Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 25, 1948, p. 6

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tsaltsai junior winers t district competition halton juniors made an exoel- fcmt showing in thi district public speaking and amateur entertain ment contests hold a tho water- down high school on molmay ev ening ot last wook haltons win ners namely mba joan somorvllle o acton and dnvld pellettorlo ot palermo met ihc two wentworth wlhnem and the judisc messrs wardlow ot the department of english cua w j b kay of burlington and n grler of dun- das awarded brat in public speak ing to miss somorvllle who poke on recreation in the amateur entertainment r halton agalnhadtwo entries namely from palermo and milton juniors while wentworth had a tingle entry from ancestor junor farmers in this coivtcst milton juniors were placed flmt and palermo juniors cecond miss somorvllle and thk milton juniors will nm participate in the xone contest to ho hold in the barton stone churehiir mt hope on monday doafmboy 6th our readers will join with us in extending beat wishes to the rep resentatives at halton juniors in the zone and we hope provincial contests incidentally tl finals arc to be held in toronto early in january female was ho e a can cow named rosehlll fayne wayne this same animal was also grand champion at the lptfitoyal and re serve m 1947 yshe wu and is a worthy cha halton was represented by entries from the herds of ft c fllvera georgetown f pellcttcrlo and sotia milton and hays ltd of oakvlllo r c glvens had second farm notwwa galley two on rbymondalo salax their grand champion three year old bull at the halton show m g sovereign ormsby p pelletterio and sons nil canadian and reserve all am erican bull calf in 1mt and junior champion and reserve grand it milton fair was 2nd prize junior yearling bull while their winning two year old dry heifer at milton wni also 2nd in the milking two vearolds hays ltd wore prom inent throughout in the majority of the classes while here were no exhibitors from halton in the ayrshlro show we mm inclined to think that from the standpoint of numbers and quality the ayrshire exhibitors had tho top show of the year in brief many of their classes were a source of inspiration to any lower of good livestock perhaps next week wo may have a few of tho highlights of sheep swine beef and horse shows a few imprnlohs of the koyal winter hair the twentieth royal winter fair is truly international in mnny re spects your reporter spent a por tion of wednesday and thursday at the royal primarily to follow the judging of some of the dairy cattle classes in which halton had a number of entries in holstotos guernseys and jerseys frankly there were many departments which we didnlt see but neverthe less ue have no hesitation in stat ing it is not onl n tremendous show but a magnificent one we do not pose ns a floriculturist but in our opinion the flower show is the outstanding spectacle of a magnif icent show in all departments words fall us to describe adequate ly the beauty and the fragrance the flower show has always been a highlight but this years effort in our opinion was the best yet in brief even though one isnt s specialist in flowers it grips you as you stand in reverence and awe on the second floor and loolc down on itsiat galaxy of bloom and foliage dont miss next years royal if only to see the flowers in the same section of the coliseum is the fruit show and here again is perfection the same holds true op la the grain and vegetable de partments unfortunately the awards had not yet been pasted in many of the grain classes but we did note that w e breckon of freeman had first in white winter wheat in the international section and third on winter wheat in the domestic section- w o brown- ridge of georgetown was a prtxe winner in the classes for field peas alafalfa and sheaf grain classes out in the main dairy cattle ring many american herds vied w ith the canadian breeders j m pig- got of lazy pat farms palermo was the only halton guernsey ex hibitor his herd sire klngholm philosopher was second in the aged class other wins included second on his junior bull calf sixth on a two year old bull 4th on a junior yearling heifer and third on a jun ior heifer calf mie big winner in the guernsey show was the curtlss candy co of cary illinois no less than six big american herds competed in the guernsey show in competition with some eight herds from nova scotia and nine from ontario thirty jerse breeders from the provinces of quebec ontario man itoba and saskatchewan along with four prominent american berth staged a great show both from the standpoint of numbers and quality feathcrstone bros of oakllle and m c beatj of milton uene the halton exhibitors and made an excellent showing feathcrstone bros had second on avonlen records susanna their grand champion winner at the mil ton show m c lintf was a strong connndor in nearly all clas ses and according to rumour was runner up to don head farnujwor the pmmler breeder award this is alwa coniidered the highlight of the show the holsleln show brought to gether the entries of some 115 of the top exhibitors of the provinces of nw brunswick quebec on tario alberta as well as from the following states connecticut new york pennslvanla wisconsin il