at event in new community hall on tuesday of thiii wivt word 3 oi eaquecina townsjilp oxpreased thlr warm ertitudo to the ex- servlcvmen of the second world war the klimiflcant evening wan held in the nw eiqueijnif com munity hall which wan filled to capacity mr k c lindsay waa chairman for uie evsnt mid the eueat speatjtvr of the eenlnjr wm hev it k gameront rev mr cameron in his brief addres emphaabeed the fact that we are all bound together a a tohul eiollj to which we can all contribute aomethlnc continuing he iwilnttvl out that the boyi had pecepted their refpoiuiblltles aerl- nusly to fight ivcalnrt thtt atrocit- le practiced by the enemy the ipeaker in cloalnsr w it was only i fittlne that the tokens of gratitude be ylve to thoae wh made t h h r aaorlflce ai they could hev cameron then made the presentation to the parents of the boys who did not return mrs bailey mrs bowman mrs dicken son and mr mclaughlin lovely mantel clocks were presented mtas ann bowman mrs keith duncan mlts frances jenklnson and miss loulw reld of the wo mens auxiliary service each re ceived lo ely watches alone with cordon brown sidney hunt alvln mcdonnld and john murray who had served in both erent conflicts the follow inir twxmtythree e- serhcemen were also presented with beautiful watches john alex ander andrew anderson lorne barlow elmer- burt john car michael james cross norman cooper fritz devrlea thomas dickeirujn chnrles doujrla thom as duffy gilbert hunt john jenk- inson james mclnucrhlln john mllehnm charles mills gordon mcdonnld kenneth murray ed ward lunan joseph sinndlsh roy sndth stuart simpson nnd wllllnm ten n ant warden geo cleave concrntuln- ted the members of the committee responslbe for their successful work in arrnnijlnj the evening of recognition i deputyreeve currle expressed the hope that hall would never asaln have to be used for such an event mr harry hale sanjj several de light ful comic songs accompanied by miss jennie levitt i this memorable evening was con cluded with refreshments and dan cing ftoy scout troop get started on new acton home after moving from basement to hawment the acton boy scout- ami afflllatod groups have made a start to get a nermnnejit home the iwst week the boy hav dug pot holes on the school property and ptmth have been set on which they propone to erec a d4x40 scout hut tho tnwp has on hand about 800 they liavi secured some ad ditional financial help from local organisation nnd have been assur ed of building help from local con tractors this weekond the frame work is scheduled to b crrectad for the main building it is anticipated that funds on handwill only erect the frame work of the building but with that start the troop will endeavor to complete the work of finishing and hope to raise suffic ient funds to purchase the requir ed mnterlal group secretary w mlddleton is the sparkplug of the effort and the troop is right back of him we havent been told but we surmise that if any more organization or individuals would like to help buy the mills shin or lu their donations will be greatly apprecia ted and duly acknowledged knox church ywaa wei j rrjresenteo at kitchkner rally the y w a of knuv chinch hid n good iitendamvc at the yotinj womens rally oi guelili prenhy- terul in st andrews church kitchener on wednesday night to hear the rev ntul mm clilu of rhlim among tlutke wero mrs jus ingles mrs r ohara mrs ii dodds mrs s mntthewu ml ill dolmnr mrs e hankon mru ill mnlmtw mis helen main- prlaetcfrs a mclsaac mrs hal i lldny mrs k mckenstle mrs s sinclair miss f fclllott mrs geo imujulu and mrs f andersm fell on stairs badly injured i when hydro suuit off i mrs murray cockerlll hnd tiie misfortune to fall at her home on monday 15thiiulanl frawure- tmlh wrists nnd her left elbow i the mishap occurred when the 1 ly- dro went off and mrs cockerlll fell down the stairs sustaining the i injury she was taken to st josephs hospital for treatment j junior farmers hold euchre at ixrne school junior farmers met at lome school thursday november ib for a euchre party which proved to be n great success the prizes were awarded to mary mathews w evan nnd the consolation prlies to molly cujts and lawrence hemsley arrnnge- menis were made for the next mecltng lunch was wred nnd on njoynble half hour spent four hockey teams entered a a association hy mrs pickering