Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 25, 1948, p. 5

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ims the acton free press mrs k a wansborougji is tls- strug with her daughter mrs t day br c r uclntoah of oshawa vufsed his brother mr frank mo- in tosh this week mr and mrs a slean of spald- tax sask visited during the week with adton mends mrs garrett and miss carrett of toronto visited sunday with dr and mrs d a garrett mr knd mrs harvey mccutch- eoo and daughters of london vis ited with relatives over the week- mr harvey plneojd one of the rosy theatre circuit executives visited mr robnson of the roxy theatre acton last thursday i ruth and jean kerman jean fettes of toronto visited durlnat the weekend with mr and mrs clarence rognvald- ehutttem nttrb shnrt t at cttatwba eden mills rkv louts noaanuno mmsstsr parsonage bower avenue sunday novnmbbrjfbth 1948 first sunday in sufvent 1100 ajn fhhij hour df common worship t 1000 am7our churoh school 1u0 ajn the congregation of the children of the church 700 pm evening service of wor ship conducted by the minister a welcome to all ilrrnhgtrrtan cbinirrh itt cdattaba knox tjitmcii acton sunday november 21st 1100 bjm morning service 1215 sunday school 700 p m evening service they that wait upon thw lord shall renew their strength pedestrians should be penalized for bad traffic conduct the pedestrian should have penalties imposed on him for care less traffic conduct in the same way penalties are imposed on auto mobile drivers r g phelan legal ntetlvthcntmojtor4swnaytov league stated in a recent inter view there can be no real curtail ment of accidents involving motor- ists and pedestrians unless the ped estrian is taught that he has duties as well ns rights he declnred pointing out that our traffic laws today favor the pedestrian he said our tmfflc act provides that where a pedestrian is hit by a ear the burden of satisfying the court that he is not nt fault rests on tho driver this is so even when the pedestrian walks into the side- or back of a car explaining court procedure in such cases mr phelan cited whin the jury is asked has the driver satisfied you he was not nt fault or neghgcntvlfhejuryaay no as it does 90 per cent of the time the jury is not then asked to speci fy in what the negligence consists the jurys finding may bo based on a eomplewy erroneous idea of what the driver did wrong for in stance perhaps his lights were not working properly although the ac cident look place in the dnytlmo not knowing this the unsuccessful driver is unable to appeal to the coutntof appeal although he would be able to do so successfuly if the jury had to specify the negligence and make a definite finding ry such practices as this nnd in mnny other ways we have lulled the ped estrian into a feeling of security we must educate the pedestr ian mr phelan continued to date all our effort has been devo- d to educating the driver nnd lit tle has been done to educate the pedestrian he should hnve ponnlt- los imposed on him for such had habits ns rroiilnc between inter sections ngnlnst traffic signals wnlklnk with trnfljo instead of against it on the highways outside of cities towns or vtllnces straying into traffic while under the influ ence of liquor and all other invita tions to disaster that he indulges in it is to be hoped that this mon ths program of the provincial traf fic safety drive devoted to pedes trian safety will do much to make the pedestrian realize that the ercuw of cane in the prevention of accidents is as much his duty as the duty of the motorist ttaptbrf hlptrtlj aoton rev chas b- oowik mfauwtes sunday november 28th 1848 1030 ajn sunday school 11 jo ajn what do i owe god 8 00 pm friday obyjpu w alhati a fflrjurrtj audio rector rev w g luxtaa ba advent sunday 900 am holy communion 1000 n m sunday school 11 00 am morning prayer and beginners class 700 pm evening frayor this church welcomes visitors miss allan reg chiropodist treats foot ailments car ries light comfortable arch es of leather or steel us pre ferred 27jukehurst guelph phone 1390j your eyes a proper eye kramlnatiftn u hut important consult r m bell registered optometrist phone 49r2i bpotland skarftles for tite perfbpt potato nvats are being carried out in scotland to find the perfect potato most of the potatoes grown in britain and in many parts of the commonwealth are largely scottish in origin as are a number of var ieties cultivated in europe scot lands seed potato trade is worh between jig and 20 million a year the department of agricul ture are arranging trials in tho coming season of new varieties from immunity from disease and for commercial value the scheme also provides test for resistance to virus for cropping powers for keeping qualities for good ihave and for flavor after cooking apple pear grape production down the dominion bureau of statis tic november estimates for apples penrs nnd grapes have been revised downward sinco the last report a sllrht upward ndjustment