Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 25, 1948, p. 7

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r wwniibht 39 ims the acton free press pact i rosedale floral flowxb8 for jevbty u w snray smalt amxmbia fl mm cot flowen petted pawta wa era plsaas yon our prloas ara tight ptwme e t marks acton 88 or georgetown 383 vanwyck cleaners pickup and delivery iservice phone 272 fob the best in dot cleaning erin catering banquets weddings etc no gathering too small or too large w supply riaraiwlnkin ud fmsnhas far small or larva flnti prompt attention to all enquiries e coles church st- acton the village sire brigade la ar ranging to have fire alarm boxea installed throughout the village which will be a help if an emerg ency arises mr and scr sutherland of mor- wabung have purchaaed the old poat office building from bonar maglll mr sutherland la a watch maker and will open a jewelry store along with hla trade nell js mcklnnon of hlllsburgh laat week shipped 2m horses 14 carloads to montreal from where they were sent to belgium the animals will bo sold as horse meat lo help ease the critical food ahort- age in that country james petch of jul 2 caledon suffered alight concussion satur day night when crushed by a cow against the wall of his barn as he was herding the animal inside ad vocate canada a3 a producer of strategic materials while it is recognized that can ada lacks some strategic materials we are among the worlds largest producers of some of those mater- lals which are of primary import ance in some instances canada is virtually the sole producer of vital materials the strength of the free countries therefore de pends to no small extent in can adas tuid canadians ability to pro duce and to stockpile such mater ials is are essential ho an effective state of preparedness canadas industrial defense boardshas the mission of securing that end re cent developement of some of our natural resources such as the al berta oil fields and hew mining discoveries in quebec and lahra- dor further increase our potential contribution ho the democratic na tions reserves of strategic mater- burlington optometrist 7 douglas street guelph eyes examined glasses fitted on friday evening laat well over one hundred citizens and business men of the town turned out to a dinner given at the estaralnet in honour of elgin a ilarrs who has commenced his fiftieth year as ed itor of the hurling on gazette the very large attendance was a high tribute to the esteem and respect in which mr harris u held by the community in which he has labored for the past fifty years the police dommjttee held n meeting on monday evening last to consider the applications far the position on the police fqree left va cant by the resignation of thomas uall nine applications were con sidered by the committee and nn appointment will be recommended to the council nt its next meeting after some discussion burling ton council decided to accept the tender of the nicklescagrani co on a trlpb combination fire truck co nil sting of pump booster tank and hose body together with stn dard accessories according to spec ifications submitted but not inclu ding chassis the price wns 6090 gazette sports i cam era toy ii cole oakvtlle oakvi lies retail stores have ab andoned the practice of dotting all day wednesday started several weeks ago in an effort to cut down power consumpton and have re verted to the regular custom of closing in the afternoon only the allday closing did not have the desl red effect the campaign to raise 130000 by subscriptions for the oakvlllc- trafalgar memorial hospital build hng fund is now under way and so far is meeting wth success up until noon on monday subscript ions totalled 26735 g3 in the presence of ontnrlos lieutenant governor hon ray lawson the provincial minister of health hon russell t kelly of ficials of the hospital board mem hers of the ookvlhc and trafalgar councils n number of local orgnn izatlons and several hundred cltlz ensbthe site of the oakvllle- tra falgar memorial hospital was for mally dedicated on thursday morn ing the ceremony was h part of lhe remembrance day memorial service record star i tonight promises to bo an ephocal event in the eyes of al- ton hotkey fans who if they so desire enn hid the tanners n lot of lurk iih they leave the barrier in pursuit of the sheeny tost memorial cup nt georgetown in the first of six games scheduled ns pre season workouts it will lie the earliest start in the games history inso far nn acton teams are con cerned and it ironically pita the already seasoned georgetown crew against our thrice practiced tnnn- ers the tunt is being pulled off by the georgetown committor for more moolah to equalize the cxr horbrlnnt expense of onnrtlflclnt ice plant or to make the scheme pay chum four clubs ore entered in oakvllle weston acton and georgetown and double headers nr dated for each tuesday and thurs day it would tje folly to hazard a guess as to the cvcntunl winner but due to pre- fabricated structure of the venture we wouldnt hesl- tate in the hculng that georgetown have 101 odds on themselves on the other hand this