was speaker at friendly circle m rs l pickering u ns guest speaker nt the regular monthly nhoting of the friendly circle of the united church held at the home of pnullne symon inst wed nesday her interesting address on fbrtflgn missions was thoroughly ejijoycd by all routine business was discussed nnd n social time followed with jean youngbluts group in chnrge of lunch district exliibitors take prizes at roval winter fair hydra department efeuor 5 former aetonian acton free pre 30 4 reeler general of can 7m mcdonald electric m 71 j r kearney corp 33 7 ctan gn electric 34 00 n mceachem gas 2 00 northern eectric symon hdwe coleman lamp petty cash died of injuries in auto accident from october 25 to october 29 a free mass chest xray survey was held in the rural areas of halt on countx last year this service was carried out in all the towns and this vear the same opportunity was offered to reddents in rural areas this survey w n made possible bv fund collected through sale of chrislmas seals by the halton county christmas sieal committee parents night largely attended at acton school a native of acton mrs clara the equipment and technical per- 6519 mans tnee miss clara brown sonnel uvre supplied by the ontar- rgeti 49 of gowarustown died sun- io department of health liter- r 95 dy november hlh in the palm aure and adloe uere glen by the 11 fi2 erst on hospital from injuries re- ontario tuberculosis association celved in a car accident at the in- the halton county federation of w590 9 tersction of the 6th and 7th lines agriculture assumed the repons- vvaterwarki depsuhmebt 4 wallace township and no 23 ibilt for organizing the survey j416tt 15 63 hichwa local community groups carried 2s2 37 12vrold daughter bett out a house to house canvass 33 j4 is in the palmerston hospital suf- there were clinics in 10 centres 3910 from broken rfbs and lacar- a total of 1594 people were x-rav- 4150 ntet forehead received in the same ed the list of clinics with the accident number raved is shown below the accident occured v hen ami campbellville 272 trafalgar 72 mansz goanstown reportedly norsu 195 kilbride 132 bronte drove mi car ontc the highway 184 brookvule 244 umehouse 85 from the side road and it ww nelson 162 palermo 79 cone struck in th side by an automobile school 170 dnpn north on the highwax da one case of pulmonary tubercu- stanlev e flier 58 jame street losis was found and this was not an several members snd friends of irdon acive case disease other than mr filer was cut on the left eye tuberculosis was found in 10 other people age to the front of the filer car last vear there were 12569 the largest attendance et feat ured the annual parents night nt acton public school last thurs day in one grade the parents of all but three pupils were present nnd in another 40 parents of the 52 pupils enrolled visited the school and met the teachers principal mckenzie reports thnt there was n keen interest by pa rents in all the grades and a list left for signatures of thov who desire to form a home and school tlub hail over 150 signatures wsttac a tierman ltd nttptune meiers automatic electric arton garage truck francis han kin repairs farewell for mrs reekie at baptist chlltch the baptist congregation met at the church on monday evening t and suffered a bruised knee dam the opportunity for free chest x- ra this means about 43 of the nure pop hae now bisn co etfd it his bhn estimated that ihut 6t 7 makes complele cover age since it k not necessary to a goodbye to mrs a b revkie who has resided in acton for some was estimated to be about 450 rayed with those done this year tlnv and is moving to freelmn and damage to the body of the a total of 14 163 people in halton this weelt to make her home there mansz car was set at betwven 550 count have taken advantage of mrs reekie has been a very active and 600 worker in the baptist church for mrs mansz moved to ooutni- nvan vears having spent som iiw n w ith her husband 10 years years jn the mlcsion fields of bol- agv from elmlra previous to tha ivia where her late husbandwas n thev nd been living in pembroke pioneer missionary mrs revkle born march 14 1ss9 she was the has madesnany friends in acton daughter of the late robert and ray cmidrvn unless there has been while resident here and everone catarine brown of acton prior contact with the disease wishes