in the estimate of the new brunswick ap ple crop was more than overcome by downward revisions in nova scotia and ontario to bring the cnnndlnn apple crop to- 14163000 busluls compared with 14725000 bushels last month the current estimate makes the crop 9 per cent smaller that the 1947 harvest of 1sg19000 bushels a sharp de cline in the estimate of pear pro duction in ontario occurred during the last month to bring the can adian crop to 71g000 bushels the rrape harvest in qntario was also dlsnppblntlng a decline of 18 per cent in that province since last month brings the canadian total to fa4g5000 lb the 1947 harvwt amounted to 73803000 lb nkw by atis of women in brrfatna rxivessmes convection and radiant heating now combined in britain both convection heating and rad iant heating are provided in one unit in the modern convectionrad iators which supply converted heat imrtory was made at cambridge naturally without the use of mot- university on october 21st with ors fans blowers or other moving conferment of an honorary degree parts cool air is drawn into the on the queen her majesty was convectionradiator at the floor made doctor of law and became line is warmed as it passes through the first woman to be admitted to the heating unit within the con- full membership the ceremony vectorradiator enclosure and is symbolized and inaugurated the discharged into the room from the new status of women at the unlv- outlet grille at the top of the en- eralty hitherto although taking closure radiant heat from the degreta they have not been admit- 1 front panel is usually provided n tad to membership women will j just enough quantity to offset heat now be on exactly the same terms loss from window areas beneath as man they will be given a full which convector radiators usually share in university government are installed intended for last weak mr george sheppard of toronto spent the weekend in the home of mr and mrs l w prood mrs brlnklow and ruth spent thursday with her father rev mr adamson and mrs adamson at carlisle the open deer hunting was thoroughly enjoyed by our local sportsmen who were well repaid for their efforts in tramp ing through bush and swamp congratulations to mr and mrs enile mcenery on the birth of a uttle daughter in bumside hos pital in toronto last thursday al so to mr and mrs roy lambert nee eileen wright on the birth of a uttle son on sunday at gueroh general hospital mr frank fordof detroit spent a few days visiting in the home of mr and mrs t a ingles mr and mrbcrt lowry and family of chesley spent sunday evening with mr and mrs lindsay tokon mr and mrs donald clark vis ited on sunday with mr i and mrs calvin clark at georgetown mr and mrs will gllbertaon spent the weekend with the lit ters sister mrs j elliott and ruth at mluon mrs w early spent thursday of inst week in toronto the many friends of mr henry mcintosh wlh be pleased to learn he is making splendid recovery after his motor accident everton sunday visitors with mr and mrs t d mocutcheon wre mr nnd mrs johnaon and daughter of tdronlo mr nnd mrs robert mecuteh- eon kitchener visited on sunday with mr nnd mrs harvey j est in nnd fnmlly mr nnd mrs ted jestln and patsy visited on snturdny evcnlnjj nt the home of mr nnd mrs mnx milne roclcwood mr and mrs- alf colllnjr sixth line visited on sunday at the home of the letters parents mr nnd mrs irvin hamilton several from here attended tho roynl winter fair in toronto last week mr nnd mrs fired murray of guelph visited on sunday with mr and mrs w head imr nnd mrs harvey jestln bet ty ann and bobby vslted sunday evening with mr and mrs gcorcs youn mr alf talbat has bought thef farm of the late john jestln mr and mrs bev hepburn and family of acton spent the week end at the home of mr and mrs john alton mr harold wright spent tha weekend in toronto most of the children trot in to see the santa- cfatia parade in guelph on saturday mr roy hlndley the auctioneer has trimmed the trees in front of his plnce which has made a good apptsaranoo also enve the house a fresh coat of paint and is making flower beds alonpr the lane mtes adn currie osprlnre has bought the property owned by mr beleslkl who once kept stone but it wiw destroyed by fire t acteen topics rfjb asmuanuut p j thei aeems to be so many top ic lately that its hart to reute them all the local ajrij3 hu been thriv ing with activity lately between rugby games a trip to the royal winter fair and a holiday coming up this friday the local y has been busy with a lot of spare time on the part of teen agers being spent there vol ley ball and badminton eeem to be the tnaln choioe of sports bahd activities have been re ceiving a needed overhauling and the uniform for this oinganlzauon have been ordered at considerable expense there are a lot bf big plans sponsored by the band to take place in tho near future a big concert this sunday in the town ha1l starts the proceedings off and there is to be a second ma- moth extravaganxa in the form of