might be an honest endeavour to slake the fans uil ml for hockey notion that uioy otherwise would not glimpse until the new year is there a santa claus roys taxi all passengers fully insured phone i oy acton prompt efficient service at all times tjtoy goodwin gordon mckeown mi ay night guis 44 risw visit our modern showroom 8 garden street guelph ont opp fire hall bobber and mastic tiles inlaid linoleum wall tiles installed la kitchens bathrooms hallways stores offices eta floor sanders far rent r work dane keating tile co llovd e keating formerly guelph flooring service phone zsi6w guelph after hear uim ttmnmmhhhhhmmmbhahhamualhbimmi order your xmas turkey now p acton poultry farm phone 240 acton ont by joseph llslcr rutledge at intervals of recent years dr brock chisholm has startled us dy blasting away at whnt we suppos ed uas the innocent mjth of a santa claus dr chisholm has uarned us thafc permitting a myth to become a renllty in childish minds is to do them an irreparable harm belief in the unbellevcable will color their lives warp their judgments and minimize their lat er effectiveness now not being n psychiatrist wedont pretend to know about that but if it should be even dis tantly true of childhood with its amazing adaptability might it not be much more shockingly true of maturity yet almost every public voice we hear is asking us to be lieve that its particular santa claus will provide for our needs our wants and our inclinations with litte effort on our part the progressive conservatives in their plense everyone platform suggest to eager listeners that giv en theetumce the would reduce persorurrmncome tax to a tune sny i of two hundred million ah but thev would also ndd to our exist ing social benefits at n cast of pcr- of two hundred million ah but is the true santa clnus spirit just 1m good and oull bo looked after of course the liberals a few weeks nrlie had done about is wvll thev were more happily plac- i td too thev could actually dls- tribute n few gifts ns on earnest of the bigger things thy would do m t ear that keeps us nicely in line i listening to these encouraging i voiies too man people arv belle ing we would remind them of xh stor of the oung skeptic who scorn fullv admonished a oungtr friend aw thiv isnt anv santa clnus its just our father j when it rumlj to santa claus ing howvver the ccfcrs un doubted htluve that thev have the real know how al win do s turn eervthlng into lhe hands of n govemnunt of their design ing adept tvulilism the urge ant vou nn o government and santa ci ms then all vou have to do k wait for the gifts to fall from th tree in t it about time that some tv chisholm or mr st laurent or mr coldweli or mr drew ghoul 1 stand up among us adults and an nounce this shocking truth gov ernment in no santa claus if we want any government to distribute gifts we oursolws must first put up the money to provide them and that u hard because we like the christmas tree spirit even if ou dont produce much while you sit around it but no matter what pol itical party is talking it is wise to remember that the only santa claus 1b you through an error in estimating teachers salaries expenditures of georgetown public school board will exceed the budget figure by approximately 1332 this year it wns revealed when the board held its november meeting last wed nesday csim dnvld bowman local ros- tnurpfit proprietor received his military medal nt art investiture monday november 22nd nt fort york armouries toronto mr bowman who was an acting reg imental sergeant major won the decoration for gallantry in net ion while serving overseas a trigg foxhound owned by el mer burt made a clean sweep nt the second nnnunl bene show of the western ontario fox hunters association in mllvorton recently competing with over seventy dogs of nil hrebdfl the dog won the car- ling trophy for iwsl dng in show nnd four other firsts including best female 1n show nnd host puppy in show herald the trophy in honor of the late sheeny tost one of the most scintillating players to evcr don t georgetown jersey is to be award ed the tournament ohnmplon sheeny may well be remembered by older spectators for his shifty work at centre sparking the pnp- ermnker to victory killed while on nctlvc duty with the canadian army during the inte war the cup is n fitting monument to shctny nnd the game he loved most ac ton fans would be honored lo have the tanners scnl inscribed on it it wns against acton that the flerv pivot pktyed some of his best hockey nnd mnn have the name tost impressed indelibly on their mindas synonymous with brilliant hockey georgetown ttow is labor headed the raltk rs as georgetowns entry prefer lo be touted have an unknown quantity confronting them in oakvllle and weston in view of the fact thnt onkvllle have bden practicing in hamilton since early november well conceed they have a revitnllzed outlook on int hockey possibly restnffed too w ston adjacent to toronto have an almost limitless field to procure tnlent from if they pull the right strings and it is no secret to acton fnns that the tanners aro n an entirely different position re garding the