her much happiness in her to her marriage in august 1930 there are now facilities in th new home following a program of she taught school in new hamburg county to provide free chest xray hymn singing musical numbers for 10 years where she was marr- srvlv to all contacts on cases of and reading mr c o plank read led mrs mansz was a member of turorculosls this service too u an address to mrs reekie and she the palmerston united church financed by the sale of christmas was presented with an envelope she is su b her tlusband and seals containing a sum of money lunch betty it will probably be four or five was served by some of the ladles burial was made in falrvlew years before we can again hope to of the eonffjon cemetery acton have another freemtass chest xray preseason hockey schedule for tost memorial cup following is the preseason hock- ev mchedule for a fourteam group o be plaved in the georgetown arena starting tonight there will be two games oach night with the first game smarting at 8 pm gam es are on tuesday and thursdav of each week this month and next november 25th acton vs geo rgetown onlcville vs weston november 30th acton vs we- ton oak vi lie vs georgetown december 2nd georgetown v weston acton vs oakviue d- comber 7th weston vs oak- ville acton vs georgetown december 9th georgetown vs oakv ille actnn vs weston decembr 14th acton vs oak- ville georgetown vs weston december 16th and 21st first and third and second and fourth teams play off with total goals series to decide the finalists december 21st and 23th win ners play off with a third game if necessary on december 30th to decide the winner of tha shaftiy tost memorial trophy s i kenneth mcklnnon of hlllsburg won the kings 50 guineas for thtt best steer exhibited nt the royal winter fair by an ontario junior farmer it was the second win for mc klnnon who also carried off the prize last enr each time with an aberdeen angus steer the prize nt present exchange rates is worth s221 05 nnd was preeentwi by gov ernor general viscount alexander judith metry of onkvllle placed second in the competition she is a member of the halton calf club mcklnhon belongs to the erin calf club scoring was very close in the intercounty sr judging compet ition for the geoffrey bull mem orial trophy at the royal winter fair wellington county boys vverc placed tenth with n score of 24r3 w hile the winners middlesex county gained 2575 out of a pos sible 3 000 smith griffin of acton rr 2 was highest individual scorer in the whole competition with 8r6 points nut of a possible thousand preseaion schedule for inter- mulet financial state ment presented at meeting officers were elected the flnnn- eiiil statement presented the past venr reviewed nnd plans for th- coming season were made last fri- dn night nt the annual meeting of j acton lathletlr ajoclnt ion 7 thwewihbcfnurhockey teams plnving under the association col- ors this season intermediate nnd junior teams will be enteied in the joha nnd midget and bantam teams in the omha then the preseason group of ac- ton georgetown weston nnd onk- vlpe stnnt tonight on a aeries in georgetown nrenn that will cart y on until the oha season starts its n two games n week arrange ment with double headers each night and nil games in the george town arena the con teat is for the i sheeny tost memorinl trophy prevented by georgetown arena the schedule appears in another column officers elected were president j f royston vicepresident dr geo slrra sectreas h jolloy executive ray mason v b rum- ley ivan harris les macswaln bill holloway g m hurt f terry and bobby anderson following is the financial state ment of the athletic association for the year receipts in bank nov 1 1317 609 80 bal dance re basoball donations re baseball donntlons regular hockey receipts juvenile hockey intermediate baseball jirvenlp basehnll 112 51 19200 347 00 1973 49 7r80 1069 89 75 65 new lass room now in use al acloiilligh school architect turn over roam and new commercial coutsie in operation liimt thursday architect bruce rlddelb uined over tho keys of the new addition at acton high school to principal a c stewart the contniotorw messrs joru jt vanglls hnd compleel their work nnd the room wna ready for occup ancy with only n little touching upof of lmlntlng here and tliere lho following day equipment titat had been on order was