a christmas concert we might add that the new uniforms are cer tainly worth the effort the penguin club has been clicking right along good crowds good teenagers and good times are now a tradition at the penguin dub and every friday it is certain ly a welcome sight to see usually over one hundred teenagers enjoy ing themselves with spot dances elimination dances achousche rye novelties making up an evening of waltzes and a multitude of other entertainment by teensters for teenaters indeed it is not so long since the club was organized end there was more than a little difficulty getting a good crowd out every friday but perseverance pulled them through nnd they nre now the proud own ers nnd operators of one of the bet teennge organizations for n kront distance nround a 115 plnyed thclninst rurby of the season tuesday which is by nctunl fact todny since this la be ing written tucsdny ornnnevllle is one of the strongest teams with line averaging between 170180 and whatever the score may be it is nothlngjo mh ajhs in its long list of no defeats there is a hid den meaning in the inst sentonce printers note yeah and you have to lookreal hnrtl folks i elleame paob ftvb ox ortotf mrs harvey bearing left recent ly for los angeles cal to visit his brother stanley and miss dealing sunday guests at the home of mr and mrs bert weeks were mr and mrs bruce nnd baby mr burn mcklnnon and mrs william mckenrle all of osprlnge mrs bert weeks accompanied mr and mrs norman mckcnzle to toronto last wednesday evening where mrs mckenade nee hlldn glassforcd was honored by girl friends with a lovely miscellaneous elleamere farm acton rjt no4 nov 15th 1948 dear mr dills and all those who have been kindly chipping me the last few years i have been able with the capatifa help of a good hired hand and my daughter to enjoy a few days holiday from friday 13th to monday the 15th the first in nearly 30 years and the 30th celebration of our wedding- we apent moat of our time motoring first through ivterbo rough perth where we stayed one night carleton place and ottawa from ottawa we went to morrhfburg along the st lawrence to famous paint which is the way to montreal we stayed here wlth some old friends till 4 oclock sunday afternoon we re turned along no highway which follow along the st lawrence we stayed one night at kingston and arrived home at 4 oclock monday in all we travelled 760 miles my impressions of the trip were 1st that more farmers could get even a short holiday and drive over wonderful roads and see this splen did country the townj and cities on them and the different ways of farming theyhave all log houses and barns this side of ottawa they would see how it- improves the whole district whetf a farmer or town keep their fences in re pair and their houses painted and gardens tidied and the towns keep tihclr streets clean and houses painted every time you throw away a piece of paper or a cigar- ettecartonyduhurl your- town 2nd impression was the wonder ful job they have done with our highways some cut out of solid rock for miles and the hydro pol es and towers all over the country nlao sunk in olld rock all done in the last 30 years 3rd were the number of fine rlmcs towns nnd vlllnftos with their fine stores and large factories 4th that you who hnve inherited and we who hnve adopted that same heritage should be proud of it nnd hang on to it with nil our might nnd show it by bringing p our chlldnen as good honest and decent citizens i mean honest in every sense of the word nnd to do that you have to be honest and decent yourselves there is room for improvement 5ththat i have alaways main tained and always will that this district is the best in the whole o canada and i have been from hal ifax to saskatoon so i should know i remain yours very sincerely chas e cutis scientists investigate new natural law sclent tuts in britain working under the direction of professor binckctt who has just been award ed the nobel prize for his work on atomic energy believe that they hnve discovered nn important new law of nature tests have been nassagaweya os no 7 november 15 farm forum was held at the home of mr nnd mrs david henderson to discuss quest ions from tho guide on your fnthers farm we arc sorry to report that mrs nathan dredge st helena is critically ill in muton private hos pital mr stephen coxe saw a lynx uhen out coon hunting one night inst week mnster elwyn service had his tonsils removed at milton hospital last monday and is recuperating at the home of his sister mr and mrs robert hamilton muton mr john m and mr j w wil son mrs j j kennedy and miss marie attended the funeral of little kenneth hardsand at st johns church an thursday afternoon kenneth was the threeyearold son of mr and mrs fred hard- sands kilbride and was found dead n ms brothers car from strangul ation heartfelt sympathy goes o the parents and brothers and sis- shower at the western holtal re- s underground both in britain the object has been to as certain whether