wealth of material av ailable although bereft of two star payers grant gillespie and illo marzo the former migrated to owen sound nnd the latter fired with the unshnkeable determina tion to retire there is a host of talent enger o catch ft berth on the club rather than seeking players this term it is n case of eliminating them one of the noticeable absentees from the series is milton an nr tiflcinl ice plant is being installed in the milton arena and it isnt likely any hockey will be played there nt nil seating sections were torn up completely in the edifice renovntion plan and if ice was prac tical seating for fans wouldnt be however players from the countj town are not being ignored sev eral are practising with the tan ners while chuck currle and me nnson have lined up with george town more plant fowil at less cost tin re is a u finite demand fo high if analysis fertiliser in eastern canada tills hos bmn the cnno for some time because jt is the total amount of plant food in the fertil izer thnt counts nnd not the total weight of the fertilizer about twtntv five tnrs ago the average plant food content in mix ed fetrtilii i was around 12 percent is lomimred with the pavnl j2 i tent about thirty vears ago mtuh of the fertlllar sold wns as low ns 1 8 1 analysis w hit h wis hit i nunased to js 1 hu low est kade fi rtllle r sold today t j 1j ti and m some parts of cnn- ad i this guide is bwng rt plucd with n t l- this rtduns mlln freight tosis to the farmer us ually i higher nnalysis fertilzer such ns 1 is 9 or glolj iosts the inner mm h less per unit of plait food in addition it cota the farmer less to applv it to his crops because he can get the same result by applv ing less per acre by joseiph lister rutledge one of the sobering questions arising out of pxwsldent trumnns great personal triumph q the new significance of organl7edwnbor j the counsels of n political pqrty labor has become thesolld bloc replacing the aolld south once the focus of all democratic party jwillcv it is reasonably obvious hat the much debated and debatable taft- hartley law will go will labor be satisfied with that dramatic gain or will it demand n larger pound of flesh if its new power is ac cepted ns n trust and wielded for the- general good the decision may well have been a happy one not only for the united states but for this continent xf it is seized as nn opportunity for naw nnd exorbit ant demands then it might easily ix the first move townrd the des truction of the inst remaining bul warks of free enterprise in this world labor must renlle thnt fr edom of enterprise is ns vital to the wellbeing of its orgnni7ed pos ition ns it is necessary to cnpltal- ism the people who seo in the galni of organised tabor achieved or jus tified n forward step in human pro gress too often fall to recognize thnt the orgnnlzed worker is not the whole of labor or even the maj ority of labor leaving out the ng- ricultural worker altgether still organized inbor represents me- thing less than onewthird of the whole working force of the contin ent no gain that is made by one- third of a people at n desperate coit to the other twothirds can ever spell progress we dont sny that this ls or must be the case wo merely suggest that under certain conditions it easily might be if the demnnd for more nnd more wages or less and less working hours or both or i n lowered production by labor pro duces the same conditions what will result unorganized workers who are twice the number of the organized will be squeezed beyond endurance and ultimately priced out of the market but forgetting entirely the pos sible sufferings of this vast army of workers lo which would be add ed most of those from the farm the fact remains that they repre sent more than twothirds of the purchasing power of this continent if they become desperate not onlv is the system to which we owe ll our present pnosperlity in danger hut nil the advantage that organ ized labor has gained are in dang- e r too that is why we wait wlh soberness the evidence that labor has sensed its great responsibility nnd has assumed its share of the burden wm r bracken real estate and xeral insurance loans arranged representative of mutual life assurance co ltd wanted y ead stock highest cash prices cattle 500 each horses 500 each hogs 1g0 per cwt all according to size and condition call collect oalt j118ji darling co ltd erxmlfrto mveoor bconotnvto boast aboot boudsjr bslting and everyday baking to right on using purity flour it makes wonderful cookies pies cakes buns bread it makes wonderful everything you need only one flour i i bool purity roo ik tmotta purifr coek u its 879 rwopfa elarjqj in ll purifr hour ofcbm sewetto roar attusttf purity hour mill 0kk urltr 1 nb flour for one result erfection oiunoai totsttsuo 0u wiaajms i liio ctumrr aiul vucoaw b c j sum l oommissloner s t wood cm gwjf the ilcmj is a great erult grandson of the 12th pru- idvnl of the vsjl zaehary tay lor j y t- iv a m i s a i low round tail tax inclumo quebec s235 montreal 1755 sherbroolte 2270 subject to change harold wiles phone 58

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