movtfd into the new commercial room and while nil the equipment is not yet on hflndtli3roonijabiritfusd ty tho scholars snd the commer cial courses have started the changes at the school make a new hall through the former of fice which will iw u as a sirialf classroom forabouta down scholnrs thtre is a broad hallway connecting wtth an outside entr ance at the wet side of the school the classroom is of lime brick to matcoi as closely as possible the cut done of the school building proper it has ample blackboard nnd bulletin board space and splen did provision has been made for lighting the windows are all on the kouof side the top is of glaw brick with small windows below electric lighting ih wwi provided for on dark days ami is of the lat est- type tin floors nnd woodwork are natural finish and varnished and tlhe walls are in shades of green with while ceilings eighteen new typewriters ot three fit an in rd rnnks are part of the eommercialeulpmeniother hemx lire nrrvlng dally but the classes hnve started on their tour- fts the new ndditlon nt the school i a credit indeed to tho builders nnd architect nnd will certainly provide some much needed accom modation nnd a floe addition to the courses for north ha pupils swimming pool funo gets closer to first orjecnve just one more donation to be acknowledged this wek in tha first phase of the swimming pool cam paign it seems the cooler weath er is not so conductive to incentive in such a project as the sweltering days of lust summer but its step ping along previously acknowledged 7036 so labatts limited 10000 7138140 kkep linkfl busy the bell tvletdione company carries over 8500000 telephone conversations n any on its under ground cable net work this am ounts to more than three billion yenr 4457 23 nihbltrfikmkntb intermediate ifacfcey 640 03 players 529 04 now available for advertisers ifor christmas trade we now have the christmas and masonable illustrations ready to brighten and help advertisers in t he free prew the very latest tles in clothing nnd many sug gestions for profitable and attract ive advertising thero is no extra charge for il lustrations but please select them eariv jn the week before vou use them if possible choose them on frdav or snturday but monday at 4pm is the latest time for select ions if advertisers desirv space larger than quarter page in any wvrk to insure insertion please ad vise the office by friday or satur- da morning so that we can take advantage of weekend hydro pow er to use our typesetting equip ment were sorry but there just isnt enough hours at the flwrt part of the week for use of hydro to meet any extra needs equipment transport at inn of trains and iluaes lunches a meals etc professional fees iint time injured players advertising i miscellaneous phone calls juvenile hockey equipment wlndhreakers miscellaneous intermediate raaeball baseball jackets 1947 equipment umpires tim lost injured players advertising lunches meau etc ticket takers professional fees transportation of players water boys tvplng stamps etc miscelnneous telephone calls labor on diamond juvenile baseball juvenile players sent to school equipment advertising lunches otc umplrea water boys deposit re halton county baseball league balance in bank of nova scott coining events ih hr ltll ul mrrl in nrrmrnla good prizes admls- 209 g7 207 54 12105 75 85 a3 2fi euchre and dance lot 4j7 134 24 crewrons corners every friday 3774 refreshments slon 25c 81 50 u27 9v 3100 i 305 4fi x1014 1g5 00 fi2 50 6331 47 95 52 00 51 t2 144141 9 30 12 41 1915 2359 38 30 45 00 42 97 14 73 5ss 13 00 75 euchre and dance friday nov 2tth umehouse memorial hall euchre at 8 30 sharp admission 40c including lunch st albans wa bazaar in the parish hall saturday november 27th 3 to 6 pm aprons baking candy afternoon tea 25c i the acton badminton club will hold a euchre and bridge touro- ment wednesday december 8th nt a pm in the vmca prlaes refreshments ilazoar and tea sale of home made baking candy and fancy ar ticles friday evening december io at 8 p m and saturday decem ber 11 at 3 pm st josephs par ish hall afternoon tea and umehouse memorial hall ttuaa- 4000 day nov 30th 3530 pm home made baking fancy article ev- 50813 en ing euchre at 830 pm sharp admission 35c including lunch ev- 445723 erybodywelcosne

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