linois and minnesota frankly wo did not feel that this ears hol- steln show was quite up to the standard of previous roals or c n es nevertheless nearly every class contained some top animals j j e mccague of alllston won the premier brood r hannor but both grand championships went to franlo farms from the state of minnesota the grand champion divide the wealth radio service guaranteed repairs to all makes and models manning electric phone 230 by joseph luter ruttedee the idea of mawfig life pleas- ant by dividing anions us some one elses income has all the at tractiveness of any something for nothing scheme- but the idea lnt realistic mnlnly because the wealth is limited and the shnres would bo many icere ts a pebble leased on very tilmple facts ii we nvcraawd thu weal th of the 17 tm persons i n cntindn who in llmfi had nn nettnie of more than 10 000 nch would have recolvd a little bfrtter than 17000 that undoubtedly is a vry comfortable flrurc only th jdmplerolnded among us however would think of it as fnbuloun weal th but when mr abbott has de- dueled the countrys share in i which presumably we all partici pate anyway the average incomn i of tlijvse fortunnto folk would bit about 0 000 suppose wo pursue our idea of distributing this remainder each of us taxpayers would receive 63 15 thh is n nice little item for a dowtipayment tort a car or n re frigerator but think n minute be- fov you spend it it isnt likely o be repeated the reason is simple nough one such experience and those 17974 persons whose income provided the bonus would probably have had enough tfiey would begin to liquid ate their capltnl holdings and would tnke their ipedal nullities elsewhere for lupwlbr abilities are nlwnyn mnrkctable the sunday school lesson sunday november is parables n the bibije coltlcn text no man ever spoke like this man jno 7 4fi lesson text matt n 3133 144fi luke 11 310 exposition 1 growth of the kingdom matt 13 3133 m he parable or the mustard need shows tho mnrvellous outgrowth of the kingdom from uie smallest be- kinnlnkh christ began his work with n few obscure men and it spread until the nations took shel ter in lis branches some would tnke the birds of heaven here to bo evil spirits ns llr vores 4 and id hut it is not safe to take the imng- ery of one parable into nnother thereferenco seems to bo to exok- lol 17 23 24 where the birds rep resent the nations but nnother growth is taking place leaven or yeast tho product of putrefaction within leaven in everywhere in the bible a type of corruption we have nn interpretation of thlb par able in 1 corinthians 5 0 7 gal- atlans5 80 the woman the ap ostate church mixed the leaven of falne doctrine matt 10 0 12 into the children s brond nnd tho whole doctrine and life of the church was jeavoried history ful filled this prediction 11 the kingdom n treasure to be sought 4440 wven you rboom oloiuf le sur a inquire about tonelite lhsm thmee ua tulvanfagesi tonelite cuts off the danger ous ultraviolet rays that other wise reach your eyes tone lite admits all other rays useful to vision r tone lite adds to your appear ance because its delicate tints blend with your complexion wimtifeumb auuj m tone- utclonsas cbcn a cabs savatw optical 8 deaclaa 8s tel 1m1 gtselph out then look at the probablere suits we beneficiaries would have to rocounjki fixes that the 17971 i had laid dofcrrthat would absorb 59 54 of our 63 35 leaving our i net bonus at 3 81 but thnt would not be the total effect money would begin to disappear from in dustry the welltodo would hard- ly permit it to remain where it j was in grave danger nnd where there was no hope of profit i less money to operate plants means fewer jobs but there would be more people bidding for what there were you couldnt expect anyone to seek- executive positions thnt were not permitted to pay off wot in afternoon the love of home it is sometimes remarked that many people spend a lot of tunis on activities and diversions outside their orvn homes and do not spend the same amount of time in their homes that people used to do in the old days this is to be attributed to tho great variety of diversions nnd activities outside the homes in modefn life which frequently at tract them for the time being people need tho diversions which are nji essential nnd very helpful ivaturo in life nnd they carry on n brent variety of activities highly useful to the community this in tercut in thlttrs outside the home toea not mcnti thnt people do not love tholr homes itw home- in the centre of the precious affection nnd love of the fnmlly circle a pleasant nnd happy life rocs on in the home to which people nro deeply attached tho enre people give tholr homed and tho money they spend on them ln- dlcrtto thalthey love these homes better than over before stili sells for the firefly is n beetle afternoon temperatures in the belgian congo range from 85 to 90 and in the winter average only 10 degrees below summer tempera tures pollock and campbell mantiraetatora of high grade memorials memorial engraving g2 water st north galt nrxeraonk tut jlneat quality m salada tvs a tt a rs es ell mmi kbsas ssstssl slassf 31 specialits in warm air heating air conditioning eavestroughng and plumbing our aim is to give service to our customers and ifistal only the very best equipment