tho- mnpnctlsm of the enrth increases or decreases at lower levels a tieam of students from manchester university where buickott is profevsor of physics hnve been working in britains deepest coalmine experiments in s african gold mines hnve sug gested that the mngnetlun may mmc from the earths crust and not from its centre those carried out in britain some 4000 ft below ground nlso indicate that the mag netism decreases in proportion to the distances benenth the earths surface ceptlon hall friends were sorry to learn that mrs ernest awrey was in guelph general hospital having under- cone nn opexntlon but nil are hop ing for nn enrly recovery mr and mrs fred denrlng of toronto nnd reeve nnd mrs mo cutcheon of acton called on re latives here sunday mr jlmmle nevllls sudbury is visiting his mother mrs norman jnckson and other relatives in this vicinity mr and mrs roa bnllentlne nnd mr leslie ball en tine acton mr ken bnllentine and miss muriel burlies brampton were weekend guests nt wm ballentlncsj mrs harvey denrlng attended nn anniversary party in honour of her parents mr and mrs john jeffiry at appln on thursday even ing miss betty hurd toronto was n weekend guest with her pnrents mr and mrs j b hurd feail yule turkey on lean side a bright question christmas turkeys may be a trif le scarce this year but traditional festival trimmings should he in rood supply according to canadian rocer homcmakers everywhere will be hnppy to lenrn glazed fruils mar aschino cherries and creme d men the greens dried fruits cur rants and rauins are being care fully stockpiled in preparation for the annual cake and pudding blitz mincemeat too is said to be in dorothy thompion lectured in toronto the other night napier moore in his financial poat j fi a scratchpad was vastly impressed j old nut bowl should be in by her reavmlng and her self con- g ahnp of nufj w w i te nuton period in nre drri as ample shipments ters of this loveable uttle boy who her address the had a symptom of of hftlwps nnd leco are exircte met death to young and tragically a much bigger and graver clash be- from ila nnd rrsjrfcsjy the ladles and men folli of nas- tween the communist nnd western sagaweva presbyterian church i worlds one of the first questions spent a social evening at the home j handed up was what do you think of rev and mrs poole acton on of the berln situation wednesday evening lndles of the busy bees w t met nt the home of mrs p mclean on friday night to mark articles for their coming bazaar convenors for candy novelty dry lit ok export ca na dan pulp and paper exports in 134a will top the 650 million goods and baking booth were chos- mark on the basis of nine month en from volunteer members totals estimates the financial post mrs thoa morton toronto with three months still to ro the spent a few days at the home of industry has alrendy chalked up n her parents mr and mrs wm lfit increase over 147 dollar dredge nlue of pulp and paper exports for deer hunting season proved prof- the flnt nine months totals w93 7 itable in this section for th only sour note comm from the candy front manufacturers are said to be having one sweet time to maintain production in the face of power ruts to ho quite candid they anticipate a shortage of hard randies import restrictions are putting a crimp into cranberries sqirnutels disuke rr power nnd telephone men have found nn answer to the problem of soutrrvls that nibble away at cables they cost the rabies llb- who millions well above the j4051 mil- oily wlih asphalt and sancl the- enjoyed the hunt as most everyone lions of agricultural products ex- obtalned their allotment ported squirrels find the mixture unpalat able water shut off due to a break on church street it will be neetassary to ajiut off all water to the town while repaint are masse on sunday nov 28th from 1 pjn to 5 pjn acton public utilities commission dont gamble about your decorating needs call dave ph 236 j 15yeaiis qualifications in old counrmy estinuitcfl free prompt courteous- service decorating in all its branches staining graining paperhanging intkbioh ok kxtebiob wokat time or contract work brush or spray all work fully guaranteed david cohen peel st acton a c- t o n nichtly 7 and 9 matinee saturday 2 njh air conditioned now pitying on our stage gigantic search for talent show on the screen i walk alone adult entertainment doors open boo pm show starts gj0 talent show at about 830 pjn come early and avoid disappointment p friday and saturday november 26 and 27 two big features also hopalong cassidy in marauders monday and tuesday novemiier 20 and 30 j it t ii i it hank i ii e s k n t s wm clohlc ihrdwicii o bsarto dickens wmb jmslih charles dict isp nicholas cdud tail uam uotftm t couptoh itm- tuofushu v sponsored by acton public school wednesday and thursday december i and 2 rr mum wm ntn rat urn ioutstsil w mat km 1st ruusi- usu ays sutt cmm ua mm coming soon in old los angeles r

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