at the lowest possible prices we handle only the best camjliuo cusvre bf murfin sheet metal works imumbing heating eaveotxwijtlriiig georgetown phone 138w thc rrent value orllieklnrdom is brought out v m tho man lit thli cn stumbled on the treasure without noeklntt it he represent tho man who stumbles on tho ooipel truth without hw own saek- injr the mnn hnd to sell nil he had in order to obtain the field and ltt treasure so wo must rivo up all i wc would sain chrlit and tho treasure thnt is in him luke 14 w whnt wo sell or rive up in little indeed in compnrhon with what wo pot phil 3 18 the bible teaches thnt snlvntlon li a free rlt feph 2 a rom 6 23 but there is n sense in which fjrace is nought isn 55 1 re 3 8 prov 23 23 matt 59 9 10 jesus sought a treasure in ui in this world and raw up all that he had in order to rain it 2 cor 8 9 12 2 iii the lost sheep luke 15 3 7 the shepherd of the first parable is god the son jesus christ jno 10 11 12 luko 19 10 the phar isees to whom jesus ivas speaking supposed themselves to be the shepherds of israel and this gives added point to the parable htf showed them how little like shep herds they were acting they would be likely to see the point of jesus words and recall the o t rebukes of such shepherds as they ezek 34 710 zech 11 jg 17 jer 50 g by the lost sheep is represented one who really belongs to the fold but has wnrfsered from it the publicans and sinners wcrtf still israelites and a backsliding christian still belongs to the ifold the parable really represents us nil ps 119 176 isn 53 6 1 pet 2 25 a sinner is like a sheep astray because he is away from scrutiny plenty care and torn and tired and bleeding and about to die tt needs but orvo sheep to go nstxa to arouse the shepherd this interest is active he goes after that when is lost this go- inr after involves labor weariness pnln self sacrifice he keeps up the search until he finds it not one who is really his own will ever be lost jno 17 2 12 the sheep once found the shepherd lnys it on j his shoulders we are kept and car ried by his power 1 pel 1 5 isa 63 9 christ rejoices over tho sin ners saved v 23 24 32 isa 62 5 ezek 33 11 zeph 3 17 iv the lost coin 810 in the woman of thli pnroble is god the holy spirit or wo may tnke the figure ns representing the church through u hlch the spirit jhks and snes uev 22 17 eph 1 25 the womnn of thnt land hnd ton coins in her marriage jnetklnct nnd one coin lot made the necklace incomplete the spirit will not rest while there u i one coin missing from the necklace and the church ought not to every coin hnd the imnge of the emperor upon it nnd everyone who belongs 1 to christ hns his imnge stamped i upon him the womnn takea her i lamp the word of god ps 119 i 105 phil 2 15 1 c 10 and sweeps the house sweeping is likely to to stir up ajlust and poo- i pie in the house not in sympathy julth the woman s senrch would be annoyed sothe uorld feels when i the church wakes up to the fact i thnt men aiv lost ac 17 6 the uomnn sought diligently so it is j j the holy spirit seeks would it i were so the church sought the womnn kept up the search until i the coin una found like the shep herd the uomnn cnlls her friends nnd neighbors to rejoice with her i dwi the church rvjolce over the lost nnp found ns christ and the j holy spirit do the same applicat ion of this parable k very much the same as the former there is joy in the presence of god robt r hamilton optometrist of guelph will be at dr g a sirrs oftice tukhdav peoembeb llui 7j0 oj0 ijhl oohauete eyesight service plus share with the people of britain the things which you have in abundance i hey are fighting on short rations t cold war against the spectre which haunts the world today they urgently need your help to give them strength you can help them through the emergency fund for britain an allcanadian organization formed for year- round operation your donation win be used to buy food in canada food will be shipped in bulk freight free packaged in england and distributed there under supervision of uefbs british advisory council to those most in need this will save expense and make your dollars go farther j i send your cash contribution now to the local or pro vincial headquarters of united emergency fund for britain lan to make your regular donations in 1949 civ britain strength sand your cash donations to your local or provincial rlasttquattartm h it daducnbla from taxable inconta united emergency fund for britain jv pcovwcui cc41ujttu cma1uun suppurl t h national cam- pa ion to rail a dry amount of tun lo aid brlttih rrtn wown- and chlldrfi tstitof dul msuhiiana ula iira hid 76 ortnu chmw st quilamiuiwa iroiir i lout ilsilifss ilirolj u oaujt esq ula boi 1 40 j sinf jokm 2 lucfcjftow st wi toronto ckiirjua afihur kami- eio t ii t mj m ll col j luciao danurmu room 4 w 3a4 si jra st- w uooirtaj rsoam pro teat f to soaurttt hi wuuups iloa mr jimlcm p il cxsfiltta mr llargrm provincial or mi wiuini lltut itaina kaaab 100 jm w gorci sl vaouvr sir til wonh ruju bl tsuiy 1thil cut t s ilrnwo i07ih si kbii jaipr am u a lliaun esq 9u97lb a wtmi priiui ajicv r at auslotw vflfrlim tbcnuajj mousvlkssusm at btussu cmirtsua optlssm 5 hill st lnwlaa wl 15jspssruu4m otuwa 90 vuhmaaj st f toromo

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